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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on Central African Republic

6.10.2015 - (2015/2874(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 135 of the Rules of Procedure

Ignazio Corrao, Fabio Massimo Castaldo, Piernicola Pedicini, Laura Ferrara, Laura Agea, Isabella Adinolfi, Rolandas Paksas on behalf of the EFDD Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B8-1000/2015

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Postup : 2015/2874(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on Central African Republic


The European Parliament,

- Having regard to the resolutions of the ACP / EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly of 19 June 2013, 19 March 2014, 17 June 2015 on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR),


- having regard to UN Security Council Resolutions 2088 (2013) of 24 January 2013, 2121 (2013) of 10 October 2013, 2127 (2013) of 5 December 2013, 2134 (2014) of 28 January 2014, 2149 (2014) of 10 April 2014, 2181 (2014) of 21 October 2014, 2196 (2015) of 22 January 2015, 2212 (2015) of 26 March 2015 and 2217 (2015) of 28 April 2015;


- having regard to the 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), ratified by the CAR in 2001, as amended in Kampala in 2010,


- having regard to the African Charter of Human and Peoples’ Rights, ratified by the CAR in 1986,


- Having regard to the Statement by the EEAS Spokesperson on the violence in the Central African Republic of 28 September 2015


A.  Whereas Central African Republic (CAR) is in deep crisis since the beginning of 2013, when rebels of Seleka coalition have seized power after a campaign marked by massacres of civilians, fires and looting of homes and other serious crimes like arbitrary detention, mass execution, sexual violence and rape including against children, children enrolment in militias;


B.  Whereas since the middle of 2013, militias calling themselves anti-Balaka are fighting Seleka, committing large-scale reprisals against civilians, identified as supporting Seleka; whereas this led to thousands of people killed;


C.  Whereas both factions are linked to the diamond industry and obtain funds from other sources, including extortion linked to gold and other economic activity;


D.  Whereas last 21 September hundreds prisoners including at least 60 high-level convicts, fighters from both Muslim and Christian militant groups, escaped Nagaragba Central Prison starting again an escalation of violence between Seleka and Anti Balaka groups more and more targeting the civilian populations as well as humanitarian workers;


E.  Whereas according to United Nations estimates figures the carnage of 2012 to 2014 killed thousands of people, displaced an estimated 380,000 and sent more than 450.000 people fleeing to neighboring countries leaving more than half of the population – 2.7 million - people in need of humanitarian aid;


F.  Where all civilians are at risk of life, as security remains volatile and unpredictable and continues hindering the work of relief organisations with widespread criminality affecting communities in many parts of the country including the capital city;



G.  Whereas the UN decided to extend the mandate of MINUSCA until 30 April 2016 with an authorized troop ceiling of 10,750 military personnel, including 480 Military Observers and Military Staff Officers and 2,080 police personnel, including 400 Individual Police Officers and 40 corrections officers;



H.  Whereas the European Union. is the largest donor of humanitarian assistance to CAR with over EUR 146 million provided since 2014 and whereas the European Commission has provided EUR 69 million for the current crisis including EUR 14 million for CAR refugees;


I.  Whereas under the auspices of Economic Community of central African States ECCAS and the mediation of the President of Congo Brazzaville, Denis Sassou Nguesso, a transition roadmap was signed in 2013 enacting the National transitional Council as interim Parliament, in view to elections in 2016;


J.  whereas the European Union is engaged in a regular political dialogue with the CAR under the Cotonou Agreement;


K.  whereas a deterioration in the situation in the CAR could cause instability in the region and whereas restoring security is a priority which necessitates the disarming of all the Antibalaka and continued neutralisation of the former Séléka rebels:




1.  Strongly condemns the escalation of violence the serious breaches of humanitarian law and the widespread violations of human rights;


2.  Calls all parties to abide by the disarmament agreement as signed on 10 May 2015;


3.  Calls on Catherine Samba Panza, mayor of Bangui and elected by CNT as President of the Transition, as well as the Group on the CAR, co-chaired by the AU and the Republic of Congo; to complete the transition process without delay ensuring the full respect of human rights and the enforcement of the Rule of Law.


4.  Invites all the parties to not endanger the peace process that should see the election of the new President next October ensuring stability, safety and reconciliation amongst the different parties in conflict;


5.  Deplores the escalation of interethnic violence and the continued strengthening of militias, despite the UN declared embargo of weapons;


6.  Strongly condemns all the violence against children and women urging all militias and non-state armed groups lay down their arms, cease all forms of violence and immediately release children from their ranks; invites all the stakeholders to be committed in the protection of children rights and to and prevent any further violations and abuses against children;


7.  Urges all stakeholders to pursue their efforts in making the transition successful, ensuring the full and effective participation, involvement and representation of women in all spheres and at all levels, including in stabilization activities, security sector reform, as well as in the national political dialogue and electoral processes;


8.  Demands that all parties allow and facilitate the full, safe, immediate and unhindered access for the timely delivery of humanitarian assistance to populations in need, in particular to internally displaced persons, throughout the territory of the CAR;


9.  Reaffirms the need to respect CAR sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of the CAR, and recalls the importance of the principles of non-interference, good-neighbourliness and regional cooperation;


10.  Welcomes the commitment of the international donors, in particular those who have contributed to the UN led mission, as well as the efforts of the European Union, the largest donor for humanitarian assistance to CAR;


11.  Insists on the principle of accountability for all crimes against humanity committed by all the factions in CAR, inviting the International Criminal Court prosecutor to start up the necessary investigations, condemning the multiple violations of international humanitarian law and the widespread human rights violations and abuses, including those involving extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests and detention, torture, sexual violence against women and children, rape, recruitment and use of children and attacks against civilians, looting and destruction of property and attacks against places of worship, denial of humanitarian access committed by both former Seleka elements and militia groups, in particular the anti-Balaka;


12.  Takes note of the work done by the African-led International Support Mission to the Central African Republic (MISCA), Sangaris and EUFOR RCA; invites Minusca to remain neutral increasing security and granting civilian population and humanitarian workers adequate protection;


13.  Underlines that ethnic claims can be used as an excuse to cover illicit trade, exploitation and smuggling of natural resources including gold, diamonds and wildlife poaching and trafficking that continues threatening the peace and stability of the CAR;


14.  invites CAR authorities to develop a nationally-owned strategy to tackle the illicit exploitation and trafficking of natural resources extending the State authority over the entire territory and its resources and that those resources are properly put at the disposal of the population to provide basic services for all improving overall wellbeing tackling poverty and socio-economic deprivation;


15.  Urges the CAR, its neighbouring States and other member States of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) to cooperate at the regional level to investigate and combat regional criminal networks and armed groups involved in the illegal exploitation and smuggling of natural resources including gold, diamonds and wildlife poaching and trafficking;


16.  Calls on international partners to urgently provide financial contributions to support national dialogue and reconciliation, the preparation of elections in 2016 the restoration of the health care system, and of the basic services including water distribution, sanitation and activities to ensure food for the population;


17.  Invites all the parties to assist the Transitional Authorities and, subsequently, the elected authorities, in finding a CAR led inclusive solution that includes mediation and reconciliation processes at both national and local level;


18.  Instructs its Co-Presidents to forward this resolution to the EU Council of ACP Ministers, the European Commission, the EEAS High Representative/Vice President of the EU Commission, the EU-ACP Joint Parliamentary Assembly, the President of Congo, and Mediator of the AU Group for CAR, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), the Secretary General of the United Nations, the CAR CNT.