 Text integral 
Procedură : 2007/2107(INI)
Stadiile documentului în şedinţă
Stadii ale documentului : A6-0034/2008

Texte depuse :


Dezbateri :

PV 11/03/2008 - 21
CRE 11/03/2008 - 21

Voturi :

PV 12/03/2008 - 5.7
CRE 12/03/2008 - 5.7
Explicaţii privind voturile
Explicaţii privind voturile
Explicaţii privind voturile

Texte adoptate :


Stenograma dezbaterilor
Miercuri, 12 martie 2008 - Strasbourg

5.7. Agricultura durabilă şi biogazul: necesitatea revizuirii legislaţiei europene (A6-0034/2008, Csaba Sándor Tabajdi) (vot)

– Avant le vote sur le paragraphe 41


  Csaba Sándor Tabajdi, rapporteur. − Mr President, we agreed to change paragraph 41 and not to propose a specific biogas EU directive but to integrate it into the draft renewable energy directive.

The text is as follows: ‘Proposes the comprehensive inclusion of the promotion of biogas in the framework of the draft renewable energy directive with special emphasis on the following elements:’. Plus we agreed to delete point ‘(a)’.


(L'amendement oral est retenu)

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