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 Test sħiħ 
Proċedura : 2004/0251(COD)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċiklu relatat mad-dokument : A6-0150/2008

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 23/04/2008 - 4.3
CRE 23/04/2008 - 4.3
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
L-Erbgħa, 23 ta' April 2008 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta

4.3. Mediazzjoni fi kwistjonijiet ċivili u kummerċjali (A6-0150/2008, Arlene McCarthy) (votazzjoni)

- Prima della votazione


  Arlene McCarthy, rapporteur. − Mr President, there are no amendments to the common position. That is thanks to the excellent work between the Parliament, Council and Commission and the work particularly of my shadows, Mrs Wallis and Mr Gauzès of the PPE-DE Group, who took a very strong line with the Council and Commission.

I think it has been over a year since we agreed this proposal but it is the mediation experts and professionals in this sector whose response to the Parliament’s first ever online consultation convinced us of the merits of this law. I know that they will now welcome today’s vote in bringing these proposals into legislation.

Too often we see cases where a marriage or a relationship involving children goes wrong and constituents end up with years of court procedures and massive legal fees. One of my constituents with a Greek partner amassed legal bills and had to go through the court system for three years to get her children back. Mediation can therefore be a valuable tool for citizens to achieve access to justice and potentially reduce the cost of dispute resolution without the often acrimonious process of going to trial.

It has the added benefit of freeing up court time for cases that require a court judgment. This new law should assist people across Europe in getting quick, affordable access to justice. I therefore urge Members to support the second reading and open up new avenues of redress and remedies for citizens across the EU.



  Presidente. − Ricordo ai colleghi della plenaria che il relatore ha diritto a chiedere la parola per il tempo di due minuti, quindi vi pregherei di evitare alcune intemperanze fuori luogo, mentre invece l'onorevole Rack credo che abbia chiesto la parola per una questione procedurale.


  Reinhard Rack (PPE-DE). – Herr Präsident! Normalerweise sagen wir: Unsere Maschine geht nicht. Im konkreten Fall: Die Lifte gehen nicht. Es warten jede Menge von Kollegen, um hier herunterzukommen. Es wäre vernünftig, dass man doch schaut, dass man Erklärungen wie diese vielleicht vorzieht.


  Presidente. − Garantisco un impegno attivo per far funzionare velocemente gli ascensori o per consentire di votare negli ascensori.

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