Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Dushana Zdravkova, a nome della commissione per le petizioni, sulla relazione annuale concernente le attività del Mediatore europeo nel 2007 (2008/2158(INI)) (A6-0358/2008).
Душана Здравкова,докладчик.−Благодаря, г-жо Председател, благодаря и за това напомняне. Като дългогодишен съдия аз също винаги съм следила за реда в съдебната зала. И така, уважаема г-жо Председател, уважаеми г-н Диамандурос, уважаеми колеги депутати, за мен е голяма чест да бъда докладчик по годишния доклад на Омбудсмана, фигурата в европейската институционална система, призвана да брани правата на европейските граждани и да се противопоставя на лошите административни практики. Затова искам да поздравя Европейския омбудсман, г-н Диамандурос, за неговата всеотдайност и за професионализма, с които върши своята работа, защото неговата дейност е от изключително значение за хората. А както е казал Жан Моне, „ние не обединяваме държавите, ние обединяваме хората“.
В този смисъл аз имах удоволствието да работя по доклад, който по-скоро обединява, а не разделя политическите групи в Европейския парламент. Защото е ясно, че всички тук сме избрани от европейските граждани и работим в защита на техните интереси. Водени от това убеждение, ние намерихме и компромисни варианти по няколко поправки от другите политически групи. Тези предложения и днешният дебат са доказателство, че Европейският парламент се отнася изключително сериозно към този толкова важен механизъм за защита на европейските граждани. Използвам случая да благодаря и на колегите от Европейската народна партия, на Секретариата и всички, които дадоха своя принос, за да стане докладът по-пълен.
Моето дълбоко убеждение е, че именно чрез института на Европейския омбудсман гражданите могат да упражняват по-добре правата си при лоша администрация, защото дори и да има добри правила в тази област, е важно да се намери и точното им прилагане, което да осигури максимална защита. Аз считам, че така както Комисията е наречена пазител на договорите, така и Европейският омбудсман е гарант за правилното прилагане на правото на Общността. Но в тази си роля той не е сам. Европейският парламент, като единствената демократично избрана институция, също е призван да отстоява правата на гражданите, така че е много важно Европейският парламент и Омбудсманът да работят ръка за ръка.
Докладът е важен и защото анализът на действителното положение през годината всъщност служи най-вече за да се изведат поуките и да се вземат необходимите решения за бъдещето. Защото не трябва да забравяме, че зад всяка жалба, зад всяка цифра от статистиката стои една човешка съдба, която очаква да получи адекватна помощ и решение на своя проблем. По време на работата ми по доклада стигнах до извода, че информираността е ключовата дума. Информацията е отправната точка в тази изключително важна тема. От доклада е видно, че много от гражданите все още не знаят как да защитават дадените им от Европейския съюз права в случаите на лоша администрация. И веднага ще дам едно доказателство - броя на недопустимите жалби - 84 %. Това ясно показва, че Омбудсманът и европейските институции заедно трябва да продължат в тази посока, а именно да информират европейските граждани, за да могат те да се ползват от правата си в пълния им обем. Затова и в доклада има предложение да бъде създадена обща за всички институции интернет страница, на която да се подават жалби,по примера на разработвания от Омбудсмана интерактивен наръчник, след попълване на необходимите данни жалбоподателят да се насочва към компетентната институция и неговата жалба да се подава директно към нея. Това ще допринесе за намаляване броя на недопустимите жалби.
Освен това моето внимание беше насочено и към това какви са гаранциите, че гражданите и постоянно пребиваващите в Европейския съюз знаят и ползват правата си. Също така дали помощта, която им се оказва е лесно достъпна, справедлива, безпристрастна и ефективна. Бих искала да посоча факта, че има повече от 30 % от жалбите, където не е възможно действие от страна на Омбудсмана. Този показател събира в себе си различни по вид жалби. Мисля, че е важно Омбудсманът да дава задължително обяснение на жалбоподателите защо по тяхната жалба не е възможно предприемането на конкретни действия - така всъщност ще бъде по-полезен на гражданите.
Искам да отбележа, че омбудсманите на национално, регионално и местно равнище играят ключова роля, затова трябва да се развие тяхната активност.
В заключение, призовавам Ви да се приеме докладът, защото той подкрепя конструктивното сътрудничество между Омбудсмана и институциите и органите на Европейския съюз, и утвърждава ролята му на външен контролен механизъм и източник на постоянно усъвършенстване на европейската администрация.
Благодаря Ви.
Nikiforos Diamandouros,Ombudsman.−Madam President, thank you for this opportunity to address Parliament on the annual report of the European Ombudsman for 2007. I also wish to thank the rapporteur, Mrs Zdravkova, and the Committee on Petitions for their excellent and constructive report.
My report records progress in handling complaints, promoting good administration and providing knowledge about the Ombudsman’s role. The number of admissible complaints increased, in both absolute and relative terms, from 449 (12% of the total) in 2006 to 518 (16% of the total) in 2007. We therefore met both of the objectives which Parliament has consistently emphasised: increasing the number of admissible complaints and reducing the number of inadmissible complaints.
The main types of maladministration alleged in admissible complaints were: lack of transparency, including refusal of information; unfairness or abuse of power; unsatisfactory procedures; avoidable delay; discrimination; negligence; legal error; andfailure to ensure fulfilment of obligations. Three hundred and forty-eight decisions closing inquiries were made. That represents a 40% increase compared to 2006. In 95 cases, the inquiry revealed no maladministration. Such a finding is not always negative for the complainant, who at least has the benefit of a full explanation from the institution concerned. Even when maladministration is not found, I may identify opportunities to improve the quality of administration provided by institutions. If so, I point them out in a further remark.
Many of my inquiries result in a positive sum outcome that satisfies both the complainant and the institution complained against. One hundred and twenty-nine cases were settled by the institution concerned to the satisfaction of the complainant. That is double the number of cases settled in this way in 2006, and reflects a growing willingness on the part of institutions and bodies to regard complaints made to the Ombudsman as an opportunity to recognise and put right mistakes that have occurred.
When I find maladministration, I try to achieve a friendly solution. In some cases, this can be achieved by the institution or body concerned by offering compensation to the complainant. Any such offer is made ex gratia,or in other words without admission of legal liability and without creating a legal precedent. When a friendly solution is not possible I close the case with a critical remark. A critical remark is also appropriate if it is no longer possible for the instance of maladministration to be eliminated. It confirms that the complaint is justified and indicates to the institution or body concerned what it is has done wrong. Such a criticism is intended to be constructive, so as to help avoid similar maladministration in the future.
It is important for institutions and bodies to follow up critical remarks and to take prompt action to resolve outstanding problems. To better monitor the impact of my criticism, I launched a study of the follow-up to all critical remarks, and to the cases involving a further remark, made in 2006. The results of that study, published on my website and sent to all the bodies concerned, should provide encouragement to the European public service to improve practices and further develop a culture of service to citizens.
In cases where it is still possible to eliminate the instance of maladministration, I normally make a draft recommendation to the institution or body. If it fails to respond satisfactorily, I may send a special report to Parliament. I submitted one such report to you criticising the Commission for not dealing with an infringement complaint concerning the European Working Time Directive. I welcome Parliament’s support, as expressed in your resolution of 3 September 2008, based on Mr De Rossa’s report.
This year, I have again included star cases in my annual report. These are cases where I consider that institutions or bodies involved responded to my inquiries in an exemplary fashion. Seven such star cases are highlighted. Four of these concerned the Commission, one concerned the Council, one the European Central Bank and one the European Aviation Safety Agency. I have continued to make every effort to ensure that EU institutions and bodies adopt a citizen-centred approach in all their activities, by seeking every opportunity to achieve friendly solutions and by launching more own-initiative inquiries in order to identify problems and encourage best practice.
I would now like to mention some other activities undertaken with a view to ensuring the best possible service to citizens. I have continued my efforts to improve the quality of information concerning rights under EU law, provided especially through the European Network of Ombudsmen. That network, which includes the Petitions Committee, cooperates in case handling and in sharing experiences and best practice. One of the purposes of the network is to facilitate the rapid transfer of complaints which are admissible for me to a competent ombudsman or similar body. When possible, I transfer cases directly or give suitable advice to the complainant. During 2007 I was able to help 867 complainants in this manner.
A further important initiative which should come to fruition within the next quarter of the year is that my office is developing an interactive guide to help citizens find the most appropriate avenue of redress for their grievances. This guide should enable an even greater proportion of complainants to address directly the body best equipped to deal with the complaint. Complaints which are inadmissible for me will therefore be resolved more promptly and effectively. My institution will then be better able to fulfil its core role –to help citizens who are unhappy with the way they are being treated by EU institutions and bodies.
The Ombudsman cannot work alone. Ensuring a top-class administration is a task that must be fulfilled proactively in cooperation with EU institutions and bodies. The increased settlement of cases and friendly solutions is a source of encouragement and serves as an indication of our mutual efforts to contribute to building citizens’ trust, vis-à-vis the Union, at a point in time where that is greatly needed. I am also deeply grateful for Parliament’s support and guidance, both in terms of the budgetary resources you provide my institution with and in terms of the positive relationship I enjoy with the Petitions Committee. With your continued support, I will endeavour to build on the achievements of this past year.
Finally, as this is the last occasion during this parliamentary term that I have the honour of presenting my annual report to this House, I would like to put on record my deep appreciation for the close cooperation and good advice that I have received from Parliament and individual Members during the past four and a half years.
Presidente. − Ha perfettamente ragione. Questo Parlamento ha dimostrato fiducia nel vostro organo.
Andris Piebalgs,Member of the Commission.− Madam President, on behalf of the Commission and of my colleague, Vice-President Wallström, let me thank the rapporteur Mrs Zdravkova for her excellent work. We welcome the Committee on Petitions’ report about the Ombudsman’s annual report on his activities in 2007.
As you know, this Commission has made a strong commitment to improving its administration, and we are improving. We can see that, both from the Ombudsman’s Annual Report and from the Committee on Petitions report.
In 2007 the number of cases in which an institution or a body actually put an end to maladministration practices as a result of a complaint lodged with the Ombudsman doubled. This reflects the willingness of institutions – including, definitely, the Commission – and bodies to regard complaints as an opportunity to correct errors and cooperate with the Ombudsman in the public interest.
Also, the number of cases in which no maladministration practice was established increased. The Commission is happy about this, since we are the institution that receives most of these complaints.
I also want to underline the fact that the Ombudsman has been proposing an increasing number of friendly solutions in order to settle disputes and that, overall, the Commission has been cooperative and appreciative of this type of proposal, wherever possible. In 2007, only one special report concerning the Commission was submitted to Parliament by the Ombudsman, and the Ombudsman mentioned this.
But I would like to remind you that this special report concerns the Working Time Directive, and it was only last month that you had a discussion on that with my colleague Vladimir Špidla.
Let me conclude with three specific points which are touched upon in your report as well as the Ombudsman’s Annual Report. First, on infringements. As you are aware, the Commission has reorganised its decision-taking on infringements, with a view to facilitating the progress of cases. This was presented in the 2007 communication ‘A Europe of results – applying Community law’. We are following up cases more actively and organising the work more effectively for citizens. Also, an EU pilot project has been launched.More solutions to problems should be found more quickly.
Second, on the call for EU institutions and bodies to adopt a common approach towards a European code of good administrative behaviour. I want to draw your attention to the fact that the Commission has its own code of good administrative behaviour, adopted in 2000. This code still constitutes a modern and very effective instrument. Its implementation is wellestablished. I do not want to prejudge the future, but for the time being we want to keep things that way.
Third, regarding the communication policy. The idea of launching an information campaign for European citizens to help them find out more about the duties and competences of the European Ombudsman is definitely welcomed by the Commission.
Each institution, including the European Commission, also has its own website, where complaints and petitions may be lodged. The Europa website is common to all EU institutions and has links to all other EU institutions, including the Ombudsman’s website. In this way, citizens are easily and smoothly directed to the bodies able to settle their grievances and complaints. The idea of an interactive manual designed to assist citizens in identifying the most suitable forum for resolving their problems is well worth studying much more closely.
Because in all this, we should never lose sight of who comes first and who we do all this for: the European citizens.
Andreas Schwab, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion.–Frau Präsidentin, Herr Bürgerbeauftragter, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Zunächst einmal möchte ich Frau Kollegin Zdravkova ganz herzlich zu ihrem Bericht – wenn ich richtig liege, ist es ihr erster Bericht – gratulieren. Er ist eine ganz hervorragende Grundlage für die Beratung und Diskussion über die Ergebnisse der Arbeit von Ihnen, Herr Diamandouros, im vergangenen Jahr.
Dieser Bericht schließt sich in gewisser Weise auch an den Bericht an, den ich für das Europäische Parlament zur gleichen Stelle vor zwei Jahren habe erstellen dürfen. Sie haben damals ihr Verbindungsnetz mit den nationalen Bürgerbeauftragten und Petitionsausschüssen gestartet, und wie ich dem Bericht entnommen habe, ist dieses Verbindungsnetz von den europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern, die im Mittelpunkt ihrer Aufgabe stehen, hervorragend angenommen worden. Auch Ihre Aufklärungskampagne, die ja dazu geführt hat, dass wir jetzt mehr zulässige Beschwerden haben, ist ein erfolgreiches Beispiel dafür, dass sich Anstrengungen zur Aufklärung von Bürgerinnen und Bürger über ihre Rechte, über ihre Möglichkeiten, Hilfe zu suchen, durchaus lohnen.
Ich begrüße auch außerordentlich, dass der Bericht– ähnlich wie der Bericht des Kollegen Mavrommatis vor einigen Jahren– aufnimmt, dass die informellen Verfahren, die Sie nun stärker in den Vordergrund stellen wollen, Erfolge bringen, weil die Zeit, die mit den Formalien verbracht wird, dadurch weniger wird. Es ist wünschenswert, dass Sie diesen bürgernahen Ansatz weiterverfolgen.
Sie haben ja mit einigen Beispielen im vergangenen Jahr auch Handlungsfähigkeit, aber auch Sensibilität gegenüber der Öffentlichkeit in Europa – sowohl was die Arbeitszeitrichtlinie als auch was die interne Organisation des Europäischen Parlaments angeht – bewiesen. Natürlich ist es für Sie nicht immer einfach, die richtigen Worte zu finden, dennoch müssen Schwachstellen mit einem gewissen zeitlichen Vorlauf und der entsprechenden Zurückhaltung durch den Ombudsmann aufgedeckt werden, und es geht darum, dass wir am Ende gemeinsam den europäischen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern dienen. Dazu, Herr Diamandouros haben Sie im vergangenen Jahr einen guten Beitrag geleistet.
Proinsias De Rossa, thar ceann an Ghrúpa PSE.– A Uachtaráin, ba mhaith liom ar dtús báire mo bhuíochas a ghabháil leis an rapóirtéir, Dushana Zdravkova, as ucht na hoibre a rinne sí ar an tuarascáil seo. Tá sé soiléir go bhfuil oifig an Ombudsman ag dul i bhfeabhas. Rinneamar gearáin leis le fada an lá go bhfuil an iomad fiosrúchán nach mbaineann leis ag teacht chuige. An bhliain seo caite, den chéad uair riamh, tháinig laghdú ar an líon sin agus déanaim comhghairdeas leis as ucht na hoibre sin.
Is réiteach cruthaitheach é an lámhleabhar idirghníomhach atá curtha i bhfeidhm ag an Ombudsman chun cabhrú leis na saoránaigh an institiúid cheart a aimsiú i gcomhair a ngearán agus measaim gur féidir úsáid níos leithne a bhaint as. Má táimid chun nochtú do dhaonra an Chomhphobail go bhfuil an tAontas seo ag obair ar a son, caithfimid a chinntiú go bhfaigheann siad freagraí agus réitigh ar a gcuid fadhbanna.
Marian Harkin, on behalf of the ALDE Group.–Madam President, I wish to begin by congratulating the rapporteur on a very comprehensive report and also the Ombudsman and his staff on the many positive steps that they took in 2007.
What I find most encouraging is that the Ombudsman works at so many different levels: it is not just about processing complaints,which is central to his work, but also about how resolutions or solutions are arrived at. There is an increasing number of friendly solutions, more informal procedures, where relations with the institutions are such that a growing number of cases are solved rapidly. That is real progress and must be built on. Citizen-friendly solutions are where we want to go.
I am also pleased to see that better communication at all levels is central to the agenda of the Ombudsman. The adoption of the European Network of Ombudsmen statement and increased cooperation in this area are vital, and we look forward to the launch of the new website, which will include an interactive guide to assist citizens.
However, this brings me to my final comment, which concerns citizens, and refers to the proposed oral amendment on paragraph 23. That paragraph reads: ‘Proposes that the Ombudsman take measures to reduce the number of complaints (a total of 1021) in relation to which no steps have been taken by him at all’. The oral amendment seeks to change that final phrase – ‘in relation to which no steps have been taken by him at all’ – to the statement ‘in such cases where no action is possible’.
From the perspective of the Ombudsman, no action is possible; but from the perspective of the citizen, no action is taken – and those are two very different perspectives.
So I have a question: is it made clear to the 1021 citizens that no action is possible by the Ombudsman,with a clear explanation given with further advice where possible, or is it the case that simply no action is taken? If the former is true and citizens are given reasons, I have no problem and, indeed, I am very pleased.But if the latter is true and no action is taken, then citizens will be frustrated and angry. So I would like clarification on that point, please.
Margrete Auken, for Verts/ALE-Gruppen.–Fru formand! Tak til ordføreren for en fin betænkning. Det er et flot stykke arbejde, og vi har især været meget glade for den store samarbejdsvillighed. Også tak til Ombudsmanden for en glimrende årsberetning. Institutionen er jo utrolig vigtig for EU. Ombudsmandens arbejde viser, at EU er tættere på borgerne, end rygtet siger.Der lyttes til kritikken. Det går heldigvis den rigtige vej. Langt flere klager end i fjor blev løst til klagerens tilfredshed ved, at EU-institutionen selv rettede ind efter klagen. Det viser, at EU-systemet er ved at forstå nødvendigheden af at betjene borgerne bedst muligt. Desværre er der institutioner, der ikke retter sig efter anbefalingerne. Her er det eneste, Ombudsmanden kan gøre, at forelægge sagen for Parlamentet, og man kan ikke beskylde ham for at misbruge denne mulighed. Kun en enkelt sag kom i fjor til Udvalget for Andragender.
Når en sag så kommer til os i Parlamentet, skylder vi klart at sige, at vi i det mindste i princippet er villig til at gå til Domstolen, hvis institutionen ikke retter sig efter Ombudsmanden. På den måde kan vi give Ombudsmanden den nødvendige vægt og autoritet i systemet. På vegne af Den Grønne Gruppe har jeg fremsat et par ændringsforslag, og hensigten med dem er udelukkende at tydeliggøre begrebet fejl og forsømmelser, på engelsk "maladministration". Man bør kunne identificere de tilfælde, hvor Ombudsmanden kan konstatere, at en institution eller et EU-organ ikke har fulgt de regler og principper, der gælder for den. Her er der tale om fejl og forsømmelser. Derimod er der ikke tale om fejl og forsømmelser, hvor Ombudsmanden blot konstaterer, at der er muligheder for forbedringer i institutionens sagsbehandling. Den sondring forsøger mine ændringsforslag at gøre klart.
Afslutningsvis et spørgsmål, som er i overensstemmelse med det, som fru Harkin også nævnte, om, når sagerne afvises. Vi ville gerne vide, hvorfor de bliver afvist. Det skulle gerne fremgå, og jeg vil spørge, om det også fremgår af svaret til klagerne, for ellers er det nok, som det også blev sagt før, meget frustrerende.
Marcin Libicki, w imieniu grupy UEN.–Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Rzeczniku! Panie Komisarzu! Chciałbym najpierw wyrazić się z uznaniem o sprawozdaniu pani Zdravkovej, które jest bardzo dobrym sprawozdaniem. To sprawozdanie wskazuje zarówno na to, jak dobra jest praca Rzecznika, ale także jak dobra jest współpraca Rzecznika z Parlamentem Europejskim i z Komisją Petycji, która jest jak gdyby oddelegowana przez Parlament Europejski do kontaktów z Rzecznikiem.
To sprawozdanie zostało przyjęte jednomyślnie, nawet bez głosów wstrzymujących się. Wskazuje to na to, że podzielamy opinię pani Zdravkovej na temat bardzo dobrej pracy Pana Rzecznika. Pan Rzecznik uczestniczy często w naszych posiedzeniach Komisji Petycji i zawsze udziela nam pełnych informacji na temat swojej pracy, a zawsze na posiedzeniach komisji obecny jest przedstawiciel Pana Rzecznika, obecny też tutaj, za co bardzo dziękujemy, bo to wskazuje na to, że wzajemnie obserwujemy swojąpracę.
Ilość skarg uznanych za dopuszczalne wskazuje na dwie rzeczy. Na to, że społeczeństwo Unii Europejskiej obserwuje Pana pracę i obserwując Pana pracę lepiej orientuje się, jakie skargi można do Pana kierować. Bo przecież nie dlatego, że zmienił Pan swoją politykęodnośnie do tego, co jest dopuszczalne, a co nie.Pozostaje Pan zawsze obiektywny, a Pana praca wskazuje na to, że ludzie ją doceniają i coraz bardziej rozumieją. Obok Europejskiego Trybunału Sprawiedliwości i Pana urzędu, Komisja Petycji pracuje na to, żeby uczynić Unię Europejską i jej instytucje bliższymi ludziom. I to jest Pana sukces! Dziękujemy za to bardzo Panu i pani Zdravkovej za jej sprawozdanie.
Δημήτριος Παπαδημούλης, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL.–Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η έκθεση με τις δραστηριότητες του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή μας δίνει την ευκαιρία να διαπιστώσουμε πώς βλέπουν οι πολίτες την λειτουργία των οργάνων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και μας δίνει ιδέες πρακτικές και παραδείγματα για το πώς τα όργανα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης μπορούν να βελτιώνουν τη λειτουργία τους και να εξυπηρετούν με καλύτερο τρόπο τους πολίτες.
Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω με τη σειρά μου τον Ευρωπαίο Διαμεσολαβητή, τον κ. Διαμαντούρο, για την εξαιρετική δουλειά του, καθώς και την εισηγήτριά μας, κ. Zdravkova, για την πολύ ενδιαφέρουσα έκθεσή της. Και με την ευκαιρία, θα ήθελα να υπογραμμίσω ορισμένα σημεία:
Πρώτον είναι πολύ θετικό το γεγονός ότι αυξάνεται ο αριθμός των καταγγελιών που λαμβάνει ο Διαμεσολαβητής, αλλά αυτό βρίσκεται σε αντίφαση με την αυτοϊκανοποίηση της Επιτροπής ότι πετυχαίνει διαρκώς καλύτερη διοίκηση και περισσότερη διαφάνεια. Θα συνιστούσα στην Επιτροπή περισσότερη ειλικρίνεια και περισσότερη σεμνότητα.
Είναι επίσης θετικό ότι αυξήθηκαν οι παραδεκτές καταγγελίες και η αποτελεσματικότητα των παρεμβάσεων του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή. Η μεγάλη πλειοψηφία όμως συνεχίζει να αφορά θέματα που δεν εμπίπτουν στην άμεση αρμοδιότητά του. Είναι μεγάλη η μερίδα των πολιτών μέσα στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση που ζητάει περισσότερη διαφάνεια και χρηστή διοίκηση και από τα ευρωπαϊκά όργανα αλλά και, γενικότερα,από τον τρόπο εφαρμογής της κοινοτικής νομοθεσίας και, δυστυχώς, δεν την βρίσκει επαρκώς. Γι' αυτό το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο ζητεί επανειλημμένα να διατεθούν σε όλα τα θεσμικά όργανα και οργανισμούς της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης οι απαραίτητοι δημοσιονομικοί και ανθρώπινοι πόροι, για να διασφαλίζεται ότι οι πολίτες λαμβάνουν άμεσες και ουσιαστικές απαντήσεις στις καταγγελίες, τα ερωτήματα, τις αναφορές τους.
Είναι απαραίτητη επιπλέον η συνεργασία μεταξύ του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή και των διαμεσολαβητών των παρεμφερών φορέων σε εθνικό, περιφερειακό και τοπικό επίπεδο στα κράτη μέλη. Και ακόμη, είναι ανάγκη να δώσουμε μια πιο ευρεία, πιο διασταλτική ερμηνεία στον όρο "κακοδιοίκηση", έτσι ώστε να περιλαμβάνει και περιπτώσεις όπου οι διοικητικές αρχές επιδεικνύουν προχειρότητα και αμέλεια, ή έλλειψη διαφάνειας, στην εκτέλεση του καθήκοντός τους έναντι των πολιτών. Και αυτό θα οδηγήσει σε ουσιαστικότερες παρεμβάσεις εκ μέρους του Διαμεσολαβητή υπέρ των συμφερόντων των πολιτών. Είναι επίσης εξαιρετικά σημαντικό να μπορεί να επιλαμβάνεται ο Διαμεσολαβητής και υποθέσεων που αφορούν όλα τα θεσμικά όργανα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης ακόμη και αυτά που λειτουργούν στα πλαίσια του τρίτου πυλώνα.
Τέλος, για μια ακόμη φορά, επαναλαμβάνω την έκκληση προς όλα τα θεσμικά όργανα και τους οργανισμούς της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να υιοθετήσουν μια κοινή προσέγγιση για τον Κώδικα Ορθής Διοικητικής Συμπεριφοράς. Δεν αρκεί να λέμε καλές κουβέντες για τον Ευρωπαίο Διαμεσολαβητή....
(Η Πρόεδρος διακόπτει τον ομιλητή)
Nils Lundgren, för IND/DEM-gruppen.–Fru talman! Tillsammans med Volvo och IKEA så är den institution som vi kallar ombudsman mitt lands mest välkända bidrag till världssamfundet. Det är en mycket viktig institutionell innovation, för demokratin i allmänhet och för EU-institutionerna i synnerhet. Varför?Jo, därför att en ombudsman ska se till att medborgarna kan kräva sina rättigheter i politiska och byråkratiska strukturer som blir allt mer komplexa och därmed ogenomskinliga. Ingenstans i den demokratiska världenär komplexiteten och ogenomskinligheten mera dominerande än i den bysantinska maktstruktur som EU har etablerat och ständigt bygger vidare på.
Det är sällan jag känner någon entusiasm över de betänkanden som läggs fram här i Europaparlamentet. När jag någon gång gör det gäller det betänkanden om den inre marknaden ellernågon miljöfråga. Dushana Zdravkovas betänkande är ännu ett undantag. Här växer ändå fram enbild av att ombudsmannen arbetar ganska effektivt för att stärka de enskilda medborgarna mot det bysantinska välde som breder ut sig. Jag tänker på information till allmänheten via en väluppdaterad webbsida, informationsblad, nätverk med nationella och regionala ombudsmän, konferenser och inte minst möten och andra kontakter med eurokraterna i systemet för att få dem att se att de är till för medborgarna och inte tvärtom.
Samtidigt är det sorgligt att den europeiska makteliten driver ett europeiskt projekt som de flesta associerar till Bysans dåliga sidor, den oöverskådliga byråkratin. I väntan på en folklig reaktion mot denna utveckling bör vi i Europaparlamentet stärka ombudsmannen. Vi bör därför rösta ja till Dushana Zdravkovas betänkande och särskilt välkomna kravet på att ombudsmannen ska ha full tillgång till EU:s handlingar under sina undersökningar.
Hans-Peter Martin (NI).- Frau Präsidentin! Die Arbeit des Ombudsmanns ist zweifelsohne grundsätzlich positiv. Doch Sie haben einen blinden Fleck, und das ist die Verwaltung des Europäischen Parlaments. So wurde im April 2007 von Herrn Eduardo Bugalho, immerhin einer der Generalsekretäre hier, einem Mitarbeiter, Martin Ehrenhauser, eine Anstellung fest versprochen. Und dann gab es eine Intervention von Seiten des Generalsekretärs Harald Rømer, damals ziemlich neu im Amt, und plötzlich gab es diese Stelle nicht mehr, und man wurde vertröstet, vertröstet, vertröstet. Das hat mich betroffen.
Ich bin wohl das einzige Mitglied dieses Parlaments, dem überhaupt kein Parlamentsmitarbeiter zur Verfügung steht. Statt das aufzugreifen, schauen Sie weg. Sie selber sprechen aber von Vertrauen in die Institutionen der Europäischen Union. Ich bin von 14 % aller Österreicherinnen und Österreicher gewählt und kann hier nicht so arbeiten wie fast alle anderen Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Dann dürfen Sie sich nicht wundern, dass die Kritik zunimmt, und dass gerade in Österreich die Kritik an dieser EU, wie sie ist, – nicht an Europa – immer weiter explodiert.
Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE).- Madam President, rather than dealing with the history I will congratulate the rapporteur on an excellent report and the Ombudsman for his presentation today and his cooperation with us,and indeed the Commission statement. Could I ask, in particular, for consistency in how the Commission deals with citizens? I am concerned that in some cases when an individual brings a case to the Commission the needs and rights of the individual are overtaken by the involvement of the Member State, almost like a victim in a court case being ignored by the prosecution. I shall give you an example.
A constituent of mine complained about the Irish planning laws as they apply in rural areas. The action of the Commission in handling that case was exemplary in their dealings with the citizen in meeting and engaging. However, as the case moved on,I am afraid that declined – I believe, in favour of the Member State to the absolute frustration of the citizen. I know this person and they were very pleased initially and are now very frustrated. In other words, the citizen who brings forward the information, who provides the impetus for action is forgotten about in the ongoing process.
I think, Commissioner, when you asked the question ‘Who comes first?’, you said it was the EU citizens. I am not so sure.
Alexandra Dobolyi (PSE).- Madam President, I am extremely satisfied with the work of the Ombudsman as explained in his annual report and in his speech. The European Ombudsman is a vital part of the democratic structure and functioning of the Union.
The largest proportion of the Ombudsman’s inquiries concern lack of transparency and refusal to provide information. This is an area of our activities that we must improve if we are to become more credible in the eyes of citizens. It is important that we support the work of the Ombudsman and that of the Committee on Petitions. Both deal with the handling of complaints and petitions on EU matters from citizens that help us to find out what is not working at European level and to take corrective measures.
Cases being brought to the Ombudsman and to the Committee on Petitions are of increasing complexity and therefore require greater investment of resources by the institutions in order that citizens’ concerns are properly addressed. If these concerns are properly addressed, then we will be making some progress towards improving the credibility of, and confidence in, the Union as a whole.
Метин Казак (ALDE).- Уважаеми колеги, годишният доклад на Европейския омбудсман за 2007 г. е доказателство за изключително полезната му дейност като застъпник за правата на гражданите, когато те са нарушени или само застрашени от страна на институциите на Съюза. Приветствам факта, че броят на допустимите жалби е нараснал, което говори, че европейските граждани все повече се ориентират за реалните правомощия на Омбудсмана. Считам, че е необходимо институцията да разполага с необходимите финансови и човешки ресурси, за да може да изпълнява ефикасно и пълноценно мисията си. Хартата за основните права и Европейският кодекс за добро поведение на администрацията следва и за в бъдеще да бъдат модел и основа за действията на обществения защитник за прилагане на принципите на доброто управление като прозрачност, отчетност, законност и справедливост от страна на европейските институции и органи.
В тази връзка следва да бъде засилена информационно-разяснителната кампания на Омбудсмана сред гражданите относно техните права и неговите компетенции да ги отстоява, както и сътрудничеството му с националните омбудсмани за обмяна на добри практики. Въвеждането на интернет наръчник е полезна инициатива, но създаването на публичен онлайн регистър на жалбите би увеличил прозрачността и би засилил доверието на гражданите.
Czarnecki, Ryszard (UEN).- Pani Przewodnicząca! Niektórzy obywatele państw członkowskich traktują chyba Europejskiego Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich jako Pana Boga, żądając od niego interwencji i załatwienia spraw leżących zupełnie poza jego kompetencjami. Świadczy o tym fakt, że jedynie co szósta skarga do Rzecznika może być przez niego rozpatrzona ze względów formalnych. Oznacza to kompletny brak nieznajomości tego, kim jest Europejski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich, jakie ma kompetencje, jaki jest obszar jego działania. Nie jest to wina obywateli krajów członkowskich, jest to wina instytucji unijnych, które nie potrafią przedstawić opinii publicznej krajów członkowskich Unii, jaki jest zakres kompetencji Rzecznika. Jeżeli tego się nie zmieni, obywatele krajów członkowskich będą dalej pisać do Rzecznika, potem dziwić się, że nie jest w stanie interweniować. Dodatkowo martwi fakt, że przeszło 1000 skarg do Rzecznika nie zostało przez niego rozpatrzonych i nie podjął on żadnych działań, co zresztą w sprawozdaniu zostało uwzględnione.
Frank Vanhecke (NI).- Voorzitter, het verslag van de Commissie verzoekschriften is ten gronde zeer opbouwend en zeer positief over het werk van de Europese Ombudsman en ik kan mij daar persoonlijk ook wel grotendeels bij aansluiten. Ik maak echter van de gelegenheid die mij wordt geboden, gebruik om de aandacht van de Ombudsman te vragen voor de systematische wijze waarop het Europees Parlement zelf, en de Commissie eigenlijk nog veel meer, een aantal zeer duidelijke rechtsregels negeert en overtreedt en voor een aantal zaken aan verdoken en dus, wel beschouwd, ondemocratische besluitvorming doet.
Meer specifiek denk ik dat de Europese Ombudsman in zijn verslag van volgend jaar bijzondere aandacht zou moeten besteden,en ik vraag dat hij dat ook doet, aan de wijze waarop de verwerping van het Verdrag van Lissabon als gevolg van een democratische volksraadpleging in Ierland, waardoor dat Verdrag dus juridisch van nul en generlei waarde meer is, in teksten en in besluitvorming opzettelijk en herhaaldelijk door alle Europese instellingenwordt genegeerd. Ik hoop dat de Ombudsman bereid is deze taak op zich te nemen en daarmee ...
Μανώλης Μαυρομμάτης (PPE-DE).- Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, ο Διαμεσολαβητής είναι ένας θεσμός ανεξάρτητος και ένας μηχανισμός ελέγχου της διοίκησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Το γεγονός ότι ο αριθμός των παραδεκτών καταγγελιών που έλαβε ο Διαμεσολαβητής το 2007 αυξήθηκε, ενώ ο αριθμός των μη παραδεκτών υποθέσεων ήταν χαμηλότερος το 2007, σε σύγκριση με το 2006, αποτελεί ένδειξη ότι οι ευρωπαίοι πολίτες έχουν αρχίσει να κατανοούν τις αρμοδιότητες του θεσμού.
Επιπλέον, καλωσορίζω με τη σειρά μου τις προσπάθειες του κ. Διαμαντούρου για βελτίωση της ποιότητας των πληροφοριών που παρέχονται στους πολίτες σχετικά με τα δικαιώματά τους στο πλαίσιο του κοινοτικού δικαίου στα χρόνια που κατέχει αυτή τη θέση. Επίσης, αξίζουν θερμά συγχαρητήρια στη συνάδελφο Ζδραβκόβα, γιατί στην πρώτη της έκθεση που συντάχθηκε στη δική μας την επιτροπή, πέτυχε ομόφωνες αποφάσεις και συνεργασίες. Το Ευρωπαϊκό Δίκτυο Διαμεσολαβητών, στο οποίο άλλωστε συμμετέχει και η Επιτροπή Αναφορών του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, απαρτίζεται από περίπου 90 γραφεία σε 31 χώρες. Επομένως, και στο επίπεδο αυτό, η συνεργασία τόσο του δικτύου όσο και του Ευρωπαίου Διαμεσολαβητή είναι πολύτιμη προκειμένου να επιτευχθεί ο στόχος της όσο το δυνατόν ταχύτερης διαβίβασης των καταγγελιών στον αρμόδιο Διαμεσολαβητή ή φορέα.
Τέλος, το Κοινοβούλιο και η Επιτροπή Αναφορών θα πρέπει να είναι αρωγοί στην επίτευξη του διπλού στόχου του Διαμεσολαβητή για την προαγωγή της χρηστής διοίκησης από τα θεσμικά όργανα και την ενίσχυση των επικοινωνιακών προσπαθειών προς τους πολίτες. Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ.
Michael Cashman (PSE).- Mr President, I should like to say to the Ombudsman that it has been a really interesting debate: sniped at by Hans-Peter Martin, lauded as a god by another. I think it shows that he has probably – just about – got it right.
Ombudsman, Parliament does not always place you in a very comfortable position when you are called upon especially to rule on decisions that we take and the actions of this House. I see that I have excited Hans-Peter Martin – how wonderful! But let me just tell you, Ombudsman, that you always carry out your work in a constructive way and absolutely within your competences. Probably the reason why we have seen an increase in your workload is because you have been so effective in promoting your work and your office, and I congratulate you on that.
It leaves me nothing more than to say that it is an excellent report. I look forward to contributions from other colleagues, but also I enjoy working with you, not the least in relation to access to documents, but also as Vice-Chair of the Committee on Petitions.
Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE).- Arvoisa puhemies, kiitokset oikeusasiamiehelle ja hänen koko toimistolleen arvokkaasta työstä hyvän hallinnon ja avoimuuden eteenpäin viemiseksi.
Kansalaisille on erittäin tärkeää, että silloin kun on epäkohta, siitä voi valittaa ja voi olla varma, että asia käsitellään asiallisesti ja hyvin, ja näin tapahtuu.Haluan myös kiittää oikeusasiamiestä siitä, että hän on jaksanut taistella, voi sanoa joskus vähän niin kuin tuulimyllyjä vastaan, sen puolesta, että avoimuus lisääntyisi Euroopan unionin hallinnossa. Me tiedämme, että tässä asiassa on vielä paljon, paljon tehtävää. Asia etenee hitaasti, mutta olkaamme iloisia jokaisesta pienestä askeleesta ja puskekaamme päätä...
(Puheenjohtaja keskeytti puhujan.)
Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE).- Grazzi Sinjura President, grazzi lir-Rapporteur Zdravkova, grazzi lill-Ombudsman għall-ħidma kbira tiegħu f'xogħlu. Naħseb li dak li jgħaqqadna f'dan id-dibattitu huwa sempliċi: huwa d-difiża taċ-ċittadini, huwa li aħna kollha naqblu li għandna niddefendu d-drittijiet taċ-ċittadini, li għandna nkunu tarka tagħhom u limeta jiffaċċjaw l-awtoritajiet u l-burokrazija li ma jittratawhomx tajjeb, ma jħossuhomx weħedhom, imma jsibu lilna warajhom. U allura, ladarba dawn huma affarijiet li jgħaqqduna, ejja nkomplu naħdmu flimkien. Għaliex f'mument fejniċ-ċittadin iħossu pjuttost maqtugħ mill-Unjoni Ewropea, huwa importanti li l-ħidma tal-Ombudsman, tal-Kummissjoni u tal-Kumitat tal-Petizzjonijiet ikomplu jibnu ġebla b'ġebla l-fiduċja taċ-ċittadini lejn l-Unjoni Ewropea. Ejja nkomplu naħdmu flimkien biex nuru li tassew jistħoqqilna din il-fiduċja.
Μαρία Ματσούκα (PSE).- Κυρία Πρόεδρε, κ. Διαμεσολαβητή, κρατώ την φράση της εισηγήτριας που επισημαίνει πως στηρίζει τον ρόλο του Διαμεσολαβητή ως πολύτιμης πηγής συνεχούς βελτίωσης της ευρωπαϊκής διοίκησης.
Η ενημέρωση περισσότερων πολιτών για τον θεσμό του Διαμεσολαβητή σημαίνει καλύτερη Ευρώπη. Ευρώπη που δεν φοβάται να αντιμετωπίσει και να βελτιώσει τις αδυναμίες της. Γι' αυτό και είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικό να εφαρμοστεί ο κώδικας ορθής διοικητικής συμπεριφοράς απ' όλα τα όργανα και τους οργανισμούς. Γι' αυτό και είναι ιδιαίτερα χρήσιμη η διασταλτική ερμηνεία της έννοιας της κακοδιοίκησης. Δεν είναι δυνατόν, ενώ μιλάμε για ενεργούς πολίτες, την ίδια στιγμή, όταν αυτοί προσφεύγουν στα θεσμικά όργανα της Ένωσης για να διεκδικήσουν τα δικαιώματά τους, να μην είμαστε σε θέση να απαντήσουμε στοιχειωδώς στις αγωνίες τους ή, ακόμη χειρότερα, να μην είμαστε σε θέση να διαφυλάξουμε τις θεμελιώδεις αξίες της Ένωσης.
Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg (PSE).- Pani Przewodnicząca! Mimo ogólnego wzrostu liczby skarg dopuszczalnych, które wpłynęły do Rzecznika w 2007 r. wszczęto o 17% więcej postępowań niż w roku poprzednim. Przy czym warto podkreślić, że liczba skarg niedopuszczalnych znacznie zmniejszyła się w stosunku do 2006 roku, co świadczy o lepszej znajomości kompetencji Rzecznika ze strony skarżących.
Ze sprawozdania wynika, iż Rzecznik w ubiegłym roku wykonywał swoje uprawnienia w sposób aktywny i zrównoważony, zarówno, jeśli chodzi o rozpatrywanie skarg, jak i w zakresie utrzymywania konstruktywnych stosunków z instytucjami i organami Unii Europejskiej oraz zachęcania obywateli do korzystania ze swoich praw. Niemniej jednak dalej pozostaje jeszcze wiele do zrobienia w celu zagwarantowania, że obywatele otrzymają szybkie i merytoryczne odpowiedzi na swoje zapytania, skargi i petycje, a przede wszystkim, że zaczną zanikać powody do skarg, czyli osiągniemy wyraźną poprawę w kwestii zwiększania klarowności w procesach podejmowania decyzji i funkcjonowaniu administracji Unii Europejskiej, na co głównie skarżą się obywatele.
Inés Ayala Sender (PSE).- Señora Presidenta, deseo felicitar también a la señora Zdravkova por su excelente informe y felicitarnos a todos y también —por supuesto— al Defensor del Pueblo, señor Diamandouros, al reconocer los progresos y mejoras que se han introducido en su actividad.
Me gustaría destacar en las buenas prácticas otros aspectos relacionados con los transportes europeos en relación con la mejora de la información sobre los derechos de los pasajeros y también con la revocación de una decisión impugnada por la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Aérea.
En cuanto a las investigaciones de oficio, me parecen absolutamente positivas al haberse centrado en el tema de los pagos de la Comisión y también en la no discriminación de las personas con discapacidad.
Nos gustaría que este acopio de buen know-how,de buenas prácticas y prácticas de buena administración formaran parte especial de la campaña que el Parlamento está apoyando.
Haré también una mención especial —para terminar— a la reunión del sexto seminario de la Red Europea de Defensores del Pueblo, donde se introdujo por primera vez la participación de defensores procedentes también de las regiones. Asimismo mencionaré la excelente declaración de la Red Europea de Defensores del Pueblo, cuya utilizaciónaconsejaríatanto al Defensor del Pueblo, señor Diamandouros,como también a nosotros.
Dumitru Oprea (PPE-DE).- Pentru cetăţenii ultimelor două valuri de ţări acceptate în Uniunea Europeană, instituţia Ombudsmanului european este ceva deosebit, o noutate, numai că ea trebuie să fie mai puternic promovată,spunându-se foarte clar ce poate să facă Ombudsmanul European şi ce nu poate. De asemenea, considerăm că numărul anchetelor din proprie iniţiativă ar trebui să fie ceva mai mare. Dacă personalul propriu este insuficient, recomandăm ca pentru promovarea instituţiei Ombudsmanului european să se apeleze şi la voluntari, îndeosebi din ţările din ultimul val sau din ultimele două valuri, inclusiv la membrii Parlamentului European.
Reinhard Rack (PPE-DE).- Frau Präsidentin! Die Distanz zwischen der Europäischen Union und den Bürgern darf nicht so groß werden, wie sie geworden ist.Wir müssen schauen, dass sie verkleinert wird.
In diesem Zusammenhang kommt dem Bürgerbeauftragten eine wichtige Aufgabe zu.Vor allem dann und dort, wenn und wo er sie gut macht. Es geht vor allem darum, dass wir mit Engagement und Augenmaß des Bürgerbeauftragten rechnen müssen. Es geht darum, dass wir nicht zu hohe Erwartungen wecken, die dann niemand erfüllen kann.
Es geht aber auf der anderen Seite auch darum, dass überall dort, wo in der Verwaltung der europäischen Instanzen Missstände aufgetreten sind, diese tatsächlich aufgegriffen werden, und nach Möglichkeit hier auch nach vernünftigen Lösungen gesucht wird, die den Bürger dann sicher- und zufrieden stellen können.
Die bisherige Praxis hat gezeigt, dass der Bürgerbeauftragte diese Aufgabe ernst und gut macht. Wir können hoffen, dass das auch weiterhin so der Fall sein wird, und danken ihm und der Berichterstatterin für diesen Bericht.
Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (PSE).- Doresc să felicit raportorul şi să subliniez importanţa Ombudsmanului european. Aş dori să mă refer în special la consecinţele pozitive ale recomandărilor sale în ceea ce priveşte utilizarea limbilor noilor state membre în procesul de recrutare şi selecţie organizat de EPSO. De asemenea, doresc să subliniez importanţa pe care o are pentru piaţa internă, recomandarea Ombudsmanului prin care s-a solicitat Comisiei să evite, pe viitor, restricţii nejustificate în ceea ce priveşte limbile oficiale în care pot fi depuse ofertele pe baza unei invitaţii de oferte.
Având în vedere importanţa protecţiei datelor cu caracter personal, doresc să apreciez cooperarea dintre Controlorul european al protecţiei datelor şi Ombudsmanul european. Dacă ar fi să mă refer doar la reglementările comunitare privind registrul pasagerilor în cadrul zborurilor internaţionale, această cooperare va deveni şi mai importantă în perioada următoare. Apreciez soluţionarea cazului SOLVIT, prin care i s-a furnizat unui medic bulgar un certificat de conformitate care îi permite să-şi exercite meseria în Franţa şi ...
(Preşedintele întrerupe vorbitorul)
Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE).- Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, complimenti alla relatrice. Come membro della commissione petizioni, sulla base dei dati della relazione e anche della mia esperienza personale, rivolgo al contempo un ringraziamento e un invito. Un ringraziamento, perché è evidente il progresso rispetto alla precedente anno: siamo passati da 449 a 518 istanze ammissibili, dal 12% al 16% del totale, con un aumento anche delle inchiesta portate avanti. Credo sia quindi buona la strada intrapresa.
Tuttavia, e qui vengo all'invito, bisogna ancora aumentare gli sforzi in termini di comunicazione. Studiamo insieme modalità efficaci, magari partendo dalle nostre scuole, per garantire ai cittadini un'informazione di qualità sulla figura e il ruolo e le competenze del Mediatore europeo. Ci sono progetti interessanti in tal senso, partiti quest'anno, che vanno implementati e supportati. In questo modo i già buoni numeri odierni continueranno di certo a migliorare.
Nikiforos Diamandouros,Ombudsman.−Madam President, we are under great pressure because you have to vote in about six or seven minutes, so I willoffer my excuses to all the people who spoke. I would like to thank all the Members of Parliament who have been gracious enough to comment favourably on my report, and I will only try to address very specific cases, if I may.
Let me very briefly thank Mrs Jäätteenmäki and Mr Schwab for what I take to be their particular support and their plea for the Ombudsman’s efforts to increase transparency. Thisis something to which I remain committed, and I pledge to redouble my efforts to do that, with the support of this body. I need your support to do that,and I ask you for it.
Mr Martin, I would be very happy to meet you personally so that I might be able to have a chance to listen to the case and be able to respond to it. I would like to thank Mr Cashman and Mr Busuttil for their comments and encouragement. I would also like to thank the Members who have spoken very favourably about the actions of the Ombudsman concerning strengthening the activities and the rights of citizens in the new Member States, who are in fact in greater need of becoming more familiar with the practices of the Ombudsman and the Union.
Let me now address directly the questions from Ms Harkin, Ms Auken and Mr Czarnecki, concerning the cases that have not been addressed. To avoid any misunderstanding, let me make very clear that every single case we have received has, in fact, been addressed. There has not been a case that has not received a response. There has never been a case in which we have not written back to the complainant. We wrote and we informed the complainant why the European Ombudsman could not deal with the complaint. The 1021 cases listed as ‘no action possible’ are cases where we could not help the complainant by opening an in-depth inquiry, by transferring the case or by offering useful advice. After this came in I checked and I have some reports. In one third of all these cases the complainant had already contacted the authority that was competent to deal with the complaint, such as a national original ombudsman or the Committee on Petitions of the European Parliament. In 20% of the cases they received, the case had already been handled by the court and I could not handle it. In 17% of the cases there was no competent body in existence that could possibly handle it. In 13% of the cases the only appropriate advice would have been to contact a lawyer, but the complainant had already done so.
Therefore I have tried to cover all the cases. I would like to assure you that there has never been any case in which the Ombudsman has not written, explained and provided written information. I hope this addresses the questions that you raised.
Andris Piebalgs,Member of the Commission.−Madam President, I would just like to reiterate my support for Mrs Zdravkova’s report and to thank the Ombudsman for his cooperation. Regarding those concrete cases mentioned, we will provide additional information. It is true that, when we address a complaint, the complainants are not always completely satisfied with the solution proposed. However, the Commission always tries to deal with each and every case in a very constructive spirit,and we will continue to do so.
Душана Здравкова,докладчик.− Искам само да използвам възможността да благодаря още веднъж на всички колеги, които взеха участие в днешния дебат, за добрите думи ,които казаха за доклада ми, за моята работа и за работата на г-н Диамандурос. Тази полезна и най-вече позитивна дискусия съм сигурна, че ще даде и насърчи г-н Диамандурос за още повече усилия към по-добро сътрудничество, както с институциите, и най-вече за по-добра комуникация с нашите европейски граждани. Виждам, че в залата има много посетители, аз се надявам, че тази наша дискусия е била полезна и на тях, и най-вече интересна.
Hans-Peter Martin (NI).- Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchte mich zunächst beim Ombudsmann für das Gesprächsangebot bedanken. Ich nehme das gerne an.
In der Tat habe ich mich jetzt zu Wort gemeldet, weil Herr Cashman Angriffe und Unterstellungen vorgebracht hat, die ich wirklich entschieden zurückweisen möchte. Sie zeigen nur, wie nervös die Leute sind, wenn es um mehr Transparenz geht.
Sie aber, Herr Ombudsmann, sind für mehr Transparenz! Ich kann Sie nur ermutigen, dranzubleiben, auch hinsichtlich Reisekosten und Ähnlichem, wo die Mehrheit des Parlaments Sie ja auflaufen lässt. Ich denke, Sie sind auf dem richtigen Weg, Herr Ombudsmann!
Presidente. − La discussione è chiusa.
La votazione si svolgerà oggi alle 11.00.
(La seduta, sospesa alle 11.05, è ripresa alle 11.10)