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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 3 April 2001 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Determination of Member States’ payments to the VAT-based own resource

  Caveri (ELDR).(IT) Mr President, while the Member States' budgets are preparing, at the different levels of government, for the euro, at last, to become everyday, familiar currency, in itself a major, unifying development which is due to happen very shortly, we are concerning ourselves with technical points such as, today, the use of ESA 95 in the determination of Member States’ payments to the VAT-based own resource. Although these common technical platforms appear to be somewhat removed from the common reality, they are important instruments for tax harmonisation in the Union, which I hope will be a first step towards genuine Europe-wide tax federalism. We must realise that reticence was clearly displayed on this point in a number of quarters at Nice as well. In fact, when we talk of federalism and subsidiarity, we must remember that the traditional distribution of roles, powers and competences should always be accompanied by the requisite level of financial resources.

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