Prijedlog rezolucije - B7-0128/2014Prijedlog rezolucije
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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the right to education in the Transnistrian region

4.2.2014 - (2014/2552(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure

Véronique De Keyser, Ana Gomes, Libor Rouček, Joanna Senyszyn, Liisa Jaakonsaari, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg, Mitro Repo, Ioan Mircea Paşcu, Tonino Picula, Marc Tarabella on behalf of the S&D Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B7-0128/2014

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Postupak : 2014/2552(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the right to education in the Transnistrian region


The European Parliament,

-          having regard to the report containing the European Parliament's recommendations to the Council, the Commission and the EEAS on the negotiations between the EU and the Republic of Moldova on the Association Agreement (2011/2079(INI))


-          having regard to the conclusions of the Vilnius Summit held on 28-29 November 2013,

-          having regard to its resolution of 23 October 2013 on ‘European Neighbourhood Policy, working towards a stronger partnership,

-          having regard of the report on Human Rights in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova by UN Senior Expert Thomas Hammarberg of 14 February 2013,

-          having regard to its Rule 122 of the Rules of Procedure


A. whereas Moldova has not exercised sovereign control over the breakaway territory of Transnistria since 1992; whereas Russian troops continue to be stationed there;

B.  whereas the Romanian-language education remains restricted by the Transnistrian de-facto authorities;

C. whereas there is an international negotiating process regarding the issue of Transnistria (TN), in which the EU has an observer status; whereas the EU works actively with all partners concerned to achieve progress towards the settlement; whereas it remains committed strongly to a reunited, viable and functional Moldova, with a special status for TN;

D. whereas the EU has been increasingly active through the Confidence Building Measures (CBM) since 2009; whereas the EU is now by far the biggest donor as regards CBMs with an increasingly active role;

E.   whereas the education is an area where there is a great potential for future cooperation in spite of the sensitivities involved;


1.  Considers that any political interference with the educational process is unacceptable, urges the parties involved in the settlement of the Transnistrian issue to ensure free and non-discriminatory access to education in the region, regular functioning of educational institutions and to give to the security of children and staff the highest priority;

2.  Urges to support and develop educational programmes and institutions for national minorities in Transnistria in their mother-tongue;

3.   Calls on the education authorities to recognise and ensure that education is directed at developing the child’s personality and talents, preparing the child for active life as an adult, fostering respect for basic human rights and developing respect for the child’s cultural and national values and those of others;

4.  Calls on the authorities to ensure that children and parents are protected from the adverse consequences of the current political situation and find solutions in the best interest of children and parents directly concerned;

5.  Calls on the High Representative to address the issue of the right to education during the next round of 5+2 negotiations scheduled for February;

6.  Believes that social progress, improvement in human rights, and economic modernization of Transnistria would also be advanced by the implementation of the provisions  of the Association and DCFTA Agreements, to be signed between the EU and Moldova, by the authorities in Tiraspol; 

7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the EEAS and the Commission and to the Republic of Moldova.