 Пълен текст 
Процедура : 2007/2146(INI)
Етапи на разглеждане в заседание
Етапи на разглеждане на документа : A6-0518/2007

Внесени текстове :


Разисквания :

PV 15/01/2008 - 5
CRE 15/01/2008 - 5

Гласувания :

PV 15/01/2008 - 10.2
CRE 15/01/2008 - 10.2
Обяснение на вота

Приети текстове :


Пълен протокол на разискванията
Вторник, 15 януари 2008 г. - Страсбург Редактирана версия

10.2. (A6-0518/2007, Glenis Willmott) Стратегия на Общността за здравословни и безопасни условия на труд за периода 2007–2012 г. (вот)


  Christopher Beazley (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I rise under Rules 152 and 160 of the Rules of Procedure, concerning voting procedure and roll call votes. It is obvious that the Rules of Procedure have been abused and used in a way utterly contrary to their intention. Could I ask, through you, that specialists such as Mr Corbett and others look very carefully at what has happened today? My understanding is that the President has the discretion to rule that any request for a roll-call vote be declared invalid. That may become a necessity when we have heavier voting sessions in the future.


  Reinhard Rack (PPE-DE). – Herr Präsident! Wir haben in diesem Hause zu Recht eine sehr liberale und vor allem minderheitenfreundliche Geschäftsordnung. Daran wollen wir und daran sollen wir festhalten. Das setzt allerdings auch voraus, dass die jeweiligen Gruppen ihre Minderheitenrechte korrekt und nicht missbräuchlich einsetzen. Wenn das geschieht — und der heutige Fall war ein solcher —, dann sollten wir diese Praxis überdenken.


  Daniel Hannan (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I must take exception to the two points of order just made. The rules are absolutely clear on this. Every group has the right to request roll-call votes. No discretionary power is given to the Chair. We have always accepted that, ultimately, in any democratic chamber the majority has the right to get its way, but what we have just heard is the most intolerant position that does not allow any opposition, that does not allow any dissenting view and, if my colleagues want to understand why the European Union is so unpopular with the voters out there, you need only consider your own intolerant attitude towards anyone expressing any view other than your own.



  El Presidente. − Señor Hannan, que yo sepa, todas las votaciones que se han hecho esta mañana se han hecho por votación nominal. Por tanto, el Reglamento ha sido escrupulosamente respetado.


  Nigel Farage (IND/DEM). – Mr President, I wish to point out to Mr Beazley and Mr Rack, and perhaps to yourself, Mr President, that today is the first time since I have sat in the European Parliament that we can actually be confident that the results are right, because normally it is a farce! So do not moan at us, we are helping you to tidy up this place so that in the future more of this work is done in committee and we are not given hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of amendments. What we have done is entirely within the Rules and all of you – in particular those who believe in this place – should learn a lesson from it.


  Martin Schulz, im Namen der PSE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Ich beziehe mich auf Artikel 171 der Geschäftsordnung und beantrage Folgendes im Namen der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion: Aufgrund des dringenden Beratungsbedarfs, den wir zur Geschäftsordnung und der Interpretation der Geschäftsordnung haben, bitte ich nunmehr, die Sitzung jetzt zu unterbrechen. Ich bitte, alle weiteren Aussprachen — auch die Stimmerklärungen zu den Abstimmungen — auf heute Abend, 22.00 Uhr, zu vertagen.



  El Presidente. − Hay catorce diputados de la Cámara que han solicitado explicación de voto para cada uno de los siete debates que tuvieron lugar ayer y esta mañana. Catorce miembros y cada uno ha pedido explicación de voto sobre cada uno de los siete debates: diez son miembros del Grupo Independencia/Democracia, dos del Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo y dos No inscritos.

Si estas explicaciones de voto se llevan a cabo ahora, esto nos ocuparía durante unas dos horas.

Por tanto, yo someto a la Cámara la siguiente cuestión de orden: o bien llevamos adelante las explicaciones de voto y nos quedamos dos horas más o interrumpimos la sesión ahora, como proponía el señor Schulz, y las explicaciones de voto tendrán lugar esta noche.

(La Cámara expresa su acuerdo con esta propuesta.)

Señorías, a las 15.00 horas se comunicará cuándo se llevarán a cabo estas explicaciones de voto.

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