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Proċedura : 2008/0194(COD)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
Ċikli relatati mad-dokumenti :

Testi mressqa :


Dibattiti :

PV 24/04/2009 - 3
CRE 24/04/2009 - 3

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 24/04/2009 - 7.13
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni
Spjegazzjoni tal-votazzjoni

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
Il-Ġimgħa, 24 ta' April 2009 - Strasburgu

8. Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

  La Présidente. - Passons maintenant aux explications de vote.


  Bogusław Rogalski (UEN). - Pani Przewodnicząca! Pragnę odnieść się dzisiaj do wielkiego oskarżenia, jakie padło w tej Izbie pod adresem posłów do Parlamentu, i do zniesławienia Parlamentu Europejskiego, jakiego dopuścił się pan Martin, mówiąc, że niektórzy posłowie nie głosują, lecz wysyłają swoich przedstawicieli do głosowania, którzy używają ich kart do głosowania. Jest to niedopuszczalne zachowanie, ponieważ obrady Parlamentu Europejskiego są transmitowane na żywo. Na balkonach Parlamentu siedzą obywatele Europy i usłyszeli dzisiaj, w roku wyborczym, niesamowitą rzecz. Jest to pomówienie i proszę, aby Prezydium Parlamentu na następnej sesji wymusiło na panu Martinie sprostowanie i słowa przeprosin wobec wszystkich posłów zasiadających w tej Izbie.


  La Présidente. - Monsieur Rogalski, vous avez pu vérifier que j'ai demandé à ce que l'on aille voir immédiatement si c'était vrai ou faux.

Donc, c'est acté. C'était faux. C'est donc acté au Journal officiel. Je demande à présent à ce que le Président de ce Parlement donne les suites qui s'imposent, et nous verrons à ce moment-là au Bureau.


  Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE). - Madam President, you did indeed deal with it very speedily, but I do think that it is not acceptable that a Member should rise in his place and make such a serious allegation against other Members of the House. I hold no support for the gentlemen of the extreme right, but the President of Parliament must uphold and protect the rights of Members. We are being accused of all sorts of outrageous things, and we are entitled to proper conduct and ethical behaviour by our colleagues here in this House, and indeed outside the House.


  La Présidente. - Si vous le voulez bien, j'ai acté tout ce que vous avez dit. Vous avez vu que nous avons essayé de traiter les choses rapidement parce qu'en effet, c'était important. Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec vous, et nous verrons pour les suites à donner.


  Christopher Beazley (PPE-DE). - Madam President, following that exchange and your very helpful reply, I was unable to catch your colleague’s eye yesterday to report that the same Member – I decline to use the world ‘honourable’ – had published an article in the Austrian press naming a member of Parliament’s staff. This seems to me, whether the allegations are true or false, to be yet another example of wholly improper behaviour. It may well be that the character involved would not have his credentials verified if the Austrian electorate are foolish enough to support him.


  La Présidente. - Je prends acte de ce que vous dites, Monsieur le député. Nous sommes tous d'accord qu'ici, il faut raison garder, comme l'on dit, mais dites-vous bien, Monsieur le député, qu'en général, ce genre de choses se retourne toujours contre son auteur.


Explications de vote orales


- Rapport: Rumiana Jeleva (A6-0229/2009)


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Madam President, this report was about the rights of people with disabilities, and I wanted to put on record and acknowledge the work done by Richard Howitt, a Labour Member of this House, in his fight for people with disabilities.

I have always been a great fan of opening sporting opportunities for people with disabilities. We have all heard of the Para-Olympic movement, but this year, for the first time, the European Parliament and the Commission are recognising the magnificent work done by the Special Olympics movement for people with intellectual disabilities, run by Mr Tim Shriver. This has programmes across the globe, and one of them is now going to be part-funded by the European Union budget.

I have been privileged to go both Summer World Games in Shanghai and this year’s Winter Games in Boise, Idaho, and it is difficult to describe the range of emotions you feel when watching the athletes compete and participate. I just wanted to put on record my complete support for this resolution.


- Rapport: Magor Imre Csibi (A6-0096/2009)


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Madam President, I think once again this is one of those reports that many people can welcome. In the battle for better energy conservation and more efficient energy use, I think we all want to see more energy-efficient products. But once again I have to draw attention to the fact that we should be leading by example in this House.

When we talk about energy efficiency, we should make sure that we put our own House in order. The European Parliament has three buildings – two Parliament buildings and one administrative building – one in Brussels, one in Strasbourg and one in Luxembourg. That clearly shows that we ourselves are not walking the walk when it comes to energy efficiency.

It is time to lead by example. It is time to put the battle for energy efficiency at the forefront. We need to close down the Strasbourg Parliament, close down the Luxembourg administrative buildings and stay in Brussels.


- Rapport: Margarita Starkevičiūtė (A6-0053/2009)


  Michl Ebner (PPE-DE). - Frau Präsidentin! Ich wollte mich melden, weil diese cross border payments, diese grenzüberschreitenden Zahlungen, von großem Vorteil sind und aufgezeigt wird, dass die Europäische Union durch eine positive Lösung und den Abbau weiterer Hemmnisse ganz bewusst dem Bürger nahesteht und Regelungen findet, die ihm Erleichterungen in seinem täglichen Leben bringen. Ich bin bei diesem Bericht zutiefst überzeugt und deswegen auch positiv eingestellt, dass wir hier einen erheblichen Schritt vorwärts gemacht haben zur Erleichterung der Tätigkeiten innerhalb der Europäischen Union. Ich hoffe, dass dieses Beispiel auch in anderen Bereichen Schule macht.


- Rapport: Benoît Hamon (A6-0244/2009)


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Madam President, I hope that when I give my explanation of vote I do not provoke the same sort of petty responses that one can expect from the other side of the House.

I think we all agree that we need to tackle tax evasion, but at the same time we need to understand that, in the case of those entrepreneurs who work hard, who create jobs and wealth for others and then are taxed heavily for doing so, it is quite understandable when they legally want to transfer their money to lower-tax regimes.

I think we all agree that we need to fight fraud, but let us not crack down on legal transfers of money. We may think that the result of such actions will lead to the removal of low-tax regimes and that we will all have to pay higher taxes, and I know that is something that, particularly on the other side of the House, people welcome. But we also have to understand the unintended consequences of our actions sometimes, and if we seek to crack down too much on lower-tax regimes and lower-tax areas, rather than just driving money from one country to another, we will drive much-needed capital, much-needed innovation and much-needed entrepreneurship out of Europe altogether.


  Astrid Lulling (PPE-DE). - Madame la Présidente, j'ai bien sûr voté contre le rapport Hamon qui est encore pire que la proposition de la Commission sur la fiscalité de l'épargne car, contre toute logique, une majorité de ce Parlement – mais qui est loin de représenter la majorité des membres de ce Parlement – a voté pour abolir le système de la retenue à la source qui fonctionne, pour ne retenir que le système d'échange d'informations, qui est coûteux, bureaucratique et non efficace. C'est incompréhensible!

Je veux bien admettre que la plupart des membres ici n'avaient pas une bonne connaissance du dossier, sinon ils n'auraient pas pu voter pour abolir un système qui est efficace, peu coûteux et qui assure que tout le monde paie des impôts sur les revenus de capitaux, alors que c'est l'échange d'informations qui est préconisé.

M. Hamon me l'a dit, il n'est pas intéressé par le fait que tout le monde paie les impôts. Il m'a dit hier soir: "Moi je veux savoir que les Français...

(La Présidente coupe le micro de l'orateur)


  Gay Mitchell (PPE-DE). - Madam President, this is on the same issue in relation to the free vote. I do not have an objection in principle to the withholding tax system, but I do think we have to put down a marker that tax evasion is not acceptable.

I agree with the comments that have been made about tax competition being a good thing. I think it is a good thing. I think anybody who looked at this independently would say it is a good thing. People often say, well, isn’t it easy for you – you have 12.5% corporation tax in Ireland, and I say, well why don’t you have a 12.5% corporation tax in your country, if that is the problem? But there is an issue here, and we need to put down the marker about tax evasion. That is a criminal offence, and we really have to ensure that we do not become too close to those who practise these types of evasions.

We have seen in the past where bad regulation and bad practice have brought the financial world. So in principle I am not opposed to the withholding tax, but I do want to put down the marker that we do need to do something more emphatic about the whole question of tax evasion.


- Rapport: Catherine Neris (A6-0068/2009)


  Zita Pleštinská, za skupinu PPE-DE. – Moja politická skupina EPP-ED víta výsledky dnešného hlasovania ku správe Catherine Neris o návrhu nariadenia, ktorým sa stanovujú harmonizované podmienky uvádzania stavebných výrobkov na trh.

Dohoda v prvom čítaní s Radou nebola možná, pretože časť členských štátov nesúhlasila s povinnosťou zostavovať vyhlásenie o zhode. Z dnešného hlasovania vychádza pozícia Európskeho parlamentu v oblasti politicky citlivých otázok, hlavne označenia CE, ktorá by mohla presvedčiť Radu, aby dosiahla spoločnú pozíciu a následne s Európskym parlamentom a Komisiou aj dohodu v druhom čítaní.

Moja politická skupina EPP-ED v dohode s politickými skupinami PSE, ALDE, Greens podporila len technické vylepšenie textu a dodatočnými pozmeňovacími návrhmi sme priblížili text odhlasovaný vo výbore IMCO k pracovnému textu Rady. EPP-ED nepodporila pozmeňovacie návrhy číslo 17 a 54 odhlasované vo výbore, pretože sa stotožnila s návrhom Komisie – sme proti zavedeniu vnútorno-štátnych označení, pretože predstavujú skôr bariéry na vnútornom trhu a súhlasíme, aby členské štáty odstránili všetky iné národné odkazy na preukázanie zhody ako označenie CE.

Teší ma, že vo včerajšej rozprave túto pozíciu veľmi jasne potvrdil aj komisár Verheugen. Želám tejto legislatíve úspech.


- Proposition de résolution - B6-0192/2009


  Philip Claeys (NI). - Deze resolutie bevat zeker enkele positieve elementen, zoals een omroep om het mandaat van Frontex te versterken en om initiatieven te nemen voor een Europees intern veiligheidsbeleid, die een aanvulling moeten vormen op de nationale veiligheidsmaatregelen wel te verstaan. Toch heb ik uiteindelijk tegen gestemd omdat ik het totaal onaanvaardbaar vind dat dit Parlement, dat toch geacht wordt om de Europese burgers te vertegenwoordigen, mordicus blijft vasthouden aan het Verdrag van Lissabon. Ook de oproep om zo snel mogelijk voorstellen te doen om de import van vreemde arbeidskrachten te vergemakkelijken, vindt in mijn ogen absoluut geen genade en was, wat mij betreft, een tegenstem waard.


- Rapport: Angelika Beer (A6-0234/2009)


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Madam President, like others in this House, I welcome the new drive to revive the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including the Security Council resolution to close loopholes in the existing legal framework.

However, I reject the direct implication within this report that the European Union should replace the key Member States as the major actor in this particular process. I think it beggars belief for this place to try and believe that it should extend its tentacles into this area, especially considering the fact that only two Member States are nuclear weapon states, with an additional four participating in NATO nuclear weapon sharing.

This report is more interested in grabbing the chance of replacing Member States around the top table of international governance than paying sufficient attention to the danger of proliferation by terrorists and rogue states.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Madam President, I think when we start from first principles, we can all agree that nuclear weapons are bad. I think we all agree that war is a bad thing – that is motherhood and apple pie. As the great philosopher Edwin Starr once said: ‘War, huh, what is it good for? Absolutely nothing’.

But when we look at this, we have to ask the question: should the EU really replace the two nuclear Member States in the whole process of non-proliferation, given the lack of expertise that exists outside those Member States? Is it not premature to suggest that the UK should dismantle fissile material production when there is so much of this material that can get into the hands of terrorists and other rogue Member States?

This is nothing but a power grab and will actually do much less in the battle against nuclear proliferation, and we should forget about power grabbing and actually tackle the problem itself.


- Rapport: Monica Frassoni (A6-0245/2009)


  Christopher Heaton-Harris (PPE-DE). - Madam President, a couple of weeks ago I was having one of my favourite meals, a curry, in the village of Long Buckby near to where I live, and I was hosting a group of people who are new to politics in a political discussion. Like everybody – and you all know this – as a Member of the European Parliament they immediately think a number of things. Firstly, that you are on the gravy train and you do not really care about ordinary people, and secondly that Europe is not working: there are too many regulations. Maybe in some cases they are right – there should be a cost-benefit analysis of what the regulations are – and they are badly implemented, in fact not uniformly implemented across the continent.

This report talks about the monitoring of Community law, and that is a good thing. If you look at the Eurobarometer web site, you will see the number of infringement cases that the Commission takes out against individual Member States. But this lack of implementation and equal implementation is one of the biggest problems that people in this Chamber who are not like me – who are Europhile rather than Euro-sceptic – have to face in the future.


  Syed Kamall (PPE-DE). - Madam President, I think, once again, there is room for consensus when we look at this issue, whether one is sceptical about future European integration or one wants to see their own country subsumed into a supernational state. I think we all agree, at the moment, that we are all members of the European Union and we should abide by Community law, because we have been through the due process, the debates and legal processes.

Therefore, we need better monitoring – I think we all agree – of the application of Community law. So when I have constituents in London and cheesemongers complaining to me about the fact that they have had to invest lots of money to make sure, for example, that the facilities they use to sell cheese meet EU standards that have been gold plated by British civil servants, and then they travel across to other Member States and see cheese being sold openly in street markets and melting and they wonder about the application of Community laws in other countries, it is time for us to show that we are strict about application of Community law right across the EU.



  Richard Corbett (PSE). - Madam President, I just wondered if it was actually in order for Mr Kamall to urge the European Parliament to ignore the Treaties and ignore its legal obligations and, indeed, to increase the powers of the European Parliament in addressing the issue of the buildings in three different locations. He knows perfectly well that, unfortunately, it is the governments of the Member States who decide on the seats of the institutions and, unfortunately, under the chairmanship of the former leader of his party, John Major, at the Edinburgh Summit in 1992, they imposed a legal obligation on the European Parliament to have 12 part-sessions a year in Strasbourg.

That is unfortunate, but surely the answer is not to break the law. Surely the answer is to ask the governments to revise that unfortunate decision that was taken under the leadership of the former leader of his party.


Explications de vote écrites


Droits des femmes en Afghanistan (RC-B6-0197/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente a Resolução do Parlamento Europeu sobre os direitos das mulheres no Afeganistão, porque considero o novo projecto de lei sobre o estatuto pessoal das mulheres xiitas inaceitável. A legislação, recentemente aprovada pelas duas câmaras do Parlamento afegão, impõe graves restrições à liberdade de movimento das mulheres, legitima a violação conjugal e promove a discriminação das mulheres no domínio do matrimónio, do divórcio, da sucessão e do acesso à educação, o que não é conforme com as normas internacionais dos direitos humanos, em geral, nem com os direitos das mulheres.

Penso que a União Europeia deve dar um sinal claro da necessidade de anulação deste projecto de lei, uma vez que o seu conteúdo é contraditório ao princípio da igualdade entre homens e mulheres, tal como consignado nas convenções internacionais.


Soutien au Tribunal spécial pour la Sierra Leone (RC-B6-0242/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente a resolução comum de apoio ao Tribunal Especial para a Serra Leoa, uma vez que importa assegurar que os autores de crimes violentos à luz das leis humanitárias internacionais, ou seja, de crimes de guerra e de crimes contra a humanidade, sejam punidos e cumpram as suas penas.

Criado em 2000 pelas Nações Unidas e pelo Governo da Serra Leoa, este foi o primeiro tribunal internacional a ser fundado através de contribuições voluntárias, o primeiro a ser estabelecido num país onde alegadamente estes crimes aconteceram e o primeiro a indiciar um Chefe de Estado africano por crimes de guerra e contra a humanidade.


Situation humanitaire des résidents du camp d'Ashraf (RC-B6-0248/2009)


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. Os residentes em Ashraf são um dos rostos visíveis da opressão do regime iraniano e da resistência a essa violência.

A associação que repetidas vezes se tenta fazer entre os resistentes iranianos e o terrorismo é, tanto quanto jornais, políticos e tribunais puderam comprovar, injustificada. Pelo contrário, a situação que se vive em Ashraf é do domínio público e várias pessoas, nomeadamente deputados e jornalistas, visitaram o Campo e tiraram as suas conclusões. Os residentes em Ashraf são pessoas protegidas ao abrigo da Convenção de Genebra. Por estas razões, é da maior relevância o sinal dado pelo Parlamento Europeu: os residentes de Ashraf têm direito a ser protegidos e a não serem entregues, em circunstância alguma, ao regime iraniano. Trata-se do elementar respeito pelos direitos humanos. Esperamos, pois, que esta resolução tenha consequências.

Finalmente, uma nota sobre o regime iraniano. Aos erros cometidos no início e durante a intervenção dos países aliados dos Estados Unidos no Iraque, importa agora não somar erros à saída. Se no final deste processo o regime fundamentalista iraniano tiver reforçado a sua influência na região, designadamente condicionado os assuntos internos do Iraque, aquela região terá ficado mais longe da paz e o mundo mais ameaçado.


  Toomas Savi (ALDE), in writing. − Mr President, I encouraged all my Liberal colleagues to vote against the amendments of the Greens/EFA and the PES, as the draft resolution was well balanced already and those amendments did not accord to the spirit and essence of the resolution.

Criticizing and accusing the PMOI, one of the most prominent opposition movements of the Iranian people with no substantial evidence looks awfully like an attempt to appease the authoritarian regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I cannot imagine how anyone could feel comfortable doing a favour to this oppressive regime by supporting the amendments that provide an opportunity for Iran to attack and weaken the opposition movement that has been advocating for human rights and democracy in Iran.

I would like to thank all my colleagues who supported the original draft resolution that by no means threatened the lives and integrity of the people in Camp Ashraf. We must engage them to bring about a regime transition in Iran that would ensure peace and security in region that has been one of the must unpredictable and instable for more than decades.


- Rapport: Rumiana Jeleva (A6-0229/2009)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Presidente, il mio voto è favorevole.

Negli ultimi decenni la tendenza a considerare il problema delle persone con disabilità in una prospettiva basata sui diritti è maturata e si è ampiamente affermata a livello internazionale.

Il rispetto dei diritti dei disabili è stato da sempre uno degli argomenti cardine della politica sociale europea e in questo senso la convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti umani costituisce un passo in avanti su questa rotta.

I principi della convenzione sono il rispetto della dignità, l'autonomia, la libertà di scelta, l'indipendenza, la non discriminazione, l'inclusione sociale, il rispetto delle differenze, le pari opportunità, l'accessibilità e la parità tra uomini e donne.

Particolarmente importanti, al fine di favorire l'inclusione sociale sono gli articoli 24, 27 e 28 riguardanti tematiche legate all'istruzione, all'occupazione e alla protezione sociale. Auspico quindi che la convenzione possa passare con il massimo dei voti e che tutti gli Stati membri ratifichino al più presto il provvedimento.


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente o relatório Rumiana Jeleva sobre a Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os Direitos das Pessoas com Deficiência, cujas competências serão, pela primeira vez, partilhadas pela Comunidade e os seus Estados-Membros, uma vez que defende o respeito pela dignidade e a autonomia individual e promove a não-discriminação, a inclusão na sociedade e a aceitação das pessoas com deficiência, como parte da diversidade humana.


  Mieczysław Edmund Janowski (UEN), na piśmie. − Głosowałem za przyjęciem sprawozdania pani Rumiany Jelevej dotyczącego Konwencji Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych. Sprawy te są mi szczególnie bliskie i wielokrotnie dawałem temu świadectwo, między innymi podczas tzw. sejmików rehabilitacyjnych województwa podkarpackiego - było ich 18.

Ciągle podkreślam, że człowiek niepełnosprawny musi być traktowany jak pełnoprawny obywatel. Nie chodzi przy tym jedynie o wzniosłe deklaracje i przepisy prawne, ale nade wszystko o praktykę życia codziennego. Cele Konwencji są następujące: poszanowanie przyrodzonej godności, autonomii osoby, w tym swobody dokonywania własnych wyborów, a także poszanowanie niezależności osoby, niedyskryminacja, pełne i skuteczne uczestnictwo w społeczeństwie i integracja społeczna, poszanowanie odmienności i akceptacja osób niepełnosprawnych, jako mających wkład w różnorodność rodziny ludzkiej i będących częścią ludzkości, równość szans, dostępność, równość mężczyzn i kobiet, poszanowanie rozwijającego się potencjału niepełnosprawnych dzieci oraz poszanowanie prawa dzieci niepełnosprawnych do zachowania tożsamości.

W tym też kontekście za bardzo pozytywne uznaję przepisy Konwencji Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych o prawach osób niepełnosprawnych. W UE obejmą one około 50 milionów osób, a na całym świecie liczbę tę szacuje się na 650 milionów.


  Αθανάσιος Παφίλης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – Το ΚΚΕ δεν ψήφισε την έκθεση για την κύρωση από την ΕΕ της Σύμβασης και του πρωτοκόλλου του ΟΗΕ για τα άτομα με ειδικές ανάγκες, γιατί θεωρεί ότι η ΕΕ δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να υπογράφει και να κυρώνει τέτοιες συμφωνίες με τον ΟΗΕ εξ ονόματος των 27 κρατών μελών. Η υπογραφή εκ μέρους της ΕΕ παραβιάζει κάθε έννοια ανεξαρτησίας και κυριαρχίας των κρατών μελών της ΕΕ, τα οποία είναι μέλη του ΟΗΕ και έχουν το δικαίωμα και την υποχρέωση να υπογράφουν. Στη συγκεκριμένη περίπτωση, το ΚΚΕ υποστηρίζει τη Σύμβαση και το Πρωτόκολλο για τα δικαιώματα των ατόμων με ειδικές ανάγκες και την υποχρέωση των κρατών να την εφαρμόσουν, παρά το γεγονός ότι αυτό το θέμα αφορά τη συνολική πολιτική των καπιταλιστικών χωρών που εφαρμόζουν απάνθρωπη πολιτική απέναντι στα άτομα που χρειάζονται ιδιαίτερη φροντίδα.


- Rapport: Sarah Ludford (A6-0222/2009)


  Richard James Ashworth (PPE-DE), in writing. − British Conservatives share to some extent the concerns in this report that there are serious civil liberties issues about some abuses in the practice of carrying out profiling in a small minority of cases, and welcomes the fact that the European Parliament is seeking to draw this to the attention of Member State governments. We believe, however, that our law enforcement authorities need to be able to use adequate tools for them to carry out their tasks effectively, of which profiling, particularly intelligence-led profiling, is one.

We could not, however, support this particular text, as the tone of the recitals in particular is unbalanced and overly alarmist. The rapporteur calls for the principle of proportionality to be observed, which makes it a source of particular regret that this principle was not respected in drawing up this report.


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Presidente, il mio voto è favorevole.

Uno degli obblighi cui deve ottemperare un qualsiasi Stato di diritto è quello secondo il quale le attività di prevenzione al livello di sicurezza civile devono essere effettuate non in base all' identità etnica di una persona, bensì in relazione alla condotta da essa tenuta.

Eticamente parlando, un qualsiasi soggetto non può e non deve in alcun modo essere posto in stato di fermo se non in presenza di atti che lo accusino o lo rendano colpevole. Per arginare il problema dell'immigrazione e del terrorismo oggi si è arrivati all'elaborazione delle cosiddette "definizioni di profili": metodo questo definito dalle organizzazioni di polizia e in grado di identificare preventivamente associazioni di persone considerate potenziali fautori di azioni terroristiche e criminali. Uno dei più efficaci metodi di "definizione di profili" prende il nome di "data mining", e consiste nella ricerca, tramite banche dati computerizzate, di persone attraverso indici precostituiti in base alla razza, all'etnia, alla religione e alla nazionalità.

La nostra attività dovrà consistere nel regolare "la definizione di profili" tramite parametri giuridici che abbiano l'accortezza di garantire i diritti di qualsiasi uomo, a prescindere dalla sua razza o dalla sua religione.


  Carlos Coelho (PPE-DE), por escrito. A identificação de perfis é já, nos dias de hoje, utilizada em numerosas áreas que vão desde a manutenção da ordem, ao controlo administrativo e aduaneiro de fronteiras, e ao próprio combate ao terrorismo.

Existe um interesse cada vez maior na utilização desta técnica de investigação, assente na recolha de informação acerca de indivíduos, a partir de diversas fontes, podendo incluir dados mais sensíveis como a origem étnica, raça, nacionalidade ou religião.

Porém, a utilização destas técnicas tem evoluído consideravelmente sem antes se ter tido a oportunidade de se proceder a um debate e chegar à conclusão de como e quando é que poderão ser utilizadas, quando é que a sua utilização pode ser considerada necessária legítima e proporcional.

Tal como é evidente que deverão ser criadas salvaguardas necessárias para a protecção dos direitos e liberdades fundamentais dos indivíduos.

Esta situação torna-se ainda mais preocupante se pensarmos que deverá existir um cruzamento de dados entre os vários sistemas de dados, como é o caso do SIS II, do VIS e do Eurodac.

Cumprimento assim a relatora Sarah Ludford pela sua iniciativa e pela oportunidade criada para darmos início a este debate, tendo por base este relatório que considero bastante equilibrado e que respeita os compromissos negociados entre nós.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Junilistan stöder skrivelsen om att profilering som görs genom automatiserad ”extrahering” av datauppgifter behöver tas upp i en politisk debatt, eftersom den frångår den allmänna regeln att brottsbekämpningsbeslut bör baseras på en persons beteende. Vi är starka motståndare till etnisk profilering som innebär myndigheters godtyckliga användning av uppgifter av skäl som ras, hudfärg, språk, religion, nationalitet, etniskt ursprung m.m. och ser en klar risk för att oskyldiga personer kan bli utsatta för godtyckliga gripanden.

Vi anser dock inte att detta problem bäst löses på EU-nivå. Denna problematik ska lösas internationellt genom internationella överenskommelser och konventioner, förslagsvis genom FN.

Vi stöder många skrivelser i betänkandet men har, med hänvisning till ovanstående, valt att rösta nej till betänkandet i sin helhet.


  Αθανάσιος Παφίλης (GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. – H έκθεση ασχολείται με τη μέθοδο των κατασταλτικών μηχανισμών και των μυστικών υπηρεσιών της ΕΕ -κατά τα πρότυπα αντίστοιχων μηχανισμών των ΗΠΑ- να τυποποιούν και να χαρακτηρίζουν πρόσωπα ως ύποπτα για "τρομοκρατικές" και εγκληματικές ενέργειες, βάσει της εθνοτικής ή φυλετικής καταγωγής τους, της συμπεριφοράς τους, των πολιτικών, κοινωνικών, θρησκευτικών και φιλοσοφικών πεποιθήσεων και της κοινωνικής δράσης τους. Η μέθοδος βέβαια μόνο νέα δεν είναι. Οι κατασταλτικοί μηχανισμοί της αστικής εξουσίας έχουν να παρουσιάσουν πλούσιο εγκληματικό έργο σε βάρος των κομμουνιστών, των κοινωνικών αγωνιστών, που με το χαρακτηρισμό αυτό βαφτίζονταν ως επικίνδυνοι για τη "δημόσια τάξη και ασφάλεια". Σήμερα, με το πρόσχημα της "τρομοκρατίας" ανασύρονται ξανά από τις πιο μαύρες εποχές της ιστορίας της αστικής εξουσίας στην Ευρώπη.

Μολονότι η έκθεση στέκεται κριτικά απέναντι στις μεθόδους αυτές, αρνείται να τις καταδικάσει κατηγορηματικά και να ζητήσει την άμεση απαγόρευσή τους. Αντίθετα τις θεωρεί θεμιτές ως μεθόδους αστυνομικής έρευνας, εφόσον υπόκεινται σε αυστηρούς όρους και περιορισμούς. Εγγυήσεις και περιορισμοί σε τέτοιες φασίζουσες μεθόδους δεν υπάρχουν ούτε μπορούν να υπάρξουν.

Γι αυτούς τους λόγους, το ΚΚΕ καταψηφίζει την έκθεση. Καλεί τους εργαζόμενους να ορθώσουν το ανάστημά τους. Με ανυπακοή, ρήξη, ανατροπή της ΕΕ της καταστολής, των διώξεων, της τρομοκρατίας, της καταπάτησης των δημοκρατικών δικαιωμάτων και ελευθεριών.


- Rapport: Antonio De Blasio (A6-0180/2009)


  Richard James Ashworth (PPE-DE), in writing. − British Conservatives support initiatives to ensure success in the fight against fraud in the context of the EU budget. In this respect, there are a number of sensible proposals contained in this report, including the strengthening of the independence of OLAF.

We wish to make clear, however, our opposition to the creation of a European Public Prosecutor, and therefore the proposal contained in paragraph 57 of the report.


- Recommandation pour la deuxième lecture Bart Staes (A6-0256/2009)


  Richard Corbett (PSE), in writing. − I visited the horticulturalist producer Johnson of Wixley in my constituency last week, where they expressed concerns about some elements of the recent pesticides package, particularly the strict cut-off criteria on certain pesticides where there are, as yet, no substitutes.

However, I was pleased that, in this case, the proposal seems to be less controversial. With consensus seemingly breaking out between Parliament and Council, I was pleased to be able to support the Council’s text and the agreed amendments, even if the latter were, in the end, not adopted.

Regular collection and dissemination of data on the use of pesticides should help increase awareness and control of pesticide use, and play a small but significant role in ensuring that pesticides are safe both to human health and the environment, whilst avoiding the concerns expressed about the previous package.


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente as alterações de recomendação para segunda leitura do relatório relativo às estatísticas sobre produtos fitofarmacêuticos. Penso que este relatório irá completar outras iniciativas já existentes sobre pesticidas, acordadas no final do ano passado.

Este relatório apresenta várias alterações importantes, como por exemplo a alteração de palavras de produtos fitofarmacêuticos para pesticidas, o alargamento do âmbito para a inclusão de produtos biocidas e a inclusão de pesticidas para utilizações comerciais não agrícolas. Com este regulamento a União Europeia irá assegurar uma utilização muito mais segura de pesticidas.


  Christa Klaß (PPE-DE), schriftlich. Die Verordnung über Statistiken zu Pflanzenschutzmitteln ist Teil der Neuausrichtung der europäischen Pflanzenschutzmittelpolitik, zu der auch die Zulassungsverordnung und die Richtlinie über den nachhaltigen Einsatz von Pestiziden gehört, die Anfang des Jahres erfolgreich verabschiedet wurden.

Ziel ist, durch die Reduktion von Risiken, die negativen Auswirkungen von Pflanzenschutzmitteln so weit wie möglich zu verringern. Um dies zu messen brauchen wir Indikatoren und um diese Indikatoren zu entwickeln brauchen wir, durch Statistiken ermittelte, verlässliche Daten, welche die Vergleichbarkeit unter den Mitgliedstaaten gewährleisten. Deshalb habe ich für den Bericht gestimmt. Wir dürfen aber nicht vergessen, dass nur diejenigen Daten liefern, die auch die Produkte vorschriftsgemäß vertreiben. Die aktuellen Nachrichten über den europaweiten, illegalen Pestizid-Handel zeigen, dass dieser stärker ins Visier genommen werden muss. Das gleiche gilt für den Import von Erzeugnissen aus Drittstaaten. Hier brauchen wir verstärkt Kontrollen.

Unser strenges europäisches Zulassungsverfahren garantiert einen umfassenden Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt. Wer Pflanzenschutzmittel ohne Zulassung verkauft oder anwendet, wer Rückstandshöchstwerte nicht ausreichend kontrolliert, der verursacht nicht nur vermeidbare Risiken, er bringt auch die Hersteller der Mittel ebenso wie die Landwirtschaft in Verruf. Das bestehende Recht bietet hier ein ausreichendes Schutzniveau. Aber es muss eingehalten und kontrolliert werden.


- Rapport: Magor Imre Csibi (A6-0096/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente a proposta sobre concepção ecológica dos produtos relacionados com o consumo de energia, uma vez que os padrões de consumo actuais têm um impacto ambiental muito significativo, principalmente no que diz respeito a emissão de gases com efeito de estufa e poluição.

Penso que é importante alterar os hábitos de consumo e produção, sem que isso origine custos suplementares significativos, tanto para as empresas, como para os agregados familiares.


- Rapport: Catherine Neris (A6-0068/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente o relatório sobre as condições harmonizadas para a comercialização dos produtos de construção a fim de favorecer uma melhor circulação e utilização deste tipo de produtos. A utilização de uma linguagem técnica comum para expressar o desempenho dos produtos de construção clarifica e simplifica as condições de acesso à marcação CE, garantindo um nível de segurança mais elevado para os utilizadores.


  Zuzana Roithová (PPE-DE), v písemné formě. − Jsem velice spokojená s tím, že jsme dnes na plenárním zasedání odstranili z návrhu nařízení o harmonizaci stavebních výrobků vážné nedostatky, které do této technické normy včlenila socialistická zpravodajka. Veliké ocenění patří stínové zpravodajce Zitě Pleštinské. Díky jejím profesním zkušenostem a píli ve výboru IMCO má dnešní podoba profesionální úroveň. Harmonizací a označováním CE pro sériovou výrobu dojde ke zjednodušení a snížení nákladů hlavně pro malé podniky. Odpadnou nejednotné požadavky 27 členských zemí. CE značení shody pro sériovou výrobu poskytuje dostatečnou záruku, že je zboží v souladu s evropskými standardy. Pro prototypy a specifické výrobky není harmonizace nutná. A jen pokud se stavební výrobky importují do zemí, kde například hrozí otřesy půdy, je samozřejmé, aby stavební výrobek splňoval požadavky i pro tyto specifické podmínky. Oceňuji podporu tohoto znění ze strany českého předsednictví.


- Rapport: Margarita Starkevičiūtė (A6-0053/2009)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Grazie Presidente. Il mio voto è favorevole.

Il regolamento (CE) n. 2560/2001 ha come fulcro della sua trattazione i cosiddetti bonifici transfrontalieri e le operazioni di pagamento elettronico transfrontaliere. Questo regolamento venne approvato il 19 dicembre 2001 e ha lo scopo di garantire che il costo di un pagamento transfrontaliero sia lo stesso di un pagamento effettuato all'interno di un Stato membro.

Fino al 1° gennaio 2006 esso si applicava solamente ai bonifici, ai prelievi da distributori automatici e ai pagamenti effettuati attraverso carta di debito e di credito che arrivavano fino ad un importo pari ai 12.500 euro nei paesi dell'UE, mentre, dalla data sopra indicata, si può effettuare fino ad un importo di 50.000 euro. Questo cambiamento ha fatto si che si creasse una diminuzione di prezzi e una maggiore concorrenza nei mercati dei servizi di pagamento. Il regolamento (CE) n. 2560/2001 ha però anche dei limiti, come la mancata definizione di “pagamenti corrispondenti” e la mancata introduzione della clausola di riesame, sui quali bisognerebbe intervenire immediatamente.

Concludiamo dicendo che siamo favorevoli alle proposte di aggiornamento e modifica del regolamento (CE) n. 2560/2001, in quanto è un nostro dovere rendere più agevoli e più economiche le operazioni di pagamenti transfrontalieri.


- Rapport: Horst Schellhardt (A6-0087/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente o relatório Schnellhardt sobre o regulamento que define as regras sanitárias aplicáveis a subprodutos animais não destinados ao consumo humano, pois considero que as propostas contidas no presente documento constituem uma melhoria substancial da segurança destes produtos, designadamente pela garantia da rastreabilidade em todo o processo de tratamento. A segurança alimentar e a protecção do consumidor na UE saem, assim, reforçadas.


  Véronique Mathieu (PPE-DE), par écrit. – Ce rapport permettra à l'Union européenne de se doter d'un cadre législatif plus précis afin de renforcer le niveau de sécurité tout au long de la chaîne de production et de distribution alimentaire. Ce texte a le mérite de proposer une méthode davantage fondée sur les risques et sur les contrôles, de renforcer la cohérence des dispositions sur les sous-produits animaux et la législation en matière d'hygiène tout en introduisant des règles supplémentaires sur la traçabilité des sous-produits animaux.

Je peux d'ailleurs témoigner que le précédent rapport de M. Schnellhardt sur l'hygiène des denrées alimentaires (2002) avait eu un impact très positif en responsabilisant le monde cynégétique européen. La transposition de ce règlement dans le droit national a effectivement eu des effets positifs sur le terrain, en améliorant notamment la formation des 7 millions de chasseurs européens qui, par leur action constante sur l'environnement, sont à même de détecter rapidement et efficacement les crises sanitaires qui affectent la faune sauvage.

Je soutiens donc ce rapport qui permettra à l'Union européenne de mieux prévenir et de mieux réagir en cas de crise alimentaire liée à des produits d'origine animale.


  Rovana Plumb (PSE), în scris. − Am votat acest raport pentru că şi în România, ca şi în alte state membre ne confruntăm uneori cu crize care afectează siguranţa sănătăţii publice şi animale cu privire la produsele de origine animală – encefalopatia spongiformă transmisibilă, dioxină, pesta porcină clasică, febra aftoasă. Astfel de crize pot avea şi un impact negativ mai larg asupra situaţiei socio-economice a fermierilor şi a sectoarelor industriale interesate şi scăderea încrederii consumatorilor în siguranţa produselor de origine animală. Epizootiile pot avea şi consecinţe negative pentru mediu: eliminarea cadavrelor şi biodiversitatea. Era nevoie de o revizuire în sens legislativ a Regulamentului privind subprodusele de origine animală (SOA) care nu sunt destinate consumului uman.

Se rezolvă astfel problemele legate de interpretarea diferită a domeniului regulamentului şi a problemelor derivate: denaturarea competiţiei şi nivelele diferite de protecţie împotriva riscurilor pentru sănătatea publică şi animală; clasificarea SOA bazată într-o mai mare măsură pe riscuri; clarificarea derogărilor (ex. impactul SOA asupra cercetării, epizootii, dezastrele naturale); reducerea poverii administrative prin eliminarea duplicării autorizaţiilor pentru anumite tipuri de unităţi economice.

Revizuirea menţine principiile prin care sunt reglementate în UE utilizarea, prelucrarea, eliminarea, trasabilitatea şi direcţionarea SOA care nu sunt destinate consumului uman, asigurându-se un înalt nivel al siguranţei alimentare şi protecţiei consumatorului.


- Rapport: Benoît Hamon (A6-0244/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Projecto de resolução legislativa do Parlamento Europeu sobre a proposta de directiva do Conselho que altera a Directiva 2003/48/CE relativa à tributação dos rendimentos da poupança sob a forma de juros.

Votei favoravelmente o relatório sobre a tributação dos rendimentos da poupança sob a forma de juros, porque fortalece os princípios de transparência e de justiça fiscal.


  Robert Goebbels (PSE), par écrit. – Le rapport Hamon plaide pour la généralisation des échanges d'informations, système bureaucratique et finalement inefficace. Je suis en faveur d'une retenue à la source libératoire, c'est-à-dire permettant à tout citoyen de s'acquitter définitivement vis-à-vis de l'État dont il est le contribuable par le paiement d'une taxe raisonnable (20 ou même 25%). Cette taxe devra s'appliquer aux personnes physiques et morales, sera prélevée à la source par l'organisme financier où l'argent (les titres, les obligations, etc.) est géré, et sera transférée aux services d'imposition dont relève le contribuable. L'idéal serait d'en faire une ressource communautaire.


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Det är angeläget att komma åt skattebedrägerierna i EU:s medlemsländer. Kommissionens förslag och utskottets betänkande har emellertid överlastats med skrivningar som, om de skulle vinna gehör i kammaren, enbart skulle bidra till att överreglera EU-samarbetet.

Vi har röstat nej till betänkandet i sin helhet och efterlyser en noggrann översyn av lagstiftningsförslaget i sin helhet.


  David Martin (PSE), in writing. − I support this proposal on taxation of savings income in the form of interest payments, with a view to closing existing loopholes and eliminating tax evasion. Experience has shown that the current directive can be circumvented allowing the wealthiest to evade paying taxes whilst those earning much less continue to pay their taxes, this proposal will start to bring an end to this process.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − This report recognises the reaction of global leaders that tax havens are a part of a global economy which should contribute positively to the wider interests. Much work has been done already on withholding taxes, and this report adds to the current interest in raising transparency of savings and transactions in such tax havens. It is particularly important to the issue of dealing with corporate and individual tax avoidance.


- Rapport: Cornelis Visser (A6-0189/2009)


  Hélène Goudin och Nils Lundgren (IND/DEM), skriftlig. − Det är mycket viktigt att vi skapar goda system som förhindrar skattebedrägeri. Det gäller inte minst mervärdesbeskattning. Vi bedömer emellertid att kommissionens förslag och föreliggande betänkande i dess nuvarande utformning reser fler frågor än det ger svar. EU har en långsiktig ambition om att minska regelbördan. Kommissionens förslag ser ut att gå i motsatt riktning och riskerar att öka den administrativa arbetsbördan, framför allt för de europeiska småföretagarna. Därutöver innehåller förslaget skrivningar som kommer att leda till stora förändringar i svensk lagstiftning.

Vi har valt att rösta nej till betänkandet i första behandlingen, men ser icke desto mindre fram emot en konstruktiv vidareutveckling av kommissionens ursprungliga förslag.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − The EPLP welcomes Mr Visser’s report into tax evasion linked to import and other cross-border transactions. Although VAT is sometimes complex, its effects across borders may cause specific problems which this report helps to identify and clear up.


- Mécanisme de soutien financier à moyen terme des balances des payements des Etats membres (B6-0256/2009)


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − The EPLP can support this report in terms of the wider perspective of Member State economic actions during the current economic crisis. While Eurobonds may be regarded as a clever idea which can deliver funds to governments, there seems no legal base on which this can be achieved, so it looks unlikely that this option can be exercised.


- Rapport: Carl Schlyter (A6-0255/2009)


  Edite Estrela (PSE), por escrito. Votei favoravelmente o relatório sobre os nanomateriais, uma vez que as nanotecnologias possibilitam resultados extraordinários, designadamente, no campo da energia e no desenvolvimento da biomedicina. Contudo, penso que é importante garantir a segurança dos produtos antes da sua comercialização, tendo em conta que as nanotecnologias envolvem riscos que ainda não estão bem definidos.


  Adam Gierek (PSE), na piśmie. − Materiały z cząstek wielkości poniżej 10-9 metra, to nanomateriały. Mogą występować w formie luźnej lub nanocząsteczkowych wydzieleń w osnowie innych materiałów, np. kompozytów.

Są to nanomateriały uzyskiwane przy pomocy technologii „top-down”, tj. w drodze wysokoenergetycznego mielenia.

Ze względu na duże rozwinięcie powierzchni oraz znaczną energię powierzchniową nanocząsteczki charakteryzują się:

- zdolnością katalizy reakcji chemicznych;

- znaczną reaktywnością (potencjałem);

- łatwością przenikania do wnętrza żywych komórek.

Luźne nanocząsteczki uwalniane bez kontroli do środowiska mogą stanowić zagrożenie dla zdrowia. Nie wiadomo, czy przedostając się do wnętrza żywych komórek luźne nanocząsteczki różnych materiałów nie wywołają kancerogennych reakcji chemicznych.

Źródłem nanocząsteczek uwalnianych do środowiska są:

- produkty celowo wytworzone metodą „top-down”, np. cząsteczki tlenku cynku w kremach z filtrami UV, lub dodatki bakteriobójcze, np. nanosrebro;

- niezamierzone produkty uboczne w formie nanocząsteczek, np. jako efekt spalania, tarcia opon oraz innych procesów, które w sposób niekontrolowany unoszone ruchami Browna tworzą nanoaerozole.

Czy zatem celowo wprowadzone np. do kremów z filtrem nanocząsteczki, których celem jest zatrzymanie promieni ultrafioletowych, nie będą wywoływały ubocznych skutków zdrowotnych? Można i trzeba to zbadać.

Czy otaczające nas nanoaerozole nie wywołują wskutek swego katalitycznego działania groźnych skutków dla zdrowia? To też wymaga pilnych badań naukowych, które ze względów fizykochemicznych są jednak trudne do przeprowadzenia.


- Débat annuel sur les progrès realisés dans l'Espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice (B6-0192/2009)


  Koenraad Dillen (NI), schriftelijk. − Deze resolutie bevat zeker enkele positieve elementen, zoals een oproep om het mandaat van Frontex te versterken en om initiatieven te nemen voor een Europees intern veiligheidsbeleid, die een aanvulling moeten vormen op nationale veiligheidsmaatregelen wel te verstaan. Toch heb ik uiteindelijk tegen gestemd omdat ik het totaal onaanvaardbaar vind dat dit Parlement, dat toch geacht wordt de Europese burgers te vertegenwoordigen, mordicus blijft vasthouden aan het Verdrag van Lissabon. Ook de oproep om zo snel mogelijk voorstellen te doen om de import van vreemde arbeidskrachten te vergemakkelijken vindt in mijn ogen absoluut geen genade.


  Frank Vanhecke (NI), schriftelijk. − Ik heb tegen deze resolutie gestemd maar wil toch opmerken dat er ook heel wat positieve elementen aangebracht werden, zeker wat betreft de versterking van Frontex en een beter, aanvullend Europees intern veiligheidsbeleid. Het hoofdprobleem blijft voor mij echter dat het Parlement mordicus blijft vasthouden aan het Verdrag van Lissabon als alleenzaligmakend. Op deze wijze komen we natuurlijk geen stap worden. Het blijft kop tegen kei en uiteindelijk kunnen hieronder enkel de democratie en de geloofwaardigheid van een democratisch Europees project lijden. Vanzelfsprekend ben ik het volstrekt oneens met de verruiming van de toepassing van het systeem van de "blauwe kaart". Ik heb dat vanaf het begin gevreesd en die vrees is werkelijkheid geworden. Zoals altijd moet de typische Europese salamipolitiek door onze strot worden geduwd.


- Conclusions du Sommet du G20 (RC-B6-0185/2009)


  Luís Queiró (PPE-DE), por escrito. A Cimeira do G20 e a consciência da necessidade de uma resposta coordenada e em cooperação à actual situação económica mundial é uma expressão do que de positivo há na globalização. Já não há potências solitárias, economias autónomas nem países globalizados dispensáveis. Pelo contrário, aqueles países que vivem em condições bem piores do que estas vítimas da crise, mas que não ingressaram na globalização, como é o caso da maioria dos países africanos, mantêm os seus problemas e permanecem fora da solução. Esse é o problema ao qual não se está a responder.

A outra lição destes tempos é que a única alternativa à economia de mercado é a economia de mercado a funcionar melhor. É esse o caminho a empreender.

Por último, há que sublinhar que a capacidade de resposta à crise depende muito de ter havido, ou não, capacidade de reforma das economias nacionais e criação de condições de flexibilidade. A par da resposta à crise financeira, há que responder à transformação do paradigma económico mundial. Caso contrário, superaremos uma crise profunda, mas conjuntural, sem resolvermos a desadequação estrutural das nossas economias.


  Peter Skinner (PSE), in writing. − I agree with the recommendations emerging from this resolution, which comes at an urgent time to address the financial crisis.

It must first be said that we are not through the crisis yet and that the authorities cannot relax in the thought that it will pass.

Several key aspects are important to be acted on.

First, dealing with ‘systemic risks’: the international institutions need to be strengthened to face future threats. Inside the EU a sole authority such as the ECB must be considered for reasons of coordinating strong actions when urgently required.

Secondly, the revamping of existing legislation and introduction of new legislation which recognises the specific needs of sectors of the financial services industry, in particular Solvency II and CRD, are vital elements which contribute to the management of risk. Also, credit rating agencies are now going to be regulated.

On the fiscal measures currently being envisaged by Member States, it is important to continue with sensible, balanced approaches which also do not add up to protectionism.

We will face rising unemployment and falling demand. Social policies, too, have to reflect the concerns of European citizens and need to be of higher concern than seems apparent from the recommendations currently known.


- Rapport: Anna Ibrisagic (A6-0212/2009)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − La regione dei Balcani occidentali é stata per anni teatro dei più cruenti massacri d'Europa. La prospettiva d'adesione all'UE rappresenterebbe, al giorno d'oggi, la principale garanzia di stabilità e di riformismo.

Alcuni passi in avanti vanno ancora fatti: ricordiamo infatti che le politiche di vicinato e cooperazione sono alla base del processo di avanzamento verso l'adesione all'UE e che nella regione dei Balcani occidentali alcune questioni bilaterali tra i diversi Stati, sia comunitari che non, sono ancora pendenti.

Tuttavia l'influenza dell'UE e la sua capacità di fungere da mediatore, sostenendo le riforme in atto nei Balcani permetterà a quegli Stati che soddisfino a pieno i requisiti di Copenaghen di aderire a pieno titolo all'UE.

A favore di una sempre maggiore integrazione, soprattutto tra i giovani, è nostro compito sostenere l'aumento dei finanziamenti e del numero delle borse di studio disponibili nell'UE per studenti e ricercatori provenienti dai Balcani occidentali nel quadro del programma Erasmus Mundus. Questo non solo costituirà per molti ragazzi un'opportunità in più a livello formativo, ma permetterà a molti giovani di conoscere di persona altri coetanei comunitari sentendosi a pieno titolo cittadini d'Europa, ognuno con la sua identità, ma uniti nella diversità.


  Koenraad Dillen (NI), schriftelijk. − Al bij al is deze resolutie in evenwichtige termen opgesteld. Toch heb ik tegen gestemd omdat een voor-stem een ondersteuning van het Verdrag van Lissabon en een toetreding van al de landen van de westelijke Balkan zou inhouden. Zowel mijn partij als de absolute meerderheid van de Europeanen zijn zowel tegen het Verdrag van Lissabon, moesten ze de kans krijgen om te stemmen, als tegen verdere toetredingen gekant. Dit Parlement mag dan wel de wensen en verzuchtingen van de Europese burgers aan zijn laars lappen, ik doe dat zeker niet.


  Μαρία-Ελένη Κοππά (PSE), γραπτώς. – Η κοινοβουλευτική ομάδα του ΠΑΣΟΚ στο ΕΚ υπερψήφισε την έκθεση για τα Δυτικά Βαλκάνια λόγω της σημασίας της, δεδομένου ότι η έκθεση αυτή υπογραμμίζει σαφώς την ευρωπαϊκή προοπτική των Βαλκανίων η οποία αποτελεί πάγια θέση του ΠΑΣΟΚ. Ταυτόχρονα όμως επισημαίνει ότι η εξεύρεση λύσης στις διμερείς διαφορές εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο της καλής γειτονίας και πρέπει να είναι προαπαιτούμενο για την έναρξη και την πρόοδο των ενταξιακών διαπραγματεύσεων.


  Frank Vanhecke (NI), schriftelijk. − Twee hoofdredenen maakten het mij onmogelijk deze resolutie te steunen. In de eerste plaats denk ik dat we - na Kroatië weliswaar - toe zijn aan een absolute uitbreidingsstop. Laten we eerst proberen met de 25 of 26 huidige lidstaten de Unie op de rails te houden en efficiënt te laten werken. De vlucht vooruit met nieuwe uitbreidingen én met een ondemocratisch tot stand gekomen Verdrag van Lissabon is totaal de verkeerde weg. Uit de komende Europese verkiezingen zal ongetwijfeld opnieuw de grote demotivatie van de kiezers blijken wanneer het Europese kwesties betreft. Maar wat wil men eigenlijk wanneer kiezers vaststellen dat met hun mening toch geen rekening wordt gehouden?


- Situation en Bosnie-et-Herzégovine (B6-0183/2009)


  Koenraad Dillen (NI), schriftelijk. − Ik heb tegen dit verslag gestemd. De paragraaf waarin wordt gesteld dat Europese integratie in het belang is van de hele bevolking van de westelijke Balkan en wordt betreurd dat de politici van Bosnië-Herzegovina uit kortzichtige nationalistische motieven de doelstellingen van toetreding tot de EU opgeven, wijst er immers op dat een stem voor deze resolutie een stem voor de toetreding van Bosnië tot de EU zou zijn geweest.

Van mening zijnde dat Europa dringend toe is aan een uitbreidingsstop, heb ik dan ook tegen deze resolutie gestemd.


  Erik Meijer (GUE/NGL), schriftelijk. − Bosnië-Herzegovina wordt in hoofdzaak bewoond door drie volkeren die geen van alle de meerderheid in het land uitmaken. Een deel van deze bevolking voelt zich zeer sterk verbonden met Servië, een ander deel met Kroatië en een derde groep wil graag een eigen onafhankelijke Bosnische identiteit benadrukken. Eigenlijk is dit land een Joegoslavië in het klein, een federatie waarin verschillende volkeren voor de keuze staan om vreedzaam samen te leven of onderling conflicten over grondgebied uit te vechten.

Sinds het uiteenvallen van Joegoslavië in 1992 wordt geprobeerd om van Bosnië-Herzegovina een eenheidsstaat te maken, maar dat is niet gelukt. Ik verwacht dat dit ook in de nabije en verre toekomst niet mogelijk zal zijn. Overeenstemming tussen de drie volkeren en hun politieke leiders over een doelmatig bestuur is pas mogelijk als niemand zich meer bedreigd voelt door de anderen of door de buitenwereld.

Pas nádat de hoge vertegenwoordiger van de EU en de buitenlandse militairen uit dit land zijn teruggetrokken is er een compromis mogelijk. Tot dan zal de stagnatie voortduren. Daarom stem ik niet in met de voorgestelde resolutie over dit land die slechts kan leiden tot de voortzetting van het protectoraat en daardoor ook van de stagnatie.


- Rapport: Angelika Beer (A6-0234/2009)


  Glyn Ford (PSE), in writing. − I supported the Beer report on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, including Amendments 5 and 8 that called for Europe to become a nuclear weapons free zone, because I am in favour of nuclear disarmament. I welcome President Obama’s initiative in this regard. Yet the US and others are still in denial, firstly about Israel’s massive nuclear weapons capacity that underpins Iran’s drive to become a nuclear weapons power.

Secondly, the world’s major proliferation in the past decades has not been Pyongyang but Pakistan. A.Q. Khan and the leaders of Pakistan, supposedly allies of the West, have done more to make our world more dangerous than any of the ‘states of concern’ or the whole ‘axis of evil’ together.


  Richard Howitt (PSE), in writing. − Labour MEPs stand by our commitments on disarmament and the undertakings set out in Article VI of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), which is the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation and disarmament regime. Labour MEPs are committed to a world in which there is no requirement for nuclear weapons.

Although we acknowledge the proposal for a Nuclear Weapons Convention, Britain is concerned that we do not risk at this time diverting attention from, or undermining, the NPT and so warmly welcome the European Parliament resolution to restate our backing as a Parliament to this Treaty. We warmly welcome President Obama’s and Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s recent statements calling for nuclear reductions and Labour MEPs will continue to give our strong backing to all moves to reduce nuclear stockpiles and avoid proliferation, and we will continue to hold all states accountable to their NPT obligations.


  Alexandru Nazare (PPE-DE), în scris. − Dorinţa noastră legitimă de a vedea o lume şi un continent lipsite de arme nucleare trebuie completată de dovada unei înţelegeri responsabile şi mature a realităţilor care ne înconjoară. Şi este evident că cele mai mari ameninţări vin din două direcţii: armele nucleare aflate în mâna unor regimuri nedemocratice şi care nu sunt responsabile în faţa nimănui, precum şi folosirea iresponsabilă a resurselor nucleare civile. Tratatul de Neproliferare este cadrul adecvat în care am adresat aceste îngrijorări şi pe care putem construi în continuare.

Am votat în favoarea acestui raport al dnei Beer şi vreau să subliniez că importanţa acestui document se datorează exact nevoii evidente de creştere a utilizării energiei nucleare în scopuri civile. Cunoaştem bine problemele ce vin cu lipsa independenţei energetice şi cunoaştem la fel de bine contribuţia energiei nucleare ca energie curată la lupta împotriva încălzirii globale. Astăzi, singura formă de producere pe scară largă de energie nepoluantă este cea nucleară şi îmi exprim speranţa că vom avea cadrul pentru a o folosi, în siguranţă, pentru a răspunde nevoilor unor economii în dezvoltare şi cetăţenilor europeni.


  Geoffrey Van Orden (PPE-DE), in writing. − Conservatives have been consistent advocates of a strong non-proliferation regime and a multilateral approach toward nuclear-weapon reduction, firmly opposing any proposals aimed at unilateral nuclear disarmament. We welcome a new drive to improve the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, including a Security Council resolution to close loopholes in the existing legal framework. However, we reject the implication that the EU should replace Member States as the major actor in the process. Only two EU members are nuclear-weapon states (NWS), with an additional four participating in NATO nuclear weapons sharing. We do not support the proposal that the UK should dismantle fissile material production facilities. The report also pays insufficient attention to the danger of proliferation by terrorists and rogue states, as opposed to retention or replacement of weapons by the existing five NWS. Several amendments would have considerably worsened the report, including the proposal that the EU should become a ‘nuclear-weapons-free zone’. For these reasons, taking into account that there is much in the report we can support, the British Conservative delegation abstained.


- Rapport: Monica Frassoni (A6-0245/2009)


  Alessandro Battilocchio (PSE), per iscritto. − Commissione giuridica

Grazie Presidente. Voto a favore della relazione Frassoni la quale ricorda i ruoli fondamentali che il Parlamento europeo, i parlamenti nazionali e i tribunali nazionali devono svolgere nell'applicazione del diritto comunitario.

Sono d'accordo nel dover rammentare alla Commissione la possibilità di un sistema che indichi chiaramente i diversi meccanismi di reclamo disponibili per i cittadini, sistema che potrebbe assumere la forma di un portale comune dell'UE oppure di uno sportello unico online di assistenza ai cittadini.

I cittadini devono avere lo stesso livello di trasparenza, sia che presentino una denuncia formale, sia che esercitino il loro diritto di petizione in base al trattato; devono dunque essere messe a disposizione della commissione per le petizioni informazioni chiare sullo stato di avanzamento delle procedure di infrazione che hanno rilevanza anche per le petizioni in sospeso. I firmatari devono essere pienamente informati dello stato di avanzamento delle loro denunce allo scadere di ciascun termine predefinito.

Ci dovrebbero essere testi riepilogativi destinati ai cittadini e tali sintesi devono essere rese accessibili tramite un unico punto di accesso. Inoltre tali testi non debbono scomparire una volta conclusa la procedura legislativa, proprio nel momento in cui assumono più rilevanza per i cittadini e le imprese.

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