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Document stages in plenary
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Texts tabled :


Debates :

PV 22/03/2006 - 12
CRE 22/03/2006 - 12

Votes :

PV 23/03/2006 - 11.9
CRE 23/03/2006 - 11.9
Explanations of votes

Texts adopted :

Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 23 March 2006 - Brussels OJ edition

11.9. Security of energy supply in the European Union (vote)

- Before the vote on recital C


  Robert Goebbels (PSE). – (FR) Mr President, I wish to table an oral amendment with the intention of changing recital C. It is a matter of substituting the terms, which I will read out in English as that is the only version I have:

… ‘environmental protection’ by ‘environmental sustainability’ …

(FR) I believe these are the recognised terms. The text would then read as follows:

… ‘whereas there are three main objectives for EU energy policy: security of supply, competitiveness and environmental sustainability’.


  President. – Are there any objections to this oral amendment?

(The oral amendment was not accepted)

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