Die Präsidentin. Als nächster Punkt folgt die Fragestunde mit Anfragen an die Kommission (B6-0013/2006).
Carlos Carnero González (PSE). – Señora Presidenta, perdone que haga perder un poquito de tiempo antes de comenzar el turno de preguntas a la Comisión, pero quería mostrar mi extrañeza y, quizás, estupor por lo que ha ocurrido con una de las preguntas que había presentado precisamente para esta sesión.
Mientras que la semana pasada se me había comunicado que mi pregunta sobre el mantenimiento o modificación de la decisión de reducir el número de traductores de español en la Comisión Europea iba a ser respondida en tercer lugar durante este turno, ayer por la noche recibí una comunicación según la cual mi pregunta era calificada por el Presidente del Parlamento como inadmisible.
Hoy he recibido una carta del señor Harald Rømer, Secretario General Adjunto, en la que me explica que así se ha decidido porque se respondió oralmente a una pregunta mía similar el pasado mes de febrero.
Seguramente, el señor Rømer solamente se ha leído el título de mi pregunta, que es igual, pero no se ha leído el texto. El texto de mi pregunta en febrero y el de mi pregunta para este mes son absolutamente distintos; que alguien me demuestre, por ejemplo, cuándo la Comisión ha dicho si va a reducir hasta 67 el número de traductores en el servicio español antes de fin de año o cómo va a sostener una decisión de esas características en la próxima Cumbre Unión Europea-América Latina que tendrá lugar en Viena.
No estoy de acuerdo con esta declaración de inadmisibilidad. Creo que vulnera mis derechos como parlamentario y exijo que se responda mi pregunta, si no es en este turno, el mes que viene.
Die Präsidentin. Vielen Dank, Her Kollege. Ich werde das an das Generalsekretariat, Herrn Rømer, weiterleiten. Dort ist die Entscheidung getroffen worden. Ich möchte Sie aber gleichzeitig noch einmal auf unsere Geschäftsordnung aufmerksam machen, und zwar auf die Anlage II Punkt 3, wo es um die Durchführung der Fragestunde gemäß Artikel 109 geht. Dort steht, dass eine Frage nicht zulässig ist, wenn in den vorangegangenen drei Monaten eine gleiche oder ähnliche Frage gestellt wurde. Das ist ja offensichtlich die Entscheidungsgrundlage. Das kann ich Ihnen zunächst schon mitteilen, doch ich werde das, was Sie gesagt haben, auf jeden Fall weiterleiten.
Erster Teil
Der Präsident. Vielen Dank, Her Kollege. Ich werde das an das Generalsekretariat, Herrn Rømer, weiterleiten. Dort ist die Entscheidung getroffen worden. Ich möchte Sie aber gleichzeitig noch einmal auf unsere Geschäftsordnung aufmerksam machen, und zwar auf die Anlage II Punkt 3, wo es um die Durchführung der Fragestunde gemäß Artikel 109 geht. Dort steht, dass eine Frage nicht zulässig ist, wenn in den vorangegangenen drei Monaten eine gleiche oder ähnliche Frage gestellt wurde. Das ist ja offensichtlich die Entscheidungsgrundlage. Das kann ich Ihnen zunächst schon mitteilen, doch ich werde das, was Sie gesagt haben, auf jeden Fall weiterleiten.
Da der Fragesteller nicht anwesend ist, ist die Anfrage Nr. 43 hinfällig.
Anfrage Nr. 44 von Bill Newton Dunn (H-0134/06)
Betrifft: Haushaltsmittel für das Projekt Trans Crime
Die von der Kommission eingesetzten Haushaltsmittel für das Projekt Trans Crime reichen lediglich für die EU-15. Wäre es angesichts der Tatsache, dass der größte Teil der weiträumig operierenden organisierten Kriminalität von außerhalb der EU aus dem Osten und Südosten stammt, nicht besser, die Haushaltsmittel für dieses Projekt so anzuheben, dass eine Beteiligung aller 25 Mitgliedstaaten ermöglicht wird?
Franco Frattini, Vicepresidente della Commissione . Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, l'interrogazione pone un problema importante in quanto si riferisce a fondi per un progetto per noi essenziale, segnatamente per un progetto di ricerca che riguarda il tema della criminalità.
Per ragioni tecniche non è possibile, come chiede l'onorevole interrogante, incrementare i finanziamenti, è un progetto del 2004 che sta per concludersi nel 2006; tuttavia è possibile organizzare nell'ambito di questo stesso programma, seminari estesi alle attività e alle analisi dei nuovi Stati membri, come auspica l'onorevole interrogante.
Inoltre, esiste un altro programma diverso, sempre finanziato dalla Commissione, che riguarda esattamente tutti gli Stati membri, quindi anche i nuovi Stati membri, e comprende precisamente la raccolta di dati statistici e di informazioni su cinque tipi di reati gravi: la corruzione, la frode, il traffico illecito di beni culturali, la contraffazione, la pirateria e lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini e la pornografia. Su questi argomenti il progetto in corso si estende a tutti gli Stati membri dell'Unione.
Bill Newton Dunn (ALDE). – I would like to thank the Commissioner for that. I think we are on the same wavelength here, and he knows that. We actually had the same objective.
So thank you for that information, Commissioner. I would just like to ask when you expect the results to be available. When will the programme be ready so that we will actually have some harmonised statistical collecting across the EU?
Franco Frattini, Vicepresidente della Commissione . Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, il progetto in corso si concluderà nell'aprile 2006, tra poche settimane; il progetto successivo è già iniziato e si concluderà nel corso dell'anno. Possiamo pertanto affermare che quest'anno avremo a disposizione dati statistici aggiornati, sia degli Stati membri prima del 2004, sia successivamente, entro la fine dell'anno, di tutti gli altri Stati membri.
Anfrage Nr. 45 von Cristobal Montoro Romero (H-0157/06)
Betrifft: Lage der europäischen Wirtschaft
Ist die Kommission über die Erhöhung der Zinssätze besorgt, wo doch jetzt in Europa keine Anzeichen für ein Ansteigen der Inflation zu erkennen sind?
Welche Auswirkungen hat dieser Zinsanstieg ihrer Ansicht nach auf die beginnende Wiederbelebung der europäischen Wirtschaft und auf die Beschäftigung in der Euro-Zone?
Zweiter Teil
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. The question concerns interest rate policy and monetary policy.
On behalf of the Commission, I must say that monetary policy – and therefore decisions on interest rate changes – is the sole responsibility of the European Central Bank. Its independence is enshrined in the Treaty. It is the European Central Bank’s primary objective to maintain price stability in the euro area by ensuring that medium- to long-term inflation expectations in the euro area remain solidly anchored at levels consistent with price stability. The European Central Bank supports economic growth and job creation in the euro area. The current level of interest rates across the entire maturity spectrum remains low by historical standards, both in nominal and real terms.
As regards the last part of the question on the economic outlook, in its last interim forecast the Commission expected economic growth in 2006 to accelerate to between 1.9% and 2% in the euro area, which is close to estimates of the area’s potential growth rate. However, the Commission is cautious about commenting on the policies of the European Central Bank, as that is the Bank’s sole responsibility.
Cristóbal Montoro Romero (PPE-DE). – Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, toda la cautela y todo el respeto institucional no están reñidos con que hagamos valoraciones políticas de las decisiones de las instituciones, como en el caso del Banco Central Europeo, cuya subida de tipos de interés, en un momento de bajo crecimiento económico y de falta de creación de empleo en la Unión Europea, adquiere tintes preocupantes para millones de españoles, millones de ciudadanos europeos, millones de pequeñas empresas de toda Europa y millones de familias que tienen hipotecas.
Por eso le decía, señor Comisario, que invito a la Comisión a que haga un planteamiento también político respetuoso con el Banco Central Europeo.
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. The political message is that the European Central Bank is a very independent body, as determined in the Treaty. As an economist and former Central Bank leader, I can elaborate on this subject. I can only say that Europe’s monetary policy objectives are based on the fight against inflation, which has great social importance, and in this context the adjustment of monetary policy is quite a sophisticated mechanism.
All borrowers want an interest rate which is as low as possible. These rates are very low at the moment in Europe and they do not harm economic growth. I can only speak as an economist. The position of the Commission is that interest rate policy remains in the hands of the European Central Bank.
Paul Rübig (PPE-DE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, meine sehr geehrten Damen und Herren! Die Zinspolitik hat natürlich auch maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Staatsschulden. Wie sehen Sie die Zinspolitik im Zusammenhang mit dem Stabilitätspakt?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. Throughout history governments and central banks have adopted different and radical measures. For instance, in the United States interest rates were raised suddenly to 17% and the additional money supply was then really pressured down. But, at this stage, the change of interest rate is quite modest in the Central Bank. It is in accordance with the forecasts, economic considerations and outlooks. We do not intervene in those policies.
Justas Vincas Paleckis (PSE). – Commissioner, three states – Slovenia, Lithuania and Estonia – are going to join the eurozone next year. If those three small economies succeed in joining, what impact will that event have on interest rates and inflation in Europe? Are there signs of any change?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. As to changes if these countries join the euro, you all know the situation and that the criteria adopted in the Maastricht Treaty are very strict. I can only discuss this issue as an economist. As a citizen of one of these countries, of course I support enlargement of the euro area, and countries with proper financial policies will definitely strengthen the euro area. It would also mean enlargement for the euro and its influence in the world. These countries have a stable budget policy so they will increase the credibility of the euro.
Anfrage Nr. 46 von Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou (H-0100/06)
Betrifft: Bildungs- und Ausbildungsprogramme und europäische Identität
Mit welchen konkreten Aktionen, mit welchen Maßnahmen zur Vereinfachung des Verfahrens und zur Beseitigung der Bürokratie gedenkt die Kommission bei der Konzipierung der neuen Serie von Programmen (Kultur 2010, Lebenslanges Lernen 2007-2013, Bildung und Ausbildung 2010 und Jugend in Aktion 2007-2013) die neuen Bildungs- und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten zu nutzen, die die geistige und wissenschaftliche Entfaltung der jungen Menschen und den Erwerb des nötigen Rüstzeugs und der nötigen beruflichen Qualifikationen fördern, und gleichzeitig ihr Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit zu Europa verstärken sollen, damit sie zum wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Leben der Europäischen Union beitragen?
Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. The question concerns simplification and a more user-friendly space for educational mobility and programmes connected with youth, culture and citizenship.
As you know, the proposal on education and the new generation of programmes in the field of lifelong learning, youth and culture were adopted in 2004 for the period 2007-2013. We are preparing for this, the programmes are still not fully adopted, but they will replace existing programmes and will also contribute to clearer and simpler conditions for users. The new programmes, once fully established, will enable individuals to benefit more from a true common European area of mobility. Hopefully, appropriate funding will be available. These programmes will allow institutions in the fields of education, training and culture to improve the way they operate together. In this context, the simplification of administrative and financial procedures is a key issue. Successive evaluations and large-scale public consultation exercises have demonstrated that the current programmes would indeed benefit from simplification. That, however, requires efforts at different stages, at the level of the administrative arrangements for the programmes themselves and at the level of the Financial Regulation and its implementing rules.
At programme level, it is proposed to reduce the number of programmes in the area of education and training by putting Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius and Grundtvig under the same umbrella: an integrated lifelong learning programme. The design of the new programmes – especially in the youth, culture and citizenship area – is intended to simplify access for the potential beneficiaries. For example, in the new Culture 2007 programme we have created a more open and accessible programme in terms of its very structure, with three main objectives compared to the former eight. It is thus easier to grasp its essence, specifically because it takes a non-sectoral approach, where any player can feel welcome, and is explicitly aimed at the diversity of beneficiaries.
Furthermore, the Commission aims to simplify the application and the reporting systems involved and, of course, to accelerate the selection procedure. We have included provisions to that effect in the draft decision. During the ongoing codecision procedure for adoption of the programme decisions, both Parliament and the Council have supported the Commission’s aim to achieve maximum simplification, not only in the form of the programme actions but also in their administrative and financial requirements, and to find the right balance between flexibility and ease of use on the one hand and clarity of purpose and appropriate financial and procedural safeguards on the other hand.
As regards the Financial Regulation, the Commission has proposed a series of amendments which are currently under examination by Parliament. These amendments will, inter alia, introduce the principle of proportionality, which means that the administrative and accounting requirements should be proportional to the size of the grant. As to the implementing rules, progress has already been made because in July 2005 the Commission amended the detailed rules for the implementation of Financial Regulation No 1, which led, among others, to the following improvements in terms of simplified procedures.
Firstly, the requirement for external audit in support of payments is now obligatory only for intermediate payments or payments for the balance where the grant exceeds EUR 750 000 for actions and EUR 100 000 for operating grants. The second amendment is that the limit on flat-rate amounts has been increased from EUR 5000 to EUR 10 000. In addition, several flat-rate amounts are now possible in one grant and the Commission can authorise the use of flat-rate amounts even if they are not specified in the basic act.
Μαρία Παναγιωτοπούλου-Κασσιώτου (PPE-DE). – Ευχαριστώ πολύ κύριε Επίτροπε για την πλήρη και κατατοπιστική απάντησή σας. Είμαι πολύ ευχαριστημένη για τα μέτρα απλοποίησης που παρουσιάσατε. Ίσως όμως πρέπει να εννοήσουμε την απλοποίηση και στη χρηματοδότηση αυτών των προγραμμάτων; Υπάρχουν φόβοι στους πολίτες ότι τα προγράμματα αυτά δεν θα χρηματοδοτηθούν το ίδιο αδρά όσο στο παρελθόν. Ευσταθούν αυτοί οι φόβοι;
Ján Figeľ, člen Komisie. Ďakujem pekne za dodatočnú otázku. So záujmom som počúval, síce len prostredníctvom vysielania, vystúpenie prezidenta Nemeckej spolkovej republiky, keď s veľkým entuziazmom hovoril o vzdelávaní, mládeži a programe Erasmus. Myslím si, že je to správny postoj hlavy štátu a aj európskeho občana, ktorý verí, že prostredníctvom vzdelávania a mobility môžeme dosiahnuť oveľa viac, aj ekonomicky, sociálne, kultúrne a politicky. Som preto presvedčený, že nové programy v oblasti vzdelávania a tiež kultúry, občianskej spoločnosti a mládeže by mali znamenať kvantitatívny ako aj kvalitatívny nárast, pretože majú veľký význam pre jednotlivcov a celé Spoločenstvo. Teraz je to v prvom rade v rukách partnerov, ktorí rokujú o finančnom výhľade, ale verím, že je to veľmi aktuálne posolstvo pre predsednícku krajinu, Parlament, Komisiu a celú rozšírenú Európsku úniu. Osobitne chcem poďakovať za trvalú podporu v tomto pléne pre vzdelávacie programy Európskej únie. Je to veľmi potrebné.
Josu Ortuondo Larrea (ALDE). – Señora Presidenta, hablamos ahora de integración y de sentimiento de pertenencia a Europa y hace unos minutos hablábamos de racismo y xenofobia. Creo que hay elementos comunes en todo esto. Hace unos meses visité Canadá y vi que allí existe un programa muy completo de integración de los inmigrantes y de sus familias.
Quisiera preguntarle a la Comisión si, en este sentido, se plantea crear algún programa de integración de los jóvenes inmigrantes, para que también nosotros logremos tener menos racismo y menos xenofobia, ya que esos nuevos ciudadanos europeos también tienen el sentimiento de pertenencia a nuestra comunidad.
Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. I am sure that using education as a tool against racism and xenophobia for social inclusion and for integration is also a very acutely perceived and common task. An integrated, free, democratic Europe can be based only on integrated, free, democratic societies. Member States, their governments, public authorities in the broader sense and European institutions are thus invited to support such tools.
Some of the programmes are already being used to that end. The European Youth Pact, adopted last year, is one of the special tools for integration and provides some answers for the youth of Europe, young people who have many difficulties or are in vulnerable situations in individual countries. Social inclusion is one of the most important parts of social policy. I do not want to speak on behalf of my colleagues, but these issues are taken into account and promoted via different programmes which we have in our remit.
More can be done on the basis of coherent policies at European and national levels. This is an ongoing issue, to be dealt with not only via education but also via sport, culture and intercultural dialogue. These are very useful and efficient tools for promoting social inclusion and integration and for combating problems such as violence, hooliganism, racism and xenophobia.
Richard Seeber (PPE-DE). – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar! Jeder Ihrer Kollegen – und Sie auch – sprechen von Vereinfachung, und diese komplizierten europäischen Verfahren sind ein Hauptkritikpunkt. Könnten Sie mir vielleicht ein paar konkrete Beispiele geben, was jetzt neu vereinfacht wird und was jetzt besser wird? Zweitens: Gibt es Aufzeichnungen was die Verwaltung der Programme effektiv kostet und wie viel durch diese Programme den europäischen Bürgern in Zukunft direkt zufließen wird?
Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. I mentioned Erasmus because the German President used that example. I believe he was right to mention it because it is probably the most famous and popular programme. There have been 1.4 million Erasmus alumni since 1987. They are very influential programmes for individuals and societies. People get a lot from those programmes. They are asked for more and more. I have expressed gratitude for the support in Parliament for these programmes because they have impact. The future of Europe without those programmes would be more in question.
The programmes have an impact on other areas: Erasmus was the driving force for the Bologna Process, which is very influential for any student, any professor and any university in Europe.
I mentioned some of the proposals that are already in the implementation rules adopted by the Commission. The Commission has proposed more than 100 amendments to the Financial Regulation. It is now your turn to decide, and to improve it. As of January 2006, we have established a new executive agency that deals with all individual cases and individual projects and works closely with national agencies. This centralised system for the operation of our programmes is a reasonable tool. National agencies operate in Member States in concrete national languages. They are much closer to citizens, which helps to provide the best service for the users of the programme.
Perhaps we can go into more detail in future, when we discuss the Financial Regulation itself. There are some concrete measures and proposals on how to simplify life for the user of small grants, in contrast to the millions used for infrastructure or research projects.
We also want to put more money, for example, into Erasmus or lifelong learning programmes because we believe the EUR 125 per head, per month, is not very substantial European support when we look into the real costs of daily life in our countries. So ‘more’ also means more in the social dimension. This money is often decisive for those who need European grants to study abroad.
Anfrage Nr. 47 von Maria Badia I Cutchet (H-0132/06)
Betrifft: Plan zur Förderung des Unternehmergeistes im Bildungswesen
Die Kommission hat einen Plan zur Förderung des Unternehmergeistes von der Primärschule bis zur Universität ausgearbeitet. Darin verweist sie auf die Notwendigkeit eines spürbaren Wirtschaftswachstums und einer wesentlichen unternehmerischen Initiative, um das europäische Sozialmodell auf zufrieden stellende Weise zu erhalten. Dem ist uneingeschränkt zuzustimmen. Allerdings könnte damit die Gefahr verbunden sein, dass das Bildungswesen der Logik des Wettbewerbs und des Marktes unterliegt, während es doch wesentlich darauf ankommt, im Interesse des europäischen Sozialmodells die Ausbildung mit dem Ziel zu erhalten, freie, autonome und mündige Bürger mit eigener Kultur zu erhalten.
Ungeachtet einiger bewährter Verfahren, von denen wir zweifellos lernen können – zum Beispiel Förderung der Programme von Berufspraktiken in Unternehmen – und ohne Benachteiligung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, darf eine allzu merkantilistische Sicht des nordamerikanischen Bildungsmodells nicht unser Bezugsmodell darstellen.
Ist die Kommission nicht der Auffassung, dass wir im Interesse der Zukunft des Bildungswesens als Pfeiler der Unionsbürgerschaft unsere Anstrengungen darauf konzentrieren sollten, die Lehrpläne der Mitgliedstaaten zu überarbeiten, um die Ausbildung in verschiedenen Bereichen, einschließlich der humanistischen Bildung und Kultur, zu verbessern?
Ján Figeľ, člen Komisie. Vážená pani predsedajúca, ctení poslanci a poslankyne. Akčný plán pod názvom Európska agenda pre podnikanie bol prijatý už v roku 2004. V rámci tohto akčného plánu bolo etablovaných päť strategických prioritných oblastí pre Európsku agendu pre podnikanie v týchto rokoch. Prvá z týchto oblastí hovorí o posilnení podnikateľského myslenia medzi mladými ľuďmi. Európska komisia prijala nedávno, 13. februára, v rámci tohto akčného plánu oznámenie pod názvom Posilnenie podnikateľského myslenia prostredníctvom vzdelávania a učenia. Komisia v tomto oznámení načrtla súbor odporúčaní, ktoré sú určené členským štátom, pretože je to oblasť, v ktorej nemá Európska únia formálnu právomoc, formálnu kompetenciu.
Cieľom je posilniť úlohu vzdelávania pri tvorbe vyššej podnikateľskej kultúry v Európe a európskych spoločnostiach. Vzdelávanie by malo u mladých ľudí stimulovať podnikateľského ducha a dať im možnosti pre ich budúcnosť spolu s prostriedkami pre rozvinutie základných podnikateľských schopností. Jedným z cieľov tohto oznámenia je zlepšiť prípravu mladých ľudí pre ich budúci život, budúce povolania a zamestnania. Komisia je názoru, že prínosy podnikania a vzdelávania v oblasti podnikania by nemali byť merané len nevyhnutne na základe počtu novovytvorených firiem alebo inovatívnych podnikov a nových pracovných miest. Podnikanie je predovšetkým a nanajvýš kľúčovou kompetenciou pre všetkých, pretože pomáha mladým ľudom byť kreatívnejšími a iniciatívnejšími, mať väčšiu sebadôveru, pracovať a rozhodovať sociálne zodpovednejším spôsobom v akejkoľvek oblasti vlastného uplatnenia.
Ak to vidíme v tomto svetle a v širšom rozsahu kompetencií, ktoré rozvíjame v rámci Programu vzdelávanie a odborná príprava 2010, podnikanie je jedným z elementov v referenčnom rámci ôsmych kľúčových a základných kompetencií pre celoživotné vzdelávanie. Tieto kľúčové kompetencie považujeme za rozhodujúce pre osobné naplnenie, sociálne začlenenie, spomínané tiež pred chvíľou, pre aktívne občianstvo a zamestnateľnosť. Obsahujú napríklad aj občiansku, kultúrnu a vzdelávaciu dimenziu. Podľa tohto oznámenia považuje Komisia podporu podnikateľského myslenia prostredníctvom vzdelávania a odbornej prípravy za plne konzistentnú a kompatibilnú s cieľmi, ktoré sme si vytýčili a ktoré stanovujú aj poslanci Európskeho parlamentu, a dokonca aj autorka tejto otázky pani Maria Badia i Cutchet, v rámci zlepšenia celkového vzdelávania vo všetkých oblastiach a v rámci zabezpečenia, aby európski občania boli v budúcnosti slobodní, nezávislí a mali lepšie podmienky pre rozvoj.
Maria Badia i Cutchet (PSE). – Señora Presidenta, señor Comisario, le agradezco sus palabras, que ciertamente me han tranquilizado un poco, porque, leyendo esta Comunicación, a una le entra la duda de si no estamos sometiendo demasiado la educación a una lógica de competencia y de mercado.
Estoy viendo en estos momentos en el público muchos estudiantes y estoy convencida de que algunos de ellos piensan ser empresarios en un futuro, pero quizá otros muchos tendrán intereses totalmente diferentes: intereses culturales o humanitarios.
Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. I am sure that we are not all business people, nor will all our children be business people, but it is important that we understand how businesses operates. We believe – and when I say ‘we’, I also mean Member States, because there is strong consensus on the set of key competences, which include entrepreneurial initiative – that it is about an ability to understand the complexity, an ability to take initiatives, to turn initiative into action and take up personal responsibility.
This is also good for employees, not only for employers: employees who are active and creative are good employees for any serious company. That is why we believe that such ability is very helpful for the whole of society and individuals and that it is not just about propagation and production of businesses and business people. It is about a mentality which should also be more mature in a changing environment, in an environment which requires a deeper understanding of influences and dynamism.
Paul Rübig (PPE-DE). – Herr Kommissar! Es ist grundsätzlich zu begrüßen, dass die Europäische Kommission im Bereich Unternehmergeist Initiativen setzt, wie z.B. mit dem CIP, aber auch hier. Denn letztlich entstehen nur dort Arbeitsplätze, wo etwas angeboten wird, was gekauft wird. Sehen Sie hier eine Chance, dass wir auch in der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Europäischen Kommission gemeinsam mit Frau Wallström diese Initiativen einer etwas breiteren Öffentlichkeit unterbreiten könnten?
Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. This should be part of a communication or promotion by colleagues in the Commission and this House alike, because Europe tends to compare its potential with that of many other partners.
I think we have the potential, but most blockages or obstacles stem either from our rules, that is to say, how we organise our economies or societies, or from our mentality. That is why I fully support Mr Rübig’s point that this basic concept – the key competences including education for entrepreneurship, education for culture, cultural awareness, citizenship and, of course, languages, mathematics, science, digital literacy and learning to learn – is important for everybody.
Lifelong learning is and must be based on some basic competences, and these include an entrepreneurial ability or mindset. Therefore, I also would like to invite you and all friends of SMEs, all friends of initiatives taken by our citizens and institutions, to promote the important concept of lifelong learning.
I was not surprised but encouraged during the last Question Time when a colleague spoke of lifelong learning as a right of citizens, a right of an individual vis-à-vis the State or its authorities to have access to lifelong learning, not just to basic or secondary education.
To implement such systems, we also need greater mental readiness. Thank you and let us work together on this.
Der Präsident. Die Anfrage 48 wurde für nicht zulässig erklärt (Anlage II, Teil A, Ziffer 3 GO).
Anfrage Nr. 49 von Andreas Mölzer (H-0102/06)
Betrifft: Türkische Lira-Münze
Seit einem Jahr hat die Türkei eine Ein-Lira-Münze (Wert: 0,6 Euro) ausgegeben, die eine unglaubliche Ähnlichkeit mit der Zwei-Euro-Münze aufweist. Zum einen birgt der auf der Ein-Lira-Münze abgebildete Kopf Kemal Atatürks eine gewisse Verwechslungsgefahr mit König Albert II. Aufgrund der technischen Übereinstimmungen in Bezug auf Gewicht und Dicke entstand in der EU hoher Schaden für Automatenbesitzer. Probleme gibt es auch bei den Sortiermaschinen der Banken, ganz abgesehen vom einfachen Bürger, der sich der Verwechslungsgefahr vielleicht noch nicht einmal bewusst ist.
Wie beurteilt die Kommission diesen jüngsten türkischen Vorstoß? Inwieweit ist es erlaubt, dass die Währung eines Staates derartig starke Ähnlichkeiten zum Euro aufweist? Was gedenkt die Kommission zu unternehmen, um die europäischen Bürger zu schützen?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. The question concerns Turkish coins issued from the beginning of 2005, which are quite similar to EU coins. Of course the Commission shares the concern of the honourable Member of Parliament about this issue. That sort of thing should not happen. The right to issue coins is one of the most fundamental sovereign rights of a country. However, informal consultations are recommended. There is a network called the Coin Registration Office, established by the International Mint Directors Conference. Member mints are assumed to have consulted the Coin Registration Office when preparing a new coin, so that similarities can be avoided. Obviously that was not done properly in this case, so coins have appeared which are similar to euro coins.
That was not the first time such a thing has occurred. In 2000, in some countries, some coins were very similar to euro coins. Even in my own country, when I was in charge of that area, we issued coins which were similar to Deutschmarks and we therefore had to change our production.
The Commission is working with the Turkish authorities and they have promised to modify their coins slightly. The production of coins is very expensive and a large exercise.
However, there is no panic and the risks are very limited. The vending machines – which are the main issue – can be adjusted. Our estimation is that there are some old models of vending machines that are more difficult to adjust, but the majority of new ones can be properly adjusted so that they can take the correct coins. Visibly they are quite different. If these coins are handled in the retail trade, they can easily be distinguished. So the risks are limited.
The Commission has also worked with manufacturers of the coin mechanisms to keep them informed that mechanisms must be adjusted to this problem. We are working with the Turkish authorities to ensure that the new production of coins will be slightly modified so that they will not be so similar to euro coins.
Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Frau Präsidentin! Herr Kommissar, mir ist schon klar, dass es keinen Anlass zur Panik gibt, wie Sie sagen. Ich möchte Sie dennoch fragen, ob es im Zuge der Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei nicht sinnvoll wäre, in diese Richtung zu verhandeln, damit derlei Münzen sehr rasch aus dem Verkehr gezogen werden. Es besteht ja auch für die türkischen Parallelgesellschaften in Europa – etwa in Deutschland oder in Österreich – die Verlockung, diese Münzen zu missbrauchen. Könnte man das nicht – auch wenn Münzprägung sehr teuer ist, wie Sie sagen – beschleunigen, um Schäden für Europa und für die europäische Wirtschaft zu vermindern?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. This must be negotiated in all frameworks, including the accession negotiation framework. There is some kind of gentleman’s agreement that this sort of thing should not happen. If it does, then the producers of smaller coins must make some adjustments so that the situation with the use of similar coins can be avoided.
This will be negotiated. I will have an opportunity to meet the members of the Turkish Government soon, so I will definitely raise the issue within a certain time, because, as I say, the production of coins is a huge and very expensive exercise. In time we can solve this problem, but until then we will work with the producers of coin mechanisms to avoid possible damage.
Anfrage Nr. 50 von Enrico Letta (H-0104/06)
Betrifft: Europäische Schule Brüssel II - Verlegung von Abteilungen
Der Oberste Rat der Europäischen Schulen hat die Kriterien festgelegt, die zu befolgen sind, um zu ermitteln, welche Sprachabteilungen in der vierten Europäischen Schule in Laeken eröffnet werden sollen. Die Arbeitsgruppe (Follow-up-Gruppe) unter Vorsitz des Generalsekretärs der Europäischen Schulen hat in verschiedenen offiziellen Dokumenten u.a. die italienische Abteilung der Schule Brüssel II dazu vorgesehen, sie dem Rat zu einer Verlegung in die Schule Brüssel IV vorzuschlagen. Sicher ist dieses Vorhaben das Ergebnis einer vergleichenden Analyse mit der die Auswahlkriterien für alle bestehenden Abteilungen bewertet werden.
Kann die Kommission diese Analyse ausführlich erläutern? Falls diese Analyse nicht durchgeführt worden sein sollte, kann die Kommission erklären, wie man zu einem solchen Ergebnis gelangt ist, und insbesondere beschreiben, wie man dazu gekommen ist, die anderen Sprachabteilungen auszuschließen? Es ist mir natürlich bewußt, dass beim derzeitigen Stand der Dinge kein endgültiger Beschluss gefasst worden ist, aber ich halte es für zweckmäßig, ausführlich das bislang angewandte Verfahren bei den Beratungen der „Follow-up-Gruppe“ kennen zu lernen. Beruhen diese auf wissenschaftlichen ausreichenden Kriterien, um Vorschläge zu rechtfertigen, die äußerst negative Auswirkungen auf Hunderte von Familien von Bediensteten der Gemeinschaftsinstitutionen haben dürften?
Anfrage Nr. 51 von Richard Seeber (H-0172/06)
Betrifft: Verlegung der deutschen Sprachsektion
Der Oberste Rat der Europäischen Schulen ist im Begriff, die in der Schule Brüssel IV in Laeken einzurichtenden Sprachsektionen zu beschließen. Eine der dem Obersten Rat vorgelegten Optionen sieht die Verlegung der italienisch- und niederländischsprachigen Sprachabteilung von Woluwé und der deutschsprachigen von Ixelles nach Laeken vor.
Ist der Kommission bewusst, dass Kinder aus dem Einzugsbereich von Woluwé und Ixelles ingesamt zwischen drei bis vier Stunden pro Tag im Schulbus sitzen werden, wenn sie nach Laeken verlegt würden?
Welche Alternativen und Umsetzungsmodalitäten zur Zwangsverlegung von Sektionen hat die Kommission geprüft, oder verlässt sie sich auf die Erfahrung des Generalsekretärs und des Obersten Rates mit solchen Umzügen, deren Vorgangsweise schon bei der Eröffnung von Ixelles zu unhaltbaren Zuständen geführt hat?
Ist die Kommission bereit, die Anweisungen zum Abstimmungsverhalten ihres Vertreters im Obersten Rat offen zu legen und zu erläutern?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. Questions 50 and 51 are quite similar but, if necessary, I will answer them separately, although the concept will be the same.
I must begin by saying that the European Schools constitute one of the most complicated issues in my area of responsibility, and there are a lot of problems. The system is very independent and complicated. Governance of the system does not fall to the Commission, and in fact the Commission is just one member of the Board of Governors, which consists of 29 members.
The rapid enlargement of the European Union has brought a lot of people to our locations – not only to Brussels – and we have a lot of problems regarding the lack of places needed for children in schools and other facilities. One solution, which is extremely necessary, would be to open a fourth Brussels school in Laeken in 2009. Why Laeken? That decision was taken by the Belgian Government. Belgium is the host country and makes quite a significant contribution to the school infrastructure. All the infrastructure is provided by the host country. I have been in touch with the Belgian Government and ministers. President Barroso has taken this issue up with the Belgian Government to speed up this process, and 2009 is earlier than originally envisaged.
Now it is a matter of deciding the school’s internal arrangements for the language sections: which language sections will be opened and which will be transferred. First, it is too early to say that anything has been decided. It is still under discussion and the Commission is only one part, and definitely not the dominant part, of these discussions. The Board of Governors will take the decisions. Of course, the Commission tries to provide input based on its experience and knowledge, and to participate in this process and secure the interests of parents of the European institutions as well as to ensure transparency and fair process.
At its meeting on 25 and 26 October, the Board of Governors adopted a list of criteria on how to deal with the language sections. A working group, the ‘Groupe de suivi Bruxelles IV’, was established and the Secretary-General of the European School presented a preliminary document to this group. Again, the Commission is actively participating in this group, but we are only one partner. Finally, that ‘Groupe de suivi Bruxelles IV’ must take all considerations into account and come up with a proper solution.
Some preliminary solutions – options A and B – were discussed, but it is really too early to say that one solution is preferable to the other. That group is now discussing intermediate options which adopt the best parts of both solutions, which include one principle – supported by the Commission – that the children currently enrolled in one of the existing schools in any section should not be obliged to move to Laeken. That is probably a good idea for parents whose children already go to those schools. It is very difficult to imagine that the definitive solution will satisfy everybody, but we must find a solution which ensures that the pupils will get the best education.
We are working with the Board of Governors and with the Dutch Government, which is presiding over the Board, about the reform of the European schools, because there are a lot of problems, including structural problems, and, obviously, this system must be modified.
This is my conceptual answer and I cannot say today that we have prepared any hidden agendas or solution. We work with the ‘Groupe de suivi Bruxelles IV’ very seriously and I can assure you that we take these issues very seriously, but it is a very difficult area and a lot of problems have accumulated, and now we have to find final, long-term solutions. We will work hard with the Belgian Government and the Brussels authorities to find some transitional solutions to solve short-term problems and shortages in all our facilities.
That is the picture today.
Die Präsidentin. Sie haben natürlich Recht, Herr Kommissar. Wir sollten die Anfragen Nr. 50 und Nr. 51 gemeinsam behandeln. Das ist ein Themenkomplex. Es gibt auch sehr viele Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die sich für dieses Thema interessieren. Aber zunächst erteile ich den beiden Fragestellern das Wort für ihre Zusatzfrage.
Enrico Letta (ALDE). – Signor Commissario, la ringrazio per la risposta. Dal momento che l'opzione B, rispetto all'opzione A, appare chiaramente la migliore da molti punti di vista, mi chiedo se lei sia in grado ora di escludere che la Commissione porrà un problema di costi. In particolare, se il problema del lieve incremento dei costi non indurrà la Commissione a bloccare quella che tra le due opzioni appare invece la di gran lunga la migliore?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. Of course, the Commission is footing most of the bill of the European Schools and the problem of cost is also a serious issue. However, I would not focus primarily on that issue of cost; I would focus mainly on the working system and on providing the best possible education for pupils. In that regard, option B is not the best one.
With regard to option B, which foresees having almost every section everywhere, there will be much fragmentation, with small groups and small classes, in which case we will be faced with the problem of ensuring good quality teaching and good quality education. Therefore, option B is not the best one. Yes, it is also much more expensive, but we in the Commission do not regard the cost issue as the first and most important issue. The most important issue involves securing the efficient functioning of the system of European Schools, and there are also many problems concerning the future quality of education.
Richard Seeber (PPE-DE). – Frau Präsidentin! Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar, Sie sprechen von komplizierten Verfahren, von einer komplizierten Situation. Das ist uns allen bewusst. Nur: Es verkompliziert die Situation zusätzlich, wenn die Kommission nicht bereit ist, mehr Transparenz in ihren Entscheidungsprozess zu bringen. Die entscheidende Sitzung dieses Obersten Rates findet ja bereits Mitte April statt. Warum ist die Kommission nicht bereit, anhand der von ihr aufgestellten Kriterien einfach zu sagen: So weit sind wir, das sind die Zahlen und so weit können wir gehen.
Wenn Sie nur mehr Verdunkelung betreiben, können Sie nicht erwarten, dass in den Sprachsektionen mehr Zufriedenheit herrscht.
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. Thank you very much, but I do not share the opinion that we are not being transparent in this process. The whole process has been transparent for all parties and those options have been there. If you like, the Commission will be taking the greater initiative in preparing those options. Logically, however, a final consensus must be reached that involves the parents’ organisations, the schools themselves and the teaching staff. The Commission is providing its input and is most definitely considering all possible options put forward by other parties. We are trying to play a part in finding a final solution that is more or less acceptable to everybody.
We have been transparent throughout this process and we are now thinking about some kind of compromise solution, an intermediate option between options A and B. So the process has been transparent and involves very complicated negotiations with all parties. Here the Commission is one negotiating partner and it also wants to respect the other parties, including the Belgian authorities, who have a substantial input to make.
Luigi Cocilovo (ALDE). – Signor Commissario, se venisse adottata l'opzione A, alla quale è stato fatto riferimento fra le due all'esame, ossia quella che prevede il trasferimento di sezioni, le risulta che si verificherebbe il rischio per molte famiglie di avere i propri figli in scuole diverse?
Dato che dai dati diffusi all'interno del groupe de suivi risulta che l'andamento demografico di alcune sezioni, per esempio la sezione italiana nei prossimi anni, sarà superiore a quello di tante altre nazionalità, non ritiene che questo costituisca un elemento e un punto che dovrebbe indurre a Commissione a scegliere piuttosto l'opzione B tra le alternative citate?
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. The final decision will be taken by the Board of Governors.
You mentioned that the children could end up attending different sites. I read in the basic concept papers about the criteria for this. The Commission’s opinion is that we should endeavour by all means to avoid that kind of thing. Children of the same family, siblings, must go to the same school.
Option B has some tremendous weaknesses in terms of the future development of education. We do not share the view that option B is the best one, but intensive work will be done to find solutions that satisfy as many parties and parents as possible.
Alfonso Andria (ALDE). – Signor Commissario, ritorno sullo stesso argomento: il criterio F, tra quelli adottati in ottobre, stabilisce che se una sezione esiste in più di una scuola deve essere ospitata in scuole periferiche e in scuole centrali. Voglio essere ancora più chiaro: se venisse accolta l'opzione A predisposta dal groupe de suivi, la sezione italiana sarebbe l'unica ad essere penalizzata perchè verrebbe dislocata in due scuole periferiche: Uccle e Laeken. Non ritiene, Signor Commissario, che detta opzione A sia discriminatoria rispetto agli alunni italiani? Le chiedo pertanto di assumere impegni in proposito, respingendola e adottando l'opzione B.
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the Commission. I will not say that we will support option B. I have not said that we will support option A either. We are trying to find a compromise solution. If you want me to say that I will give all appropriations to option B, I cannot.
I must reiterate that the decision-makers are the Board of Governors, along with the working party – the groupe de suivi – which includes parents and other interested parties. That is the process. With this kind of complicated question I always try to find some kind of compromise solution. That is probably also the case in this complicated area. The next meeting of the Board of Governors will take place at the end of April. All possible solutions and aspects will be discussed.
Your question about the Italian section has been raised many times and others are also involved. We have tried to find a balanced solution and not to penalise anybody.
Anfrage Nr. 53 von Manuel Medina Ortega (H-0098/06)
Betrifft: Erweiterung der EU um Bulgarien und Rumänien und Adoptionen
Kann die Kommission über die Auswirkungen der Erweiterung um Bulgarien und Rumänien im Bereich des Privatrechts für die Bürger der Europäischen Union Auskunft erteilen, und insbesondere über die Adoptionsregelung über künftige Binnengrenzen der Union hinweg? Werden dabei die Adoptionen gewährleistet, oder werden bereits vorgenommene Adoptionen revidiert?
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. I am deeply aware of the pending cases of international adoptions of Romanian children and the understandable anxiety surrounding this issue among the families who would like to give these children a new home. As part of the legislative reforms in preparation for acceding to the Union, and with the support of the European Parliament over the years, Romania recently adopted new legislation on child protection.
According to this legislation, which entered into force on 1 January 2005, international adoption is a last resort, if a suitable in-country solution, ranging from smaller homes to foster care, cannot be found. Through this law, Romania has aligned itself with the legal provisions of the European Union in this area, as also embodied in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The application of these provisions must be seen within the context of former abusive practices relating to international adoptions in Romania.
As to the more precise legal aspects, it should furthermore be noted that there is currently no Community legislation in the field of international adoption. In fact, Council Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003, which provides for mutual recognition of judgments on parental responsibility, explicitly excludes adoption from its scope.
This means basically that the acquis communautaire in the area of child protection has been implemented in Romania and Bulgaria. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is taken as a foundation in both Romania and Bulgaria. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child does not distinguish between the internal and external borders of the European Union.
Die Präsidentin. Wir haben nicht nur diese Anfrage zu dem Thema, sondern auch die Anfragen Nr. 55 und 56. Wenn die Kolleginnen und Kollegen einverstanden sind, können wir diese Anfragen zusammen behandeln. Aber zunächst möchte ich dem Verfasser der Anfrage, Herrn Kollegen Medina Ortega, das Wort für eine Zusatzfrage erteilen.
Manuel Medina Ortega (PSE). – Señora Presidenta, creo que es un progreso que la legislación de Bulgaria y Rumanía se adapte a las normas europeas, porque en materia de adopciones lo más importante es la protección del niño.
Sin embargo, por desgracia, sabemos que en estos países, como en otros, hay niños que no se encuentran en una situación familiar cómoda y tenemos familias dentro de la Unión Europea que estarían dispuestas a aceptar las funciones parentales con toda clase de garantías.
Sé que no hay legislación europea sobre el tema, pero sí hay la posibilidad de que la Unión Europea medie, de alguna forma, con las autoridades de Bulgaria y Rumanía para garantizar que las familias de la Unión Europea que estén dispuestas a realizar este tipo de actuaciones lo hagan en las mejores condiciones posibles y facilitar así, cuando sea necesario, la adopción por familias de la Unión Europea.
Me gustaría saber su opinión sobre si hay alguna posibilidad de actuación por parte de la Comisión en este ámbito.
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. We are working together with the Romanian Government in a very consistent manner. We recognise that it has revised its legislation and that, on the basis of that legislation, an expert group is reviewing the pending cases. That expert group should finalise its work in the course of this month.
We are in regular contact with the Romanian authorities on this issue. Our view is that as long as they respect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European legislation, then it is up to the Romanian Government and authorities to look for a solution.
As regards the situation in the childcare sector, it is our understanding, on the basis of the very detailed progress reports, that it has improved on the ground, not least because the European Union has provided substantial support for the restructuring of the childcare sector, accounting for around EUR 160 million in the last 15 years.
In overall terms, the screening process of applications for inter-country adoptions registered before the entry into force of the new legislation is expected to be completed this month. We expect that the Romanian authorities will inform all the applicants individually.
Alessandro Battilocchio (NI). – Signore Commissario, alla mia domanda ha già risposto in parte, si tratta del problema dei casi di adozione in sospeso; sulla base di inviti espressi del Parlamento europeo in diverse risoluzioni, è stato creato un gruppo di esperti per esaminare caso per caso le situazioni in sospeso. Vorrei sapere se sono disponibili notizie sulla tempistica con cui le domande verranno espletate e quindi se avremo informazioni sui risultati del lavoro fin qui portato avanti da questo gruppo.
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. We are in regular contact with the Romanian authorities, and as a response to the honourable Member I would say that the Romanian authorities are on track concerning the solution of pending petitions for adoption, filed before entry into force of the new law on 1 January 2005.
The Romanian authorities have established a working party which should finalise its work on 31 March, and the Commission is committed to a close follow-up on this issue. We will report to the Council and Parliament on this issue in our comprehensive monitoring report which will be adopted, as scheduled, on 16 May.
Concerning the other elements of your question, the 82 000 children currently under social protection, residential care, foster care or placement in enlarged families are benefiting from a child protection structure in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and this is also the case for access to health care and education.
Anfrage Nr. 54 von Mairead McGuinness (H-0137/06)
Betrifft: Beitritt Rumäniens zur Europäischen Union
Könnte sich die Kommission vor dem Hintergrund ihres Umfassenden Monitoringberichts über den Stand der Vorbereitung Rumäniens auf den Beitritt zur Europäischen Union im Jahr 2007, in dem sie ihre Besorgnis darüber zum Ausdruck gebracht hat, dass in Rumänien in bestimmten Bereichen des Kinderschutzes, in der Behindertenfrage und auch im Betreuungssystem für geistig Behinderte keine Fortschritte zu verzeichnen sind, dazu äußern, welche Bedeutung sie diesen Fragen bei den laufenden Verhandlungen mit den rumänischen Behörden beimisst?
Ist die Kommission darüber hinaus der Auffassung, dass ausreichende Fortschritte erzielt wurden und weiterhin erzielt werden, um Rumänien 2007 den Beitritt zur Europäischen Union zu gestatten?
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. I have partly responded to this question, so I will cover only those parts which have not yet been covered.
First of all, in addition to a general evaluation of child protection and the situation of the disabled and mental healthcare system in Romania, we have organised a peer review on mental health in order to assess the situation on the ground. The expert report resulting from this peer review is awaited. We are conducting a total of 15 expert reviews, or peer reviews, both in Bulgaria and Romania, on a number of critical issues, and this is one of the essential areas in which we are conducting this peer review, which is done by both Commission officials and the best Member State experts in this field.
Concerning care for disabled people, the main focus is now on developing an inclusive strategy that aims at closing and restructuring large residential institutions by developing alternative community-based services, support for families and smaller residential units. We provide, for instance, up to EUR 15 million. Moreover, a public awareness campaign is ongoing in Romania in order to raise awareness on rights of people with disabilities.
Although reform in this sector is still very much in its early stage, from the point of view of the Commission we estimate that the country is now on the right track in this regard.
Finally, the persistent problem of ill treatment in psychiatric hospitals in Romania needs to be addressed immediately. This was stressed in our comprehensive monitoring report of October, and the significant deficits in living and care conditions in some establishments need to be tackled.
We have strongly advised the Romanian authorities to make mental health a priority area and devote sufficient resources for this purpose. The Romanian authorities are strongly encouraged to take advantage of the current PHARE assistance and draft a strategy and action plan for the mental health reform.
Of course, the key is implementation. The feasibility of the practical arrangements made should be demonstrated, for instance through allocating sufficient financial resources. This is what the peer review will look at and this will be part of the progress report in May 2006.
Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). – Commissioner, could you address the issue of caged beds in Romania? When we talk about issues of concern, it is a valid question that you might take up. We have huge concerns about that.
In terms of the peer review, which I welcome, will it involve going in without notifying institutions of visits? I believe that is crucial. Have you any estimate – at Commission level – of how long it will take Romania to tackle what is a huge problem for the country? Are you convinced that should Romania accede next year, it will continue on that path towards reform? I believe that it is only by pressure that we will make progress.
I should like to ask, when we talk about children who are abandoned in maternity hospitals and the issue of inter-country adoption, that we put the child at the centre of this issue, rather than any other concerns.
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. I am ready to provide further details of the peer review if needed. They normally carry out both previously agreed and on-the-spot missions with visits to different kinds of establishments in different fields, ranging from the rule of law – i.e. the court system and prosecutors’ offices – to the field of childcare and mental health. They carry out the same kind of actions.
How long does it take in this field? That is a very relative concept. Our concern is that there has to be a credible track record which shows that Romania is genuinely on the right track. This will be the focus of our peer review.
You touched on the crux of this whole issue: childcare must be at the centre of our evaluation and this is what we are aiming to do when we conduct and present the results of the peer review.
In this context we have also studied the suspicion about the use of caged beds in Romania. I can assure you that during the Commission’s 15 years of follow-up we have never had any suspicion proven about the use of caged beds in Romania. The Commission will follow the issue up within the framework of our regular contacts with various non-governmental organisations.
Παναγιώτης Μπεγλίτης (PSE). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω τον κ. Επίτροπο και να πω ότι όλοι συμφωνούμε ότι πρέπει να βοηθήσουμε τη Ρουμανία για τη βελτίωση των συνθηκών και της προστασίας των παιδιών αλλά και της υγειονομικής περίθαλψης.
Θα ήθελα να ρωτήσω τον κ. Επίτροπο αν μπορεί η Επιτροπή να προσανατολίσει περισσότερους κοινοτικούς πόρους στο πλαίσιο των "twinning projects" για τη βελτίωση της υγειονομικής κατάστασης, για την προστασία των παιδιών, για τη βελτίωση της κατάστασης στα ψυχιατρεία. Επίσης, να τον ρωτήσω αν μπορεί η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή να συνεργαστεί με τον Παγκόσμιο Οργανισμό Υγείας και με τους άλλους διεθνείς οργανισμούς στον τομέα της υγείας για τη βελτίωση της κατάστασης στη Ρουμανία.
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. We have twinning structures with Romania in a number of fields relating to the reform public administration in Romania. We have found that for Eastern and Central Europe – the so-called new Member States, as well as the future Member State of Romania – twinning has been one of the most effective arrangements for disseminating knowledge.
Yes, we intend to consider twinning also in this field more and more in the future. It is a very useful practice and the Phare framework programme provides for it. We have to study it more carefully to see what practical arrangements can be made.
John Bowis (PPE-DE). – Commissioner, if you really have not seen the evidence of the caged beds in Romania, I refer you to the front page story of a recent edition of the London Sunday Times and to the well-documented cases published by the Mental Disability Advocacy Centre. I hope that you will say to Romania, as indeed to the other countries that have engaged in this barbaric practice, that caged beds are inappropriate for children, the confused elderly or for people with mental health problems in any civilised country, and certainly in a Member State of this European Union.
Olli Rehn, Member of the Commission. I have already responded on the basis of a very careful assessment by the Commission. As I said, we have never had any proof about the use of caged beds in Romania but, if you have some concrete evidence in this regard, I am willing to study it and I will ask my civil servants to take another look at it and we can then raise the matter with Romania if need be.
Die Präsidentin. Die Anfragen, die aus Zeitgründen nicht behandelt wurden, werden schriftlich beantwortet (siehe Anlage).
Die Fragestunde ist geschlossen.
(Die Sitzung wird um 19.50 Uhr unterbrochen und um 21.00 Uhr wieder aufgenommen.)