MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the humanitarian situation in Mozambique
15.9.2020 - (2020/2784(RSP))
pursuant to Rule 144 of the Rules of Procedure
Kati Piri, Carlos Zorrinho
on behalf of the S&D Group
See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B9-0300/2020
European Parliament resolution on the humanitarian situation in Mozambique
The European Parliament,
– having regard to its previous resolutions on Mozambique;
– having regard to the Cotonou Agreement;
– having regard to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights of 1981;
– having regard to the joint EU-Africa Strategy;
– having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
– having regard to the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals;
– having regard to the EU’s National Indicative Programme Mozambique and the 11th European Development fund 2014-2020;
– having regard to the European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) to Mozambique final report on the General and Provincial Assembly Elections of 15 October 2019;
– having regard to EU Council conclusions on Mozambique of 22 April 2020;
– having regard to the statement by the Co-President of ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly of 29 June 2020;
– having regard to the communique of the 40th ordinary summit of the SADC heads of state and government of 17 August 2020;
– having regard to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1984, and to the Optional Protocol thereto, adopted by the UN General Assembly on 18 December 2002, to both of which Mozambique is a state party,
– having regard to Rule 144 of its Rules of Procedure.
A. Whereas since 2017 the so called Al-Shabaab terrorist group, allegedly affiliated with the armed group calling itself Islamic State of Central Africa Province, has renewed attacks on government forces and civilians targets in Cabo Delgado, the northern province of Mozambique; emphasises that this terrorist group bears no relation to the group by the same name operating in Somalia;
B. Whereas the armed group has killed an estimated 1,495 innocent civilians, displaced some 250,000 people towards already vulnerable communities, halted humanitarian assistance in the region, committed numerous human rights abuses, including subjecting women and children to violence and degrading treatment and left more than 700.000 people in need of assistance;
C. Whereas Mozambique government security forces have responded with force, at times in contravention of international human rights commitments; Whereas recent video footage obtained and verified by human rights groups shows Mozambique Armed Defense Forces (FADM) and the Mozambique Rapid Intervention Police (PIR) personnel committing possible extrajudicial executions and the transport and discarding of a large number of corpses into apparent mass graves;
D. Whereas there have also been military actions led by the armed dissidence of RENAMO, the main opposition party, worsening the humanitarian situation in the country;
E. Whereas in April 2020, the EU Delegation in Mozambique and the Council raised serious concerns regarding the attacks in Cabo Delgado and the escalation of violence against civilians;
F. Whereas Mozambique has an obligation to uphold fundamental human rights standards through the international conventions which it has ratified, particularly in its detention facilities; Whereas the barbaric actions attributed to the group known as Al-Shabaab should not be met by further violations of human rights by the security forces of Mozambique;
G. whereas on 12 August, al-Shabaab captured the strategic port of Mocimboa da Praia after clashes that left at least 55 Mozambican troops killed and 90 wounded; whereas Mocimboa da Praia is a crucial port for the facilitation of oil and liquified natural gas exploitation and its capture and al-Shabaab’s continued hold on the city suggest the terrorist group’s increasing strength and sophistication;
H. whereas the Mozambican army is ill-equipped to deal with the surge of terrorism in the region; whereas legitimate fears persist that the insurgency will spread to involve neighbouring countries and destabilise the region;
I. Whereas Mozambique has experienced devastating natural disasters in recent years, including two major cyclones in 2019, which have compounded already high poverty levels and insecurity; Whereas such disasters have led to widespread food insecurity and chronic malnutrition in parts, with over 43 per cent of children under age 5 stunted; Whereas a total of 7.9 million people are estimated to be in need of urgent humanitarian assistance in 2020;
J. Whereas COVID-19 has further exposed the fragilities of the regional economy, which in the absence of adequate social protection has left millions of people employed in the informal economy and those who lost their jobs facing hunger, destitution and subject to vulnerabilities and in some cases basic human rights abuses;
K. Whereas Mozambique and in particular the Cabo Delgado region, is rich in natural resources and raw materials, something which has attracted investment by numerous international and EU companies who are competing for market access of natural resources;
L. Whereas on13 April 2020, the IMF approved the immediate debt service relief to 25 member countries including some USD 309M to Mozambique under Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCRT) to help address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic;
M. Whereas the European Union has pledged €200 million in recovery support for Mozambique following the 2019 cyclones, followed by an additional €14.6 million to assist with COVID-2019 prevention and preparedness and to support local health systems.
1. Condemns all terrorist attacks against the population and government forces of Mozambique perpetrated by so-called al Shabaab. Underlines that there can be no legitimate reason for engaging in terrorist activity; expresses its deepest sympathies with the victims and families of terrorist activities;
2. Reminds the Government of Mozambique of its responsibility to bring all those suspected of terrorist activity to justice through fair trials; Calls on the government of Mozambique to launch an independent and impartial investigation into torture and other grave violations committed by it’s security forces in Cabo Delgado. Recalls that Mozambique is a party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights and to the UN Convention against Torture, which prohibit torture and other ill-treatment and arbitrary deprivation of life;
3. Recalls that compliance with international humanitarian law and the respect for the democratic liberties are also crucial for the success of the definitive Peace Agreement signed in 2019 between Frelimo and Renamo;
4. Notes the importance of the Cabo Delgado region in the context of international geo-politics; Recalls that the conflict can easily affect other countries near Mozambique especially due to the displaced populations resulting from the fights; Urge the international community to proactively support the populations forced to flee the territories, not only to other parts of Mozambique, but also to neighbouring countries;
5. Recalls that as a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), Mozambique should exploit possible options for cross-border cooperation. SADC's organ on Politics, Defence and Security Cooperation (OPDS), with a multinational fighting unit for tackling serious counter-insurgency situations, for managing and condemning this conflict in the short term.
6. Underlines that the elimination of the root causes of terrorism such as insecurity, poverty, human rights violations, environmental degradation, impunity, contribute immensely to the eradication of terrorist organisations. Calls, therefore, on international actors, including EU development programmes, to engage in capacity-building initiatives to address these challenges;
7. Deplores the use of private security forces in this conflict that exacerbate the monetary cost for the country and operate without any international oversight; Calls on the Mozambique government to request the international organizations for the deployment of a peacekeeping military operation to, at least, secure the areas not currently in conflict from being dragged into the fight;
8. Notes with concern the deteriorating situation for internally displaced people in Mozambique; calls in particular for the EU and its Members states to deliver on commitments to protect their security and safety as well as access to healthcare and basic services;
9. Recalls international aid commitments made the International Donors Pledging Conference held in Beira, on 30 May and 01 June 2019, at which the European Union pledged €200 million in recovery support. Calls on the EU and its Member States to deliver on these commitments in full. Points out that long-term recovery and development can only be achieved through sustainable and inclusive economic growth. Calls therefore for EU assistance to support Mozambique’s efforts to stabilise its economy, create jobs, foster rural competitiveness, while ensuring inclusiveness and environmental preservation;
10. Expresses concern for the accumulated consequences that the conflict, the natural disasters and the Covid-19 pandemic, have inflicted in Mozambique; calls on the EU and its Member States to take into account the dire situation that this situation has inflicted in the country and to prioritize the deployment of humanitarian aid to the country;
11. Welcomes the IMF CCRT as a step in the right direction in assisting Mozambique combatting the economic fallout from COVID 2019. Calls for the EU and its Member States to provide further donations to the IMF and for the IMF to explore further alternatives to boost the resources available to the CCRT, such as using its own existing reserves. Recalls that contributions to the fund must in no way substitute official development assistance (ODA);
12. Reaffirms its call for the Commission to explore extensive mandatory due diligence commitments at the global level to ensure that EU investors and those involved in extraction industries act responsibly and contribute to local development in countries such as Mozambique. Reaffirms the urgent need to effectively address human rights abuses by transnational corporations, through the ongoing negotiations on a binding UN Treaty for Transnational Corporations and Human Rights; calls on the Commission and the Member States to engage constructively in these negotiations and to play an active role and contribute to the development of concrete proposals, including access to remedies;
13. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the European Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the ACP-EU Council, the institutions of the African Union, SADC and the Government and Parliament of Mozambique.