MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the sale of fake Prosecco on tap in the UK
Mara Bizzotto
European Parliament motion for a resolution on the sale of fake Prosecco on tap in the UK
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the network of Italian Prosecco producer consortiums (Consorzio di tutela del Prosecco DOC, Consorzio di tutela Conegliano Valdobbiadene DOCG and Consorzio Colli Asolani) has lodged a complaint about the large number of UK bars that are serving Prosecco on tap;
B. whereas this is completely illegal, not just because Prosecco may be sold in bottled form only, but also because in the vast majority of cases the customers are actually being served with ordinary white wine passed off as Prosecco;
1. Calls on the Commission to put a stop to this practice, in order to protect the interests of winemakers in the Veneto region, who are the victims of this fraud;
2. Calls on the Commission to report on whether this practice is to be found in other Members States.