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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 22 April 2008 - Strasbourg OJ edition

European satellite radionavigation programmes (EGNOS and Gallileo) (debate)

  Etelka Barsi-Pataky (PPE-DE). – (HU) Mr President, I cannot emphasis enough that European engineers and developers have carried out outstanding work and, as the Vice-President announced, we are awaiting the launch of Giove-B. The European Commission in the person of Vice-President Barrot brought a new proposal for an intensive one-year programme to the table for discussion, and the European Community implemented a new structure and promised the necessary funding. The Galileo programme is ready for its new START, in other words, the project has reached an end. More specifically, we still have many difficult tasks ahead of us. I would emphasise that the GNSS ‘made in Europe’ programme has not been carried out simply in the interests of one or another Member State or one or another industrial concern. In the implementation of this programme, this must always be borne in mind. And finally, Mr President, if you will permit me a personal comment – when the Galileo programme was launched, Hungary, where I was elected in 2004, was not yet a member of the EU, and neither was Slovenia. I am therefore particularly happy that we are cooperating in the new launch on the 27th. Galileo is a very important step in the creation of a strong Europe. Thank you.

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