MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on protecting the Italian rice industry
Angelo Ciocca
Motion for a European Parliament resolution on protecting the Italian rice industry
The European Parliament,
– having regard to Rule 133 of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas Italy plays a vital role in rice production in Europe, with 234 000 hectares of rice fields, 4 265 rice farms, over 5 000 employees and around 100 rice companies;
B. whereas rather than being protected and rewarded for their skill and ability, which have contributed to the worldwide fame of this Italian product, operators in this sector are suffering due to, among other things, the mass importation of rice from the least developed countries at zero duty;
C. whereas imported rice does not provide the same food safety guarantees as Italian rice and, due to the lack of customs duties for third countries, Italian operators are being brought to their knees by unfair competition from Asian markets;
1. Calls on the Commission to step up its forms of protection and safeguard measures for the Italian rice industry by providing for consistent duties and by restricting imports of this product as much as possible.