Aldo Patriciello
Motion for a European Parliament resolution on Europe Day
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas the current economic and financial crisis has, over the past few years, contributed to creating a deep disaffection among EU citizens with the EU and its institutions;
B. whereas the crisis has given rise to a fringe of eurosceptics and ultranationalist parties, especially in the old Member States – as emerged from the results of the European elections in 2014 – who consider the EU to be a burden;
C. whereas the negative perception of the EU is greater in Western European countries, while the citizens of Eastern Europe have a positive view of the EU and its institutions;
D. whereas Europe Day is an opportunity to bring all citizens closer to the EU institutions, but greater communication is needed regarding its significance;
1. Calls on the Commission to implement a communication policy that is designed to reach a broader number of people in order to publicise the beneficial impact of being an EU member.