Motion for a resolution - B8-1268/2016Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation of the Guarani-Kaiowa in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso

22.11.2016 - (2016/2991(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 135 of the Rules of Procedure

Cristian Dan Preda, Roberta Metsola, Andrey Kovatchev, Eva Paunova, Tunne Kelam, Tomáš Zdechovský, Lefteris Christoforou, József Nagy, Marijana Petir, Claude Rolin, Milan Zver, Pavel Svoboda, Patricija Šulin, Dubravka Šuica, Michaela Šojdrová, Joachim Zeller, László Tőkés, Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Sven Schulze, Laima Liucija Andrikienė, Eduard Kukan, Anna Záborská, Stanislav Polčák, Adam Szejnfeld, Tadeusz Zwiefka, Csaba Sógor, Ramón Luis Valcárcel Siso, Therese Comodini Cachia on behalf of the PPE Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B8-1260/2016

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Procedure : 2016/2991(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the situation of the Guarani-Kaiowa in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso


The European Parliament,

- having regard to its previous resolutions on Brazil,

-having regard to the EU-Brazil Strategic Partnership since 2007 and close co-operation in global challenges such as tackling poverty and inequality, environmental issues, energy, enhancing stability and prosperity in Latin America and co-operation on regional integration with Mercosur, as well as joint determination to conclude the EU-Mercosur agreement,

-having regard to the ongoing the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement negotiations- including a free trade area - in which Brazil is a key partner in the negotiation process,

-having regard to the UN Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Indigenous Peoples of 2007,

-having regard to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights,

-having regard to the 2016 Report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right of Indigenous Peoples, Mrs Tauli- Corpuz,

- having regard to 2016 report by the Indigenous Missionary Council,

- having regard to EU - Brazil Human Rights Dialogues,

-having regard to the Rule 135 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the EU and Brazil share a long-standing relationship based on strong political, economic, cultural and historical ties;

B. whereas Brazil is signatory of International Labour Organization Convention 169 (ILO 169) and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP);

C. whereas Brazil 1988 democratic constitution negotiated with indigenous peoples, resulted in a constitution that “explicitly recognized the rights of indigenous peoples to maintain their cultural traditions” and acknowledge the vital importance of ancestral territories to the physical and cultural well-being of indigenous people;

D. whereas Brazil has taken a number of measures and initiatives to ensure the realisation of indigenous peoples’ rights by paying particular attention to this issue;

E. whereas indigenous peoples' rights and human rights defenders feature regularly on the agenda of the EU- Brazil Human Rights Dialogues; whereas the impunity and proper investigations in this regard have been set up as a key priority; 

F. whereas a local call for proposal by the EU Delegation in Brazil in 2015 under the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights  has given priority to projects protecting indigenous people;

G. whereas the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People Mrs Tauli-Corpuz commended the Government of Brazil for its invitation and the full cooperation it has provided, resulting in free and independent visit; 

H. whereas on 25 October 2016, the Brazil government arrested five farmers in connection with a shooting and investigations into the case of injured boy from an indigenous tribe in the remote state of Mato Grosso do Sul; 

I. whereas the indigenous peoples' human rights violations represent challenging phenomenon in the neighbouring countries, namely Uruguay; 

J. whereas the Subcommittee on Human Rights in the European Parliament has taken the decision to properly address human rights of indigenous people in one of its upcoming meetings;

1. Acknowledges the long-standing partnership between the EU and Brazil, built on mutual trust and respect for democratic principles and values;

2. Remains concerned about cases of violence against Guarani-Kaiowa’ people in the state of Mato Grosso Do Sul originated from the land ownership conflict;

3. Encourages ongoing efforts of Brazilian authorities to find just and lasting solution for Guarani-Kaiowa’ people and to improve protection of indigenous people of the Guarani - Kaiowa in the spirit of the 1988 Constitution;

4. Commends the establishment of an internationally recognized legal and administrative framework for demarcation;


5. Welcomes the organisation of the first National Conference on Indigenous Policy and the establishment of the National Council for Indigenous Policy;  


6. Welcomes the efforts to implement differentiated services for indigenous peoples in the areas of health and education as recommended by the UN Special Rapporteur in 2009;


7. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (VP/HR), the Council, the Commission, and the Government and Parliament of Brazil.