Godfrey Bloom (IND/DEM). – Mr President, I wish to raise a point under Rule 151(3) of the Rules of Procedure. I wonder whether you can help me. Should you declare Amendments 8 and 16 of this Doorn report inadmissible, since the Treaty of Nice is the only treaty that is in force? There is no such thing as the ‘Constitutional Treaty’. Although there are many here who wish to forget that, the French and Dutch voted ‘no’ in their referendums. No treaty has replaced the Treaty of Nice. These amendments should therefore be declared inadmissible.
(Applause from the IND/DEM Group)
President. I am sorry, Mr Bloom. I got your name wrong. I called you Mr Berlato. I apologise. How could I have failed to recognise you?
Your point is essentially political and very well made. We all take note of it, thank you.