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Proċedura : 2008/2289(INI)
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Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 12/03/2009 - 5
CRE 12/03/2009 - 5

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 12/03/2009 - 7.17
CRE 12/03/2009 - 7.17
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
Il-Ħamis, 12 ta' Marzu 2009 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta

8. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

Explications de vote orales


- Rapport: Vincenzo Aita (A6-0086/2009)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I just wish to say on this report that I am pleased that our group’s Amendment 1 was accepted and, therefore, I welcome this development. There is a challenge to protect soils in the European Union, but it is a Member State competence and does not require an EU approach, or EU directives or regulations. Therefore, I welcome the outcome of this vote.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0104/2009)


  Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE). - Herr Präsident! Ich bin sehr glücklich darüber und möchte mich auch beim Kollegen Swoboda herzlich dafür bedanken, dass dieser wichtige Bericht mit einem sehr großen Konsens verabschiedet worden ist.

Ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um an die slowenischen Kollegen, für die und für deren Land ich große Sympathie habe, zu appellieren, wieder zu einem Weg zu finden, bei dem wir die großen Leistungen Sloweniens für die europäische Integration fortsetzen. Das Land hat als erstes neues Beitrittsland den Euro eingeführt, war als erstes bei Schengen dabei. Slowenien ist ein Pionier der europäischen Einigung. Ich wünsche mir, dass Slowenien in seinem nationalen Interesse auch der Pionier des EU-Beitritts Kroatiens wird.


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, ik ben principieel voorstander van de toetreding van Kroatië tot de Europese Unie, maar ik heb niet voor dit verslag gestemd. Ik heb mij van stemming onthouden, omdat er zich toch nog een aantal problemen voordoen in Kroatië, zoals bijvoorbeeld het corruptieprobleem. Nu heeft de ervaring ons geleerd dat de corruptie nog is toegenomen in een aantal landen die zijn toegetreden tot de Europese Unie, maar die er eigenlijk nog niet helemaal klaar voor waren.

Het probleem met dit verslag is dat er vermeld wordt dat de afronding van de onderhandelingen misschien zou kunnen plaatsvinden in 2009, dus nog dit jaar, terwijl het eigenlijk volgens mij niet verstandig is om ons vast te pinnen op een datum en dat men Kroatië zou moeten laten toetreden op het moment dat het land er volledig klaar voor is. Dat is op dit moment nog helemaal niet het geval.


  Romana Jordan Cizelj (PPE-DE). - Povedati moram, da si želim, da bi Hrvaška čimprej postala članica Evropske unije, in da si to želi tudi Slovenija. Če pa ji želimo to, potem moramo pomagati in sodelovati. Spore moremo reševati tako, da pozorno prisluhnemo vsem vpletenim stranem. V tem poročilu, v tem, kar je danes podprl Evropski parlament, pa pravzaprav ni zaznati, da smo bili uravnoteženi, ko smo odločali o tako imenovanem hrvaško – slovenskem mejnem sporu. Če bi želeli biti uravnoteženi, potem je minimum, kar bi morali vključiti v poročilo, tudi načelo pravičnosti.

Pa še to želim povedati, da če želimo, da bomo resnično ta problem razrešili, potem bi morali zagotoviti, da bosta obe državi članici upoštevali to, rezultat tega mednarodnega telesa. Zato bi morala oba parlamenta vnaprej ratificirati njegov rezultat.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0105/2009)


  Маруся Иванова Любчева (PSE). - Благодаря, г-н Председател. Аз подкрепих доклада за напредъка на Турция. Преговорите с Турция за присъединяване към Европейския съюз са сериозно предизвикателство към всички страни-членки, от политическо, икономическо значение и от значение за въпроса на сигурността. Особено важно е страната да изпълнява критериите за присъединяване, последователност, достатъчна прецизност и прозрачност към гражданите на Европейския съюз. Намирам за особено важно процесът да преминава през доброто сътрудничество със съседните страни. В този смисъл считам, че трябва да отбележим известен напредък между България и Турция с постигнато съгласие за започване на преговори по отношение на нерешени до момента въпроси, а именно разрешаване на имуществените проблеми на тракийските бежанци, и това стана благодарение на усилията на Европейския парламент. Ние ще следим този процес с особено внимание, тъй като той засяга правата на хиляди хора и тези права трябва да се спазват на територията на Европейския съюз. Тракийският въпрос е също толкова важен, колкото са отношенията на Турция с останалите съседни държави. Благодаря.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0104/2009)


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE-DE). - Vieme, že ako boli naši priatelia na Balkáne skúšaní. Ako Slovinsko, tak aj Chorvátsko, keď ich napadlo Srbsko a naše sympatie boli na obidvoch stranách. Musím povedať, že prijatím Slovinska do Európskej únie v čase, keď ešte neboli celkom vyriešené všetky spory medzi Slovinskom a Chorvátskom, bola Európska únia veľkorysá a myslím si, že takýto podobný postoj by sme mali prejaviť aj teraz voči Chorvátsku.

Je mi ľúto, že niektorí politici v Slovinsku by radi blokovali teraz vstup Chorvátska, ale ako som si aj vypočul z úst mojej kolegyne pani Jordan Cizelj, ona je za taký rozumný a taký, by som povedal, vyvážený prístup k tejto politickej otázke. Ja verím, že tá neformálna dohoda, ktorá pod záštitou Komisie bude ďalej rozdebatovaná medzi Chorvátskom a Slovinskom, prinesie úspech.


  Le Président. - Chers collègues, permettez-moi de préciser un point de règlement. Pour intervenir lors des explications de vote, vous devez en faire la demande au service de la Séance avant le début de ces explications. Je suis bien évidemment d'une grande flexibilité et je donne la parole aux collègues ici présents. Mais nous ne sommes pas dans la procédure "catch the eye". Il s'agit ici d'une inscription préalable, avant le début des explications de vote.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0105/2009)


  Кристиан Вигенин (PSE). - Г-н Председател, аз подкрепих доклада, който беше внесен за напредъка на Турция, тъй като считам, че той е един обективен доклад, който дава възможност и на Турция, и на Европейския съюз заедно да продължат напред подготовката на Турция за членство. В същото време изразявам известно неудовлетворение, че парламентарната зала отхвърли предложението на групата на социалистите да бъде записано, че членството на Турция в Европейския съюз е една споделена цел за Турция и за Европейския съюз.

Смятам, че за да искаме по-бърз напредък на Турция по проблемите, които виждаме в нейното развитие, ние трябва също така да бъдем достатъчно отворени и да не оставяме съмнение у нашите партньори, че все пак този процес наистина има за цел приемането на Турция в Европейския съюз. Ролята на Турция ще нараства и Европейският съюз има интерес да има сред своите членки една страна, която не е християнска, защото това ще ни даде редица възможности ние да водим политики, които към момента са невъзможни. Благодаря Ви.


  Димитър Стоянов (NI). - Уважаеми колеги, делегацията на "Атака" гласува против доклада за напредъка на Турция, защото ние не виждаме никакъв напредък, а такъв не би могло и да има. Турция не се съобразява с нищо друго, освен със собствените си интереси, които не включват зачитане на човешките права и на другите европейски и християнски ценности. Вече 80 години Турция не изпълнява Договора от Анкара, по който дължи 10 милиарда долара на България. Представете си колко ще изпълнява европейските норми.

Вчера г-н Wiersma спомена, че непризнаването на арменския геноцид от 1915-16 г. е проблем, но какво да кажем тогава за геноцида над българите, продължил 500 години, кланетата в Стара Загора, Батак и Перущица, описани от международната европейска комисия през 1876 г.? Г-н Wiersma също така каза, че в ЕС няма място за ислямистка Турция, но преди 20 години турските ислямисти взривяваха вагони с жени и деца в България. За тези терористи Турция плати да им бъдат построени паметници. Това е днешна Турция, управлявана от фундаменталистка и ислямистка партия. Това са нейните ценности и ние смятаме, че те са негодни за Европа.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI). - Monsieur le Président, errare humanum est, perseverare diabolicum. Jamais cette maxime latine n'a été autant appropriée que dans la lamentable saga des négociations de l'adhésion avec la Turquie.

Depuis 2005, vous nous répétez les mêmes constats négatifs en matière de droits de l'homme, en matière de respect des minorités, en matière d'engagements pris envers l'Union, tout en maintenant intact l'objectif d'adhésion.

Or, en réalité, le problème n'est pas là. Le fond du problème réside dans la volonté des Européens de ne plus assumer les conséquences d'une liberté d'établissement qui découlerait nécessairement de l'adhésion.

Il réside aussi dans le fait que la Turquie appartient géographiquement, culturellement, linguistiquement et spirituellement à une zone différente de l'Europe. Il faut par conséquent abandonner cette fiction, il faut abandonner cette mascarade de l'adhésion et il faut entamer immédiatement des discussions pour le concret, c'est-à-dire pour un partenariat reposant sur nos intérêts mutuels et réciproques. Il faut abandonner cette procédure d'adhésion.


  Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE). - Herr Präsident! Die Türkei hat auf den entscheidenden Gebieten – Menschenrechte, Minderheitenrechte, Religionsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit – so gut wie keine Fortschritte gemacht, sondern in den letzten Tagen sogar einige Rückschritte erlebt.

Unabhängig davon wird aber von der Kommission behauptet, wir seien trotzdem zu einer positiven Stellungnahme verpflichtet, weil es hier um einen wichtigen strategischen Partner gehe. Das stimmt, aber das ist Sache der Außenpolitik. Da brauchen wir strategische Partnerschaften, das ist kein Beitrittskriterium.

Ich habe aber dennoch ganz klar für den Bericht gestimmt, weil der sozialistische Antrag, den Bericht auf den Beitritt zu fixieren, abgelehnt wurde. Dieser Bericht ist ein großer Erfolg und Durchbruch von uns, weil er ausdrücklich vermeidet, den Beitritt als Ziel festzulegen, und weil er von einem ergebnisoffenen Prozess spricht, der lang dauert und dessen Ausgang heute noch unklar ist. Lieber hätten wir ein ganz klares Nein zur Vollmitgliedschaft gehabt, aber diese Formulierung kommt dem immerhin ziemlich nahe und ist deshalb ein großer Erfolg für jene, die der Meinung sind: Partnerschaft mit der Türkei als Gegenstand der Außenpolitik ja – Beitritt nein!


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, ik heb mij van stemming onthouden bij de stemming over het verslag over Turkije, omdat ik van mening ben dat dit verslag enerzijds wel een hele waslijst bevat aan kritiek ten opzichte van een aantal grote misstanden die er nog altijd in Turkije zijn, maar de enige mogelijke conclusie van dit verslag had eigenlijk moeten zijn dat de onderhandelingen moeten worden stilgelegd, en wel definitief, omdat er na drie jaar nog altijd geen noemenswaardige verbetering in de situatie in Turkije is.

Ik ben sowieso van mening dat de Europese Unie een Europees project moet blijven, en dat er daarom voor een land als Turkije, wat geen Europees land is, geen plaats mag zijn binnen die Europese Unie.

Gisteren heeft een collega van de Socialistische Fractie gezegd dat hij nooit zou accepteren dat Turkije verder wordt geïslamiseerd, welnu, ik hoop dat hij en zijn fractie zich ook zullen verzetten tegen de islamisering van Europa, maar ik maak mij terzake heel weinig illusies.


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE). - Mr President, this report sets out Turkey’s progress towards eventual membership of the EU. That is an eventual aim that I support. However, I do have some concerns about Turkey’s progress towards membership.

One of my concerns is the gradual erosion of the secular republican ideal and the growth of religion in politics. I am also worried about some of the human rights abuses in Turkey that have been documented and some of the actions that have been taken against minority communities. We need to see action over some of those areas before we can consider Turkish membership.

However, it is also important for us to be honest with Turkey, and to say clearly and unambiguously that, if it fulfils all the conditions that other Member States have fulfilled, then it has the right to join. It is not right for individual heads of Member States to put unfair and unbalanced obstacles in the path of Turkish membership. If Turkey fulfils the conditions, then it has the right to join, and should be permitted to do so. We need an EU which is wider and not deeper.


  Κυριάκος Τριανταφυλλίδης (GUE/NGL). - Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υπερψήφισα την έκθεση για την Τουρκία λόγω των θετικών για την Κύπρο στοιχείων στις παραγράφους 32 και 40, παρότι διαφωνώ με το περιεχόμενο των τροπολογιών αριθ. 9 και 10.

Η τροπολογία αριθ. 9 εισάγει την απαράδεκτη θέση για παρεκκλίσεις, έστω και μεταβατικές, από τις αρχές στις οποίες εδράζεται η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των τεσσάρων θεμελιωδών ελευθεριών. Αυτό γίνεται σε μια περίοδο όπου διεξάγονται διαπραγματεύσεις μεταξύ των ηγετών των δύο κοινοτήτων στην Κύπρο, οι οποίοι, και μόνο, μπορούν να αποφασίσουν επί του προκειμένου.

Η τροπολογία αριθ. 10 έρχεται σε αντίθεση με το γεγονός ότι η ΚΕΠΑΑ αποτελεί κεκτημένο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και των κρατών μελών, επομένως δεν μπορεί να δοθεί λευκή επιταγή για συμμετοχή στις διαδικασίες σχεδιασμού και λήψης αποφάσεων σε τρίτες χώρες.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0106/2009)


  Árpád Duka-Zólyomi (PPE-DE). - Macedónia három éve tagjelölt állam. Ennek ellenére a csatlakozási tárgyalások még nem kezdődtek el. Ha az Unió részéről nem történik gyors, határozott lépés, akkor a hitelvesztés destabilizáló következményekkel járhat a régióban. Macedónia sokat fejlődött az elmúlt években, jók a gazdasági eredményei, az ország egyre közelebb kerül a működő piacgazdasághoz és a jogalkotás terén is sikeres. Létrejött az összhang a kormány és az ellenzék, a polgári társadalom valamint a közvélemény között, hogy az ország minél hamarabb feleljen meg a koppenhágai kritériumoknak. Jól megszervezték a nemzeti és etnikai közösségek együttélését is. Érthetetlen, hogy Görögország miért fékezi olyan csökönyösen a csatlakozási tárgyalások megkezdését. Az ország elnevezése ne legyen akadálya ennek! Párhozamosan is folyhatnak kétoldali tárgyalások a névről. Támogatom a jelentést, mert fontos üzenet a macedón nép felé, és döntő impulzus lesz az érdemi tárgyalások ez évi megkezdéséhez. Köszönöm szépen.


  Bernd Posselt (PPE-DE). - Herr Präsident! Dieser Bericht sendet ein wichtiges Signal an ein Land, das eine stabilisierende Rolle spielt, das eine vorbildliche Minderheitengesetzgebung hat, das eine breite Regierungsmehrheit hat, in der alle Nationalitäten vertreten sind, und das unter der Leitung von Premierminister Gruevski einen klaren europäischen Kurs eingeschlagen hat. Deshalb habe ich gerne für diesen Bericht gestimmt, und ich bin der Ansicht, dass wir vor allem zwei Signale hervorheben müssen: Erstens wollen wir, dass noch in diesem Jahr von Rat und Kommission gesagt wird, wann die Beitrittsverhandlungen beginnen sollen, zweitens dulden wir keine bilateralen Störmanöver, schon gar nicht, was diese groteske Namensfrage betrifft. Das Land heißt Mazedonien, ob das einigen passt oder nicht, und wir müssen endlich damit beginnen, diesem Land den Weg nach Europa zu ebnen.


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, ik heb tegen het verslag-Meijer gestemd, omdat ik en mijn partij van oordeel zijn dat er na de toetreding van Kroatië een onbepaalde uitbreidingsstop moet komen. De Europese burgers willen van geen verdere uitbreidingen weten op korte en middellange termijn, zeker niet van een uitbreiding naar Turkije natuurlijk. Maar het wordt tijd dat dit Parlement eens luistert naar degenen die het geacht wordt te vertegenwoordigen.

Ik kant mij dan ook tegen de aanzet tot toetredingsonderhandelingen met de FYROM, waartoe dit Parlement oproept en ook tegen de toekenning van een Europees perspectief aan gans de westelijke Balkan. Bepaalde van die landen of entiteiten zijn door en door islamitisch en mogen wat mij betreft niet toetreden tot de Europese Unie.


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I was very pleased with the vote today.

I visited Macedonia very recently, on behalf of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy, set up by Margaret Thatcher when she was Prime Minister of my country, and saw a country with vibrant political parties and a fascinating tax policy, with flat taxes on both corporation and income tax, and a growing economy. It is a country that this coming month is going to have free, fair and honest elections – probably better than the ones we recently had in the UK, with postal votes. Such a country should be allowed to join the European Union, should it choose to, based on its own self-determination – which is why my previous colleagues should possibly reflect on this matter.

Today we have seen a significant change because, up until this point, Greek Members of this House have been making themselves look completely absurd, and have been placed in a position of ridicule because of their arguments about the name of this country, which is the Republic of Macedonia.


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE). - Mr President, the problem with speaking after Mr Heaton Harris is that he has made many of the same points I wanted to make on this issue. It seems to me blatantly absurd that Greece should continue to pursue this long-standing and, frankly, ridiculous tirade against the name of Macedonia. I have some beautiful counties in my constituency – Durham, Northumberland – and it really does not bother me too much if another Member State wishes to give itself the names of those fantastic counties.

For the accession negotiations to be held up not because of an ethnic dispute or a democratic dispute or a human rights dispute but purely because the country decides to name itself Macedonia, is patently ridiculous. I hope that the Greek Members will see the sense of this. I hope that Macedonia will be judged on free criteria that apply to everybody else and, if they fulfil those criteria, if they are a democratic, secular state, if they pursue the right human rights policies then, like all other Member States, they should have the right to join and not be subject to a ridiculous veto by Greece purely on the grounds of the name.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0140/2009)


  Martin Callanan (PPE-DE). - Mr President, the Tamil Tigers have been designated a terrorist group by the EU and by the United States, but thankfully it looks as though their bloodthirsty campaign for an independent Tamil homeland may now be coming to an end. Sri Lanka deserves to live in peace, as we in Europe do.

Like other colleagues in this House, I support a unitary state for Sri Lanka. I think it is also appropriate to place on record that I also think it is probably a good idea, within that unitary state, to grant the Tamils a degree of autonomy. I do not support the Tigers’ campaign of violence, and I consider it actually essential that the Sri Lankan army be permitted to continue their military campaign against the Tamil Tigers.

However, it is also appropriate to recognise that there is a humanitarian crisis in Sri Lanka at the moment, and the aid agencies should be allowed access. So perhaps it is appropriate to ask for a cessation of the fighting, whilst aid agencies can get access and whilst civilians are allowed to leave the disputed areas. But after that we have to allow the army to continue their campaign.


- Rapport: Annemie Neyts-Uyttebroeck (A6-0112/2009)


  Daniel Hannan (NI). - Mr President, the growth of a corpus of international jurisprudence not anchored in any elected national legislature is one of the most alarming developments of our age. We are reversing not just 300 years of legal understanding of territorial responsibility, that is, that a crime is the responsibility of the territory where it is committed; we are also going back to the pre-modern idea that people who decide on laws should not be accountable to the people who live under them, but rather only to their own consciences.

It might seem very reasonable that, if a man like Milošević or a man like Karadžić is not receiving justice in his own country, we need to do something about it. But the objection to authoritarians like Milošević is precisely that they vitiated the democracy of their country and set themselves up as being above the law. If we replicate that problem internationally, we drag ourselves down to his level, as we did with the farce of a trial we had in The Hague, where for six years we had 27 changes of legal procedure, imposition of counsel and, ultimately, no conviction.

I am not in favour of Mr Milošević: he was a baleful and wicked Communist. But bad men deserve justice – bad men, especially, deserve justice – and when they do not get it, it is the rest of us who are diminished.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0113/2009)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). - Mr President, we all know how important water is and in the developing world in particular, where access to water is very difficult, it is young girls and women who suffer the most. Their educational prospects are hugely diminished because they are the water-bearers, if you like. I saw this in India on a delegation visit and it is very important that we invest more in water management and make sure that it does not become an impediment to the educational progress of young girls and women.

I particularly welcome the vote on paragraph 2, which declares that water is assumed as a public good and should be under public control regardless of how it is managed. It is a precious resource and it is there for the good of the public, not for individual control or profit.


  Marian Harkin (ALDE). - Mr President, I, too, am very supportive of our motion on the resolution of water and welcome our vote on paragraph 2, where we strongly declared that water is a public good and should be under public control. I personally strongly oppose the privatisation of water.

We have seen in recent times how the relentless pursuit of profit has brought the global economy to its knees. We certainly do not want to see the same thing happening where water is concerned. In order to ensure water quality and ongoing improvements in the distribution system, there needs to be continued investment in the transition system. There is no incentive for those in the private sector to do this because, of course, the temptation is simply to increase the price to the consumer, rather than invest in upgrading the transmission system. I have seen this happen in my own county of Sligo, where certain sectors of the community will end up paying more for their water than their fair share because there is simply a lack of investment by the private sector in the transmission system.


- Rapport: Maria Eleni Koppa (A6-0062/2009)


  Mairead McGuinness (PPE-DE). - Mr President, I voted in favour of this resolution and report, but I have some concerns. This morning, the Commission acknowledged that we do not know where the WTO is heading at this point, and therefore how it knits in with the strategic partnership.

We cannot allow a situation where either the strategic partnership arrangement – or indeed a world trade agreement – has a negative impact on Europe’s food security concerns. I reiterate the issue around food production standards, which are higher in the European Union. We penalise our producers where they do not meet those standards. We cannot allow a situation where we bring in food from third countries – Brazil or elsewhere – which does not meet our production standards and which results in very unfair competition for producers of food and agricultural commodities within the European Union.


- Rapport: José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (A6-0028/2009)


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, natuurlijk is een strategisch partnerschap tussen de Europese Unie en Mexico, en trouwens ook met landen zoals Brazilië, een goede zaak en iets dat in het belang is van de Europese Unie. Het verslag zelf is in grote lijnen evenwichtig opgesteld, maar wat volgens mij niet in het belang is van Europa en wat ook een heel aantal vragen zal doen rijzen bij het publiek, is de bepaling in het verslag die oproept om tot een gezamenlijke overeenkomst te komen over het immigratiebeleid. Dit voorspelt niet veel goeds, en dat is dan ook de reden waarom ik mij bij de stemming over dit verslag van stemming onthouden heb.


- Proposition de résolution (B6-0135/2009)


  Zita Pleštinská (PPE-DE). - Hlasovala som o uznesení o situácii v Tibete o 50. výročí tibetského povstania aj z dôvodu, že čínske orgány sprísnili v poslednom čase bezpečnosť v Tibete a novinári a cudzinci majú zakázaný vstup do tejto oblasti.

Dnešná rozprava v Európskom parlamente je posolstvom, že nás veľmi trápi situácia v Tibete, hlavne utrpenie a represálie voči nevinnému obyvateľstvu.

Vyzývam Radu, aby v zmysle uznesenia zriadila tzv. Výbor pravdy s cieľom zistiť, čo sa presne stalo počas rokovaní medzi Čínskou ľudovou republikou a vyslancami Jeho Svätosti dalajlámu.

Vyzývam čínsku vládu, aby okamžite prepustila všetky osoby, ktoré sú stále zadržiavané iba za to, že sa zúčastnili na pokojnom proteste.


  Marco Cappato (ALDE). - Signor Presidente, intanto per esprimere la soddisfazione per l'ampio sostegno che l'Assemblea ha dato alla proposta che avevamo lanciato con i colleghi Pannella e Onyszkiewicz, una proposta che fa una cosa diversa di quello che abbiamo sentito dalla commissaria Ferrero-Waldner oggi, cioè prende parte: la parte della ricerca della verità, sulle vere ragioni per la interruzione dei negoziati tra cinesi e tibetani invece di guardare, come purtroppo la Commissione, il Consiglio continua a fare, questo punto con neutralità, come se ci fosse semplicemente da auspicare il dialogo tra due parti.

Voglio sottolineare che il comportamento del gruppo del Partito socialista europeo mi pare particolarmente incomprensibile, prima si sono opposti al dibattito, poi si sono opposti a che io avessi una risoluzione, poi hanno addirittura votato contro, con il collega Ford che ha dato come ragione politica che votiamo troppe risoluzioni sul Tibet. Ecco, forse non comprendono e non si comprende – o si comprende fin troppo bene – che qui è in gioco molto altro, la libertà e la democrazia per oltre un miliardo di cinesi oltre che per il popolo tibetano.


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Voorzitter, vanzelfsprekend heb ik vóór deze resolutie gestemd, alhoewel we hier natuurlijk niet moeten denken dat deze al met al onschuldige resolutie veel indruk zal maken op het totalitaire communistische regime in China, waar we toch allemaal zo graag handel mee drijven.

Dit regime zou meer onder de indruk zijn als dit Parlement en de Raad de moed zouden hebben om te zeggen dat de bezetting en de daaropvolgende annexatie van Tibet in strijd zijn met het volkerenrecht en als zodanig dus niet door de Europese Unie kunnen worden erkend. We moeten hier blijven hameren op het feit dat Tibet een onafhankelijke staat en geen autonome provincie van China moet worden, en dat er in het verleden en nu in Tibet een genocide en een etnocide werd en wordt gepleegd.

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