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Proċedura : 2008/0100(COD)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
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Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 10/03/2009 - 5
CRE 10/03/2009 - 5

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 10/03/2009 - 8.11
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
It-Tlieta, 10 ta' Marzu 2009 - Strasburgu

9. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

Oral explanations of vote


- Report: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A6-0040/2009)


  Daniel Hannan (NI). - Mr President, it is curious that, whatever the crisis, the answer in this House always seems to be greater European integration. Most people beset by the economic squalls we have had in the past six months respond by seeing the situation as scary and possibly painful. However, in this House we see it as an opportunity for more regulation, more unification and more harmonisation at EU level, as this report shows.

The problem with this is that the people making that decision will be shielded from the consequences of it. Living in their palaces and chancelleries, surrounded and cocooned in their motorised convoys, their chauffeured cars and their official banquets, they will not be paying the price that our constituents will as a result of these economic policies. It seems to me axiomatic that we should respond to the economic crisis with more flexibility and by allowing countries to tailor their interest rates to suit their needs. Instead, we are doing precisely the opposite.


- Report: Giusto Catania (A6-0050/2009)


  Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE). - Jiena vvutajt favur dan ir-rapport għaliex jagħmel enfasi kbira fuq l-importanza tas-solidarjetà, li politika komuni dwar l-ażil għandha tkun mibnija fuq is-solidarjetà. Però nixtieq naċċenna li hemm ċertu partijiet minn dan ir-rapport li huma xorta waħda paragrafi li jiena ma nistax naqbel magħhom u li kieku kellna vot individwali fuqhom kont nivvota kontra tagħhom. B'mod partikolari nixtieq naċċenna dwar politika dwar id-detenzjoni. Jiena jidhirli li rridu noqgħodu attenti ħafna dwar il-kwistjoni ta’ politika ta’ detenzjoni ta' persuni li jkunu qed ifittxu ażil għaliex mhux faċli li tgħid li d-detenzjoni għandha tispiċċa darba għal dejjem għal kulħadd. Ikun hemm ċertu ċirkostanzi importanti li fihom huwa importanti u jibqa’ importanti li jibqa’ jkun hemm politika ta’ detenzjoni.


  Frank Vanhecke (NI). - Voorzitter, ik heb tegen het verslag-Catania gestemd, omdat ik het compleet en totaal oneens ben met de recente voorstellen die door de Commissie inzake asielbeleid zijn ingediend en die door de rapporteur in dit verslag worden toegejuicht.

Met name vrees ik dat de nieuwe richtlijn, waardoor asielzoekers nog gemakkelijker toegang krijgen tot de arbeidsmarkt en bovendien ook een pak zakgeld zouden krijgen, een vergelijkbaar aanzuigeffect zal creëren, zoals destijds de collectieve regularisaties van Spanje, Nederland, België en Italië. De gevolgen daarvan waren zonder meer funest.

Ik wil er trouwens aan herinneren dat wij volgens recente tellingen in de Europese Unie nog altijd meer dan 20 miljoen werklozen hebben, inmiddels allicht reeds 25 miljoen, zodat nog meer asielzoekers aantrekken eigenlijk een soort collectieve zelfmoord is. Bovendien vind ik dat dit alles een strikte bevoegdheid van de lidstaten moet blijven.


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, ik heb tegen het verslag-Catania gestemd, omdat dit verslag duidelijk blijk geeft van een extreem linkse vooringenomenheid die erop gericht is om elk efficiënt systeem van asielbeheer gewoon onmogelijk te maken. Elk misbruik van de bestaande systemen in de lidstaten wordt goedgepraat en, indien mogelijk, in regelgeving vastgebetonneerd.

Denk maar aan het gedogen van nepasielzoekers die minderjarige kinderen misbruiken om een verblijfsvergunning in de wacht te slepen, of aan het verzet tegen gesloten opvangcentra voor mensen die niet voldoen aan de voorwaarden om erkend te worden als vluchteling en die in de illegaliteit vluchten als ze worden losgelaten. Alles wordt blijkbaar in het werk gesteld om illegalen en potentiële illegalen het leven makkelijker te maken.

De rapporteur verheugt zich erover dat het Hof van Justitie een lijst van veilige landen afwijst, hoewel zo'n lijst juist essentieel is om de stroom van vluchtelingen onder controle te houden. De strategie van links is er dus op gericht om het systeem zodanig te overbelasten dat elke mogelijke efficiëntie onmogelijk wordt gemaakt. Welnu, dit is niet wat de meerderheid van de Europeanen wil, en wij zullen dat ook prominent laten meespelen in de verkiezingscampagne.


  Hubert Pirker (PPE-DE). - Herr Präsident! Ich bin für eine gemeinsame Asylpolitik in der Europäischen Union, die zu raschen und sicheren Entscheidungen führt. Ich bin aber gegen diesen Bericht, weil er Punkte enthält, die absolut inakzeptabel sind: beispielsweise die Ausweitung des Flüchtlingsbegriffs weit über das hinaus, was gegenwärtig in der Genfer Konvention steht, oder die Ablehnung der Regelung sicherer Drittstaaten, worüber wir uns schon positiv verständigen konnten, oder Aufgabenstellungen für Frontex, mit denen Frontex absolut nichts zu tun hat, oder für Asylbewerber die freie Wahl des Landes, welches für das Verfahren zuständig sein sollte – das ist eine Auflösung der Dubliner Konvention – oder den erleichterten Zugang zum Arbeitsmarkt für Asylbewerber. Wir wollen rasche Verfahren und nicht die Integration von Asybewerbern, die womöglich nach 14 Tagen wieder die Europäische Union verlassen müssen, weil sie ohnehin keinen Flüchtlingsstatus erhalten.

Insgesamt verläuft die Entwicklung in der Union positiv in Richtung gemeinsamer Verfahren, aber es ist absolut kontraproduktiv, was hier in diesem Bericht vorgeschlagen wird. Ich habe daher gegen den Bericht gestimmt.


  Daniel Hannan (NI). - Mr President, and so the European Union carries on acquiring one by one the attributes and trappings of nationality: a legal system, common external borders and now a common policy on who is allowed to cross those borders and settle within its territory. One by one, it has taken on all of the characteristics that international law recognises as definitive of statehood.

I wanted to compliment you, Mr President, on your ruling that it was acceptable for MEPs to demonstrate – as my neighbour did – little Tibetan flags on their desks. It stands in marked contrast to the way we had our placards snatched off us when we dared to display the word ‘referendum’ in this Chamber. I would like to ask you – because I know you, and other Members of this House, are interested in this subject – to ponder the hypocrisy of being in favour of national self-determination in Tibet but against national self-determination within the European Union. If you think I am being extreme by drawing a parallel between an authoritarian State in China and the European Union, prove me wrong by putting your Treaty to the people in the referendums that you promised. Pactio Olisipiensis censenda est!


- Report: Andreas Schwab (A6-0482/2008)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I shall be brief. I voted in favour of this report because anything that improves road safety has to be welcomed.

I have an additional point. We have concerns in Ireland about road-safety issues. When roads are being maintained by local authorities we have had some terrible tragedies on these roads, and this is an issue that perhaps needs to be looked at from a European point of view and standards put in place.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE). - Mr President, first of all I would like to welcome the report and thank the rapporteur for his good work. I have to admit that it is very rare for me to be lobbied, in Northern Ireland, to vote on an EU directive in a positive way, but I was on this one, and I was delighted to see such a positive vote today. For once it will bring some good news to my province, which certainly needs it.

Better safety and more environmentally sensitive and sensible proposals are always welcome. In the longer term, I hope it will also save existing jobs and maybe create new ones in the area. This is something that we can all welcome as far as Europe is concerned, being positive, good thinking, rather than holding the economy back.


- Report: Holger Krahmer (A6-0046/2009)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). - Mr President, amid all the confusion about casting and recasting, this was a very difficult vote for many Members. In the end I abstained on this vote because of my concerns about soils in particular. The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development has concerns about a soils directive and this is an issue that needs to be carefully examined. We made some progress in the amendments in relation to agricultural issues in general, but my vote in the end was to abstain, rather than vote against, because there is much in this report around the environment, about power generation and emissions, of which I am in favour.


  Anja Weisgerber (PPE-DE). - Herr Präsident! Ich begrüße ausdrücklich das Kernstück des Kramer-Berichts, das europäische Sicherheitsnetz. Es werden Emissionsobergrenzen festgelegt, die die Mitgliedstaaten bei der Genehmigung von großen Industrieanlagen als absolute Obergrenze einhalten müssen. Es gibt dann einen groben Rahmen, in dem sich alles flexibel bewegt und damit ein Level Playing Field entsteht. Damit wird die inflationäre Ausnahmepraxis, die in einigen Mitgliedstaaten bislang existiert, unterbunden. Das bedeutet Wettbewerbsgleichheit in ganz Europa. So können wir gemeinsam einen hohen Standard auf europäischer Ebene etablieren.

Allerdings muss ich auch ausdrücklich sagen, dass ich die Regelungen zum Bodenschutz nachdrücklich ablehne. Ich bin der Meinung, dass dem Subsidiaritätsprinzip mehr Rechnung getragen werden sollte. Bodenschutzregelungen haben keine grenzüberschreitende Wirkung. Bodenschutz ist kein grenzüberschreitendes Problem. Ich bin darum nach wie vor der Meinung, dass die Mitgliedstaaten selbst den Bodenschutz regeln sollten.

Hier wird aber versucht, durch die Hintertür der IVU-Richtlinie Teile der Bodenschutzrichtlinie einzubringen, die wir vorher erfolgreich bekämpft haben. Ich bedauere ausdrücklich, dass meine Streichungsanträge dazu mit sehr knapper Mehrheit, teilweise mit nur sechs Stimmen, abgelehnt wurden. Aus diesem Grund habe ich mich entschlossen, den Bericht insgesamt abzulehnen, obwohl ich das europäische Sicherheitsnetz ausdrücklich begrüße.


  Neena Gill (PSE). - Mr President, I am not entirely happy with this report and the manner in which we dealt with it here today, but I did nevertheless vote for the report because I believe it reduces red tape. Industrial installations make a significant contribution to pollutant emissions in Europe, but heavy industry is one of the drivers of our economy and needs to be encouraged to produce greener emissions.

This is a major issue for my region of the West Midlands, which is one of the most industrialised in the UK. The integrated approach is welcome, but the stringent rules in this report are of concern, and I am concerned that the implementation costs should not be so heavy that they undermine the environmental protection provisions.

We need checks on the European safety net and we need to look at issues such as the spreading of manure and slurry which, I believe, would be disproportionate to the environmental benefits we get.

Administrative burdens and costs have to be proportionate to the environmental benefits, because if that is the case we will have a win-win situation which would help businesses meet their environmental commitments, bring significant support in the fight against climate change, and have the potential to improve health conditions for young and old people across my region.


  James Nicholson (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I voted against his report. While there may well be good points in it, it eventually went too far. I am in favour of streamlining European Union regulations, but not if you make it more bureaucratic, difficult to operate and unfavourable to industry.

The attempt to bring agriculture into this legislation is, to me, totally unacceptable and is a step too far. It must be rejected. To bring in soil protection is not the responsibility of the European Parliament, nor can it be done throughout the whole of the European Union. That should be the responsibility of the national governments.

I have to ask why the Committee on Agriculture was not consulted on this particular issue. You cannot bring in regulations that are destructive and make pig and poultry farmers go out of business. The truth is that we are bringing in regulations in Europe, and restricting production in Europe, whilst allowing imports into the European Union that are not produced to the same standards as they are in Europe. I cannot accept that.



  Richard Corbett (PSE). - Mr President, there was some controversy about the recasting procedure and my name was mentioned in this context. I would like firstly to point out that the rapporteur who introduced this into our Rules of Procedure was Marylène Renault, not me.

Perhaps a word of explanation is necessary concerning the correct actions of the President of the Parliament. We often have pieces of legislation amending for the 15th, 16th or 17th time some existing pieces of legislation. That is very confusing for people who have to deal with this legislation. We have, rightly, embarked on a procedure for codifying such legislation – putting it in a single, readable, manageable text. We frequently have that before us and, because it does not change the substance, we have a simplified procedure for that.

However, when it comes to recasting, we have a difficulty. There, the Commission is putting forward a proposal to change one element of a package of existing legislation and to simply codify the rest without changing it. We have voluntarily restricted ourselves to tabling amendments of substance only to the part that the Commission is proposing to modify, and not to use the codification of the remaining part as an opportunity to reopen the substance. Maybe we should, as has been suggested by one of our colleagues. However, there would be a problem under the Treaty with regard to the demarcation of the right of initiative between us and the Commission. It is certainly not, however, an issue where colleagues were right to complain about the actions of the President. Under our existing Rules – which we gave ourselves as a Parliament and which we approved by an absolute majority of our Members – the correct procedure has been followed.



  Jim Allister (NI). - Mr President, I voted against this report because of its attempts to totally unnecessarily entwine agriculture into the huge burden of regulation which it would import. I recently met with some producers in my constituency. I saw the paperwork that has been heaped upon a particular producer because he is already within the ambit of these regulations. I shudder to think what is going to happen to ordinary producers of very modest proportions when they, too, are subjected to this huge and totally unnecessary burden of regulation.

I think it is a report that takes us very much in the wrong direction and, at the very least, I am happy that I was here to vote against it.


- Reports: László Surján (A6-0111/2009), Vladimír Maňka (A6-0057/2009)


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I did not ask to give an explanation of vote on the Maňka report, because I was going to combine it with this one, because the two deal with how we are going to look at the budget in the following year, and I am not going to be here in the following year because I am disappearing off in June. I know that there is great upset across the other side of the Chamber about this matter.

I just wanted to lay down a few ground rules that have been ignored so far in these reports. We should watch out for how much money we are funding NGOs and agencies, where huge problems exist with how European taxpayers’ money is being spent at this time. I give the example of the European Fundamental Rights Agency, which is currently under investigation by OLAF.

In general terms, at a time of huge economic downturn and hardship, maybe we should be looking at ourselves to tweak our budget so we can send more monies back to national exchequers where it is desperately needed and where the pain is being felt. And certainly at this time when big – almost irrational – decisions are being made by businesses and government departments around the world in employment matters, we should concern ourselves with having only one seat for this Parliament.


  Koenraad Dillen (NI). - Voorzitter, ik heb tegen dit verslag gestemd, maar het is wel positief te noemen dat de illegale immigratie en de strijd tegen het terrorisme als prioriteiten naar voren worden geschoven en dat dit Parlement de Commissie eindelijk oproept om ook nauwlettend toe te zien op de besteding van gelden in Kosovo en de Balkanlanden, de overhaaste uitbreiding naar Bulgarije en Roemenië indachtig. Maar er worden jammer genoeg geen consequenties aan verbonden en ook geen voorwaarden.

Mijn partij pleit trouwens voor een uitbreidingsstop na de toetreding van Kroatië - dit even terzijde. Maar even terug naar het verslag. Waarom heeft dit Parlement niet eens de moeite genomen - er is zojuist al naar gerefereerd - om te pleiten voor een afschaffing van enkele van die overbodige ngo's en Europese agentschappen die aan geen enkele democratische controle zijn onderworpen, hun bevoegdheden vaak te extensief interpreteren en voor niets op het geld van de Europese belastingbetaler een beroep doen?


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, het is een uitstekende zaak dat dit Parlement hamert op de gelijke toegang tot taalkundige faciliteiten voor alle leden van dit Parlement. Het Parlement moet in de toekomst echt meertalig zijn. Het mag inderdaad ook eens gezegd worden dat de arbeidsomstandigheden van werknemers van outsourcing-bedrijven in overeenstemming moeten zijn met de taalregelgeving.

Anderzijds laat dit Parlement na om in het hoofdstuk over de gebouwen duidelijk stelling te nemen over het maandelijks reizende circus naar Straatsburg, dat per jaar ongeveer 200 miljoen euro kost. Dit is geen goed signaal naar de Europese burgers, naar de belastingbetalers. Dat is dan ook een van de redenen waarom ik tegen dit verslag heb gestemd.


  Richard Corbett (PSE). - Mr President, in relation to the two budgetary votes, may I point out that a lot of people are asking: what contribution can the European budget make in terms of a fiscal stimulus in times of economic crisis? The answer is: very little. The whole of the European Union’s budget amounts to less than 1% of GDP and it has been a declining proportion of GDP in recent years. It is, in macroeconomic terms, a very small budget and this is something that many of the Eurosceptics would do well to remember.

On the other hand, in certain areas it can be of huge structural significance and gradually improve the structure of Europe’s economy. On research and development, on some aspects of regional fund spending and social spending, we can help prepare our economy for the recovery.

I am glad that those aspects of the budget are gradually representing a greater proportion of the budget, and agriculture and some others are declining. However, I think that trend needs to be accelerated and we need to continue much more rapidly in that direction of shifting resources to where they can make a real difference.


- Report: Christel Schaldemose (A6-0064/2009)


  Simon Busuttil (PPE-DE). - Jiena vvutajt favur il-mozzjoni alternattiva ta’ dan ir-rapport u astjenejt dwar il-mozzjoni prinċipali. M’hemmx dubju li l-integrità fis-settur tal-‘online gaming’ hija importanti ħafna. Huwa importanti li niżguraw li niġġieldu l-attività kriminali li tista’ tmiss lil dan is-settur. Iżda dan ma jfissirx li għandna nduru għall-protezzjoniżmu. Irridu niftakru li l-libertà ħielsa li nipprovdu servizzi fl-UE hija prinċipju ta’ bażi tal-UE, prinċipju rikonoxxut, u għaldaqstant ma għandnix induru għall-protezzjoniżmu. Irrid infakkar ukoll li l-Internet, ladarba qed nitkellmu fuq l-‘online gaming’ diġà qed jipprovdi ħafna miżuri ta’ sigurtà li wieħed jista’ jibni fuqhom pereżempju, obbligi ta’ reġistrar qabel wieħed jibda jilgħab jew inkella intraċċar ta’ attività li tista’ tkun attività ta’ frodi jew saħansitra identifikazzjoni tal-credit cards li jintużaw. Għaldaqstant, iva għall-integrità, le għall-protezzjoniżmu.


  Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE). - Milí kolegové, růst hazardních her a sázení přes internet je nový fenomén, který nezná hranice států, a k jeho negativním důsledkům se musíme včas postavit čelem, a to jednotně v celé Evropské unii, pokud jde o účinnou ochranu dětí a mladistvých. Členské státy by měly co nejdříve zavést společnou regulaci plateb včetně ověřování identity a věku. Klíčová je samozřejmě prevence, a proto usiluji o celoevropský zákaz reklamy na hazardní hry a sázení, pokud jsou cílené na mladistvé, podobně jako to máme u tabáku a alkoholu. Je také nutné monitorovat další negativní dopady tohoto zábavního průmyslu, jako je praní špinavých peněz a vůbec organizovaný zločin. A tady v těchto věcech já volný trh zásadně nepodporuji.


  Carlo Fatuzzo (PPE-DE). - Signor Presidente, sulla relazione sull'integrità del gioco d'azzardo via computer dell'onorevole Schaldemose ero incerto su come votare e perché. Allora ho chiesto un po' ai miei pensionati. Ho incontrato ieri il pensionato Ugo Rossi, un pensionato artigiano. Mi ha detto: "Ah, il gioco d'azzardo su Internet, ho perso 10 000 euro". Poco dopo ho incontrato una donna pensionata, Lucia Annone. Mi ha detto: "Ma non me ne parlare, questo gioco d'azzardo con il computer, ho perso 100 000 euro". Ma mi sono deciso come votare quando anche mia mamma, di 94 anni, mi ha detto: "Mi avete regalato il computer, ho perso tutta intera la mia pensione del mese di marzo 2009: 450 euro". Eh no, Presidente, a quel punto ho deciso che dovevo – per protesta contro il gioco d'azzardo e perché sia eliminato in tutta Europa – dovevo votare contro questa relazione per questo motivo.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE). - Mr President, in the case of online gambling there must be clear and unambiguous laws that serve to limit, control and account for the nearly EUR 3 billion in annual gross revenue realised by the gambling industry. However, according to Mrs Schaldemose, that EUR 3 billion is only 5% of the total gambling market in the European Union.

Therefore, the importance and influence of this industry is obvious – as are its dangers. Gambling is often correctly associated with crime at international level, and cross-border gambling rings which are much easier to run via the Internet jeopardise the laws of various nations and harbour risks to national sovereignty.

It is also important to note the negative effects on health associated with gambling. As a medical doctor, I am well aware of the damaging characteristics of obsessive or addictive gambling. These are not issues that the European Parliament can underestimate.

When it comes to tackling fraud, criminal behaviour and financial and medical issues that correspond to online gambling, I call on the European Parliament to vote repeatedly on better and better solutions in future.


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I voted in the same way as Mr Busuttil on this particular report, and was concerned at the level of argument. In fact the bilge that was coming up in this debate was unbelievable, exemplified by my colleague who has just left, Mr Fatuzzo. It is complete rubbish to say that, because three old people lose some money in a voluntary way, then we have got to ban online gambling across a continent.

This debate showed up many national differences, and there was no honesty in the debate at all. The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Affairs commissioned a study which showed that online gaming had no more damaging effect than ordinary gaming in a place run by a national lottery. There was one reasonable part, which was the part about fair return to guarantee integrity in sport. Alas, this debate has driven the online gamblers and the sporting governing bodies further apart than they have ever been before, rather than drawing them together to try and work out a common solution. It has absolutely shown the need for some forum where those two groups can come together and discuss this matter. Alas, this is obviously not that place.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Mr President, we all know that gambling is a very emotive subject. You only have to listen to the speeches that have been made before me. There are those who believe that gambling is the work of the devil and that those who take part deserve to be cast into hellfire and deserve all the losses they have on this earth and in the afterlife. Now that is an extreme view, granted, but if you were to look at some of the language used in this report – the issues of a transparent sector that safeguards the public and consumer interests, tackling fraud and other criminal behaviour, prevention of consumer detriment – those same emotions are expressed, albeit in a far more toned-down way, in this report when it comes to online gambling.

But consider the hypocrisy of this report. It talks about online gambling in this negative and detrimental way, but it says nothing about the state monopolies that are hiding behind the emotive language to continue to drive out private innovative competitors. Let us be honest in this debate as to what it is all about. It is about keeping state monopolies, and we know where that leads to: it leads down the road to serfdom.


- Report: Maria Petre (A6-0088/2009)


  Jim Allister (NI). - Mr President, quality food is not an aspiration in Europe: it must continue as a reality. But its production requires a fair and competitive return. Our agricultural producers must be able to earn enough to cover the extra cost generated by EU food-safety, animal-welfare and environmental requirements. When faced with cheap and inferior imports, the competitive advantage that quality should give is often not enough: hence the role that needs to be played by CAP funding in keeping our producers competitive. That has to be the quid pro quo for meeting the high costs imposed by EU regulation.

I also deplore the continuing exploitation of producers by the major distributors who now dominate the European food markets. Their abuse of their position of dominance continues, with producers exploited at every turn, even to the point of having to pay for their promotions.


- Report: Jonathan Evans (A6-0011/2009)


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Mr President, thank you for giving me this opportunity to explain how I voted. It may come as no surprise to you that I actually voted in favour of this report, given that the author was a very good Conservative, British colleague of mine.

What we need to be wary of in these times of economic difficulties is the call for ever more protectionism and the call to suspend our normal rules on competition and state aid. We see the call for protectionism from President Sarkozy, arguing that taxpayers’ money should be used to protect the French car industry. We see similar packages in America. I was interested when I saw an advertisement the other day in an American magazine sponsored by the American car companies, which said, ‘You did not want to buy our cars. Therefore we are going to take your money anyway through your taxpayers’ money to keep our companies alive’. This is what it seems to have come down to. Because the companies were not supplying the goods and services that consumers wanted to buy, we are now throwing aside rules on state aid and keeping up companies that may not survive in the long term. We understand the importance of jobs, but let us make sure that we are making good economic decisions.


- Report: Edit Herczog (A6-0074/2009)


  Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE). - Pane předsedo, malé a střední podniky bohužel stále ještě netvoří páteř hospodářství, zejména v nových členských státech, a přesto jsou nadějí pro určitou jistotu zaměstnanosti. Potřebujeme samozřejmě flexibilnější zákoníky práce, aby i ty malé podniky mohly flexibilně reagovat na novou poptávku, aby mohly snadněji obměňovat odborníky podle nových cílů. Potřebujeme, aby měly snazší přístup k zakládání podniků, ale také i k jejich likvidování. A co je nejdůležitější, potřebujeme také mít snazší přístup nejen k úvěrům, ale i k čerpání finančních prostředků z evropských fondů. Toto všechno víme. Hodně práce jsme udělali za těch pět let tady v Evropském parlamentu, ale je na členských státech vzít tyto věci vážně a nejenom o nich mluvit, ale skutečně přiložit ruku k dílu. Teď v době krize je naprosto zřejmé, co všechno zejména nové členské státy v této oblasti zanedbaly. Podpořila jsem zprávu paní kolegyně Herczog, ale pokud členské státy nebudou pracovat, je to zcela marné.


  Milan Gaľa (PPE-DE). - Pán predseda podporil som správu pani Herzog. V Európskej únii máme 23 miliónov malých a stredných podnikov. Predstavujú až 99 % všetkých podnikov a poskytujú prácu pre viac ako 100 miliónov občanov únie. V súčasnej kritickej dobe tak zohrávajú kľúčovú úlohu v hospodárskom raste, sociálnej súdržnosti a hlavne pri tvorbe pracovných miest. Malé a stredné podniky sú dynamické a majú najvyššiu schopnosť inovovať a rozvíjať sa. Významne prispievajú k realizácii lisabonských cieľov.

Hlavný zdroj financovania malých a stredných podnikov v Európe naďalej pochádza z úverov a pôžičiek. Fakt, že malé a stredné podniky sú vo väčšine prípadov považované za rizikovejšie, im sťažuje prístup k financovaniu. Je obzvlášť potrebné, aby sa pripravili priaznivé podmienky pre prístup MSP k finančným zdrojom, tak z pôžičiek, ako aj z fondov Európskej únie a zabezpečila sa tak dlhodobá udržateľnosť ich podnikateľských aktivít.


  Neena Gill (PSE). - Mr President, I supported this report because – as we have already heard – small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Many Member States’ plans for economic recovery stress the important role small businesses can play in bringing us out of the present crisis.

Ninety-nine point two per cent of my region’s businesses employ fewer than 49 people. The West Midlands has the highest proportion of small businesses of any region in the UK. Providing that proper consideration is made of Member States’ competencies in areas such as collective bargaining rights, this report will go a long way towards making sure that we all think small first.

I especially welcome the emphasis in this report on the difficulties that small businesses are facing in accessing credit, time and resources for education and training, and – most importantly – for research. National borders, increasingly, are irrelevant to small businesses, which are doing more business with partners across Europe. However, we do need to protect them when they engage in cross-border trading through measures such as my recovery of debtors’ assets report.

The EU also has a key role to play in ensuring that SMEs have access to funding, which means we should ensure that non-bank microcredit is made available. We can do this by using structural funds and developing microcredit institutions without taking money from the taxpayer. This initiative can curb unemployment and restart our economy.


  Gary Titley (PSE). - Mr President, I welcome this report, with just one or two small reservations. We have heard from my colleague, Mrs Gill, how important small businesses are to the economy and how they are bearing the brunt of the difficulties at the moment. The trouble is that the European Union is geared entirely for big businesses, whether it is about legislation, access to markets or funding.

We often talk about better regulation, but what we really need is proportionality. We have to ensure that our legislation is proportional to the problems we are dealing with, and particularly in the IPPC, which we have talked about today, it is really about big business not about small businesses and we should reflect that.

I welcome initiatives like JASMINE, which I think are moving us in the right direction, but we need to think in terms of funding, market access and legislation and about the specific needs of small business.

Let me make one particular plea: we have a single market but we do not have a single Community patent. We have been at this for years and years now, and it really is a disgrace that we cannot sort out this problem. It could by itself be the biggest help for businesses in the European Union. Let us have some action.


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I should like to thank the interpreters for staying around, because they did not have the option that Mr Beazley took a long time ago of going for lunch.

I should explain that being in a big group is not everything it seems. It is very difficult to get speaking time in some of the key debates if you are not in agreement with the big group’s line, without either dramatically compromising your position or kissing backside in endless mind-numbingly boring meetings, and that is why, for people like me, explanations of vote are very important.

I suppose, in general terms, I should be welcoming the Small Business Act, or indeed any attempt to recognise the needs of small business. In fact, it was bad regulation when I was running my own small business that got me into politics in the first place – just trying to change one particular thing.

However, I am pretty sure that any regulation that comes from this place will certainly be creating more small businesses. Alas, they tend to be big businesses at the moment, which, when you add a lot of European regulation, gradually turn into small businesses employing smaller numbers of people, because they reduce their turnover because of that regulation and move jobs from our continent. We in this House have to be very careful that we encourage individuals to start up new businesses and do not encourage jobs to move continents because we are regulating jobs out of existence.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Mr President, like the previous speaker, I would also like to thank all the interpreters for having to listen to our speeches. I am sure it gives you much less pleasure than it gives us.

Two of my personal mottoes, for reasons which may not be obvious, are ‘small is beautiful’ and ‘size does not matter’. I represent London, which I think is the greatest city in the world, capital of the greatest country in the world. Even though we no longer have our smokestack industries, we are full of small, innovative businesses in the creative industries and fashion industry, creating jobs all the time in a real growth area.

As the previous speaker said, we see a lot of European regulation aimed at supposedly helping business, but quite often it is the result of lobbying by large businesses who want to keep small businesses out. There was one notable large business I had dinner with a few years ago that described small businesses as freeloaders. It is that sort of attitude that we need to tackle. We also need to help small businesses when it comes to public procurement and competing with large businesses but, especially in the current times, in dealing with the shortage of credit to make sure that viable businesses continue to grow and create wealth and jobs in the European Union.


Written explanations of vote


- Report: Paolo Costa (A6-0049/2009)


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Esprimo il mio voto favorevole alla relazione dell'onorevole Costa sulla modifica di alcune disposizioni degli accordi bilaterali in vigore relativi ai servizi aerei tra gli Stati membri e la Repubblica di Armenia. Trovo opportuno inserire una clausola di designazione al fine di evitare discriminazioni tra i vettori comunitari e quelli dello Spazio economico europeo e della Svizzera. Inoltre, sostengo la modifica, inserita nell'articolo 5, relativa alle tariffe di trasporto aereo, in base alla quale i trasporti interamente effettuati nello spazio della Comunità europea debbano essere soggetti alla legislazione della stessa Comunità europea. Credo che tali modifiche vadano a vantaggio delle imprese operanti nel settore aereo e anche dei cittadini, tramite uno snellimento burocratico delle procedure e la risoluzione dei conflitti legislativi che normalmente si verificano nei casi di compresenza di regolamenti interni alla Comunità e accordi bilaterali.


- Report: Paolo Costa (A6-0059/2009)


  Glyn Ford (PSE), in writing. − I realise that the Costa report deals with technical aspects of air services between the Union and Israel. Nevertheless, I voted against the report as a sign of my protest at the Israeli Government’s outrageous actions in Gaza, even if there is no excuse for the rocket attacks on Israeli settlements orchestrated by Hamas militants and one can understand that Israel reacts.

The problem is that the recent invasion of Gaza was totally disproportionate and largely indiscriminate, with casualty rates one hundred times higher amongst innocent Palestinian men, women and children than amongst the Israeli army.


  Bogusław Liberadzki (PSE), na piśmie. − Głosuję za przyjęciem sprawozdania w sprawie wniosku dotyczącego decyzji Rady odnośnie zawarcia umowy między Wspólnotą Europejską a państwem Izrael dotyczącej pewnych aspektów przewozów lotniczych. Zgadzam się z wnioskiem sprawozdawcy o zawarcie powyższej umowy.

Uważam, że zmiany dotyczące kwestii klauzuli wyznaczania, opodatkowania paliwa lotniczego czy ustalania cen są zmianami słusznymi w stosunku do obecnie obowiązujących umów dwustronnych. Wyrażam nadzieję, że opieranie się na wzajemnym zaufaniu do systemów drugiej strony będzie sprzyjało realizacji powyższej umowy.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, esprimo il mio voto favorevole alla relazione dell'onorevole Costa sull'accordo tra Comunità europea e Israele su alcuni aspetti relativi ai servizi aerei. Concordo con il relatore nel ritenere che sia opportuno incentivare la cooperazione economica con lo Stato di Israele in taluni servizi, come quello aereo, non solo per una questione di reciproci vantaggi ma di esternalità positive per tutta l'area circostante. Io stesso sono relatore della relazione sullo sviluppo di uno spazio aereo comune con Israele, nel quadro della proposta della Commissione relativa ad un accordo globale nel settore dell'aviazione con questo importante partner dell'Unione europea in Medio Oriente e nel contesto della politica europea di vicinato e uno dei principali partner commerciali nell'area Euromed.

Inoltre, Israele è da lungo tempo parte dell'Organizzazione internazionale dell'Aviazione civile, ne rispetta gli obblighi e adotta politiche coerenti con la regolamentazione internazionale in tale ambito, soprattutto in materia di sicurezza e di protezione ma anche di tutela dell'ambiente e di trattamento sociale dei dipendenti delle compagnie aeree: tutto ciò rende opportuno realizzare il suddetto accordo globale a livello comunitario, pur ponendo grande attenzione alle conseguenze ambientali del traffico crescente e alla parità di condizioni di accesso.


- Report: Joseph Borrell Fontelles (A6-0073/2009)


  Călin Cătălin Chiriţă (PPE-DE), în scris. − Am votat in favoarea Protocolului adiţional la Acordul dintre UE şi Africa de Sud, care are menirea de a lua în considerare aderarea României şi Bulgariei la UE.

Ca urmare a aderării României şi Bulgariei la UE, Parlamentul European îşi va da avizul conform cu privire la proiectul de decizie a Consiliului privind încheierea unui protocol adiţional la Acordul privind comerţul, dezvoltarea şi cooperarea între Comunitatea Europeană şi statele sale membre, pe de o parte, şi Republica Africa de Sud, pe de altă parte, pentru a ţine seama de aderarea Republicii Bulgaria şi a României la Uniunea Europeană.

Consider că este deosebit de important ca toate acordurile încheiate de UE cu ţări terţe să includă şi România, ca membru al UE. România face parte din familia europeană ca membru cu drepturi depline, iar acest lucru trebuie să fie cuprins în toate documentele relevante ale UE. România trebuie să aibă toate drepturile şi obligaţiile de stat membru UE.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Egregio Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mi astengo dalla votazione per quanto riguarda la relazione presentata dal collega Borrell Fontelles sul protocollo addizionale all'accordo CE/Sudafrica per tener conto dell'adesione della Bulgaria e della Romania all'UE. Ritengo, infatti, di non essere totalmente d'accordo con il lavoro svolto dal mio collega.


- Report: Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (A6-0061/2009)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente. Dall'applicazione del trattato di Schengen sono stati fatti molti passi in avanti. Il trattato ha radicalmente cambiato la vita di molti europei portando alla ribalta una nuova idea di gestione delle frontiere.

Nel 2002 ha preso avvio la nuova fase dedicata alla gestione integrata delle frontiere, che ha portato alla realizzazione di un corpus legislativo comune, un sistema comune di concertazione, di cooperazione operativa, una valutazione comune ed integrata dei rischi, personale formato e una ripartizione degli oneri fra gli stati membri nella prospettiva di un Corpo europeo di guardie di frontiera.

Oggi che questa fase può dirsi conclusa è ora di guardare avanti per ottenere una gestione delle frontiere realmente integrata, per realizzare il duplice obiettivo di migliorare la sicurezza e facilitare le procedure di viaggio per i cittadini dei Paesi terzi. A tal fine mi dichiaro favorevole alle proposte che la Commissione ha presentato al Parlamento, molte delle quali già affrontate nella mia relazione sul codice comunitario relativo al regime di attraversamento delle frontiere. In questo frangente appare inevitabile proseguire in questo percorso, dando il nostro parere positivo alla creazione di un sistema di registrazione degli ingressi/uscite, facilitando l'attraversamento delle frontiere per i viaggiatori e l'introduzione di un sistema elettronico di autorizzazione di viaggio.


  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), por escrito. Os Estados-Membros continuam responsáveis pelo controlo das respectivas fronteiras, mas só uma abordagem global e política comum permitirá enfrentar os desafios fundamentais da gestão das fronteiras e dos fluxos migratórios.

Um espaço sem fronteiras internas não pode funcionar se não existir uma repartição de responsabilidades e uma solidariedade na gestão das fronteiras externas, principalmente se tivermos em conta que as fronteiras externas da UE são atravessadas, todos os anos, por mais de 300 milhões de viajantes.

Uma verdadeira gestão integrada das fronteiras deve poder dar resposta a dois objectivos fundamentais: reforçar a segurança e facilitar a passagem nas fronteiras das pessoas que pretendam entrar de forma legal e por motivos legítimos.

Não podemos, porém, continuar a aprovar novas iniciativas avulsas sem um plano director pormenorizado para a estratégia da UE em matéria de fronteiras. Importa também avaliar os sistemas existentes, de forma a ponderar se existe uma necessidade efectiva de se criarem instrumentos novos, bem como a sua viabilidade, fiabilidade, interoperabilidade e custos, e se a protecção dos direitos fundamentais dos indivíduos é tida em conta da forma mais adequada.


  Gérard Deprez (ALDE), par écrit. – Je soutiens le rapport de Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, qui traite de l'avenir de la gestion de ses frontières extérieures par l'Union européenne.

L'enjeu étant de parvenir à la fois à renforcer la sécurité intérieure tout en facilitant les déplacements des ressortissants de pays tiers, trois solutions sont proposées par la Commission: enregistrer les entrées et sorties, essentiellement afin de lutter contre le phénomène de dépassement de la durée de séjour autorisée; faciliter le franchissement des frontières pour les voyageurs "de bonne foi"; instaurer un système électronique d'enregistrement de voyage, à l'instar de ce qui se fait aux États Unis depuis janvier de cette année. Sur ce dernier point, j'insiste sur l'importance de l'étude prospective de la Commission pour analyser l'efficacité, l'impact et la faisabilité pratique d'un tel système: nous devons pouvoir évaluer objectivement son utilité et sa valeur ajoutée réelle et non présumée.

Avant de mettre en place cet imposant dispositif, rappelons deux préalables: l'accélération de la mise en œuvre du SIS II pour rendre possible le contrôle biométrique des passeports et visas, et la mesure de l'impact du système sur la protection des données personnelles, pour rester dans l'ordre de la proportionnalité.


  Carl Lang (NI), par écrit. – Ce qui est rare mérite d'être souligné. Ce rapport d'initiative concernant le futur de la gestion des frontières extérieures de l'Union est raisonnable et empreint d'un certain réalisme en ce qu'il propose comme première étape à une réflexion sur la gestion des frontières de l'Union une analyse critique et en profondeur du fonctionnement et de l'efficacité des systèmes existants ainsi que de leurs interactions respectives.

Sans être crédules, soyons optimistes, ce débat aura peut être lieu!

Pour l'anecdote, et pour comprendre l'état d'esprit des rédacteurs de ce texte, voici deux passages qui en sont issus.

Dans le premier il est reconnu "que l'équilibre à trouver entre l'assurance de la libre-circulation d'un nombre croissant de personnes par delà les frontières et l'assurance d'une sécurité accrue pour les citoyens européens est un exercice complexe...". Certes, et que lit-on à un autre passage: "que les mesures visant à renforcer la sécurité aux frontières doivent aller de pair avec des mesures visant à faciliter les flux de passagers et la promotion de la mobilité dans un monde de plus en plus globalisé".

Un tel niveau de schizophrénie nous dépasse.


  Roselyne Lefrançois (PSE), par écrit. – En tant que shadow socialiste sur ce dossier, j'ai dès le départ formulé de sérieuses réserves quant à l'utilité et à l'efficacité du système d'entrée-sortie évoqué par la communication de la Commission européenne. La mise en place d'un tel dispositif, directement inspiré du "US-VISIT" américain, supposerait en effet des investissements colossaux pour des résultats très incertains à la fois en matière de lutte contre l'immigration illégale et de la lutte contre la criminalité. C'est en tout cas ce qui ressort de l'expérience menée outre-Atlantique.

De plus, les mesures envisagées, qui reposent sur la collecte massive de données personnelles, présentent à mon sens des risques en matière de protection de la vie privée, un avis partagé par le contrôleur européen de la protection des données.

L'adoption d'un certain nombre de mes amendements, qui visaient à mettre en avant les doutes concernant la nécessité et la proportionnalité du système et à critiquer la culture de la méfiance qui imprègne de plus en plus les décisions relatives à la gestion des frontières extérieures, m'a amenée à soutenir le rapport en plénière.

À l'heure où l'économie mondiale est plongée dans la crise, il y a sans doute d'autres priorités pour le budget européen.


  Marian-Jean Marinescu (PPE-DE), în scris. − Raportul de iniţiativă privind gestionarea frontierelor UE este important deoarece va servi drept ghid pentru legislaţia pe care CE o va propune în 2009. În calitate de raportor al PPE-DE, consider că textul trebuia să constituie un suport mai clar pentru pregătirea următoarelor etape ale gestionării integrate a frontierelor.

Referitor la sistemul UE de intrare/ieşire, o parte dintre datele necesare pentru crearea acestuia a fost deja colectată de sisteme precum VIS, SIS, EURODAC. Comisia trebuie să gestioneze interconectarea și să extindă funcționalitatea lor, pentru eficientizarea costurilor.

Posibilitatea ca cetăţenii UE să folosească porţi automate, în cadrul programului călătorilor înregistraţi „bona fide”, este binevenită deoarece facilitează accelerarea fluxurilor de călători şi previne aglomeraţia. Am propus însă schimbarea termenului de „călător bona fide” în „persoane care călătoresc frecvent” pentru a evita considerarea restului călătorilor ca fiind „mala fide”.

Crearea Sistemului Electronic de Autorizare a Călătoriilor este nejustificată financiar; de aceea am sugerat înlocuirea sa cu obligativitatea utilizării paşapoartelor biometrice la intrarea în UE a cetăţenilor terţi care nu au nevoie de viză.

Pentru realizarea obiectivelor strategice ale Uniunii, Comisia nu ar trebui să lanseze crearea de la zero a noi instrumente până când cele existente nu devin pe deplin operaţionale şi fiabile.


  Alexandru Nazare (PPE-DE), în scris. − Siguranţa frontierelor externe este un capitol asupra căruia nu ne-am aplecat îndeajuns, nici noi, cei din Parlamentul European, nici cei din alte instituţii comunitare. Am susţinut acest raport pentru că sunt convins că relevanţa unei mai bune evidenţe a resortisanţilor din terţe ţări constă nu doar în aceea că va ţine persoanele care nu ar trebui să intre în afară ci, mai degrabă, în aceea că accesul celor care călătoresc legitim va putea fi mai facil.

Din multiplele recomandări şi observaţii necesare pe care le face acest raport doresc să mă opresc, în particular, asupra importanţei existenţei unui plan director global privind gestionarea frontierelor. Chiar dacă, pe moment, alte priorităţi dictează transformările instituţionale ale Uniunii, devine imperativ să integrăm multiplele programe frontaliere, propuse sau existente, pentru a evita suprapunerile şi costurile inutile.

De asemenea, vreau să subliniez importanţa coordonării acestui potenţial plan cu experienţa şi obiectivele spaţiului Schengen, care constituie în modul cel mai clar tipul de spaţiu deschis european pe care ni-l dorim cu toţii. Nu ne sunt necesare proceduri temporare, cu atât mai mult o multitudine de mecanisme mutual incompatibile.


  Nicolae Vlad Popa (PPE-DE), în scris. − Am votat în favoarea acestui raport deoarece consider că eliminarea controalelor la frontierele interne ale UE reprezintă o mare realizare a procesului de integrare europeană, dar presupune şi apariţia unor probleme de care trebuie să ţinem cont.

Apreciez iniţiativa Comisiei de a pregăti pentru 2009-2010 propuneri legislative privind introducerea unui sistem de intrare/ieşire, a unui Program al călătorilor înregistraţi (PCI) şi a unui Sistem electronic de autorizare a călătoriilor (SEAC). Deşi consider că aceste programe trebuie implementate cât mai curând şi să funcţioneze cât mai eficient, este necesar să fie bine pregătite.

Funcţionarea corectă a sistemului de intrare/ieşire va depinde atât material, cât şi operaţional, de succesul sistemelor VIS, SIS II şi Eurodac. Consider că este absolut esenţial să se realizeze un plan director global care să stabilească structura generală a strategiei UE privind frontierele şi să se asigure o coordonare şi cooperare între diferitele sisteme şi autorităţi cu responsabilităţi în domeniu.

Trebuie să ţinem cont şi de experienţa SUA în această privinţă. Sunt de acord cu autoarea că un program precum US VISIT poate funcţiona din punct de vedere tehnic şi că programul ca atare nu este, prin definiţie, un obstacol în calea fluxului normal de călători.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. Um sistema legal permeável à fraude, de difícil imposição e com frequência não executado, é um convite à violação - quando não à simples ignorância - da lei. Tendo em conta os dados disponíveis, é de crer que essa é uma das dificuldades das diferentes legislações europeias em matéria de imigração. Ora, é bem sabido que o efeito dissuasor de uma norma legal depende mais da probabilidade da sua aplicação do que das sanções que lhe estão associadas. Estas preocupações implicam o reconhecimento da necessidade de as autoridades europeias colaborarem no sentido da aplicação da legislação existente e, também, no sentido de procurar adequar os enquadramentos legais à realidade descrita em diversos relatórios.

Por último, tanto em nome da solidariedade, como em nome da justiça equitativa, é de sublinhar a necessidade de ser tido em conta o encargo que a gestão das fronteiras externas representa para os Estados-Membros em causa.


  Bogusław Rogalski (UEN), na piśmie. − Zagłosowałem dzisiaj za sprawozdaniem na temat kolejnych etapów rozwoju zarządzania granicami w Unii Europejskiej udzielając warunkowego poparcia zawartym w nim tezom. Pragnę jednak zwrócić uwagę na kilka ważnych aspektów, które powinny być w przyszłości wzięte pod uwagę.

Obszar bez granic wewnętrznych nie może funkcjonować bez odpowiedzialności za zarządzanie nimi. Ważnym elementem powinno być zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa granic, które musi iść w parze z ułatwieniem przepływu ludności w coraz bardziej unifikującej się Europie. Ostatecznym celem zaś powinno być osiągnięcie równowagi między zapewnieniem swobodnego przepływu osób, a zagwarantowaniem większego bezpieczeństwa obywateli Europy.

Elementem kluczowym powinno się stać podejście oparte na dążeniu do ochrony prywatności po to, aby nie nadużywać danych osobowych podróżujących, oraz na zaufaniu wobec organów będących w ich posiadaniu. Wykorzystywanie danych osobowych daje korzyści w sferze bezpieczeństwa publicznego. Pamiętajmy jednak, że zaufanie społeczeństwa do działań władz powinno być podstawą wszelkich działań prawnych w tym zakresie. Aby tak się stało konieczne jest bezwzględne zabezpieczenie danych oraz właściwy nadzór nad nimi.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Intendo sostenere la relazione della collega Hennis-Plasschaert sull'importante questione del percorso futuro nella gestione delle frontiere nell'Unione europea e sulle analoghe esperienze nei paesi terzi. Mi associo alla relatrice nel ritenere che sia fondamentale procedere alla valutazione e all'analisi delle misure esistenti in ambito di gestione delle frontiere prima di procedere all'investimento di ulteriori risorse e allo sviluppo dei sistemi che la Commissione sembra voler privilegiare, quali quello di ingresso/uscita per tutti i cittadini di paesi terzi, un programma per i viaggiatori registrati aperto anche ad essi (RTP) e un quadro per lo sviluppo di regimi locali per viaggiatori registrati e controlli di frontiera automatizzati. Tali procedimenti hanno grandi potenzialità ma bisogna sottolineare, e per questo mi compiaccio del lavoro della collega, il fatto che vada data assoluta priorità alla garanzia di protezione dei dati personali e allo sviluppo delle tecnologie il meno possibile invasive dal punto di vista della riservatezza dei soggetti, non tralasciando, da ultimo, un'approfondita analisi costi-benefici.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu (PSE), în scris. − Având în vedere importanţa liberei circulaţii în cadrul proiectului european, măsurile care au fost luate de-a lungul timpului au vizat liberalizarea controalelor la frontierele interne. Aceste demersuri trebuie însă dublate de măsuri care să întărească controlul la frontierele externe.

În condiţiile în care, de exemplu în 2006, s-au înregistrat până la 8 milioane de imigranţi ilegali în UE, consider iniţiativa Comisiei de a introduce un sistem de intrare-ieşire, un program al călătorilor înregistraţi şi un sistem electronic de autorizare a călătorilor în perioada 2012-2015, drept o iniţiativă necesară. Spaţiul european fără frontiere, transformat din deziderat în realitate, nu poate funcţiona decât dacă ne asumăm o responsabilitate comună şi dacă ne dovedim solidari în gestionarea frontierelor externe, acţiune în care statele de la graniţele UE, printre care şi România, îşi vor asuma un rol important.

Totuşi, nu trebuie să pierdem din vedere faptul că deja există sisteme de protejare a frontierelor, precum EUROSUR şi FRONTEX, şi este esenţial pentru funcţionalitatea acestora să se evalueze în ce măsură noua iniţiativă le poate completa, fără a crea riscul de suprapunere. În plus, preocuparea noastră trebuie să se îndrepte în permanenţă către respectarea dreptului la viaţa privată a persoanelor, dar şi către dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii, mai puţin invazive.


  Daniel Strož (GUE/NGL), v písemné formě. − Především bych chtěl uvést, že rozhodně nesouhlasím s jedním ze základních východisek předložené zprávy, a to s tím, že zrušení hraniční kontroly na vnitřních hranicích EU je jedním z největších úspěchů evropské integrace. Zrušení hraničních kontrol je jen nezbytným důsledkem neoliberálního projektu EU, v jehož bytostném zájmu je volný pohyb kapitálu, zboží a osob – pracovních sil. EU by měla vykazovat především úspěchy na poli mírové a sociální politiky, ovšem těch je bohužel stále méně.

Zpráva rovněž vychází z toho, že v oblasti správy vnějších hranic EU by měly být kopírovány systémy zaváděné v USA. To je scestné už jen s ohledem na reálně existující a posilovanou „železnou oponu“ mezi USA a Mexikem. S ohledem na správu vnějších hranic EU bych také rád zdůraznil, že nedávná evropská minulost jasně prokázala, že politické a sociální problémy nejsou řešitelné policejními a režimovými opatřeními.


- Report: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A6-0040/2009)


  Jan Andersson, Göran Färm, Anna Hedh, Inger Segelström och Åsa Westlund (PSE), skriftlig. − Vi svenska socialdemokrater i Europaparlamentet avser med denna röstförklaring förklara varför vi valde att rösta för Klaus-Heiner Lehnes betänkande om gränsöverskridande flyttningar av bolagssäten. Vi tycker att det är ett viktigt komplement till Lehne-betänkandet om en stadga för europeiska privata aktiebolag.

Vi anser att bristen på ett gemensamt regelverk för flyttningar av bolagssäten innebär problem för företag som vill flytta över gränserna på den inre marknaden, då företag idag tvingas träda i likvidation och därmed avvecklas för att kunna flytta sitt huvudsäte. Vi anser också att det är bra att Europaparlamentet föreslår att flytt av bolagssäte inte får innebära att rättsliga, sociala eller skattemässiga förhållanden kringgås. Vi välkomnar också att Europarlamentet betonar att en flytt av bolagssäten bör vara skatteneutral.

Vi delar dock inte alla slutsatser som utskottet dragit i samband med diskussionerna av betänkandet. T ex anser vi att skrivningen i skäl G om att Europaparlamentet inte kan meddela lagstiftning i strid med EG-domstolens praxis. Vi vill påpeka att det är Europaparlamentet som tillsammans med rådet stiftar lag och det sedan är EG-domstolens sak att tolka den stiftade lagen, inte tvärtom. Vi skulle helst också ha sett att betänkandets formulering, ”Europaparlamentet betonar de positiva effekterna av skattekonkurrens för den ekonomiska tillväxten i ljuset av Lissabonstrategin”, ströks.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, voto contro la relazione presentata dal collega Lehne, inerente al trasferimento transfrontaliero della sede legale delle società. Difatti, penso che la migrazione transfrontaliera delle società non sia da considerare come uno degli elementi cruciali del completamento del mercato interno, ma, come spesso succede, come una via per aggirare le legislazioni nazionali in merito a diverse questioni (non ultima quella fiscale). Pertanto, sono contrario a questa relazione perché c'è il rischio, reale, che il trasferimento transfrontaliero della sede sociale aggiri i requisiti giuridici, sociali e fiscali dell'Unione Europea.


- Report: Giusto Catania (A6-0050/2009)


  Adam Bielan (UEN), na piśmie. − Panie Przewodniczący! Poparłem sprawozdanie pana Giusto Catani. Uważam, że należy dokonać rewizji rozporządzenia dublińskiego tak, aby określanie państwa właściwego do rozpatrywania wniosku o azyl uwzględniało indywidualne potrzeby osób o niego się ubiegających. Należy kłaść nacisk na ich integrację z nowym środowiskiem i zadbać o to, aby mieli możliwość nauki języka kraju, w jakim przebywają, co zwiększy szanse ich asymilacji w nowej kulturze.


  Guy Bono (PSE), par écrit. – J'ai voté en faveur de ce rapport d'initiative, présenté par le député italien de la gauche unitaire Giusto Catania, sur l'avenir du système d'asile européen commun.

Le texte de ce rapport porte sur la situation des demandeurs d'asile dont le destin ressemble à une véritable loterie selon le pays dans lequel ils atterrissent, et dont les conditions de rétention sont parfois à la limite du supportable. Il s'agit d'une situation qui touche particulièrement les pays frontaliers mais qui demande une prise en compte à un niveau européen. Les droits fondamentaux des demandeurs d'asile sont en jeu. La capacité de certains pays à faire face à ces pressions migratoires, aussi. Il s'agit d'une responsabilité commune.

Ce rapport a le mérite de poser un constat clair de la situation et de préciser les enjeux à venir pour l'Union européenne dans ce débat.

Par ce vote, je me joints aux socialistes français pour dénoncer une situation qui n'est plus acceptable et à laquelle l'Europe, en tant qu'instance démocratique, protectrice des droits de l'Homme, doit remédier.


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE), in writing. − I am opposed to moves towards a common immigration and asylum policy in Europe. I believe that a harmonised asylum system will undermine the UK’s sovereign right to decide for itself who should and should not be allowed to claim asylum in my country. Furthermore, I believe that a common asylum system will weaken the accountability of British ministers and parliamentarians to the citizens who elect them.

I accept that developed countries like my own have a humanitarian responsibility to people from third countries who have faced or would face persecution, torture or death if they were to return. However, I am worried that by taking away the UK’s independent ability to monitor and regulate asylum entrants we would potentially be exposing ourselves further to the threat of terrorist attacks.


  Gérard Deprez (ALDE), par écrit. – Je soutiens le rapport de Giusto Catania sur l'avenir du système européen commun d'asile.

Tout réfugié politique a le droit d'entrer dans l'Union européenne et, une fois reconnu, de séjourner sur le territoire européen. Actuellement, malheureusement, ce droit n'est pas appliqué de manière égale par les États membres, puisque la reconnaissance de ce statut peut varier d'un État membre à l'autre dans la proportion de 0 % à 90 %!

Pour instaurer un niveau de protection élevé et uniforme dans toute l'Union, plusieurs éléments devraient pouvoir être mis en œuvre rapidement, tels que: la mise en place d'une procédure de demande d'asile unique et des normes uniques concernant les conditions à remplir pour prétendre au statut de réfugié; l'instauration d'un mécanisme de solidarité légale et efficace entre les États membres: certains pays sont débordés de demandes, d'autres les évitent; l'amélioration des conditions d'accueil des demandeurs, avec une attention particulière pour la situation des mineurs, ainsi que la limitation du recours à la détention; et la création d'un Bureau européen d'appui en matière d'asile.

C'est l'enjeu de tout le "paquet législatif asile" dont nous venons de commencer l'examen en cette fin de législature.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. – La pensée de base du rapport Catania est qu'un demandeur de protection internationale est forcément de bonne foi, alors que chacun sait que l'asile n'est souvent qu'un prétexte invoqué par les candidats à l'immigration économique pour éviter d'être refoulés. Les Etats membres, eux, seraient prétendument forcément sourds à leur détresse, répressifs et trop lents dans leurs décisions. Personne ne relève d'ailleurs, que l'abus de procédures illégitimes nuit à la rapidité de l'examen des véritables cas de demande d'asile.

De ces prémices découlent sans doute certaines propositions du rapport, comme la prise en compte des souhaits du demandeur pour le pays chargé d'examiner sa demande, la désignation in fine de ce pays par une administration européenne, l'alignement des droits des demandeurs sur ceux des résidents de longue durée, leur libre circulation sur le territoire de l'Union européenne, etc...

Nous approuvons la nécessaire coopération avec les pays européens que leur situation géographique met en première ligne des afflux de migrants et qui ont du mal à y faire face. Mais en aucun cas cela ne doit déboucher sur une politique européenne qui imposerait aux Etats, selon le bon vouloir des demandeurs d'asile et d'une administration supranationale, ceux qu'ils seraient obligés d'accueillir sur leur territoire.


  Louis Grech (PSE), in writing. − We are in agreement with the main thrust of the compromise report and are therefore voting for it. Having said that, however, we do not agree with certain clauses, such as those dealing with detention. I feel that they do not fully reflect and precisely interpret the complex and difficult situation of small Member States like Malta.

Malta is facing a disproportionate flow of illegal immigrants compared to its geographical limitations (121 sq. miles), small population (400 000 people) and other limited resources (administrative, financial, etc.), which should be taken into consideration when regulating, debating or legislating on this subject.


  Carl Lang (NI), par écrit. – La volonté de créer un système d'asile européen commun ne répond en réalité qu'à un seul objectif: donner aux États membres de l'Union européenne la possibilité juridique d'accueillir plus facilement et sans contraintes (jugées inutiles et contraires aux droits de l'homme) le plus de candidats à l'immigration possible.

Ainsi, le territoire européen est réaffirmé comme un territoire d'accueil de toutes les populations migrantes, le respect intégral du principe de non-refoulement et l'obligation de prêter assistance inscrite dans la Convention des Nations unies sur le droit de la mer se voient rappelés avec insistance.

Dès lors, et on le comprend en effet pour ces pro-immigrationistes, le simple fait que chaque État membre garde sa souveraineté et son propre fonctionnement en matière de droit d'asile permet inévitablement des disparités en matière d'acceptation de demandes d'asile et constitue donc des obstacles à un accueil généralisé des demandeurs d'asile.

Face aux près de 26 millions de personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur pays et aux plus de 12 millions de réfugiés dans le monde, la nécessité n'est pas de trouver plus de solutions d'accueil, car cela sera toujours insuffisant face à la demande croissante et exponentielle, mais au contraire de permettre et d'inciter toutes ces populations à rester dans leur pays, à y trouver un emploi et à y fonder leur famille.


  Jean-Marie Le Pen (NI), par écrit. – Le rapport du communiste Catania favorise la mise en œuvre d'une politique européenne immigrationniste.

En effet, sous couvert de défense des droits de l'homme, il veut faire de l'Europe une communauté ouverte, prête à accueillir toute la misère du monde.

Pour ce faire, il propose une harmonisation du droit d'asile par le haut, le principe de non-refoulement, l'absence de rétention ou bien encore l'extension aux réfugiés de la directive sur le statut des ressortissants de pays tiers résidents de longue durée.

M. Catania feint d'oublier que la plupart des immigrés clandestins qui arrivent en Europe - 75 000 en 2008 rien que pour la façade méditerranéenne - ne sont pas des réfugiés politiques mais des réfugiés économiques qui fuient la misère qui règne dans leur pays.

Ce détournement du droit d'asile, contraire à la Convention de Genève, n'est jamais mentionné dans le rapport, et pour cause. Il convient de donner mauvaise conscience à "l'homme blanc" en lui rappelant qu'il fut un affreux colonialiste et que, maintenant, il doit payer dans toutes les acceptions du terme. Les légendes ont la vie dure.

M. Catania, en voulant transformer le droit d'asile en filière normale de l'immigration, ouvre la voie à de nombreux abus et place les immigrés clandestins en position de boucs émissaires.


  Jörg Leichtfried (PSE), schriftlich. Ich begrüße, dass die Kommission eine Verordnung zur Novellierung des EU-Asylrechts vorgelegt hat, da diese gerade in der heutigen Zeit dringend notwendig ist. Die Zahl der Flüchtlinge steigt ständig, und die geltenden Asylverordnungen und -richtlinien werden dieser Situation nicht mehr gerecht. Ich halte es aus diesem Grund für unerlässlich, dass die Reformen der Kommission schnellstmöglich umgesetzt werden, wobei aus meiner Sicht folgende Punkte besonders wichtig sind:

Es muss ein gemeinsames Asylsystem geben, welches zu „einheitlichen und vernünftigen Fristen“ führt.

Die Rechte von Flüchtlingen müssen gestärkt werden – auf Grund ihres besonders „schutzbedürftigen“ Status dürfen Flüchtlinge grundsätzlich nicht in Gewahrsam genommen werden.

Es muss einheitliche Kontrollen an den Grenzen geben, damit Personen, die ein Recht auf internationalen Schutz haben, leichteren Zugang haben.

Die derzeit gültige Dublin-Regelung, wonach auf Wünsche von Asylbewerbern beispielsweise bei Ihrer Wahl eines europäischen Landes nicht eingegangen wird, muss dahingehend revidiert werden, dass Personen, deren besondere Schutzbedürftigkeit anerkannt wird, auch in einem anderen Land der EU leben können.

Die einzelnen Staaten müssen immer die Möglichkeit haben, unabhängig zu entscheiden, wen sie aufnehmen, wie viele sie aufnehmen und warum jemand aufgenommen wird.

Ich unterstütze den Vorschlag der Kommission sowie den Initiativbericht, weise aber erneut daraufhin, dass in dieser Frage die schnelle und einheitliche Umsetzung maßgeblich ist.


  Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL), schriftelijk. − Vandaag heb ik tegen het voorstel van de heer Catania gestemd over de toekomst van een Europees gemeenschappelijk asielbeleid. Mijn partij, de Socialistische Partij van Nederland, gelooft niet dat harmonisatie op het gebied van asielbeleid en het optuigen van een agentschap om dit voortaan te gaan regelen, zal leiden tot een meer gelijke verdeling van het aantal asielaanvragen over de verschillende lidstaten. Asielaanvragen worden eerder bepaald door de aanwezigheid van familieleden en kennissen in bepaalde lidstaten, die nieuwe asielzoekers aantrekt.

Ook ben ik van mening dat harmonisatie zal leiden tot een lagere kwaliteit van het asielbeleid in landen waar dat op dit moment relatief goed geregeld is, omdat lidstaten de gelijktrekking zullen gebruiken om het laagst mogelijke niveau op te zoeken. Een dergelijke race to the bottom is onwenselijk en zal uiteindelijk alleen de asielzoekers treffen. Hoe zeer ik de inzet van collega Catania ook waardeer, hier kan ik zijn conclusies niet steunen.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. Einerseits ist Zusammenarbeit in Asylfragen angesichts der massiven Flüchtlingsströme wichtig, andererseits ist die Sinnhaftigkeit der geplanten europäischen Asyl-Agentur zweifelhaft. Fortbildungen können auch ohne eine solche organisiert werden, die zum Ziel gesetzten Maßnahmen fallen zum Teil in die Kompetenzen anderer Organisationen wie etwa Frontex. Und schon gar nicht geht es an, dass diese Agentur Risikoanalysen erstellt und diese dann von den Mitgliedsstaaten verpflichtend anzuwenden sind, sprich vorgeschrieben wird, welcher Asylant aufzunehmen ist. Das ist ein tiefgreifender Eingriff in die Souveränität der EU-Länder, der nur abgelehnt werden kann.


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. Ainda que, em alguns casos, os motivos que levam alguém a decidir imigrar possam ser próximos daqueles que impelem os requerentes de asilo, os dois sistemas devem ser suficientemente distintos, quer no plano legal, quer no plano dos procedimentos administrativos.

Feita esta importante ressalva, um ponto a ter em consideração é o facto de que, por virtude da abertura efectiva das fronteiras no interior do Espaço Schengen, o que se decide num Estado sobre esta matéria poder ter implicações num outro. Ao mesmo tempo, a ideia de Europa pode ser percebida como um todo aos olhos de um requerente de asilo que encara a "União Europeia" como um espaço homogéneo e, na sua percepção, oposto ao perigo de que foge. Por último, um requerente de asilo em fuga de uma ameaça real à sua vida dificilmente poderá escolher o local de entrada na Europa ou terá condições para proceder aos trâmites administrativos necessários e exigíveis a um candidato à imigração. Todas estas considerações tornam necessária a coordenação e colaboração entre Estados-Membros. Sem que do exposto resulte que se deva transformar o asilo numa porta alternativa à imigração e, menos ainda, numa forma de contornar a ilegalidade de certos fluxos migratórios.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Non posso trovarmi d'accordo su molti dei punti inclusi nella relazione dell'onorevole Catania a proposito del futuro del sistema europeo comune di asilo e devo, perciò, esprimere il mio voto contrario a essa. Pur concordando con il collega sul fatto che l'istituzione dell'asilo è un aspetto essenziale della democrazia e della tutela dei diritti umani, proprio per far sì che esso rimanga tale è assolutamente necessario evitare qualsiasi forma di abuso possibile.

A tal scopo, piuttosto che un sistema comune di asilo in Europa e piuttosto che la costruzione di un'"Europa dell'asilo", per usare le parole del Patto Europeo sull'asilo e sull'immigrazione, adottato dal Consiglio Europeo lo scorso ottobre, sarebbe più auspicabile la costruzione di un'"Europa dei Diritti", ossia di un'Europa che lotta contro le cause che portano all'aumento del numero di rifugiati così come rilevato dal relatore, che assuma una posizione più forte a livello internazionale per la risoluzione di conflitti in certi paesi, che eserciti pressioni in maniera più decisa affinché il rispetto della dignità e della vita umana e delle libertà fondamentali sia garantito laddove non lo sia ancora. Lottare contro gli effetti di tali gravi violazioni dei diritti non risolve e non potrà mai risolvere in maniera efficace il problema alla base, per il quale altri strumenti dovrebbero essere utilizzati.


  Bart Staes (Verts/ALE), schriftelijk. − In de EU groeide het aantal vluchtelingen de laatste jaren tot 12 miljoen. Daarbovenop zijn er ook nog 26 miljoen binnenlandse ontheemden.

Een gemeenschappelijk Europees asielbeleid is nodig, want er bestaan té grote verschillen in het asielbeleid van de 27 EU-lidstaten. Dat leidt in de praktijk tot het spelen met de toekomst van mensen en dat is ongehoord. Tijdens de eerste fase (1999-2005) probeerde de EU de beleidsaanpak van de lidstaten te harmoniseren op basis van gemeenschappelijke minimumnormen. In een tweede fase werd gewerkt aan een gemeenschappelijke asielprocedure en een uniforme status voor personen die asiel krijgen of bijkomende bescherming.

Het verslag dat we vandaag goedkeuren, verwelkomt het opzetten van een Europees Asielagentschap, maar betreurt de trage gang van zaken bij het uitvoeren van de tweede fase. De niet-inwerkingtreding van het Verdrag van Lissabon is daar natuurlijk debet aan. Ik steun de vraag naar verbetering van de bestaande wetgeving zowel wat betreft de procedurerichtlijn, de richtlijn die de voorwaarden voor ontvangst bepaalt, als de richtlijn die de vluchtelingenstatus toekent of intrekt.

Ik ondersteun het verslag omdat het belangrijk is dat er een beschermingsstandaard voor vluchtelingen komt en dat alle lidstaten solidair hun verantwoordelijkheid opnemen en doelgericht samenwerken.


- Report: Gabriele Stauner (A6-0022/2009)


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Esprimo il mio voto favorevole alla relazione dell'onorevole Stauner a proposito del Piano d'Azione della Commissione verso il raggiungimento di un quadro di controllo interno integrato dei bilanci dell'Unione. I principi della sana gestione finanziaria e della trasparenza dei bilanci sono fondamentali non solo al fine di ottenere la dichiarazione di affidabilità positiva da parte della Corte dei conti europea attraverso lo snellimento della legislazione applicabile ai controlli e la conseguente potenziale diminuzione dei costi a essa associati, ma anche, nel medio termine, al fine di monitorare più efficacemente gli utilizzi di risorse dei cittadini e degli Stati dell'Unione europea ed aumentare di conseguenza, la legittimità dell'azione dell'UE. Per questo credo sia fondamentale avviare la cooperazione con gli stessi Stati membri e con istituzioni di controllo indipendenti, come del resto già sottolineato dal collega relatore.


- Report: Manuel Medina Ortega (A6-0058/2009)


  Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. Immer häufiger haben Gerichte mit Fragen des internationalen bzw. grenzüberschreitenden Beweisrechts zu tun: Unfällen von Österreichern in Deutschland etwa oder Mängeln bei aus einem anderen Mitgliedsstaat bezogenen Waren- bzw. Dienstleistungen, Zeugen, die am anderen Ende der EU leben, und Beklagten, die wegziehen. Der Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör darf keinesfalls dann enden, wenn sich das Beweismittel außerhalb des Gerichtsstaats befindet. Wie man aus der Praxis hört, gibt es nach wie vor ungeklärte Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der grenzüberschreitenden Beweisaufnahme in Zivil- und Handelssachen. Da es diese zu klären gilt, habe ich dem vorliegenden Bericht zugestimmt.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Comunico il mio voto favorevole in merito alla relazione presentata dal collega Medina Ortega sulla cooperazione fra le autorità giudiziarie degli Stati membri nel settore dell'assunzione delle prove in materia civile o commerciale. È chiaro che, per promuovere l'efficienza ed evitare quindi sprechi di tempo e denaro, si debbano incoraggiare i contatti diretti tra le autorità giudiziarie e la piena cooperazione tra esse. Inoltre bisogna utilizzare maggiormente le tecnologie dell'informazione, soprattutto le comunicazioni sicure a mezzo posta elettronica e le videoconferenze, poiché sono, contemporaneamente, più efficaci in termini di risultati e più efficienti in termini di costi. Infine sono d'accordo con il relatore quando si compiace di quanto si sta facendo al riguardo nel contesto del programma per la giustizia elettronica (e-Justice).


- Report: Bert Doorn (A6-0014/2009)


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, voto favorevolmente alla relazione Doorn sull'attuazione della direttiva 2006/43/CE relativa alle revisioni legali dei conti annuali e dei conti consolidati. Sono totalmente d'accordo sul fatto che bisogna sollecitare la Commissione a promuovere, in stretta collaborazione con gli Stati membri, strutture nazionali di controllo della qualità, che garantiscano un controllo indipendente e imparziale per le imprese di revisione. Inoltre, ritengo che sia doveroso e necessario monitorare e riferire in che misura gli obiettivi della direttiva siano stati perseguiti o si prevede che lo siano.


- Report: Claire Gibault (A6-0003/2009)


  Robert Atkins (PPE-DE), in writing. − British Conservative MEPs are in favour of equality of treatment and access for men and women in all aspects of society, including the performing arts. We have supported this report today on that basis.

However, we wish to record that we disagree with the concept of quotas as implied, for example, in paragraph 12 of the report.


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente. Voto favorevolmente. A pochi giorni dalla festa della donna ci troviamo nuovamente a discutere in quest'aula di disparità sociale tra i due sessi. Anche il mondo dello spettacolo, come ha ben messo in luce la Commissione, non è esente da queste problematiche.

Le donne che lavorano nel settore artistico faticano ancora a farsi spazio, raramente occupano posizioni di elevata responsabilità all'interno di grandi istituzioni culturali e percepiscono una remunerazione spesso inferiore a quelle dei colleghi uomini. In particolar modo gli orari atipici, che caratterizzano l'esercizio della professione artistica, impediscono la pacifica realizzazione della natura femminile di lavoratrice, moglie e madre, costringendo spesso la donna a scegliere tra la carriera e la famiglia.

Concludo quindi sottolineando la necessità di garantire la pari presenza di uomini e donne nelle istanze decisionali e consultive che si occupano di assunzioni, promozioni e avanzamenti salariali, oltre che nei restanti rami del settore, al fine di istruire un monitoraggio statistico che consenta di effettuare analisi comparative sulla situazione lavorativa delle donne nei vari Paesi dell'Unione.


  Nicodim Bulzesc (PPE-DE), în scris. − Am votat favorabil raportul referitor la egalitatea de tratament și de acces între bărbați și femei în artele spectacolului deoarece inegalitățile privind posibilitățile diferite de încadrare în muncă și șansele de reușită între femei și bărbați sunt foarte prezente și persistente în artele spectacolului și este imperios necesar să se traducă în realitate principiul democratic conform căruia „pentru muncă egală salariu egal”, principiu care, atât în domeniul artistic, cât și în alte domenii, nu este întotdeauna respectat.


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE), in writing. − Performing art has flourished for thousands of years and in every society on Earth. It is therefore questionable as to why the EU feels the need to impose its will on what is otherwise a sector that flourishes precisely because it is largely free of interference from Brussels.

I do not think it is my place as an MEP to tell those involved in the performing arts how they should regulate their own affairs. In fact, I think it is my job to ensure that performing artists and organisations that facilitate performing arts are as free as possible from well-meaning, but misplaced and naïve, initiatives like this one.

I am all in favour of the equal treatment of men and women in the eyes of the law. However, I believe that political pressure should never be allowed to interfere with artistic decisions. We stood firm in this House with regard to the reaction provoked by depictions of the Prophet Mohammed in Danish newspapers. My fear is that by eroding artistic freedoms, even slightly, we are also eroding the values of free speech and expression.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Votámos favoravelmente este relatório tendo em conta que sublinha a amplitude e a persistência das desigualdades entre homens e mulheres nas artes do espectáculo e o seu impacto em toda a sociedade, insistindo na necessidade absoluta de fomentar e incentivar o acesso das mulheres a todas as profissões artísticas em que ainda estão em minoria.

Como se sublinha no relatório, a percentagem de mulheres que exercem profissões artísticas e cargos oficiais no domínio da cultura é diminuta e as mulheres estão sub-representadas em postos de responsabilidade nos organismos culturais e nas academias e universidades onde se estudam algumas artes.

Por isso, concordamos com muitas propostas que aqui se apresentam, insistindo na necessidade de se fomentar o acesso das mulheres a todas as profissões artísticas e demais actividades profissionais relacionadas com o espectáculo em que estão em minoria, e incentivando os Estados-Membros a removerem os entraves ao acesso das mulheres aos lugares de direcção das instituições culturais, bem como das academias e das universidades.

De igual forma, sublinhamos que a discriminação em relação às mulheres penaliza o desenvolvimento do sector cultural, porque o priva de talentos e competências, e observamos que os talentos necessitam de contactos com o público para serem reconhecidos.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − I Junilistan står vi självklart för likabehandling, lika lön för lika arbete och den grundläggande principen om jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män. Därför har vi röstat för detta betänkande.

Det är emellertid en ja-röst med ett tydligt förbehåll. Vi motsätter oss att Europaparlamentet ska försöka bestämma hur de enskilda medlemsstaterna exempelvis ska strukturera sin nationella barnomsorg eller tillämpa kvotering.

Föreliggande betänkande är ett typiskt exempel på den klåfingrighet och regleringsiver som utmärker Europaparlamentet. Istället för att fungera som forum för de angelägna utmaningar som förutsätter gränsöverskridande samverkan, försöker man ideligen lägga sig i frågor som är och ska förbli nationella angelägenheter.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. − This report highlights the persistent inequalities in career prospects and opportunities between women and men in the performing arts sector. I support this report which urges Member States to take specific measures to encourage and promote women to further their careers where they are under represented.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE), in writing. − I believe that gender inequality should be phased out of our lives. In today's civilized world, the disparity between men and women, and majorities and minorities, must be done away with. The European Parliament must observe its past legislation and uphold the values of universal solidarity. There must be a gender mix in the decision-making process for the performing arts and various other areas. In order to find true talent, the most capable performers and deserving applicants, women must be given equal status with men in the same fields. Where men are favoured over women, or vice versa, there must be serious corrections and viable protection to end this inconsistency. Depriving a group on the basis of sex or any other characteristic will not be tolerated by the EU, and it is our duty to ensure this applies across the field of the performing arts (and others areas as well). For this reason, it is my duty and that of the EPP-ED Party to give a vote of confidence to any legislation that supports equality, corrects wrongdoings, and better preserves cohesion between members of the opposite sex.


  Maria Petre (PPE-DE), în scris. − Am votat acest raport şi am colaborat foarte bine cu doamna Gibault. Nu trebuie să uităm că prezenţa femeilor în arta spectacolului în general şi în mod specific în funcţii de conducere în acest domeniu este încă slabă. Nu trebuie, de asemenea, să uităm că vorbim de un domeniu sensibil, cu mare efect de multiplicare, cu mesaj puternic în publicul său, în societate. Nu avem suficiente grădiniţe şi creşe, programul în lumea spectacolului este unul prelungit şi atipic. Dacă aceste lucruri se îmbunătăţesc, obiectivul propus în raport, de a avea o prezenţă de 30% în domeniul artistic, poate fi îndeplinit.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Esprimo il mio voto favorevole in merito alla relazione della collega Gibault sulla parità di trattamento e di accesso tra uomini e donne nelle arti dello spettacolo. Condivido le finalità del progetto realizzato dalla collega: accertare il modo in cui si sono costruite socialmente e culturalmente le identità nel settore delle arti dello spettacolo e a proporre soluzioni concrete in grado di correggere gli squilibri legati alle attuali situazioni non egualitarie. È necessario, infatti, poter utilizzare tutti i serbatoi di competenze disponibili per garantire la buona salute del settore e la realizzazione personale degli uomini e delle donne. Infine, ritengo che sia fondamentale trovare rapidamente soluzioni finalizzate ad aprire asili all'interno delle imprese culturali con orari consoni alle prove e agli spettacoli.


- Report: Andreas Schwab (A6-0482/2008)


  Adam Bielan (UEN), na piśmie. − Panie Przewodniczący! Poparłem sprawozdanie pana Schwaba mające na celu redukcję emisji CO2 i zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa na drogach. Istotnym jest, aby starania o zmniejszenie emisji CO2 nie odbywały się kosztem zaniechania innych, równie ważnych aspektów konstrukcji samochodów i nie miały negatywnego wpływu na bezpieczeństwo na drogach. Uważam, że poprzez stymulację i inwestowanie w rozwój innowacyjnego przemysłu europejskiego możemy skutecznie bronić miejsc pracy w tym najbardziej dotkniętym przez kryzys finansowy sektorze.


  Šarūnas Birutis (ALDE), raštu. − Dabar yra naujų technologijų, kuriomis galima iš esmės pagerinti transporto priemonių saugą (pvz., elektroninės stabilumo kontrolės sistemos) arba sumažinti išmetamų CO2 dujų kiekį (pvz., mažo pasipriešinimo riedėjimui padangos), jei tokios technologijos būtų naudojamos kaip standartas naujose transporto priemonėse.


  Avril Doyle (PPE-DE), in writing. − MEP Schwab has proposed a report which aims to increase car safety through the introduction of increased safety measures requirements for car manufacturers. All new vehicles manufactured in the Union will be subject to compliance with the technical requirements and measures which will reduce their environmental impact, decrease associated noise pollution and increase their road safety. The regulation combines advances in European manufacturing and technology and increased levels of safety protection that the European consumer can expect. These innovations will help to reduce CO2 emissions, fuel consumption and noise pollution.

I am delighted to support this report which will benefit us all.


  Astrid Lulling (PPE-DE), schriftlich. Ich habe diesem Bericht zugestimmt, weil der Verbraucher braucht und sucht umweltfreundlichere und sichere Fahrzeuge. Was die Sicherheit der Pkw betrifft, begrüße ich vor allem das obligatorische ESP (elektronische Stabilitätssystem) schon bei Pkw ab dem Baujahr 2011.

Was die Reifen anbelangt, halte ich die Anstrengungen, den CO2-Ausstoß durch verbesserte Reifen mit weniger Rollwiderstand zu verringern, und die Einführung von elektronischen Drucküberwachungssystemen für wertvoll. Die Reduzierung der CO2-Emissionen darf jedoch nicht auf Kosten der Sicherheit, sprich der Nasshaftung der Reifen, gehen.

Zufrieden bin ich auch damit, dass bestehende Lagerbestände nicht – wie ursprünglich vorgesehen – schon nach 12 Monaten vom Markt genommen werden müssen, sondern erst 30 Monate nach der Einführung neuer Standards. Somit kann verhindert werden, dass Reifenbestände vernichtet werden und die Umwelt somit noch zusätzlich belastet wird. Außerdem gestatten wir unseren von der Wirtschaftskrise stark gebeutelten Zulieferbetrieben eine ausreichende Übergangszeit, um mit den hohen an sie gestellten Anforderungen zurecht zu kommen.


  Adrian Manole (PPE-DE), în scris. − Orice cetăţean al planetei, conştient de amploarea pe care a luat-o fenomenul de încălzire globală, poate acţiona pentru a opri evoluţia acestui proces periculos pentru Pământ. Pentru şoferi şi vehiculele pe care ei le conduc aceste eforturi sunt prevăzute în raportul votat astăzi.

A conduce ecologic înseamnă a reduce consumul de combustibil. În UE se preconizează o posibilă reducere a acestor costuri cu 20 de miliarde de euro până în anul 2010. De asemenea, se preconizează o posibilă reducere cu 50 de milioane de tone a emisiilor de CO2. Este de înţeles că efectele acestor măsuri vor fi vizibile abia pe termen lung, însă este benefic că aplicarea lor va intra în vigoare cu un an înainte faţă de propunerea Comisiei.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. − I support this regulation which will make cars and roads safer by bringing in new technologies. These include tyre pressure monitoring systems, wet-grip requirements and lane-departure warning systems. This report reduces CO2 emissions through new standards which tyres must reach, which will improve fuel efficiency and cut fuel bills.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Voto a favore della relazione presentata dal collega Schwab inerente ai requisiti dell'omologazione riguardo alla sicurezza generale degli autoveicoli. La relazione, molto ben fatta, intende garantire il buon funzionamento del mercato interno e, al tempo stesso, elevati livelli di sicurezza e di protezione ambientale. Tali requisiti sono stati armonizzati a livello comunitario per evitare che essi differiscano da uno Stato membro all'altro e per garantire elevati livelli di sicurezza stradale e protezione dell'ambiente nell'intera Comunità. Quindi concordo a pieno titolo con il collega Schwab, poiché la proposta mira a semplificare notevolmente la normativa relativa all'omologazione per tipo nel campo della sicurezza dei veicoli a motore e dei pneumatici con un solo regolamento del Consiglio e del Parlamento.


- Report: Holger Krahmer (A6-0046/2009)


  Jan Andersson, Göran Färm, Anna Hedh, Inger Segelström och Åsa Westlund (PSE), skriftlig. − Det ursprungliga IPPC-direktivet samt de övriga sex direktiven har inte genomförts fullt ut i EU:s medlemsländer och därmed uppfyller de inte sitt syfte. Därför beslutade man om en översyn av dessa direktiv vilken vi idag röstade om i Europaparlamentet. Vi svenska socialdemokrater ställer oss positiva till en översyn och ser att det innehåller vissa förbättringar gentemot gällande regler. Vi valde däremot att rösta nej till direktivet i slutomröstningen då vi anser att några av de ändringsförslag som röstades igenom innebar stora försämringar gentemot kommissionens ursprungliga förslag. Bland annat kunde vi inte acceptera ytterligare undantag för stora förbränningsanläggningar.

En ytterligare anledning till att vi ansåg oss nödgade att rösta nej är att man i och med förslaget missar chansen att på allvar minska utsläppen av växthusgaser. Genom att rösta ner de ändringsförslag som vår delegation varit med och lagt fram, som förespråkade gränsvärden för koldioxidutsläpp för nya stora elproducerande anläggningar, visar man att man inte tar arbetet med att minska utsläppen av växthusgaser på allvar. Ett sådant förslag kan vi inte stödja.


  Liam Aylward, Brian Crowley, Seán Ó Neachtain and Eoin Ryan (UEN), in writing. − I strongly support the original IPPC Directive. Industrial activities covered by existing Directives emit 55% of the EU's CO2 emissions, 83% of So2 and 34% of NOx. Under the current Directive, permits are issued by the Environment Protection Agency which require industrial plants to apply "Best Available Techniques".

During the vote this morning, there were a number of problematic amendments regarding the new IPPC proposal.

1. Minimum Requirements. Ireland is against the minimum requirements amendment, as this will penalise Irish industry and the work recently undertaken to achieve the status of the current Directive. Resources would be better spent enforcing the Directive in those Member States which are non compliant.

2. Poultry and Manure and Slurry. There were a number of amendments seeking to bring more poultry and manure spreading within the scope. I have voted against this amendment to avoid double regulation, as the Nitrates Directive suffices on manure and slurry. On poultry, the IPPC already controls 40 000 poultry places. An amendment would reduce the threshold values from 40 000 to 30 000 for laying hens, 24 000 for ducks and 11 500 for turkeys. There is nothing stated in the impact assessment about how these numbers came about and on what scientific basis they were established.

2. Installments. I also voted in favour of flexibility for installments


  Niels Busk, Anne E. Jensen og Karin Riis-Jørgensen (ALDE), skriftlig. − Venstres medlemmer af Europa-Parlamentet, Anne E. Jensen, Karin Riis-Jørgensen og Niels Busk, har stemt for den liberale gruppes ændringsforslag nr. 96 om at slette artikel 16, stk. 4, fordi spredning af husdyrgødning ikke er i overensstemmelse med målsætningen for IPPC, hvis målsætning er at bekæmpe emissioner fra store industrielle anlæg. Dertil kommer, at emnet allerede er dækket af vandrammedirektivet (2000/60/EF) og nitratdirektivet (91/676/EØF).


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE), in writing. − The initial provisions of this report would have left National Health Service hospitals in my region of north-east England and elsewhere in the UK facing massively increased costs for their heating boilers.

NHS hospitals need to have a significant amount of spare boiler capacity to cope with emergencies and in case there are technical failures. The Directive would have assessed the hospitals’ boilers on the basis of their potential emissions, rather than their actual emissions - thus causing them to incur substantial costs to obtain a permit.

I supported the tabling of amendments to exempt part-time stand-by boilers from the scope of the Directive.

Notwithstanding these concerns, we must act in concert to address the common threat of climate change and environmental pollution.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Esta proposta de directiva visa rever e reunir, num único texto, sete directivas separadas relativas às emissões industriais.

A proposta da Comissão afirma prever uma abordagem integrada, visando integrar aspectos ambientais no licenciamento de instalações, de uma forma tão abrangente e equilibrada quanto possível, com o objectivo de limitar, de forma efectiva, as emissões através das Melhores Técnicas Disponíveis (MTD), cuja aplicação deve ser mais coerente do que até à data.

Como se refere no relatório, este processo legislativo pode ter implicações em 52000 instalações industriais na Europa, pelo que apoiámos algumas propostas de derrogação relativamente a micro, pequenas e médias empresas que não devem ficar sujeitas às mesmas obrigações das grandes unidades industriais. Mas defendemos uma maior intervenção em unidades industriais com incineradoras e co-incineradoras e uma maior fiscalização do que a Comissão Europeia propõe.

Assim, o texto alterado valoriza ligeiramente a consulta pública e o papel das ONG de Ambiente, tem em conta também os interesses das micro e PME e retira alguma discricionariedade à Comissão Europeia, pelo que, no final, o votámos favoravelmente, esperando que, em Portugal haja uma maior intervenção do Governo no apoio e controlo da qualidade do ar.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, esprimo il mio voto contrario sulla relazione concernente le emissioni degli impianti industriali, presentata dal collega Krahmer. Non sono d'accordo sul fatto che le autorità responsabili locali dovrebbero indicare misure atte a limitare le emissioni per i singoli impianti, con il conseguente raggiungimento di un livello di emissione che soddisfi mediamente quanto previsto nei BREF, garantendo un margine di flessibilità tale da poter gestire adeguatamente le situazioni locali. Tale compito dovrebbe essere demandato totalmente ad una autorità comunitaria, non locale o nazionale. La specificità del territorio non può essere una discriminante in questo campo poiché, da diverse soglie minime, derivano costi e ricavi estremamente variabili, che vanno poi ad incidere sulla reale competitività delle imprese.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − Przyjęty niedawno pakiet energetyczno-klimatyczny wymaga od nas zdecydowanych działań w kierunku osiągnięcia celów w nim zawartych.

Dotychczasowe działania UE w obszarze ograniczania emisji przemysłowych charakteryzowały się brakiem spójności i koordynacji, jak również dużym rozproszeniem. Dlatego gorąco popieram inicjatywę Komisji i sugestie sprawozdawcy. Zastąpienie licznych dyrektyw regulujących kwestię emisji przemysłowych jednym, spójnym aktem jest z pewnością krokiem w dobrym kierunku. Na moje wsparcie mogą także liczyć wszelkie inicjatywy mające na celu ograniczenie biurokracji, uelastycznienie przepisów dotyczących kontroli instalacji oraz zwiększenie przejrzystości. W pełni popieram również propozycję sprawozdawcy, aby zwiększyć rolę Parlamentu Europejskiego w pracach nad przyszłymi zmianami w ustawodawstwie.


  Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – H πρόταση οδηγίας της ΕΕ για τις βιομηχανικές εκπομπές και οι τροπολογίες του ΕK αποκαλύπτουν, για άλλη μία φορά, ότι πραγματικός στόχος της "πράσινης οικονομίας" δεν είναι η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος αλλά η εξασφάλιση των κερδών του κεφαλαίου. Oι διακηρύξεις της ΕΕ για περιορισμό των εκπομπών αερίων που προκαλούν το φαινόμενο του θερμοκηπίου είναι ψευδεπίγραφες και αποπροσανατολιστικές.

H οδηγία αυτή αφορά περισσότερες από 52.000 βιομηχανικές εγκαταστάσεις, οι οποίες αντιπροσωπεύουν μεγάλο μέρος των εκπομπών ρύπων στα κράτη μέλη της ΕΕ και είναι συνυπεύθυνες ακόμα και για τη μη επίτευξη των στόχων που η ίδια η ΕΕ έθεσε για τον περιορισμό της ατμοσφαιρικής ρύπανσης.

Oι πιο σημαντικές τροπολογίες του ΕK περιορίζουν σημαντικά το πεδίο δράσης της οδηγίας και εισάγουν στοιχεία ασάφειας και απροσδιοριστίας που λειτουργούν πάντα προς όφελος της πλουτοκρατίας και ενισχύουν την ασυδοσία του κεφαλαίου. Ταυτόχρονα οι ίδιοι οι βιομήχανοι ανάγονται σε καθοριστικό παράγοντα καθορισμού των επιπέδων εκπομπών που θα διαμορφώνονται σύμφωνα με τις δικές τους ανάγκες και προτεραιότητες, δηλαδή στη λογική του κέρδους.

H διέξοδος για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος εντάσσεται στην αντιμονοπωλιακή αντιμπεριαλιστική πάλη των εργαζομένων ενάντια στην οικονομική κυριαρχία των μονοπωλίων, ενάντια στην πολιτική εξουσία τους. Ενάντια στην ΕΕ και στα κόμματα του ευρωμονόδρομου.


- Report: Klaus-Heiner Lehne (A6-0044/2009)


  Jan Andersson, Ole Christensen, Göran Färm, Anna Hedh, Dan Jørgensen, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, Christel Schaldemose, Inger Segelström, Britta Thomsen and Åsa Westlund (PSE), in writing. − The Commission’s proposal on a Statute for a European private company allows an opportunity for unserious companies to circumvent the rules on workers participation. If the private European company has its registered office in a Member State with low or no workers’ participation and performs its activities in another Member State with high participation, the company can circumvent the rules.

The Socialist Group in the Parliament has however, together with the ETUC, reached a compromise, which improve the Commissions proposal substantially. The compromise now state that when the companies have a certain quota of their employees in another Member State with higher workers participation, compared to the Member State where the company has its headquarters, the more favourable rules for workers participation will apply.

Although the compromise is far better than the original proposal, we have not succeeded fully. The levels to trigger workers participation are still high compared to the rules in some Member States and there are also problems with the definition of what is regarded to be a higher level of workers participation. We - the Danish and the Swedish delegations in the Socialist Group - have therefore decided to abstain our votes in the final vote.


  Johannes Blokland (IND/DEM), schriftelijk. − Deze middag hebben we gestemd over het statuut van de Europese besloten vennootschap. Ik heb uiteindelijk tegen het voorstel gestemd en wel om de volgende redenen: Ten eerste ben ik van mening dat dit voorstel de rechtsonzekerheid in de Europese Unie vergroot. De verhouding tussen de nationale BV en de Europese BV, tussen toepasselijk nationaal recht en de tekst van de verordening wordt onvoldoende duidelijk. Hoe wordt omzeiling van nuttige nationale regelgeving voorkomen? Hoe verhoudt het voorstel zich tot consumentenbescherming?

Dergelijke vragen worden niet bevredigend beantwoord. Daarnaast hebben we vandaag gestemd over een ander verslag van de heer Lehne. Hierin doet hij aanbevelingen voor betere grensoverschrijdende verplaatsing van vennootschapzetels. Ik vind dit eigenlijk een veel beter idee dan het idee van de Europese BV. Als de Commissie zich ervoor zou inzetten om grensoverschrijdende zetelverplaatsing makkelijker te maken, met minder administratieve rompslomp, dan wordt het hele voorstel voor de Europese BV overbodig.


  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), por escrito. As grandes diferenças dos regimes jurídicos dos Estados-Membros obrigam muitas vezes a processos muito dispendiosos para as empresas que pretendem iniciar a sua actividade no exterior, em especial as PME que têm estruturas mais pequenas.

Com a criação deste diploma, dá-se mais um passo para o levantamento desses obstáculos, sobretudo num sector fundamental para a economia europeia.

A criação da «Sociedade Privada Europeia» permite que as PME estabeleçam as suas filiais com o mesmo estatuto, independentemente do país onde esteja sediada, negociando no seu país ou no estrangeiro, com o mesmo grau de facilidade.

O tempo e dinheiro que esta medida, decorrente do Small Business Act, poupa às PME apontam um rumo claro para a política empresarial europeia do futuro.

Por estas razões os deputados europeus do PSD apoiam o relatório.


  Avril Doyle (PPE-DE), in writing. − Mr Lehne has proposed an own initiative report proposing a Council Regulation that aims to make it easier for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to facilitate cross-border transfers within the Community of the registered office of a company formed in a Member State of the Community. The aim is laudable; however, we must be cautious that this facility is not abused to undermine national company law while ensuring that the Statute (Societas Privata Europea) represents a viable alternative for businesses.

There are many proposals among the numerous amendments which remain highly contentious, including references to minimum capital, checks on registration, references to national law, cross-border components and employee participation. Certain amendments proposed by the ECON committee have called for uniformity in certain areas by 2010, including tax, effectively restricting the application of national law.

While accepting in principle the proposal of a European company operating according to the same principles EU-wide, the scope of this proposal should not extend to restricting national taxation decisions, which remain firmly the preserve of individual Member States.


  Lena Ek (ALDE), skriftlig. − Jag röstade minus i slutomröstningen rörande stadgan för SPE-bolag. Grundtanken, att införa en gemensam europeisk bolagsform för privata bolag, är jättebra. Det är en reform som verkligen behövs.

Kommissionens förslag är riktigt dåligt. Gränsdragningen mellan när nationell rätt kontra SPE-stadgan skall tillämpas är väldigt otydlig. Stor del av bolagens regelverk skall behandlas i bolagsordningen. Även om detta kan vara positivt för somliga bolag, är vissa frågor av sådan karaktär att de måste vara tydligt preciserade i stadgan; exempelvis gränsdragningen mellan bolagsorganens kompetens samt skyddet för aktieägarminoriteter. Även graden av arbetstagarrepresentation i ledningen är dålig.

SPE-stadgan har väsentligt förbättrats under rådets pågående förhandlingar, och jag hyser fortfarande förhoppningar om att det slutgiltiga resultatet kommer att bli bra. Det är emellertid inte detta förslag vi idag har haft att ta ställning till. Det är Kommissionens förslag, i Lehnes förändrade skick. Och då är mitt beslut ganska enkelt: Oklarheterna och problemen i detta förslag överskuggar reformens positiva egenskaper, och risken är därför överhängande att vi får en stadga som kommer att motverka sitt syfte. Dessutom skulle ett bifall till denna rapport med tanke på de positiva framsteg som rådet redan ha gjort sätta käppar i hjulen för deras arbete.

Det är inte rådets förslag vi voterar, det i all väsentlighet Kommissionens. Därför valde jag att rösta nej.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. − This initiative creates a new European legal form intended to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs by facilitating their establishment and operation in the Single Market. I support the report which will lead to greater protection for workers and the information they are provided with by their company.


  Bernhard Rapkay (PSE), schriftlich. Die SPD-Abgeordneten haben für die Möglichkeit zur Gründung einer Europäischen Privatgesellschaft gestimmt. Sie geben hierzu aber folgende Erklärung ab:

Die Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung ist Kernbestandteil eines demokratischen und sozialen Europas. Deshalb muss das Recht auf Information, Konsultation und Mitbestimmung ohne Einschränkungen genauso ausgestaltet sein wie bei den bereits bestehenden Regelungen zur Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft und zur Europäischen Genossenschaft.

Die jetzt abgestimmte Fassung einer EPG verbessert den Vorschlag der Kommission in dieser Hinsicht – das ist der Grund für unsere Zustimmung –, verfehlt aber die Zielsetzung der Anpassung an die bereits bestehenden Regelungen. Die Gefahr einer Umgehung von Mitbestimmungsrechten ist nicht gebannt.

Das Verfahren ist nicht abgeschlossen. Wir fordern den Ministerrat auf nachzubessern:

– klare Verweise auf die Richtlinie zur Europäischen Aktiengesellschaft (SE), insbesondere auf deren Auffangregelung bzgl. Wahl von Mitgliedern in den Aufsichts- bzw. Verwaltungsrat,

– Vereinfachung der nicht praxisgerechten Regelung in Art. 34, deutliche Absenkung der Schwellenwerte,

– Festschreibung, dass eine EPG tatsächlich grenzübergreifend tätig ist.

Wir fordern die Kommission auf, endlich die 14. Richtlinie zur grenzüberschreitenden Sitzverlegung von Kapitalgesellschaften auf den Weg zu bringen, da die Mitbestimmungsrechte bei grenzüberschreitenden Sitzverlegungen sinnvollerweise nur durch eine europaweit geltende Richtlinie über die Beteiligungsrechte der Arbeitnehmerinnen und Arbeitnehmer gewährleistet werden können.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Egregio Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, voto favorevolmente la proposta di relazione presentata dal collega Lehne, riguardante lo statuto della società privata europea. Mi trovo d'accordo con il lavoro svolto dal collega, atto a prevedere norme autonome per quegli elementi che sono essenziali per il normale funzionamento della SPE, come il capitale minimo, la partecipazione dei dipendenti e i controlli sulle registrazioni. Infine, per quanto concerne i rinvii ai diritti nazionali, penso che l'obiettivo del regolamento sulla SPE, ovvero la creazione di una forma societaria unitaria a livello comunitario, sia assolutamente condivisibile e auspicabile.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE-DE), na piśmie. − W dobie panującego kryzysu gospodarczego rozwój sektora małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw jest bardzo pożądany. Powinniśmy dążyć do znoszenia barier administracyjnych i prawnych dla wszystkich tych, którzy chcą rozpocząć działalność. Wymogi proceduralne, biurokracja, wysokie koszty związane z rejestracją nie powinny stać na drodze rozwoju osób, które mają pomysł na biznes. Nowe firmy to nowe miejsca pracy, to pobudzanie wzrostu gospodarczego.

Unia Europejska to 27 państw, z których każde posiada odmienny system prawny i odmienne zasady tworzenia spółek. Stworzenie jednolitej dla całej UE formy prowadzenia działalności - europejskiej spółki prywatnej - z całą pewnością ułatwi życie wszystkim tym, którzy chcą rozpocząć działalność gospodarczą i pozwoli lepiej urzeczywistnić zasadę swobody przepływu kapitału.

Jednakowe wymogi dotyczące zakładania i prowadzenia działalności, niski kapitał zakładowy, uproszczone metody rejestracji przyczynią się z całą pewnością do sukcesu europejskiej spółki prywatnej. Będzie ona bardzo atrakcyjną alternatywą w stosunku do uregulowań krajowych. Zatem szybko, tanio i bez zbędnych formalności, ale przy zapewnieniu odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa prawnego.


- Report: László Surján (A6-0111/2009)


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Detta betänkande ropar på än mer ekonomiska resurser till område efter område i EU, samtidigt som man i medlemsstaterna måste spara inom bland annat vård, skola och omsorg.

Därtill kommer att flera områden som betänkandet pekar på, t ex finanskrisen, klimatförändringarna och energipolitiken, är förenade med enorma kostnader som inte står i någon proportion till EU:s budget. Detta är frågor som måste tas i de enskilda länderna efter en intern politisk process som leder till en demokratisk förankring av de uppoffringar det är fråga om.

Vi har därför valt att rösta nej till detta betänkande om kommissionens budget för år 2010.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Face à agudização da situação económica e social nos diferentes Estados-Membros, a UE não tomou, até à data, qualquer iniciativa efectiva que não tivesse como objectivo amparar o capital financeiro.

É urgente a adopção de medidas imediatas ao nível comunitário que contribuam para dar resposta efectiva às necessidades dos trabalhadores, do sector produtivo, das micro, pequenas e médias empresas, mobilizando os meios financeiros necessários.

Contudo, a UE debateu e aprovou um Orçamento para 2009 como se nada se estivesse a passar - um orçamento comunitário que, em termos relativos, é o mais baixo desde da adesão de Portugal à CEE -, evidenciando, uma vez mais, o seu carácter de classe.

Face à evidência da profundidade da crise capitalista (das suas políticas), o PE deixou de poder escamotear a realidade. Assim, a resolução agora aprovada refere, timidamente, que o orçamento comunitário para 2010 deverá ficar mais próximo dos limites estabelecidos no Quadro Financeiro 2007-2013 - que, além de claramente insuficiente, nem sequer é cumprido -, reconhecendo igualmente que a categoria das despesas é "insuficiente".

Como “gato escaldado de água fria tem medo”, esperemos que tal proclamada preocupação e intuito não sejam apenas suspiros momentâneos, tendo em conta as eleições para o PE, e que, como sempre, este não se fique apenas pelas boas intenções.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, dopo aver attentamente letto il lavoro del collega Surjan sugli orientamenti per la procedura di bilancio 2010, decido di votare contro la relazione. Non penso che la credibilità del Parlamento Europeo derivi dalla promozione e dai collegamenti tra voci di bilancio: in tal modo si perderebbero i reali motivi che spingono le istituzioni europee ad agire. Inoltre, per quanto sia d'accordo con il principio della massima trasparenza, ritengo che i fondi da destinare ai vari settori debbano essere ripartiti senza alcuna discriminazione di efficienza o di risultato: anche i settori che hanno ottenuto pochi risultati vanno sovvenzionati, anzi, forse sono questi che hanno più bisogno della vicinanza istituzionale comunitaria.


- Report: Vladimír Maňka (A6-0057/2009)


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − I en tid då nedskärningar sker i vård, skola och omsorg inom den gemensamma sektorn borde besparingar ske även i EU:s institutioner. Vi anser att man definitivt borde skära i budgeten för Regionkommittén och Europeiska ekonomiska och sociala kommittén. EU:s skattebetalare skulle inte märka någon skillnad om dessa två institutioner blev ålagda ett rejält sparbeting.

Vi motsätter oss också en personalutökning för de politiska grupperna i Europaparlamentet. Detta är inte en nödvändig kostnad i dagens läge.

Öppnandet av ett museum för europeisk historia enligt Europaparlamentets presidiums beslut är inte heller någon god idé. Erfarenheten säger att ett sådant museum kommer att utformas som propaganda för ett än mer federalt EU.

Vi har därför valt att rösta nej till detta betänkande om bland annat Europaparlamentets budget för år 2010.


  Pedro Guerreiro (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Consideramos positivo que as questões linguísticas sejam, agora, encaradas pelo PE como um "princípio fundamental" das suas prioridades para o Orçamento comunitário para 2010:

- “Sublinha o princípio fundamental de que todos os Estados-Membros devem beneficiar de serviços integrais e de qualidade que lhes dê a possibilidade de trabalhar, de se exprimirem e de obter todos os documentos na sua língua materna (...)”;

- “Considera que em 2010 devem ser envidados todos os esforços para que os deputados de todas as nacionalidades e línguas sejam tratados em pé de igualdade no que se refere à possibilidade de desempenharem a sua missão e exercerem a sua actividade política na sua própria língua, se o desejarem”;

- “sublinha, (...), o princípio da legitimidade democrática de todos os deputados e o seu direito ao pleno multilinguismo; considera, por conseguinte, que o orçamento pode e deve ser utilizado para atingir este objectivo (...)”;

No entanto, não esquecemos que as propostas apresentadas em sede de orçamento pelos deputados do PCP - onde se exigia a disponibilidade de todas as línguas oficiais da UE nas reuniões (quer estas se realizem nas instituições comunitárias ou em reuniões externas no âmbito dos trabalhos parlamentares) - tenham sido sucessivamente rejeitadas ao longo dos anos.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Egregio Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, non approvo la relazione presentata dal collega Maňka sugli orientamenti per la procedura di bilancio 2010, e quindi voto contro. Al punto 5 della proposta di risoluzione, infatti, si parla del totale adattamento in vista dell'ingresso della Croazia in Unione Europea. Ma, in queste situazioni, su ventisette membri e un nuovo potenziale entrante, dovrebbe adattarsi l'ultimo arrivato e non il resto dei paesi, come scritto nella risoluzione. Inoltre, non mi sento di condividere la proroga per il secondo anno dell'esercizio pilota volto a rafforzare la cooperazione tra il suo Ufficio di presidenza e la commissione per i bilanci, poiché non lo ritengo utile ed efficace.


- Report: Christel Schaldemose (A6-0064/2009)


  Jim Allister (NI), in writing. − This report addresses significant weaknesses in the current regulatory framework. In particular, I have been concerned about the lack of accountability of EU-based companies trading in the UK which are able to advertise in the UK, but do not need to apply for a licence. Indeed, the UK vice tax has only encouraged this worrying pattern of companies establishing themselves overseas and thus avoiding the need to apply for a UK licence. I therefore welcome this report, which should go some way to tackling this problem.


  Liam Aylward, Brian Crowley and Eoin Ryan (UEN), in writing. − Consumer protection is of paramount importance to all Member States. It is also an area in which Member States can cooperate to ensure protection for consumers availing of cross-border services. Ms. Schaldemose’s report on the integrity of online gambling is an example of how a pragmatic, cooperative approach from Member States can result in an approach that has consumer protection at its core.

The report recognises that the integrity of online gambling is best dealt with by recognising the principle of subsidiarity in this area and allowing Member States to regulate the industry themselves. However, it calls for cooperation and coordination on combating fraud and crime and addressing social and public order problems such as addiction and personal data protection.

Central to the report is the safeguarding of the integrity of sports and sporting events. It is absolutely essential that sport is first and foremost recognised for its social, entertainment and health values and that these values are in no way threatened or manipulated for financial gain. Online gambling is enjoyed by many European citizens. We must ensure that these citizens are protected and I believe that Ms. Schaldemose’s report is an important step in that regard.


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE), in writing. − I support a more open gaming environment in Europe. For too long now, national monopolies controlled by governments have prevented new entrants from offering gaming services in Europe.

Online gambling offers a new way for consumers to enjoy their gaming experience. I have no problem with responsible gamblers participating in online gaming activity offered by responsible operators. This report seeks to ensure a high level of consumer protection and to ensure a fair and transparent gaming environment in cyberspace. It is also important in my view to take all reasonable steps to prohibit minors from gaming online.

Of course, there are concerns about the social effects of gambling and these are concerns that I share. However, I think that in the past far too much responsibility has been put on gaming companies and not enough on individuals. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to gamble is a personal decision and the individual must be responsible for the consequences.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE-DE), kirjallinen. – Arvoisa puhemies, olen erittäin tyytyväinen Schaldemosen online-rahapelien integriteettiä koskevan mietinnön äänestystulokseen. Se osoittaa, että laaja enemmistö parlamentin jäsenistä pitää rahapelejä erityisenä taloudellisena toimintana, johon ei voida soveltaa yksinomaan sisämarkkinasääntöjä.

Pelaamisen sosiaaliset ja terveydelliset vaikutukset, kuten myös siihen liittyvät rikoksen riskit sekä kulttuurilliset erityispiirteet, tulee ottaa huomioon. Niin myös se, että useat tutkimukset osoittavat internetin välineenä moninkertaistavan kyseiset riskit. On selvää, että yksikään viranomainen ei pystyisi kontrolloimaan internetissä tapahtuvaa pelaamista koko Euroopan laajuisesti.

Schaldemosen mietintö nostaa myös esiin rahapelitoiminnan myönteiset vaikutukset, joiden suojelemista pidän erityisen tärkeänä. Useissa Euroopan maissa kyseiset pelit nimittäin tuottavat merkittäviä summia mm. taiteelle, tieteelle, kulttuurille, nuorisotyölle ja sairaaloille. Tuhannet kansalaisjärjestöt hyötyvät niiden tarjoamasta rahoituksesta, minkä lisäksi rahapelit ovat EU:n laajuisesti urheilujärjestöjen ja etenkin ruohonjuuritason urheilutoiminnan suurin tulonlähde.

Se että parlamentin enemmistö haluaa säilyttää nykyiset rahapelipolitiikkaa koskevat kansalliset lait eikä korvata niitä pelkällä ohjesäännöstöllä, joka tarjoaisi huomattavasti heikomman kuluttajansuojan, ei tarkoita etteikö markkinoita saisi vapauttaa. Se tarkoittaa ainoastaan sitä, että liberalisoimisen on tapahduttava jäsenmaiden omilla ehdoilla. Ja mikäli kansallinen monopoli halutaan säilyttää, sen on oltava syrjimätön ja juridisesti perusteltavissa.


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − I voted against the report on the integrity of on-line gambling as I believe the alternative motion, which was rejected by the plenary, would have better reflected the up-to-date position in the on-line gambling sector.

I share concerns about citizens being ripped off and the worries about gambling addiction, but note that gambling is controlled in the majority of Member States in order to protect citizens against gambling addiction and fraud and to prevent money laundering.

We need to prevent problem gambling and under-age gambling, in addition to fighting fraud and crime. I believe that the alternative resolution would have addressed those concerns more effectively.


  Seán Ó Neachtain (UEN), i scríbhinn. − Tá cosaint an tomhaltóra ríthábhachtach do na Ballstáit uilig. Chomh maith leis seo, is réimse é seo ina bhfuil géarghá le comhoibriú idir na Ballstáit, go háirithe ó thaobh seirbhísí trasteorann de. Léiríonn an tuarascáil seo ar chearrbhachas ar líne gur féidir le cur chuige pragmatach, bunaithe ar chomhoibriú, a chinntiú go mbíonn cosaint an tomhaltóra i gcroílár pholasaithe an Aontas Eorpaigh

Aithníonn an tuarascáil seo gurb é an cur chuige is fearr atá ann le déileáil le cúrsaí cearrbhachais ar an idirlíon ná aitheantas a thabhairt do phrionsabal na coimhdeachta san earnáil seo agus cúrsaí rialúcháin a fhágaint faoi gach Ballstát aonair. É seo ráite, aithníonn an tuarascáil gur tríd an gcomhoibriú agus tríd an gcomhordú is fearr a bheidh Ballstáit an Aontais Eorpaigh in ann dul i ngleic le calaois, coireanna, agus fadhbanna sóisialta.

I gcroílár na tuarascála tá an tábhacht a bhaineann le spórt agus an gá atá ann sláine agus macántacht spóirt a chaomhnú. Caithfear luach sóisialta agus cultúrtha chúrsaí spóirt a chosaint agus a chinntiú nach ndéantar mí-ionramháil air ar son airgid nó a leithéid. Baineann roinnt mhaith daoine san Aontas Eorpach sult as cearrbhachas ar líne. Caithfimid a chinntiú go bhfuil na daoine seo slán ón olc ar líne.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Voto favorevolmente la relazione presentata dal collega Schaldemose sull'integrità del gioco d'azzardo online. Sono fermamente convinto che in questo settore che, detto per inciso, genera un'importantissima fonte di reddito per le organizzazioni sportive, ci debba essere una trasparenza completa che tuteli gli interessi pubblici e dei consumatori. Ritengo, infine, che una regolamentazione omogenea, e non eterogenea come quella vigente, possa essere di grande aiuto al fine di evitare che il gioco d'azzardo online possa essere avvertito come un problema sociale.


  Toomas Savi (ALDE), in writing. − Unfortunately I was unable to participate in the votes on Christel Schaldemose's report on the integrity of online gambling. However, I would like to use this opportunity to agree with the rapporteur, as the report points out several important and dangerous aspects concerning the online gambling. In 2004 the online gambling accounted for roughly 5% of the total gambling market in the EU and the numbers have been increasing rapidly over the past years.

It is important to understand, that different illegal activities such as credit card frauds, minors accessing to gambling, match-fixing etc are currently inevitable parts of online gambling. Also, the number of people addicted to gambling is likely to rise, as for many, the online gambling is very convenient.

The impact of online gambling, as the rapporteur points out correctly, has not been examined in depth yet. Therefore, for the protection of the citizens, it is crucially important, that all the Member States do an intensive research on the effects of online gambling as well as improve the monitoring and regulating of the gambling markets.


  Christel Schaldemose (PSE), in writing. − The Schaldemose report on the integrity of online gambling sets out Member States' responsibilities in regulating their gambling markets so as to protect vulnerable consumers, especially children, to tackle crime and to protect sporting events from risks such as match-fixing.

Gambling was removed from the Services Directive by MEPs on account of its special status, and there is clearly no willingness to create EU-level legislation. Labour MEPs therefore strongly support the report's call for Member States to regulate their gambling markets to protect consumers. The report also makes clear that such regulation must be proportionate and non-discriminatory, as set out in the EU Treaties.

As such, Labour MEPs believe that the UK Gambling Act represents Treaty-compliant legislation that aims to ensure fair and open access to gambling services, while preventing crime and protecting children and the vulnerable. A number of Member States are currently reviewing their legislation on gambling to ensure it is compliant with the EU Treaties.

Labour MEPs emphasise that authorities across the EU must remain vigilant and cooperate against all risks of crime, match-fixing, and threats to young people and the vulnerable from all forms of gambling. Labour MEPs welcome continued efforts by reputable operators of online gambling services to take action to ensure such concerns are met.


  Marianne Thyssen (PPE-DE), schriftelijk. − Het uitbaten van kansspelen en weddenschappen is geen economische activiteit zoals een andere, zoals sommigen in dit huis menen. Het Europees Hof van Justitie heeft in haar rechtspraak bevestigd dat het de lidstaten zélf zijn die bepalen welk niveau van bescherming zij geschikt achten om hun burgers te beschermen tegen de aan gokken verbonden gevaren.

Subsidiariteit betekent hier dus dat de lidstaten hun gokmarkten overeenkomstig hun traditie en cultuur moeten kunnen controleren én reguleren en dit om de consument te beschermen tegen de gevaren van verslaving, fraude en witwaspraktijken. Gezien de extra risico's die online gokken met zich brengen, ben ik ervan overtuigd dat nationale regelgeving niet kan worden vervangen door pan-Europese zelfregulering van de kansspelindustrie.

Ik sluit me daarom aan bij de ruime meerderheid van mijn IMCO-collega's, die menen dat de zuivere internemarktbenadering van kansspelen niet van toepassing is. Ik heb daarom ten volle het verslag-Schaldemose gesteund.


- Report: Maria Petre (A6-0088/2009)


  Adam Bielan (UEN), na piśmie. − Panie Przewodniczący! Poparłem sprawozdanie pani Marii Petre dotyczące zapewnienia jakości żywności. Jednocześnie wyrażam zaniepokojenie, że dla przeciętnego konsumenta różnice między chronionymi nazwami pochodzenia (PDO) i chronionymi oznaczeniami geograficznymi (PGI) nie są znane. Uważam, że przeprowadzenie kampanii informacyjnej w tym zakresie jest konieczne.


  Šarūnas Birutis (ALDE), raštu. − Valstybėse narėse reikia skatinti tas kokybės užtikrinimo sistemas, kurias Europos vartotojai jau gerai žino, nereikėtų šių sistemų vienodinti ar sujungti į vieną. Kad būtų užtikrintos Bendrijos kokybės sertifikavimo minimalios normos, jos turi būti įvertintos ir pripažintos Europos mastu. Todėl reikia, kad Komisijoje būtų tarnyba, kuri atsakytų už šių sistemų naudojimo Europos mastu patvirtinimą ir leidimą bei užtikrintų vienodą ir veiksmingą kontrolę europiniu ir nacionaliniu lygmeniu.


  Nicodim Bulzesc (PPE-DE), în scris. − Am votat favorabil acest raport deoarece sunt de acord cu introducerea unei indicaţii obligatorii privind locul de producere a produselor primare, printr-o etichetă indicând ţara de origine, reflectând astfel dorinţa consumatorului de a şti mai multe despre originea produsului pe care îl cumpără. Un astfel de sistem ar trebui aplicat şi produselor alimentare procesate, indicând originea principalelor ingrediente şi materii prime şi precizând locul de origine al acestora, precum şi locul prelucrării finale.


  Niels Busk, Anne E. Jensen og Karin Riis-Jørgensen (ALDE), skriftlig. − Venstres medlemmer af Europa-Parlamentet Anne E. Jensen, Karin Riis-Jørgensen og Niels Busk har stemt for Petres initiativbetænkning om fødevarekvalitet ud fra en afvejning, og fordi der kun er en samlet afstemning. Der er mest, vi kan støtte i betænkningen, men også flere ting, vi ikke bakker op omkring.


  Richard Corbett (PSE), in writing. − I was disappointed to have to abstain on this report, which should have followed up on the Commission's Green Paper in looking at how farmers across Europe get the maximum benefit in the marketplace from the high standard of their produce. It does focus on important issues such as country of origin labelling, developing the organic market, where European products are the finest in the world, and exploiting the strengths of farming in Europe to give our farmers an advantage when taking their products to market – and this part is welcome.

Unfortunately, however, the report has been hijacked by the protectionist elements in the Committee on Agriculture, and particularly by those who seek to justify massive market-distorting CAP subsidies and who want to make it harder for produce from third world countries to be imported to the EU.


  Constantin Dumitriu (PPE-DE), în scris. − Daţi-mi voie să o felicit pe colega mea, doamna Maria Petre, pentru acest excelent raport.

Sunt câteva puncte pe care trebuie să le avem în vedere atunci când vorbim despre calitatea produselor europene:

1. Implementarea „accesului la piaţă calificat” reprezintă o soluţie pentru a garanta că produsele accesibile consumatorilor europeni, fie că sunt produse aici sau importate, corespund aceloraşi standarde.

2. Costurile pe care le suportă producătorii europeni pentru a asigura siguranţa alimentelor şi cerinţele legate de eco-condiţionalitate, costuri care ar trebui să fie acoperite prin fondurile PAC

3. Promovarea produselor agricole şi alimentare specific europene. Aşa cum am solicitat şi în raportul referitor la modificarea regulamentului 3/2008, trebuie mărit procentul de co-finanţare al Uniunii Europene. Concomitent, însă, avem nevoie o simplificare a procedurilor birocratice pentru sistemul specialităţilor tradiţionale garantate şi de o mai bună protecţie a produselor cu indicaţie geografică sau denumire de origine.

Sper ca recomandările pe care le vom adopta vor fi cât mai rapid preluate de către Comisia Europeană şi statele membre pentru că nu ne permitem să pierdem timpul în astfel de momente când cetăţenii europeni sunt loviţi de efectele unei crize economice extrem de grave.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Apesar das boas intenções manifestadas, o relatório mantém e até aprofunda as políticas que estão na origem dos problemas vividos por muitos pequenos produtores, nomeadamente em Portugal. Invocando aquilo que designam como "promoção da qualidade dos produtos agrícolas europeus", aumentam os custos de produção a quem já tem dificuldades para se manter na produção, sobretudo os pequenos produtores, como é o caso das pequenas ou muito pequenas queijarias do queijo Serra da Estrela, com uma produção de inegável qualidade. É inadmissível que, para além dos produtores terem que fazer face a novas exigências para continuar a produzir sem a devida compensação financeira, ainda lhes sejam acrescentados os custos das exigências do "controlo oficial" sanitário. Ao contrário do que se apregoa, a produção de efectiva qualidade corre sérios riscos de desaparecer.

Aplicar uma harmonização das normas de produção e comercialização tanto a pequenos produtores como à agro-indústria é inaceitável. A aplicação destas normas está a arruinar a diversidade produtiva e cultural de países como Portugal. É importante inverter este rumo e promover a produção e o consumo ao nível local e considerar a agricultura como uma actividade sensível, a qual não é compatível com este modelo de liberalização comercial, insustentável ambientalmente e com enormes riscos para a saúde humana.


  Duarte Freitas (PPE-DE), por escrito. Concordo com o relatório, pois considero necessária a diminuição da burocracia e da complexidade do sistema de normas, para que assim se torne mais fácil a regulamentação e o controlo da qualidade dos produtos agrícolas.

Esta simplificação levaria, por consequência, a uma diminuição dos custos administrativos para as entidades públicas.

Saúdo ainda a atenção especial dada às denominações de origem e ao pedido à Comissão que introduza esta questão na ordem do dia da OMC.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. – On ne peut qu'approuver les intentions du rapport : veiller à la qualité des produits alimentaires européens, à la compétitivité des producteurs, à une information simple mais complète du consommateur sur l'origine des produits, au respect des appellations d'origine et des labels de qualité, à une meilleure définition des produits traditionnels ou bio...

Et le rapporteur à raison de souligner qu'il est nécessaire de prévoir que les importations de produits agricoles et alimentaires en Europe doivent répondre aux mêmes normes que celles imposées aux producteurs européens, ce qui n'est hélas pas toujours le cas. Il a raison de vouloir mettre en œuvre un accès conditionnel à nos marchés...

Il reste cependant quelques problèmes à régler : celui de la concurrence intra-communautaire déloyale, lorsqu'un Etat membre impose des normes plus strictes que celles prévues au niveau communautaire, notamment pour des raisons de santé publique ou de protection de l'environnement. Cet Etat devrait pouvoir, ne vous en déplaise, appliquer les mêmes règles que celles que vous demandez au niveau de l'OMC.

Pose également problème la cohérence avec les préoccupations environnementales de ce Parlement, qui devrait se préoccuper de promouvoir les circuits courts (manger des produits de saison produits localement), plutôt qu'une adaptation forcément imparfaite au marché mondial.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Detta betänkande utanför lagstiftningsförfarandet förordar en mängd kostnadskrävande förslag såsom till exempel en EU-myndighet för produktkvalitet och nya säljfrämjande och säljstödjande åtgärder inom jordbruket. Vi vill också varna för att det i betänkandet finns formuleringar som kan leda till en än mer protektionistisk politik för jordbruksvaror från EU:s sida.

Som vanligt kan vi i Junilistan konstatera att det i detta läge är tur att inte Europaparlamentet har medbeslutande i EU:s jordbrukspolitik, ty då skulle unionen hamna i en fälla av protektionism och tunga subventioner till olika grupper inom jordbruksnäringen.


  Mieczysław Edmund Janowski (UEN), na piśmie. − W głosowaniu opowiedziałem się za przyjęciem sprawozdania poseł Marii Petre na temat zapewnienia jakości żywności. Kwestia harmonizacji i wzajemnego uznawania norm w zakresie artykułów żywnościowych jest bardzo ważna dla zapewnienia zdrowia ludzi. Dziś coraz powszechniejsza staje się świadomość relacji między zapadalnością na różne choroby, a jakością spożywanej żywności. Samo określenie „zdrowa żywność” zdaje się zawierać paradoks. Czy bowiem, coś o czym wiadomo, że nie służy zdrowiu, można w ogóle nazywać żywnością? Jakość produktów spożywczych ma fundamentalne znaczenie dla bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego naszych obywateli. Kryteria, które powinny spełniać te produkty, muszą być jednoznaczne, zgodne ze stanem wiedzy i zasadami higieny oraz przyczyniające się do ochrony środowiska, respektujące zasady właściwego traktowania zwierząt rzeźnych. Artykuły żywnościowe muszą nadto być odpowiednio pakowane, transportowane oraz przechowywane.

Konsument winien mieć także pełną informację o kupowanym produkcie, jego składnikach, ewentualnej modyfikacji genetycznej, miejscu wytworzenia, warunkach przetrzymywania, sposobie przyrządzania, dacie przydatności do spożycia, gwarantującej dobrą jakość. Sprawozdawczyni opowiada się za tym, aby – dla zapewnienia minimalnych unijnych norm certyfikacji – wprowadzić na poziomie Komisji Europejskiej służby odpowiedzialne za sprawy certyfikacji oraz jakości produktów spożywczych. Powinno to zapewnić jednolity system kontrolny na poziome UE oraz państw członkowskich. Bazując na wcześniejszej rezolucji sprawozdanie popiera wprowadzenie specjalnego znaku jakości produktów europejskich.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. Durch die weltweite Finanz- und Lebensmittelkrise wird am Konsum gespart, weshalb der Umsatzanteil der Discounter gestiegen ist. Zudem erlegen wir unseren heimischen Nahrungsmittelproduzenten restriktive Produktionsvorschriften auf und fördern Gütesiegel und Co. Zeitgleich werden Produkte importiert, welche sich nicht an die heimischen Qualitätsstandards halten und bei denen die Einhaltung derselben nicht kontrolliert werden kann. Damit aber geraten die heimischen Landwirte unter starken Druck, es ist darauf zu achten, dass das Bauernsterben gerade in dieser schwierigen Situation nicht eskaliert und wir EU-weit die Selbstversorgungsfähigkeit mit Lebensmitteln verlieren.

Menschen, die bereit sind, für die Qualität ihrer Lebensmittel zu zahlen, verlieren im Wirrwarr der Gütesiegel und Zeichen nur allzuleicht den Überblick – nicht alles, wo Bio drauf steht, stammt aus dem heimischen Markt, nicht überall, wo ein Staat als Herkunftsland angegeben wird, stammen wirklich alle Zutaten aus diesem Land. Hier wird einiges an Schindluder getrieben, und immer wieder kommen Lebensmittelskandale und Etikettenschwindel ans Tageslicht. Die Konsumenten müssen sich endlich auf die Kennzeichnung verlassen können. Die vorliegende Initiative scheint in diese Richtung zu gehen, weshalb ich ihr zugestimmt habe.


  Alexandru Nazare (PPE-DE), în scris. − Raportul pe care colega mea, doamna Maria Petre, l-a prezentat astăzi în faţa noastră conţine o serie de recomandări pe care le susţin cu încredere: de la simplificarea birocratică în ceea ce priveşte asigurarea standardelor de calitate, la reducerea poverilor financiare pe care le suportă producătorii şi până la susţinerea produselor tradiţionale, a celor cu denumire de origine sau indicaţie geografică.

Într-un moment în care ne confruntăm cu o gravă criză economică avem obligaţia să luăm măsuri prin care să sprijinim agricultorii şi procesatorii europeni şi să asigurăm consumatorilor acces la cele mai bune produse cu cele mai avantajoase preţuri.

Cred că este necesar să asigurăm o corectă informare a consumatorilor asupra originii produselor pentru a susţine agricultura europeană, dar nu trebuie să confundăm aceste prevederi referitoare la o marcă europeană a calităţii cu un protecţionism care să închidă accesul pe piaţa comunitară. Cred mai degrabă că introducerea acestei mărci trebuie să aibă drept obiectiv promovarea produselor europene şi a avantajelor pe care acestea le au în faţa celor din ţări terţe şi o mai bună informare a consumatorilor europeni. În acelaşi timp, un sistem pentru recunoaşterea originii produselor va contribui la reducerea panicii „produselor contaminate”.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente.

Esprimo il mio voto favorevole in merito alla relazione presentata dal collega Petre riguardante la garanzia sulla qualità degli alimenti e sulla armonizzazione delle norme in questione. Penso che l'argomento sia di estrema importanza, perché la qualità degli alimenti incide in misura sempre maggiore sulla qualità della vita dei cittadini europei. L'UE, infatti, deve insistere affinché la totalità dei prodotti alimentari rispetti i requisiti di produzione, in particolar modo in materia di igiene e di sicurezza. Inoltre l'Unione europea è tenuta a garantire un'equa concorrenza tra i prodotti autoctoni e quelli dei paesi terzi. Infine, condivido l'opinione della relatrice quando afferma che, per quanto concerne le IGP (indicazioni geografiche protette), le DOP (denominazioni di origine protetta) e le STG (specialità tradizionali garantite), bisogna offrire un'assistenza tecnica comunitaria in vista dell'attuazione di tali sistemi negli Stati membri e della valorizzazione dei prodotti di origine protetta.


  Olle Schmidt (ALDE), skriftlig. − Jag valde att inte stödja Maria Petres betänkande om att främja och stärka märkningar av livsmedel. Betänkandet innehöll bra förslag om regelförenklingar och kortare handläggningstider. Dock övervägdes dessa i min mening av protektionistiska skrivningar om villkorat marknadstillträde samt viljan att skapa en överstatlig myndighet för produktkvalitet.


  Γεώργιος Τούσσας (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – ´Oταν η παραγωγή τροφίμων πραγματοποιείται με γνώμονα το κέρδος και όχι την ικανοποίηση των λαϊκών αναγκών και η παραγωγή και εμπορία τροφίμων συγκεντρώνεται σε όλο και λιγότερα χέρια και καθορίζεται από πολυεθνικές τροφίμων και καρτέλ (επιλογές που χαρακτηρίζουν την πολιτική της ΕΕ και των κυβερνήσεων των κρατών μελών), τότε τα τρόφιμα δεν μπορούν να είναι ούτε φτηνά ούτε ποιοτικά.

H υποτιθέμενη στροφή προς τα ποιοτικά τρόφιμα δεν αποσκοπεί στην αύξηση του αγροτικού εισοδήματος ή την ικανοποίηση των λαϊκών αναγκών. Στοχεύει στην αύξηση της ανταγωνιστικότητας και των κερδών για τις πολυεθνικές, στη μεγαλύτερη εκμετάλλευση του αγροτικού δυναμικού, την ακόμα μεγαλύτερη συγκέντρωση της γης και τον έλεγχο της παραγωγής.

H εισαγωγή και καλλιέργεια μεταλλαγμένων και τα αλλεπάλληλα διατροφικά σκάνδαλα δείχνουν ότι η ποιότητα και η ασφάλεια των τροφίμων στην ΕΕ υποτάσσεται στα μεγάλα συμφέροντα.

H ποιοτική ταξινόμηση των τροφίμων αποτελεί ταξική διατροφική διαφοροποίηση, που ανταποκρίνεται στη λογική της αγοράς. Πρώτης ποιότητας τρόφιμα για τα ψηλά εισοδήματα και δεύτερης ποιότητας για τη λαϊκή οικογένεια.

Oι μικρομεσαίοι αγρότες έχουν κάθε συμφέρον να αντιταχθούν στην KAΠ και την ΕΕ, στο ξεπούλημα τους στο μεγάλο κεφάλαιο, να συνταχθούν με το KKΕ και την ΠAΣΥ, τους εργαζόμενους και τους αυτοαπασχολούμενους, στην κοινωνική συμμαχία για την ανατροπή της κυριαρχίας και της εξουσίας των μονοπωλίων.


- Report: Jonathan Evans (A6-011/2009)


  Šarūnas Birutis (ALDE), raštu. − Konkurencijos politikos atnaujinimas yra itin svarbus veiksnys rengiant naują ES konkurencijos politikos užtikrinimo struktūrą ir veikimą. Esminiai šio proceso elementai yra nacionalinių konkurencijos institucijų bendradarbiavimas ir koordinavimas per Europos konkurencijos tinklą. Europos Parlamentas išreiškė rimtą susirūpinimą, kad be veiksmingo EKT politikos atnaujinimas iš esmės tebūtų konkurencijos politikos renacionalizavimas, o tai akivaizdžiai pakenktų vienodo konkurencijos politikos užtikrinimo visoje ES koncepcijai. 2006 ir 2007 m. ataskaitose teigiamai įvertintas EKT darbo veiksmingumas ir plėtra, remiantis lankstumo ir pragmatiškumo kriterijais. Sveikintinos yra ir pastangos finansuoti valstybių teisėjų, aiškinančių ES konkurencijos teisę ir užtikrinančių jos įgyvendinimą, mokymą ir teisminį bendradarbiavimą.


  David Casa (PPE-DE), in writing. − This report highlights the importance of the free trade and fair competition principle and affirms the importance of what was signed in the Treaty of Rome. We must ensure effective anti-trust measures so that we will be protected against restrictive trade abuse.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Votámos contra o relatório, dado que nem sequer aceitaram uma proposta de preocupação com os abusos de dominação do mercado por parte de grandes empresas, nomeadamente no que diz respeito a grandes cadeias de supermercados, que abusam do seu poder de compra para forçar em baixa os preços pagos aos fornecedores situados na União Europeia e em países terceiros.

De igual forma, não mostraram a determinação necessária para investigar o impacto que a concentração do sector dos supermercados tem nas pequenas empresas, nos fornecedores, nos trabalhadores e nos consumidores e, em particular, para avaliar os abusos do poder de compra que podem decorrer dessa concentração.

A resolução adoptada mantém toda a linha de intervenção na defesa da concorrência e contra os serviços públicos, dando seguimento à famigerada directiva Bolkestein, insistindo sempre na necessidade de cumprimento das regras do mercado interno. E, lamentavelmente, mesmo quando fala da crise e das dificuldades das economias, insiste na vigilância da Comissão para não pôr em causa a concorrência. Ou seja, perante a crise que o capitalismo neoliberal provocou, a solução é mais do mesmo, o que é inaceitável.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, comunico il mio voto favorevole in merito alle relazioni presentate dal collega Evans riguardanti le politiche di concorrenza del 2006 e del 2007. Nel settore della concorrenza, in questi anni, sono stati compiuti enormi passi in avanti. Se pensiamo, infatti, al controllo delle concentrazioni tra imprese e agli aiuti di Stato (problema diventato di primaria importanza in seguito alla crisi finanziaria ed economica dei mercati), la Commissione ha svolto una mole di lavoro sempre maggiore. È per questo motivo che condivido il parere del collega quando si parla di un necessario ammodernamento del quadro giuridico e istituzionale del settore.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − Given the state of the economic crisis which grips the European Union and which has a global reach, it was important for Parliament to find agreement. This report has finally found a route to agree between ourselves in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. Obviously, concerns about state intervention are of the highest ranking but, given the nature of the damage caused by under-consumption and a shrinking manufacturing base, some relief at the level of government expenditure is necessary.


- Report: Edit Herczog (A6-0074/2009)


  Liam Aylward (UEN), in writing. − Small businesses are the backbone of the European economy, accounting for 98% of all European businesses and employing up to 60% of the EU’s workers. The European Commission is to be applauded in its initiatives to date and its continuing work aimed at eliminated red tape for small businesses. Ms Herczog’s report recognises the work done by the Commission and calls for further steps in this direction.

While I certainly support many of the comments contained in the report on the Small Business Act, I was very disappointed that the report that emerged from the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy contained a paragraph calling for a common consolidated corporate tax base. I would have hoped that there would be global recognition at this stage that the CCCTB proposal is badly thought out and ill-advised. This issue is of such importance to Ireland, especially in these economic times, that I had to vote against this proposal. Doing so will have no adverse affects on the commendable work that is being done for small business but will send out a strong message that we must take a stand against unproductive, unwieldy and ill-conceived proposals that will be of no benefit to the European economy.


  Gerard Batten, Nigel Farage and Jeffrey Titford (IND/DEM), in writing. − This act proposes various measures, some of which might be of assistance to small businesses, but whose overall effect is to promote EU control, churning of the population, feminist agendas and infiltration of businesses by EU officials ‘on work experience’. These elements make it impossible for UKIP to support this proposal.


  Šarūnas Birutis (ALDE), raštu. − Globali finansinė krizė, sulėtėjęs ekonomikos augimas neigiamai įtakoja verslumo lygį, todėl sveikintinos šios SVA įtvirtintos priemonės, kurių įgyvendinimas ekonomikos augimui būtų pats efektyviausias: sudaryti kuo palankesnes sąlygas MVĮ gauti finansavimą; supaprastinti verslo perdavimo sąlygas; sąžiningiems verslininkams, patyrusiems bankrotą, suteikti galimybę antrą kartą pradėti verslą. Labai svarbi iniciatyva MVĮ sudaryti kuo palankesnes sąlygas gauti finansavimą (rizikos kapitalą, mikrokreditus ir pan.).

Kylant energijos ir žaliavų kainoms, MVĮ tampa ypač pažeidžiamos, todėl įgyvendinant SVA yra sustiprinamas konkurencingumo aspektas. Tik kompleksinės priemonės, t. y. aukštesnių gamybos procesų ir produktų ekologinių standartų ES viduje skatinimas, kartu su tų pačių standartų populiarinimu visame pasaulyje bei dar labiau sustiprinta ES rinkos priežiūra galės prisidėti prie bendrų pasaulinių iššūkių, tokių kaip klimato kaita, iškastinių energetinių resursų mažėjimas.


  David Casa (PPE-DE), in writing. − Every initiative that supports SMEs or improves their conditions should be applauded, and this report has many valid arguments that will be of great value to SMEs throughout Europe. We must capitalise on the major benefits of the current progress and ensure that we include the creation of a superior operational business environment for SMEs, including a more effective regulatory culture taking root across Europe.


  Derek Roland Clark (IND/DEM), in writing. − This report proposes various measures, some of which might be of assistance to small businesses, but whose overall effect is to promote EU-control, churning of the population, feminist agendas and infiltration of businesses by EU-officials ‘on work-experience’. These elements make it impossible for the UKIP to support this proposal.


  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), por escrito. Embora 99% das empresas da UE sejam PME (23 milhões) - responsáveis pela criação de 80% dos novos empregos na UE nos últimos anos - as regras normalmente criadas são, na sua maioria, destinadas às 41000 grandes empresas europeias fomentando óbvios desequilíbrios em termos de competitividade.

É já tempo de inverter esta tendência e de apostar nos sectores da economia onde verdadeiramente é criada riqueza, com uma política baseada na recompensa do mérito, colocando as PME europeias junto das suas congéneres pelo mundo fora.

Para mais, devido ao seu carácter flexível, as PME são empresas habituadas a estar na linha da frente da inovação nas suas áreas, pelo que o SBA é um importante passo em frente para a concretização da Estratégia de Lisboa.

Por isso, os deputados do PSD apoiam este relatório em coerência aliás, com as medidas propostas em Portugal pela Presidente do PSD, Dra. Manuela Ferreira Leite


  Avril Doyle (PPE-DE), in writing. − The Commission’s proposal for a Small Business Act is part of a Communication containing legislative proposals, guiding principles and measures to be implemented to help SMEs in Europe. I welcome the articulation of ten guiding principles, which focus on the needs and requirements of SMEs and aim to help them realise their full market potential.

The provisions for legislation that is fully aware of the needs and requirements of its intended recipients are welcome, as is the adaptation of public policy tools to the needs of SMEs. Vitally important is the introduction of means of using the present crisis to respond to the environmental crisis by increasing efficiency, through thorough environmental management systems. As the Rapporteur on EU-ETS, I am aware, as I hope we all are, of the need to act and act promptly if we hope to solve this challenge.

While I agree with much of this report, I am wary of proposals for a corporate consolidated tax base and voted against accordingly.


  Ilda Figueiredo (GUE/NGL), por escrito. Apesar de toda a fraseologia e aparentes boas intenções na defesa das PME, o relatório visa outros objectivos, designadamente: impulsionar a livre concorrência, o mercado interno, ou seja, de facto, apoiar os grupos económicos e financeiros; insistir na liberalização dos serviços, incluindo serviços públicos e, com cobertura de um pseudo-apoio às pequenas e médias empresas, agravar a exploração dos trabalhadores.

De facto, em nome de 91,5% das empresas da União Europeia, que empregavam menos de 10 trabalhadores em 2003, querem melhores condições para destruir serviços públicos essenciais, desregulamentar o mercado laboral, pôr em causa direitos sociais e laborais. É o neoliberalismo no seu mais visível papel.

Por isso, votámos contra o relatório, na defesa de efectivas medidas de apoio às micro, pequenas e médias empresas, de outra política que salvaguarde o seu papel e importante contributo para a produção industrial, agrícola e no domínio das pescas, para o emprego com direitos, o comércio e a resposta a necessidades fundamentais das populações.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI), par écrit. – Monsieur le Président, mes chers collègues,

Nous avons approuvé ce rapport qui énumère, sous forme de vœux qui resteront sans doute virtuels un certain temps, les moyens et méthodes pour faciliter la vie des petites entreprises dans l'Union européenne.

Quelques remarques cependant.

La demande, discrète il est vrai, d'une sorte de discrimination positive à l'égard des PME, je cite, "détenues par des minorités ethniques sous-représentées" est inutile, incompréhensible et totalement idéologique.

L'accès des PME, et notamment des PME locales, aux marchés publics, que le rapporteur entend favoriser désormais, a été entravé par les textes votés il y a quinze ans dans cette assemblée même, malgré les mises en gardes contre leurs effets pervers. Ces textes promouvaient de fait l'accès des grandes entreprises, étrangères notamment, aux marchés publics, entreprises disposant de l'information et des moyens administratifs et juridiques de postuler à ces marchés, quand les PME locales ne les avaient pas.

L'accès des PME aux aides nationales et européennes existantes est d'une extraordinaire complexité, du fait des exigences des lois européennes elles-mêmes.

Bref, une fois de plus, on a l'impression qu'il faut régler par des textes européens des problèmes prévisibles nés d'autres textes européens.


  Françoise Grossetête (PPE-DE), par écrit. – J’ai voté en faveur du rapport Herczog sur la mise en place d’un Small Business Act.

Dans ce contexte de crise économique et financière, nos PME sont les premières victimes en voyant les banques leur restreindre l’accès aux crédits. Il est urgent de relancer le moteur de leur croissance. Le lancement d'un "Small Business Act" européen permettra de renforcer la compétitivité des PME pour enfin passer des paroles aux actes. Le Parlement européen a adressé un signal fort au Conseil et à la Commission européenne afin d'assurer l'application effective du Small Business Act, à savoir la "priorité aux PME", pour que ces nouvelles mesures soient comprises et appliquées par toutes ces entreprises en y incluant notamment les actions suivantes: éviter les charges inutiles, favoriser l’émergence d’entreprises moyennes et innovantes au-delà de la définition communautaire des PME (250 salariés), faciliter l’accès des PME aux financements et aux marchés publics pour renforcer leur potentiel de croissance.

Je regrette néanmoins que ce plan d'action ne constitue pas un instrument juridiquement contraignant.


  Mieczysław Edmund Janowski (UEN), na piśmie. − Poparłem sprawozdanie pani poseł Edit Herczog dotyczące Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw – „Small Business Act”, gdyż traktuję ten dokument jako ważny akt prawny dotyczący najmniejszych organizmów gospodarczych, które zapewniają obecnie ok. 100 milionów miejsc pracy w UE. Stanowią one prawie 99% wszystkich unijnych przedsiębiorstw. W tym też kontekście i wobec faktu, że obecna kryzysowa sytuacja grozi poważnymi perturbacjami ekonomicznymi, należy doprowadzić do wejścia w życie prawnych regulacji na poziomie UE, które ułatwiałyby funkcjonowanie tych przedsiębiorstw. Dotyczyć to powinno zwłaszcza takich kwestii, jak przenoszenie własności przedsiębiorstw (szczególnie w przypadku choroby właściciela lub jego emerytury), ujednolicenie terminów płatności w transakcjach handlowych (tak, aby nie pojawiały się „zapaści kredytowe”).

Dokument ten akcentuje również znaczenie innowacyjności, badań naukowych, patentów i wynalazczości oraz ochrony własności intelektualnej, a także handlu elektronicznego dla tych przedsiębiorstw. Małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa powinny także mieć zapewniony dostęp do źródeł finansowania, w tym również funduszy europejskich oraz kredytów. Odrębną, ale nie mniej istotną sprawą jest ograniczenie biurokracji stanowiącej dla wielu MŚP prawdziwą zmorę. Na uznanie zasługuje zestawienie dziesięciu zasad dotyczących ukierunkowania polityki wobec małych przedsiębiorstw, tak na szczeblu UE, jak i państw członkowskich. Za istotne uznaję także podkreślenie potrzeby wspierania i promowania działalności MŚP w ramach transgranicznych na jednolitym rynku unijnym.


  Astrid Lulling (PPE-DE), par écrit. – La communication de la Commission sur le "Small Business Act" revêt une importance toute particulière dans le contexte actuel. Elle explicite en effet les principes fondamentaux qui devraient présider à l'élaboration et à la mise en œuvre des politiques, tant au niveau de l'Union européenne qu'au niveau national, afin de créer des conditions d'égalité pour toutes les PME opérant sur le territoire européen. Sur un plan plus opérationnel, elle contient également un paquet de plus de cinquante mesures distinctes, y compris quatre propositions législatives qui traduisent ces principes dans les actes. Le soutien apporté aux PME, plus particulièrement en ce temps de grave crise économique, doit être une priorité absolue. L'investissement des PME est une des clés de la reprise tant attendue.

Étant donné que la plupart des actions relèvent de la compétence des États membres, il convient de trouver les moyens d'impliquer les États membres et les instances communautaires afin de garantir que les PME tireront une valeur ajoutée des mesures qui les concernent. Certains amendements déposés par mon groupe visent à faire du principe "Think Small First" une part obligatoire de toute future législation. Je soutiens aussi l'idée d'une ligne budgétaire distincte pour les PME...

(Explication de vote écourtée en application de l'article 163 du règlement)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE), in writing. − Paragraph 68 of this report contains a reference to a common consolidated corporate tax base, stating that there should be a common basis for company taxation. That is something which I cannot and do not support. Taxation is a Member State competence, not an EU one, and any reference to a CCCTB inevitably brings concerns about EU corporate tax rates, which is not something I can support.

I therefore rejected the first part of the paragraph, and because the plenary voted overall in favour of that paragraph, I voted against this report in the final vote.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI), schriftlich. Wenn nun zum ersten Mal die Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (KMU) im Mittelpunkt der europäischen Gesetzgebung stehen, dann ist das kein Grund zum Feiern, sondern ein Trauerspiel! 2009 wird wohl ein Schicksalsjahr sein, in dem sich das Überleben Tausender KMU entscheidet. Denn wenn die Leitbetriebe zusperren, werden die Kleinen unweigerlich folgen.

Die viel besprochene Kreditklemme zeichnet sich jedenfalls im Rückgang des Kreditvolumens deutlich ab. Hier gilt es dafür zu sorgen, dass den KMU mit Basel II nicht endgültig der Geldhahn abgedreht wird. Und wenn wir Bürokratieabbau betreiben wollen, darf nicht die Vereinfachung eines Verfahrens – sofern diese überhaupt beim Unternehmen spürbar wird – durch Erschwerungen in anderen Bereichen wieder aufgehoben werden. Nicht zuletzt müssen auch die Ausschreibungen und Auftragsvergaben mittelstandsfreundlicher werden, damit auch Kleinunternehmen eine Chance haben. Ich habe für den Small Business Act gestimmt, in der Hoffnung, dass dies diesmal endlich mehr ist als ein Blatt Papier mit Zielvorgaben und auch tatsächlich umgesetzt wird.


  Luca Romagnoli (NI), per iscritto. − Signor Presidente, esprimo il mio voto favorevole in merito alla relazione presentata dalla collega Herczog sullo "Small business act". È evidente la rilevanza che assumono le PMI all'interno dell'Unione europea e proprio per questo motivo intendo appoggiare il puntuale lavoro svolto dalla collega. La politica, gli interventi pubblici, il contesto sociale devono tutti quanti rispondere alle esigenze della realtà delle piccole imprese, che costituiscono la vera e propria spina dorsale dell'Unione europea. Per questo motivo mi trovo d'accordo con la relazione, in special modo per ciò che riguarda le proposte legislative sull'esenzione generale della categoria PMI riguardo agli aiuti di Stato.


  José Albino Silva Peneda (PPE-DE), por escrito. É sabido que as PME são responsáveis por mais de 90% dos postos de trabalho na Europa, mas com a crise que vivemos muitos dos seus trabalhadores caíram já, ou cairão em breve no desemprego.

A agilização de procedimentos dos fundos estruturais promovida pela Comissão é um sinal que deve ser saudado como positivo.

A globalização associada à crise actual veio alterar muitas das circunstâncias que serviram de base a decisões tomadas a nível europeu no passado e que, na época, foram consideradas correctas.

A esta luz, tenho a convicção de que, por exemplo, alguns pontos das políticas regional e de coesão devem ser revisitados.

Também devemos examinar as condições financeiras vigentes para as PME que são decisivas, especialmente quando têm de pagar os empréstimos em tempo de fraca animação da actividade económica.

Apoio, assim, este relatório já que é precisamente nestes momentos que devemos pensar nas PME e no seu contributo para a inovação, o crescimento económico e o emprego.

Por isso, é preciso que existam políticas anti-cíclicas a nível europeu, o que obriga a que sejam dados passos muito mais decisivos com vista à criação de uma verdadeira política macroeconómica a nível europeu que ainda não existe.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − I welcome this report and was pleased to vote for its main text with little exception. I cannot agree with a common consolidated corporate tax base as there is no agreement for this. Similarly, on the issue of penalties for exceeding limits on late payments, I prefer the Late Payments Directive so as to avoid confusion.

Given that small- to medium-sized businesses are the strongest element of growth in the economy, this proposal helps to strengthen the conditions for such growth. The south-east of England should benefit from such an approach.


  Silvia-Adriana Ţicău (PSE), în scris. − Am votat pentru Rezoluţia Parlamentului European referitoare la un „Small Business Act” pentru Europa deoarece este foarte important să se creeze condiții-cadru mai bune destinate să instituie un mediu care să promoveze inovarea de către IMM-uri, în special prin introducerea unor modalităţi de îmbunătăţire a protejării drepturilor de proprietate intelectuală şi de combatere mai eficientă a fraudei şi contrafacerilor în întreaga Uniune Europeană.

Este necesar un efort comun din partea instituţiilor financiare, a Comisiei şi a statelor membre pentru a asigura accesul IMM-urilor la finanţare şi să le ofere posibilitatea să-şi consolideze capitalul prin reinvestirea profitului în întreprindere. Am votat pentru amendamentul prin care se solicită acţiuni imediate pentru a nu se percepe plata unor taxe înainte de începerea activităţii IMM-urilor, pentru a le asigura acestora capacitatea de a-şi crea propriile resurse. Am solicitat ca BEI să elaboreze noi instrumente financiare şi noi soluţii tangibile pentru obstacolul reprezentat de garanţii la obţinerea de credite. De asemenea, având în vedere actuala criză financiară, am solicitat statelor membre să încurajeze băncile să garanteze IMM-urilor accesul la credite în condiţii rezonabile.

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