Motion for a resolution - B8-1426/2016Motion for a resolution

MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on neuroblastoma


pursuant to Rule 133 of the Rules of Procedure

Nicola Caputo


Motion for a European Parliament resolution on neuroblastoma

The European Parliament,

–  having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas neuroblastoma is the most common extra-cranial tumour of childhood, accounts for over 7% of malignant tumours in children below the age of 15 and is responsible for some 15% of all childhood cancer deaths;

B.  whereas its incidence in Europe is 10.9 cases per million children;

C.  whereas recent studies have shown there are various mutations in the genes ALK, TERT, BARD1 and LIN28B that are associated with this childhood cancer; whereas these genes play a crucial role in the malignant transformation of healthy tissues in connection with neuroblastoma but also with other adult or childhood cancers;

1.  Takes the view that the Commission should provide greater support to scientific research to combat neuroblastoma and childhood brain tumours;

2.  Believes that the Commission should promote the development of medicines that are able to cure one of the most widespread and lethal childhood cancers and should implement targeted policies to support families stricken by this extremely serious disease.