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Dibattiti :

PV 18/06/2008 - 13
CRE 18/06/2008 - 13

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 19/06/2008 - 5.5
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :

Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
Il-Ħamis, 19 ta' Ġunju 2008 - Strasburgu

6. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot

Oral explanations of vote


Resolution – European Union’s disaster response capacity (B6-0303/2008)


  Oldřich Vlasák (PPE-DE). – Vážený pane předsedo, dámy a pánové, dovolte mně, abych vysvětlil své hlasování k rezoluci Evropského parlamentu o posílení schopnosti Unie reagovat na katastrofy. Rozhodně nastoupený směr solidarity a vzájemné pomoci je správný a potřebný. Je potřeba navázat konkrétními kroky na Barnierovu zprávu a sdělení Komise je v tomto ohledu cestou kupředu. Je totiž nesporně zapotřebí, aby docházelo k zajištění kompatibility a posilovala se spolupráce záchranných složek různých úrovní na hranicích našich států. Rezoluci jsem bohužel nemohl podpořit, protože nedošlo k přijetí našeho ústního pozměňovacího návrhu, a tím zavádíme požadavek na vytvoření právně závazných nástrojů, které budou zasahovat do národních programů, politik a zákonů a dojde i k narušení prvku solidarity. Jsem totiž přesvědčen, že vyšší ochranu našich zájmů před dopady katastrof zajistíme podporou záchranářů našich členských zemí, jejich koordinací a investicemi do vybavení, nikoliv novými zákony, které vnesou do celého procesu pouze další prvky byrokracie.


Resolution – Fortieth anniversary of the Customs Union (B6-0297/2008)


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE). – Colná únia zastáva od roku 1968 kľúčovú úlohu pri zachovávaní a rozvíjaní jednotného trhu. 40 rokov trvania colnej únie prinieslo EÚ výrazné úspechy a výhody nielen pre podniky, ale aj občanom Európskej únie.

Vítam a hlasovala som za uznesenie, ktoré predložila Arlene McCarthy v mene Výboru pre vnútorný trh a ochranu spotrebiteľa o 40. výročí colnej únie.

Colná únia vzhľadom na globalizáciu a technologický pokrok čelí výzvam ako falšovanie výrobkov, zvýšený dovoz nebezpečných tovarov, potreba elektronizácie colných procedúr . Iba vzájomná spolupráca colných úradov a úradov dohľadu nad trhom na medzinárodnej úrovni dokáže zabrániť vstupu nebezpečných a falšovaných výrobkov na európsky trh, a tým zaručiť lepšiu ochranu spotrebiteľa. Presvedčila som sa o tom na návšteve ústredných colných orgánov a colných správ v Prahe, v Antverpách, vo Washingtone, ale aj v Pekingu a v Šanghaji.

Toto jubileum nám dáva priestor poďakovať colným úradníkom za ich náročnú, mnohokrát aj nebezpečnú prácu a vyjadriť uznanie za ich úspechy v boji proti nebezpečným výrobkom a falšovaniu produktov a pirátstvu.


  Daniel Hannan (NI). – Madam President, the 40th anniversary seems an opportune moment to address a misapprehension that has existed, I think, in our country ever since your constituents and mine voted to join what they thought was the Common Market some 35 years ago – the misapprehension concerning the difference between a free-trade area and a customs union.

What I think most British people understood by the Common Market was that there would be mutual product recognition, that if you could sell something in the UK, you should also be allowed to sell it in Germany, France and Spain and the other way round.

But of course what we have instead is standardisation. Something is required to contain certain ingredients, to be of a volume of not less than ‘x’ and not more than ‘y’, and even if that product was never intended for export, even if it never crosses frontiers, it can find itself criminalised and prohibited in its own country; and this is often because a rival somewhere in the EU – as often as not in Britain – which happens to meet all of a group of specifications anyway, uses the mechanisms of the European Union in order to pass on its costs to its rivals.

I think it is a shame that we have lost the original concept of free circulation of goods and services in favour of harmonisation, which reduces consumer choice.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). – Madam President, how wonderful it is to see you in the chair.

When I give speeches in my constituency of London – for those of you who may have heard of London, the greatest city in the world, capital of the greatest country in the world – it is often pointed out to me by my constituents that they thought in 1973 that we were joining a customs union. Then I say, ‘Do you not understand the nature of the beast? Do you not understand the nature of the European project? It is all about further political and economic integration’.

In fact in my first week in Parliament the leader of my group, Hans-Gert Pöttering, stood up and said, ‘Nothing must be allowed to get in the way of European integration; nothing must be allowed to get in the way of the European project’. So clearly, there is a misapprehension of the nature of the project in my constituency.

My plea to you, those of you in this Chamber who support the project, is: please be honest about its intentions. If you seek to deny the truth about this project, then, once you ask the people, they will reject it, as they did in the referendum in Ireland.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I too am delighted to see you in the chair.

I voted for Amendment 6 because I believe that the authorisation of the chlorinated chicken imports would undermine European standards and I see that happening on two fronts. First of all, there is a lack of scientific data on the environmental and health impact of using the substances that are proposed. Secondly, given the regime under which poultry producers operate, it is unreasonable to have two different standards, both from the perspective of the producers and more importantly from that of the consumers.

The previous speaker mentioned the Lisbon referendum in Ireland. Certainly one of the issues on the ground that I came across when canvassing was that people do object to different standards. But what we are doing here in Parliament today is dealing with that, so I am delighted that Parliament has passed that resolution.


Joint resolution – Crisis in the fisheries sector caused by rising fuel oil prices (RC-B6-0305/2008)


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I fully support the resolution passed by Parliament. Again, one of the things we often speak about in Parliament is how we respond to the needs of citizens. I think this is a clear case where a response is needed.

The fishing industry is in crisis, with fuel prices having increased by more than 300% in the last five years while prices for fish are similar to those paid 20 years ago. So the bottom line is that fishermen cannot survive, they are going out of business and I think some of our proposals in this resolution will help to improve the situation.

I am pleased to see that the Slovenian presidency has said that they will take this on board, and I would call on the Council of Fisheries Ministers when it meets next week to pay particular attention to this resolution.


  President. − Now, Mr Kamall, I suppose you are going to tell us about fishermen in London?


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). – Madam President, I do not think there are any left, thanks to the common fisheries policy!

Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to explain the way I voted on this important debate. But what I would say to my colleagues in the House is, actually, let us look at what the real problem is. Whenever there is an international crisis, you seek to blame that for the problems in the fishing industry. Actually it is not the rise in fuel prices that is the real problem in the fishing industry. It is the common fisheries policy, a system of central planning that the Soviets would have been proud of. I find it amazing that colleagues in this House are so willing to espouse Soviet economics.

Let us look at some of the more successful fish preservation systems around the world. If you look at the ones, for example, in Iceland and New Zealand, you will find that they are based on the rule of law and property rights and transferable property rights. If we really want to solve the problem in the fisheries industry, it is time to trust the rule of law; it is time to trust property rights; it is time to trust the free market.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Peter Skinner (PSE). – Madam President, I do not want to speak on this item but the previous item. I was trying to attract your attention.

I abstained on the poultry carcass issue, primarily because I believe there is evidence to refute the claims that we need to keep the ban in place. I particularly think there is scientific evidence in place to allow this ban to be lifted. But, in any case, none of this discussion has come to the fore.

What we have instead is a very expensive process in Europe for cleaning chicken carcasses. That is the real problem because any carcasses that come into the European Union would seem to be cheaper; as a result they sell more quickly and obviously suit the consumers.

This is not about health claims, this is about protectionism. I think it is a very sad day for Europe that we have this particular debate in such a short and truncated way, rushed through as a resolution this week in Parliament.

I abstained as a result of this and I believe our relationship with the US and with other countries is stained as a result.


Joint resolution – EU-Russia Summit of 26-27 June 2008 in Khanty-Mansiysk (RC-B6-0235/2008)


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE). – V prípade samitu EÚ – Rusko je mu právom venovaná veľká pozornosť. Vzhľadom na dôležité geopolitické postavenie Ruska, jeho pretrvávajúce historické a kultúrne väzby k Európe, podporujem vybudovanie silného politického partnerstva medzi EÚ a Ruskou federáciou.

Toto partnerstvo by malo zahŕňať vzájomnú pomoc v bezpečnostných otázkach, najmä v oblasti boja proti terorizmu a organizovanému zločinu, odstraňovanie prekážok pre voľný obchod a cestovanie. Pritom nesmieme prehliadať, že vo vzťahoch medzi Úniou a Ruskom sa vyskytujú aj viaceré problematické aspekty. V tomto ohľade je potrebné, aby Únia vystupovala jednotne.

Žiadna členská krajina, ktorá to so spoločnou zahraničnou a bezpečnostnou politikou myslí vážne, by nemala budovať svoje bilaterálne vzťahy s Ruskom za cenu poškodenia oprávnených záujmov členských krajín. Avšak v citlivých medzinárodných problémoch by sa Únia a Rusko mali zhodnúť na zásade rešpektovania medzinárodného práva a územnej integrity, napríklad v prípade Srbska a Kosova.

Na záver mi dovoľte zdôrazniť môj názor, že EÚ by mala podporovať Rusko v budovaní a upevňovaní demokracie, právneho štátu a ochrany ľudských práv.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE). – Pani Przewodnicząca! Zbliżający się szczyt Unia – Rosja to ważne wydarzenie, dlatego tak istotna była dyskusja o działaniach przygotowawczych w naszym Parlamencie.

Relacje Unii Europejskiej i Rosji mają ogromne znaczenie dla stabilizacji, rozwoju gospodarczego i bezpieczeństwa w Europie i na świecie. Relacje te nabrały nowego wymiaru po rozszerzeniu Unii o 12 krajów, głównie z Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Krajów, które w przeszłości były bardzo mocno powiązane gospodarczo, politycznie i wojskowo z dawnym Związkiem Radzieckim.

Dotychczas dwustronne relacje handlowe poszczególnych państw zostały przeniesione na szczebel Unii z Rosją. Ale Rosja często podejmuje działania, aby dogadywać się z poszczególnymi państwami z pominięciem Unii. Proponuje się często pewne wyjątkowe warunki tej dwustronnej współpracy.

Rosja to wielki kraj z ogromnymi aspiracjami polityczno-militarnymi, zasobny w surowce energetyczne, co określa pozycję tego kraju w Europie i na świecie. Rosja po przystąpieniu do protokołu z Kyoto staje się ważnym partnerem, którego należy włączyć do działań przeciwdziałających zmianom klimatycznym, i tych związanych z ochroną środowiska.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE-DE). – Madam President, in the case of paragraph 29, which ends, ‘to offer a greater EU involvement in the conflict resolution process’, I support the original version, which adds and continues, ‘including the possibility of an EU peacekeeping mission on the ground and a replacement of the CIS and Russian troops’.

I find that it is absolutely important just now to send a clear message on behalf of the EU that we are ready to make a concrete commitment in the form of a peacekeeping mission in Abkhazia.


- Report: Liam Aylward (A6-0196/2008)


  Jim Allister (NI). – Madam President, I voted for this report because, as in other sectors, I am concerned to see the EU decline in sheepmeat production against a rising tide of imports.

There are not just farm income issues here but pertinent environmental issues because, of all farmed animals, sheep probably contribute the most to the natural upkeep of less fertile areas and the maintenance of biodiversity.

Environmental degradation of many upland and less-favoured areas will result from diminishing sheep farming. Thus the necessity to sustain this industry and contemplate environmentally-linked payments to support it.

I also believe a proper country-of-origin labelling regime could greatly help promote growth in consumption of local lamb, particularly with rising imports.

Finally, the Commission’s rush to electronic tagging will impose further costs on a sector already diminishing because of uneconomic returns. At most, such tagging should be voluntary for each Member State and region.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). – Madam President, I agree with the final speaker about the electronic tagging. It certainly should be voluntary.

I supported Amendment 4 because I want to ask the Commission and the Council to look at introducing some kind of Community financing for the system of electronic tagging. The goat, sheep and lamb sectors are in crisis and they certainly cannot afford to have further costs foisted upon them.

Indeed, I would have preferred Amendment 1 – but of course that fell on the adoption of Amendment 4 – where it was recommended that the implementation of the electronic identification system be deferred until 2012 at the earliest. I agree with the former speaker, as I said, that the bureaucracy and cost involved far outweigh any of the benefits.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE). – Madam President, as I said last night, this is a very good report. Unfortunately last night the Commissioner ruled out possibility of the Commission agreeing to the rapporteur’s proposal to have a task force to look at the industry.

Now I am not a great believer in task forces because the place is littered with them; every time we have a problem we set up a task force and you never hear tell of it again.

But I think if we had had better cooperation before we came to this Chamber, we could have put forward a firm proposal that would have helped the industry and worked for the industry.

Now we have got nothing. We have got electronic tagging. We have not got what we asked, that it be put back to 2012. The industry cannot afford it. But I think we will return to this; we have not heard the last of it, because we have got to defend the sheep industry throughout the whole of the European Union.


Written explanations of vote


- Report: Boguslaw Liberadzki (A6-0227/2008)


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. O transporte de mercadorias perigosas tem sido tema de muitas discussões e, em consequência, uma clarificação e simplificação das normas de segurança tem vindo a estabelecer-se. Assim, com o relatório do colega Liberadzki, a legislação existente sobre o transporte de mercadorias perigosas irá dar um sinal positivo, nomeadamente quanto ao campo de aplicação da directiva, que é alargado à navegação interior. Felicito os negociadores pelo acordo que permitirá fechar este dossier em 2ª leitura.

A extensão desta directiva à navegação interior envolverá um período transitório de dois anos para a adaptação dos Estados-Membros. Estes poderão regular ou interditar o transporte de mercadorias perigosas no seu território por razões além da segurança do transporte.

É, pois, de realçar que esta legislação representa um sinal dos nossos esforços para que o transporte de mercadorias perigosas na União se torne cada vez mais eficaz e seguro, destituído de burocracia supérflua e dos seus custos acrescidos ou ainda de normas que não contribuam para a eficiência da gestão do transporte deste tipo de mercadorias.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non c'è in vero molto da discutere sull'ottima relazione del collega Liberadzki relativa al trasporto interno delle merci pericolose. L'ho votata in commissione e qui confermo il mio voto.

Più aumentano gli scambi di merci intra moenia come tra i paesi dell'Unione e più, a mio avviso, è utile che le condizioni di questi flussi siano omologhe, soprattutto in termini di sicurezza, ma anche dei controlli e delle relative pratiche amministrative. Del resto, non avrebbe alcuna logica criticare o peggio respingere un testo così tecnico, sul quale la consultazione di tanti esperti dei paesi membri è stata ampia e qualitativamente informata.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. − Ik steun dit verslag ten volle. Jaarlijks wordt er een enorme hoeveelheid aan gevaarlijke goederen in de Europese Unie via de binnenwateren vervoerd, zoals bijvoorbeeld chloor en benzine. Hiervoor zijn nog geen regels opgesteld, terwijl er wel wetgeving is voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke stoffen over de weg en per spoor.

Wetgeving voor het transport van gevaarlijke stoffen per schip is hard nodig. Niet alleen om de veiligheid te garanderen, maar ook om de bescherming van milieu en de volksgezondheid Europees te regelen. Veel van dit soort vervoer is namelijk grensoverschrijdend. Bovendien zijn de Europese regels ook in het voordeel van ondernemers die nu in verschillende lidstaten aan uiteenlopende, nationale eisen moeten voldoen. Transport via binnenwateren zorgt bovendien voor minder uitstoot aan broeikasgassen. Het is dus erg belangrijk de eisen voor de verschillende manieren van transport op elkaar af te stemmen. Op die manier wordt het aantrekkelijker om meerdere vervoerswijzen met elkaar te combineren. Bijvoorbeeld door een deel van het traject per spoor af te leggen, om de vracht vervolgens per schip verder te transporteren. Dat is niet alleen efficiënt, maar vooral ook duurzaam. Ik hoop daarom dat vervoersbedrijven daadwerkelijk vaker voor een combinatie van verschillende vervoerswijzen zullen kiezen.


- Report: Helmuth Markov (A6-0050/2008)


  Stanisław Jałowiecki (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − Wstrzymałem się od głosu w trakcie głosowania nad sprawozdaniem Helmuta Markova dotyczącego zarządzania infrastrukturą bezpieczeństwa drogowego. Sprawozdanie to kłóci się bowiem w znacznym stopniu z zasadą subsydiarności: "Niech wspólnoty większe nie biorą na swoje barki tego, co mogą udźwignąć wspólnoty mniejsze". Trzeba tej zasady strzec, jak źrenicy oka. Niestety także w tej izbie wielokrotnie byłem świadkiem łamania tej zasady. Tym razem, mam nadzieję, zasadę tę obroniliśmy częściowo, ale ile na to straciliśmy czasu! Nasza praca legislacyjna nie była skierowana na stanowienie dobrego prawa, ale na zmianę złej propozycji prawnej. Nie mam jednak złudzeń, że nie jest to ostatni zamach na zasadę subsydiarności. Paradoksalnie zresztą, te zamachy rodzą się w tym samym miejscu, gdzie podnoszą się największe krytyki wobec Irlandii, kraju który odrzucił przed kilkoma dniami Traktat Lizboński. Nie dostrzega się, że obywatele tego kraju powiedzieli "nie" właśnie dlatego, że ta zasada w praktyce Unii Europejskiej jest notorycznie łamana. I właśnie ten ostatni przykład - irlandzki - powinien nam uświadomić, że nie wolno nam subsydiarności lekceważyć, poświęcać w imię rzekomo wyższych celów, np. bezpieczeństwa drogowego. To się bowiem prędzej czy później, a raczej prędzej, musi zemścić.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, esprimo il mio voto favorevole sulla relazione del collega Markov. Ritengo, infatti, la proposta molto organica e comprensiva di vari aspetti, ponendosi l'obiettivo di considerare la sicurezza in tutte le fasi di vita di un'infrastruttura stradale: dalla pianificazione alla progettazione ed al funzionamento.

Concordo con il rispetto del principio di sussidiarietà della proposta, che lascia la possibilità di scegliere l'intensità di applicazione relativamente alla "valutazione d'impatto sulla sicurezza stradale", agli audit sulla sicurezza stradale e alle ispezioni di sicurezza agli Stati membri.

L'adozione di uno strumento legislativo volto allo sviluppo sicuro della rete stradale, anche mediante un approccio non troppo rigido, deve pertanto ritenersi un risultato positivo, i cui effetti dipenderanno dall'intensità di attuazione che verrà scelta. Tuttavia, ritengo essenziale prevedere degli standard vincolanti minimi inderogabili da applicare in tutti gli Stati.


Resolution – European Union’s disaster response capacity (B6-0303/2008)


  Richard James Ashworth (PPE-DE), in writing. − British Conservatives know how devastating the effects of a natural disaster can be. From the floods in the UK last year, we are aware of the human, economic and environmental damage that can be caused. We also understand the effects such natural disasters have upon other countries.

Nonetheless, we believe that individual Member States are best placed to respond rapidly and appropriately to disasters occurring within their own territory. We believe that the creation of a European Civil Protection Force would merely slow down the capacity for response by adding an extra bureaucratic burden. What those affected require is timely and necessary intervention, not more bureaucracy.

Finally, we cannot agree with further EU legislation in the area of disaster prevention and response. We consider that adequate legislation already exists at both Member State and EU level, and that financial aid is already available through the Solidarity Fund which serves, as it should, to mitigate structural and long-term damage.

In supporting this resolution in the final vote, we wish to make clear that we have also voted in favour of the amendments which called for the deletion of references to the Civil Protection Force and further EU legislation in this area.


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Voto convintamente a favore di questa proposta di risoluzione inerente il potenziamento delle capacità di reazione dell'Unione europea alle catastrofi.

Come membro della commissione per lo sviluppo di questo Parlamento ho avuto modo di visitare alcune tra le aree più povere e disastrate del mondo, a volte colpite (come nel caso dello tsunami) da eventi naturali distruttivi. Voglio in questa sede sottolineare il buon lavoro portato avanti dal nostro Commissario allo sviluppo Louis Michel che ha sempre rappresentato in maniera celere ed efficace il desiderio di solidarietà e cooperazione in occasione di queste tristi contingenze.

Ma, come evidenza la risoluzione, sono ancora troppo macchinose le procedure previste dalla nostra cornice normativa: vanno resi più agili i meccanismi e vanno comunque riservate delle risorse cospicue per le emergenze che, purtroppo, si verificano con cadenza costante. Dal Parlamento parte oggi un segnale chiaro in questa direzione. Ora è importante passare dalle parole ai fatti.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Apesar do nosso voto favorável, lamentamos que não tenham sido aprovadas algumas das nossas propostas, designadamente a que considerava imperioso dar especial atenção às regiões mais desfavorecidas, denominadas de convergência, em caso de catástrofes naturais, no âmbito do regulamento dos fundos estruturais, ou as que sublinhavam a importância da manutenção da elegibilidade de catástrofes de índole regional no Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu e da sua adaptação, ao nível de prazos e de acções elegíveis, à especificidade das catástrofes naturais, como a seca e os incêndios.

Mas consideramos positivo que outras tenham sido adoptadas relativamente ao reconhecimento das catástrofes naturais de índole mediterrânica, designadamente a seca e os incêndios florestais. Só que são necessários mecanismos de apoio às populações afectadas e à reflorestação, que contenham uma vertente de prevenção de mais catástrofes em larga escala, e um regime público de seguro agrícola, financiado pela União Europeia, a fim de garantir aos agricultores um rendimento mínimo em situações de calamidade pública, tais como secas, incêndios e inundações.

É necessária uma profunda alteração da Política Agrícola Comum para apoiar pequenos e médios agricultores e a agricultura familiar, estimulando a produção agrícola, a biodiversidade e a ocupação do território.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Consideramos necessário promover um quadro de cooperação entre os Estados-Membros relativamente à prevenção e ao combate e minimização das consequências das catástrofes. No entanto, e entre outros aspectos, discordamos da criação de uma qualquer força europeia de protecção civil (nomeadamente, com dimensão militar), pois as capacidades e meios operativos nesta área deverão estar sob a alçada dos Estados-Membros, aqueles que têm que garantir os meios e as estratégias para dar resposta (rápida) às necessidades e aqueles que mais bem conhecem o seu território.

Consideramos positiva a aprovação das nossas propostas que instam:

- Ao reconhecimento da especificidade das catástrofes naturais de índole mediterrânica, como a seca e os incêndios florestais, ao nível comunitário, e à adaptação em consonância dos instrumentos comunitários no domínio da prevenção, investigação, gestão de riscos, protecção civil e solidariedade, de forma a melhorar a resposta ao nível de cada Estado-Membro;

- E à necessidade de um maior financiamento comunitário das medidas de prevenção.

Mas lamentamos a rejeição das nossas propostas que:

- Sublinham a importância da manutenção da elegibilidade de catástrofes de índole regional no Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu;

- E instam à adaptação do Fundo de Solidariedade Europeu, ao nível de prazos e de acções elegíveis, à especificidade das catástrofes naturais, como a seca e os incêndios.


  Margie Sudre (PPE-DE), par écrit. – Je salue l'initiative de la Commission de produire enfin un document relatif au renforcement de la cohérence, de l'efficacité et de la visibilité de la réaction de l'UE en cas de catastrophes naturelles ou causées par l'homme.

Je regrette néanmoins qu'il ne s'agisse toujours pas d'une véritable proposition concrète susceptible de doper les capacités européennes dans le domaine de la protection civile, incluant prévention et réaction rapide, lors de crises majeures survenant à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur de l'Union.

Je remercie les membres du Parlement européen d'avoir apporté leur soutien à mon amendement visant à exploiter "l'expertise conjuguée à la localisation géographique des régions ultrapériphériques (RUP) et des pays et territoires d'outre-mer (PTOM)".

En effet, grâce à ces collectivités ultramarines, l'Europe est présente au large des côtes africaines (Canaries, Madère), dans l'océan Indien (Réunion), à proximité du continent américain (Guyane, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Açores), sans oublier les PTOM du Pacifique (Polynésie française, Nouvelle Calédonie).

Les territoires d'outre-mer de l'Europe sont prêts à devenir des points d'appui pour faciliter le pré-positionnement de produits essentiels et de logistique. La projection de moyens humains et matériels européens en serait facilitée, en cas d'intervention d'urgence hors de l'Union.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE), in writing. − Clearly there is great merit in improved coordination and readiness for mutual assistance of disaster response organisations in European countries. However, as always, the European Commission seizes on another opportunity to extend its own remit and responsibilities – here ‘to develop a knowledge base, identify gaps’, etc. The report, against the wishes of British Conservatives, also includes a call for legally-binding instruments. For these reasons I abstained in the vote.


Resolution – Fortieth anniversary of the Customs Union (B6-0297/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. − Apesar do balanço positivo que o relatório tece aos 40 anos da união aduaneira, muitos sectores produtivos, designadamente em Portugal, não têm a mesma opinião. Pelo contrário. Sabem que a total abertura de fronteiras, em nome da livre concorrência, criou situações profundamente injustas e agravou défices estruturais, dados os desiguais patamares de desenvolvimento entre os diversos países.

A esta situação de desigualdade nas forças produtivas e no desenvolvimento do processo produtivo, acresceram outras medidas, políticas e instrumentos que contribuíram para agravar a situação, com destaque para a criação do mercado único, a liberalização do comércio internacional, o Pacto de Estabilidade no âmbito da união económica e monetária e o neoliberalismo presente na dita Estratégia de Lisboa.

Por isso, embora o relatório tenha algumas propostas positivas no âmbito do reforço da cooperação, a base de que parte é inaceitável. Daí o nosso voto contra.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Vi ställer oss positiva till denna resolution, eftersom vi stöder den gemensamma handelspolitiken och tullagstiftningen som en förutsättning för att den inre marknaden ska fungera. Vi vill dock påpeka att vi är djupt kritiska till många av de handelsavtal som faktiskt har ingåtts mellan EU och tredjeland.


  Kartika Tamara Liotard, Erik Meijer, Søren Bo Søndergaard and Eva-Britt Svensson (GUE/NGL), in writing. − Whereas we fully support cooperation between the Member States to prevent the import of dangerous toys, drugs and other illegal or dangerous products, and whereas we fully support cooperation with trading partners to this end, we cannot vote in favour of this resolution due to the severe impact of the Customs Union on developing countries’ trade.

The EU uses the Customs Union as a tool to negotiate favourable trade deals with developing countries while at the same time imposing high tariffs on products that are seen as unwanted competition for EU products. This policy is hampering the potential for economic growth in developing countries.




- Report: Mia De Vits (A6-0202/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Este relatório começa por apoiar o conjunto dos pacotes de liberalização dos mercados da electricidade e do gás natural, pressionando a sua privatização, apesar de se tratar de sectores estratégicos para o desenvolvimento e o progresso social. A aplicação destes pacotes em Portugal contribuiu, como é conhecido, para agravar problemas de abastecimento das populações, para o aumento dos preços pagos pelos consumidores, além de ter aumentado o desemprego e a precariedade do trabalho no sector.

Agora, a Comissão Europeia pretende escamotear os problemas que criou com a sua estratégia, apresentando a tal Carta europeia dos direitos dos consumidores de energia. Pese embora a escassez de direitos apontados, não discordamos da referida Carta. A questão está no seu cumprimento por parte dos grupos económicos que controlam o sector e a que cada vez mais as políticas comunitárias se subordinam. Daí a nossa abstenção na votação final deste relatório.


  Małgorzata Handzlik (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − Przyjęte sprawozdanie w sprawie Europejskiej karty praw odbiorców energii znacznie zwiększa prawa konsumentów w dziedzinie energii. Podniesiony zostanie poziom informacji udostępniany obywatelom, co ułatwi wybór pomiędzy dostawcami i różnymi opcjami dostaw. Karta jest niezwykle ważnym elementem liberalizacji rynku energii.

Jestem przekonana, iż bardziej klarowne i czytelne informacje przekazywane konsumentom umożliwią najbardziej korzystny dla konsumentów wybór. Ma to szczególnie istotne znaczenie, gdy ceny energii stale rosną i stają się źródłem coraz większych obaw konsumentów.

Za sprawą przyjętego rozwiązania łatwiejsze będzie porównywanie ofert, rzeczywistego zużycia energii, co będzie stanowiło element zachęcający konsumentów do zmiany dostawcy w przypadku braku satysfakcji z oferowanej usługi. Efektem tego będzie prawdziwa konkurencja pomiędzy dostawcami energii, większa dbałość o zadowolenie klienta, a tym samym większa możliwość pośredniego oddziaływania konsumentów na decyzje koncernów energetycznych.

Wierzę, iż Karta praw odbiorców energii powoli, ale skutecznie przyczyni się do zmian rynku energii, na które tak długo czekamy. Nie zapominajmy, iż najważniejszym elementem rynku wewnętrznego pozostają konsumenci, którzy oczekują od nas rzeczywistych zmian.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (PSE), în scris. − Am votat pentru raportul doamnei De Vits referitor la Carta europeană a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie. Date fiind preţurile tot mai mari ale energiei, este necesar să se garanteze aprovizionarea cetăţenilor care au venituri mai scăzute şi a persoanelor care trăiesc în regiuni îndepărtate, unde pieţele de energie sunt mici şi necompetitive. Statele membre trebuie să ia măsuri cât mai curând posibil pentru a defini exact aceste grupuri de consumatori şi să promoveze şi să sprijine măsuri, de exemplu tarife sociale, prin care să asigure continuitatea accesului acestora la electricitate şi gaze naturale.

Am votat pentru amendamentele 3, 4, 5, 6 şi 7 depuse de Grupul Socialiştilor Europeni. Acestea susţineau necesitatea introducerii unor tarife sociale, a informării trimestriale a consumatorilor cu privire la consumul propriu de energie şi impuneau informarea publicului privind prevederile Cartei europene a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie. Regret că aceste amendamente nu au trecut.

Protecţia consumatorilor de energie trebuie să se bazeze şi în viitor pe acţiuni comune ale Uniunii şi ale statelor membre. Carta europeană a drepturilor consumatorilor de energie este o modalitate de a veni în sprijinul cetăţenilor pentru ca aceştia să obţină informaţii despre drepturile lor într-un mod mai eficient şi mai simplu.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE), in writing. − I am strongly in favour of consumers being able to obtain secure, safe, reliable and sustainable supplies of gas and electricity at reasonable prices. National Regulatory Authorities should play an important role in this. However, I oppose the efforts by the European Commission to move into this area, to extend its powers and remit through ‘studies’, a ‘Charter’ and ‘harmonisation’, and I do not recognise the concept of ‘Citizen of the Union’. For these reasons I abstained in the vote.


Resolution – Imports of poultry carcasses (B6-0309/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Consideramos positivo que o Parlamento Europeu se tenha pronunciado contra a proposta da Comissão Europeia que visa alterar as normas de comercialização de carne de aves, apenas para autorizar a comercialização desta carne sujeita a tratamento antimicrobiano, para consumo humano.

Na prática, tal proposta da Comissão Europeia visa somente dar cumprimento à solicitação dos EUA de que a União Europeia autorize que seja importada a sua produção de carne de aves tratada com substâncias químicas ou antimicrobianas.

Ora, deste modo, a Comissão Europeia esquece o princípio da precaução, esquece a adopção e o reforço de normas que já existem a nível da União Europeia em matéria de segurança e higiene alimentares, muito superiores às que são usadas pelos EUA, que se limitam a usar uma solução barata de fim de linha, que agora querem que a União Europeia aceite para venderem a sua produção para a Europa.

Esperamos, pois, que o Conselho não aceite a proposta da Comissão Europeia.


  Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Klordoppning av kyckling har inte visats vara skadligt för hälsan eller skadligt på annat sätt, och våra ställningstaganden bör alltid vara evidensbaserade. Jag har därför i frihandelns namn röstat nej till detta betänkande, som jag betraktar som protektionistiskt motiverat.


Med tanke på den vitt spridda oron bland allmänheten i EU vad gäller klordoppad kyckling är det dock av yttersta vikt att vi får lagstadgade krav på märkning så att varje individ kan välja att undvika denna produkt t.ex. i handeln eller på restauranger.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − I voted in favour of this resolution as it highlights one of the most pressing issues facing the EU internally and externally.

We have decided in the EU to push for high food production standards – conscious of the needs for food safety and quality.

We do not permit the use of chlorine dipping of chicken carcases within the EU for produce consumed in the EU and therefore it makes no sense to allow imports of US chicken into the EU which is so treated.

In recent months we have a similar problem with imports of beef from Brazil – where traceability standards fall far short of those in the EU.

We may face a similar problem when we ban caged egg production in the EU but end up importing from outside the EU powdered egg products produced in caged systems.

If the EU insists on internal standards, it must be prepared to defend them and stop imports which fail to meet our internal standards.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE), in writing. − The Commission proposal to lift the ban on the importation of poultry treated with anti-microbial substances such as chlorine is extremely worrying. It must be recognised that these practices simply do not meet EU standards of food safety.

This proposal seems to be politically motivated and blatantly disregards the valid health and safety concerns of EU citizens. Assurances that this poultry will be labelled and clearly identifiable to the consumer are simply not adequate.

The use of anti-microbial substances in the treatment of poultry should not be promoted by the European Union in any way. This ban has been in place more than ten years and was originally implemented with good reason. Unfortunately, therefore, the Commission proposal to lift it represents a huge step backwards and is totally unacceptable.


  Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – H Επιτροπή οφείλει να επανεξετάσει την αρχική της απόφαση που βασίζεται αποκλειστικά και μόνο σε εμπορικά κριτήρια και οδηγεί σε έγκλημα εις βάρος της δημόσιας υγείας και της προστασίας των καταναλωτών. Δεν μπορούμε να αγνοούμε την ισχύουσα ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία, κάνοντας παραχωρήσεις στους Αμερικανούς και προκρίνοντας τα εμπορικά συμφέροντα εις βάρος της δημόσιας υγείας. Αναμένουμε τις αντιδράσεις της αρμόδιας Επιτρόπου για την Υγεία κ. Βασιλείου καθώς και τις αντιδράσεις της Ελληνικής Κυβέρνησης.


Joint resolution – Crisis in the fisheries sector caused by rising fuel oil prices (RC-B6-0305/2008)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente, la presente risoluzione costituisce una prima risposta alla gravissima crisi che sta investendo il settore della pesca nella nostra Unione in seguito all'aumento dei prezzi del petrolio. Nei giorni scorsi ho personalmente visitato diversi porti del mio paese riscontrando una situazione assai difficile e complicata, alla quale dobbiamo essere in grado di fornire proposte celeri ed efficaci.

L'aumento abnorme del prezzo del gasolio rischia di mettere in ginocchio un intero settore. L'Unione dispone di fondi straordinari per la pesca da utilizzare in contingenze di particolare gravità. Invito il Commissario Borg ad attivarsi subito per verificare l'opportunità immediata di un intervento della Commissione in tale direzione. Fatti, e non parole. Atti, e non promesse. Ho riscontrato, tra i lavoratori, una crescente sfiducia verso le Istituzioni europee. Abbiamo il compito di recuperare questo gap ma, soprattutto, di assumerci le nostre responsabilità di fronte a una vicenda economica e sociale che rischia seriamente di precipitare.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Como salientámos em comunicado de imprensa, não apoiamos a presente resolução porque esta:

- Não responde ao problema imediato dos salários dos trabalhadores, não resultando claro que os pescadores (trabalhadores) pagam os combustíveis e que é por isso que o problema os atinge directamente (tanto quanto aos proprietários da esmagadora maioria das pequenas embarcações);

- Omite a inércia e a recusa da UE em tomar as decisões necessárias;

- Não avança com nenhuma proposta concreta relativamente ao preço dos combustíveis (gasolina e gasóleo) e quanto à formação do preço do pescado em primeira venda;

- Não denuncia uma política que utiliza o aumento do preço dos combustíveis para diminuir e concentrar ainda mais o sector, criar mais desemprego, deteriorar um sector produtivo e agravar as balanças alimentares e comerciais;

- Fica muito aquém de posições anteriormente adoptadas pelo PE, aliás, propostas pelo PCP;

Uma resolução que, na linha das recentes propostas anunciadas pela Comissão Europeia, e independentemente de um ou outro aspecto que, se aplicado, poderia ter efeitos positivos para o sector, no fundo, incentiva ainda mais o abate de embarcações e oferece como saída para os pescadores o abandonar a sua profissão.

Porque as pescas têm futuro, insistimos na adopção urgente de medidas, como as propostas na resolução que apresentámos.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE), in writing. − The fishing industry has faced many crises over the years, but none greater than at present, with rising fuel prices which are pushing the industry over the edge to the point where it can no longer survive.

The continuing spiralling price of oil could prove to be disastrous for many industries, but none is more vulnerable than the fishing industry, with jobs at sea and on shore at risk.

We must look into all the options which are available to us. One route that should be explored is reducing taxes in order to ensure that fuel costs come down.

May I ask the following question: if we do not have fishermen, where will the fish we require come from? Are we going to sit back and allow foreign imports to take over our markets and put our industry out of business?

Saving our fishing fleets and the industry in general will prove to be a massive challenge. However, I am confident that with good will and all-round cooperation it is possible. I welcome yesterday's statement from the Commission announcing its intention to provide emergency assistance to fishing fleets. I sincerely hope that these measures will be formally adopted by the Council of Fisheries Ministers next week and then swiftly implemented.


  Margie Sudre (PPE-DE), par écrit. – L'augmentation dramatique du prix du gazole, 300% depuis 2003, affecte de plein fouet le secteur de la pêche. De fait, l'aggravation continue de la crise a placé de nombreuses entreprises de pêche dans une situation de grande fragilité financière.

Or, la filière pêche constitue un pilier particulièrement important du développement économique et social des régions ultrapériphériques. De plus, le renchérissement du prix du carburant est d'autant plus accentué du fait de leur situation géographique éloignée. Cette situation est inadmissible. Il est du devoir de l'Union européenne de dégager un compromis.

Le Parlement européen vient d'envoyer un signal fort aux pêcheurs. En demandant un relèvement du plafond des aides publiques à 100 000 euros par navire et non par entreprise, en appelant à l'application immédiate des mesures d'urgence et d'accompagnement social, enfin, en exigeant une réorganisation des dépenses du Fonds européen pour la pêche, les eurodéputés ont fait comprendre aux pêcheurs que leur détresse a été entendue.

Ces propositions seront discutées par le Conseil des ministres européens de la pêche, les 23 et 24 juin prochains. L'Union européenne n'a pas d'autre choix que de rétablir la confiance avec les marins pêcheurs, colmatant ainsi le décalage abyssal qui s'est dernièrement fait jour.


Joint resolution – EU-Russia Summit of 26-27 June 2008 in Khanty-Mansiysk (RC-B6-0235/2008)


  Adam Bielan (UEN), na piśmie. − Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałbym podkreślić po raz kolejny, że żadna z zachodnich spółek nie jest tak ściśle powiązana z państwem jak Gazprom z Kremlem. W obecnej chwili mamy do czynienia z zimną polityczną kalkulacją. Energetyczna dominacja Gazpromu doprowadzi do kolejnego wzrostu cen energii w Europie. Rosja będzie mogła wymusić jeszcze większe koncesje polityczne za dostawy gazu i ropy. Skutki drożyzny obserwujemy już teraz w coraz częstszych protestach w Europie. Mamy również świeżo w pamięci wielokrotne zakręcanie kurka z gazem naszym wschodnim sąsiadom.

Panie Przewodniczący, poparłem tę rezolucję gdyż uważam, iż Europa musi zacząć mówić jednym głosem w relacjach z Rosją, ponieważ tylko to zagwarantuje UE skuteczność.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. A Rússia é, notoriamente, um importante parceiro estratégico da União Europeia, e a geografia torna-nos dependentes uns dos outros. Daqui resulta que há uma necessidade de fazer uso da diplomacia para procurar as melhores soluções para esta proximidade incontornável. Mas a necessidade de cooperar não pode impor-nos uma ignorância, real ou disfarçada, quanto aos graves problemas que a Rússia suscita.

Internamente, não se pode ignorar que a Rússia não é uma Democracia completa e não é um Estado de Direito que respeite efectivamente os Direitos Humanos. Externamente, não se pode ignorar a utilização da energia como arma de relações externas, nomeadamente promovendo a desagregação da UE nesta matéria, o papel equívoco que tem tido na questão iraniana, a indisponibilidade para forçar a China a comprometer-se com os Direitos Humanos, entre outros.

A voz da Europa sobre a Rússia deve ser a de um parceiro sério, disponível para colaborar, mas indisponível para transigir no que é fundamental em termos de Democracia, Direitos Humanos e Segurança.


  Andrzej Jan Szejna (PSE), na piśmie. − Złożone relacje między Unią Europejską a Rosją wymagają sprawnie prowadzonych i spójnych działań dyplomatycznych.

Zbliżający się szczyt UE-Rosja wzbudza wiele emocji, gdyż negocjowane mają być porozumienia o bardzo dużym znaczeniu zarówno dla Rosji jak i Unii Europejskiej. W przeddzień tego szczytu musimy uzmysłowić sobie jak ważne dla przyszłości Unii Europejskiej jest, aby mówiła ona jednym spójnym głosem na arenie międzynarodowej. Z tego względu szkoda, iż społeczeństwo Irlandii w zeszłotygodniowym referendum postawiło znak zapytania nad ratyfikacją traktatu lizbońskiego, bowiem właśnie ten traktat zawiera uregulowania, które będą czyniły z Unii Europejskiej solidnego partnera w stosunkach międzynarodowych.


- Report: Liam Aylward (A6-0196/2008)


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Votámos favoravelmente este relatório que tem várias propostas importantes para a defesa da produção de ovinos e caprinos, designadamente em áreas mais desfavorecidas e em zonas de montanha, embora gostássemos que se tivesse ido mais longe, designadamente na defesa das raças autóctones e da produção artesanal de queijo. Mas, mesmo assim, é fundamental que a Comissão Europeia e o Conselho tenham em conta estas propostas aprovadas e o debate que se realizou no plenário, onde também explicitámos as nossas posições sobre este tema tão importante.

Com a revisão da PAC que está em curso, é necessário corrigir os problemas criados com a reforma de 2003, designadamente com a dissociação dos pagamentos directos, e insisto na importância de garantir um pagamento suplementar para os produtores, dando particular atenção às raças autóctones de gado ovino e caprino, pagamento esse que deve ser reforçado nas zonas montanhosas e em outras zonas específicas, a fim de preservar a diversidade biológica na agricultura, de manter estes animais em áreas sensíveis e de ocupar o território de forma natural, o que é um importante contributo para a defesa do ambiente e a prevenção de fogos florestais nos países da Europa do Sul.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − I voted in favour of this report as it highlights the problems in the sheep sector, which is in terminal decline unless action is taken.

The Parliament has voted in favour of EU funding for electronic tagging of sheep and, while this is welcome, I would have preferred to see electronic tagging taken off the agenda until the future viability of sheep farming is secured.

In relation to the proposal for a task force, which was rejected by Parliament, there is now an onus on the Commission to upgrade its focus on the sheep sector and to report to the Parliament on progress or otherwise in implementing the proposals in this report.


- Report: Zita Gurmai (A6-0169/2008)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente, voto a favore della relazione della collega Zita Gurmai alla quale rivolgo i miei complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro svolto.

In particolare, sostengo l'iniziativa "eSafety" ( ) che vede fianco a fianco la Commissione europea, le istituzioni pubbliche, l'industria del settore e altri protagonisti per cercare di accelerare lo sviluppo e la messa in uso di "Intelligent Integrated Vehicle Safety Systems". Questi sistemi si avvalgono di informazioni e tecnologie di comunicazione con l'obiettivo di aumentare la sicurezza sulle strade e di ridurre complessivamente il numero di incidenti sulle nostre strade. "eSafety" è il primo step dell'iniziativa "Automobile intelligente" lanciata nel 2006 dalla Commissione europea. Credo che si debba proseguire speditamente su questo percorso per favorire in futuro la crescita di un trasporto che la Commissione auspica "smarter, safer and cleaner".


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE), písomne. − V dnešnej dobe sme čoraz viac závislí od dopravy. Všetci občania majú právo na bezpečnú a udržateľnú mobilitu. Dnešný pokrok v informačných a komunikačných technológiách nám vytvára priestor vyrábať a kupovať modernejšie, bezpečnejšie a čistejšie vozidlá. Spotrebitelia musia mať k dispozícii informácie, aby dokázali urobiť kvalifikované rozhodnutia v prospech inteligentných vozidiel. Dôležité je, aby takéto vozidlá boli cenovo dostupné.

Správa spravodajkyne Zity Gurmai prináša podnety, aby bezpečnostný potenciál v doprave mohli európski občania využívať čo najskôr, preto som ju v hlasovaní podporila.

Dopravné nehody sú dôsledkom jednak ľudského zlyhania, ale tiež nezodpovedajúceho technického stavu vozidla. Zavedením týchto inteligentných technológií môžeme predísť 16% nehôd. Moderné systémy dokážu znížiť počet smrteľných nehôd až na jednu tretinu. Významným spôsobom môže k tomu prispieť aj program Galileo.

V oblasti celoplošného zavedenia celoeurópskeho palubného tiesňového volania eCall majú svoju veľkú zodpovednosť aj členské krajiny EÚ. Systém eCall by mal byť zavedený do roku 2010, preto vyzývam tie členské krajiny, ktoré ešte nepodpísali memorandum o porozumení o systéme eCall, aby tak urobili ešte v roku 2008.

Na európskych cestách každoročne zahynie podľa štatistík 41 600 občanov, preto v dopravnom sektore musíme začať novú epochu. Keď zachránime akýkoľvek počet ľudských životov, urobíme veľa pre európskych občanov.


  Brian Simpson (PSE), in writing. − My colleague, Zita Gurmai, has produced an excellent report and needs to be congratulated on her detailed work and the commitment she has shown.

The first intelligent car report is a flagship project within the Commission’s strategic policy framework for information society and the media, and our rapporteur is right to recognise that intelligent vehicle systems could reduce the annual death toll, currently around 42 000, on the roads of the EU. She is also right to point out that, at present, many people cannot afford the new systems, so the need to bring down costs has to be a priority.

Electronic stability control technology, the use of portable or nomadic devices and work towards providing cleaner vehicles are all topics covered by the rapporteur.

This is an excellent report, and it has my full support.


  Bernard Wojciechowski (IND/DEM), na piśmie. − Inicjatywa „Inteligentny samochód" jest niezwykle cenna. Należy szeroko wykorzystywać nowoczesne technologie do usprawniania i zwiększania bezpieczeństwa transportu. Szacunkowe dane wskazują, że gdyby wszystkie samochody zostały wyposażone w system elektronicznej kontroli stabilności (ESC) liczba ofiar śmiertelnych w UE mogłaby spaść aż o cztery tysiące w skali roku. Dużym wsparciem dla bezpieczeństwa, a jeszcze nie wszędzie wprowadzonym, jest ogólnoeuropejski pokładowy system powiadamiania o wypadkach eCall. Badania wykazują, że jego wprowadzenie na terenie całej Wspólnoty mogłoby spowodować spadek liczby ofiar śmiertelnych o dwa i pół tysiąca osób w skali roku. Ostatnia sprawa, na którą warto zwrócić uwagę, to duża emisja dwutlenku węgla i gazów cieplarnianych przez samochody - 12 % łącznej emisji CO2 w UE. Uważam, że należy promować samochody o jak najmniejszym zużyciu CO2 np. za pomocą kampanii społecznych. Należy także wprowadzić bardziej restrykcyjne przepisy ograniczające emisję szkodliwych gazów przez samochody.


  President. − That concludes the explanations of vote.

(The sitting was suspended at 12.45 and resumed at 15.00.)



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