Resolutsiooni ettepanek - B7-0084/2012Resolutsiooni ettepanek
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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Egypt: recent developments


with request for inclusion in the agenda for the debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure

Véronique De Keyser, Kristian Vigenin, Pino Arlacchi, Liisa Jaakonsaari on behalf of the S&D Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0079/2012

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Menetlus : 2012/2541(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Egypt: recent developments

The European Parliament,

–   having regard to its previous resolutions on Egypt,

–   having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, to which Egypt is a party,

–   having regard to the statements by EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on 2 February 2012 on the football tragedy in Egypt and of 1 February 2012 on the continued crackdown on civil society in Egypt,

–   having regard to the EU-Egypt Association Agreement of 2004 and the Action Plan agreed in 2007,

–   having regard to the Joint Communication on a new response to a changing neighbourhood from the Commission and the VP/HR to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social committee and the Committee of the Regions of 25 May 2011

–   having regard to the development of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) since 2004, and in particular to the Commission's progress reports on its implementation,

–   having regard to the Joint Communication of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a partnership for democracy and shared prosperity with the Southern Mediterranean,

–   having regard to the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders of 2004 as updated in 2008,

–   having regard to Rule 122 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. Whereas at least 79 people have died and hundreds are injured after clashes broke out at a football match in Port Said between Cairo club Al Ahly and local club Al Masr;

B.  Whereas the police has been astonishingly passive; whereas anger and speculations about politically motivated causes of these clashes demanding an end to the military rule have led to street demonstrations in the days following the football tragedy resulting in further deaths and injuries;

C. Whereas deputy health minister Hesham Sheiha called it the biggest disaster in the Egypt´s football history; whereas the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces ordered helicopters to ferry injured team members and fans of the visiting side to military hospital; Whereas, especially in times of transition and social unrest, football should have a unifying role, offering a sense of normality and initiating reconciliation among divided communities;

D. Whereas the NGOs situation in Egypt is alarming; whereas Egyptian judges are investigating illegal foreign financing of pro-democracy on-governmental organisations and whereas 43 defendants have been referred to the Cairo Criminal Court and ordered not to leave the country;


E.  Whereas these organisations also stand accused of establishing and managing offices in Egypt without authorization from the Egyptian government but whereas applications for registration made by the organisations have been repeatedly denied without proper justification. Whereas these charges are the culmination of an escalating legal crackdown on national and international non-governmental organisations in Egypt, in contradiction with international humanitarian law and undermining efforts to promote democratic values and safeguarding human rights;

F.  Whereas the success of the European Neighbourhood Policy as well as the success

of the reforms in the area of human rights, and specifically in women's rights, depend on the involvement of civil society in the implementation of the relevant policies;


G. Whereas the SCAF has followed a controversial agenda as the emergency law has not been fully abolished, civilians continue to be tried before military tribunals, bloggers, journalists and human rights defenders are subject to direct or indirect harassment which has contributed to growing tensions and has fuelled further popular protests; whereas the SCAF has failed to conduct investigations into the reports of sexual assault of female protestors including "virginity" tests and death threats;


H. Whereas the elections to the People's Assembly, between November and January followed by the elections to the Shoura Council in January and February; whereas as announced by the High Election Commission the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice party got 37% and the Salafist dominated Noor party got 25% of the votes; whereas the parliamentary elections have resulted in a decreasing quota of women from 64 seats to 8;

I.   Whereas the European Parliament has repeatedly called for the lifting of the state of emergency, which has been in place since 1981, the strengthening of democracy, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Egypt,

1.  Expresses its solidarity with the killed players and fans and of the Egyptian people, applauds their courage and determination, with special regard to the young generation, and strongly supports their legitimate democratic aspirations;

2.  Deeply regrets the considerable loss of life and the high number of injuries; extends its condolences to the families of the victims; calls for an independent inquiry into the events leading to death, injuries and for those responsible to be brought to justice;

3.   Is concerned over accusations of political motivations behind these clashes and calls on the Egyptian authorities to urgently initiate an independent investigation of the 1 February event;


4.  Calls for the criminal charges against the NGOs to be immediately withdrawn; calls on the Egyptian authorities to respect the freedom of association and to ensure that any inspections of national or foreign civil society organisations are carried out in full transparency and impartiality, and in line with appropriate legal procedure and in full respect of international standards of human rights and fundamental freedoms;


5.  Expresses its strong support for reforms leading towards democracy, the rule of law and social justice in Egypt; reiterates its call for the total lifting of the state of emergency; stresses again the importance of good governance, the fight against corruption, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in Egypt, with special regard to freedom of conscience, religion and thought, freedom of expression, freedom of the press and media, freedom of association, women’s rights and gender equality, the protection of minorities and the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation; calls for a clarification about the constitutional process its timeline and its principles to make sure that any constitutional provision is inclusive and leaves no possibility for discrimination of anyone in the Egyptian society;


6.  Calls on the EU, the Member States, political parties and foundations to help democratic political forces and civil-society organisations in Egypt to organise themselves in order to be able to participate fully in the transition to democracy;

7.  Calls on the High Representative to promote the setting-up of a task force involving the European Parliament which can meet the need for support for the democratic transition process as expressed by those working for democratic change, in particular as regards free and democratic elections and institution-building, including developing an independent judiciary;

8.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, the parliaments and governments of the Member States and the Egyptian authorities.