 Texto integral 
Processo : 2010/2770(RSP)
Ciclo de vida em sessão
Ciclos relativos aos documentos :

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Debates :

PV 07/07/2010 - 17
CRE 07/07/2010 - 17

Votação :

PV 08/07/2010 - 6.5

Textos aprovados :


Relato integral dos debates
Quarta-feira, 7 de Julho de 2010 - Estrasburgo

17. Situação no Quirguizistão (debate)
Vídeo das intervenções

  Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la dichiarazione del vicepresidente della Commissione/Alto rappresentante dell'Unione per gli affari esteri e la politica di sicurezza sulla situazione in Kirghizistan.


  Catherine Ashton, Vice-President of the Commission and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. − Madam President, since we last discussed Kyrgyzstan in plenary on 20 April, further dramatic developments have unfolded in the country. In early June the southern provinces of Kyrgyzstan witnessed a serious outburst of inter-ethnic violence, which led to the tragic loss of hundreds of lives and many more injured, as well as hundreds of thousands of internally displaced persons and refugees.

Over the past few weeks, the Provisional Government has struggled to restore control over a situation which ran the risk of spilling into outright civil war and regional destabilisation. In this critical context, the peaceful and orderly conduct of the constitutional referendum on 27 June came – as I mentioned in a statement on 28 June – as a welcome development towards the re-establishment of the constitutional order and democratic process in Kyrgyzstan. The remarkably high turnout and the overwhelming support for the constitutional reform demonstrate the resilience and desire for peace of the citizens of Kyrgyzstan.

The quick return of refugees from Uzbekistan and the relatively calm security situation currently prevailing throughout the country are encouraging signals. The remaining challenges, however, are considerable. As the country prepares for parliamentary elections in October and moves on towards further stabilisation, severe humanitarian needs, deep inter-ethnic tensions and the weakness of institutions remain. Moreover, the political and economic situation of the country continues to be very fragile and violence could resume.

I am pleased that the European Union has been active throughout this crisis. We have followed the events closely from the very beginning, and the Foreign Affairs Council on 14 June discussed the situation only days after the first outburst of violence. It will revert to it again in July. The EU Special Representative, Ambassador Morel, has been twice to the country. He has had extensive discussions with the Kyrgyzstan authorities and other international stakeholders, including the UN and the OSCE. His team has been substantially strengthened to help him pursue his active role in this critical period.

In its response, the EU has not spared its diplomatic and humanitarian efforts. The Commission swiftly provided humanitarian aid. Commissioner Georgieva has just returned from the region, where she was able to take stock on delivery of aid and further needs on the ground. The Commissioner knows the area very well. I am delighted that she is with us for this debate. I pay tribute to the incredible work that she has done there and elsewhere.

We are also in the process of stepping up our efforts to support the stabilisation and democratisation processes initiated by the provisional government, notably by assisting in the preparation of the forthcoming parliamentary elections, strengthening key institutions and supporting inter-ethnic reconciliation and civil society initiatives, as well as social stabilisation.

The emergence of a stable and democratic Kyrgyzstan in a hitherto authoritarian and unstable part of the world is a goal we are ready to support. As regards the security aspects and possible EU engagement, we are liaising actively with the UN and OSCE together with others. We are looking carefully into initiatives currently on the table, including the OSCE proposal for a police task force.

With respect to security, as for all other areas for EU engagement, our course of action has been that of close and constant coordination with the international community. We are in touch with the Kyrgyzstan authorities, as well as with the OSCE and UN, regarding the intention of Bishkek to set up a national commission to investigate the June events in the southern provinces. International experts and assistance have been requested.

Establishing the facts constitutes an indispensable preliminary step towards fighting impunity, encouraging reconciliation between communities and preventing such events from occurring again. We will therefore insist on the need to ensure the credibility and impartiality of any truth-finding commission, be it of international or national character. We will support international efforts. In this regard, coordination with the OSCE and the UN is key.

I look forward very much to hearing honourable Members’ views on this matter.


  Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I would like to thank the Parliament for this – I was going to use the word ‘timely’ – discussion but given that a soccer game is going on at this precise moment it may not be as fortunate as we would have hoped. Yet I am impressed that there is a very long list of speakers and I am very grateful for everybody who is in the room and is watching on the screens tonight.

As the High Representative reported, the eruption of ethnic violence in the south of Kyrgyzstan has now calmed down and the humanitarian phase is largely over. When I was in Osh, I could see the return of vendors on the street and people venturing out again, although there was still occasional shooting in some of the neighbourhoods.

I would also like to confirm that our humanitarian response was swift, appropriate and well-targeted. On 16 June, we provided EUR 5 million of emergency assistance which was immediately deployed for experts in Osh to coordinate and we used the three organisations present there – the Red Cross, ACTED and Médecins Sans Frontières – to deploy this assistance. I can say that we did help save lives and provide food, water and shelter, but more importantly we had a physical presence that, in the eyes of the people in Osh, was the main contribution to safety and security.

Through me, people send their gratitude to the European Union. Today, beneath the calm, there are deep tensions and fears that the violence may return again. A mother of a five-year-old girl who was shot in front of her eyes told me: ‘How can I live with myself if there is no justice?’ There are thousands of people like her, and their patience is wearing thin. There is little confidence among the population that the Government can control the situation in the south if it explodes again, and humanitarian organisations are stocking supplies to be ready in case violence returns.

In this environment, as the High Representative stressed, there are two priorities for our support: restoring trust among the main Uzbek and Kyrgyz ethnic groups and restoring the livelihoods and housing affected by the conflict. Of those, reconciliation is by far the more difficult and the more important objective. Both the Government and the people in Osh firmly believe that the chance of success for reconciliation is much higher with the support of the international community. As the High Representative reported, President Otunbayeva has already asked the EU for help with an international inquiry into the source of the conflict and an international police contingent to train and reinforce local police. I would like to add that this is also the strong wish of the people in Osh who I met: they very explicitly asked for help with the inquiry and help with the police.

Let me finish by assuring you that the Commission will make every effort to help Kyrgyzstan in the tough months ahead. We will support the restoration of livelihoods through cash-for-work and cash-for-food programmes, the rehabilitation of damaged houses and the provision of construction materials to families – Osh is a very cold place in the winter and that has to be done quickly – as well as legal and psychological support to victims. In addition, the instrument for stability will provide EUR 7 million for elections, legislative support and social and physical rehabilitation. An international donors’ conference will take place on 27 July and the Commission will take an active part in it.

I was very touched by the vote of confidence the Kyrgyz authorities and ordinary people have in Europe. Europe is perceived as neutral and caring, supportive of human rights, supportive of democracy, and able to galvanise the international community to help this small island of democracy at the heart of Central Asia which is surrounded by authoritarian regimes. The discussion this evening in the European Parliament proves this confidence and the value of this confidence, and I would very much like to thank you for it.


  Paolo Bartolozzi, a nome del gruppo PPE. – Signor Presidente, onorevole colleghi, io vorrei sottolineare che la situazione in Kirghizistan pone di fronte una realtà a cui per troppo tempo non è stata attribuita l'importanza che meritava, vale a dire l'instabilità in Asia centrale, che purtroppo va crescendo, mentre le speranze di democrazia e progresso economico, almeno in alcuni di questi paesi, si rivelano particolarmente fragili. Il Kirghizistan ha sofferto negli ultimi mesi degli scontri durissimi, che lasceranno, almeno nel futuro immediato, una eredità di odi interetnici che renderanno la stabilizzazione del paese ancora più difficile di quanto non fosse in precedenza.

Il compito della comunità internazionale e dell'Unione europea in particolare – come già è stato detto – è di assistere il Kirghizistan per quanto possibile sotto tre aspetti: mediante un aiuto immediato per le forniture di emergenza e la ricostruzione delle abitazioni distrutte; secondo, mediante un aiuto economico di più lungo termine possibile – per quel che riguarda l'Unione europea nel quadro della strategia per l'Asia centrale e degli strumenti messi in opera in tale contesto; mediante il sostegno politico per appoggiare il processo di ritorno a una legalità costituzionale e la realizzazione di un vero e proprio Stato di diritto.

Il referendum costituzionale che si è tenuto in Kirghizistan il 28 giugno, in condizioni ovviamente molto difficili, può essere considerato un primo passo sulla strada del ritorno a un ordine costituzionale. Il processo elettorale del 28 giugno, tra l'altro, ha ricevuto un giudizio positivo da parte della missione di osservazione dell'OSCE, che ha tenuto conto, ovviamente, delle condizioni speciali in cui si è tenuto il referendum.

Il nuovo ordinamento costituzionale del Kirghizistan sarà più orientato verso un sistema parlamentare che verso un sistema presidenziale. Questo, forse, permetterà di tenere meglio conto della variegata composizione etnica del paese e della necessità di raccogliere il consenso delle varie componenti di un paese così frazionato e composito. L'Unione europea e il Kirghizistan sono legati da un accordo di partenariato e cooperazione che prevede riunioni regolari di una commissione parlamentare di cooperazione. È nostro auspicio che le nostre relazioni interparlamentari possano riprendere quanto prima, con la partecipazione di un parlamento kirghiso democraticamente eletto.

Nell'immediato, il Kirghizistan, come già detto, ha bisogno di stabilità e del nostro aiuto politico ed economico. Cerchiamo di non essere avari in entrambi.


  Hannes Swoboda, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchte zuerst im Namen meiner Fraktion der Hohen Vertreterin, aber auch der Frau Kommissarin herzlich danken für ihren raschen und koordinierten Einsatz. Wie die Frau Kommissarin gesagt hat, geht es darum, zu reagieren – swift, appropriate and targeted. Nach all meinen Informationen hat das auch so funktioniert.

Besonders bedauerlich sind ja diese ethnischen Spannungen. Denn wir müssen ja berücksichtigen, dass auch in dieser Region der Welt die Grenzen nicht genau nach der ethnischen Zugehörigkeit gezogen worden sind. Und eigentlich ist das auch gut so. Wenn wir das immer täten, würden wir nie wirklich zu Grenzen kommen. Aber im Zusammenhang mit den wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Schwierigkeiten kann das eben zu ethnischen Spannungen führen. Wir hoffen, dass alle Beteiligten, auch alle Nachbarn, danach trachten, diese Spannungen hintan zu schieben und jetzt einen Neuanfang zu machen.

Die Hohe Vertreterin hat unseren Sonderbeauftragten, Herrn Morel, erwähnt, den ich sehr schätze. Vielleicht ist es an der Zeit – ich habe das schon einmal erwähnt –, die Zentralasien-Strategie, wie wir sie hatten, vor allem damals unter der deutschen Präsidentschaft, wieder neu zu beleben, weil ich glaube, dass es eine sehr wichtige Region ist: fragil, spannungsreich, in der Nähe von Afghanistan, zwischen Russland und China, aber auch für Europa von besonderem Interesse. Ich glaube, dieses Engagement, das wir jetzt im konkreten Fall zeigen, ist ganz wichtig.

Wie viele von uns hatten Angst vor dem Referendum? Ich muss sagen, auch ich habe gezweifelt, ob das der richtige Zeitpunkt ist. Es hat sich herausgestellt, es war der richtige Zeitpunkt, es war richtig, das zu tun. Denn manchmal denken auch wir in den Kategorien, dass wir starke Männer oder starke Frauen brauchen, die das Land entwickeln sollen, und dann kommt die Demokratie. Jetzt zumindest ist von der neuen Interimspräsidentin – einer Frau mit Vision, mit Kraft, mit Entschlossenheit, aber gleichzeitig mit dem Willen zu mehr Demokratie – gezeigt worden, dass man beides verbinden kann. Das könnte auch ein gutes Beispiel für die Umgebung sein. Es braucht nicht unbedingt Präsidenten mit der Langzeitmöglichkeit, auf ewig Präsident zu sein. Es kann auch eine Verbindung zwischen einer – in dem Fall – Frau mit einer klaren Strategie und Demokratie sein, die dem Land helfen kann. Das wünschen wir ihr und diesem Land mithilfe der Europäischen Union.


  Niccolò Rinaldi, a nome del gruppo ALDE. – Signora Presidente, signora Alto rappresentante, signora Commissaria, onorevoli colleghi, noi di pogrom in Asia centrale non ne vorremmo più vedere.

L'Asia centrale è una regione con un alto tasso di potenziali conflitti interetnici, le popolazioni sono molto mescolate, i confini sono stati tracciati in quel modo dal potere stalinista, basti ricordare che in Kirghizistan c'è una exclave kirghisa nel territorio uzbeko e ci sono ben quattro enclave uzbeke nel territorio kirghiso, di cui una tra l'altro abitata soltanto da cittadini uzbeki che vivono in Kirghizistan che sono di nazionalità tagika, che ci fa capire la complessità della situazione.

Ora, noi rimaniamo con trecentomila persone che sono sfollate, centomila che sono rifugiate in Uzbekistan e un altissimo numero di morti, non sappiamo nemmeno quanti, forse addirittura quasi duemila. Che cosa si può fare? Prima cosa: certamente – lo ricordava la Commissaria – è importantissimo assicurare una giustizia, perché altrimenti nessuna riconciliazione – e l'esperienza degli altri paesi lo dimostra – può avvenire senza una forma di giustizia, e quindi dobbiamo insistere con questa commissione d'inchiesta.

Seconda cosa: proseguire con il nostro aiuto umanitario, però poi bisogna anche affrontare alcuni nodi politici. Uno è già stato sollevato anche dal collega Swoboda, vale a dire il sostegno che noi dobbiamo confermare a questo governo interimario che sta facendo, di fatto, un buon lavoro. Il referendum è stato un successo, sia dal punto di vista del contenuto, perché riequilibra il rapporto tra presidenza e parlamento, ma è stato un successo anche per l'organizzazione e l'alta partecipazione.

Seconda cosa: vorrei capire come rispondiamo, se rispondiamo, in quanto europei alla richiesta dell'OSCE di invio di forze di polizia internazionali: lasciamo questo soltanto ai russi oppure ci sarà anche un contributo europeo?

Terza cosa: gli Stati Uniti cosa stanno facendo? Di fatto hanno una base militare molto importante a Manas, ma mi pare che in generale nell'Asia centrale abbiano un'influenza declinante, e credo che sarebbe importante invece concertare alcune cose anche con l'amministrazione americana. Poi, la conferenza dei donatori del 27 luglio – la Commissaria ne parlava: vorrei capire qui quali sono le priorità europee. Io credo che bisogna investire soprattutto nell'educazione e nel rafforzamento di quella società civile che in Kirghizistan esiste, è attiva, e lo ha dimostrato l'alta partecipazione al referendum.

Concludo insistendo sul fatto che la strategia europea di un approccio regionale all'Asia centrale è sicuramente quella giusta, questa è una regione che va presa nel suo insieme. Credo che a medio termine dovremo includere in questa strategia anche l'Afghanistan, gradualmente, perché non possiamo avere una politica per l'Afghanistan da una parte, una politica per i paesi dell'Asia centrale dall'altra – degli altri paesi dell'Asia centrale. Questo è un caso esemplare per fare prevenzione di conflitto, un po' com'è stato Haiti per quella che non è stata la EU-FAST, con un coordinamento di protezione civile di aiuto e di emergenza. Abbiamo adesso gli strumenti giuridici, i cittadini li hanno voluti, e dobbiamo dimostrare di essere all'altezza di questa situazione.


  Heidi Hautala, Verts/ALE-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, on äärimmäisen tärkeää, että todella selvitetään juuriaan myöten, mistä nämä väkivaltaisuudet kumpuavat. Olen tutustunut International Crisis Groupin varapuheenjohtajan Alain Délétrozin ajatuksiin. Hän nimittäin sanoo, että nämä tapahtumat muistuttavat sitä, mitä tapahtui 1990-luvulla Länsi-Balkanilla. Nämä kauhuteot, joita täälläkin on kerrottu ja joista voimme lukea lehdistä, muistuttavat niitä hirvittäviä julmuuksia, joita Länsi-Balkanilla nähtiin. On syytä epäillä, että näillä teoilla on provokaattorit. Emme voi olla lainkaan vakuuttuneita siitä, että kyse olisi aidosti etnisistä jännitteistä, vaan kyse todennäköisesti on pikemminkin provosoiduista poliittisista jännitteistä, jotka kumpuavat siitä, että Etelä-Kirgisia on erittäin köyhä ja puutteessa elävä alue.

Haluaisin aivan erityisesti kiinnittää korkean edustajan ja komissaari Georgievan huomion siihen, että ihmisoikeuspuolustajilla on nyt tukalat paikat. Minusta vaikuttaa nimittäin siltä, että nyt haetaan syyllisiä väärästä paikasta. On todistajanlausuntoja siitä, että tietyt henkilöt, jotka ovat lähteneet hakemaan todistusaineistoa ja dokumentoimaan näitä raakuuksia, ovatkin itse joutuneet virkavallan toimenpiteiden kohteeksi.

Olen itse vedonnut ihmisoikeuspuolustaja Azimzham Askarovin puolesta. Hänet nimittäin pidätettiin, hän on tiettävästi edelleen pidätettynä. Hän on koonnut nimenomaan todistusaineistoa siitä, miten nämä raakuudet ovat tapahtuneet. Siinä mielessä hän saattaa olla joillekin tahoille vaarallinen.

Pyytäisinkin, että komissio ja korkea edustaja kiinnittäisivät aivan erityistä huomiota ihmisoikeusjärjestöjen toimintamahdollisuuksiin, koska luultavasti niillä on kaikkein parhaat mahdollisuudet nyt selvittää, mitä oikeastaan tapahtuu ja koettaa luoda rauhaa ja vakautta.


  Struan Stevenson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, two weeks ago I was in Uzbekistan. I had meetings with senior ministers in Tashkent who briefed me extensively on the refugee crisis arising from the recent violence in southern Kyrgyzstan. I have written to the High Representative in detail on this issue.

The Uzbek Government has little hesitation in blaming former President Kurmanbek Bakiyev for playing a pivotal role in this uprising in the cities of Osh and Jalalabad in southern Kyrgyzstan. They point out that the Kyrgyz and Uzbek population in these cities have lived together in harmony for millennia. The ministers I met are convinced that the level of violence and brutality perpetrated against innocent civilians was horrific and could only have been carried out by experienced mercenary killers – perhaps veterans of Afghanistan or Chechnya – and they reckon that about 2 000 people were killed. Apparently many of the victims were shot by trained marksmen, pregnant women were disembowelled, young girls were brutally raped and murdered, and babies were decapitated and their bodies hurled into the river.

This level of violence would be bizarre and unlikely in an uprising involving local Kyrgyz youths alone, although teenagers and young men from both the Kyrgyz and Uzbek populations did get involved when they witnessed the extent of the violence that was taking place. The general view in Tashkent is that this uprising was planned well in advance and financed by Bakiyev with the orders on the ground in southern Kyrgyzstan being relayed by his family and loyal supporters.

The resulting exodus of refugees across the border into Uzbekistan numbered in excess of 100 000. These refugees were accommodated in 15 camps set up near the border. The Uzbek Government provided a good level of tented accommodation, sanitary facilities, food and medical aid for this vast influx of people, but the numbers far exceeded anything they could ever have predicted and they are having difficulty sustaining the cost of the operation. They are particularly desperate to receive financial aid to purchase foodstuffs. They fear that the refugee problem may be long term, as many of the displaced Uzbeks are afraid to return to their homes in Kyrgyzstan because of the massive violence they witnessed.

The 15 refugee camps in Uzbekistan are now crammed full with elderly people, women, children and many wounded, all of whom are receiving proper medical attention from the Uzbek authorities. Some of these refugees have now returned to Kyrgyzstan, but many have taken their tents with them and set up camps just across the border, ready to flee back to Uzbekistan again at the first sign of trouble. They are terrified to return to Osh or Jalalabad, where more than 75% of Uzbek homes and most Uzbek businesses have been destroyed.

The Uzbek Government is of course grateful for the EUR 5 million offered in aid to the Kyrgyz and Uzbek Governments by the EU. They urge the UN to provide personnel to oversee the distribution of all aid on the ground, but they reaffirm that they require around EUR 5 million a day in Uzbekistan alone to deal adequately with the refugee crisis. They have all the supplies of grain and the other essential foodstuffs and medicines in Uzbekistan, but they cannot sustain the distribution of these commodities without financial support. The Uzbek Government stresses the need for an international inquiry into the circumstances surrounding this uprising, and I am delighted that we will support this in this resolution.


  Joe Higgins, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group. – Madam President, it is only two months since the revolutionary events in Kyrgyzstan led to the overthrow of the corrupt Bakiyev regime and the formation of a provisional government. Unfortunately, however, as we pointed out at the time and just before the recent violence, one group of looters was merely replaced by another as reports of corruption and cronyism quickly emerged relating to elements in the new government.

The recent violence directed against people based on their ethnic group is a further nightmare for the ordinary people. It was not spontaneous, but was whipped up. There are credible claims that Bakiyev elements, in association with criminal gangs, were responsible.

What is very significant is that Uzbek and Kyrgyz neighbours in many areas attempted to help each other in opposition to these pogroms. It is the coming together of working people and the poor – both Kyrgyz and Uzbek – that lays the basis for a solution, linked to radical demands to bring the wealth of the nation into public ownership so that it is utilised, for a change, for the benefit of the majority of the ordinary people, rather than for the corrupt elites that have dominated society up until now.


  Bastiaan Belder, namens de EFD-Fractie. – Mevrouw de Voorzitter, de verschrikkingen van medio juni in zuidelijk Kirgizië laten een getraumatiseerde samenleving achter. Kan de internationale gemeenschap, kan de Europese Unie enig toekomstperspectief bieden in een sociaal klimaat van straffeloosheid waar bovendien Kirgiezen en Oezbeken zichzelf als de slachtoffers bij uitstek beschouwen van een ware orgie van moordzuchtig geweld? Op deze elementaire vraag kreeg ik gisterenmorgen in een telefonisch gesprek met een westerse hulpverlener ter plaatse in Bisjkek een duidelijk positief antwoord, inclusief een aantal heldere suggesties.

Van eminent belang voor de toekomst van Kirgizië is een grondig onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de gruwelen van vorige maand. Aan de heersende anti-cultuur van straffeloosheid in het land dient echt een einde te komen omwille van een betrouwbare overheid daar, omwille van etnische co-existentie. Graag zie ik derhalve de Europese Unie het voortouw nemen in een initiatief tot een internationaal onderzoek en ik begrijp van de hoge vertegenwoordiger en de Commissie dat zij daar ook van harte achter staan. Dat is de basis voor een nieuw begin: grondig onderzoek naar de gebeurtenissen, omdat de verhalen en getuigenissen elkaar tegenspreken en er eigenlijk geen vertrouwen in een onderzoek van de autoriteiten bestaat. Als praktische suggesties voor Europese hulpverlening aan de noodlijdende burgerbevolking van Kirgizië onderstreepte mijn zegsman in Bisjkek structurele assistentie bij 's lands voedselvoorziening en onderwijs. Collega Rinaldi sprak er ook al over. Onderwijs is buitengewoon belangrijk.

Tot slot vraag ik Raad en Commissie dringend om aandacht te schenken aan het grondrecht van de geloofsvrijheid in Kirgizië. De religiewet van 2009, nog een relict van het regime Bakijev, moet snel op de juridische helling. Tijd voor een Europese richtingwijzer ook hier, in combinatie met Europees humanitair en educatief engagement. Ik moet zowel de hoge vertegenwoordiger als de commissaris complimenteren met dit Europese engagement dat tot mijn blijdschap ook wordt beantwoord door dankbaarheid van de kant van de Kirgizische bevolking. Gaat u vooral zo door.


  Csanád Szegedi (NI). - Tisztelt Ashton asszony, tisztelt elnök asszony, tisztelt képviselőtársaim! Az elmúlt évben itt, az Európai Parlament falai között többször éreztem azt, hogy talán feleslegesen beszélünk az Európai Unión kívüli eseményekről. Nos, ez a kirgiz esemény, ez teljesen más. Ugyanis az az etnikai alapon történő népirtás, az a több százezer embert otthonából elűző tendencia, ami Kirgizisztánban megmutatkozott, emellett a problémák mellett egyetlen civilizált ország sem mehet el szó nélkül, és ez az Európai Unióra fokozottan igaz. De ahhoz, hogy ezeket a problémákat meg tudjuk oldani, ahhoz először is az okokat kell látni, és itt elsősorban én a Jobbik képviselőjeként négy fő okot látok.

Az első és a legfontosabb ok, ami a problémákat kiváltja az Sztálinnak az igazságtalan, oszd meg és uralkodás elve, amely eleve úgy húzza meg a határokat, amelyek nem esnek egybe az etnikai határokkal, feltételezve azt, hogy itt etnikai konfliktusokra fog sor kerülni. A másik az az, hogy értékes területeket nem logikusan osztottak fel az államok között, tehát itt is az igazságtalan határok meghúzása, amely eleve konfliktusok generálására alkalmas. A harmadik, az pedig ami eddig nem hangzott el sajnos, az az iszlámnak a radikalizálódott szélsőséges irányvonalai, amik mondjuk leginkább a Fergana-völgyre jellemzők és szintén különböző problémák okozójaként lehet megnevezni. És itt nagyon jelentős ugye Kirgizisztánban a víz kérdése, ugye Üzbegisztán exportjának mintegy 90%-a gyapot és pontosan tudni, hogy ha Kirgizisztán kvázi elzárja a csapokat, akkor Üzbegisztán gazdasága tönkremegy pár hónap alatt. És ami a legfontosabb, amit ki kell mondanunk, hogy ezeket a problémákat azonnal orvosolnunk kell, mert kedves képviselőtársaim, újabb népirtások elé nézünk, hogyha ezeket a lépéseket nem lépjük meg. Mégpedig amiket meg kell lépnünk, ugyanis ez a közép-ázsiai, belső-ázsiai térség, pontosan tudjuk, hogy nem csak Kirgizisztán, hanem ugyanúgy Üzbegisztán és Tadzsikisztán is egy instabil területnek számít. Azokat, hogy ezeket a konfliktusokat elkerüljük, először is garantálnunk kell az igazságos vízelosztást. Másodszor pedig valamilyen módon el kell érnünk, hogy könnyített határátlépés legyen ezek között az országok között, hogy az etnikai problémákon, etnikai feszültségeken tudjunk hárítani. Valamiféle regionális együttműködést kell kiharcolnunk, hogy ezekben az államokban létrejöjjön – és itt Üzbegisztánt, Tadzsikisztánt és Kirgizisztánt értem –, tehát regionális együttműködésre, hogy érdekeltté tegyük őket abban, hogy békésen éljenek egymás között. Kölcsönös bizalmi rendszert kell létrehoznunk és ebben az Európai Uniónak különlegesen nagy szerepe van, hiszen magának a közvetítő szerepét, egészen biztos vagyok, hogy az Európai Parlamentnek, az Európai Uniónak kell ellátnia.


  Elisabeth Jeggle (PPE). - Frau Präsidentin, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Mit großer Freude habe ich den Ausgang des Volksentscheides vom 27. Juni verfolgt. Das gute Ergebnis verdeutlicht, dass die Kirgisen aktiv an politischen Entscheidungen mitwirken wollen und eine neue Verfassung unterstützen.

Unsere fraktionsübergreifende Ausarbeitung einer Entschließung zur aktuellen Situation in Kirgisistan soll hierzu als hilfreicher Schritt gesehen werden. Wir erwarten von der Übergangsregierung, dass sie die öffentliche Ordnung mit rechtmäßigen und friedlichen Mitteln wieder herstellt, und wir erwarten, dass sie die Aussöhnung der Bürger mit aller Entschlossenheit fördert. Als sehr wichtig erachte ich, dass die Europäische Union, auch wenn die unmittelbare Notlage dann überwunden scheint, weiterhin das kirgisische Volk und auch die anderen unterstützt, diese Übergangsregierung unterstützt und mithilft, Stabilität zu erreichen. In meinen Augen ist für die Entwicklung Kirgisistans gerade die Aussöhnung der verschiedenen ethnischen Gruppen als oberstes Ziel dringend notwendig, um so ein friedliches Miteinander gestalten zu können.

Uns als Europäischem Parlament ist daran gelegen, dass unverzüglich nach den vorgesehenen Parlamentswahlen ein neuer zwischenparlamentarischer Austausch stattfinden wird. Dieser ist eine Grundvoraussetzung für eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kirgisistan und der Europäischen Union. Ich erachte es als grundlegend, dass die Europäische Union bei ihrem Handeln den zentralasiatischen Raum als Ganzes sieht und sich nicht auf einzelne Regionen beschränkt. Hierbei muss immer der offene Dialog im Vordergrund stehen. So wird die Europäische Union neben ihrer Rolle als Partner in Wirtschafts- und Entwicklungsfragen auch als politischer Partner wahrgenommen werden. Demokratisierung und Achtung der Menschenrechte gehören aus unserer Sicht zu den Grundlagen eines friedlichen Zusammenlebens in jedem Land. Mit der vorliegenden Entschließung weisen wir auf die weiterhin fragile Lage des Landes hin.

Frau Kommissarin, Frau Hohe Vertreterin, ich danke Ihnen ausdrücklich für Ihr schnelles und starkes Engagement. Sie haben unsere Unterstützung, und die Menschen haben diese Unterstützung verdient.


  Кристиан Вигенин (S&D). - Г-жо Аштън, г-жо Георгиева, колеги, Киргизстан често е в дневния ред на Европейския парламент и на специализираната комисия по външна политика. Това показва значението, което ние придаваме както на тази страна, така и като цяло на политиката на Европейския съюз в Централна Азия. Събитията са много динамични и противоречиви. Опитите за стабилизиране на новата власт бяха съпроводени с избухване на тежки етнически сблъсъци, в които загинаха по различни оценки между триста и две хиляди души, а сто хиляди потърсиха убежище в съседен Узбекистан.

Впрочем, трябва да отдадем дължимото на узбекската страна за нейното хладнокръвно поведение, с което не допусна ескалация на конфликта. От друга страна, адекватната реакция на киргизките власти доведе до сравнително бързо възстановяване на реда. Но постигането на трайна стабилност в тази част на страната изисква да бъдат издирени и наказани както вдъхновителите на конфликта, така и извършителите на престъпленията.

Временното ръководство на страната също трябва да получи висока оценка и за това, че показа решителност да отстоява политическите реформи в страната и не използва сблъсъците в Ош и Джалал Абад, за да отмени насрочения референдум. Показателно е, че буквално дни след сблъсъците в Киргизстан успешно беше проведен референдум, който променя баланса на влияние на институциите, давайки повече правомощия на Парламента и съответно на правителството за сметка на президентските.

В допълнение на това беше направена и важна крачка за предоставяне на по-голяма легитимност на временния президент Роза Отунбаева, която чрез допитването беше утвърдена на този временен пост до края на 2011 г. Наесен предстоят и парламентарни избори. Подчертавам тези факти, защото нашата позиция трябва да отчита всички детайли. Европейският съюз реагира бързо и адекватно, за което ви благодаря.

Но идва времето, когато трябва да преразгледаме досегашната си политика и да потърсим възможности за по-сериозен ангажимент на Европейския съюз както в Киргизстан, така и в региона на Централна Азия. Ние разполагаме с нужните финансови инструменти. Но както и в други региони, отсега нататък трябва да работим по начин, който да ни превърне от главен донор в реален политически фактор наред с Русия, Китай и Съединените Щати. Струва ми се, че точно ние сме тези, които могат да помогнат за преодоляването на най-големия дефицит в региона, а това е дефицитът на демокрация.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL). - Madame la Présidente, la situation demeure fragile au Kirghizstan, beaucoup l'ont déjà dit, et je regrette d'ailleurs que la résolution ne reflète pas les propos qui ont été tenus ici.

J'oserai demander qui a intérêt à voir la violence monter dans ce pays. Qui a intérêt à ce que la démocratie ne puisse pas s'y installer? Qui a intérêt à empêcher le gouvernement provisoire de mener à son terme le processus de retour à l'ordre constitutionnel démocratique et à la primauté du droit? Qui a intérêt à voir l'ethnicisation des violences? Il suffit de se poser ces questions, pour qui connaît un peu ce pays, pour savoir ce qu'il en est. Comment ne pas considérer comme un miracle le fait que le référendum du 27 juin ait pu se tenir dans des conditions pacifiques, avec un taux de participation élevé, et avec une majorité de 90 % de oui en faveur de la nouvelle constitution?

Alors oui, Madame la Haute représentante, Madame la Commissaire, l'Union européenne doit, sans ingérence, s'engager pleinement au Kirghizstan et apporter toute l'aide nécessaire pour que la population de ce pays, quelles que soient ses origines, ne soit pas victime d'enjeux politiques et diplomatiques qui la dépassent. Ne trahissons pas la confiance du peuple kirghize dans l'Union européenne.


  David Campbell Bannerman (EFD). - Madam President, I do not think any of us can fail to be sympathetic to the people of Kyrgyzstan for the recent suffering they have endured: 2 000 dead in rioting and 400 000 people displaced – mainly from the Uzbek community – placing enormous pressure on Uzbekistan.

This is an immense crisis, in the words of the Red Cross. This country is already the poorest and the smallest of the former Soviet republics. It is tragic for a country that aspires so earnestly for parliamentary democracy to be in this kind of state. Indeed, the trigger seemed to have been the constitutional changes that they wished to aspire to. It is also one of the few Muslim nations in the world to be headed up by a woman; let us hope that Iran follows shortly. This lady, Roza Otunbayeva, is the first president of an ex-communist central Asian country – and good for her.

All democratic nations should be doing all they can to support an aspiring parliamentary democracy of this sort, but it is swimming in a sea of powerful autocratic neighbours and with the ever-present threat of radical Islam on its borders. This nation is a bulkhead of democracy and deserves our support.

I fear it has become a pawn in larger power games. It is now part of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation, which China and Russia use to dominate the central Asian landmass and whose agenda should be regarded with some suspicion. China and Russia have incentives to destabilise the country to threaten the presence of an American airbase there as well, with covert backing of opposition forces.

May I conclude by saying that all democratic nations should support this brave, aspiring but deeply troubled nation.


  Alojz Peterle (PPE). - Pet let po spremembi oblasti v Kirgiziji smo ob novem prevratu soočeni s težjo politično krizo in z njenimi posledicami v širši regiji. Pomembno je, da je kljub krizi prišlo do mirne izvedbe in demokratične izvedbe referenduma o ustavnih spremembah, ki jim bodo jeseni sledile parlamentarne volitve.

Za nadaljnjo stabilizacijo je poleg demokratičnih volitev treba poskrbeti za objektivno preiskavo vzrokov za tragičen konflikt na jugu te države, delati za spravo med Kirgizi in Uzbeki, preprečiti nadaljnjo humano humanitarno katastrofo in učinkovito koordinirati mednarodno pomoč.

Hkrati pa je potrebno večjo pozornost kot pred petimi leti posvetiti dolgoročni pomoči pri uvajanju dobrega vladanja. Zgolj pomoč pri policiji oziroma na pravosodnem področju ni dovolj. Aktivnosti mednarodne skupnosti, vključno s Turčijo, bi morale voditi čim prej tudi v odprtje meja Kirgistana z vsemi sosednjimi državami.

Jaz sem vesel hitrega angažmaja Evropske zveze in sem prepričan, da lahko zagotovimo in moramo zagotoviti dodatno vrednost v dinamiki in učinkovitosti ukrepanja. Ta čas izstopa sicer humanitarni vidik, vendar ga ne moremo trajno rešiti, če ne bomo nastopili hkrati tudi z jasnim političnim konceptom.

Jasno je, da Kirgizija potrebuje izdatno mednarodno pomoč, da politične spremembe po tem referendumu same po sebi ne zagotavljajo hitrih in dobrih rezultatov in da kriza nikakor ni v interesu Evropske zveze. Upam, da bomo v tem duhu uspešni.


  Katarína Neveďalová (S&D) - Stovky mŕtvych a tisíce zranených ľudí sú výsledkom situácie v Kirgizstane. V tejto situácii by si aj Európska únia a Európsky parlament mali uvedomiť, že kým v niektorých oblastiach sveta sme ochotní pre stabilitu v regióne obetovať ľudské práva, tu už nejde o právo na možnosť ísť voliť alebo byť reprezentovaný, ale tu ide o základné ľudské právo, a to je právo na život.

Európska únia poskytla finančné zdroje a poskytla humanitárnu pomoc. Veľmi by som sa za to chcela poďakovať aj pani komisárke Ashton, že naozaj sme veľmi rýchlo reagovali. Ale toto je podľa môjho názoru iba začiatok.

Európska únia si musí uvedomiť, že stratégia pre strednú Áziu je značne slabá. Mali by sme alokovať viacej finančných prostriedkov a viacej politického vplyvu do tohto regiónu, ktorý ako bolo povedané viacerými mojimi predrečníkmi, je naozaj regiónom, ktorý vidí Európsku úniu ako svoj veľký vzor.

Nedávno sme s niektorými kolegami boli v Kazachstane a v Tadžikistane, a naozaj sme sa stretli s tým osobne, že tí ľudia nás naozaj vidia ako niekoho, kto im reálne môže pomôcť.

A preto si myslím, že Európska únia by sa mala na toto zamerať. Je potrebné, aby sme zvyšovali svoj vplyv, pretože je tu samozrejme hrozba Ruska a Číny, ktoré čakajú na to, kedy my zlyháme a budú môcť nastúpiť oni ako veľkí garanti, ktorí zabezpečia stabilitu, mier a spoluprácu v tomto regióne.

Naozaj by sme si mali uvedomiť, že tento región je pre nás veľmi dôležitý, či už sa to týka cesty, transportu medzi Čínou a Európskou úniou, ale takisto je to aj región, ktorý má veľmi silné prírodné zdroje, veľmi veľké prírodné zdroje, ktoré Európska únia takisto potrebuje.

A preto je stabilita v tomto regióne pre nás dôležitá. Takisto by sme potrebovali, aby sa zabezpečil mier aj v otázke toho, že je to región, kde sa nachádza Afganistan. Čiže toto je takisto otázka, na ktorú nesmieme zabúdať.

Mám takú otázku pre pána Stevensona, ktorý ma teraz nepočúva, ale dúfam, že sa mu to dostane. On tu tak trošku vytkol možno tú pripomienku, že tie nepokoje boli vlastne spôsobené nejakými prívržencami alebo rodinou bývalého prezidenta Bakijeva.

Moja otázka znie : môžeme naozaj vylúčiť, že rodina bývalého prezidenta Bakijeva bola zapojená? Je tam naozaj nutné urobiť veľmi silnú investigatívnu prehliadku toho, čo sa stalo, aby sme dokázali zistiť, aká je naozaj pravda.


  Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). - Wydaje mi się, że wszyscy określamy, jakie są przyczyny obecnego kryzysu w Kirgistanie. Władza prezydenta Bakijewa była już na tyle znienawidzona, że został obalony, ale jednocześnie nastąpiły pogromy i katastrofa humanitarna w Dolinie Fergańskiej, w szczególności w rejonie Osz czy Dżalalabadzie. Mówiono już tutaj, czym jest Dolina Fergańska dla tego subregionu, jak bardzo jest ona ważna ze względu na źródła wody, ale też należy zauważyć, że pogromy były wywołane między innymi z inspiracji radykalnych grup, wymieniany jest między innymi tutaj Islamski Ruch Uzbekistanu czy Islamska Unia Dżihadu. Były one finansowane – jak wskazują niektóre źródła – między innymi przez syna obalonego prezydenta Bakijewa.

Odbyło się referendum w sprawie zmiany konstytucji. Jesteśmy zadowoleni, że aż 90% uczestniczących poparło te zmiany. Jest pani prezydent Roza Otunbajewa, która jest mocną kobietą, która chce tych zmian i ma poparcie większości społeczeństwa, chce wzmocnienia parlamentu. I tutaj jest to duży sukces obecnych władz w Kirgistanie. To powinniśmy wesprzeć.

Ten spokojny przebieg referendum i dobre oceny, między innymi ze strony Organizacji Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie, tworzą wrażenie stabilizacji, ale tak naprawdę stabilizacja jest bardzo krucha, bardzo pozorna. Przyczyny tego to między innymi erozja struktur państwowych w Kirgistanie czy wybory mające się odbyć 10 października, które nie pozwalają na podjęcie szybszych reform, czy też kryzys gospodarczy i społeczny, jak również nieformalne struktury władzy na terytorium Kirgistanu, grupy, które można by nazwać przestępczymi. No i oczywiście katastrofa humanitarna, której próbujemy zaradzić, ale ona do końca nie jest przecież jeszcze rozwiązana.

Problemy te w mojej ocenie pogłębia również dosyć nieprecyzyjnie podejście ze strony Rosji, Chin (głównych graczy w tym regionie) – no i oczywiście inne niż podejście Stanów Zjednoczonych. Tutaj mówiono już, że Rosja, między innymi ze względu na obecność bazy w Manasie, ma inne podejście do Kirgistanu i to oczywiście ma ogromny wpływ.

Ja bardzo popieram to, co mówiły Panie Komisarz, że należy wzmóc tę pomoc humanitarną i że również należy powołać niezależną komisję do zbadania przyczyn tego kryzysu.


  Justas Vincas Paleckis (S&D). - Pastarųjų mėnesių įvykius Kirgizijoje sekiau įdėmiai, ypač kai žiniasklaidoje ėmė mirgėti Rozos Otumbajevos pavardė. Prieš dešimt metų ji buvo mano kolegė – savo šalies ambasadorė Londone. Lietuvos ir Kirgizijos ambasados įsikūrusios greta. Dažnai susitikdavome, pasikalbėdavome. Susidarė įspūdis, kad Roza Otumbajeva yra ne tik patyrusi diplomatė, bet ir stipri demokratinių pažiūrų politikė, blaiviai vertinanti situaciją ir savo šalyje, ir pasaulyje. Manau, kad jos išrinkimas Kirgizijos Prezidente turėtų stabilizuoti padėtį valstybėje, duoti startą reformoms, pagerinti santykius su tolimais ir artimais kaimynais.

Kirgizija tampa pirmąja parlamentine respublika regione ir jos nebeturėtų valdyti šeimyniniai klanai. Tačiau situacija išlieka itin sudėtinga. Etniniai uzbekų pabėgėliai, kurie dar negrįžo į savo gyvenamąsias vietas, ignoravo referendumą. Išlieka neramumų rizika, ypač prieš parlamento rinkimus rudenį.

Europos Sąjungos šalys privalėtų skubiai susitarti dėl konkrečių ES įsitraukimo mechanizmų ir priemonių, kurios galėtų būti įgyvendintos, jeigu konfliktas toliau gilėtų. ES Krizių reagavimo misija ten turėtų atlikti svarbų vaidmenį. Reikia stiprinti Jungtinių Tautų, ES ir ESBO tarpusavio koordinavimo mechanizmus.

Raginame Kirgizijos teisėsaugos institucijas patraukti kruvinųjų įvykių kaltininkus atsakomybėn, užtikrinant jiems sąžiningą teismo procesą. Žmonių teisių į sveikatos priežiūrą, švietimą ir darbą užtikrinimas būtų tinkamiausia priemonė suvienyti visuomenę, skiepyti demokratiją, kovoti su korupcija ir radikalizmu.


  Joachim Zeller (PPE). - Frau Präsidentin, sehr geehrte Hohe Vertreterin, sehr geehrte Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die jüngsten Ereignisse in Kirgisistan – die Gewaltausbrüche, das Abschlachten von Menschen, das Niederbrennen von Häusern und die Ströme von zigtausenden Flüchtlingen, die ihre Heimatorte verlassen und vor der Gewalt zu fliehen versuchten, alles das hat mich erschüttert und das Mitleiden mit den Opfern hervorgerufen. Gleichzeitig werfen diese Ereignisse in Kirgisistan auch wieder ein Schlaglicht auf die Situation in Zentralasien, die uns hier im Europäischen Parlament nicht unberührt lassen darf. Im Gegenteil, wir sollten unsere ganze Aufmerksamkeit den Ländern dieser Region widmen. Dabei sollten wir unser Augenmerk nicht nur auf die Staaten richten, die reich an Bodenschätzen und für uns in Europa von besonderem wirtschaftlichem Interesse sind, sondern im Rahmen der 2007 beschlossenen Zentralasien-strategie alle Staaten gleichberechtigt in den Blickwinkel nehmen. Das ist, denke ich, unsere Verpflichtung.

Die Staaten Zentralasiens, die sich vor noch nicht einmal 20 Jahren aus der einstmals zaristischen und späteren sowjetischen Herrschaft befreiten, tragen ein schweres Erbe. Von Stalin willkürlich gezogene Grenzen ohne Rücksicht auf die Heimatregionen der dort lebenden Völker erschweren augenscheinlich das Zusammenleben innerhalb und außerhalb der Grenzen dieser Staaten. Armut, Korruption, Missachtung von Menschen- und Minderheitenrechten, autoritäre Regime, wirtschaftliche Verhältnisse wie z. B. in Tadschikistan und Kirgisistan, die Hunderttausende in die Arbeitsemigration zwingen und wie sie jetzt in Kirgisistan bestehen, und Konfliktlösungen mit Gewaltanwendung versehen den Weg dieser Staaten in die Zukunft mit Fragezeichen.

Hier dürfen wir, darf die Europäische Union nicht nur zusehen. Wenn wir den Weg dieser Staaten nicht in fundamentalistische Strukturen führen lassen wollen, die Menschen dort nicht auf Dauer diktatorischen Regimen ausliefern wollen, bedarf es unseres vollen Einsatzes. Neben der dringend notwendigen materiellen Hilfe brauchen wir den Kontakt zu diesen Staaten, die aktive Unterstützung für die sich dort entwickelnden demokratischen Kräfte. Geben wir der Ministerpräsidentin Rosa Otunbajewa bei der Befriedung Kirgisistans und auf dem Weg zu stabilen politischen Verhältnissen eine Chance! Lassen wir der hier zur Debatte und morgen zur Abstimmung stehenden Entschließung auch Taten folgen, sodass die Menschen in Kirgisistan und den anderen zentralasiatischen Staaten spüren, dass wir sie auf ihrem Weg in die Zukunft nicht allein lassen oder undemokratischen Kräften ausliefern. Die Erwartungen an uns Europäer in diesen Ländern sind hoch – wir sollten sie nicht enttäuschen.


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - În luna aprilie, tot aici, ne exprimam îngrijorarea cu privire la posibilitatea escaladării violenţelor din Kârgâzstan. Din păcate, în perioada care a urmat, câteva sute de oameni şi-au pierdut viaţa în conflictele interetnice.

Situaţia din Kârgâzstan continuă să pună în pericol stabilitatea întregii regiuni a Asiei Centrale. Minoritatea uzbecă, care reprezintă peste 14 % din populaţie, continuă să se afle într-o situaţie dificilă. Peste 400 000 de oameni au fost nevoiţi să-şi părăsească locuinţele din cauza violenţelor.

Faptul că referendumul din 27 iunie s-a desfăşurat fără incidente majore demonstrează că situaţia din această ţară se poate îmbunătăţi. Consider că voinţa populaţiei, care a susţinut în proporţie de peste 90 % adoptarea unei noi constituţii, trebuie respectată.

În concluzie, doresc să reafirm că Uniunea Europeană trebuie să joace un rol mai activ în Asia Centrală, atât în plan politic, cât şi economic.


  Indrek Tarand (Verts/ALE). - Mina tahaksin märkida, et Stalini tõmmatud piirid võivad küll paika jääda, aga stalinismi pärandi likvideerimisega peab tegelema ka see riik, kes Nõukogude Liidu järglasena istub ÜRO Julgeolekunõukogus, aga Kesk-Aasias oma vastutust pärandi likvideerimisel võtta ei taha. See riik on Venemaa. Ma tahaks kiita komisjoni ja ka seda parlamenti selle eest, et me püüame põgenikke, hätta sattunud inimesi aidata. Aga me peaksime ka Moskvale ütlema, et see vastutusest vabaneda püüe ei ole meile aktsepteeritav.

Meie arutame siin tund aega Kirgiisi ja Turkmeeni küsimusi, aga kas te teate, millega tegeleb praegu Vladimir Putin? Vaatab Hispaania ja Saksamaa jalgpalli. See ei pea nii olema.


  Herbert Dorfmann (PPE). - Frau Präsidentin! Die Situation in Kirgisistan hat ihren Ursprung in einer vollkommen willkürlich und wohl auch absichtlich falschen Grenzziehung vor einigen Jahrzehnten, die die gesamte Region Zentralasiens betrifft und dort eine Reihe von Minderheiten geschaffen hat. Dies verbunden mit Armut und dem Kampf um bebaubares Land und um Wasser führt zu einem Pulverfass, das nun leider wieder einmal explodiert ist.

Ich denke, wenn man nachhaltig Frieden in der gesamten Region schaffen will, dann wird man diese zentralen Fragen und vor allem die Minderheitenfrage lösen müssen. Nach dem lobenswerten schnellen Einsatz der Kommission werden wir uns auch in Zukunft diesen Fragen in der Region stellen müssen. Die Staaten werden ihre Minderheiten schützen müssen und somit die Voraussetzungen dafür schaffen, dass sich die Angehörigen dieser Minderheiten in der Region auch sicher fühlen. Wenn nun eine neue politische Führung in Kirgisistan an der Macht ist, werden wir gemeinsam mit den politischen Verantwortlichen diese Frage aufwerfen müssen. Ich denke, die Situation von benachteiligten Minderheiten schafft Voraussetzungen für Radikalisierung und, das zeigt die Region leider auch, wenn sie auch noch verbunden wird mit Glaubensradikalismus, dann ist das ein Pulverfass, das leider sehr schnell explodieren kann.


  Catherine Ashton, Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. − Madam President, our exchange today underlines the European Union’s very deep concern as regards the situation in Kyrgyzstan and the importance for us to remain closely engaged in helping the country move forward towards peace, stability, inter-ethnic reconciliation and democracy.

There has been widespread agreement that our efforts should be placed firmly within the broader international context. I believe that it is important, and I trust that honourable Members agree, that we continue to coordinate very closely with the United Nations and the OSCE and, as Mr Rinaldi said, that we also look to the fact that justice is going to be extremely important.

As honourable Members know, as things stand, the exact causes of the crisis are unclear. Honourable Members have raised the issue of the role of the former leadership within this. Honourable Members have also raised their concerns about ensuring that justice is done and that we have the kind of inquiry that could be of great significance. In that context the involvement of human rights organisations is something which I pick up and take forward as an important aspect of this.

As honourable Members have noted too, security in the south has recently improved, but we are all aware that there is a risk of the resumption of violence and regional spillover; the potential for this still persists. I am very well aware that the inter-ethnic resentment remains very high. We have to be very vigilant and continue to discuss, debate, watch, engage and work with our partners on the ground to ensure that we are able to do everything we can to help this democracy grow and flourish.

I know that the Representative, Pierre Morrel, will do what he can to continue that work on the ground. For my part, I will do my utmost, working with Commissioner Georgieva to ensure that the response that we give is commensurate with this challenge. In doing that we will certainly take into account the very thoughtful views that honourable Members have given tonight as we move forward.


  Kristalina Georgieva, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I would like to thank honourable Members for the very useful direction that you have provided for us in your speeches tonight.

Let me touch upon four points that have been raised. First, a number of Members talked about the importance of the referendum and the right judgement that was made. I would like to elaborate on that by praising Baroness Ashton and Ambassador Morrel because the EU in fact – and I learned this in Bishkek – was instrumental in gathering international support to keep the date of the referendum as it was. That was the right judgement because it boosted the legitimacy of the Government substantially and it also served as a magnet to refugees to return.

That takes me to my second point – the situation on the other side of the border. Almost the only people on the other side of the border in Uzbekistan are those who needed medical attention. The vast majority of those who crossed the border did return, although – as has been said – there is still a fear of events unfolding at too critical a time. When 40 days from the massacres have passed and mourning is over, there is fear that around 15 to 20 July there could be a return of violence, as well as when the country gets ready for the elections prior to 10 October.

That takes me to my third point. I would just like to share with you that President Otunbayeva praised President Karimov of Uzbekistan for his appropriate reaction and for the support that they have received from their neighbour in suppressing violence. But, having said that, President Otunbayeva continues to call on us – on Europe – for support in the days ahead because of her worry that democracy may be struggling in Kyrgyzstan.

Let me finish with a point related to priorities and how we move forward. The country will need help. It is a poor country. I used to work there in the 1990s and I can see how much progress has been made on democracy and how the country still has a long way to go on development. It is of concern that some of the donors – including some European donors – have been in the process of actually reducing their programmes. I just want to share with this House that it is the wrong time to decrease support for development in Kyrgyzstan. We will of course convey from the Commission to the donor community that, in our judgement, this is now the wrong time to reduce support.

Kyrgyzstan is to a great extent a clan society, and the pursuit of parliamentary democracy there is not going to be easy. Mrs Otunbayeva is a brave woman, who during her inauguration, which I was honoured to attend, turned to us and said that she would have a short run as President. She pledged to step down at the end of 2011 but promised that it would be a substantive run and asked us to help her to achieve this.

I think she deserves this help and that, if we stand by her, there will be a fair chance for this country to leap forward – for its people, but also for stability in this region that would benefit all of us.



  Presidente. − Comunico di aver ricevuto sei proposte di risoluzione(1) a norma dell'articolo 110, paragrafo 2, del regolamento.

La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà giovedì 8 luglio 2010.


(1)Vedasi processo verbale.

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