Predlog resolucije - B9-0456/2022Predlog resolucije
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MOTION FOR A RESOLUTION on the media freedom crackdown in Myanmar, notably the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye

4.10.2022 - (2022/2857(RSP))

with request for inclusion in the agenda for a debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law
pursuant to Rule 144 of the Rules of Procedure

Željana Zovko, Loránt Vincze, Isabel Wiseler‑Lima, Peter Pollák, Janina Ochojska, Stanislav Polčák, Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska, Miriam Lexmann, Tomáš Zdechovský, Adam Jarubas, Inese Vaidere, Michaela Šojdrová, Seán Kelly, Andrey Kovatchev, David Lega, mVangelis Meimarakis, Antonio López‑Istúriz White, Paulo Rangel, Tom Vandenkendelaere, José Manuel Fernandes, Christian Sagartz, Ivan Štefanec, Magdalena Adamowicz, Luděk Niedermayer, Stelios Kympouropoulos, Loucas Fourlas, Krzysztof Hetman, Michael Gahler, Vladimír Bilčík, Sandra Kalniete, David McAllister
on behalf of the PPE Group

See also joint motion for a resolution RC-B9-0431/2022

NB: This motion for a resolution is available in the original language only.
Postopek : 2022/2857(RSP)
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European Parliament resolution on the media freedom crackdown in Myanmar, notably the cases of Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye


The European Parliament,

- having regard to its previous resolutions on Myanmar,

- having regard to the Statement by the Spokesperson on the further sentencing of Aung San Suu Kyi of 29 September 2022,

- having regard to Rule 144 of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas Myanmar’s military authorities continue to restrict access to social media, internet and other independent sources of information; whereas independent journalists are being persecuted, detained and are suffering because of illegal actions of the  military junta; whereas the military courts in Myanmar are conducting trials behind closed doors;

B.  whereas on 15 September 2022, freelance BBC Media Action reporter Htet Htet Khine was sentenced to three years in prison with hard labour; whereas on 27 September 2022 she was sentenced to another three years of imprisonment for alleged “incitement and dissemination of fake news”;

C.  whereas Sithu Aung Myint, an independent journalist still remains in pre-trial detention since 15 August 2021;

D.  whereas on 14 July 2022 a freelance journalist Nyein Nyein Aye was sentenced to three years imprisonment as she was charged of ’’causing fear, spreading fake news and agitating crimes against a government employee’’;

E. whereas the conditions of detention, where beatings, and gender-based violence are documented, represent a serious concern for their safety and wellbeing;

F.  whereas there are more cases of unlawful procedures such as case of State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi who on 29 September 2022 was sentenced to an additional three years of imprisonment;

1.  Strongly condemns all types of persecutions targeted at independent journalists and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of  Htet Htet Khine, Sithu Aung Myint and Nyein Nyein Aye;

2.  Urges Myanmar’s authorities to conduct just and public trials, and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all the political prisoners as well as all those arbitrarily detained since the coup;

3.  Calls on the EU and the international community to keep on raising the restrictions on freedom of expression, speech and media in Myanmar, and to monitor the trials against journalists and all others that are in court after protesting and/or expressing their opinion;

4.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the National Unity Government (NUG), Duwa Lashi La the acting President of the NUG, the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the Commission, the governments and parliaments of EU Member States, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and the Secretary-General of ASEAN.

Zadnja posodobitev: 4. oktober 2022
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