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 Test sħiħ 
Proċedura : 2008/2187(INI)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċiklu relatat mad-dokument : A6-0403/2008

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 20/10/2008 - 15
CRE 20/10/2008 - 15

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 22/10/2008 - 6.1
CRE 22/10/2008 - 6.1
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
L-Erbgħa, 22 ta' Ottubru 2008 - Strasburgu

6.1. Evalwazzjoni tal-ftehim PNR Awstralja - UE (A6-0403/2008, Sophia in 't Veld) (votazzjoni)

– Antes de la votación del apartado 1, letra G):


  Sophia in’t Veld, rapporteur.−Mr President, in agreement with the shadows of the PPE-DE, PSE and Verts/ALE Groups, I would like to propose an oral amendment to paragraph 1(g). It consists of two small changes.

The first change is that we replace the words ‘fails to meet’ in the second sentence with ‘may not conform to’ so that the second sentence will read ‘and that as a result the agreement may not conform to EU and international data protection standards’.

The second small change is in the last sentence, where I would like to replace the word ‘leaves’ by ‘might leave’ so that it reads ‘considers that this might leave the agreement open to legal challenge’.


  El Presidente. − Señora in 't Veld, una pregunta. Entiendo que, en caso de que su enmienda oral fuera aceptada, esto sustituye ala votación en tres partes. O sea, si su enmienda oral es aceptada, podemos votar todo el apartado. ¿Es eso?


  Sophia in 't Veld, rapporteur.−Mr President, yes, as far as I am concerned, because the request for a split vote was made by the PSE Group because it did not agree with the middle section. If my oral amendment is adopted – and I am looking at the shadow of the PSE Group:yes, she agrees with me – then they agree with the paragraph as a whole, so we could vote on the paragraph as a whole.


(El Parlamento admite la enmienda oral)

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