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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 11 January 2005 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Constitution for Europe (continuation)

  Pahor, (PSE). (SL) Supporting this truly excellent report gives the European Parliament both a great opportunity and a great responsibility to encourage our European fellow citizens to support the European Constitutional Treaty. Our message to the citizens whom we represent here is that the acceptance of the European Constitutional Treaty is a truly exceptional step forward in the development of our common European home and that it is indeed a prerequisite for its progress in all areas.

It is but a step from European diplomacy to European democracy. If the worst were to happen, and for these or other reasons the agreement were not to be ratified, this would not simply be a case of Europe running in place; it would be a significant and a dangerous step backwards.

It would endanger our efforts to bring about a future that seeks not only peace, but economic and social progress; a future in which a democratic Europe will remain an active and influential player on the international political stage.

Today, therefore, we have the opportunity to send out the encouraging message that the European Constitutional Treaty is of the utmost importance for a more democratic, a more successful and a more united community of citizens and states, a community that, for the first time in history, has peacefully brought together almost half a billion people and also has a place for smaller nations – such as my own country, Slovenia – enabling them to develop their identity and, in an environment of diversity, to join forces with others to achieve our collective goals for building our European future together.

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