Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Liam Aylward, a nome della commissione per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale, sul futuro del settore ovicaprino in Europa (2007/2192(INI)) (A6-0196/2008).
Liam Aylward, Rapóirtéir. − A Uachtaráin, tá na rannóga caorach agus gabhair an-tábhachtach san Eoraip don eacnamaíocht agus don timpeallacht. Tá feirmeoireacht caorach agus gabhair níos tábhachtaí fós i gceantair iargúlta agus i gceantair sléibhe, áit a mbítear ag brath go mór uirthi ó thaobh na heacnamaíochta agus na talmhaíochta. Níl sé dian ar an timpeallacht ach oiread agus cosnaíonn sé an tírdhreach tuaithe.
Ach fós tá todhchaí an tionscail seo faoi bhrú san Aontas Eorpach faoi láthair. Tá an táirgeacht chaorach tite 12.5% ón mbliain 2000. Tá feirmeoirí ag fágáil slán leis an ngairm seo toisc an obair a bheith chomh dian agus an teacht isteach uaithi a bheith ró-íseal. Níl an oiread caoirfheola á hithe anois agus a bhíodh, toisc go gceaptar go bhfuil sí ródhaor agus go bhfuil sé deacair í a chócaráil. Tá seo i gceist go mór le daoine óga. Tá iomaíocht níos déine sa mhargadh freisin ó thíortha eile.
Titfidh an táirgeacht chaoirfheola 10% faoin mbliain 2015, mura ndéantar rud éigin faoi anois. Ba chóir féachaint ar an rannóg anois faoi ‘Scrúdú Sláinte’ an CAP, agus ba chóir gníomhú go luath.
Mr President, since being appointed rapporteur for this report in June 2007, I have opened up a wide-ranging series of discussions with interested parties, including farming organisations, representatives from the lamb-processing sector and consumer organisations. Ernst and Young compiled a very thorough study of the sheep and goat sectors, for which I would like to thank them. I consulted with the Agriculture Commissioner, Mrs Fischer Boel, and various European agriculture ministers, who were all very supportive to me in compiling this report. At all times I try to remain realistic in the proposals I put forward.
Very briefly I would highlight the main recommendations of the report.
Firstly, the introduction of a new environmental sheep-maintenance scheme which would allow sheep farmers to be paid under on a per-ewe basis, in recognition of the positive environmental attributes associated with the maintenance of sheep production, to be co-financed by national and European Union funding.
Secondly, an additional payment for traditional mountain breeds in order to preserve sheep in sensitive areas.
Thirdly, an EU regulation for the labelling of sheepmeat products which would have an EU-wide logo to allow consumers to distinguish between EU products and those from third countries; this would be underwritten by a number of criteria, including farm assurance schemes and a country of origin indication, thus ensuring that consumers are fully aware of the point of origin of the product.
Fourthly, a review of the introduction of the compulsory electronic identification system for sheep, scheduled for 31 December 2009. Due to the difficulty in implementation, high cost and unproven benefits, we propose allowing each Member State the discretion to decide whether to introduce electronic tagging on a voluntary basis if they so wish.
Fifthly, an increase in the current annual European Commission food promotion budget which is valued at EUR 45 million for 2008, the ring-fencing of funding for EU lamb, and changes and simplifications to the practical rules governing the operation of this budget so that lamb products can be given meaningful access to this budget.
Sixthly, that the European Commission bring forward proposals on price transparency in this sector to provide information to consumers and producers.
Seventhly, a review of existing import quota management regimes by the European Commission so as to ensure that EU-produced lamb is not exposed to unfair competition and that the option of sensitive produce status for sheep meat products be available to the European Union.
Eighthly, support for the European Commission in research and development in the small ruminant industry, concentrating on both technical innovation for farms and product innovation.
Ninthly, as part of the simplification process in the review of the common agricultural policy health check, which is taking place over the next eight months, the European Commission must allow 14 days’ notice to be given to livestock farmers for on-farm cross-compliance inspections.
Finally, the setting-up of an EU implementation task force comprising members of the European Commission, the presidency and the Council. This EU implementation task force will oversee the practical reforms needed so as to make the European sheep sector viable, competitive and profitable.
I would ask my colleagues to support this report as I believe, if implemented, it will go a long way to help save the sheep and goat sectors in the European Union.
Antonio Tajani, Membro della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, sostituisco la Commissaria Fischer Boel che certamente conosce meglio di me il settore.
Però, come il Presidente Mauro sa, io sono originario di una regione italiana dove l'allevamento ovicaprino ha rappresentato la sua storia, ha rappresentato le sua ragione di esistenza, e prende il nome proprio dalla scarpe che portavano gli antichi pastori. Quindi mi fa particolarmente piacere poter esprimere il parere della Commissione su questo argomento.
Intanto voglio ringraziare l'on. Aylward per l'iniziativa di presentare questa relazione e, come ha recentemente affermato la signora Fischer Boel nell'illustrare le proposte sulla valutazione dello stato di salute della PAC, gli agricoltori sono i custodi del paesaggio, tutelano il nostro comune patrimonio naturale e in molte zone rurali continuano ad essere il cuore pulsante dell'economia.
Desidero aggiungere che secondo me ciò è particolarmente vero per gli allevatori di ovini. Ciò premesso, penso che siamo tutti d'accordo che il comparto ovicaprino meriti un'attenzione particolare. È tuttavia importante distinguere all'interno di questo settore due realtà molto diverse: da un lato l'allevamento estensivo, più benefico per l'ambiente, ma spesso meno redditizio per chi lo pratica, e dall'altro i sistemi di allevamento intensivi, più competitivi ma meno sostenibili sul piano ambientale.
È bene rammentare, a questo proposito, che l'obiettivo delle recenti riforme della PAC era di rendere l'agricoltura dell'Unione europea più efficiente e competitiva, ma allo stesso tempo di garantirne la sostenibilità. La valutazione dello stato di salute viene a confermare la validità di questo duplice obiettivo. Non possiamo, infatti, mantenere restrizioni artificiali che impediscono agli agricoltori di soddisfare una domanda in aumento, ma nel contempo dobbiamo perseguire una politica a tutela dell'ambiente.
La Commissione ha pertanto proposto, in sede di valutazione dello stato di salute, un sostegno rinforzato e più mirato alle produzioni sensibili dal punto di vista ambientale. A tale titolo si propone tra l'altro di mantenere gli aiuti accoppiati per ovini e caprini. Suggeriamo inoltre un'applicazione più flessibile del vigente articolo 69 con la possibilità di avvalersene in particolare a vantaggio del settore ovino.
Infine, proponiamo di potenziare la politica di sviluppo rurale che favorisce la tutela dell'ambiente e del paesaggio rurale, oltre a creare occupazione e a stimolare la crescita e l'innovazione delle zone rurali, con particolare attenzione a quelle periferiche, spopolate o fortemente dipendenti dall'attività agricola.
In conclusione, onorevoli deputati, sono convinto che le nuove proposte offrano molteplici possibilità al comparto ovicaprino. Una volta finalizzate le discussioni e le conclusioni in sede di Parlamento e di Consiglio spetterà agli operatori del settore sfruttare al meglio tali opportunità.
James Nicholson, on behalf of the PPE-DE Group. – Mr President, can I first of all welcome the new Commissioner to his post. I look forward to working with him in the years to come and wish him well in taking up his post as Commissioner with a heavy responsibility. I know he is not involved in his own particular area tonight and he is speaking for Mariann Fischer Boel but I have little doubt – and I accept what he says – that his background knowledge in the area is quite good.
Like many politicians he came from this House. I am so delighted to see a Commissioner who actually was a Member, who actually knows what Members think and what Members feel. So, Commissioner, I hope you will not take personally some of the things I might say tonight but you will take them back to Mariann Fischer Boel and tell her what I really think.
The report that comes before this House regarding the sheep and goat industry is timely and has comprehensively addressed the particular problems which the sector is currently facing.
The sheep and goat sector has come through many years of being non-profitable. The industry has been demoralised by low prices, cheap imports and a low price for wool. Sheep production is usually based mainly in mountainous and less-favoured areas where there are no farming alternatives. As young people look to the future they see that they cannot survive on the present income that this sector provides. They are therefore turning their backs on sheep and goat farming.
The mid-term review did not bring any improvement to the financial viability of this sector. Under the present health check the sector must receive special attention and we must look to see how we can best improve the overall viability.
I have to say that the Commission proposal to bring in electronic tagging as proposed will destroy the industry. If ever there has been a proposal that has not been thought through, this is it. The industry simply cannot afford to pay for this. Most of the time, in fact, the tag would actually cost more than the animal might even be worth.
The Commission could ease fears by accepting our amendment to postpone the proposal until 2012. This would allow time to see if the technology associated with tagging improves and if the cost comes down. Then and only then can we really improve the traceability that the Commission requires.
Let me now deal with the proposal for a task force, which always seems to be put forward as a solution to any problem, be it in the national estate or in Europe. The agriculture industry is littered with task force reports that have emerged in a blaze of glory only to enter the dustbin of history, never having achieved their stated goals.
They are always well meaning but, unless you have the follow-through and the financial support, such reports will be doomed to fail.
I fear this will be no different. There is an urgent need to develop the momentum behind this report. The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development should have a report every six months on the state of play in the industry and what is being done to develop and improve the sector.
Bernadette Bourzai, au nom du groupe PSE. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, mes chers collègues, je tiens d'abord à remercier le rapporteur, M. Aylward, pour l'excellent travail d'écoute des professionnels et de la filière ovine et caprine qu'il a effectué et pour le rapport très complet qu'il nous a proposé.
La filière ovine et caprine a été malmenée au cours des dix dernières années, au fil des crises successives notamment liées à des épizooties, mais surtout en raison du découplage des aides qui provoque une diminution très sensible du cheptel ovin par abandon d'activité des éleveurs. Cette filière connaît de réelles difficultés et nécessite une attention toute particulière de notre part, car elle est productrice de viande ou de lait de grande qualité et est aussi un outil d'entretien et d'aménagement des territoires permettant notamment de diminuer les risques d'incendie ou de catastrophes naturelles.
Je soutiens les propositions de notre rapporteur et de la commission de l'agriculture et du développement rural relatives aux mesures d'aide à la production et à la promotion des produits. Il me semble important, face aux importations extérieures, qui avoisinent déjà le quart de la production européenne, de développer un logo européen en plus des indications d'origine locale et nationale.
Je pense aussi que l'identification électronique du cheptel ne pourra être réalisée à la date arrêtée par les institutions européennes que si, au préalable, l'Union européenne mobilise les crédits nécessaires, car la profession, au vu des grandes difficultés qu'elle connaît actuellement, ne sera pas en mesure de le faire. La mise en place d'une équipe de suivi me paraît très opportune, contrairement à mon prédécesseur, mais doit inclure, selon moi, des représentants des organisations professionnelles afin de tenir compte au plus près des évolutions vécues sur le terrain.
Je tiens enfin à vous rappeler qu'il y a urgence à agir, et ce dès l'année prochaine, si nous souhaitons sauver cette filière, car je crains que l'utilisation de l'article 69 – devenu 68 – dans le cadre du bilan de santé, à destination des filières en crise, ne soit trop tardive.
Alyn Smith, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I would add my own congratulations to the rapporteur this evening. I have been delighted to support this report since I first saw it and continue that support tonight on behalf of my group.
Mr Aylward has clearly consulted very widely with the industry – the people who know what they are talking about – and that shines through in this report which could provide a few examples of best practice to a few other rapporteurs.
I will pick up on two issues. The proposal to have an implementation task force is absolutely fundamental. We regularly come up with umpteen ‘Christmas lists’ in this Parliament and they do not necessarily go much further into actual reality. Scotland’s and Europe’s sheep farmers do need a better deal and we do need to have regular updates on how this industry is doing and what we need to do to fix it.
The second issue which will be of no surprise to colleagues is sheep identification and electronic tagging. I would appreciate it as well if the Commissioner, whom I welcome to his new post, could perhaps bring a fresh pair of eyes – as opposed to a pair of tags – to this issue, even though it is not within his remit, and accept that this well-meaning but deeply flawed proposal is precisely what the sheep and goat sector of Europe does not need at this time or at all.
It is flawed for three reasons: the proposals are impractical in that what works on a Brussels flipchart will not work in the dead of winter up a hill in Scotland; they are unproven: even the manufacturers of this technology admit that they need a great deal of work; and they are badly timed because the economic implications could put vast numbers of farmers out of business completely.
So Mr Aylward’s report is excellent. I am delighted to support it but we have still got plenty of work to do.
Zbigniew Krzysztof Kuźmiuk (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Zabierając głos w imieniu grupy UEN w tej debacie chcę zwrócić uwagę na cztery kwestie.
Po pierwsze, przeprowadzenie w roku 2003 reformy Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej, w ramach której zaproponowano rozdzielenie płatności bezpośrednich od produkcji, spowodowało systematycznie zmniejszanie rozmiarów produkcji owiec i kóz na terenie Unii Europejskiej.
Po drugie, kolejnymi przyczynami zmniejszania się tego sektora są wyższy od przeciętnego wzrost kosztów wytwarzania, głównie paliw, energii elektrycznej i pasz, a także nadmierny import mięsa z krajów trzecich, których rolnicy nie muszą wypełniać rygorystycznych norm związanych z hodowlą.
Po trzecie, tego rodzaju hodowla odgrywa istotną rolę w ochronie środowiska naturalnego, w tym w utrzymywaniu naturalnymi metodami mniej żyznych gleb, zachowaniu różnorodności biologicznej, a także przyczynianiu się do ochrony krajobrazu. Ponadto hodowla owiec i kóz ma miejsce na obszarach, których inne wykorzystanie rolnicze jest praktycznie niemożliwe.
Po czwarte, konieczne jest zatem podjęcie na szczeblu Unii Europejskiej pilnych działań mających na celu ochronę sektora owiec i kóz, a w szczególności wdrożenie systemu wsparcia dochodów producentów, aby ich zainteresować rozwijaniem tego rodzaju produkcji.
Ilda Figueiredo, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Sabe-se que a criação de ovinos e caprinos é de grande importância, designadamente em áreas mais desfavorecidas e em zonas de montanha, contribuindo para fixar as populações, para a manutenção natural de zonas menos férteis, para a preservação de paisagens e de ecossistemas sensíveis, contribuindo igualmente para a prevenção de fogos florestais, por exemplo no meu país.
Além disso, há um défice de produção a nível da União Europeia face ao consumo, e o efectivo de animais continua a diminuir. Por isso, é necessário tomar medidas que contribuam para melhorar o rendimento dos seus produtores, para aumentar a produção de carne, de leite, de queijo e outros produtos, de forma a incentivar jovens produtores para o sector, a apoiar as pequenas e médias explorações familiares.
É urgente actuar com apoios diversificados, designadamente financeiros, tendo em conta o preço elevado dos factores de produção, as epizootias que frequentemente atingem estes animais e a escassez de apoio técnico em diversas zonas, designadamente médico e veterinário.
É preciso ter em conta o desfasamento entre os preços baixos pagos aos produtores pelos intermediários e grandes superfícies comerciais e o preço muito elevado pago pelo consumidor final, o que implica que a Comissão e os Estados-Membros dêem toda a prioridade a este problema da transparência de preços no sector.
Mas, sobretudo, impõe-se que se incentive o associativismo, se garanta o escoamento a preços justos da produção da carne, do leite, do queijo produzido artesanalmente, e se criem mercados de proximidade, estreitando as relações entre produtores e consumidores.
Para travar o decréscimo da produção de carne de ovino e caprino que se verifica na União Europeia desde que, em 2003, com a reforma da PAC, foi introduzido o regime de pagamento único com a dissociação dos pagamentos directos, é necessário que a nova revisão altere esta situação, aprovando as medidas necessárias, incluindo apoios extraordinários para a aplicação do sistema de identificação electrónica, o qual, como já aqui foi dito, pelo menos nesta fase, deve ser apenas voluntário, para não sobrecarregar os produtores.
Sublinho também a importância de garantir um pagamento suplementar para os produtores de raças autóctones, tradicionais e regionais raras, de gado ovino e caprino, o qual deve ser reforçado nas zonas montanhosas e em zonas específicas, a fim de preservar a diversidade biológica na agricultura e estes animais em áreas sensíveis.
Por último, quero reafirmar a necessidade de apoiar com medidas diversificadas a produção dos queijos tradicionais do leite destes animais. Seguindo os processos artesanais que chegaram até hoje e que fazem parte do nosso património cultural, garantindo aos pastores e outros produtores de carne e leite de origem ovina e caprina a possibilidade de manterem as suas produções de queijo e a respectiva comercialização directa aos consumidores nos mercados locais.
E agradeço ao relator o trabalho que nos apresentou.
Jean-Claude Martinez (NI). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, nous traitons d'un sujet grave, la disparition lente des moutons et des bergers européens. Le monde a un milliard de moutons, l'Europe n'en a que 97 millions, c'est-à-dire moins de 10%, et c'est pire pour les brebis, nous n'en avons que 67 millions. Certes, la Grande-Bretagne peut faire illusion avec 15 millions de têtes, l'Espagne avec 16 millions, ou l'Irlande du président Parish, autosuffisante à 333%. Mais la France, elle, par exemple, a vu son troupeau passer de près de treize millions de têtes, il y a 25 ans, à huit millions aujourd'hui, pour atteindre cinq millions seulement en 2015. En France, un gigot d'agneau sur deux que nous consommons vient de l'étranger. Pire, ce sont les brebis allaitantes qui disparaissent.
Les causes sont connues, certes: l'explosion des coûts de l'alimentation, la baisse de la consommation, la vie pastorale difficile, la fièvre catarrhale, la chute des prix, le découplage, mais d'abord, et surtout, les importations sans droit de douane de moutons de Nouvelle-Zélande. 227 000 tonnes de moutons de Nouvelle-Zélande arrivent chaque année, c'est-à-dire deux fois la production française. Ce ne sont pas les loups qui mangent les moutons, ce sont les moutons de Nouvelle-Zélande qui mangent les moutons européens. Il y a un siècle et demi, la Nouvelle-Zélande avait un million de têtes de moutons; aujourd'hui, elle en a quarante millions. Sur la même période, la France est passée de trente millions à huit millions.
Alors que faire? Il faut un grand plan européen du mouton, une volonté avec une prime de 15 euros par brebis allaitante, une prime à l'ovin de 125% de la prime bovine, des crédits de modernisation des bâtiments, des abattoirs de proximité, un Fonds européen d'assurance des risques d'élevage, un plan d'assistance et, pourquoi pas, des bourses Erasmus pour les jeunes bergers qui pourraient aller en Espagne, en Italie, apprendre leur métier. Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président. Le mouton, c'est la civilisation!
Neil Parish (PPE-DE). – Mr President, thank you. Well, Mr Martinez, I knew that New Zealand sheep were guilty of many things, but I did not realise they ate other sheep, especially European ones!
But, to be serious, I thank the rapporteur for a very good report. Can I echo the words of Mr Nicholson that it is great to see you here, Commissioner, and I am glad to see that you come from a sheep-keeping area of Italy, so I am sure you will be able to shed light on this whole project.
Sheep farming is extremely good, not only for farming but for the environment, and we talk a great deal today about a great environment for agriculture. But it is in the high-landscape areas, the mountainous areas, the hilly areas in my own area that I represent – Exmoor and Dartmoor and Bodmin Moor – that the green landscape is kept by sheep farming.
Sheep meat and lamb meat is a very healthy red meat. It is also a meat that is fed on grass, and when we now are living in an age where people are saying it takes eight kilos of grain to create one kilo of protein, then do not forget grass-fed meat is extremely valuable.
We must go out and market this, because it is a healthy meat but it needs to be marketed, and that is where I say to the rapporteur in his report: marketing is extremely important.
I actually want to see a form of grassland payment paid to sheep farmers to keep the sheep on the hillside. I do not want a coupled payment, because I believe all that may do is maintain more sheep than the landscape needs to keep. We have got to have the right number there to keep the landscape but have a good quality sheep that can then be marketed properly.
Electronic tagging: we are not ready for it. And when you are halfway up a mountain in driving rain, you try to read these new-fangled monitors and the answer is you will not be able to do it. There is no system yet that properly stops the collision of the numbers on the different sheep. And do not forget you are talking about millions and millions of sheep in the European Union. We are just not ready, and I would say: leave it to 2012 or beyond.
Rosa Miguélez Ramos (PSE). – Señor Presidente, el sector ovino europeo atraviesa desde hace varios años una profunda crisis que lo está llevando —como ya se ha dicho— a la desaparición.
La tradicional baja rentabilidad de este sector se ha visto agravada por el encarecimiento de los piensos, así como por la importantísima disminución del consumo de estos productos.
El informe del señor Aylward caracteriza correctamente al sector, señala su decisiva importancia para fijar población en los territorios más sensibles y vulnerables y para mantener el medio natural en el que se desarrolla.
Parece evidente que ni el mercado ni las actuales ayudas de la PAC van a bastar para que este sector se mantenga, sobre todo porque los actuales costes reglamentarios para la producción nos hacen perder competitividad frente a los productos importados, que no tienen exigencias similares.
Si no actuamos, estas ganaderías corren grave riesgo de desaparecer y, con ellas, una de las actividades económicas más importantes, si no la única, de muchas zonas rurales de Europa, lo que planteará un grave problema de gestión del territorio.
Mi Grupo apoya el informe del ponente y, si hemos presentado enmiendas, ha sido con la única finalidad de mejorarlo. No sólo nos preocupan las razas tradicionales, creemos que sí están en peligro, pero la que está en peligro es esta actividad ganadera en sí misma.
Y, aunque el señor Smith parece creer que sólo hay ovejas en Escocia, en España también las hay. Somos, de hecho, el segundo productor, como ya se ha dicho, después del Reino Unido, y creemos que el sistema de identificación electrónica es el único que garantiza la rastreabilidad de los rebaños y el único que va a permitir que la etiqueta UE sea plenamente fiable.
Mi Grupo reclama mecanismos de financiación comunitaria para facilitar su implantación en la fecha prevista. También queremos que la Comisión incluya en la estrategia para este sector la recuperación de oficios como el de pastor, ordeñador y esquilador, que están desapareciendo.
Zdzisław Zbigniew Podkański (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Sytuacja w sektorze hodowli owiec i kóz wyraźnie wskazuje na kryzys Wspólnej Polityki Rolnej. Mamy kolejny dowód, że polityka rolna nie zabezpiecza oczekiwań i dalsze utrzymywanie jej w takim stanie prowadzi do utraty bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego.
Po kryzysie na rynku zbóż, gdzie trzeba było szybko uwolnić 2 900 000 hektarów odłogów okazuje się, że jest kryzys na rynku mleka spowodowany restrykcyjną polityką i karami nakładanymi na rolników i szybko trzeba było podnieść o 2% kwotę mleczną, co nie zabezpiecza na przyszłość właściwego realizowania zadań.
Teraz okazuje się, że mamy także kryzys w sektorze owiec i kóz, a także koni i wielu roślin uprawnych. Krótko mówiąc, politykę rolną trzeba zmieniać, ale nie pod dyktat przemysłów. Nie można iść na to, że ktoś będzie wymyślał kolejne obciążenia, chociażby elektroniczne znakowanie owiec, a za to będą płacili hodowcy i konsumenci.
Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). – Mr President, I should like to say thank you and welcome to the Commissioner. If you have not heard it already, Commissioner, the message coming very clearly from this House is that electronic tagging is a very bad idea and it must be put to bed. If this report – and I thank Liam Aylward for his work on it – achieves anything, I would hope that it would achieve a bit of realism on electronic tagging of sheep. You have heard the reasons – it is not practical, it is too costly and sheep farmers quite simply will not wear it.
Irish sheep farmers are in an angry mood at the moment – as you know, we have taken a vote on the Lisbon Treaty – and it would be rather practical if the Commission could say, ‘Let’s listen to them and put this one to bed’. Do not bring it in.
I would like to say a few things about the report, which details the problems in the sheep sector and does it particularly well. The real solution for sheep farmers is better market prices and, if we cannot get those, a better share of the price we, as consumers, pay for lamb. We need to encourage young people to start eating this meat which, as you have heard, is a healthy product. So measures in terms of marketing initiatives to help that are very important.
I worry about Article 69. We are simply cross-subsidising between farmers and I am not so sure that would go down very well with farmers from whom the money will be taken.
I support the idea of an environmental-linked payment but I am a little concerned. We had them before and there were problems on the mountains because of it. Then – guess what – we decoupled, hoping to solve that problem, and now we are trying to recouple. But the sheep sector needs additional payments to keep farmers in business, particularly in sensitive areas.
Moving on to the task force: I am not a great fan of task forces but I am happy to support this idea if the rapporteur, as he has said, is prepared to stick with it and make sure work happens. Could I ask the Commission to clarify how many people, if any, are working in the Commission on sheepmeat? I gather very few. I think there is one person, but I would like to know.
Briefly, the experience in Ireland of a sheep strategy report is not good. A year and a half ago EUR 28 million were promised, with great fanfare, to Irish farmers. Guess what? To date EUR 9 000 have been delivered. I hope this report does somewhat better.
Giovanna Corda (PSE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, je tiens tout d'abord à féliciter le rapporteur, M. Aylward, pour le travail qu'il a effectué sur ce rapport. L'objectif de ce rapport est de relancer les filières ovines et caprines en Europe. Ces filières sont, en effet, menacées car, depuis plusieurs années, leur volume de production ne cesse de diminuer.
Les producteurs préfèrent s'orienter vers d'autres types de production car les prix ont beaucoup chuté et ne leur garantissent plus un revenu suffisant. D'autre part, les consommateurs européens, notamment les jeunes, se désintéressent de ces produits. Nous devons relancer ces filières car tant la viande que le lait ou le fromage sont issus de nos terroirs et nous nous devons de les promouvoir. Le maintien de ces filières est primordial, et cela à plusieurs titres.
Tout d'abord, la filière lait, aussi bien que la filière viande, est garante de tradition et de savoir-faire que nous devons continuer à faire connaître aux consommateurs. Ensuite, ces deux filières sont également garantes d'emplois dans les domaines de la production, de la transformation et de la vente de ces produits. Il ne faut pas non plus oublier que les exploitations ovines et caprines se situent souvent dans les zones isolées, montagneuses ou insulaires. Je peux en parler car je suis née en Sardaigne et c'est une région que je connais très bien et où les possibilités de reconversion sont très restreintes. Par ailleurs, les ovins et les caprins jouent un rôle bénéfique pour la préservation de l'environnement. C'est pourquoi nous devons faire en sorte de maintenir ces exploitations et de relancer les débouchés.
Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Jestem zdania, że w tym raporcie możemy znaleźć wiele postulatów, których spełnienie będzie miało korzystny wpływ na przyszłość sektora owiec i kóz w Europie. Za wyjątkowo cenną uważam zwłaszcza propozycję wprowadzenia dodatkowego wsparcia hodowli owiec na terenach górskich oraz tam, gdzie produkcja owczarska jest jedyną formą działalności rolniczej.
Ten mało dochodowy sektor boryka się od dłuższego czasu z wieloma problemami. Spada produkcja i spożycie, rośnie import oraz koszty produkcji. Panująca obecnie choroba niebieskiego języka i wprowadzone w związku z nią ograniczenia przepływu zwierząt i handlu powodują dodatkowe utrudnienia oraz mają konsekwencje społeczno-gospodarcze.
Należy podkreślić, że problemy tego sektora wynikają między innymi z rozdzielenia płatności od produkcji. Trzeba zaproponować instrumenty wsparcia, które pomogą odbudować pogłowie owiec i kóz w Unii. Nie wyobrażam sobie takiej sytuacji, żeby owce zniknęły całkowicie z krajobrazu gór. One są ich częścią.
Biorąc pod uwagę kondycję finansową tego sektora, trudno znaleźć uzasadnienie dla wprowadzenia elektronicznego systemu identyfikacji owiec i kóz. Koszty wprowadzenia nowych chipów znowu spadną na europejskich hodowców. Zamiast tego powinniśmy pomyśleć, w jaki sposób zwiększyć spożycie jagnięciny i mięsa koziego, które uznaje się za niezmiernie cenne pod względem dietetycznym.
Marios Matsakis (ALDE). – Mr President, for the sheep farmers of my country, Cyprus, the main problem for the last year has been the confusing and, as it transpired, apparently false results relating to foot-and-mouth-disease diagnosis which were supplied by an animal disease reference laboratory in the UK. This animal disease laboratory is used by the Commission as a reference laboratory. The results it supplied led to thousands of animals being killed and to a catastrophe for many sheep farmers on the island.
This laboratory, I note, is the same place from where the virus escaped a few months earlier, causing an outbreak in the UK with devastating results for the farmers there.
May I call on the Commission to take a second, more critical, look at the standards of the animal disease reference laboratories it uses, in order to make sure that their scientific credibility is of the required highest level?
Wiesław Stefan Kuc (UEN). – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Przykro mi bardzo, ale sprawozdanie pana Liama Aylwarda naprawdę nie jest o przyszłości sektora hodowli owiec i kóz w Europie, a raczej w ich obronie.
Nie zauważyliśmy, kiedy owce i kozy, podobnie jak konie prawie zniknęły z naszego krajobrazu. Zamilkły dzwonki, szczekanie psów, ale także znikają produkty wykonywane z surowców rodzimego pochodzenia: mleka, mięsa, wełny, skór.
Myślę, że jeszcze da się uratować, przynajmniej na niektórych obszarach, hodowlę tych zwierząt. Jeśli nie zrobimy przynajmniej tego, co proponuje pan sprawozdawca, spowodujemy, że będziemy oglądali je w ogrodach zoologicznych. Oczywiście, że jeżeli produkcja jest nieopłacalna, możemy surowce kupić w Nowej Zelandii, Australii bądź w innych państwach. Ale staramy się ratować naszą faunę. Owce i kozy do niej należą. Pamiętajmy o tym.
Antonio Tajani, Membro della Commissione. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli deputati, mi pare che questa sera qui proveniamo tutti quanti da regioni dove esiste un sistema di pastorizia e c'è una forte attenzione al settore ovicaprino. Proprio per questo io credo che si debba riferire – e così farò – alle colleghe Fischer Boel e Androulla Vassilliou tutto ciò che è stato detto in quest'Aula e tutte le richieste che sono state fatte da parte dei parlamentari.
On. McGuinness, io ho capito perfettamente qual è la posizione del Parlamento sul tema delicato dell'etichettatura. Riferirò – ripeto – la posizione che è stata espressa da molti deputati questa sera alla Commissaria competente. Mi auguro – e capisco le esigenze del Parlamento – che si possa trovare una soluzione positiva con la Commissaria Fischer Boel.
Io credo e mi auguro che, al termine del dibattito in Parlamento e in Consiglio, la valutazione dello stato di salute offrirà una risposta adeguata a molte delle preoccupazioni sollevate dal relatore e sollevate anche nel corso di questo dibattito da molti parlamentari sul tema del futuro del comparto ovicaprino.
Per alcune questioni la soluzione si potrebbe profilare in tempi brevi. Stiamo lavorando ad un accordo sulle modalità in campo agricolo dell'Agenda di Doha per lo sviluppo che dovrebbe essere finalizzato prima della pausa estiva. E questo dovrebbe fare più luce sulla questione dei prodotti sensibili che è stata sollevata dal relatore.
In materia di promozione siamo aperti ad ogni suggerimento costruttivo ma, come ho ricordato, ci siamo attenuti al principio di un sostegno mirato a prodotti comunitari di qualità chiaramente identificabile.
Per quanto riguarda un altro tema che è emerso a proposito del futuro di questo comparto, che considero anche io personalmente, ma anche i Commissari, assolutamente importante per l'economia dell'Unione europea ma soprattutto, in modo particolare, di alcune regioni montane e con un sistema idrogeologico particolarmente difficile.
E quindi volevo fornire una risposta per quanto riguarda il tema della creazione di un gruppo di rappresentanti della Commissione e degli Stati membri che possano seguire l'evoluzione di questo comparto. Per quanto riguarda la creazione di un gruppo siffatto, va da sé che le osservazioni e le proposte che provengono dagli Stati membri e dai portatori di interessi sono sempre ben accolte dalla Commissione che credo debba sempre di più ascoltare le istanze che vengono dall'intera Unione europea. Però, in seno alla Commissione esistono già diversi organi competenti per questo settore.
Il comitato di gestione per gli ovini e i caprini emette pareri sulla legislazione concernente il settore. Il gruppo di previsione sugli ovini e i caprini è composto di esperti del mercato e si riunisce due volte l'anno per discutere sull'andamento e sulle previsioni del mercato. Le conclusioni di queste riunioni sono presentate al gruppo consultivo sugli ovini e i caprini che si riunisce anch'esso due volte l'anno e che rappresenta l'intera filiera, dall'allevatore al consumatore. Quest'ultimo gruppo dibatte anche su un'ampia gamma di argomenti che i rappresentanti possono proporre di iscrivere all'ordine del giorno.
Mi sembra quindi che l'insediamento di un altro gruppo di lavoro implicherebbe un onere amministrativo supplementare e costituirebbe una specie di doppione rispetto alle funzioni dell'attuale sistema di gestione, il che in realtà sarebbe in contrasto con l'obiettivo di semplificare la PAC.
Comunque sono disposto – e credo di poterlo dire anche a nome della Commissaria Fischer Boel – ad esplorare eventuali possibilità all'interno del quadro esistente.
Liam Aylward, rapporteur. − Mr President, it was remiss of me not to welcome the new Commissioner, to thank him and to wish him well. I should of course also like to thank all the speakers here tonight, particularly the shadow rapporteurs, for their contributions.
I would also like to thank the Slovenian Presidency for their support over the last six months, during which they agreed that the development of the sheep sector would be put on the agenda of the Council of Agriculture Ministers in March. This gave the Agriculture Ministers across the Community an opportunity to discuss the crisis.
My thanks also to the Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, Neil Parish, who has been very helpful and supportive.
Briefly, I want to refer to the amendments and matters raised here tonight. I have heard the view from the Commission in relation to the implementation task force. Now I know I am right because they are against it. I find it very difficult to agree to Amendment 2. Some proposals have been made to me. If we can get proper wording I have no difficulty with that, but I will not dilute the importance of what we are trying to achieve.
Again, my view on electronic identification has always been clear. I am against it – not least due to the high costs involved – but also the benefits are unproven and there are difficulties in implementation. I have, however, always stated that each Member State should be allowed the option of introducing this system on a voluntary basis. Therefore I am unable to support Amendment 4 but I can support Amendment 1 by the PPE-DE Group deferring the implementation of the system until 2012 at the earliest.
All the other amendments proposed I will accept. I am not going to go through them now but I can accept Amendments 6, 7, 8, 9, 3 and 5.
I think it is worth pointing out that since 2003 it has been stated that any sector in the common agricultural policy facing difficulty or disadvantage will be prioritised in the context of the CAP health check. In the forthcoming check I would ask the Commissioner for Agriculture to ensure that the interests of the sheep and goat sector are comprehensively addressed.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the French presidency well over the next six months. They will be very important to this report. I have met with the French Minister for Agriculture, Mr Barnier, who is already committed to having a discussion on these sectors at the November meeting of the Council of Agriculture Ministers. I am confident that he, who has a well-informed understanding of the challenges that the sheep and goat sector faces, will do his utmost to ensure that the necessary proposals in this report on the future of the sheep and goat sectors are implemented in the context of the CAP health check.
Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà giovedì 19 giugno 2008.
Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 142)
Andrzej Tomasz Zapałowski (UEN), na piśmie. – Hodowla owiec jest jednym z sektorów produkcji zwierzęcej, który traktuje się obecnie mniej poważnie w porównaniu z hodowlą świń czy też bydła.
Jednakże sektor ten jest niezwykle ważny dla krajów, gdzie warunki geograficzne dla produkcji bydła są bardzo trudne bądź też dla regionów, gdzie ze względów na tradycję historyczną ludność jest przywiązana do hodowli i spożywania jagnięciny.
Należy zadbać, aby ten sektor rolnictwa nie upadł. Zwłaszcza w okresie, kiedy lawinowo rosną ceny żywności i nie stać nas, aby ograniczać tę produkcję.
W pełni popieram propozycję sprawozdawcy, aby wprowadzić dodatkowe płatności na rzecz tradycyjnych ras górskich w celu ochrony owiec na obszarach wrażliwych. Popieram także propozycję znakowania baraniny unijnym logo, aby odróżnić ją od produktów z krajów trzecich. Musimy pomagać mieszkańcom Europy odróżniać dobrą żywność od żywności mogącej nie spełniać europejskich standardów.