 Celotno besedilo 
Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Sreda, 5. april 2006 - Strasbourg Pregledana izdaja

5.1. Razpored za leto 2007 (glasovanje)

- Antes de la votación:


  Edith Mastenbroek (PSE). – Mr President, I wish to raise a point of order on the basis of Rule 170(4) and Rule 150(3) of the Rules of Procedure. It concerns the calendar and the PPE-DE Group’s amendment to the calendar. On the basis of these Rules, I would like to postpone the vote on that amendment to the next part-session because I would like to reopen the political discussion about our working methods in this Parliament.

As we all know, the fact that we have to travel between our work office and our actual seat here makes life somewhat difficult. I myself, especially this week, have found it incredibly difficult to get here and consequently I have missed a vote. Therefore some of the Members of this House, including myself, have drafted this motion to postpone the vote.

We would also like to ask the Conference of Presidents to reopen the discussion about amendments to the calendar.

(Applause from the left)


  Gary Titley (PSE). – Mr President, this week we have debated the issue of better regulation. One of the biggest obstacles to better regulation is our calendar of meetings. We have 12 weeks a year of plenary sittings here in Strasbourg. Frequently there is insufficient business for those plenaries, so we pad out the agenda. As a result of that, the committee meetings are constantly under pressure and those codecision committees are now unable to legislate effectively.

We need to have a debate about how we organise our work. This calendar has been introduced without any such debate. We would like to postpone the vote on this calendar to the next plenary session, so that those of us who have tabled this motion can debate our working methods, that is to say, how we can improve regulation in the European Parliament and how we can better use the EUR 300 million it costs us to be here for the pursuit of better regulation. This is a huge use of taxpayers’ money which undermines the work of this Parliament.



  Daniel Marc Cohn-Bendit (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident, liebe Kollegen! Wenn es eine Alternative zu Straßburg gibt, bin ich dafür, sie zu diskutieren. Das habe ich immer gesagt. Nur: Dies über solche Verfahren zu tun, ist absurd und unfair. Eines ist doch ganz klar: Solange der Rat einstimmig an Straßburg festhält, wird es zwölf Sitzungen in Straßburg geben. Ob Herr Titley Englisch versteht oder Deutsch oder Französisch – er sollte sich einfach die Verträge ansehen. Es würde der Regierung Blair manchmal gut tun, dies zu tun.

(Beifall, Unruhe)

Deswegen finde ich, dass wir nochmals eine Debatte über Straßburg führen sollten, aber nicht auf diese Weise. Wir sollten in dieser Woche über unseren Kalender abstimmen. Herr Titley, woher nehmen Sie die Behauptung, dass wir hier die Tagesordnung nicht füllen? Sie sollten mal Herrn Schulz in der Konferenz der Präsidenten vertreten, dann würden Sie wissen, dass das, was Sie behaupten, einfach eine Lüge ist, die den Tatsachen nicht entspricht.



(El Parlamento rechaza la solicitud)

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