MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation concerning human Rights and humanitarian law in Central African Republic
15.1.2013 - (2013/2514(RSP))
pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure
Louis Michel, Marietje Schaake, Robert Rochefort, Ramon Tremosa i Balcells, Graham Watson, Kristiina Ojuland, Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, Marielle de Sarnez, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica on behalf of the ALDE Group
See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0031/2013
European Parliament resolution on the situation concerning human Rights and humanitarian law in Central African Republic
The European Parliament,
- having regard to the European Parliament legislative Resolution of 19 April 2012 on the draft Council decision on the conclusion of a Voluntary Partnership Agreement between the European Union and the Central African Republic on forest law enforcement, governance and trade in timber and derived products to the European Union (FLEGT) (14034/2011 – C7-0046/2012 – 2011/0127(NLE)),
- having regard to the Vice-president of the Commission/High Representative (VP/HR) declaration on the situation in Central African Republic of 01 January 2013; and the declarations of her spokesperson of 28 January 2011 on the electoral process in Central African Republic, of 27 March 2011 on the freedom of movement restrictions in Central African Republic, and of 21 December 2012 on the situation in Central African Republic,
- having regard to the European Commissioner for international cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis response declaration of 21 December 2012 on the outbreak of conflict in Central African Republic,
- having regard to the statement attributed to the spokesperson of the Secretary General of the United States on the Central African Republic of 26 December 2012; having regard to the declarations of the Security Council and of its President on the situation in Central African Republic of 07 April 2009 and of 14 December 2010, on the situation in Chad, in Central African Republic and in the sub-region of 20 December 2010, on the Central African Republic of 07 July 2011, of 06 June 2012, of 19 December 2012, of 27 December 2012, of 04 January 2013 and of 11 January 2013, and on the Region of Central Africa of 19 December 2012,
- having regard to the Security Council Resolution S/RES/2031 of 21 December 2011 which expands the mandate of the Unites Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Central African Republic (BINUCA) until 31 January 2013,
- having regard to the Report of the Security Council working group and its conclusions on the situation of children and armed conflict in Central African Republic of 06 July 2011,
- having regard to the last report of the Secretary General of the United Nations on the situation in Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (BINUCA) of 29 Mai 2012,
- having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,
- having regard to the Geneva Convention of 1949,
- having regard to the Cotonou Agreements signed in 2000 between the ACP group and the European Union,
- having regard to the Constitutive Act of the African Union (AU) or Lomé Treaty, adopted at the extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity, Continental Organisation of Lomé in July 2000,
- having regard to the International Convention on civil and political rights of 1966, the African Charter on human and people’s Rights of 1981, the international Convention on the Rights of the child of 1989 which prohibits the involvement of children in armed conflict, and to which the Central African Republic has agreed to be part,
- having regard to the declarations of the African Union (AU) of 12 December 2012 where she condemns the armed attacks perpetrated in Central African Republic, of 28 December 2012 where she actively contributes to the efforts for the resolution of the crisis in Central African Republic, of 31 December 2012 where she warns against any attempt to seize power by force in Central African Republic, of 03 January 2013 where she reiterates its support to the regional efforts aimed at resolving the crises in Central African Republic and of 12 January 2013 where she welcomes the agreement signed by the Central African Republic parties,
- having regard to the report of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the situation in Central African Republic of 06 December 2012,
- having regard to the final Communiqué of the Extraordinary Summit of the Head of State and Government of Central Africa on the security situation in Central African Republic published on 21 December 2012,
- having regard to the Treaty establishing the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) in Libreville (Gabon) in October 1984,
- having regard to the Mutual Assistance Pact between Member States of the ECCAS of 24 February 2000,
- having regard to paragraph 3 of the final Communiqué of the Extraordinary Summit of the Head of State and Government of Central Africa on the security situation in Central African Republic published on 21 December 2012,
- having regard to the European Commission press release of 28 February 2012 on the strengthening of the Mission for consolidation of peace in Central African Republic (MICOPAX) by the European Union,
- having regard to the worrying reports of the Human Rights Organisations on the serious violations of those rights,
- having regard to the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement between the government of the Central African Republic and the Central African politico-military movements of the People’s Army for the Restoration of Democracy (APRD), of the Democratic Front for the people of the Central African Republic (FDPC) and of the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR) of 21 June 2008,
- having regard to the political agreement of Libreville (Gabon) signed on 11 January 2013 between the Central African Republic Government and the Séléka rebel group on the resolution of the crisis,
- having regard to article 122 of its Regulation,
A. whereas during the last weeks and since the beginning of December, serious concerns are felt among Member States, as regard the humanitarian situation in Central African Republic,
B. whereas the military activities seriously undermine the security and stability of the Central African Republic, which therefore represents a threat for the civil population and an obstacle to the delivery of the humanitarian aid,
C. whereas since the beginning of the fighting, Human Rights are violated by the armed groups, that there are a certain number of dead, an increase of sexual violence against women and young girls and a resurgence of enrollment of child soldiers,
D. whereas the constant attacks and prowling, in particular in the north-east of the country, including the looting of a warehouse of the World Food Program (WFP) by the rebels,
E. whereas the importance of protecting all ethnic minorities,
F. whereas the forced evacuation of all humanitarian staff in areas affected by the fighting, which greatly disrupted vitals operations for the local populations, and that the access to humanitarian aid is found severely restricted,
G. whereas that the Séléka rebels progress has led to an important displacement of population and in particular in the north-east region, the various factions making up the Séléka namely, the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP), the Union of Democratic Forces for Unity (UFDR), the Democratic Front for the People of the Central African Republic (FDPC), the Kodro Salute Patriotic Convention (CPSK) and the Alliance for the Renaissance and the Refoundation (ARR), being from this part of the country,
H. whereas the declarations of the Vice-president of the Commission/High Representative (VP/HR) and of her spokesperson in which the VP/HR reminds that the respect of Human Rights is a fundamental value of the European Union and that it represents also and essential component of the Cotonou Agreements of 2000,
I. whereas the extensive efforts undertaken by the regional organisations of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) and of the African Union (AU) in order to bring the parties to the negotiation table as soon as possible,
J. whereas the encouragements of the Security Council to the government, the armed groups and the political opposition and the other interested parties in Central African Republic, to participate in the dialogue and to take this opportunity to negotiate a global and lasting political solution to the longstanding issues,
K. whereas Chad implication in the conflict, alongside pro-government militias, and employing around 350 men at Bossangoa and at Sibut,
L. whereas United States and France refusal to get military involved in the conflict following the request from the President of the Central African Republic and of the Chadian President and, whereas the call from this States for a peaceful settlement of the crisis though dialogue,
M. whereas the alarming reports from the Human Rights Organisations on the serious violations of the latter, and in particular the reports from the International Crisis Group (ICG) of 02 January 2013 “Central African Republic: Avoiding Another Battle of Bangui”, from the United Nation Office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA) of 09 January 2013 on the situation in Central African Republic, and from the President of the Commission of the African Union of 06 December 2012 on the situation in Central African Republic,
N. whereas the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2008, which includes the compliance with a cease-fire between all the parties,
O. whereas the political agreement of Libreville of 11 January 2013 on the resolution of the crisis between the Central African Republic Government and the Séléka rebel group which includes a ceasefire as well as the establishment of a Government of national unity and the dissolution of the National Assembly,
P. whereas the Security Council statement of 11 January 2013, which stresses on the necessity of a prompt implementation of the agreement, as well as to allow safe and unhindered access to peoples in need of humanitarian assistance and the release of all civilians being held by armed groups,
Q. whereas the appointment of Me Nicolas Tiangaye as the next prime minister of the government of national unity, by the opposition unanimously,
1. requires the immediate end of the hostilities, that the Séléka coalition withdraws from the occupied cities, in order to allow the civil populations to return to their homes, the delivery of humanitarian aid and the continuation of the political dialogue;
2. supports in this context the remarks of the President of the Commission of the African Union aimed at a possible suspension of the Central African Republic participation to the activities of the African Union (AU) in the event of a takeover by the rebel groups;
3. notes with satisfaction the stopping of the Séléka coalition progression a hundred kilometers form the capital, Bangui, and exhorts the Séléka to refrain from any further progression;
4. considers that the players of all parties, responsible of Human Rights violations, must be pursued and brought to justice;
5. welcomes the mediation efforts and the role played by the regional organisations such as the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), particularly in the organization of the talks planned in Libreville from 08 January 2013;
6. thanks the Presidents Idriss Déby Itno of the Republic of Chad, current President of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Ali Bongo Ondimba, of the Gabonese Republic, and Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of Congo, for their involvement in the resolution of the crises,
7. calls on all the players of the conflict to work in the framework of the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement of 2008 in order to make it effective again;
8. calls on the government to act within the framework of an inclusive dialogue and a constructive spirit, and encourages in this context, the involvement of the regional actors such as the African Union (AU) and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS);
9. welcomes the agreement reached on 11 January 2013 in Libreville (Gabon) between the members of the central African government, the Séléka rebels and the political and politico-military opponents, in order to put an end to the severe political and security crisis affecting the Central African Republic since December 2012 and strongly encourages the players keeping the political dialogue and the negotiations in a constructive spirit;
10. exhorts all the parties to continue to work in compliance with the decisions taken during the Extraordinary Summit of the Head of State and Government of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) the 21 December 2012 in Ndjamena (Chad), the summit conclusions provide a basis for a peaceful settlement of the dispute;
11. calls on the International Community to do everything possible in order to strengthen the peace process in Central African Republic on an ongoing basis and so as to maintain a non-exclusive political dialogue;
12. instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council and the Commission, to the Vice-president of the Commission/High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to the governments and parliaments of the Members States of the Union, to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to the President of the African Union, to the President of the Economic Community of Central African States as well as to all the parties involved in the conflict in Central African Republic.