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Процедура : 2006/2130(INI)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документите :

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Разисквания :

PV 28/03/2007 - 19
CRE 28/03/2007 - 19

Гласувания :

PV 29/03/2007 - 8.13
Обяснение на вота

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Пълен протокол на разискванията
Сряда, 28 март 2007 г. - Брюксел

19. Бъдещето на професионалния футбол в Европа - Сигурност по време на футболни мачове (разискване)

  Presidente. Segue-se a discussão conjunta dos relatórios

- do Deputado Ivo Belet, em nome da Comissão da Cultura e da Educação, sobre o futuro do futebol profissional na Europa [2006/2130(INI)] (A6-0036/2007), e

- do Deputado Giusto Catania, em nome da Comissão das Liberdades Cívicas, da Justiça e dos Assuntos Internos, sobre uma iniciativa da República da Áustria tendo em vista a aprovação de uma decisão do Conselho que altera a Decisão 2002/348/JAI do Conselho, de 25 de Abril de 2002, relativa à segurança nos jogos de futebol com dimensão internacional [10543/2006 - C6-0240/2006 - 2006/0806(CNS)] (A6-0052/2007).


  Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. Mr President, honourable Members, dear friends of football and sport, I am very pleased to represent the Commission here tonight for the debate on football. I think this constitutes further proof that Parliament is committed to sport. The support you give to our initiatives for sport is of course both welcome and needed.

I would like to start by congratulating both rapporteurs, Mr Belet and Mr Catania, on the quality of their work. The two reports treat football from different angles, but they both illustrate the nature of sport, its values, its potential for education, for society and for the economy.

Before speaking on the more detailed aspects of the reports, let me say a few words on the White Paper. This is going to be an essential piece of work for the future of European sport. The White Paper on Sport is due to be adopted in July this year. This will be the culmination of a long process and should be seen in the light of wider political considerations.

Plans for a White Paper are driven by the expectations of sport stakeholders. They wish to see their concerns addressed by EU policymakers, including the need to better promote sport and to achieve more legal certainty. The White Paper will cover all sports, and there will be no football-specific approach. The ultimate goal of this initiative is first to mainstream sport into other active policies of the Union in order to improve its use as a tool for EU policy. Secondly, we are aiming to set conditions for improved governance in European sport. The main topics of the White Paper will be the social and economic role of sport, the organisation of sport and governance issues.

We will pay great attention to Parliament’s reports when preparing the White Paper. The Commission has been following the committee’s work very closely and this has already given us very useful input.

On Mr Belet’s report, the Commission welcomes Parliament’s initiative on the future of professional football. We share many of the concerns expressed in the report. The White Paper will address many of the issues which Mr Belet raises, such as social cohesion, protection of young workers, social dialogue and the free movement of workers. As your draft report acknowledges, it is extremely difficult to establish a comprehensive European legal framework recognising the specificity of sport, but EU case law does recognise the specificity of sport and the social and educational role played by football in Europe.

Concerning the free movement of workers, for example, the Court held that sport is only subject to Community law when it constitutes an economic activity. This covers both professional and amateur athletes, and the Court made an exception to the general rule of non-discrimination for matches which are of purely sporting rather than economic interest, for example, games between national teams.

On the issue of home-grown players, the Commission is very sensitive to the measures proposed by UEFA. We could share the idea of promoting the training of young people, as well as sending a signal to the clubs that they should invest in the training of young people and not only in transfers of players. However, we are still considering the question of quotas of locally-trained players, including from the angle of proportionality.

The Commission welcomes Parliament’s call for intensified social dialogue in the football sector. This is a good mechanism for addressing issues such as mobility, work contracts and working conditions. We have supported the social partners’ efforts to develop a more structured dialogue where football has taken the lead at European level.

The Commission will continue to support employers’ and employees’ organisations in the whole sport sector and it will continue its open dialogue with all sport organisations on this issue.

In conclusion, the Commission will give due and realistic consideration to your recommendations in line with current EU areas of responsibility. The request for the Commission to draw up an action plan to define the issues to be tackled deserves careful consideration.

On Mr Catania’s report, I want to underline first that sport can be a positive force for education, culture and social integration. But in recent years we have seen unfortunate and growing signs of violence and hooliganism during sporting events. Two weeks ago sport ministers discussed the issue in Stuttgart. They underlined the need for improved prevention measures, in particular encouraging cooperation between all those involved, including the supporters.

The Commission has concentrated on promoting exchanges of experience and good practice among Member States so as to develop better police and judicial cooperation. We have established good working contacts with UEFA and other sporting authorities. In terms of public order and police control, I think everyone was pleased with the excellent results of football matches during the World Cup in Germany last year. It shows that good preparation and coordination with other Member States are very effective in preventing crime and especially hooliganism. The first statistics show that the crime rate did not increase at all during that period.

Council Decision 2002/348/EC obliges Member States to establish national football information points. This is a positive step in improving cooperation between police forces and other bodies that combat football-related violence. The Austrian initiative that Mr Catania’s report addresses aims at replacing the existing network of information points with a specific network of national football information points. These would have access to the personal data of hooligans or ‘risk supporters’ identified by the different Member States. The Commission welcomes the report’s support for this initiative and takes due note of the concerns expressed on human rights and data protection, to which, as you know, the Commission attaches great importance.

In conclusion, it is a positive result that sport is now truly on the agenda at European level. The 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaties is colouring many of our objectives this year, and what a good way it was to celebrate the anniversary with a football match in Manchester two weeks ago. There could be no stronger signal that sport and sporting values are truly appreciated at the highest political level.


  Ivo Belet (PPE-DE), Rapporteur. – Voorzitter, commissaris, beste collega's, bij sommigen rijzen de haren te berge, als je Europa, de Europese Unie, in verband brengt met sport. Ze zeggen dan voorspelbaar altijd het volgende: de EU heeft geen bevoegdheid ten aanzien van sport en moet dus terzake ook niet proberen iets te ondernemen.

Die stelling, beste collega's - we beseffen het allemaal - klopt niet en de betrokkenen weten dat overigens zeer goed. Sport, en zeker profsport, en de commissaris zei het al, en daarover gaat het hier, komt in allerlei opzichten sowieso in aanraking met de Europese regelgeving. Met name de economische aspecten van profvoetbal zijn er onderhevig aan. De Commissie bemoeit zich ermee en het Europees Hof van Justitie bemoeit zich er ook mee. Dat is afdoende bewezen de afgelopen jaren.

Profvoetbal, beste collega's, is uiteraard big business. Niemand ontkent dat. Maar het is tegelijk zoveel meer. Het heeft ingrijpende sociale en opvoedkundige functies en daarom onderstrepen we in dit verslag de specifieke benadering die zich opdringt. Specificiteit van sport staat ingeschreven in de verklaring bij het Verdrag van Nice en in het protocol bij het Verdrag van Amsterdam. Niemand kan daar omheen. Het is dan ook onze plicht om bij de toepassing van de EU-regelgeving daarmee rekening te houden.

Niemand vraagt om uitzonderingsmaatregelen of zogenaamde group exemptions. Wat we wel vragen is het volgende: er moeten guidelines komen van de Commissie. Geen richtlijnen, maar guidelines, met name om de juridische zekerheid die nu heerst, weg te nemen. Wij willen dat de autonomie van de profsport ten volle wordt gerespecteerd. Zelfregulering is het centrale begrip in dit verslag, maar dat ontzegt ons het recht nog niet om de evolutie in een bepaalde richting te duwen.

Profvoetbal is de voorbije maanden in heel veel landen in de EU beschadigd door allerlei schandalen, en daar past maar één antwoord op: good governance. Daarom eisen we van de betrokken bestuursorganen van de UEFA, van de voetballiga's, van de clubs dat ze resoluut kiezen voor een transparante beleidsvoering.

Heel veel leden in dit Parlement, heel veel collega's willen ook meer solidariteit en herverdeling van de middelen, van het geld in het voetbal. Ik denk niet dat het aan ons is om het geld te gaan herverdelen in het profvoetbal. Het is in het belang van de profclubs, van de liga's en de federaties zelf om hierin maatregelen te nemen.

Voetbal heeft nood aan competitief evenwicht. Dat staat nu als nooit tevoren onder druk. De kloof tussen de grote, alsmaar rijker wordende clubs en de kleinere clubs wordt alsmaar groter. Wie dat niet inziet, beste collega's, is ziende blind. Die evolutie bedreigt de toekomst van de sport die ons allen zo na aan het hart ligt en het bedreigt ook de sociale, integrerende functie van die sport, moet ik zeggen.

Daarom, commissaris, en ik wil het nog eens benadrukken - u hebt er al naar gerefereerd - zijn en blijven we 100% gewonnen voor de home grown-regel die de UEFA heeft ingevoerd voor localy trained players. Profclubs verplichten - niet van hieruit, maar vanuit de voetbalinstanties zelf - om te investeren in de opleiding van hun eigen jeugd is essentieel voor de sociale component. En daarom verdient het onze maximale steun, denk ik.

Een delicaat punt is de verkoop van tv-rechten. Delicaat omdat het gaat om de belangrijkste bron van inkomsten voor de profclubs, delicaat ook omdat het nationale materie is natuurlijk. Het enige wat we vragen in dit verslag is dat de bevoegde autoriteiten en de bevoegde instanties van het voetbal aan tafel gaan zitten om te zoeken naar een oplossing die garant staat voor meer solidariteit tussen de grote clubs en de kleine. Dat lijkt me toch redelijk en verantwoord.

Commissaris, Voorzitter, we rekenen erop dat de Commissie bij het uittekenen van haar Witboek over sport terdege rekening houdt met wat er in dit verslag staat en wat morgen hopelijk ook wordt goedgekeurd. We hebben maximaal rekening gehouden met de bevoegdheden van de EU op dit terrein. Het heeft geen zin dat we ons bezondigen aan naïviteit, zeker niet als het gaat om een complexe sector als het profvoetbal waar miljoenen jongeren rechtstreeks bij betrokken zijn.

We rekenen, commissaris, op een ambitieus document van de Commissie en ik denk, ik ga ervan uit, en u kunt er zeker van zijn, dat u in return kunt rekenen op de loyale steun van dit Huis.


  Giusto Catania (GUE/NGL), relatore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, desidero ringraziare il Commissario per aver supportato queste nostre relazioni, sottolineando altresì l'importanza di questa discussione congiunta, in quanto credo che il futuro del calcio sia legato fondamentalmente anche alla sicurezza degli stadi, ragion per cui mettere insieme il futuro del calcio professionistico con la sicurezza negli stadi rappresenti un modo concreto per ragionare sul futuro dello sport e del calcio.

Ha ragione il Commissario quando afferma che negli ultimi anni abbiamo assistito a ricorrenti e costanti manifestazioni di violenza sugli spalti, che hanno trasformato anche la natura di questo sport: troppi episodi di violenza, manifestazioni di intolleranza, atti di xenofobia e di razzismo stanno caratterizzando la metamorfosi di uno sport che è uno dei più amati e seguiti dal popolo europeo. Non si tratta purtroppo di fatti isolati bensì dell'effetto di una trasformazione generale del calcio, che è ormai diventato un grande affare, con società sportive quotate in borsa e un giro astronomico di capitali. Credo che questo elemento abbia contribuito in modo rilevante ad una lenta trasformazione degli eventi sportivi.

Il calcio oggi è molto popolare e contemporaneamente rappresenta un grande evento, tanto da avere indotto aziende di telecomunicazioni a investire nell'acquisizione dei diritti televisivi. Io sostengo la proposta avanzata dal collega Belet circa la vendita collettiva dei diritti televisivi, che mi pare un modo concreto per evitare che le grandi squadre facciano il pieno di denaro a scapito delle piccole società.

C'è un altro elemento fondamentale del calcio, rappresentato non solo dalla valenza sportiva ma soprattutto dalla presenza del pubblico. Sarebbe inimmaginabile prevedere partite di calcio senza il pubblico: in alcuni casi si è ricorso a misure estreme che, a mio avviso, hanno penalizzato l'aspetto spettacolare dello sport. Dobbiamo dunque insistere, poiché la presenza del pubblico negli stadi è fondamentale, affinché le partite di calcio siano sempre disputate alla presenza di un pubblico, il che rende necessario attuare misure adeguate per garantire che le partite si svolgano nella massima tranquillità, evitando manifestazioni di violenza e di razzismo.

I recenti drammatici eventi in occasione dell'incontro della massima serie del campionato di calcio italiano fra Catania e Palermo, che sono sfociati nella morte di un poliziotto, sono a mio avviso l'esempio più grave di quello che può avvenire all'interno degli stadi e di come spesso frange di tifoserie violente si scagliano, non solo contro le tifoserie avversarie, ma anche contro le forze dell'ordine. Abbiamo anche assistito ad eventi deplorevoli negli ultimi tempi, non solo tra i tifosi ma anche tra i calciatori: spesso le risse tra gli stessi protagonisti dello sport hanno mostrato una pessima modalità di fare pedagogia e cultura negli stadi europei. Si impone pertanto un'azione preventiva per evitare il ripetersi di simili atti di violenza negli stadi, un'azione di prevenzione che va privilegiata, in occasione delle partite di calcio, rispetto alle azioni repressive e alla militarizzazione degli stadi.

Il Consiglio ha adottato questa decisione nel 2002, istituendo un punto nazionale di informazione sul calcio che funge da punto di contatto per lo scambio di informazioni di polizia, in relazione alle partite di calcio internazionale. I risultati di questa azione sono stati molto positivi, come dimostrato anche dall'esperienza negli stadi e nelle relazioni delle forze di polizia.

Negli ultimi anni il numero di tifosi che si recano all'estero per vedere le partite è costantemente aumentato e pertanto è necessario per il Consiglio che gli organismi competenti rafforzino la loro cooperazione. Credo si tratti di un passaggio importante: le antenne incaricate di monitorare la presenza dei tifosi negli stadi ed acquisire dati sulla natura delle tifoserie organizzate sono senz'altro uno strumento utile ma debbono funzionare esclusivamente in applicazione delle legislazioni nazionali e in attuazione delle direttive europee e delle convenzioni internazionali a tutela dei dati personali.

Dobbiamo evitare che la massa di dati raccolti venga utilizzata per inchieste della magistratura oppure per altre inchieste non legate al calcio, se non addirittura come un processo di criminalizzazione di tutti i tifosi. Va dunque prestata attenzione nell'acquisizione di tali dati: penso che altrimenti le antenne nazionali rischierebbero di trasformarsi da strumento di prevenzione degli atti di violenza negli stadi a strumento di controllo sociale, che rischierebbe di agire in modo indiscriminato. Sostengo pertanto la proposta formulata dal Consiglio di modificare la decisione in esame.

Ci preme assicurare che questa decisione sia attuata nel pieno rispetto delle leggi, per evitare che gli stadi siano considerati un territorio extra legem, una sorta di zona franca. Anche negli stadi debbono valere le leggi nazionali e internazionali, per evitare per l'appunto che si ripetano atti di violenza indiscriminata e fenomeni di razzismo e xenofobia.


  Jean-Luc Bennahmias (Verts/ALE), rapporteur pour avis de la commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales. – Monsieur le Président, nous sommes tout de même dans une situation assez étonnante. On fête le cinquantième anniversaire de la création de l'Union européenne et si on expliquait à nos concitoyens que l'Union européenne ne s'occupe pas une seule seconde de sport, ils seraient surpris. Il était temps donc que l'Union européenne s'empare du sujet, et le fasse comme on l'a fait, je crois, au Parlement européen. Je voudrais remercier ici le rapporteur principal, M. Belet, pour la façon dont il travaille depuis six mois sur ce rapport, un travail collectif entre différentes commissions et entre différents groupes politiques démocratiques de cette Assemblée.

Nous nous sommes donc emparés de ce sujet en voulant, comme je crois le veut ce Parlement, respecter à la fois l'exception sportive européenne, par rapport notamment à la façon de gérer le sport professionnel aux États-Unis, et respecter les différentes instances et structures s'occupant du football professionnel: fédérations, ligues professionnelles, syndicats de joueurs, regroupements d'agents et ainsi de suite. Je crois qu'à ce niveau, ce rapport est utile si nous parvenons à faire passer ces positions auprès des différentes structures et à leur permettre ainsi de faire leur ce rapport que nous allons voter demain. Je crois que les allers et retours que nous avons faits entre ces structures, où l'écoute était extrêmement forte, ont été fort intéressants, et ont permis de faire aboutir un certain nombre de propositions.

Alors on se félicite, et je pense que tout le monde le fera, des différentes recommandations, des différentes propositions concernant la formation des joueurs, la formation des jeunes joueurs, les efforts de l'UEFA par rapport à cela, pour permettre à des jeunes joueurs de ne pas être immédiatement vendus et de jouer dans le club formateur. On se félicite des recommandations concernant ce que l'on peut appeler la "traite des jeunes joueurs", avec l'utilisation de jeunes joueurs africains par centaines, dont on ne sait plus quoi faire par la suite. On se félicite qu'il soit rappelé, dans ce rapport, que les lois sur l'immigration sont faites pour être respectées, même dans le monde du sport professionnel, même dans le monde du football. On se félicite aussi, le Commissaire l'a dit, de la demande répétée de dialogue social indispensable. M. Belet l'a rappelé, les masses financières en jeu, aujourd'hui, dans le football professionnel, sont exponentielles, gigantesques, et il y a un besoin, par rapport à cela, de dialogue social, et évidemment de régulation et de redistribution.

Une critique cependant, qui est arrivée aujourd'hui, et je m'en étonne. Tout le monde parle, y compris l'ensemble des commissions, de transparence financière. J'ai entendu, aujourd'hui, certains collègues émettre l'idée que le simple fait de le dire suffisait. Non, la proposition de création d'un organisme indépendant, sous l'égide de l'UEFA, peut-être, mais indépendant, permettrait, et c'est la seule solution, de réellement évoluer vers un contrôle financier et la transparence financière. Le répéter ne suffit pas. C'est comme si on disait, concernant le dopage, qu'il faut lutter contre le dopage, mais sans créer aucune instance nationale, européenne ou internationale pour le faire. Il ne faut pas être hypocrite: nous en avons besoin.

Je vois que mon temps de parole est terminé. J'avais encore beaucoup de choses à dire. Je me félicite aussi évidemment de la lutte contre les discriminations et de la lutte contre le racisme, des sujets dont le Parlement européen et la Commission européenne se saisissent régulièrement, ainsi que l'ensemble du monde du football.


  Toine Manders (ALDE), Rapporteur voor advies van de commissie interne markt en consumentenbescherming. – Voorzitter, namens de ALDE-Fractie ben ik schaduwrapporteur van de Commissie interne markt, maar ik wil even melden dat wij dit dossier zijn gestart in de Commissie interne markt om te voorkomen dat het voetbal uit elkaar zou vallen - hetgeen dreigde op dat moment - met een mogelijke tweede Bosman-zaak, namelijk de Charleroi-zaak.

Ik wil de werkgroep, en met name Ivo Belet, danken voor de prettige samenwerking. Ik denk dat er inmiddels een gebalanceerd voorstel ligt waarin alle aspecten van de professionele sport worden behandeld en waarin we een duidelijke waarschuwing geven naar alle betrokken partijen om zelf iets te doen aan de situatie die in de loop der jaren ontstaan is; het lijkt namelijk wel alsof professionele sporten boven de wet mogen staan. Tot het moment dat er een zaak bij het Europees Hof komt; dan wordt er gesproken over een economische entiteit met sociale en culturele waarden. Maar men moet wel voldoen aan de Europese regels.

Ik wil daarom aan de Commissie vragen of zij met mij van mening is dat we het niet hebben over amateursporten, maar dat de professionele sport een entertainment-industrie is die wellicht zelfs onder de dienstenrichtlijn zou moeten vallen, dat er wellicht uiteindelijk een interne markt voor deze diensten, voor deze entertainment-industrie, zou moeten komen.

Want, voorzitter, we spreken niet over wat er binnen het veld gebeurt, we hebben het over wat er buiten het veld gebeurt, en met name de financiële actoren daaromheen. Als je nu moet concurreren op Europees niveau, dan zie je dat er heel veel verschillen zijn, omdat er verschillen zijn in interpretatie. Wat is daarvan de reden? Waarom is hier nog steeds geen interne markt en waarom is elke club verplicht binnen de nationale markt te opereren om vervolgens op Europees niveau met elkaar te kunnen concurreren. Ik denk dat, als de betrokken instanties niet zelf willen reguleren, dan de politiek moet reageren.

En we geven nu een waarschuwing zonder te wensen dat er nieuwe wetgeving komt - zeker geen uitzondering - maar wel een signaal dat de betrokken partijen het zelf moeten oplossen en, zo niet, dan hoop ik dat de Commissie zelf ingrijpt en zegt wat er moet gebeuren.


  Gary Titley (PSE), Draftsman of the opinion of the Committee on Legal Affairs. – Mr President, the Committee on Legal Affairs would like to remind colleagues that one thing that underpins the European Union is the rule of law. It is the rule of law which has delivered the single market, with all its advantages and some disadvantages, having regard, of course, for the principle of subsidiarity.

We recognise that there are items of purely sporting interest, nothing to do with economic interest, which belong to the sporting bodies. We also recognise that there is a difficult dividing line, which is why we welcome the British Presidency’s initiative in setting up the independent review.

But we would remind colleagues that there are a wide variety of instruments in the EU Treaties that could be use to protect young players, to deal with players’ agents, to provide for group exemptions to competition law, and to interpret whether sporting organisations provide services of general economic interest under Article 86 of the EU Treaty. So there is plenty provision for us to take action.

Clearly, what we all want is for football to be successful, for teams to thrive – we support success – and we also want to ensure that clubs like Accrington Stanley are well-catered for and their supporters are able to support them. So I would hope that out of this independent review we can develop a sensible, coherent response.


  Thomas Mann, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Mein EVP-ED-Kollege Ivo Belet hat ausgezeichnete Arbeit geleistet. Sein Bericht wagt die Balance zwischen der sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Dimension des Fußballs. Ich habe mit Clubmanagern, Spielern und Fans gesprochen und Änderungsanträge im Ausschuss für Beschäftigung eingebracht, die breite Zustimmung fanden.

Junge Spieler müssen von früh an durch Leistungszentren und durch viel Spielpraxis gefördert werden. Deshalb unterstütze ich den Vorschlag der UEFA, immer eine Mindestanzahl von Spielern aus dem eigenen Nachwuchs einzusetzen. Es müsste doch gelingen, Herr Kommissar Figel, dieses Prinzip auch rechtlich abzusichern. Ich bin dafür, dass Profi-Clubs ihre Spieler für die Nationalmannschaften abstellen und finanziell entschädigt werden, wenn es zu Verletzungen oder wochenlangem Ausfall kommt. Es wird Zeit für ein neues, gemeinsames Versicherungssystem bei UEFA und FIFA. Nominierungen für das eigene Land sind höchst stimulierend für die Spieler und gut für die Vereine. Soeben war Karlheinz Rumenigge hier im Europäischen Parlament.

Ich bin Mitglied eines deutschen Bundesligaclubs und gleichzeitig der Gruppe Friends of Football hier im Europäischen Parlament. Es geht um das Fairplay im Wettbewerb zwischen den Mannschaften. Derzeit sind manche Vereine hoch verschuldet und erhalten dennoch die Lizenz. Andere Clubs wirtschaften seriös, können sich jedoch bei begrenzten Finanzen nicht optimal verstärken. Da muss sich etwas bewegen. Kämpfen wir gemeinsam weiter gegen Rassismus. Im letzten Jahr erhielt unsere Entschließung die meisten Unterschriften in der Geschichte des Europäischen Parlaments. Bei Übergriffen muss konsequent reagiert werden, mit Spielen vor leeren Rängen, mit Punkteabzug, mit der Ächtung der Vereine, die nicht bereit sind, zu handeln. Auch bei der Prävention und Beseitigung von Doping darf es keine faulen Kompromisse geben.

Wir brauchen kein europäisches Kontrollorgan, das die Tätigkeiten der souveränen Fußballclubs überwacht. Was auf Dauer trägt, ist Zusammenarbeit. Deswegen müssen wir die Autonomie unserer Vereinsgremien und die Subsidiarität schützen. Ich setze auf die Rechtmäßigkeit der Entscheidungen der Sportgerichte und auf die Kraft der Selbstregulierung bei UEFA, FIFA und unseren nationalen Verbänden.


  Guy Bono, au nom du groupe PSE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, permettez-moi tout d'abord de remercier le rapporteur, M. Ivo Belet, pour avoir essayé de trouver un compromis entre les différentes commissions et groupes politiques de notre Parlement.

Mais je voudrais immédiatement dire mon immense déception. Nous avions trouvé un compromis entre les groupes, notamment entre le PSE et le PPE. Ce compromis a été voté en commission et voilà qu'aujourd'hui, il est modifié sur des points essentiels, à savoir l'organe indépendant de régulation et le statut juridique des sociétés sportives. Ce rapport ne marquera pas le début d'une nouvelle ère pour le football en Europe, et je le regrette vivement. Néanmoins, je souhaite qu'il puisse instaurer une collaboration entre l'UEFA et l'Union européenne afin d'assainir au mieux le monde du ballon rond, car comme l'a rappelé le président de l'UEFA, Michel Plattini, le foot est un jeu avant d'être un produit, un sport avant d'être un marché, un spectacle avant d'être un business.

Mes chers collègues, la dérégulation induite par l'arrêt Bosman doit aujourd'hui être contrebalancée par des règles claires afin de redonner au premier sport de l'Union européenne ses vraies valeurs. Les autorités du football européen ne réunissent pas toutes les garanties qui leur permettraient d'exercer une régulation pleinement satisfaisante. Outre leurs prérogatives juridiques limitées, elles sont à la fois juge et partie. Elles assurent des fonctions d'opérateur commercial et de régulateur qui sont difficilement conciliables.

Sur ce point, comme je l'ai indiqué au début de mon propos, il est regrettable que le PPE et les libéraux n'aient pas suivi ma double proposition, à savoir la création d'un statut juridique européen des sociétés sportives et la mise en place d'un organe indépendant de contrôle des grands clubs qui aurait eu pour première fonction de veiller à la préservation des équilibres financiers, économiques et sportifs du football en Europe. J'espère toutefois que la Commission européenne prendra bonne note de ces propositions qui se veulent un rempart contre les dérives actuelles, mais aussi un instrument de promotion d'un modèle sportif européen juste et solidaire.

À l'heure où nous célébrons les cinquante ans du traité de Rome, l'Europe doit montrer à ses concitoyens qu'elle reste pour eux non seulement un cadre de paix et de démocratie, mais surtout un cadre protecteur face aux dérives du tout libéral. C'est uniquement à cette condition que les Européens sont fiers de participer à ce grand projet que constitue la construction européenne.


  Karin Resetarits, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, werter Berichterstatter! Ich beginne gleich mit dem, was den Profisport in den letzten Jahren am meisten verändert hat: Geld. Am meisten Geld kann ein Profi vor allem durch den Verkauf der Fernsehrechte verdienen. Je größer der nationale Fernsehmarkt, umso höher die Einkünfte der Vereine, ihr Budget, ihre Kaufkraft. Es ist kein Zufall, dass in der Gruppenphase der Champions League fast ausnahmslos Vereine von großen Mitgliedstaaten spielen. Wie in anderen Bereichen der zügellosen Marktwirtschaft führt dieses Ungleichgewicht zu einer rasant wachsenden Kluft zwischen Arm und Reich. Einerseits Milliardenunternehmen wie Real Madrid, andererseits Pleiteclubs wie Sturm Graz. Das ist unsportlich und unfair.

Was können kleine Mitgliedstaaten gegen dieses Ungleichgewicht tun? Wir brauchen neue Ligen, wir müssen raus aus diesem engen nationalstaatlichen Denken. Wir müssen europäischer werden, auch im Fußball. Außerdem bin ich dafür, dass wir Nachwuchstalente nicht kaufen und handeln, sondern so wie in den USA üblich per Los den Vereinen zuteilen. Schwächere Vereine bekommen mehr Lose, haben damit höhere Chancen als Spitzenclubs. Wenn Geld allein den Fußball bestimmt, verliert das wohl populärste Kulturgut Europas das, was es ausmacht: seinen Sportsgeist.


  Dariusz Maciej Grabowski, w imieniu grupy UEN. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie i Panowie! Piłka nożna dziś to już nie sport i rozrywka, ale przede wszystkim narzędzie do zarabiania wielkich pieniędzy, zdobywania władzy. To bez mała nowa religia. By piłka nożna nie stała się narzędziem bezprawia i przemocy potrzebna jest szybka i radykalna naprawa otoczenia futbolu, czyli biznesu, w tym mediów. Chcę tu wyrazić uznanie dla autora sprawozdania Ivo Beleta za podjęcie tematu tak ważnego, a także za ukazanie większości problemów oraz sposobów ich rozwiązania. Moim zdaniem niezbędne są radykalne decyzje przeciwdziałające zmonopolizowaniu piłki nożnej przez bogate społeczności.

Po pierwsze, pełna jawność i przejrzystość dochodów i wydatków klubów oraz wysokie kary za ich naruszanie.

Po drugie, ograniczanie bądź limity wzrostu wydatków w najbogatszych klubach w kolejnych latach.

Po trzecie, wsparcie finansowe i inne dla państw, organizacji i klubów inwestujących w młodzież i infrastrukturę sportową.

Po czwarte, zawarcie porozumienia z FIFA w celu walki z korupcją i łamaniem prawa w piłce nożnej.

Polska chce być organizatorem mistrzostw Europy w piłce nożnej w 2012 roku, na których triumfować będzie zasada fair play i zdrowy duch walki.


  Ian Hudghton, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, Mr Belet made reference to believing in the autonomy of sport. I agree. The report draws attention to areas where more cooperation or even regulation might be appropriate, but I believe the structure and organisation of the game of football is not one of them. Local, national and international leagues and competitions are best left to the football authorities to organise.

Around here, when we refer to the term ‘national’ we tend to mean ‘of the Member State. The Member State is, of course, the building block of the European Union, but in football that is not the case. I and my Welsh colleague, Jill Evans, have tabled amendments 28 and 29, which I hope will be adopted tomorrow. A football game which is being played this very evening illustrates why these amendments are important. My footballing nation, Scotland, is playing Italy, the world champions. Our amendments simply make it clear that ‘national’ in football does not necessarily mean ‘Member State’, and nothing in this report or in the terminology of this report ought to in any way bring into doubt or undermine the status of the historic footballing nations of Scotland, Wales and England.


  Věra Flasarová, za skupinu GUE/NGL. – Dámy a pánové, fotbal je patrně nejpopulárnějším evropským sportem a prostředí fotbalu a kolem fotbalu má nemalý vliv na mladou generaci. Ten vliv je spontánní a nikým nediktovaný, takže o to silnější.

Je proto důležité, aby fotbal nebyl chápán jen jako prostředí, ve kterém se točí obrovské peníze, dochází i k porušováním zákonů a projevům násilí a jehož profesionální vrchol pyramidy je odtržen od amatérské základny. Přitom právě amatérská základna je, troufám si říci, společensky prospěšnější než exkluzivní prostředí profesionálního sportu, ve kterém byznys už z velké části překryl původní radost ze hry.

Spolu s autorem zprávy Ivem Beletem chci apelovat na Evropskou unii, aby se zasadila o to, aby způsoby a zvyky profesionálního sportu neovlivňovaly žákovský a dorostenecký fotbal, aby se děti nestávaly předmětem obchodování s jejich talentem a výkonností, jakýmisi malými gladiátory. To poškozuje práva dítěte na otevřený a všestranný rozvoj osobnosti a vkládá do základů výchovy principy nelítostného světa dospělých. Zároveň se tím snižuje zájem fotbalových klubů věnovat se výchově vlastní mládeže, což omezuje masovější zapojení dětí do populárních sportů a posiluje selekci, která z malého procenta talentů dělá artikl sportovního obchodu, zatímco naprostou většinu dětí ponechává na okraji zájmu.

Vrcholový fotbal ale působí nejen na vlastní hráče a na diváka, představuje svět, ve kterém zejména děti a mládež nacházejí své vzory. Proto je třeba dbát na to, aby fotbalové stadiony nebyly místem agresivního chování, aby z fotbalu zmizela xenofobie a rasismus, aby už byznys kolem fotbalu nebyl právem či neprávem spojován s korupcí.


  Jeffrey Titford, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group. – Mr President, the EU has no competence over sport and nor should it. The Champions League and the G14 clubs across the UK, Spain and Italy, oppose the EU intervention in football broadcasting rights. Bayern Munich is for it; English clubs are against it, yet a UK Sports Minister, Richard Caborn, is here to lobby for the Germans. So much for British interests!

Amendment 25, until it was sensibly withdrawn, ordered the flying of the EU flag at Champions League and European Championship matches. Had they thought about Switzerland, who will co-host the European finals in 2008? The fact that the Champions League includes Russia, Turkey and Norway? None are in the EU and there is no EU team. The same amendment also demanded that the EU anthem be played at these matches. But ‘Ode to Joy’ is a complete misnomer to 41% of the population, and 58% of the British population. You know, Schiller wrote ‘Ode to Joy’ in 1785, and his words ‘Oh friends, no more these sounds’, may have been controversial then, given that Beethoven was unfortunately already disabled by deafness when he wrote the Ninth Symphony, but they are appropriate today. And, as for ‘Do you fall in worship, you millions?’, well I can tell you, over 200 million people say ‘no’.


  Patrick Gaubert (PPE-DE). – Monsieur le Président, mes chers collègues, en tant que rapporteur fictif de mon groupe politique en commission des libertés civiles, je tiens à remercier, dans un premier temps, le rapporteur, M. Catania, avec qui nous avons eu une collaboration efficace et fructueuse tout au long de cette procédure. Les rencontres sportives ont vocation à drainer un public nombreux et familial, qui aspire légitimement à assister aux matchs en toute quiétude et sécurité. Or, depuis quelques années et encore très récemment, certains individus utilisent les enceintes des stades de football pour se livrer à des démonstrations de violence ou de racisme. Ces dérives sont totalement inacceptables.

Le football est le sport le plus populaire au monde. Afin d'éviter ce genre d'incidents, les États membres ont mis en place, depuis 2002, un système organisé et performant d'échange d'informations sur les risques que représentent certains matchs, et surtout certains supporters dangereux. Un point de contact unique et direct a été désigné dans chacun de nos États. Ces points nationaux d'information "football" préparent minutieusement les matchs internationaux en améliorant la coopération policière entre les services. Il est donc nécessaire qu'ils perfectionnent encore plus leurs échanges d'informations et utilisent par exemple des formulaires standardisés. Ces points de contact pourront ainsi travailler d'une façon plus structurée et plus professionnelle.

Je souhaite féliciter également M. Belet d'avoir inclus dans son rapport global plusieurs paragraphes relatifs à la lutte contre le racisme. Cela me semble particulièrement indispensable, compte tenu de la montée de toutes les formes d'intolérance dans notre société. Le football ne peut en effet garder son rôle social et éducatif que si les matchs se passent sans violence.

Mes collègues, M. Belet, M. Bennahmias, Mme Hazan, M. Bono et moi-même déposerons dans les prochaines heures une déclaration écrite concernant la lutte contre tous les trafics et l'exploitation des enfants dans le football. Je vous invite à nous soutenir dans cette démarche et à signer ce texte dès que possible.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri (PSE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio l'onorevole Catania per la sua relazione e l'onorevole Belet per il lavoro svolto, che trovo equilibrato anche se anch'io condivido l'idea che si poteva fare qualcosa di più.

Il calcio ha ormai assunto un ruolo esteso importante, che non è più pensabile possa essere affrontato, di fronte alle nuove sfide che si pongono, affidandosi soltanto agli organi calcistici. Da qui nasce l'esigenza, che è stata raccolta dal Parlamento europeo, di intervenire per assicurare uno sviluppo più equilibrato del settore calcistico, cercando di rispondere in chiave aggiornata ai mutamenti che sono in atto.

Del resto, come è stato detto, la funzione sempre più rilevante che ha assunto il calcio europeo comporta, come vediamo, ricadute di un certo rilievo in tutti i settori. Pensiamo alle sponsorizzazioni e al valore dei diritti televisivi, alla commercializzazione, al moltiplicarsi di competizioni internazionali, che a loro volta si ripercuotono su diversi settori, ai nuovi problemi sociali e culturali che essi generano. Anzi, direi che questa nuova dimensione sociale sempre più ampia che il calcio moderno incorpora, chiama in causa i comportamenti pubblici, il costume, il doping, la violenza e il razzismo, lo stesso sfruttamento di giovani giocatori.

Si è parlato di grandi squadre ma molte volte ci sfugge davvero la dimensione del problema, perché ci soffermiamo troppo sui grandi club e non andiamo oltre, quando invece è soprattutto nelle serie minori che occorre avere un'attenzione maggiore rispetto a quella finora avuta.

E' giusta quindi l'indicazione di ottenere una maggiore regolamentazione del calcio europeo e di connettere tutto ciò con il diritto europeo e con le stesse dinamiche del mercato interno. E' giusto realizzare una più moderna governance e cercare di esaltare in modo positivo il ruolo sociale e culturale del calcio. L'obiettivo che dobbiamo prefiggerci non è tanto quello di invadere, sostituendoci, il campo della UEFA bensì di attuare politiche che aiutino a governare meglio questo mondo. Ma occorre essere chiari: la richiesta di autonomia proveniente dagli organi calcistici non può diventare l'idea che ciascuno fa ciò che vuole, fuori dal diritto comunitario.

Se vogliamo, come è doveroso fare, combattere le storture e le degenerazioni che sono all'interno e accompagnano il mondo del calcio, è importante realizzare questo lavoro congiunto tra le istituzioni politico- parlamentari e quelle sportive. Occorre che ognuno ci metta del suo per raggiungere tale obiettivo.


  Luciana Sbarbati (ALDE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi felicito anch'io per le due relazioni.

Si è detto che oggi in Europa il calcio è soprattutto un grande business ma è anche vero che dovrebbe essere anche altro. Comunque, stipendi milionari, scarsa trasparenza, violenza indotta o reattiva, razzismo, sono lo spettacolo a cui sovente assistiamo con una certa assuefazione. Tutto ciò mette a repentaglio il ruolo educativo dello sport e nella fattispecie dello sport calcistico. Su tale ruolo occorrerebbe fare invece una profonda riflessione a partire dal calcio amatoriale o dallo sport praticato anche nelle scuole, in cui i valori positivi della competizione vanno sempre associati al rispetto delle regole.

Sebbene l'UE non abbia una specifica competenza in materia, come già detto, l'interrelazione tra calcio e violenza, che sta esplodendo in tutta la sua assurdità e spesso coinvolge gli stessi giocatori protagonisti, ci chiama tutti in causa e ci sollecita a definire, come abbiamo tentato di fare, misure comuni per la prevenzione e la repressione dei reati di teppismo, in collaborazione con le associazioni calcistiche, la UEFA e le forze di polizia, per la tutela della sicurezza di tutti i cittadini.

Ma io direi che ci interpella anche per cause più profonde, o concause, che sfuggono a tutt'oggi alla loro responsabilità precisa e che vanno individuate e colpite.


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I would like to thank Mr Belet for the way he has gone about writing this report. I do fundamentally disagree with him in some areas, and indeed the massive power-grab that this report is asking for in its recitals, but I welcome the professional way he has conducted himself in writing the report.

Yes, there are problems in football, but none that we European politicians cannot make a lot worse. Yes, there are small elements of people who use football matches as an excuse to be violent, and they should be arrested and stopped from attending. But, as many Rangers fans from Glasgow in Scotland will tell you, policing at international fixtures needs to be friendly and sensible, rather than hostile and over the top. Giving EU competence in this matter to us will not stop this violence, and we do not need it to actually swap best practice.

This report is a good example of why we should stand back and be sensible. Sport is best governed by those who participate in it. Many of this report’s recommendations are quite sensible, but we are politicians and we simply cannot resist tinkering where we have no right. Just look at the now withdrawn amendment 25; listen to many of the contributions in this debate and you will see why.

My theory is that by demanding these new powers we will try and correct problems that do not really exist, and try and change and harmonise the very different sporting models in football that exist across the continent at the moment.

As someone who has refereed at the lowest level of the game for 25 years, and having heard much of the debate on this subject over my time in this Parliament, I think we are in great danger here of forgetting that professional football clubs – the ones we are speaking about tonight – are uniquely connected to the millions of amateurs who run out on pitches across Europe every weekend, and we could easily damage the solidarity people here wish to promote and protect by our quite ignorant plea for interference.


  Christa Prets (PSE). – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Ich möchte ebenfalls Herrn Belet für seine Initiative und Kooperation danken. Ich hoffe, dass wir bei dem, was wir an Kompromissen ausgearbeitet haben, auch bleiben können und dass wir nicht im letzten Moment noch vieles ändern und dann doch vor manchen in die Knie gehen.

Wir haben mit diesem Bericht die aktuellen Probleme, die sich dem heutigen Fußball stellen, angesprochen und auch getroffen. Was wir nicht wollen, ist mehr Regulierung auf EU-Ebene, sondern eine rechtliche Klarstellung zwischen den bestehenden Regeln, um die Aushebelung einer sinnvollen Fußballregel zu verhindern. Es geht nicht an, dass alle Probleme, die sich stellen, nachher dann zum Beispiel nur noch vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof geklärt werden können. Wir wollten auch nicht den Kampf gegen große Klubs führen und so genannte Attacken gegen die Traditionsklubs führen, sondern uns für einen gerechten Ausgleich zwischen kleinen und großen Klubs einsetzen. Hier wäre z. B. die Lizenzvergabe zu nennen. Außerdem ist auf die Jugend wesentlich mehr Acht zu geben, wie das bisher der Fall ist.


  Sharon Bowles (ALDE). – Mr President, Mr Belet’s report is not about the EU taking over football, and the ALDE Group has been at the forefront of tabling amendments to make that clearer. However, there is nothing wrong with it assisting in the sharing of best practice.

There are aspects, such as the business of football covered by European legislation, which are taken care of within the corresponding business or other legislation and do not need special rules.

Football also has a social or cultural dimension. However, the closest links are those forged within the local communities. That is where fans go week in, week out to see games and it is where many clubs, such as Reading Football Club in my own region, invest in football in community projects. It is those local links which are why national associations, leagues and clubs are best placed to make the right decisions within a self-regulatory framework and I believe, with the appropriate amendments, that is what this report says.


  Luis Herrero-Tejedor (PPE-DE). – Señor Presidente, a mi me gustaría, en primer lugar, como es costumbre, pero en este caso de manera muy merecida, darle las gracias al ponente, señor Ivo Belet, por la capacidad que ha tenido de interlocución con todos los grupos y con todos los diputados.

Él mismo nos recordaba al inicio de este debate que no podemos perder de vista que éste es un informe sobre el fútbol profesional, lo cual añade un componente que, desde mi punto de vista, no es un componente o adjetivo cualquiera; además quiero recalcar que estamos frente a un informe de propia iniciativa, es decir, que es la primera vez que el Parlamento Europeo se fija en el fútbol, emite una señal a propósito de la preocupación que siente por un fenómeno como el fútbol. Eso quiere decir que tenemos que identificar muy bien cuáles son nuestros motivos de preocupación dominantes.

Si hablamos de fútbol profesional, tenemos que hablar básicamente de clubes de fútbol profesional y de espectadores; sin esos dos elementos no existiría el problema al que nos queremos enfrentar. Por lo tanto, estoy absolutamente de acuerdo con la reflexión final del señor Heaton-Harris: toda especulación que omita el protagonismo que tienen los verdaderos clubes de fútbol estará fuera de lugar.

Si nosotros enviamos a los espectadores una señal diciendo: «Miren ustedes, el Parlamento Europeo quiere meter sus manos en el mundo del fútbol para evitar la espectacularidad del espectáculo»; si vamos a decirles a los clubes grandes, a los que de verdad tienen clientela, demanda social: «Miren ustedes, por el principio de solidaridad van a tener ustedes unos ingresos más limitados, no van a poder fichar ustedes a los grandes jugadores, ni van a poder tener esas estructuras. Vamos a empobrecer el espectáculo», les aseguro, señores diputados, que los aficionados al fútbol –muchos de los cuales nos sentamos aquí– nos mirarán con cara de asombro.

Nos dirían: «o sea, que ustedes se preocupan por el fútbol y emiten la señal de que van a convertir el espectáculo en un espectáculo menos atractivo porque van ustedes contra los grandes clubes de fútbol». Eso es absurdo; por lo tanto, señores, les pido que tengamos eso muy presente a la hora de enfocar bien la negociación de los derechos audiovisuales de los clubes de fútbol.


  Emine Bozkurt (PSE). – Voorzitter, Europa moet niet de scheidsrechter, maar ook niet alleen toeschouwer zijn, als het gaat om het betaald voetbal. We moeten geen competenties claimen die we niet hebben, maar als het gaat over internemarktregels, racismebestrijding en grensoverschrijdende fraude, dan zijn dat zaken waar de EU wel competentie heeft. Ik ben daarom vóór paragraaf 8, maar tegen een onafhankelijk toezichthoudend orgaan. Europa is geen scheidsrechter en moet zich niet bezighouden met zaken waar de voetbalwereld zelf heel goed uit kan komen.

Ik dank de heer Belet voor de enorme steun in zijn verslag voor de strijd tegen racisme in het voetbal. Vorig jaar nam ik het initiatief tot een schriftelijke verklaring hierover, waarnaar het verslag nu expliciet verwijst. Met een recordsteun werd dat een officiële resolutie waarvan de voorgestelde maatregelen tot strengere sancties werden overgenomen door de UEFA en de FIFA. Deze goede manier van samenwerken moet ook tot stand komen op de andere terreinen van het voetbal.


  Μανώλης Μαυρομμάτης (PPE-DE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι, θα ήθελα κατ’ αρχάς να συγχαρώ το συνάδελφο Ivo Belet καθώς και τον Giusto Catania για το σπουδαίο αποτέλεσμα της σύνταξης των εκθέσεών τους σχετικά με το μέλλον του επαγγελματικού ποδοσφαίρου στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Κυρίως όμως θέλω να συγχαρώ τον Ivo Belet για τη συνολική προσπάθεια να συγκεντρώσει το ενδιαφέρον 5 επιτροπών και μεγάλο αριθμό φορέων και προσωπικοτήτων του αθλητισμού και της οικονομίας. Δείγμα της σημασίας και της δυναμικής που ασκεί και μαγνητίζει εκατομμύρια φιλάθλων πολιτών, και όχι μόνο, το ποδόσφαιρο σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.

Όταν το 1995 η υπόθεση Bosman ήρθε στην επικαιρότητα, κανείς δεν περίμενε ότι η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα σημείωνε την πρώτη μεγάλη διείσδυση στον αθλητισμό προς όφελος των εργαζομένων και πρώτα απ' όλα των ποδοσφαιριστών. Έρχεται έτσι μετά από 12 χρόνια μια έκθεση πρωτοβουλίας να χαράξει νέους δρόμους με προοπτικές ανάλογες των αξιών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και του πιο δημοφιλούς αθλήματος, με άλλα λόγια του ποδοσφαίρου.

Με τις τροπολογίες που υπερψηφίστηκαν από όλες τις επιτροπές, τις προτάσεις προς την Επιτροπή Πολιτισμού, Παιδείας, Μέσων Μαζικής Ενημέρωσης, Αθλητισμού και Πολυγλωσσίας και το Συμβούλιο, ανοίγεται ο δρόμος για μια ταχεία πρόταση δημιουργίας νομικού πλαισίου, κύριε Επίτροπε, για τον αθλητισμό ανεξάρτητα από το πότε και αν ψηφιστεί η Συνταγματική Συνθήκη που προβλέπει κάτι ανάλογο.

Αυτοί είναι οι λόγοι που επιβάλλουν στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο να στηρίξει την έκθεση για το ποδόσφαιρο, διότι καθολική είναι η εκτίμηση ότι κάτι τέτοιο θα σημάνει την αλλαγή θέσεων και κατεστημένου με κύριους άξονες την προστασία του αθλήματος από το χουλιγκανισμό, το ρατσισμό και την ξενοφοβία, το ντόπινγκ, την ισότιμη μεταχείριση μεγάλων και μικρών συλλόγων στη διαχείριση των κοινοτικών δικαιωμάτων και την ανάδειξη ταλέντων μακριά από το εμπόριο εισαγωγής ανηλίκων από τρίτες χώρες.


  Joseph Muscat (PSE). – Mr President, I first wish to join my colleagues in thanking Mr Belet for the wonderful job he has done. Obviously, we all have our minor or major reservations on the text submitted, but he has made a good job of coordinating the work of all the committees.

I should also like to stress another point: in this area we are lucky to have a trusted partner in UEFA. The way that organisation has worked in the past has shown that we can trust it to deliver on the goods it talks about regularly. Therefore we have a partner we can rely on.

I will focus on only one sector, which is that of television rights. The digital era should be about more choice for consumers. Unfortunately, television viewers in many of our Member States are faced with less choice and have to pay for things they used to get for free before. With our report we are sending a clear signal to the authorities that we need to strike a balance between pay TV and free-to-air TV.


  Giuseppe Castiglione (PPE-DE). – Signor Presidente, Signor Commissario, onorevoli colleghi, desidero congratularmi e ringraziare l'onorevole Catania e l'onorevole Belet, per la relazione che hanno presentato a questo Parlamento.

Lo sport, e il calcio in particolare, costituisce una parte irrinunciabile dell'identità culturale europea, svolge un'indubbia funzione sociale e può essere uno strumento valido per la lotta alla discriminazione, al razzismo, all'intolleranza e alla violenza. Tuttavia, questa funzione e questo ruolo positivo è oggigiorno sempre più compromesso da quanti vogliono fare delle partite negli stadi un ennesimo luogo di violenza e di terrore. La sicurezza degli stadi deve essere quindi la nostra priorità e la parola chiave deve essere la prevenzione.

Per questo motivo condivido pienamente l'invito della relazione dell'onorevole Belet affinché gli Stati membri introducano meccanismi di cooperazione tra club, tifoserie organizzate e forze di polizia, per combattere la violenza e i fenomeni di teppismo e gli atti delinquenziali cui assistiamo sempre più e durante le partite. Così come concordo sulla necessità di inasprire le sanzioni contro qualsiasi manifestazione di razzismo e di xenofobia negli stadi e di applicare, da parte della UEFA e delle altre leghe, opportune norme disciplinari contro chiunque si renda responsabile di tali atti.

Ma un'azione di prevenzione altrettanto fondamentale è rafforzare e professionalizzare la cooperazione e lo scambio di informazioni tra le antenne nazionali in occasione delle partite internazionali; monitorare la presenza negli stadi di tifosi che possono rappresentare una minaccia per l'ordine pubblico e acquisire dati sulla natura delle tifoserie organizzate, un elemento fondamentale per lo Stato ospite per poter effettuare un'efficace valutazione del rischio legato all'incontro sportivo e, per questa via, prevenire turbative all'opinione pubblica.

Bisogna certamente evitare gli abusi nel controllo di tutti i cittadini e rispettare la privacy e la segretezza dei dati personali: ma la tutela della privacy di alcuni non può avvenire a scapito della sicurezza di tutti. Né può diventare la copertura per garantire l'ingresso incontrollato di veri e propri delinquenti, con il pretesto di depenalizzare veri e propri reati solo perché commessi nel contesto di una manifestazione sportiva.

Bisogna creare il giusto equilibrio, contemperando le opposte esigenze: ma tale equilibrio non può che trovarsi nel rispetto della libertà individuale e nella protezione dei diritti di ognuno, primo fra tutti il diritto alla sicurezza, compreso quello di andare allo stadio e vivere lo sport in piena serenità.




  Richard Corbett (PSE). – Mr President, I wish to congratulate the rapporteurs and especially Mr Belet, with whom I served on the Independent Review of European Football established by the Council last year.

Football has a number of problems. One of these is the linkage of wealth and sporting success and the concentration of both in the hands of an increasingly small number of clubs in almost every league across the whole of Europe. However, measures to counter this trend taken by the football authorities – such as the home-grown players scheme or the obligation to sell TV rights collectively with redistribution to all clubs – could risk being found to be incompatible with European law. I was alarmed to hear Commissioner Figeľ say that the Commission was still thinking about this and had not yet reached a decision. That is why we need the White Paper to recognise if not derogations then at least sympathetic interpretations of EU law that recognise the specificity of sport. That is why the contributions of Mr Titford and Mr Heaton-Harris are so misplaced: they are aimed at alarming the British tabloids. It is nonsense to say that this is a power grab by the European Union: it is a loosening of existing EU legal requirements that were initially drawn up for other purposes. That is what is needed. To portray it in the complete opposite way of what is intended is completely disingenuous.


  Jacek Protasiewicz (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Pragnę rozpocząć swoje wystąpienie od złożenia gratulacji na ręce obu sprawozdawców, ale w szczególności na ręce Ivo Beleta w związku z wynikiem pracy, której się podjął. Sprawozdanie przez niego przygotowane obejmuje wszystkie kluczowe elementy europejskiej piłki nożnej, począwszy od kontekstu prawnego, poprzez kwestie zarządzania, konkurencji, rynku wewnętrznego i spraw społecznych, aż do zwalczania zachowań przestępczych, jakimi są manifestowanie rasizmu lub stosowanie niedozwolonego dopingu oraz zwalczanie korupcji podczas zawodów piłkarskich.

Temat tylko pozornie był łatwy, bowiem piłka nożna jest tą dyscypliną sportu, która rozpala najsilniejsze emocje. O tym, że nasza izba nie jest od nich wolna, świadczy liczba poprawek, z którą musiał się zmierzyć sprawozdawca. Wśród nich jedna okazała się szczególnie ważna, bowiem dotyka kwestii zarządzania sprzedażą praw do transmisji telewizyjnych z meczów piłkarskich. W trakcie wcześniejszych dyskusji opowiadałem się za systemem kolektywnym, który gwarantuje solidarną redystrybucję dochodów pochodzących z tego tytułu, a przez to lepiej zabezpiecza równowagę konkurencyjną, niezbędną dla sportowej rywalizacji. Obecnie, po zaproponowaniu przez sprawozdawcę poprawki ustnej deklaruję poparcie dla niej.

Jako poseł Komisji Zatrudnienia i Spraw Socjalnych chciałbym także wyrazić uznanie dla ujęcia w tym sprawozdaniu kwestii pracowniczych związanych z umowami wiążącymi zawodników z klubami, prawnego uregulowania sytuacji agentów piłkarskich i zawieranych przez nich transakcji, oraz edukacji i szkolenia młodych piłkarzy włącznie z zagwarantowaniem najlepszym z nich miejsca w drużynie klubowej.

Jestem przekonany, że piłka nożna może stanowić fundament rozwoju i samorealizacji i dlatego cieszą mnie te zapisy sprawozdania, gdzie mówi się o potrzebie wspierania klubów stwarzających młodzieży warunki zarówno do treningu, jak i do nauki.

Wreszcie dodatkowo pragnę zauważyć, że sport, w tym piłka nożna, stały się pierwszymi obszarami prawdziwie swobodnego przepływu pracowników w całej Unii Europejskiej i wyrażam nadzieję, że wkrótce stanie się to udziałem również innych segmentów unijnego rynku pracy.


  Maria Badia i Cutchet (PSE). – Yo también quiero agradecer al ponente, sobre todo, el espíritu de colaboración a la hora de llevar a cabo el informe, un informe sobre el futuro del fútbol profesional que es importante no sólo para el fútbol, porque trata justamente de unos temas que en los últimos tiempos proliferan como problemas en torno al mundo del deporte en general: violencia en los campos, actos racistas, dopaje, falta de transparencia financiera, etc.

Quiero centrarme en dos cuestiones: por un lado, la creciente importancia del fútbol en términos económicos, que ha generado un aumento del valor de los derechos de televisión. Es importante, desde mi punto de vista, que se haya incorporado en el informe la preocupación por el sistema de ingresos derivados de las ventas de tales derechos, que puede provocar un desequilibrio competitivo entre diferentes clubes, aunque tengo que lamentar –y es algo que echo en falta en el informe– que no se haya tenido en cuenta que estos ingresos dependen también del impacto del club sobre la audiencia mundial, no sólo del mercado nacional de retransmisión, ni que existe alguna redistribución de recursos derivada de la venta de los derechos de emisión de las ligas nacionales entre los equipos.

Por otro lado, me complace que el informe tenga en consideración las distintas asociaciones nacionales de fútbol de la Unión Europea, independientemente de que se correspondan con las estructuras de gobierno deportivo o federaciones reconocidas por los Estados miembros.

Finalmente, espero que la Comisión tenga en cuenta estas sugerencias del Parlamento Europeo en el momento de elaborar el Libro Blanco sobre el deporte.


  Vasco Graça Moura (PPE-DE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, espelhando o direito que todo o cidadão tem de recorrer aos tribunais segundo qualquer das constituições dos Estados-Membros, o artigo 47º da Carta Europeia dos Direitos Fundamentais consagra um direito idêntico em favor de toda a pessoa cujos direitos e liberdades garantidos pelo Direito da União tenham sido violados.

O significado destes preceitos é óbvio: não há jurisdição nem pacto jurisdicional que possam afastar ou precluir o direito fundamental de alguém recorrer aos tribunais, muito embora ao seu exercício em concreto possam, em determinadas situações, ser oponíveis matérias a que a linguagem forense designa de "defesa por excepção de incompetência". No entanto, a procedência de tais excepções tem de ser reconhecida por um tribunal independente e imparcial, previamente estabelecido por lei, como reza o citado artigo 47º, julgando essa questão prévia no exercício da sua própria competência. Por isso mesmo, não poderá nunca entender-se que o recurso aos tribunais por parte de uma pessoa física ou moral envolve qualquer espécie de infracção disciplinar.

O exercício de um direito que todas as constituições e a Carta Europeia reconhecem não pode redundar num ilícito, seja ele de que espécie for. E sendo assim, o relatório Belet consagra o princípio correcto sustentando que recorrer aos tribunais civis, mesmo quando não justificado em termos desportivos, não pode ser penalizado por regulamentos disciplinares condenando-se as decisões arbitrárias da FIFA a este respeito.

A votação deste princípio não contribuirá apenas para tornar mais transparente a prática desportiva, mas ainda para reforçar os grandes princípios em que assenta o Estado de Direito.


  Mario Mantovani (PPE-DE). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio il relatore Belet per il suo contributo alla relazione sul futuro del calcio professionistico in Europa.

L'Europa, a mio avviso, sta attraversando un periodo di particolare incertezza e vive una fase di riflessione e ciò si evidenzia anche in una dimensione umana, così importante per i cittadini europei, rappresentata proprio dallo sport in generale e in particolare dal calcio, per la loro funzione educativa, il ruolo di integrazione sociale e culturale nonché per la lotta alla discriminazione.

Un processo di integrazione dovuto in parte anche agli effetti positivi conseguenti alla sentenza Bosman, che nel 1995 ha inteso realizzare, pur nel settore calcistico, la libertà di circolazione degli sportivi. In questo contesto va però anche puntualizzato come il calcio a livello professionistico costituisca un'attività economica riconosciuta dall'articolo 2 del trattato che istituisce la Comunità europea.

Sul piano finanziario infatti l'integrazione invocata non trova completa attuazione anche a causa delle distorsioni alla concorrenza del mercato calcistico, create proprio da una fiscalità differente tra i vari paesi dell'Unione. Una fiscalità vantaggiosa dunque per alcuni paesi, che permette ai loro club di erogare emolumenti ai calciatori assai più elevati di quelli che possono essere tollerati dai bilanci di altri club.

Non possiamo infine non evidenziare, sempre in tema calcistico, come non rappresenti una vera priorità la proposta di un'omogeneizzazione comunitaria della ripartizione dei diritti televisivi, alla luce di differenze storiche, culturali, e soprattutto di mercato, tra i vari paesi dell'Unione europea, nonché in contrasto col principio di sussidiarietà che ha un valore base da rispettare.

Presidente, cinque anni fa in quest'Aula ho proposto la necessità di un'agenzia europea dello sport. Credo che oggi sia più che mai necessaria.


  Ján Figeľ, Member of the Commission. Mr President, I thank both rapporteurs and all Members who took the floor, because many interesting points were raised. Tomorrow you will have to decide on the precise content of the report, but much of what you said can be used as input not only for further discussions but also for work in favour of football and sport and Europe as a Community.

One of the important points is, as Mr Belet said, to ask the relevant authorities to sit around the table and seek solutions. One of the messages is to work together. We have had close and regular dialogue for many years with bodies like UEFA and FIFA. The European Sport Review was discussed, as it continues to be now.

I mentioned at the end of my introductory remarks the very interesting event that took place recently in Manchester. I have heard the divided opinions of British colleagues. Football is synonymous with the UK. We can convey many messages about the importance of cooperation for the sake and good health of football.

In football, Europe is a superpower. I do not want to speak about geopolitics, but I have attended international debates where it has often been said, mainly by African countries, that this dominance damages international relations and the sport. The Africans have been very critical of the Europeans. We should respond with clarity and credibility.

There is a professional but also an amateur element. This is a very important pyramid for football and sport, where both elements and the pyramid as a whole are important. Money is not the most important thing, because, if it were, then the whole pyramid would be turned upside down and that would be detrimental.

For example, last year we agreed with FIFA to support African engagement, via children’s football, to promote sport and integration. This is part of the preparations for the Football World Cup in South Africa in 2010.

Two weeks ago, we met with sports ministers in Stuttgart. There were two negative topics in the debate: violence and doping. These issues were also mentioned in your report. The ministers agreed to continue work on the establishment of a European network of anti-doping agencies, which is one of the contributions to ensuring the transparency and credibility of our actions. Violence was also discussed. We will organise a conference on sport and hooliganism in November with the Council of Europe and the European Parliament.

We also spoke about the economy and sport and social inclusion via sport. For example, we agreed to produce more specific and more reliable data on the economics of sport to see how it contributes to the job market and growth in our countries. This is very important.

The remaining points for the Commission and in the coming White Paper on sport are the following key words, which are a kind of mosaic for our relations in sport: specificity, subsidiarity, autonomy and, of course, diversity – which is so visible and important in not only culture but also sport, transparency, rules-based activities and relations. However, all that must be implemented within the EU legal framework, not outside, which you firmly support.

In conclusion, we are now in the process of consultation on the White Paper. As I have said, once these reports are adopted tomorrow, they will help in this preparatory work. We have now received 670 contributions and more than 200 of these are collective, i.e. on behalf of associations and federations. Therefore, we need work together to get it right for the sake and credibility of Europe, which also has broader international responsibility in sport.

Europe is a cradle of many disciplines, including football and the Olympic ideal and ideas, and we have to promote the values of these traditions and activities in a larger area of European cooperation and internationally.

I should like to thank all Members of the European Parliament.


  El Presidente. Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar mañana a las 11.00 horas.

Declaraciones por escrito (articulo 142 del Reglamento)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (NI) , per iscritto. – Il calcio è profondamente radicato nell'identitá e nella cultura europea. Esso rappresenta, soprattutto tra i giovani, ma non esclusivamente, uno strumento validissimo di coesione sociale, educazione non formale e sviluppo economico e territoriale. Ultimamente, tuttavia, scandali giudiziari, campionati truccati violenza, razzismo, ingaggi multimiliardari, predominanza degli interessi economici sulla sportività, non hanno fatto altro che allontanare il calcio dal suo spirito originario e i cittadini dal calcio.

E' importante quindi che l'UE agisca per disintossicare un settore in cui siamo leader nel mondo e che può continuare ad essere, oltre che ad un'espressione culturale, anche una fonte di sviluppo economico, posti di lavoro e coesione sociale. Mi auguro quindi che il calcio, e lo sport in generale, ricevano in futuro l'assistenza necessaria per regolamentare i troppi interessi in gioco e soprattutto per sviluppare e difendere, sostenendo attività, incontri e manifestazioni a livello locale ed europeo (e soprattutto favorendo l'accesso ai giovani, anche svantaggiati), gli sport ed i club minori che, ovunque in Europa, rappresentano uno strumento importante per l'educazione civica dei nostri cittadini.


  Iles Braghetto (PPE-DE) , per iscritto. – Esprimo il mio apprezzamento ed il mio consenso al lavoro svolto dal relatore. Il tema del calcio, e dello sport in generale, è espressione di una socialità e di una cultura del gioco tipica della civiltà occidentale. Per questo credo che il giusto approccio vada nella direzione non già di definire nuove legislazioni ma di spingere il mondo del calcio verso forme di autoregolamentazione capaci di coinvolgere tutti i diretti interessati, tutti i partecipanti, compresi i tifosi.

La certezza del diritto va ricercata attraverso linee guida che assicurino la cooperazione e la solidarietà tra tutti gli attori dello spettacolo sportivo. In particolare vorrei sottolineare la necessità di incoraggiare la formazione dei giovani, l'applicazione di misure disciplinari severe contro la violenza negli stadi e il razzismo, il coinvolgimento dei tifosi per la governance del calcio, l'individuazione di un sistema trasparente per il controllo dei costi, l'equa concorrenza tra i club, la tutela assicurativa del calciatore.

Per tutto questo si attende anche con impazienza l'adozione da parte della Commissione europea del Libro bianco sul ruolo dello sport in Europa e si ritiene di estrema utilità l'elaborazione di un piano d'azione per lo sport europeo in generale e per il calcio in particolare.


  Gábor Harangozó (PSE) , in writing. – Due to the increased occurrence of relatively important incidents within the framework of football matches, one can only welcome the Austrian initiative to amend the regulation concerning security in connection with football matches. The assessment of the international police cooperation following the European Championships in 2004 highlighted clearly that it is necessary to increase the international information sharing on risk supporters. However, it is important that, as stressed by our rapporteur Giusto Catania, the exchange of personal data should made in accordance with the domestic and international laws applicable and should not be used for other purposes. Due to the constantly growing number of supporters travelling to matches abroad, strengthened cooperation between the national football information points and a genuine international dimension is required. By preventing and controlling violence and disturbances in connection with football matches, through international exchange of information allowing every Member State to make efficient risk assessments, the aim should be to help reaffirm the moral and educational values of football and even sport in general.


  Lívia Járóka (PPE-DE) , írásban. – Ivo Belet az európai hivatásos labdarúgás jövőjéről szóló jelentése nagy jelentőségű állásfoglalás. Mindannyiunk számára egyértelmű, hogy Európában a labdarúgás sokrétű szerepet tölt be, jelentős társadalmi és kulturális rendeltetéssel bír; e népszerű játék lehetővé teszi, hogy emberek találkozzanak, megismerjék egymás nézeteit, és a társadalmi részvételt is elősegíti.

A rasszizmus és idegengyűlölet kérdése társadalmi probléma, ami egyre erősebben nyilvánul meg nemcsak mindennapi életünkben, hanem a labdarúgás területén is. A futballmérkőzéseken hétről hétre súlyos rasszista incidenseknek, Közép-Kelet Európában felerősödő romaellenességnek lehetünk szemtanúi. Ez a rendkívüli népszerűségnek örvendő sportág mára szorosan összekapcsolódik a huliganizmussal és a rasszista indíttatású gyűlöletbeszéddel.

Nagyon széles körben van jelen a rasszizmus és az idegengyűlölet a labdarúgó-stadionokban, Közép-Kelet Európában romaellenes megnyilvánulásoktól zengnek a pályák, függetlenül attól, hogy roma szurkolókkal és támogatókkal rendelkező csapat játszik-e vagy sem.

A játék népszerűsége lehetőséget kell, hogy teremtsen a rasszizmus elleni küzdelemre, figyelemfelkeltésre és példamutatásra. A sportpályákon tapasztalható fajgyűlölet elleni küzdelemben a klubok mellett az Európai Bizottságnak és a tagállamok kormányainak is aktívan részt kell venniük, szükséges az eddigieknél szigorúbb szankciók alkalmazása a labdarúgásban előforduló bármilyen rasszista indíttatású esemény alkalmával, továbbá mind az UEFA, mind a nemzeti ligák részéről a fegyelmi szabályzatok következetes és szigorú betartása is elengedhetetlen.

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