Motion for a resolution - B8-0147/2016Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the humanitarian situation in Yemen

27.1.2016 - (2016/2515(RSP))

to wind up the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy
pursuant to Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure

Charles Tannock, Raffaele Fitto, Angel Dzhambazki, Ruža Tomašić, Geoffrey Van Orden, Ryszard Antoni Legutko, Tomasz Piotr Poręba, Ryszard Czarnecki, Monica Macovei, Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner, Jana Žitňanská, Branislav Škripek on behalf of the ECR Group

Procedure : 2016/2515(RSP)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected :  


European Parliament resolution on the humanitarian situation in Yemen


The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on the situation in Yemen, including that of 8 July 2015[1],

–  having regard to the Council conclusions of 16 November 2015 on the situation in Yemen,

–  having regard to United Nations Security Council resolutions 2201 (2015), 2204 (2015) and 2216 (2015) on the situation in Yemen,

–  having regard to the Peace and National Partnership Agreement signed on 21 September 2014,

–  having regard to the statements by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs on the situation in Yemen,

–  having regard to the ongoing UN-facilitated talks on Yemen,

–  having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948,

–  having regard to Rule 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas the current conflict in Yemen has its roots in the failure of successive governments to fulfil the democratic, economic and social aspirations of the Yemeni people, thereby fuelling the discontent and division that has led to the current violence;

B.  whereas by failing to pursue an inclusive political path Yemen has become locked in rising tribal tensions and a bitter proxy war between Iranian-backed Houthi rebels and Saudi Arabia, which is leading a military campaign against the rebels, bringing the wider region directly into a complex conflict that has festered for months; whereas Saudi Arabia perceives Houthi rebels in Yemen as a proxy Iranian force, while Iran has condemned the Saudi-led offensive and called for an immediate halt to Saudi-led airstrikes;

C.  whereas the deteriorating security situation in Yemen is becoming a matter of increasing international concern, with at least 5 700 people having been killed, almost half of them civilians, since the escalation of the conflict in March 2015; whereas Houthi soldiers are accused of firing heavy weapons in built-up areas, while the Saudi-led coalition has been accused of carrying out several airstrikes on hospitals and other civilian buildings;

D.  whereas the combined impact of intense ground fighting, airstrikes and a land, sea and air blockade in northern Yemen has had a devastating effect on the country; whereas the ongoing conflict has resulted in a grave humanitarian crisis, affecting 80 % of Yemen’s population of 26 million;

E.  whereas a stable, secure Yemen with a properly functioning government is critical to international efforts to combat extremism and violence in the region and beyond, as well as to peace and stability within Yemen itself;

F.  whereas attempting to end the conflict has become more challenging as a result of deteriorating relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia following the latter’s recent execution of prominent Shia cleric Nimr al-Nimr;

G.  whereas there are also concerns that the conflict has resulted in numerous violations of human rights in Yemen, including attacks against journalists and media institutions, enforced disappearances, contravention of the Convention Against Torture, the harassment and detention of religious minorities, and the alleged use of children in armed conflict;

1.  Expresses its deep concern at the ongoing violence in Yemen and the resultant humanitarian crisis affecting millions of innocent men, women and children; deeply regrets, furthermore, the loss of life caused by the conflict and the suffering of those caught up in the fighting;

2.  Strongly supports the efforts of UN special envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to find a lasting and peaceful resolution to the current crisis; further calls on all state and non‑state actors involved in the conflict to work towards peace and reconciliation, and to enter into such a process without preconditions;

3.  Believes Saudi Arabia and Iran hold the key to resolving the crisis, and urges both to work to improve bilateral relations and to seek to work together to end the fighting in Yemen;

4.  Strongly believes that the only long-term solution to the crisis in Yemen is via inclusive political dialogue, in line with the framework provided by the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference, and the various UN Security Council and European Council conclusions;

5.  Is deeply concerned that ongoing violence and instability in Yemen could allow terrorist and extremist groups to exploit the current situation, posing wider security implications for the region and beyond;

6.  Deeply regrets the deaths of civilians and humanitarian workers in Yemen and the apparent indiscriminate targeting of civilian infrastructure, including schools and hospitals;

7.  Calls on all parties to respect the human rights and freedoms of all Yemeni citizens and of all those working on peace and humanitarian missions in the country, including aid workers, doctors and journalists;

8.  Demands an independent investigation into all allegations of abuse, torture, targeted killing of civilians and other violations of international humanitarian and human rights law;

9.  Believes all Yemenis should be represented in a legitimate, transparent political transition with a clear timetable, based on the outcomes of the National Dialogue Conference and the Peace and National Partnership Agreement and on the lines set out in the Gulf Cooperation Council initiative, including a constitution, a referendum and elections;

10.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the EEAS, the Vice-President of the European Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the parliaments and governments of the Member States, the President of Yemen, the Yemeni House of Representatives, and the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council.