 Testo integrale 
Procedura : 2010/2746(RSP)
Ciclo di vita in Aula
Ciclo del documento : B7-0407/2010

Testi presentati :


Discussioni :

PV 07/07/2010 - 7
CRE 07/07/2010 - 7

Votazioni :

PV 07/07/2010 - 8.14
Dichiarazioni di voto
Dichiarazioni di voto

Testi approvati :


Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Mercoledì 7 luglio 2010 - Strasburgo

7. Domanda di adesione dell'Islanda all'Unione europea (discussione)
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Die Präsidentin. − Als nächster Punkt der Tagesordnung folgen die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission zum Antrag Islands auf Mitgliedschaft in der Europäischen Union.


  Steven Vanackere, fungerend voorzitter van de Raad. − Mevrouw de Voorzitter, waarde leden van het Europees Parlement, dames en heren, het is mij een groot genoegen om vandaag namens het voorzitterschap van de Europese Unie het woord te mogen richten tot de plenaire vergadering van het Europees Parlement en u onze plannen betreffende de toetredingsonderhandelingen met IJsland te mogen presenteren, een land dat we met z'n allen de laatste maanden beter hebben leren kennen door de vulkaan Eyjafjallajökull, met mijn verontschuldigingen voor de tolken dat ik hen ertoe verplicht deze tongbreker uit te spreken.

Ik zou eerst en vooral willen benadrukken dat de uitbreiding - zoals u ook in uw meest recente resolutie over de uitbreidingsstrategie heeft gesteld - voor de EU en voor Europa als geheel een succesverhaal is geweest en deze zowel voor de bestaande als de nieuwe lidstaten voordelen heeft opgeleverd. Het uitbreidingsproces blijft bijdragen tot vrede, democratie en stabiliteit op het Europese continent. Het geeft de EU meer gewicht in de wereld en brengt voor de burgers ook concrete voordelen, onder andere in de vorm van grotere welvaart, betere vooruitzichten voor economische groei en nieuwe kansen op samenwerking, bijvoorbeeld inzake vervoer, energie en vele andere gebieden.

Voortbouwend op de vorderingen die door de vorige voorzitterschappen zijn gemaakt en in overeenstemming met de hernieuwde consensus inzake uitbreiding, die vervat is in de conclusie van de Europese Raad van december 2006, en met het programma van het voorzitterschapstrio van de Raad, zal het Belgische voorzitterschap de werkzaamheden voortzetten. Misschien moet ik signaleren dat het in goede banen leiden van de uitbreiding een van de vijf prioritaire assen van het Belgisch voorzitterschap is.

De Europese Raad van 17 juni heeft het advies van de Commissie over de IJslandse toetredingsaanvraag en de aanbeveling om de toetredingsonderhandelingen met IJsland te openen, verwelkomd. In het licht van de hernieuwde consensus voor uitbreiding heeft de Europese Raad vastgesteld dat IJsland aan de in 1993 door de Europese Raad van Kopenhagen vastgelegde politieke criteria voldoet, en heeft de Europese Raad beslist dat de toetredingsonderhandelingen geopend zullen worden.

De Europese Raad heeft de Raad ook verzocht om een algemeen onderhandelingskader vast te leggen en heeft eveneens het doel van de onderhandelingen in herinnering gebracht, namelijk dat IJsland het acquis integraal overneemt en zorgt voor de volledige implementatie en handhaving ervan. Dit betekent dat IJsland bestaande verplichtingen dient na te komen, zoals de verplichtingen krachtens de overeenkomst van de Europese Economische Ruimte, waarop de toezichthoudende autoriteit van de Europese Vrijhandelsassociatie heeft gewezen. Ook dient IJsland de andere zwakke punten aan te pakken die de Commissie in haar advies heeft aangeduid, onder meer met betrekking tot financiële diensten.

Le Conseil européen s'est également félicité de la volonté de l'Islande de se pencher sur ces questions et est convaincu qu'elle poursuivra activement ses efforts pour régler toutes les questions en suspens.

Enfin, le Conseil européen a confirmé que, comme pour tous les autres candidats à l'adhésion, les négociations seront basées sur les mérites propres de l'Islande, et que le rythme d'avancement dépendra des progrès que le pays aura accomplis pour satisfaire aux critères énoncés dans le cadre de négociation.

Comment allons-nous travailler sur ce dossier? Nous appliquerons la même procédure que celle que nous avons suivie lors des précédents processus d'adhésion, dans le respect du consensus renouvelé sur l'élargissement.

En premier lieu, le Conseil adoptera un cadre de négociation pour l'Islande, qui établira les principes généraux régissant les négociations ainsi que les conditions qu'elle devra remplir. Ce cadre de négociation rendra également compte des mérites propres ainsi que de la situation et des caractéristiques spécifiques de l'Islande. Le fait que ce pays bénéficie depuis récemment de l'instrument d'aide de préadhésion, l'IAP, facilitera bien sûr la préparation à l'adhésion.

La Commission a entretemps déjà fait parvenir au Conseil le projet de cadre de négociation, et j'espère que le Conseil "Affaires générales", que je présiderai le 26 juillet, sera en mesure de l'adopter afin d'ouvrir la voie à la tenue de la première conférence intergouvernementale d'adhésion avec l'Islande encore avant la fin du mois.

S'il est confirmé, un tel calendrier nous permettrait de commencer les négociations d'adhésion avant la pause estivale. L'Islande sera ensuite soumise à l'examen analytique de l'acquis par la Commission, un examen connu sous le nom de screening, qui vise à déterminer dans quelle mesure les pays candidats sont prêts à ouvrir des négociations dans un certain nombre de domaines spécifiques de l'acquis. Ces domaines sont subdivisés, comme vous le savez, en chapitres. La Commission présentera, cet automne, son premier rapport régulier sur les progrès accomplis par l'Islande sur la voie de l'adhésion. À partir des résultats du screening de la Commission et d'une proposition qu'elle lui soumettra, le Conseil décidera des critères qui seront appliqués pour l'ouverture ou la clôture de chaque chapitre.

Certains demandent combien de temps dureront ces négociations d'adhésion avec l'Islande. Soulignons d'abord qu'en tant que membre de l'Espace économique européen et de la zone Schengen, l'Islande est déjà étroitement intégrée dans l'Union européenne et respecte déjà une part importante de l'acquis. Il n'est toutefois pas opportun que le Conseil fixe un calendrier pour les négociations ou préjuge de leur substance.

En effet, dans d'autres domaines comme, par exemple, la pêche – y compris la chasse à la baleine, sujet sur lequel l'Europe a une position claire et qui relève de l'acquis, auquel l'Islande devra également se conformer –, de même que l'agriculture, le développement rural, il est probable que les négociations seront un peu moins aisées. L'élargissement est alimenté par les mérites et non par un calendrier artificiel.

Je tiens, en revanche, à souligner que la présidence belge a la ferme volonté de faire avancer ce processus.

Voorzitter, waarde leden, dames en heren, zoals u weet, is het uitbreidingsproces zowel voor de Europese Unie als voor Europa als continent tot nu toe een succesverhaal geweest. Het Belgische voorzitterschap verheugt zich er daarom op om in de komende zes maanden op een positieve en constructieve manier met u samen te werken, niet alleen met betrekking tot de toetreding van IJsland, maar ook wat de andere kandidaat-lidstaten betreft.

Ik wil nog eens bevestigen wat mijn premier daarnet ook in de toelichting duidelijk heeft gesteld. Het Belgische voorzitterschap is zich bijzonder goed bewust van de cruciale rol die het Europees Parlement speelt, niet in het minst na het Verdrag van Lissabon, mede in zaken zoals de ondersteuning van het uitbreidingsproces, onder meer door ervoor te zorgen dat ook de burgers van de Europese Unie dit proces blijven steunen.

Ik zou dan ook mijn waardering willen uitspreken voor de inzet van het Europees Parlement en voor uw constructieve bijdrage tot het EU-uitbreidingsbeleid, bijvoorbeeld in onderhavige resolutie, als het erom gaat de publieke opinie te overtuigen en te blijven zorgen voor voldoende ondersteuning voor een uitbreidingsbeleid in de hoofden van alle Europese burgers. Ik dank u voor uw aandacht.


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, it is my pleasure to be here with you today for an exchange of views on Iceland and the next steps in the accession process.

The unanimous decision of the Heads of State and Government to open accession negotiations, taken at the June European Council, is an important step forward in the country’s bid to join the European Union. It clearly confirms that Iceland has a place in the European Union and the common will of Member States to welcome it as soon as all conditions are met. The Commission warmly welcomes this decision, which follows the recommendations of our opinion of February.

Let me seize this opportunity to thank the House for its support in this process and congratulate the rapporteur, the honourable Member Preda, for his timely and high-quality report. The European Parliament resolution under discussion today is a very helpful contribution to the process. It delivers the right messages to Iceland at the right moment.

I can assure the House of the Commission’s full support for this resolution.

With the political backing of Member States, the Commission is now actively preparing the next stages of the accession process. As a first step, the Commission prepared a draft negotiating framework, rightly admitted by my predecessor, which is currently under discussion in the Council. The Belgian Presidency foresees adoption by the General Affairs Council on 26 July, with a view to convening the first Intergovernmental Conference with Iceland on 27 July. We count on the Member States’ support in this endeavour.

The negotiating framework lays down the general guidelines for the conduct of accession negotiations and points out reforms Iceland must undertake in order to join the European Union. As with all candidates, negotiations will be based on the country’s own merits and their pace will depend on Iceland’s progress in meeting the requirements set out in the negotiating framework. This includes the fulfilment of Iceland’s obligations under the European Economic Area. The Commission will provide Iceland with all necessary technical support to facilitate the process of negotiations.

Furthermore, we are actively preparing for the assessment of Iceland’s compliance with the acquis, on a chapter-by-chapter basis, through the so-called screening exercise. That screening is expected to start in autumn 2010 and should last until mid-2011. In line with the renewed consensus on enlargement, screening of chapters with special sensitivity in the Icelandic context – meaning financial services, fisheries, agriculture and the environment – should start very early in the process.

Throughout the whole process, the Commission aims to support Iceland’s efforts to meet the accession criteria, through financial assistance under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). We therefore welcome the entry into force next week of the amended IPA Regulation, which allows Iceland to benefit from EU assistance.

I would like to thank Parliament for its constant support in the process of adopting this important regulation. As a sign of it now belonging fully to the enlargement family, Iceland will, for the first time, be included in our annual enlargement package this year, with the first progress report to be published mid-November, whereby progress over the last year will be monitored.

As you can see, all preparations are well on track to allow for an early start to the negotiations. Iceland’s membership of the EEA, its association with the Schengen Agreement, and the country’s high democratic standards will be valuable assets in this process. However, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that the road to accession will also hold a number of challenges.

We are well aware that issues such as whaling and fisheries – to quote the most obvious – are sensitive issues for both Iceland and the Member States. I heard your call for a constructive attitude when negotiating the fisheries chapters, and can assure you that the Commission will conduct talks in the best spirit.

As regards the Icesave issues, I understand the concerns raised due to the slowdown in bilateral talks following the negative outcome of the referendum in Iceland in March. As referred to in your resolution, we hope that clarification of the legal situation provided by a letter of formal notice from the EFTA Surveillance Authority will facilitate the process of swiftly finding a satisfactory agreement between Iceland, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands.

Recent exchanges at ministerial level give reason for hope. Let me stress that I greatly appreciate the efforts and commitment of all parties involved to trying to find an agreement on this issue. The Commission will closely follow the developments in the framework of the accession process.

Not least, I share your concerns on the challenges stemming from the absence of national consensus and the related low level of public support in Iceland for membership. I have duly noted the call made on the Commission to provide support to the Icelandic authorities in its communication strategy on European Union membership.

Communication will be a clear priority for IPA support to Iceland. We are working on the setting up of an information centre in the country, and on the development of factual and objective communication material. Our delegation in Reykjavik, which will be fully operational by autumn, will be instrumental in addressing the citizens of Iceland. It will work in very close cooperation with the Icelandic Government, which bears the first responsibility in this regard.

To conclude, let me reiterate the Commission’s full support for Iceland’s aspiration to join the European Union. I am confident that Iceland will continue to undertake all necessary efforts to ensure a positive outcome of the accession negotiations.

As I have emphasised on previous occasions, I will make sure that the Parliament is kept fully informed throughout the negotiating process.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Aş dori să salut, în primul rând, prezenţa Comisiei şi a Consiliului, precum şi buna colaborare pe care am avut-o până în acest moment cu aceste două instituţii, ca şi cu colegii din celelalte grupuri politice. Raportul pe care l-am pregătit abordează cererea de aderare a Islandei la Uniune prin prisma a patru puncte principale.

Unu: criteriile politice. În această privinţă, Islanda excelează, având o puternică tradiţie democratică. Pe de altă parte, în ciuda recentelor semne încurajatoare, există încă dubii care planează asupra independenţei sistemului judiciar. Mai mult decât atât, autorităţile islandeze trebuie să pună capăt distincţiei între cetăţenii europeni în ceea ce priveşte dreptul la vot şi participarea la alegerile locale.

A doua chestiune: criteriile economice. Ca membru al spaţiului economic european, Islanda îndeplineşte deja o mare parte din obligaţiile unui stat membru. Salut reînceperea negocierilor bilaterale asupra legislaţiei „Icesave”, precum şi recentele semne de consolidare economică. Susţin, evident, dorinţa Islandei de a intra în zona euro după ce ea va deveni un stat membru al Uniunii şi va îndeplini condiţiile necesare.

A treia chestiune: cooperarea regională. În această privinţă, Islanda şi aderarea acestei ţări reprezintă o ocazie unică pentru Uniunea noastră de a-şi întări, de a-şi consolida prezenţa în zona arctică.

În final, dar nu în ultimul rând, este vorba despre opinia publică. Aceasta este esenţială pentru ca procesul de aderare să fie încununat de succes şi, în acest sens, trebuie încurajată, cred eu, iniţiativa autorităţilor islandeze de a lansa o dezbatere publică şi de a consulta toate părţile interesate de acest proiect, cu atât mai mult cu cât o anchetă recentă releva faptul că islandezii îşi doresc să primească mai multe informaţii despre Uniune şi despre politicile acesteia.


  David-Maria Sassoli, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, signori del Consiglio e della Commissione, onorevoli colleghi, l'inizio, naturalmente,dei negoziati di adesione dell'Islanda è un'altra tappa del processo di integrazione europea. Parliamo di un paese che da anni ormai sigla accordi di partenariato con l'Unione, ha aderito a Schengen nel '96, è uno dei membri fondatori dell'Organizzazione mondiale del commercio.

L'Islanda ha dimostrato finora di rispettare molti criteri di adesione, anche se rimangono alcuni aspetti da migliorare. Penso, come è stato detto dal relatore, onorevole Preda, al sistema giudiziario: è importante che l'Islanda adotti meccanismi chiari al fine di assicurare l'indipendenza della magistratura, risolvendo il problema della nomina di giudici, pubblici ministeri e supreme autorità giudiziarie.

Il governo islandese deve comunque impegnarsi di più, è il popolo islandese a dover essere convinto di voler partecipare alla sfida europea! Restano da definire naturalmente alcuni aspetti: uno è quello relativo alla caccia alla balena. La conferenza di Agadir del 25 giugno scorso ha confermato la moratoria, l'Islanda deve uniformarsi a questa decisione e fermare anche la caccia a fini scientifici, dietro la quale spesso si nasconde una caccia comunque a scopi commerciali.

Infine, rimane un punto sul quale credo debba esservi una maggiore convinzione da parte del Parlamento europeo, mi riferisco al caso Icesave che ha messo in luce la necessità in quel paese di una buona legge sul conflitto di interessi. La fase dei negoziati può cominciare, signor Presidente, per ribadire che l'Europa non è un'area geografica, non è un sistema chiuso e i paesi confinanti con l'Unione possono, se lo vogliono e se si adeguano, partecipare alla realizzazione, alla costruzione del progetto europeo.


  Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, namens de ALDE-Fractie. – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, IJsland is een van de oudste democratieën in Europa. De Alþing, het IJslandse parlement, is het oudste parlement op ons continent. IJsland is lid van de Europese Economische Ruimte, van Schengen, van Dublin en dat betekent dus dat het grootste deel van het acquis communautaire reeds door IJsland is overgenomen. De ALDE-Fractie verwelkomt daarom de aanvang van de toetredingsonderhandelingen met IJsland nadrukkelijk. IJsland kan als lid van de Europese Unie een wezenlijke bijdrage aan Europa leveren. Maar dat betekent ook, mevrouw de Voorzitter, dat de verplichtingen die voortkomen uit Icesave, de verplichtingen jegens het Verenigd Koninkrijk en jegens Nederland, moeten worden nagekomen. U weet dat de overeenkomsten met beide landen via een referendum zijn afgewezen en dat betekent dat de regering van IJsland er nu alles aan moet doen om tot nieuwe arrangementen met Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk te komen die ook worden nageleefd. De basis van de Europese integratie is immers het gezegde "pacta sunt servanda", overeenkomsten moeten worden nagekomen. Als dat het geval is, zal dat het sluitstuk zijn van de toetredingsonderhandelingen met IJsland en de toetreding tot de Europese Unie. Onder die voorwaarden verwelkomen wij dan ook de toetredingsonderhandelingen.


  Indrek Tarand, fraktsiooni Verts/ALE nimel. – Head kolleegid! Me arutame siin dokumenti, mis määrab Euroopa Parlamendi poolse mandaadi läbirääkijatele Islandiga ja samas on see oluline sõnum avalikkusele, sealhulgas Islandi avalikkusele, mis nagu teame ei ole optimistlikult meelestatud Euroopa Liiduga ühinemise suhtes. Kuna tegemist on mandaadiga, siis ma arvan, et peaksime rõhutama aspekte, mis tõotavad tulla neil kõnelustel kõige tõsisemad, nagu kalandus ja vaalaküttimise küsimus. Ja mul on kahju, et väliskomisjonis hääletati roheliste vastavad ettepanekud maha, sest need oleksid olnud aus ja otsekohene kommunikatsioon islandlastele.

Küll aga ei hääletatud maha punkte, mis otseselt läbirääkijate mandaati ei puuduta, ja loomulikult pean ma silmas siin Icesave´i küsimust. Õnneks on härra Preda saavutanud siin rahuldava kompromissi. Mulle isiklikult tundub ebaõiglane, et mõned inimesed sooviksid mõne majandustegelase valede otsuste eest vastutavaks teha kogu Islandi rahva. Pealegi raha Islandi pankadesse paigutasid nii mõnedki briti omavalitsused, kellele briti maksumaksjad olid raha andnud ühistranspordi ja hariduse korraldamiseks, mitte kasiinos käimiseks.

Ühel väliskomisjoni istungil nimetati Islandit koguni pankrotistunud saareks. Tõsi on, et Islandit on tabanud finantskriis, kuid kas me teame paljusid riike, keda pole? Ei tea. Nii et meenutan, et ka Taani oli 1971. aastal küllalt tõsistes finantsraskustes, aga temast sai aasta hiljem väga hea Eurooa Liidu liige. Ja viimaks, madame president, ma loodan väga, et juba selle koosseisu ajal tuleb kuus lisatooli siia saali paigaldada Islandi liikmete jaoks.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, the ECR Group supports enlargement of the Union and in principle of course we support the accession of Iceland – if that is what the people of Iceland themselves want.

There are several reasons why Iceland’s membership would be good for the EU. First, the more the EU increases its size, hopefully the looser and more flexible the Union will become.

Second, Iceland’s dependence on its fishing industry will most likely result in a favourable deal which itself may prompt long overdue reform of the common fisheries policy and pave the way for Norway’s eventual accession.

Third, Iceland has already adopted large chunks of the acquis through membership of the European Economic Area and the Schengen zone, so absorption of Iceland would not exacerbate the so-called ‘enlargement fatigue’ that has been blamed for the public’s disenchantment with the European Union.

No one expects wealthy Icelanders to leave their underpopulated country en masse to seek work elsewhere in the European Union, as might be the case, for example, if Turkey were to join in the future.

Of course, the decision rests with the people of Iceland in a referendum. In the last referendum held in Iceland, voters decided against refunding British savers billions of pounds following the collapse of the Icesave bank.

I remain confident that Iceland will recognise and honour its EEA legal obligations in this regard to other most affected Member States such as my own country – the United Kingdom – and the Netherlands.


  Søren Bo Søndergaard, for GUE/NGL-Gruppen. – Fru formand! I debatten om islandsk medlemskab af EU savner jeg faktisk en selvkritisk analyse. Efter min mening bør debatten ikke bare handle om de punkter, som Island skal tilpasse sig til EU på. Vi skal ikke gøre os til en propagandacentral, for at Islands medlemskab altid har været, er, og altid vil være en entydig fordel for Island.

Vi skal være i stand til objektivt at vurdere fordele og ulemper. Den islandske befolkning er jo ikke dum. Den forstår udmærket, at hvis Island med den nuværende fiskeripolitik i EU havde været medlem, ville det have været en katastrofe for fiskerierhvervet, som er landets altdominerende erhverv. Den islandske befolkning ved også, at EU’s gentagne opfordringer til liberalisering af bankvæsenet ikke var med til at forhindre, men tværtimod var med til at skabe grundlaget for den bankkrise, man oplevede på Island. Endelig kan den islandske befolkning jo godt gennemskue, at hvis man i dag havde haft euroen på Island, ville det være meget vanskeligere at eksportere sig ud af krisen, hvilket Island heldigvis er godt i gang med baseret på deres egen flydende valuta.

Den seneste meningsmåling på Island viser en stadig stigende modstand mod EU-medlemskabet. Hvis der var folkeafstemning i dag, ville 70 % af den islandske befolkning stemme nej, og kun 30 % ville stemme ja. Hvis man tror, at det resultat kan ændres af en propagandakampagne om EU’s velsignelser, så tager man fuldstændig fejl! Islands ansøgning bør ikke bare være en anledning til at stille krav til Island, det bør også være en anledning til at se selvkritisk på EU’s egen politik.


  Timo Soini, EFD-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, puhun suomalaisena ja pohjoismaalaisena. Islanti on itsenäinen, suvereeni valtio ja itse teette päätöksen. Suositukseni teille on: älkää tehkö tätä itsellenne. Olette paljon arvokkaampia osana Eurooppaa, mutta Euroopan unionin ulkopuolella. Euroopan unionin ulkopuolella Euroopassa on älykästä ja vaurasta elämää Norjassa, Sveitsissä, Islannissa.

Meillä on nyt kokemusta tästä Suomessa 15 vuotta, enkä ole lainkaan tyytyväinen. Pienen maan vaikutusvalta on täällä olematon, suuret maat jyräävät. Teillä on paljon hyvää maassanne, täytätte varmasti kriteerit: vahva pohjoismainen demokratia, jossa kansanäänestyksillä ei pilkata demokratiaa. Kun Norja sanoi 1994 "ei", ei ole äänestetty uudestaan. Kun Ruotsi sanoi kruunusta luopumiselle "ei", ei ole äänestetty uudestaan. Mutta muualla Euroopassa äänestetään uudestaan vuoden päästä, jos äänestystulos ei ole oikea. Älkää tehkö tätä itsellenne!


  Nick Griffin (NI). - Madam President, the defining feature of the EU conspiracy, apart from endemic waste and fraud, is that it rides roughshod over the wishes of real people. The push to bully Iceland into surrendering to EU rule is an example. Gallup polls reveal that 60% of Icelanders want to retain their freedom by staying out of the EU. Only 26% are now fooled by the pro-Union propaganda of the corporate media.

This is no surprise. Icelanders have the oldest tradition of true democracy in the world. They do not want to exchange it for rule by unelected commissars. Icelanders have some of the last great fish stocks in the world. They want to preserve them from being destroyed, as EU membership has destroyed Britain’s fish stocks. Icelanders are proud of their Viking origins, vibrant culture and identity. EU rule would doom Reykjavik to becoming a scale model of the Muslim ghettos of ‘Londonistan’, Paris, Brussels and Copenhagen! So, from the belly of the Euro beast, I urge the people of Iceland: stay free! Say ‘no’ to European Union!


  Elmar Brok (PPE). - Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, sehr geehrte Ratspräsidentschaft, Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich würde einen Beitritt Islands zur Europäischen Union begrüßen, Island, das als Mitglied des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums viele Bedingungen erfüllt. Es ist eine der funktionierendsten Demokratien, die ich kenne, und ich glaube, dass die Europäische Union gerne bereit ist, ein sicherer Hafen für Island zu sein, was das Motiv für Island ist, hier einen Antrag zu stellen, dass wir aber auch deutlich machen sollten, dass es in unserem Interesse ist, dass Island Mitglied der Europäischen Union wird.

Darüber hinaus gibt es noch eine Reihe von Fragen, die nicht durch den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum abgedeckt sind. Da ist der Walfang sicherlich einer der Punkte, die zu nennen sind, sowie eine Reihe von anderen Fragen, die mit freiem Kapitalverkehr, Landwirtschaft usw. zu tun haben und die gelöst werden müssen.

Insbesondere meine ich, dass gewährleistet sein muss, dass die isländische Regierung für den Beitritt wirbt. Zu verhandeln in dem Wissen, dass man nicht die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung hinter sich hat, ist eine Bindung von Ressourcen, die auch nicht akzeptabel ist, und deshalb bitte ich, Herr Kommissar, diesen Punkt deutlich zu machen, damit wir hier nicht in die Luft hinein verhandeln.


  Arlene McCarthy (S&D). - Madam President, there is no doubt that Iceland’s home is in the European Union and it may come as a surprise to Nick Griffin that Iceland already voluntarily applies two thirds of EU laws, voluntarily is a member of the internal market and voluntarily is in the Schengen zone.

What I want to stress today is that we need to develop responses to the financial crisis. It has been a dominant feature of our European policymaking process. Commissioner, as you know, today Parliament will vote on the financial supervisory package and on capital requirements for institutions and rules for bankers’ pay and remuneration. It is therefore important, in the wake of Iceland’s banking collapse, that we strengthen our partnership around financial reform. I am pleased therefore that this forms a key part – and indeed an early part – of the negotiations with Iceland.

There is of course – as many colleagues have said – one major outstanding issue that needs to be resolved. The Icesave negotiations between the UK, Netherlands and Iceland need to find a fair and equitable solution to the compensation paid to savers and indeed, in my own constituency, to a cancer care charity which lost funds that had been donated to them and had to be compensated by our Government. I am therefore pleased that the Commission and Council recognise the importance of this solution.

I would again stress that financial services and improved supervision must be an essential element of the negotiations in the interests of the European economy, not just of Iceland and other Member States.


  Pat the Cope Gallagher (ALDE). - Madam President, Iceland is uniquely placed to proceed quickly with negotiations and it has already adopted, as others have said, a significant part of the Community acquis due to its membership of the EEA. Over 35 different aspects of EU policy are to be concluded, including the areas of competition policy, financial services, agriculture, fisheries.

As Chair of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with Switzerland, Iceland and Norway and to the EEA Joint Parliamentary Committee, I strongly believe that, aside from the political negotiations that will now commence, it is of equal importance to further improve the political and civil society dialogue between the European Union and Iceland. By tradition, access negotiations are an open-ended process, with progress dependent on the good faith of both parties. This is why, for example, it is important that Icesave issues remain a bilateral affair.

My simple recommendation to the Icelandic people, who may be apprehensive at this stage, is to await the final outcome before taking fixed positions. There is no question of bullying Iceland, as Arlene McCarthy has said. The Icelandic people are an intelligent people and they will decide, after the negotiations are complete, where their future is.


  Judith Sargentini (Verts/ALE). - Voorzitter, als Nederlander vind ik het natuurlijk van het grootste belang dat we eruit komen met IJsland over de schulden die zijn opgebouwd voor Icesave, maar dat moet absoluut geen belemmering zijn om nu de onderhandelingen te openen. De constructieve houding van mijn Nederlandse collega's in het Europees Parlement daarin waardeer ik dan ook ten zeerste. Uiteindelijk is het een waarborg voor ons dat IJsland gaat terugbetalen, juist als ze lid kunnen worden van de Europese Unie.

Dan is er een tweede aspect en dat gaat over de walvisvangst. Europa heeft de walvissen op de lijst van beschermde diersoorten gezet. Europese landen vangen geen walvissen. Als IJsland lid wil worden - en ik hoop dat het dat wil - dan zal het moeten stoppen met de walvisvangst en ik vind het ook aan dit Parlement om dat signaal af te geven. Laten wij nu niet aan het begin van de onderhandelingen marchanderen met de walvisvangst.


  Peter van Dalen (ECR). - Voorzitter, het verzoek van IJsland om toetreding is logisch en verdient onze steun. Het land ligt, in tegenstelling tot Turkije, in Europa en heeft langdurige sociaal-economische, culturele en ideologische overeenkomsten met Europa. Ook dat in tegenstelling tot Turkije.

Toetreding van IJsland kan plaatsvinden, want dat land voldoet aan de criteria van Kopenhagen, maar belangrijker nog is het geschil oplossen dat het heeft met Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk over de Icesave-spaargelden. Dat moet tijdig en afdoende geregeld zijn. De onderhandelingen over de financiële hoofdstukken in de toetredingsovereenkomst mogen pas worden afgesloten als er helderheid en volledige overeenstemming is over de terugbetaling van die gelden door IJsland. Dat is voor mij een keiharde eis. Geen klinkende munt, dan de toetreding niet gegund.


  Nigel Farage (EFD). - Madam President, we are talking about a small Atlantic community with a parliament that has been in existence for over 1 000 years. We are talking about a place with good levels of education. We are talking about a place where people actually think before they jump. I think that is why roughly two thirds of people in the opinion polls have made their minds up: they do not want to join the European Union. It is not going to happen!

All I can say is: lucky old Iceland! Because they were not part of this club, because they did not surrender to the euro, they have had a competitive devaluation of the króna, which has been good for their economy. It has led to a tourist boom and I would have thought countries like Greece would be very jealous of them.

And they have a 200-mile exclusive economic zone for their fisheries, which they won during the Cod Wars with Britain back in the 1970s. Do not sacrifice it! Do not give it away! Do not trust your own career politicians, because, if you do, this lot will take your greatest renewable resource from you! Do not do it!


  Krisztina Morvai (NI). - Madam President, being a human rights lawyer, I follow the accession process of Iceland from the perspective of human rights – and, I must say, with great worry.

I have just one minute to speak on the issue of human rights – mainly of course of those who challenge, question or protest against the accession – and would like to remind Icelandic citizens of two important things. One is that you have a fundamental human right under modern human rights law to be informed correctly, precisely and accurately about public affairs – not just the positive sides but also the negative sides of accession. Moreover, those of you who want to mobilise against accession have just the same right to freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly as those who mobilise for the accession. You have just the same rights to public financial resources without discrimination, and access to public media, public television and so on. Claim your rights before it is too late.


  Ria Oomen-Ruijten (PPE). - Voorzitter, beste collega's, wij danken de heer Preda voor de goede en constructieve samenwerking.

Voorzitter, bij de toetredingsonderhandelingen is het belangrijk dat je geen valse verwachtingen wekt en dat je ook hele moeilijke punten benoemt. Daarbij moet je wel objectief zijn en we weten dat we ook aan de criteria moeten vasthouden. Voorzitter, het is daarom belangrijk dat IJsland alle verplichtingen die uit het acquis voortkomen, nakomt. Ik stel vast - en ook de Europese Commissie doet dat - dat IJsland onvoldoende toezicht houdt op de financiële markten. Ik stel ook vast dat het niet-implementeren van het depositogarantiestelsel tot problemen leidt met in elk geval twee lidstaten, Nederland en Groot-Brittannië. Wat ook hoort bij een land dat toetreedt, is verplichtingen waarmaken en komen tot een akkoord.

Voorzitter, de allerbelangrijkste uitdaging voor IJsland is dat de samenleving en de politiek ook ervan overtuigd zijn dat men wil toetreden en daar is nog heel veel werk aan de winkel.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - În primul rând, doresc să îl felicit pe colegul meu, domnul Cristian Preda, pentru munca depusă la redactarea acestui raport. Adoptarea lui la aproape un an de la depunerea cererii de aderare a Islandei transmite un mesaj de susţinere a eforturilor de integrare ale acestei ţări.

Doresc să subliniez faptul că Islanda cooperează de mai mulţi ani cu Uniunea Europeană, fiind parte a spaţiului economic european din '94 şi a spaţiului Schengen din '96. Prin urmare, această ţară va reuşi să implementeze destul de repede legislaţia europeană.

Consider că aderarea Islandei are o importanţă strategică pentru întărirea rolului Uniunii în zona arctică şi a Atlanticului de nord. Totodată, Islanda şi-ar asigura stabilitatea, iar Uniunea Europeană ar include o ţară care, chiar dacă acum este în criză, are o economie de piaţă şi un sistem democratic.


  Αντιγόνη Παπαδοπούλου (S&D). - Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η Ισλανδία είναι μια μικρή νησιωτική χώρα, από τις παλαιότερες δημοκρατίες της Ευρώπης με μια από τις πιο εύρωστες οικονομίες στον κόσμο. Βρέθηκε πρόσφατα στο μάτι του κυκλώνα της διεθνούς οικονομικής, χρηματοπιστωτικής και νομισματικής κρίσης. Είδε την κατάρρευση των μεγαλύτερων τραπεζών της και βίωσε το κατρακύλισμα του εθνικού της νομίσματος, με συνεπακόλουθα την αύξηση της ανεργίας, πτωχεύσεις επιχειρήσεων, υψηλά επιτόκια.

Ως εκ τούτου, άμεση και επιτακτική προβάλλει σήμερα η ανάγκη οργάνωσης του χρηματοπιστωτικού συστήματος εποπτείας και του συστήματος εγγύησης των καταθέσεων. Το γεγονός ότι η Ισλανδία προσβλέπει στην ένταξή της στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση στέλνει ένα μήνυμα εμπιστοσύνης στο ευρωπαϊκό οικοδόμημα.

Η ένταξή της θα είναι σαφώς πιο εύκολη παρά της Τουρκίας, γιατί η Ισλανδία είναι μέλλος του ευρωπαϊκού οικονομικού χώρου, είναι μια απόλυτα δημοκρατική χώρα και έχει υιοθετήσει στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος την ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία. Η συμμετοχή της στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα ενισχύσει την ευρωπαϊκή παρουσία της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης στην Αρκτική και θα ανοίξει ένα νέο κεφάλαιο αμφίδρομης επικοινωνίας για θέματα αλιείας και φαλαινοθηρίας.

(Η Πρόεδρος διακόπτει την ομιλήτρια)


  Chris Davies (ALDE). - Madam President, I believe Iceland’s membership would strengthen the values of the European Union and I welcome the application. I am told that our insistence on the curtailing of whaling will provoke an outcry in Iceland, but Icelanders need to understand that not to insist upon such a curtailment would provoke an outcry in the rest of Europe.

We have to recognise that Iceland has an excellent record in marine conservation – much better than that of many Member States. I could live with an arrangement that allowed whaling solely to meet indigenous needs, although the evidence is that Icelanders themselves do not seem to like whale very much. I cannot accept whaling for commercial export. I hope that Iceland will become known as the place in Europe where we go to watch whales, not where we go to see them killed.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). - Madam President, I welcome Iceland’s application. I am not aware of anybody putting a gun to their heads. I think they want to join the European Union because, in the words of the Belgian Prime Minister earlier, they see the European Union as a guarantee of prosperity.

The message has to go out loud and clear that there are no guarantees of prosperity. It is a two-way street. To paraphrase the words of the late US President John F. Kennedy, we should say to Member States and applicant countries: ‘Ask not what the EU can do for you, but what you can do for the EU’. There is no gold mine out here that people can dip their hands into and become prosperous.

I also welcome the application of Iceland because, as other speakers have said, it will give us an opportunity to reform the common fisheries policy. I know in my own country people feel very aggrieved at this current situation, especially the fishing community. Having Iceland in, renegotiating the CFP can change that.


  Ian Hudghton (Verts/ALE). - Madam President, it seems to me that there are two contradictory paragraphs on fisheries in our resolution. Paragraph 26, which I will vote against, ‘encourages Iceland to adopt fisheries-policy measures that will allow it to make the transition towards introduction of the CFP’. Surely not the current CFP? Surely Icelanders will not volunteer to join a common fisheries policy that has failed us, just as it would fail them?

By contrast, paragraph 25 recognises Iceland’s ‘responsible and sustainable’ attitude to fisheries and calls for constructive negotiations on fisheries ‘so that the outcome may be a mutually satisfactory solution based on best practices and protecting the interest of both fishermen and consumers in the EU, as well as in Iceland’.

On that point, which I do support, I think there is a need for urgent discussions with Iceland on the issue of the mackerel fishery, which I think the Commissioner will be aware of. These discussions should be brought forward. I also think that Iceland has a role to play in indicating...

(The President cut off the speaker.)


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD) - Myslím si, že všetci vnímame Island kultúrne, civilizačne aj geograficky ako súčasť Európy. Preto vítame úsilie islandskej vlády o pristúpenie tejto krajiny do Európskej únie.

Island je vysoko demokratickou krajinou, ktorá prináša Európskej únii bohaté skúsenosti z oblasti využitia obnoviteľných zdrojov, geotermálnej energie, ochrany životného prostredia a svojimi skúsenosťami môže veľmi účinne prispieť k obohateniu politiky sektorov životného prostredia a energetiky v Európskej únii.

Je zrejmé, že pristúpenie Islandu k Európskej únii by bolo obohatením Európskej únie, ale zásadnou otázkou ešte ostáva, či aj občania Islandu chcú odovzdať časť svojich zvrchovaných kompetencií do Bruselu, a zaviazať sa k rešpektovaniu práv Európskej únie nad svojou krajinou.

Zdá sa, že v tejto otázke bude ešte problém.


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, let me once again show my appreciation for the role of the European Parliament, including the draft resolution tabled on Iceland.

Enlargement is indeed a very serious process and it will not be used for bullying anyone – not here in the EU and not in any aspirant country. Not only at the end of this process, but throughout this process, it should be clearly established that membership is value added for both Iceland and the European Union.

During today’s discussions I have heard a number of important points on whaling, fishery policies and public support. I am taking them very seriously, and they will be high on my list of priorities throughout the accession negotiations.


  Steven Vanackere, fungerend voorzitter van de Raad. − Mevrouw de Voorzitter, ik bedank rapporteur Preda, die gewag maakte van de goede samenwerking tussen het Europees Parlement, de Commissie en de Raad, een samenwerking die het roterend voorzitterschap hoog in het vaandel wil blijven voeren.

Zoals commissaris Füle al aangaf, is IJsland inderdaad - en velen onder u hebben daarop gewezen - al goed gevorderd in de richting van het respecteren van het acquis communautaire, maar we hebben goed nota genomen van een reeks wederkerende vragen met onderwerpen zoals Icesave, de walvisvangst en de onafhankelijkheid van de rechterlijke macht. Toetreding, dames en heren, blijft gebaseerd op een win-winlogica die uitgaat van de wil zowel van de zijde van IJsland als van de zijde van de Europese Unie om profijt te halen uit grotere integratie. In dat verband is er inderdaad geen plaats voor uitbreidingsvermoeidheid en we zullen er ook alles aan doen om in samenwerking met commissaris Füle deze processen in positieve banen te blijven leiden.


  Die Präsidentin. − Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurde gemäß Artikel 110 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung ein Entschließungsantrag1 eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Mittwoch, 7. Juli 2010 statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149)

1 Siehe Protokoll


  Diane Dodds (NI), in writing. At this stage it is worth highlighting the continuing predicament brought upon thousands of UK citizens following the failure of several Icelandic banks. These problems, in particular the Icesave dispute, must be resolved before Iceland’s accession is agreed. There is of course another reason why we have to be cautious of Iceland’s accession to the EU. Iceland is understandably protective of its fishing industry. As fish is the country’s primary export and main foreign currency earner, Iceland hails the positives of its fisheries management policy, compared to the negatives of the EU’s failed fisheries policy. However, from the perspective of northern EU pelagic fishermen, free access to our waters is exactly what Iceland hopes to win from ongoing fisheries negotiations. The threat to the sustainable and well-managed mackerel stock in EU and UK waters that could come from Icelandic fishermen is very real. Ongoing negotiations with Iceland represent an ideal opportunity to dissuade Iceland from fishing mackerel at an unsustainable level. In the clamber to expand membership of the EU club the interests of European and UK savers and our fishermen cannot be ignored.


  Krzysztof Lisek (PPE), na piśmie. Szanowny Panie Przewodniczący, Drogie Koleżanki i Koledzy! Polska jest bardzo daleko od Islandii, ale istnieją co najmniej dwa powody, że względu na które popieramy starania tego kraju o dołączenie do UE. Po pierwsze my sami nie dawno wstąpiliśmy do Unii i wszyscy doskonale pamiętamy, jak bardzo było to dla nas istotne. UE nie może być zamkniętym klubem i powinna być otwarta na członkostwo innych krajów. Drugim powodem jest fakt, że w Islandii pracuje około 30 tysięcy Polaków – głównie w przemyśle przetwórstwa rybnego. W związku z powyższym kilka uwag: cieszę się, że proces negocjacji dotyczących włączenia Islandii w poczet członków UE jest zaawansowany oraz że Rada Europejska zadecydowała 17 czerwca o otwarciu negocjacji z tym państwem. Ważne jest również, że strona islandzka akceptuje uniwersalny charakter zasad rządzących procesem negocjacji. Przyspieszona ścieżka negocjacji akcesyjnych dla Islandii byłaby postrzegana jako zły sygnał, szczególnie przez państwa Bałkanów Zachodnich. Istotna jest kwestia gotowości obywateli islandzkich do uregulowania kwestii związanych z wypłatami odszkodowań rządom Wielkiej Brytanii i Niderlandów za straty poniesione przez te państwa w wyniku bankructwa Icesave. Jakkolwiek, jestem zdania, że spory dwustronne nie powinny wpływać na proces ewentualnej akcesji.


  Catherine Stihler (S&D), in writing. I welcome Iceland’s application to join the EU. It has been a long time coming, and we need to negotiate and discuss this issue in earnest in order to ensure that Iceland is welcomed as a full member of the EU family.


(Die Sitzung wird für kurze Zeit unterbrochen.)




  Richard Howitt (S&D). - Madam President, I rise to ask the President, through you, to make urgent representations to the Government of the Maldives, following the arrest last week of Opposition MPs without them being told the charges against them, and their continued house arrest. A claim has been made that they have acted unconstitutionally, which should be substantiated or withdrawn.

Without making any comment about the country’s domestic politics, it is right for this European Parliament to speak out in favour of democratic institutions and for the safety and protection of fellow parliamentarians, where this is under threat. Today, the army is deployed on the streets and there is huge unrest in the capital, but today, too, the President of Sri Lanka is arriving to attempt mediation between the parties.

This European Parliament should join the European Union’s call for calm and for resolution of the dispute, and wish success to the President of Sri Lanka in achieving his task.


  President. − Mr Howitt, thank you for bringing those matters to our attention.

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