 Pilns teksts 
Debašu stenogramma
Otrdiena, 2005. gada 7. jūnijs - Strasbūra Pārskatītā redakcija

29. Skaidras naudas aprites kontrole

  Předseda. Dalším bodem pořadu jednání je doporučení pro druhé čtení od Výboru pro občanské svobody, spravedlnost a vnitřní věci ke společnému postoji Rady k přijetí nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady o kontrolách peněžní hotovosti vstupující do Společenství nebo z něj vystupující (14843/1/2004 - C6-0038/2005 - 2002/0132(COD)) (Zpravodaj: Vincent Peillon) (A6-0167/2005).


  László Kovács, Member of the Commission. First of all I should like to express my thanks to the rapporteur, Mr Peillon, for his clear analysis of the common position of the Council and the conclusions he draws from it. I am very pleased to note that his report shares the view of the Commission that the Union urgently needs a common, effective and balanced approach to the monitoring of large-scale cross-border cash movements.

I also share Mr Peillon’s view that you are now being presented with a proposal which is clearer and more practical than its predecessor. I believe that the adoption of this proposal will provide the Community with a solid measure to enable customs to control significant amounts of cash entering or leaving the Community.

Member States’ experience shows that cash is being used to avoid controls on transfers by the financial institutions. Cash movements are also an easy means of moving terrorist funding. Criminals are helped by the fact that we have varying levels of national controls to check suspect cash movements. We therefore need these measures to complement the existing money laundering controls to remove the possibility for criminals and terrorists to use this gap in controls.

The proposal sets out a control mechanism and reporting rules, which require anyone entering or leaving the Community with more than EUR 10 000 in cash to declare the sums carried to customs. Failure to declare or the provision of false information will require Member States to verify the bona fides of the movement and take further action as necessary.

The proposal also sets out a reporting mechanism to ensure that information obtained is handled and exchanged efficiently and with due care. In addition, this proposal will also help the legitimate traveller by replacing the existing wide range of national approaches with a clear, simple and straightforward Community system. I therefore believe that the proposal you have before you today will close existing loopholes and reinforce our actions to combat terrorism and organised crime.

The straightforward system proposed means that this will be done without placing an undue burden on the traveller or the national administrations concerned. I accordingly look forward to your support for its adoption as soon as possible.


  Vincent Peillon (PSE), rapporteur. Monsieur le Président, l'immigration clandestine ou illégale ne concerne pas que les personnes. Elle concerne aussi les capitaux et l'argent liquide, ce qui est préoccupant pour la démocratie européenne parce qu'il existe un lien entre cet argent qui entre ou qui sort illégalement et un certain nombre de trafics: les trafics de personnes, qui ont été largement évoqués dans le débat précédent, les trafics d'organes, les trafics de drogues, et aussi, bien sûr, le terrorisme, Monsieur le Commissaire, sans oublier toute la criminalité transnationale, qui est un sujet de préoccupation pour l'Union européenne comme pour la communauté internationale.

Dans ce contexte, la position commune du Conseil et la recommandation du Parlement pour cette deuxième lecture vont dans un sens essentiellement constructif. Cela fait trois ans que la discussion a commencé. Le Parlement avait déjà eu la possibilité de s'exprimer au cours de la législature précédente et je crois, comme vous, que la nouvelle proposition adoptée à la majorité qualifiée du Conseil a simplifié et enrichi le texte. C'est pour cela d'ailleurs que les parlementaires l'ont soutenue et notre souhait le plus vif est, bien entendu, que ce texte soit à présent adopté le plus rapidement possible. C'est en effet là un sujet pour lequel, dans le fond, la préoccupation majeure et largement partagée doit être l'application efficace du texte au-delà du texte lui-même.

Je crois que le texte tel qu'il se présente aujourd'hui devrait fournir l'instrument juridique dont ont besoin, en particulier, les douaniers chargés de ces missions de contrôle. Je crois par ailleurs que, avec les éléments et les amendements introduits par le Parlement, nous avons à présent des garanties concernant le respect du droit des personnes et la protection des données personnelles. C'est d'ailleurs pour cela que je n'ai pas beaucoup d'inquiétude.

Pour conclure, je remercie la Commission et le Conseil pour l'état d'esprit constructif dont ils ont fait preuve lors de nos différentes réunions et, avec les rapporteurs des autres groupes avec lesquels j'ai travaillé, je souhaite - et je suis optimiste - que, demain, le Parlement adopte cette recommandation à l'unanimité.


  Gerard Batten, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group. Mr President, this report calls for tight controls on the reporting of cash entering or leaving the European Union Member States. It is introduced under the convenient guise of the prevention of organised crime, terrorism and money laundering, but what is its real motivation?

An obligation to declare or disclose cash movements could easily be changed to impose an actual limit on the movement of money out of the European Union. Yesterday in this Chamber I spoke of the certainty of the eventual failure of the European single currency. It is obvious that the proposals in this report anticipate a future crisis of confidence in the euro. When that happens the European Commission and European Central Bank will want to prevent the movement of money out of the eurozone. To include Britain in these restrictive measures is to couple insult with injury. It is yet another reason, if one were needed, for Britain’s unconditional withdrawal from the European Union.


  László Kovács, Member of the Commission. Mr President, before I start my closing remarks I should like to respond to the remark by Mr Batten. I should like to draw his attention to the fact that, as far as the Commission and the Council are concerned, we are absolutely certain that the European Parliament had no intention other than to control cash flows in order to combat terrorism and organised crime.

I should like to comment briefly on the three amendments proposed by the rapporteur. The Commission fully understands the rapporteur’s desire to ensure that full and proper attention is paid to the data protection issues. That certainly deserves underlining at a time when a range of strong enforcement measures are on the table.

The Commission considers that the three amendments proposed do not restrict or enlarge the scope of the existing data protection provisions but instead focus attention on the need to apply them appropriately when dealing with travellers carrying large sums of cash. The Commission considers that drawing attention to this requirement is positive and would accordingly accept the three amendments tabled.

Given the Council’s acceptance of these amendments, I consider that Mr Peillon’s report provides us with a real opportunity to bring the lengthy examination of this proposal to a successful conclusion. I would hope that you can confirm your support during the vote on this proposal.


  Předseda. Rozprava je nyní uzavřena.

Hlasování proběhne ve středu ve 12:00.

Písemné prohlášení (článek 142)


  Mihael Brejc (PPE-DE). Ta uredba je le eden od mnogih pravnih temeljev, ki so podlaga za učinkovit boj proti terorizmu.

Terorizem je metastaza sodobne družbe, je pojav, ki ga ni mogoče obvladati z enim samim ukrepom, ampak terja široko paleto dejavnosti držav članic in EU kot celote.

Čeprav ta uredba na prvi pogled ne prinaša velikih zahtev oziroma sprememb ko gre za kontrolo na meji, pa je vendarle pomemben del v mozaiku ukrepov zoper terorizem. Zavedati se moramo, da številni varnostni ukrepi na meji in znotraj meja EU lahko bistveno prispevajo k višji stopnji varnosti in zaščiti pred teroristični i dejanji.

Ob tej priliki se zahvaljujem poročevalcu g. Peillonu za njegovo pripravljenost in sodelovanje ter iskanje najboljše poti. Mislim, da to poročilo odraža dober kompromis in ga v celoti podpiram.

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