 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2006/0116(COD)
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Predložena besedila :


Razprave :

PV 29/11/2006 - 16
CRE 29/11/2006 - 16

Glasovanja :

PV 12/12/2006 - 14.18
CRE 12/12/2006 - 14.18
Obrazložitev glasovanja

Sprejeta besedila :


Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Torek, 12. december 2006 - Strasbourg

15. Obrazložitev glasovanja

Proposition de décision (B6-0644/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I voted in favour of the appointment of Mrs Meglena Kuneva, the Bulgarian Commissioner designate. However, while I have no problem with the individual herself or with the appointment of a Bulgarian Commissioner, I have serious doubts about there being enough jobs for 27 commissioners. I look forward to a Treaty change that significantly reduces the number of Commissioners.


  Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE), in writing. Mr President, my party is keen on the continuing enlargement of the Union, and we look forward to our Bulgarian and Romanian colleagues joining us. We have paid close attention to the confirmation process of our two new Commissioners, and are satisfied that both are welcome additions to the College. I am pleased to support Mrs Kuneva's appointment today.


Proposition de décision (B6-0645/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I voted in favour of the appointment of Mr Leonard Orban as Romanian Commissioner. However, I very much regret that the Nice Treaty makes it necessary for us to have one Commissioner per Member State. I simply do not believe that there are enough serious jobs for 27 Commissioners and look forward to a Treaty reform along the lines of the draft Constitution that significantly reduces the number of Commissioners.


  Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE), in writing. Mr President, my party is keen on the continuing enlargement of the Union, and we look forward to our Bulgarian and Romanian colleagues joining us. We have paid close attention to the confirmation process of our two new Commissioners, and are satisfied that both are welcome additions to the College. I am pleased to support Mr Orban's appointment today.


Rapport: Pomés Ruiz (A6-0442/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I welcome the appointment of a Bulgarian Member of the Court of Auditors and am glad that this proved uncontroversial in the light of other difficulties.


Rapport: Fazakas (A6-0443/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I voted in favour of Mr Ispir despite allegations of corruption involving Mr Ispir being made in the Romanian media. The Committee on Budgetary Control could find no evidence to support these allegations in their hearing. Mr Ispir has also strongly denied any wrongdoing. On the evidence available the allegations against him appear to be politically motivated. However, if any evidence of wrongdoing emerges I would expect Mr Ispir to resign from the Court.


Rapport: Thyssen (A6-0408/2006)


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Herr Präsident! Wir brauchen eine schonungslose Information der Verbraucher, um Fleischskandale und die Benutzung von Gentechnik über die Hintertür einzudämmen. Es kann aber nicht angehen, dass wir unseren eigenen Landwirten und Produzenten strenge lebensmittelrechtliche Vorschriften auferlegen, die jedoch bei Importen aus Drittstaaten regelmäßig umgangen werden. Dieser Zustand ist meines Erachtens unfair gegenüber unseren Bauern. Er ist im Sinn des Verbraucherschutzes kontraproduktiv und daher umgehend zu beseitigen. Daher habe ich gegen den Bericht Thyssen gestimmt.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. Junilistan anser att det är angeläget att konsumentskyddet inom EU är tillfredsställande. Finansieringen av de åtgärder som behöver vidtas är dock primärt en nationell fråga. Vi anser därmed att den budgetpost på 156,8 miljoner euro som det aktuella konsumentpolitiska programmet innebär inte är motiverad.

Vi är vidare starkt kritiska till förslaget om att ekonomiskt stödja utvecklandet av magisterkurser i konsumentfrågor inom ramen för en integrerad europeisk examen. EU-institutionerna ska självfallet inte styra vilken typ av utbildningar som inrättas i medlemsstaterna eller finansiera dessa. Vi skulle således ha röstat nej till detta betänkande.


  Mary Lou McDonald (GUE/NGL), in writing. Irish consumers know only too well the reality that is Rip-Off Ireland. Spiralling costs of basic services such as gas and electricity, or outrageous mobile phone and roaming charges continue to hit Irish consumers hard. Of course those living in or at risk from poverty are hardest hit.

In order to counter this unacceptable situation, government needs to step in with stronger regulation and resourcing of the relevant consumer protection agencies.

In this context I welcome today’s report by Marianne Thyssen MEP. The aim of the report is to initiate an action programme in the field of consumer protection for the years 2007 to 2013. The programme seeks to complement, support and monitor the policies of the Member States and to contribute to protecting the health, safety, economic and legal interests of consumers. The programme would also attempt to promote consumer rights to information, to education and to organise themselves in order to safeguard their interests.

In Sinn Fein’s view the Irish Government need to take a lead in strengthening the rights and protections of consumers. However, there is clearly a role for the EU, to assist Member States’ agencies in sharing models of best practice and ensuring a level of consistency throughout the European Union.


  Bernadette Vergnaud (PSE), par écrit. – Le programme d'action communautaire dans le domaine de la protection des consommateurs pour la période 2007-2013 vise à "compléter, à appuyer et à suivre" les politiques des États membres.

Il contribuera à protéger la santé, la sécurité ainsi que les intérêts économiques et légaux des consommateurs, de même qu'à promouvoir leur droit à l'information, à l'éducation et à l'organisation pour défendre leurs intérêts. Les actions contribueront à garantir à tous les consommateurs de l'Union un niveau de protection élevé et à assurer l'application effective des règles de protection des consommateurs.

Je me réjouis par ailleurs que ce programme ait été scindé en deux parties distinguant ainsi la santé de la protection des consommateurs.

Même si je regrette que la Commission ait réduit l’enveloppe financière de 233,46 millions d’euros - en première lecture - à 156,8 millions d’euros et que le nombre d'actions dans le domaine de la politique des consommateurs ait été revu et réduit de vingt à onze, j'ai voté en faveur du rapport de Mme Thyssen, afin que les organisations de consommateurs puissent bénéficier de ce programme dans l'intérêt de nos concitoyens européens.


Rapport: Roth-Behrendt (A6-0445/2006)


  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), por escrito. Este regulamento vem definir a forma de abordar e combater as doenças como a BSE e a scrapie que afectam os ruminantes em geral.

Em primeiro lugar fica definida uma redução do número de categorias de risco de contracção de BSE de cinco para três, de acordo com as recomendações da Organização Mundial para a Saúde Animal.

Fica proibida a utilização de proteínas animais na alimentação dos ruminantes, prevendo no entanto uma quantidade até à qual se considera insignificante a sua adição às rações.

O relatório solicita também uma revisão das regras de utilização de carne mecanicamente processada para a alimentação humana, incluindo novas regras para uma maior informação dos consumidores.

Para evitar operações de abate maciço e indiscriminado, e os consequentes prejuízos do produtor, fica ainda definida a utilização dos animais até ao fim da sua vida produtiva, obviamente sujeita a condições de controlo muito restritas, uma vez que não existem dados científicos que permitam afirmar que a BSE é transmitida através do leite ou das vacas para os seus descendentes.

Os programas de prevenção de encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis são deixados numa base voluntária e prevê-se uma avaliação regular dos resultados científicos desses programas.

Assim, os deputados eleitos pelo PSD apoiam o relatório da Deputada Dagmar Roth-Berendt.


Rapport: Morillon (A6-0400/2006)


  Duarte Freitas (PPE-DE), por escrito. A presente proposta, submetida a segunda leitura, difere da legislação em vigor na matéria em três aspectos fundamentais.

Pretende-se, com esta proposta, que os dados apresentados sejam anuais e não mensais. Estudos recentes demonstraram que os dados mensais apresentados até seis meses após o mês de referência têm pouca utilidade para o controlo quotidiano do mercado, ao passo que os dados anuais podem ser usados para análises de médio a longo prazo do mercado e reduzir a carga de trabalho das entidades nacionais na apresentação dos dados.

Pretende-se ainda que a apresentação dos dados passe a ser exigida por pavilhão (ou nacionalidade) dos navios responsáveis pelos desembarques. Esta exigência, por oposição à actual apresentação de dados pelos navios da UE, navios da EFTA e outros navios, permitirá análises mais detalhadas dos dados, não aumentando significativamente, todavia, a carga de trabalho das entidades nacionais que já fazem a recolha dos dados com este nível de pormenor.

Por último, esta proposta de regulamento pretende fazer uma abordagem mais flexível à utilização de técnicas de amostragem para a estimativa do total de desembarques. As entidades nacionais terão a faculdade de usar um nível adequado de técnicas de amostragem para a recolha de dados, desde que justifiquem a sua utilização e façam uma análise da qualidade dos dados daí resultantes num relatório metodológico...

(Declaração encurtada por força do nº 1 do artigo 163º do Regimento)


Rapport: De Sarnez (A6-0433/2006)


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. As novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação têm levantado questões pertinentes relativamente à protecção de menores e da dignidade humana, pela quantidade de conteúdos ilícitos, prejudiciais e indesejáveis que podemos facilmente encontrar na Internet. Esta questão parece também atrair um desejo de regulação que tem encontrado dificuldades técnicas e legais.

Ora, as medidas para a protecção de menores e da dignidade humana são indiscutivelmente necessárias. É pois, necessário conhecer e avaliar estas novas realidades e não desprezar os avanços que estas tecnologias granjearam às nossas sociedades, com consequências, na sua maioria, positivas, para a qualidade de vida, não só dos mais ricos, mas também dos mais pobres. Na verdade, o acesso universal à informação proporciona também aos mais pobres acederem com maior rapidez a soluções dos problemas do dia-a-dia.

Assim, relativamente à protecção de menores, as recomendações aqui propostas são critérios da maior sensatez que temos de disseminar nas nossas sociedades através da sensibilização dos pais e dos educadores ou da troca de experiências entre as entidades reguladoras relativamente à classificação dos conteúdos audiovisuais. É que as crianças são consumidores desde a mais tenra idade e têm, desde muito cedo, a maior facilidade no uso destas tecnologias.


Rapport: Heaton-Harris (A6-0407/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I welcome this report which aims at the implementation of automated customs systems and of coordinated processes and services under both the current and future modernised Customs Code. The main objective of this Decision is to determine what action needs to be taken for the achievement of a simple and paperless environment for customs and trade. This is highly laudable but I hope it does not prove to be a pious goal.


Rapport: Brejc (A6-0388/2006)


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. Junilistan är för gränsöverskridande polissamarbete. Det är nödvändigt att bemöta dagens internationella brottslighet men detta har under decennier, med framgång, skötts av det internationella polisorganet Interpol. Däremot ställer sig Junilistan mycket skeptiskt till att brottsbekämpande åtgärder sköts på en överstatlig nivå. Vi är för mellanstatligt samarbete och emot en gemensam lagstiftning. Kommissionen förordar att det inrättas kontor för återvinning av tillgångar i medlemsstaterna som är direkt underkastat EG-lagstiftning och administration. Detta innebär ytterligare ingrepp i de nationella medlemsstaternas rättssystem och en försvagning av Interpols respekterade ställning.

Junilistan röstar således nej till betänkandet i sin helhet.


Rapport: Figueiredo (A6-0409/2006)


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. Junilistan anser att gränsöverskridande djursjukdomar är ett viktigt samarbetsområde inom unionen, men rutinmässig finansiering av bekämpning av djursjukdomar är inte unionens sak.

Vi vill påpeka att det sist och slutligen är medlemsstaternas ansvar såväl åtgärdsmässigt som ekonomiskt att bekämpa djursjukdomar och zoonoser inom sitt territorium.

Vi vänder oss därför i synnerhet emot ändringsförslag 6 från Europaparlamentets jordbruksutskott, som vill att medlemsstaterna utifrån sina speciella förutsättningar kan lägga fram nationella program som finansieras av EU.

Vi röstar nej till betänkandet i sin helhet, då det utgår från att Europeiska unionen skall ta ett stort ekonomiskt ansvar för bekämpningen av djursjukdomar. Unionens kassa är inget ymnighetshorn som ständigt kan finansiera åtgärder inom jordbruksområdet. Sverige har till exempel fört en lång och lyckosam kamp mot salmonella inom landets gränser och är ett bevis på att medlemsstater själva kan genomföra detta utan att behöva finansiering från Europeiska unionen.


Rapport: KlaB (A6-0446/2006)


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). – Herr Präsident! Die Natur hat ein langes Gedächtnis. So werden etwa dank dem EU-Programm Grundwasser 2010 in Österreich nunmehr Verschmutzungen des Grundwassers aus dem vergangenen 20. Jahrhundert mühsam aufgearbeitet. Der Nitratgehalt aufgrund der Landwirtschaft macht einigen Regionen große Probleme, so dass der nun vorgeschriebene chemische Zustand nur schwer eingehalten werden kann. Dies unterstreicht einmal mehr die Bedeutung biologischer und ökologisch sinnvoller Bewirtschaftungsweisen, die richtig eingesetzt einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten können. Deshalb ist es meines Erachtens auch wichtig, die Förderung solcher Bewirtschaftungsweisen massiv zu erhöhen. Daher habe ich für den Bericht Klaß gestimmt.


  Richard Seeber (PPE-DE). – Herr Präsident! Auch ich habe für den Kompromiss gestimmt, obwohl ich ebenfalls der Auffassung bin, es wäre wünschenswert gewesen, für alle gefährlichen Stoffe einheitliche europäische Regeln zu haben, weil das Grundwasser als erstes Lebensmittel extrem wichtig ist. Bedenken wir auch, dass unsere Gesundheit und jene unserer Kinder hier auf dem Spiel stehen. Kurzfristig zu sparen wird langfristig sowohl für den Staat als auch für die Gesundheitssysteme ein Problem. Deshalb fordere ich alle Mitgliedstaaten auf, jetzt alles streng umzusetzen und gleichzeitig an einem weiteren Gesetzespaket mit ambitionierteren Grenzwerten mitzuarbeiten.


  Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE), in writing. Groundwater is a valuable natural asset and must be protected wherever possible. It also extremely awkward to treat for pollution, even when the source of pollutants has been removed.

I broadly support the intentions of the new directive, which would help preserve Scotland’s reputation of having a clean, unspoiled environment.

There must be a balance, however, so that any new directive that is passed is not unnecessarily obstructive to farmers and agricultural business. For example, in 2003, Scottish farmers faced groundwater charges when those in England did not.

As long as this proposal does not produce extra bureaucracy or impractical demands for those who work around groundwater, then I think this directive is a worthy one.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I voted in favour of the Klaß report on the protection of groundwater against pollution. I believe the report is now much stronger than the Commission’s original proposal. We will now have more stringent rules to prevent or restrict inputs of hazardous substances into groundwater with a possibility to have even more stringent national measures. As regards nitrates, the provisions are now consistent with the Water Framework Directive.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. Because the south-east of England has suffered so much from drought orders which have affected water usage by consumers, this directive is extremely important. Some 70% of south eastern England's water comes from groundwater resources. Protection of this resource, therefore, is essential to allow for both the capacity of such resources to recover as well as for nitrates and other chemicals to be excluded as far as possible from reaching the UK's drinking water.

Parliament has stuck steadfastly to its view that Member State governments must do far more to prevent this type of pollution, such as arsenic, biocides and cyanide. Parliament's approach to 'toughen up' the legislation in this field is very much welcomed.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. Water is de basis van alle leven en in die zin van levensbelang. Het Europees milieuagentschap geeft aan dat de toestand ernstig is: 87% van het grondwater in landbouwgebied voldoet niet aan de EU-standaarden voor de aanwezigheid van nitraten en de meeste lidstaten rapporteren het gevaar van vervuiling door pesticiden. Een strenge nieuwe grondwaterrichtlijn is dan ook van uitzonderlijk belang.

De door het bemiddelingscomité goedgekeurde tekst verdient onze steun. Het EP slaagde erin de notie ‘bescherming tegen kwalitatieve achteruitgang” juridisch bindend te maken. Er werd ook voor gezorgd dat de maatregelen voor het bereiken van de kwaliteitsnorm voor nitraten zich moeten richten naar de waterkaderrichtlijn. Lidstaten en regio’s worden ook nadrukkelijker verplicht de inbreng van gevaarlijke stoffen in het grondwater te voorkomen en te beperken. Ze hebben nu de verplichting alle daarvoor noodzakelijke maatregelen te nemen en er niet alleen “naar te streven”. Het resultaat in eerste lezing was vanuit ecologisch oogpunt een fikse ontgoocheling En ook het gemeenschappelijk standpunt van de Raad was een absolute ramp. De tweede lezing van het EP en de daaropvolgende bemiddelingsprocedure zetten de toestand recht. We mogen tevreden zijn over het resultaat. Ik keurde het bereikte akkoord dan ook goed.


Rapport: Mitchell (A6-0448/2006)


  Vytautas Landsbergis (PPE-DE). – Mr President, in all the continuing debates surrounding abortions performed on those who could live, one rather individual moment is presented by a seemingly neutral formula: reproductive healthcare, which is a catch-all term, and in a sense a confusing one. Therefore, we should speak openly about non-reproductive health and show concern about how to limit or lessen reproductivity inside European society without causing physical harm to women.

Such harm is a very bad thing, but the time should come to realise that the problem is broader, as the harm includes psychological and social aspects and should deal also with the lack of compassion and growth of cruelty in our societies, which are turning them demographically into suicidal ones.

Those are the reasons why I voted for the deletions proposed by Mr Mitchell.


  Sérgio Marques (PPE-DE), por escrito. A proposta inicial de regulamento que institui um instrumento de financiamento da cooperação para o desenvolvimento apresentada pela Comissão era inaceitável para o Parlamento já que punha em causa o seu poder de co-decisão e os próprios princípios de política de desenvolvimento.

No entanto, após as alterações introduzidas pelo Parlamento, apoio o texto de regulamento final que prevê nomeadamente uma legislação limitada no tempo (2013) e um processo de revisão intercalar (2009), a criação de um instrumento específico para a política de desenvolvimento - o Instrumento de Financiamento da Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento (ICD)- distinto da política de cooperação com os países industrializados, uma base jurídica única, a não supressão do direito de o Parlamento definir a política de desenvolvimento no âmbito da co-decisão e a elaboração de disposições financeiras mais pormenorizadas.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. The Development Cooperation Instrument covers over EUR 16 billion of development spending over the next financial perspective. The Instrument is in two main parts – geographic and thematic. Geographic spending covers the money that will be negotiated between the Commission and partner countries through Country Strategy Papers (CSPs) – almost EUR 11 billion. I welcome the fact that Parliament insisted in negotiations that social services, and particularly health and education, be prioritised by the Commission when drawing up CSPs. Parliament also got a commitment from the Commission that 20 % of spending on geographic programmes would be on basic health and basic and secondary education – an important and longstanding priority of the Socialist Group.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O que é válido para a importância da promoção dos direitos humanos e da democracia na política externa da UE é, mutatis mutandis, para a promoção do desenvolvimento.

De cada vez que, no âmbito da cooperação externa, a União Europeia estimula o crescimento e o desenvolvimento de países terceiros está a promover um mundo melhor e, também - há que reconhecê-lo - a promover os seus próprios interesses. Facto quem em nada diminui as virtudes do gesto. Pelo contrário.

Nomeadamente no capítulo da imigração clandestina é de referir com insistência que esta é uma das armas mais poderosas que temos à nossa disposição, muito particularmente se usada com os nossos vizinhos.

No capítulo do desenvolvimento, assim como da democracia e dos direitos humanos, o que é bom para uns é bom para os outros.


  Konrad Szymański (UEN), in writing. Our part of the world having the privilege to live in wealth has a great responsibility to those who suffer hunger and whose future is uncertain.

I believe we can speak with one voice according to our humanitarian responsibility. United in this noble cause we can change a lot.

That is why I am against paragraphs introducing so-called ‘reproductive and sexual rights’ which are simply trying to win our support for abortion. This subject was not in the original Commission proposal. It appeared in Parliament. It is very unfortunate message for those Europeans who do not agree with abortion and do not want to pay for such practices, hidden in this document under the technical term ‘reproductive right’.

Do we really want this message to be sent? We cannot disrespect Catholics’ beliefs only because they are in minority today. Our message to them is clear: it says that Europe is not their responsibility any more!

In conclusion it weakens our fight against poverty and weakens European integration.

Therefore I called for support for Amendments 1, 2 and 3. I could not vote in favour of this report without them.


Rapport: Fourtou (A6-0429/2006)


  Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Η Ευρωκοινοβουλευτική Ομάδα του ΚΚΕ καταψηφίζει την Έκθεση σχετικά με την Πρόταση Κανονισμού της Κομισιόν για τον "Εκσυγχρονισμένο Τελωνειακό Κώδικα", γιατί ανοίγει διάπλατα τον δρόμο της εισβολής των μεγάλων μονοπωλιακών επιχειρήσεων (ιδίως των μεταφορικών) και στον χώρο εκτέλεσης τελωνειακών διαδικασιών. Η θεσμοθέτηση του "εγκεκριμένου οικονομικού φορέα" σε συνδυασμό με την αντικατάσταση του άρθρου 5 του Κανονισμού 2193/92 που αφορά τους τελωνειακούς αντιπροσώπους θα έχει σαν αποτέλεσμα να χάσουν την εργασία τους οι εκτελωνιστές στην Ελλάδα και σε πολλά κράτη-μέλη της Ε.Ε., με την εγκατάσταση στο χώρο μονοπωλιακών ομίλων, σε βάρος της ασφάλειας των τελωνειακών διαδικασιών.

Ο νέος Τελωνειακός Κώδικας κινείται στα πλαίσια της Στρατηγικής της Λισσσαβώνας, που στοχεύει στην μεγιστοποίηση της κερδοφορίας του κεφαλαίου. Η πολιτική αυτή, πέρα από την κατεδάφιση των εργασιακών, μισθολογικών, ασφαλιστικών και κοινωνικών δικαιωμάτων των εργαζομένων που αποτελούν το βασικό στόχο της, έχει καταστροφικές συνέπειες και για τους αυτοαπασχολούμενους και τους μικρομεσαίους επαγγελματίες.

Η αντιδραστική πολιτική της Ε.Ε. στρέφεται ενάντια στο σύνολο των λαϊκών στρωμάτων.

Αναδεικνύεται πλέον σε επιτακτική αναγκαιότητα η συγκρότηση της συμμαχίας των μικρομεσαίων επαγγελματιών με την εργατική τάξη, της λαϊκής συμμαχίας που θα βάλει φραγμό στις επιδιώξεις των μονοπωλίων και του ιμπεριαλισμού, και θα διεκδικήσει τη δική της εξουσία, για να ανοίξει ο δρόμος για την λαϊκή ευημερία.


Rapport: Graefe zu Baringdorf (A6-0411/2006)


  Διαμάντω Μανωλάκου (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Είναι δικαίωμα και υποχρέωση του κτηνοτρόφου και του καταναλωτή να φροντίζουν για την υγεία και ασφάλειά τους, να γνωρίζουν τη σύνθεση του κάθε προϊόντος, και φυσικά των ζωοτροφών. Γι’ αυτό συμφωνούμε με τις τροπολογίες και την εισήγηση τροποποίησης της οδηγίας περί κυκλοφορίας των σύνθετων ζωοτροφών.

Βέβαια, συμφέροντα επιχειρηματικά προσέφυγαν στο Ευρωπαϊκό Δικαστήριο με άλλοθι τη "σοβαρή βλάβη των οικονομικών συμφερόντων των παρασκευαστών" και την προστασία της πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας, για να αποτρέψουν, ουσιαστικά, την υποχρέωση τους να πληροφορούν τον καταναλωτή για τη σύνθεση των ζωοτροφών, πράγμα που βοηθά τους κτηνοτρόφους και τους καταναλωτές να επιλέγουν αλλά και να προστατεύουν την υγεία τους.

Βέβαια, ταυτόχρονα θα ελέγχεται ο κάθε παρασκευαστής, αν αυτό που πουλάει, ανταποκρίνεται στα συστατικά της ετικέτας και στην προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας.

Ωστόσο δεν πρέπει να έχουμε αυταπάτες ότι νομικοί και άλλοι φραγμοί μπορούν να αποτρέψουν την ασυδοσία των μονοπωλιακών επιχειρήσεων ζωοτροφών που ευθύνονται για τα σκάνδαλα των διοξινών και τις σπογγώδους εγκεφαλοπάθειας στα βοοειδή, αφού για τις επιχειρήσεις προτεραιότητα είναι το κέρδος και όχι η προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας. Όσο δεν υπάρχουν επαρκή δημόσια ελεγκτικά όργανα και όσο η ευθύνη των ελέγχων μεταφέρεται στους ιδιώτες , τόσο πρέπει να ανησυχούμε για την προστασία της δημόσιας υγείας και την ασφάλεια στη διατροφική αλυσίδα.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. I supported this report so as to allow for a swift correction of Directive 2002/2/EC by deleting the obligation for feed manufacturers to inform customers on request of the exact composition of compound feedingstuffs, in line with the ruling of the Court of Justice.

The ECJ ruled that this provision provided too little in the way of additional health protection to justify the serious impact on the interests of the manufacturers.

However, I am concerned and disappointed that the legal services of the institutions prevented elected MEPs from tabling more far-reaching amendments to this controversial piece of legislation.

The intention was to amend the rules that currently require all feed materials in a compound feedingstuff to be indicated with a declaration of percentage by weight.

Disclosing exact percentages for animal feedingstuffs goes beyond the equivalent provisions applicable to food for human consumption.

In most cases, ingredient listing by weight is sufficient to protect the interests of farmers and consumers and the formulations of the manufacturers. I expect the Commission to take on board these concerns in its review of feed legislation programmed for next year.


  Neil Parish (PPE-DE), in writing. Conservative MEPs supported this report so as to facilitate a swift correction of Directive 2002/2/EC by deleting, in line with the Court of Justice's ruling, the obligation for feed manufacturers to inform customers on request of the exact composition of compound feedingstuffs. The ECJ ruled that this provision provided too little in the way of additional health protection to justify the serious impact on the interests of the manufacturers.

However, we express our disappointment that the legal services of the institutions prevented elected MEPs from tabling more far-reaching amendments to this controversial piece of legislation. Our intention was to amend as well the rules that currently require all feed materials in a compound feedingstuff to be indicated with a declaration of percentage by weight. We do not believe that exact percentages need to be disclosed and note that this goes beyond the provisions applicable to food for human consumption. In most cases, ingredient listing by weight is sufficient to protect both the interests of farmers and the trade secrets of the manufacturers. We expect the Commission to take on board our concerns in its review of feed legislation programmed for next year.


Rapport: Flautre (A6-0376/2006)


  Marco Cappato (ALDE), per iscritto. Sostengo il rapporto dei colleghi McMillan-Scott e Flautre sullo Strumento europeo per la promozione della Democrazia ed i diritti umani, perché la democrazia è un diritto fondamentale universale, ed in quanto tale deve essere promosso dalle istituzioni transnazionali.

I radicali in questo Parlamento si sono battuti per anni per il rispetto delle "clausole democratiche" contenute in molti accordi tra Ue e paesi autoritari come il Laos, il Vietnam, l'Uzbekistan. Quegli accordi vanno applicati alla lettera, ma la promozione del diritto alla democrazia non può essere un mero sottoprodotto delle politiche di cooperazione, di commercio internazionale o di aiuto umanitario. Bisogna agire e costruire un'autentica politica europea della democrazia nel mondo, perché il diritto alla democrazia non può fermarsi al "vicinato" dell'Europa.

In tutto il mondo bisogna riuscire a costruire un'alleanza tra l'Europa ed le forze pro-democratiche: era l'obiettivo dei relatori. La capacità di azione dell'Ue nel futuro ci dirà se questo obiettivo è stato raggiunto, oppure se sarà necessario ricorrere a nuovi strumenti più flessibili e più efficaci.


  Kartika Tamara Liotard en Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL), schriftelijk. Socialisten hebben een lange traditie van internationale solidariteit. Zij komen niet alleen op voor mensenrechten, vrede, democratie, bestaanszekerheid, eerlijk delen, publieke voorzieningen en een schoon milieu voor de mensen in hun eigen woonplaats, regio of staat, maar ook voor de mensen in hun buurlanden en in andere delen van de wereld.

Mensenrechten voor anderen zijn belangrijker dan eigen economische voordeeltjes door goedkope importen uit landen waar de mensenrechten worden vertrapt. Vanuit die opvatting hebben wij boycot-acties tegen de dictatoriale minderheidsregimes in Zuid-Afrika, voormalig Rhodesië, de voormalige Portugese koloniën en het Chili van Pinochet ondersteund. Door samen op te trekken met verzetsbewegingen in die landen hebben we kunnen bijdragen tot ingrijpende veranderingen.

Daarom ondersteunen wij, afgevaardigden van de SP in Nederland, het verslag Flautre/McMillan-Scott, dat mensenrechten betrekt bij internationale verdragen en de betrekkingen met dictatuurstaten. Wij beseffen dat dit rapport kan worden misbruikt voor maatregelen tegen Venezuela of andere staten waar de bevolking heeft gekozen voor radicale stappen naar menselijke gelijkwaardigheid, en misschien zelfs als rechtvaardiging voor humanitair gemotiveerde militaire interventies. Wij betreuren dat een deel van onze GUE/NGL-Fractie thans uit vrees daarvoor blijkt te kiezen voor een principe van niet-inmenging, en daarmee onbedoeld ook voor het ontzien van onaanvaardbare dictaturen.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O facto de a União Europeia associar explicitamente a sua política externa à promoção dos direitos humanos e da democracia é um facto a assinalar e a louvar. Pese embora a convicção de que nem todos no Parlamento Europeu - e noutras instituições comunitárias - terão a mesma noção de quais são os direitos humanos violados e de quais são os locais onde há e onde não há democracia. Talvez ficasse melhor ignorar esta questão neste momento, mas fazê-lo só encobriria a realidade, não a melhorava.

Dito isto, reforço o primeiro aspecto mencionado. A expansão da democracia e da defesa dos direitos humanos é um bem intrínseco de que beneficiam os povos dos países onde não há democracia nem respeito pelos direitos humanos, pelos países vizinhos (razão pela qual a sua promoção na nossa vizinhança é tão importante) e pelo mundo em geral.

Por estas razões, e com as reservas mencionadas, o relatório em causa merece o meu apoio.


  Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Το "Χρηματοδοτικό Μέσο για την προαγωγή της δημοκρατίας και των δικαιωμάτων του ανθρώπου παγκοσμίως" αποτελεί απροκάλυπτη ομολογία, ότι θεσμοθετείται, στο όνομα της "δημοκρατίας και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων", το δικαίωμα των ιμπεριαλιστικών επεμβάσεων της ΕΕ σε βάρος των λαών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.

Η Έκθεση της Επιτροπής κινείται σε ακόμη πιο χυδαία, αντιδραστική κατεύθυνση, τονίζοντας ότι θα χρησιμοποιείται "χωρίς τη συγκατάθεση της κυβέρνησης της χώρας για την οποία προορίζεται", για να παρέχει άφθονο χρήμα στο μακρύ χέρι της ιμπεριαλιστικής πολιτικής της ΕΕ, στις ποικιλώνυμες ΜΚΟ και μάλιστα ακόμη και στις μη "επίσημα καταχωρισμένες στη χώρα τους", δηλαδή σε παράνομες οργανώσεις. Προβλέπει "δημιουργία παραγωγικού δυναμικού για....ανεξάρτητες οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών", δηλαδή εκπαίδευση πρακτόρων! Στους στόχους του εντάσσεται και η ενίσχυση του ΔΠΔ, αλλά και έκτακτων διεθνών ποινικών δικαστηρίων.

Η ΕΕ αυτοανακυρήσσεται παγκόσμιος τοποτηρητής της δημοκρατίας και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, ώστε να τα χρησιμοποιεί σαν "δούρειο ίππο" για την υπονόμευση της εθνικής και λαϊκής κυριαρχίας των κρατών που αντιτάσσονται στις επιλογές της, την ανατροπή κυβερνήσεων που δεν της είναι αρεστές.

Οι λαοί ας βγάλουν τα συμπεράσματά τους! Να δυναμώσουν την πάλη τους ενάντια στης βάρβαρη αυτή ιμπεριαλιστική ένωση του μονοπωλιακού κεφαλαίου και να στείλουν στα σκουπίδια της Ιστορίας τη φιλοδοξία των ιμπεριαλιστών να αναγορευτούν σε παγκόσμιο χωροφύλακα των λαών!


Rapport: Sinnott (A6-0398/2006)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Permanece preocupante o elevado número de lesões resultantes de acidentes ou da violência nos diferentes Estados-Membros. Consideramos, pois, importante que se foque a atenção nas causas dessas lesões: em que circunstâncias ocorrem, porquê, quando e onde ocorrem. É sabido que são inúmeros os factores que estão na origem das lesões: factores sociais, económicos e culturais. Quanto maior a compreensão destes aspectos, maiores e, sobretudo, melhores poderão ser as acções a desenvolver para evitar a sua ocorrência. Daí o relatório hoje aprovado colocar a tónica na prevenção.

A recolha de informação poderá, portanto, ser o primeiro passo. No entanto, é fundamental melhorar as condições de vida das populações: manter uma política de saúde pública, assegurar o seu acesso por todos, independentemente da sua situação económica, uma educação pública de qualidade, a diminuição/eliminação das desigualdades, entre outros. Os acidentes e as lesões representam enormes custos humanos, a morte prematura e anos de vida com incapacidade, mas também elevados custos ao nível dos cuidados de saúde e de prejuízos para a sociedade devido à perda de produtividade. As lesões podem, no entanto, ser evitadas. Para isso é indispensável adoptar estilos de vida mais saudáveis e adoptar políticas públicas que ajudem a tornar as condições de vida mais seguras. Mais vale prevenir que remediar.


  Διαμάντω Μανωλάκου (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Κύρια λογική της «προσπάθειας πρόληψης τραυματισμών» είναι η επένδυση σε ανταποδοτικούς τομείς. Προτάσσονται λογικές κόστους-οφέλους αντί της υγείας. Διαφωνούμε με τα κίνητρα ελεύθερης αγοράς, που διαπνέουν την υποτιθέμενη προσπάθεια πρόληψης τραυματισμών.

Στο όνομα του ότι είναι όλοι τραυματισμοί συμψηφίζονται ανόμοια γεγονότα, που αντιμετωπίζονται από κοινού στο πλαίσιο της ατομικής ευθύνης. Αποκρύπτονται οι πραγματικές αιτίες των ατυχημάτων και αποπροσανατολίζεται η στρατηγική πρόληψης και αντιμετώπισης τους.

Η ατομική ευθύνη υπογραμμίζεται ως κύρια αιτία «τραυματισμών», για συγκάλυψη της εργοδοτικής ευθύνης για τα εργατικά ατυχήματα.

Η προαγωγή «ασφαλών συμπεριφορών» αποσιωπά την αναγκαιότητα προσανατολισμού κάθε στρατηγικής πρόληψης προς τη λήψη συλλογικών μέτρων για προστασία της ασφάλειας στους χώρους όπου εργάζονται-ζουν οι εργαζόμενοι

Επιδιώκεται να χρεωθεί έμμεσα ή άμεσα ο εργαζόμενος την εργοδοτική υποχρέωση, το κόστος για πρόληψη εργατικών ατυχημάτων.

Τελικός στόχος είναι να προωθηθεί περαιτέρω εντατικοποίηση της εργασίας και συμπίεση της τιμής της εργατικής δύναμης.

Υπάρχει σημαντική ευθύνη του Kράτους. Για να εξυπηρετήσει την ελεύθερη οικονομία, δεν ασκεί ουσιαστικούς ελέγχους, αποδέχεται εγκληματικές ελλείψεις-ατέλειες σε έργα από επιχειρηματίες, αυξάνοντας τον κίνδυνο ατυχημάτων. Η πρόληψη ατυχημάτων επιβάλλεται να γίνεται συστηματικά από το κράτος, εξειδικεύοντας στις πραγματικές αιτίες και οι φορείς καταγραφής-έρευνας να είναι κρατικοί. Η ασφαλιστική κάλυψη του επαγγελματικού κινδύνου, η δημιουργία κρατικού σώματος Ιατρών Εργασίας-Τεχνικών Ασφαλείας, παρέχουν δυνατότητα συστηματικής αντιμετώπισης των εργατικών ατυχημάτων.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. Wir sind es unserer Bevölkerung und der Umwelt schuldig, die Förderpolitik der Transporte kreuz und quer durch Europa umgehend einzustellen. Wenn Krebs und Atemwegserkrankungen zur vierthäufigsten Todesursache in der EU aufgestiegen sind, dann ist es dafür schon fünf nach zwölf.

Zur Förderung der Sicherheit gehört es aber auch, eine Lösung des multikulturellen Irrwegs zu suchen. Schließlich verdichten sich in immer mehr europäischen Städten Problemzonen, in welchen Ordnungs- und Sicherheitskräfte als Eindringlinge aufgefasst werden, in denen ein massiver Werteverfall herrscht und die staatliche Ordnung nicht mehr akzeptiert wird.

Nicht nur in Paris, sondern beispielsweise auch in Berlin gibt es Stadtteile, in denen ein Brand nicht rechtzeitig gelöscht oder Verletzte nicht abtransportiert werden können, weil Kommunikation mit der wütenden ausländischen Menge nicht möglich ist, wo helfende Hände Gefahr laufen, angegriffen oder bestohlen zu werden. So genannte No-Go-Areas, in die sich selbst die Polizei nur mehr im Großaufgebot hineintraut.

Genau so hat es in Frankreich begonnen und wohin dies geführt hat, ist uns allen bekannt. Wenn wir schon von Prävention und mehr Sicherheit reden, dann müssen wir auch diese Probleme endlich in Angriff nehmen, bevor die Situation eskaliert.


Rapport: Martin David (A6-0430/2006)


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. I naturally voted in favour of my report on the financing instrument for cooperation with the industrialised countries and territories. As I said in the debate, this might in financial terms be the least significant of the new external instruments, but it will still involve a budget of around EUR 22 million a year and cover our external actions with 17 important countries. I believe the amendments that Parliament has approved will make the instrument more appropriate and effective in promoting the interests and values of the EU in these 17 heterogeneous countries. I would like to thank colleagues of all Groups for their support in finding such a wide consensus.

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