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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the situation in Somalia

23.11.2021 - (2021/2981(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 144 of the Rules of Procedure

Thierry Mariani, Roman Haider
on behalf of the ID Group

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Процедура : 2021/2981(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the situation in Somalia


The European Parliament,

 Having regard to the Somalian interim constitution of 1 August 2012;

 Having regard to the UNHCR's Global Focus on Somalia;

 Having regard to the 'Somali Compact' agreed in 2013 at the EU Somalia Summit;

 Having regard to the National Indicative Programme for Federal Republic of Somalia 2014-2020;

 Having regard to the HR/VP statement of 23 March 2021 calling for the acceleration of the presidential election;

 Having regard to UN Security Council Resolution 2124;

 Having regard to the UN Security Council statement of 18 September 2021 calling for partisan divisions not to distract « the federal government and federal member states from ensuring that any political differences do not detract from united action »;

 Having regard to Rule 144 of its Rules of Procedure;

A. whereas the instability of Somalia is problematic for its population, its neighbourhood and the whole Gulf of Aden, whereas Somalia does not have control over entire regions of its territory ;

B. whereas, according to the UNHCR, nearly 667,000 Somali refugees are living in countries neighbouring Somalia and nearly 3 million are internally displaced;

C. whereas the European Union provided 45 million euros in humanitarian grants to Somalia in 2021 and that the European Union and its Member States donations represent 35% of overall donations made to Somalia;

D. whereas the European Union has distributed 486 million euros in humanitarian aid to Somalia over the period 2014-2020;

E. whereas Somalia's neighbourhood is plagued by violent conflicts (Yemen, Ethiopia) or by criminal Islamist activities (Kenya);

F. whereas the presidential election was supposed to take place before 8 February 2021 but has been postponed numerous times ;

G. whereas, according to Turkey’s statement of 1 May 2021 it is willing to provide "strong support" for the organisation of elections in Somalia; whereas Turkey opened the largest foreign military training camp in the country in 2017;

H. whereas according to President Erdogan's statement of January 2020 , Turkey is willing to exploit Somalia’s naturel ressources which would trigger new matters of tensions. Président Erdogan said worryingly « Somalis are telling us: 'There is oil off our coast. This is very important for us. We will make decisions soon to start our operations there, we can benefit a lot from it.’»); 

I. whereas the tensions between Somalia and the UAE seem to have given way to increased Islamist activity in the country;

J. whereas AMISOM is authorised to deploy 21,586 troops in Somalia but its relations with the Somali state have deteriorated and its perception by the population is tainted by numerous accusations of rape of displaced populations;

K. whereas the destabilization of the Horn of Africa poses a major risk to the EU Member States;

L. whereas the holding of the presidential election is desirable within a reasonable timeframe but must take place under the best possible security conditions unless there is a risk of a new conflagration in the country;

1. Deplores the chronic instability in Somalia since the 1990s and is concerned about the consequences of this instability for neighbouring countries, particularly in terms of security;

2. Is worried that the lack of success in the fight against the Al-Qaeda affiliated Shebab militia, as well as against other Islamist militias, is increasing the number of displaced Somalis and refugees and constitutes an additional migration time bomb in the Horn of Africa;

3. Points out that the European Union has not had the influence it desires in events in Somalia, unlike Turkey and other countries, despite sometimes far greater investment, and has therefore not achieved the social and humanitarian objectives it had set itself;

4. Is concerned about Turkish influence in Somalia, particularly in view of Turkey's action in other countries in the region such as Eritrea, Ethiopia and Tanzania;

5. Condems Turkey's economic and military interference in Somalia; welcomes any resistance against such interference;

6. Recalls that a Turkey-Africa Summit will take place in December 2021, that the Horn of Africa will play an important role in Turkey's eyes, and that without the containment of Turkish influence on the African continent, the interests and security of the EU Member States will be compromised;

7. Points out that it is the shared interest of Somalia, the EU and the African Union to enhace the work of AMISOM;

8. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the governments of the Member States, the President and the Government of Somalia.



Последно осъвременяване: 23 ноември 2021 г.
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