5.2.2018 - (2018/2559(RSP))
pursuant to Rule 123(2) of the Rules of Procedure
Ernest Urtasun, Molly Scott Cato, Bodil Valero, Florent Marcellesi, Josep-Maria Terricabras, Igor Šoltes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group
The European Parliament,
– having regard to the declaration by the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on behalf of the EU, of 26 January 2018, on the latest developments in Venezuela,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on Venezuela,
– having regard to Rule 123(2) of its Rules of Procedure,
A. whereas since December 2017, the Venezuelan Government and sectors of the opposition have been pursuing a dialogue in the Dominican Republic, in the presence of high-ranking international observers and the Dominican President, with a view to finding a solution to the political crisis in Venezuela;
B. whereas a new round of talks is currently being held in the same location;
C. whereas some sectors of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) opposition are not taking part in this dialogue;
D. whereas all major political decisions, such as the decision to call snap elections, should be taken within the framework of a national dialogue,
E. whereas participation in these elections should occur under equal, fair and transparent conditions, supervised by a balanced National Electoral Council (CNE), with sufficient guarantees for all participants, including the presence of independent international observers,
F. whereas there is a widespread fear that the dynamics of permanent confrontation on both sides are preventing the adoption of a stabilising solution that is democratically legitimised by the country;
1. Is convinced that the future of Venezuela is in the hands of the Venezuelan people, and that a solution to the current multiple crises and the achievement of political stability can only be found through peaceful negotiations;
2. Welcomes the ongoing dialogue in the Dominican Republic hosted by President Danilo Medina and former Spanish Prime Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero; supports fully the mediation efforts made thus far, accompanied by Chile, Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which continue in Caracas in the week beginning 5 February 2018, and expresses its hope that all national and international actors support this process;
3. Is appalled by the suggestion by Julio Borges, laureate of Parliament’s 2017 Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought and President of the National Assembly, that the military help to overthrow the Government, and recalls that the Sakharov Prize is exclusively given on the grounds of peaceful struggle for democracy and human rights;
4. Calls on all actors within and outside the country to maintain prudence and patience and to refrain from any acts of or calls for violence, let alone military intervention, which would further destabilise and ultimately derail the country;
5. Urges once again the promotion and establishment of a truly enduring national dialogue by all peaceful means, including by engaging all relevant forces, in order to reach a consensual solution to the conflicting interests in Venezuela and to resolve any disputes between the different branches of public power in a spirit of trust;
6. Strongly recommends the inclusion in this political dialogue of a national agreement on economic policy to stabilise the situation;
7. Calls on political actors outside Venezuela to avoid using the situation in the country for national political purposes;
8. Is of the opinion that the political and social stability of Venezuela is a decisive factor in the safeguarding of peace in the entire region;
9. Supports the efforts of VP/HR Federica Mogherini to ensure political stability, urging complete respect for the Constitution, while trying to find solutions to address the pressing needs of the population;
10. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the parliaments and governments of the Member States, the Government and authorities of Venezuela, and the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly.