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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on The continuous violations of human rights in Belarus, in particular the murder of Raman Bandarenka

24.11.2020 - (2020/2882(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 144 of the Rules of Procedure

Kati Piri, Robert Biedroń
on behalf of the S&D Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B9-0389/2020

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Процедура : 2020/2882(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on The continuous violations of human rights in Belarus, in particular the murder of Raman Bandarenka


The European Parliament,

 having regard to its previous resolutions on Belarus, in particular those of 21 October 2020 on relations with Belarus, of 17 September 2020 on the situation in Belarus, of 4 October 2018 on the deterioration of media freedom, and of 8 October 2015 on the death penalty in Belarus,


  having regard to the declarations by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union, in particular those of 24 September 2020 on the so-called ‘inauguration’ of Aleksandr Lukashenko, of 11 September 2020 on the escalation of violence and intimidation against members of the Coordination Council and of 11 August 2020 on the presidential election,

  having regard to the numerous recent statements by the High Representative/Vice-President on Belarus, and to the statements by the EEAS Spokesperson, in particular that of 13 November 2020 on the death of Raman Bandarenka,

  having regard to the European Council Conclusions of 1 October 2020 and of 16 October 2020 and to the Council conclusions on Belarus of 12 October 2020;

  having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and to all human rights conventions to which Belarus is a party,

  having regard to the UN Human Rights Council Resolution of 17 September 2020 on the situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and in its aftermath,

  having regard to the OSCE Rapporteur’s Report under the Moscow Mechanism on Alleged Human Rights Violations related to the Presidential Election of 9 August 2020 in Belarus,

 having regard to Rule 144(2) of its Rules of Procedure,


A. whereas since Belarus’ presidential election on 9 August 2020 peaceful protests of unprecedented scale and size have been taking place throughout the country against the massive falsification of election results in favour of Aleksandr Lukashenka and the human rights violations perpetrated by the country’s autocratic regime; whereas Belarusian workers and trade union activists contributed decisively to these protests;

B. whereas Belarusian authorities reacted to the legitimate and peaceful protests with violence, repression, and inhumane treatment including torture and sexual violence against people detained during the protests; whereas since 9 August over 25,000 citizens have been arrested, among them elderly persons, women and children, and many were mistreated, severely wounded and at least four killed;

C. whereas the EU rejected the official election results and imposed restrictive measures against 55 individuals, including Aleksandr Lukashenka, identified as responsible for repression and intimidation against peaceful demonstrators, opposition members and journalists, as well as for misconduct of the electoral process; whereas the Council on 19 November decided to prepare new sanctions in the wake of continuing repression;

D. whereas the 2020 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought has been awarded to the democratic opposition in Belarus, whereas especially the contribution of the brave women of Belarus should be applauded;

E. whereas large-scale peaceful protests continue to take place in the capital and throughout the country despite the ever more violent repression, mass arrests and attacks on people’s lives; whereas on 15 November, 1045 citizens were arrested in Minsk alone;

F. whereas on 11 November 31-year-old Raman Bandarenka was severely beaten by two plain-clothes police officers in facemasks in a Minsk courtyard known as the ‘Square of Change’ after which he was detained; whereas during the night Raman Bandarenka was brought unconscious to an intensive care unit and died due to severe head trauma after several hours of surgery; whereas the Belarusian authorities refuse to admit responsibility for the murder of Raman Bandarenka;

G. whereas the country’s regime continues to violate the freedom of expression, freedom of assembly and other basic civil and human rights; whereas cases of torture and ill-treatment in detention are well documented by local human rights defenders;

1. Expresses its deepest condolences to the family, friends and neighbours of Raman Bandarenka and declares its sympathy with and support to all those Belarusian citizens who, in solidarity with Raman Bandarenka and other victims of repression and mistreatment by Belarusian authorities, have been taking to the streets;

2. Condemns the violent arrest and detention of Raman Bandarenka who like many other Belarusian citizens spoke out against the unfounded and disproportionate violence of Belarusian authorities against peaceful citizens, thereby claiming nothing else than the most basic human right of human dignity and physical integrity;

3. Urges for an immediate end to the systematic repression perpetrated by the autocratic regime against the people of Belarus;

4. Rejects the results of the presidential election of 9 August and expresses its unequivocal support for the people of Belarus in their legitimate demands for an urgent end to authoritarian repression, the respect of fundamental freedoms and human rights, democratic representation and political participation, and new free and fair elections in accordance with international standards and under ODIHR election observation as soon as possible;

5. Calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners and all persons detained for their participation in protests against the election results or against the violence used by the authorities or for their expressions of support to these protests;

6. Calls for the swift and effective investigation into and consistent prosecution of all perpetrators of the unparalleled brutality against protestors, their supporters, journalists reporting about the protests and simple by-standers;

7. Firmly condemns any use of intimidation, harassment, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and mistreatment against citizens denouncing human rights violations perpetrated by state authorities and on their account; calls to immediately cease all forms of harassment of citizens such as dismissals of employees or students for reasons of participation in strikes or protests, withdrawal of journalistic accreditation, punitive disruption of communal services like water supply or heating, deprivation of child custodial rights;

8. Denounces the atmosphere of terror and impunity in the country, demonstrated by the authorities’ total unwillingness to investigate any case of ill-treatment and torture by law enforcement officers while launching more than 1,200 criminal investigations against peaceful citizens for participation in protests against human rights violations or for expressing support to these protests; underlines that this testifies to a deliberate and systematic policy of repression and impunity, further underlined by the fact that involved police and special security forces continue to receive highest honours for their participation in crimes against the population;

9. Calls on all Belarusian law enforcement officers and all those acting on account of Belarusian authorities to immediately stop using violence against civilians and to refrain from carrying out criminal orders and instructions on the use of disproportionate force, violence, torture and ill-treatment of citizens;

10. Calls on all businesses operating in Belarus to exercise particular diligence and uphold their responsibility to respect human rights, in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights;

11. Insists that in the absence of Belarusian authorities’ willingness to establish rule of law and accountability, the international community must take action to help secure evidence of crimes, ensure investigation and prosecution of those responsible throughout the full chain of command and until the highest state level; in this respect, welcomes the OSCE Rapporteur’s Report under the Moscow Mechanism which benefitted from numerous contributions by Belarusian human rights defenders and documented the severe and systematic violations of human rights;

12. Urges the Council and the High Representative to maintain a firm and principled position towards the Belarusian authorities, based on the EU’s commitment to defend the principles of democracy and rule of law, the respect for international law, universal human rights and fundamental freedoms; welcomes the Council decisions imposing sanctions on individuals identified as responsible for repression and intimidation and calls to extend sanctions and hold accountable all those individuals responsible for the death of Raman Bandarenka; reiterates its call on the Council to decide swiftly about the imposition of sanctions on state-owned enterprises closely entangled with the authorities’ business interests as well as on entrepreneurs known for supporting the regime or dismissing their employees for participation in strikes or protests;

13. Calls on the Council, Commission and the High Representative to seize every opportunity to urge Belarusian authorities to put an immediate end to violence, repression and inhumane treatment, to release all political prisoners and all persons arbitrarily detained, to investigate and prosecute those responsible for electoral fraud, violence, repression and torture, and to hold new elections in accordance with international standards and under ODIHR election observation as soon as possible;

14. Calls on the Commission to continue providing urgent humanitarian assistance to all persons targeted by repression and their families and calls on the Member States and their consular offices in Belarus to continue granting visas for humanitarian and educational reasons;

15. Calls on the Commission and the EEAS to determine, jointly with the UN, the OSCE and international partners, concrete assistance that the EU could lend to international efforts for the investigation and prosecution of crimes by the Belarusian authorities on the people of Belarus, to an OSCE-led mediation role and to an international donors’ conference;

16. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Vice-President of the Commission/ High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Council, the Commission, the Council of Europe, the OSCE, and the authorities of the Republic of Belarus.



Последно осъвременяване: 24 ноември 2020 г.
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