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Proċedura : 2010/2513(RSP)
Ċiklu ta' ħajja waqt sessjoni
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Dibattiti :

PV 21/01/2010 - 3.2
CRE 21/01/2010 - 3.2

Votazzjonijiet :

PV 21/01/2010 - 7.2

Testi adottati :


Rapporti verbatim tad-dibattiti
Il-Ħamis, 21 ta' Jannar 2010 - Strasburgu Edizzjoni riveduta

3.2. Ksur tad-drittijiet tal-bniedem fiċ-Ċina, b' mod partikoli l-każ Liu Xiaobao
Vidjow tat-taħditiet

  El Presidente. − El punto siguiente es el debate sobre siete propuestas de resolución relativas a violaciones de los derechos humanos en China, especialmente el caso de Liu Xiaobao(1).


  Renate Weber, author. − Mr President, last month Mr Liu Xiaobo, the very well-known writer and political activist, was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment for ‘incitement to subvert state power’. He was arrested over a year ago after drafting Charter 08, a charter which was signed by more than 10 000 ordinary Chinese citizens, demanding the most normal things in a democratic society: the right to free speech, open elections and rule of law.

The prosecution of Mr Liu Xiaobo, based solely on his peaceful initiatives, and the judicial harassment he faced are undoubtedly incompatible with internationally acknowledged norms of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Therefore we should call strongly for Mr Liu Xiaobo’s unconditional release, which should take place immediately.

In the last few years, relations between the European Union and China have focused mainly on the economic dimension, which has overshadowed the country’s democratic record and the gross human rights violations which have systematically occurred in China.

A few days ago, for the first time, a police official admitted that the famous human rights lawyer and 2008 Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Mr Gao Zhisheng, had gone missing after a year in the Chinese authorities’ custody. Many people fear that he might be dead. A few weeks ago, the Chinese Government disregarded an EU appeal not to execute a British citizen.

It is particularly disturbing to see how the Chinese Government ignores its international commitments in the field of human rights. One is entitled to wonder why, under these circumstances, China submitted its candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council – was it simply to legitimise the way it suppresses human rights?

In April 2009, the Chinese Government issued a national human rights plan, a lengthy document which appears to be nothing but a piece of paper. There must be no doubt. This House, the European Parliament, has the obligation to thoroughly evaluate the results of the EU-China human rights dialogue.


  Tunne Kelam, author. − Mr President, China has demonstrated impressive economic progress. However, part of this progress has been achieved by the use of methods that are in flagrant conflict with universally accepted human norms. Hopes that events like the Olympic Games would motivate the Chinese authorities to show more respect for democratic norms have proved vain. On the contrary, acts of repression have increased and we need to draw conclusions from this fact.

Today the European Parliament voices concern over the fate of the prominent human rights activist and scholar, Liu Xiaobo, signatory of Charter 08, which urges constitutional reform and the safeguarding of human rights. This Charter has been bravely co-signed by more than 10 000 Chinese citizens. Last month Lui Xiaobo was sentenced to 11 years’ imprisonment. We ask today for his immediate and unconditional release. We express our solidarity with the peaceful actions of Chinese citizens in favour of democratic reforms and the safeguarding of human rights, to which the Chinese Government has committed itself.


  Véronique De Keyser, auteur. − Monsieur le Président, les résolutions d'urgence sont toujours un exercice difficile parce que, bien souvent, plutôt que de traduire une urgence humanitaire, elles reflètent une impuissance politique. Le name and shame que nous pratiquons chaque mois est un recours ultime. Il signifie clairement que tous les autres instruments de dialogue et de pression se sont révélés inefficaces et que, faute de pouvoir agir, on dénonce.

Dans le cas de la Chine, je ne suis pas sûre que multiplier les résolutions d'urgence comme nous le faisons – mars 2009, novembre 2009, janvier 2010, plus le projet d'une autre résolution en mars 2010 – soit productif. Non pas que je sous-estime la difficulté de ce pays à gérer sa transition vers la démocratie, mais parce que je crois que revenir sans cesse à la charge, ce n'est pas se tromper de cible, c'est se tromper de stratégie. Il y a d'autres instruments politiques plus convaincants.

J'ai été la première à demander des résolutions sur les Ouïgours et à espérer éviter ainsi, en vain hélas, des exécutions capitales. Je soutiens, au nom de mon groupe, Liu Xiaobao, ce dissident de Tiananmen, condamné récemment, dont le seul crime est d'être épris de démocratie, mais je refuse de clouer tous les deux mois la Chine au pilori, tout simplement parce que cela ne la fera pas plier. Bien au contraire! Car cet acteur commercial incontournable, ce pays qui a un siège permanent au Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, qui est en pleine croissance et en pleine évolution démocratique, dont nous avons besoin pour lutter contre le changement climatique, ce pays doit être un partenaire, à qui on dit ses quatre vérités, mais qu'on respecte pour les efforts qu'il engage. C'est ce respect qui manque dans la résolution.

C'est pour ces raisons politiques que mon groupe a retiré sa signature. Mais pour qu'il n'y ait aucune ambiguïté sur la question des droits de l'homme, auxquels je tiens au moins autant que vous, mon groupe votera en faveur de tous les amendements qui s'y rapportent. Quant à l'issue finale du vote, elle dépendra des amendements que nous avons déposés.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteur. − Monsieur le Président, la Chine est un grand pays, riche de son histoire, et dont les capacités de développement sont immenses. La tenue des jeux olympiques à Pékin, l'année dernière, n'a pas eu les résultats que certains avaient escomptés.

Les relations que l'Union européenne est en mesure d'entretenir avec ce pays revêtent une importance toute particulière. Il est de notre devoir, en tant que parlementaires européens, de dire haut et fort ce que nous trouvons important et ce qui n'est pas supportable.

Or, la situation des droits de l'homme dans ce pays n'est pas supportable. Le cas de M. Liu Xiaobao, coupable de réclamer des réformes démocratiques dans son pays avec plus de 10 000 de ses compatriotes est, à cet égard, exemplaire. Oserai-je dire qu'à mes yeux, c'est plutôt un exploit que de permettre une telle mobilisation dans ce pays?

Nous devons exiger la libération de M. Xiaobao et de tous ceux et de toutes celles qui, comme lui, sont harcelés, emprisonnés, pour avoir commis un seul crime, celui de défendre les droits de l'homme, et notamment l'un des plus fondamentaux d'entre eux, la liberté d'expression.

Tout récemment, comme l'a dit un de mes collègues, un citoyen britannique a effectivement été exécuté, alors qu'il était déficient mental. C'est la première fois qu'un Européen est exécuté en Chine depuis plus de cinquante ans. Oui, la liberté d'expression est bafouée chaque jour un peu plus, comme vient de nous le révéler Google, qui a pourtant la réputation d'être, sinon l'opérateur qui protégerait le mieux – du moins le moins mal – les internautes.

On sait que, pour s'installer en Chine, les opérateurs doivent, à la demande des autorités chinoises, installer des logiciels de filtre, ce que même Google avait fini par accepter. Nous ne pouvons pas accepter qu'un gouvernement opère des actes de piratage sur l'internet et empêche les internautes de s'exprimer.

Les institutions européennes, dans leur ensemble, doivent réagir. Les internautes chinois doivent pouvoir accéder à des informations non censurées. L'Union européenne se doit de soutenir les entreprises du secteur de l'internet qui refusent d'aider les autorités chinoises à censurer l'internet ou, pire, à arrêter les défenseurs des droits de l'homme, les démocrates ou, plus simplement, les journalistes, comme ce fut le cas avec M. Xiaobao en avril 2005.

Enfin, mes chers collègues, je ne peux terminer mon intervention sans vous demander de ne pas oublier les morts de Tiananmen, plusieurs centaines de jeunes Chinois ont trouvé la mort dans la nuit du 3 au 4 juin de 1989. C'était il y a vingt ans, un triste anniversaire, que nous nous serions honorés de commémorer en rendant hommage à ces jeunes victimes. Mais tous les événements de 1989 n'ont pas eu droit à la même attention.


  Charles Tannock, author. − Mr President, the fact that yet again in this House we are debating human rights abuses in China indicates that the Communist authoritarian leadership of Beijing remains determined to suppress any political dissent.

However, that fact should not stop us from raising these issues in Parliament. I believe not only that we have a duty to do so, but that we owe it to the victims of human rights abuses in China such as Liu Xiaobo, most of whom have been denied a voice. This is why we are debating this matter again today.

Indeed, the award of the Sakharov Prize in 2008 to Hu Jia showed the world how seriously we MEPs take the issue of human rights in China. We take it seriously because China really matters. Its vast size and global outreach, its military muscle and economic power compel the EU to seek a strategic partnership based on mutual respect and security.

Perhaps eventually our relationship with China will also be based on our common values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law: we can but hope. I think all of us hope, nevertheless, to see the day when we will really see this in practice in the People’s Republic of China. It has been suggested that such ideals are somehow alien to Asia. I always look to democratic Taiwan and vast India with its democratic secular traditions, where these flourish in a free society, to basically put a lie to the idea that the PRC cannot be democratic.


  Heidi Hautala, laatija. − Arvoisa puhemies, merkittävää Liu Xiaobaon tapauksessa on nyt se, että jopa 10 000 ihmistä on avoimesti ilmaissut hänelle tukensa, ja mielestäni Euroopan parlamentin on todettava näiden ihmisten rohkeus ja kiitettävä heitä siitä.

Samalla meidän täytyy muistuttaa siitä, että Kiina itse on antanut lupauksia ihmisoikeustilanteen kohentamisesta. Kiina pyrki YK:n ihmisoikeusneuvoston jäseneksi sanomalla, että se tulee olemaan sitoutunut ihmisoikeuksien edistämiseen ja suojeluun ja että Kiina tulee pitämään yllä ihmisoikeuksien korkeimpia vaatimuksia. Nämä ovat siis Kiinan omia lupauksia YK:n edessä ja näihin meidän on viitattava.

Tässä päätöslauselmassa myös puhutaan EU:n ja Kiinan välisistä ihmisoikeusdialogeista, ja vaikka kuinka haluaisimme olla optimistisia, niin lopputulos kuitenkin on se, että näistä ihmisoikeusdialogeista ei ole juurikaan ollut hyötyä. Meidän täytyy myös Euroopan unionin toimielinten kesken pohtia, miten me voimme parantaa omaa strategiaamme, kuinka voimme saada Kiinan ymmärtämään, että sen sitoumukset ihmisoikeusasioissa ovat meidän yhteinen asiamme ja niistä riippuu ratkaisevasti meidän yhteistyömme tulevaisuus.

Loppujen lopuksi voimmekin kysyä, miksi Kiinan suhteen Euroopan unionin politiikka on niin hajanaista ja epäjohdonmukaista ja mitä me voimme sille tehdä? Euroopan parlamentti varmasti omalta osaltaan tukee komissiota, että pääsemme uuteen strategiaan Kiinan kanssa.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele Grupului PPE. – Cuvintele nu ar trebui privite ca nişte crime, iată ce a susţinut Liu Xiaobo în Carta 08, manifestul politic pe care l-a iniţiat şi care a fost susţinut, aşa cum s-a spus, de mii de chinezi. Pentru o asemenea afirmaţie, ca şi pentru susţinerea constantă a drepturilor omului, Liu Xiaobo a primit 11 ani de închisoare şi doi ani de privare a drepturilor politice. Această pedeapsă este, cred eu, un sindrom al intensificării campaniei duse de autorităţile chineze împotriva apărătorilor drepturilor omului. O dovadă e şi faptul că, aşa cum s-a anunţat în această dimineaţă, Tzu Yong Jun, lider al mişcării din Piaţa Tiananmen a fost condamnat, la rândul său, la 9 ani de închisoare.

În consecinţă, eu consider că este esenţială abordarea subiectului drepturilor omului în cadrul următorului summit Uniunea Europeană - China, aşa cum precizează articolul 9 din rezoluţie. Consider, aşa cum sugera şi doamna Hautala mai devreme, că este insuficient instrumentul dialogului pe drepturile omului: această problematică a drepturilor omului trebuie tratată în cadrul summit-urilor, pentru că, până acum, dialogurile nu au dat rezultate.


  Zigmantas Balčytis, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, the European Union is now negotiating a new framework agreement with China, which will set a further path for the development of economic relations with the country.

Those relations are very tight, but we must not close our eyes before repeated human rights violations and with respect for the rule of law.

The European Union must strengthen the EU-China human rights dialogue. This dialogue, established in 2000, proved to be inefficient. The EU, and especially the High Representative, should ensure coordinated and effective EU common foreign policy towards China. Respect for human rights must serve as a basis for this policy.


  Helga Trüpel, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Als China die Olympiade bekommen hat, habe ich nach allen Versprechungen Chinas, die Menschenrechtssituation zu verbessern, im Vorfeld auch gehofft, dass dies vielleicht eintritt.

Aber während und nach der Olympiade mussten wir leider feststellen, dass es nicht zu einer Verbesserung, sondern zu einer Verschlechterung der Menschenrechtssituation gekommen ist. Und jetzt, nach dem Urteil gegen Liu Xiaobao, müssen wir sogar sehen, dass eine Homosexuellen-Party von der Polizei verboten wurde, dass offensichtlich für Dissidenten, Menschenrechtler und Homosexuelle eine politische Eiszeit in China droht.

Wir fordern deswegen die sofortige Freilassung von Liu Xiaobao und von anderen Menschenrechtlern, und wir fordern vor allem China auf – wenn es ein anerkannter Partner der internationalen Gemeinschaft werden möchte –, dass es sich von seinen hysterischen Zensurmaßnahmen und Überwachungsmethoden verabschieden soll.

Das gilt natürlich insbesondere auch für das Internet. Wir können politisches filtering im Internet nicht akzeptieren. Es ist ein wesentlicher Teil der fundamentalen Rechte, dass die Meinungsfreiheit in allen Staaten der Welt verteidigt werden muss. Menschenrechte sind ein universales Gut und unteilbar, egal ob hier bei uns, in den USA, im Sudan oder in China. Daran muss sich die Chinesische Republik gewöhnen, wenn sie wirklich eine andere Rolle spielen will.

Ich bin zutiefst der Überzeugung, dass wir als Europäer im Rahmen unserer offiziellen Beziehungen bei den Gipfeltreffen – gerade weil wir ein Interesse an Zusammenarbeit in den Bereichen Klimaschutzpolitik, Umweltpolitik und Regulierung der Finanzmärkte haben – China klarmachen müssen, dass es dringend seine Menschenrechtspolitik ändern muss.


  Lorenzo Fontana, a nome del gruppo EFD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, uno dei problemi più rilevanti che riguardano i diritti umani in Cina è lo sfruttamento dei lavori forzati nei laogai, i campi di concentramento cinesi.

Questa questione, oltre ad essere una vera e propria schiavitù moderna, interessa concretamente anche l'economia europea. È infatti sicuro che vi sia moltissima merce proveniente dal mercato cinese che è prodotta dai detenuti nei laogai, con evidente abbattimento dei costi della manodopera e conseguente concorrenza sleale nei riguardi della merce europea.

Basandosi anche sull'esperienza degli Stati Uniti, che già hanno approvato alcune leggi per il divieto delle importazioni di merci cinesi prodotte nei laogai, l'Europa può e deve fare il possibile affinché venga impedito l'accesso al suo interno di merci prodotte parzialmente o totalmente dal lavoro forzato.

Per prima cosa si deve intraprendere una campagna di sensibilizzazione dell'opinione pubblica sulla questione; si deve poi pretendere che tutti i prodotti importati in Europa abbiano gli stessi parametri di igiene e sicurezza richiesti ai produttori europei e introdurre una normativa sull'etichettatura che consenta la tracciabilità dei prodotti.

Inoltre si deve chiedere agli imprenditori che investono in Cina di seguire regole precise riguardanti i diritti dei lavoratori. Infine bisogna costituire delle norme e soprattutto farle rispettare, affinché vi sia il divieto assoluto di importare merci prodotte con il lavoro forzato.

Sono convinto che solo così possiamo veramente aiutare il popolo cinese nella lotta per i diritti umani. In caso contrario rimarremo dei complici che non vogliono la libertà di queste persone.


  Edward McMillan-Scott (NI). - Mr President, I have the honour to be the European Parliament’s Vice-President responsible for democracy and human rights. Rightly, the resolution focuses on Liu Xiaobo, the principal author of Charter 08. An English version is available on my website

After my last visit to Beijing in May 2006, all the dissidents with whom I had contact were arrested, imprisoned and in some cases tortured, Hu Jia, for example, who is still in prison and needing medical treatment. In particular Gao Zhisheng, who reportedly has disappeared after three and a half years in prison, under house arrest and under torture, which caused him twice to try and commit suicide. Gao’s open letters to the regime in 2005 set the tone for Charter 08. His investigation into the persecution of the spiritual Buddhist group, Falun Gong, led to widespread support across China. I believe the authorities should now produce Gao Zhisheng and release him.

Nobody should be in any doubt that the European Parliament will not give up on reform in China, and of course in Tibet.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, on sietämätöntä, että kaupalliset intressit ovat vetäneet pidemmän korren EU:n ja Kiinan suhteissa ja vaatimukset ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamisesta ja demokratiakehityksestä on pantu suunnilleen kohteliaiden tervehdysten osuuteen.

Olen mielenkiinnolla seurannut hakukoneyhtiö Googlen rohkeutta ja suunnitelmia lopettaa yhteistyö Kiinan viranomaisten kanssa, mitä internetsivujen suodattamiseen ja sensurointiin tulee, ja jopa lähteä maasta. Samalla Google peräänkuuluttaa näkyvästi sananvapautta kiinalaisille internetin käyttäjille.

Jaan kollegoideni huolen Liu Xiaobaon sekä muiden kiinalaisten mielipidevankien kohtelusta ja toivon, että neuvosto ja komissio ottavat Xiaobaon tapauksen esille seuraavassa EU:n ja Kiinan välisessä huippukokouksessa. Parhaillaan neuvoteltavissa sopimuksissa tulee näkyä, että kauppasuhteiden kehittäminen Kiinan kanssa on jatkossa kytketty tehokkaammin poliittiseen dialogiin ja ihmisoikeuksien kunnioittamiseen.


  Gesine Meissner (ALDE). - Herr Präsident! Wir haben schon verschiedentlich darüber gesprochen, was die richtige Variante sein könnte, um mit China zu sprechen, um China unter Druck zu setzen, weil an China ganz offensichtlich vieles abprallt. Frau De Keyser hat gesagt, dass ihre Fraktion deswegen die Unterschrift zurückgezogen hat. Ich denke, dass das nicht der richtige Weg ist. Wir sollten gerade als EU, die die Menschenrechte in der Charta der Grundrechte und im Lissabon-Vertrag festgeschrieben hat, nicht nachlassen, immer wieder auf Grundrechtsverletzungen hinzuweisen. Andere Wege haben wir im Moment nicht. Wenn uns etwas Besseres einfällt, würde ich sofort mit dabei sein, das zu unterstützen.

Aber es geht ja nicht nur um Liu Xiaobo, es geht auch um Gao Zhisheng, der verschwunden ist und von dem man jetzt hört, er habe angeblich Selbstmord begangen. Alle nehmen an, dass er wahrscheinlich zu Tode gekommen ist, auf welche schlimme Art auch immer. Das ist nicht hinnehmbar. Wir haben bei den Olympischen Spielen gemerkt: Wenn man nach China geht und dort Kontakt aufnimmt, dann ändert sich dadurch überhaupt nichts an der menschenrechtlichen Situation. Wir haben das alle gehofft, aber es hat nicht funktioniert. Darum sollten wir mit unseren Dringlichkeitsappellen nicht nachlassen.


  Neelie Kroes, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, the EU has clearly expressed its deep concern at the disproportionate sentence against the prominent human rights defender Liu Xiaobo of 11 years’ imprisonment for his role as the author of Charter 08, a blueprint for democratic and rights-based reform in China, and for publishing a number of essays relating to human rights issues on the internet.

We attach great importance to freedom of thought and expression: cornerstones, as we are all aware, of our democratic system. The verdict against Mr Liu is entirely incompatible with the right to freedom of expression enshrined in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which China is a signatory. We are also attached, by the way, to the protection of the right to sexual expression and orientation, as mentioned by Mrs Trüpel.

The EU attempted to observe the trial, and we deeply regret that our observers were barred from the courtroom. The details of the trial, which we have nevertheless been able to learn, indicate clearly that Mr Liu was not afforded the opportunity to present a proper defence and that he did not receive a fair trial. The EU will continue to call on the Chinese Government to unconditionally release Mr Liu and to end the harassment and detention of other signatories of Charter 2008.

Our overall policy towards China is one of constructive engagement in the framework of our strategic partnership. On several occasions in the past, we have welcomed China’s progress with regard to social and economic rights, as well as the recent launch of China’s human rights action plan, but, on the other hand, there are extremely serious concerns with regard to civil and political rights and a number of recent developments, such as those that the honourable Members of this House have raised in the draft resolution.

The EU’s commitment to human rights is conveyed during our regular political contacts and, in particular, during our human rights dialogue with the Chinese authorities. The last session, as you are aware, was on 20 November last year in Beijing. The strength of our relationship allows us to discuss those matters frankly. Last year, at the 12th EU-China Summit in Nanjing, human rights were raised, both during the discussions and in the press conference.

Mrs Vergiat and Mrs Korhola touched upon the cyber attacks against Google. The Commission thinks that this is another worrisome development in the framework of freedom of expression in China. We are obviously monitoring the situation closely. We understand that there are ongoing consultations between the company and the Chinese authorities. We will remain vigilant in case similar attacks target EU companies.

Let me reassure this House that we will continue to raise those issues, including at the highest level, recalling the international human rights obligations of the People’s Republic of China. We also recall the Chinese constitutional guarantees on freedom of expression. We all share the goal of a more open, transparent China, adhering to international standards on human rights and working together to address global challenges. To achieve this, we must continue to work on the development of our strategic partnership.

I would like to react to a question from Mrs De Keyser. Regarding the execution of the British citizen, Akmal Shaikh, the European Union has condemned in the strongest terms the execution of Akmal Shaikh. It deeply regrets the fact that China did not heed repeated calls by the European Union and one of its Member States for the death sentenced passed against Mr Shaikh to be commuted.


  El Presidente. − Se cierra el debate.

La votación tendrá lugar a las 12.00 horas.

Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)


  Cătălin Sorin Ivan (S&D), în scris. – Dreptul la viata, dreptul la libertate de expresie si gândire se afla la temelia construcţiei europene si a vizunii noastre asupra lumii. Când unul dintre partenerii noştri, in cazul de fata China, incalca aceste drepturi in mod repetat, suntem obligaţi sa reacţionam. Nu trebuie sa o facem insa urmând modelul "shame and blame", sa acuzam China si sa ignoram diferenţele de cultura si civilizaţie care ne despart. Rezoluţia de fata, privind violarea drepturilor omului in China, in special in cazul lui Liu Xiaobo, este o dovada de abordare simplista a problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea chineza. Poziţia noastră nu a fost nicidecum împotriva principiului de inviolabilitate a drepturilor omului din spatele rezoluţiei, la care aderam fara rezerve, ci asupra modului in care acesta a fost transmis. Pentru a obţine rezultatele pe care le dorim, avem nevoie de menţinerea unui climat neconflictual intre noi si China. Doar in felul acesta putem contribui la o evoluţie a Chinei către o societate cu profund ataşament fata de importanta respectării drepturilor omului.


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE), in writing. – ‘Don’t be evil’ is the well-known motto of Google. There has been criticism regarding their policy in China over the years, questioning the motto. Human rights groups have accused Google of helping the Chinese Government in repressing its citizens and particularly human rights activists. Apparently Google will be less evil in the future. Their decision to start to operate an unfiltered search engine in China deserves the warmest congratulations. By announcing the change in their China policy, Google risks profits from the biggest internet market in the world and potentially abandons almost 400 million users. In this particular case Google has proved that a big multinational company can really stick to its ethics policy. Having its founders still aboard directing the company, Google has every chance of reflecting its core values and beliefs in its every action in the future. And, if Google continues to prosper, it will prove that there is no inherent conflict between making money and acting in a sustainable and human way.


  Nuno Melo (PPE), por escrito. – A violação dos direitos humanos na China, tem sido recorrente e não pode deixar de ser condenada. O facto da UE ser um dos principais parceiros económicos da China aumenta-nos a responsabilidade na condenação de todas acções que violem os direitos de qualquer cidadão e principalmente daqueles que neste pais defendem a liberdade de expressão e os direitos humanos. É muito importante que a República Popular da China respeite e honre os compromissos assumidos perante o Conselho de Direitos do Homem.


  Alajos Mészáros (PPE), písomne. – Čím je jedna krajina geograficky väčšia a hospodársky nezávislejšia, tým je od nej náročnejšie vyžadovať dodržiavanie ľudských práv. Považujem za neprijateľné, že Európska Únia vo svojich vzťahoch k Číne dáva opakovane do popredia ekonomické záujmy. Takmer na každom stretnutí vyššej diplomatickej úrovne si len nesmelo dovolíme pripomenúť problém porušovania ľudských práv v tejto krajine. V Európe máme za sebou žiaľ bohaté negatívne skúsenosti týkajúce sa praktík komunistických režimov v rámci potláčania ľudských práv. Preto ostávam presvedčený, že počet prípadov porušovania ľudských práv je ďaleko vyšší, ako sme informovaní. Z tohto dôvodu je nanajvýš nevyhnutné a naliehavé, aby sme aj za cenu ekonomickej a politickej obete dokázali primäť Čínu k rešpektovaniu ľudských práv. V opačnom prípade vývoj danej situácie v Číne môže mať nepriaznivý vplyv na celkový vývoj politickej situácie v Ázii, s následným dopadom na celkovú svetovú ekonomiku a politiku.


  Wojciech Michał Olejniczak (S&D), na piśmie. – Głosowałem za rezolucją potępiającą łamanie praw człowieka, ponieważ nie możemy tolerować i godzić się na ich łamanie ani jako ludzie, ani jako obywatele. Postępowanie godzące w ludzi, w ich wolność i określone wiele lat temu prawa jest sprzeczne z fundamentami, na których powstawały zachodnie demokracje. Dialog, który został podjęty między Unią Europejską a Chinami w roku 2000, nie przyniósł spodziewanych efektów. Powinniśmy sobie więc zadać pytanie, czy zrobiliśmy wszystko co mogliśmy zrobić i jeżeli odpowiedź będzie negatywna, zastosować się do zapisów rezolucji dotyczących efektywności współpracy gospodarczej. Niech prawa człowieka staną się podstawą dialogu między Unią a Chinami i niech interes ludzi stanie ponad interesem ekonomicznym.

Aresztowanie i skazanie Liu Xiaobo, działacza pokojowego, obrońcę praw człowieka wzywającego do większej demokratyzacji Chin, jest wyraźnym sygnałem, że nasze dotychczasowe działania nie są efektywne. Dlatego warto podjąć poza rezolucjami kroki, które umożliwią większe poszanowanie tego, o co walczy Liu Xiaobo, tysiące Chińczyków, a także wiele osób na świecie.

Trzydzieści lat temu zostały zapoczątkowane w Chinach reformy, które pokazały światu, że coś się zmienia, że można wykonać pewną pracę na rzecz społeczeństwa. Dzisiaj oczekujemy tego samego. Dzisiaj chcemy mieć za partnera państwo respektujące zasady, które są dla nas fundamentalne.


(1) Véase el Acta.

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