MinutesVotesRoll-call votesTexts adoptedVerbatim reports
Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 19 June 2008 - StrasbourgOJ edition
 1.Opening of the sitting
 2.Towards Europe-wide Safer, Cleaner and Efficient Mobility: The First Intelligent Car Report (debate)
 3.Voting time
  3.1.Inland transport of dangerous goods (A6-0227/2008, Bogusław Liberadzki) (vote)
  3.2.Road infrastructure safety (A6-0050/2008, Helmuth Markov) (vote)
  3.3.European Union's disaster response capacity (vote)
 5.Voting time (continuation)
  5.1.Fortieth anniversary of the Customs Union (vote)
  5.2.Towards a European Charter on the Rights of Energy Consumers (A6-0202/2008, Mia De Vits) (vote)
  5.3.Imports of poultry carcasses (vote)
  5.4.Crisis in the fisheries sector (vote)
  5.5.EU-Russia Summit (vote)
  5.6.Future of the sheep/lamb and goat sector in Europe (A6-0196/2008, Liam Aylward) (vote)
  5.7.Towards Europe-wide Safer, Cleaner and Efficient Mobility: The First Intelligent Car Report (A6-0169/2008, Zita Gurmai) (vote)
 6.Explanations of vote
 7.Corrections to votes and voting intentions: see Minutes
 8.Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting : see Minutes
 9.Debate on cases of breaches of human rights, democracy and the rule of law (debate)
  9.1.Burma: continued detention of political prisoners
  9.2.Somalia: routine killing of civilians
  9.3.Iran: execution of juvenile offenders
 10.Voting time
  10.1.Burma: continued detention of political prisoners (vote)
  10.2.Somalia: routine killing of civilians (vote)
  10.3.Iran: execution of juvenile offenders (vote)
 11.Documents received: see Minutes
 12.Transfers of appropriations: see Minutes
 13.Communication of Council common positions : see Minutes
 14.Decisions concerning certain documents: see Minutes
 15.Written declarations included in the register (Rule 116): see Minutes
 16.Forwarding of texts adopted during the sitting : see Minutes
 17.Dates of forthcoming sittings: see Minutes
 18.Adjournment of the session
 ANNEX (Written answers)
Verbatim report of proceedings
OJ edition (462 kb)
Verbatim report of proceedings
OJ edition (1218 kb)
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