 Full text 
Procedure : 2004/2220(INI)
Document stages in plenary
Document selected : A6-0404/2005

Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 01/02/2006 - 17
CRE 01/02/2006 - 17

Votes :

PV 02/02/2006 - 8.5
CRE 02/02/2006 - 8.5
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :


Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 2 February 2006 - Brussels OJ edition

8.5. Combating violence against women (vote)

- On paragraph 4(b):


  Zbigniew Zaleski (PPE-DE). – (FR) Mr President, a word of explanation. Victims of violent acts, especially when these are in the form of sexual assaults, often find themselves with injuries that are more psychological than physical. In order to ensure that appropriate assistance is provided by the staff concerned, I am tabling an amendment that meets this requirement. In the text, I quote in English,

‘4(b) providing proper training, including a child’s perspective, to the staff of competent bodies dealing with men’s violence against women, such as police officers, judicial personnel, health personnel, educators, youth and social workers and prison staff;’

I propose the following change: ‘providing proper training, specifically psychological, including a child’s perspective (…)’. The rapporteur has agreed to this wording.


(The oral amendment was accepted)

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