La Présidente. - L'ordre du jour appelle le rapport de Traian Ungureanu, au nom de la commission des affaires étrangères, sur une stratégie de l'UE pour la mer Noire (2010/2087(INI)) (A7-0378/2010).
Traian Ungureanu, rapporteur. − Madam President, exactly three years ago the European Parliament endorsed the Black Sea Synergy. This was the first step towards a coherent policy in one of the most sensitive areas in Europe, and it was a step in the right direction because the Black Sea is now widely analysed – and feared – as a converging space of political, strategic and security hopes, strengths and ambitions.
Today our policy in the area can be further developed. This House can play a crucial role in upgrading EU policies to a fully-fledged EU strategy. This is actually the main idea in the report I initiated with the support of my colleagues from the Foreign Affairs Committee and Parliament as a whole.
But why a new report on the Black Sea and why an EU Strategy for the Black Sea? Some people would say that the Black Sea is a small sea. Indeed it is, but if we exchange this map for a strategy map, the Black Sea becomes huge. There is also another factor: the Black Sea is getting blacker and blacker.
Since the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, the Black Sea is now partially an internal EU sea. However, developments in the region are often unpredictable: tensions accumulate and misunderstandings abound. A summary analysis of the Black Sea region leads to the conclusion that the negative challenges in this area persist or are, indeed, gaining in intensity. The Georgia-Russia war of 2008, the unsolved and so-called ‘frozen’ conflicts, and the worrying deterioration of democratic rule in Ukraine and Russia are all very serious developments and vivid examples of the security risks in the area.
If we examine the current results of EU involvement in the region, they seem at least mixed. The EU policy approach towards the Black Sea lacks mechanisms for monitoring, evaluation and follow-up. The Black Sea region is not visible enough in debates in Brussels, and EU funding for the region is fragmented and complicated.
While building upon the merits of the Black Sea Synergy which we adopted three years ago, a new EU Strategy for the Black Sea should put in place a stronger policy and concrete tools. Let me mention just two of the recommendations in the report. The first concerns adequate resources: if the EU wants to play a key role in the Black Sea region, it needs to devote adequate resources, both financial and human. The creation of a separate budget line in the EU budget is vital. The second recommendation is for the elaboration of an EU action plan with clear objectives and tasks, including regular ministerial-level meetings of the relevant countries.
The EU Strategy for the Black Sea should not underestimate, or overestimate, any state in the area. The principles of inclusiveness and regional ownership should be reflected in an important role for Turkey and Russia, but also for all the regional partners, in the success of regional cooperation.
To conclude, I should like to thank all my colleagues for their very positive contributions to the final version of this report. I think we all agree that this House expects the Commission and the Council to turn this report into reality. The strategic and beneficial involvement of the EU in the Black Sea region should become a fact.
Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, I am very glad that the Black Sea region is high on the agenda of the European Parliament. This region is important for the European Union and we need to focus on it to reflect its extreme sensitivity for us.
I want to thank and congratulate the rapporteur for the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr Traian Ungureanu, on an excellent and very substantive report. The report and its recommendations are interesting and innovative on the many issues.
Since the latest enlargement, the Black Sea is also an EU sea. We have responsibilities towards it, just as we do to all other basin regions that border us. We have to tackle this new responsibility resolutely.
As part of the European Neighbourhood Policy, we already have an initiative targeting this region: the Black Sea Synergy. However, we must admit that its implementation has proved much more difficult than we had thought. Not everything we want to do is being welcomed with enthusiasm by everybody in the region.
Precisely for these reasons Parliament has chosen an approach based on regional ownership and fostering dialogue. I believe that this is now the right approach for us to pursue, but these commitments can only be credible if and when they bring concrete improvements to the peoples in the region.
Thus the report on developing a new European Union strategy for the Black Sea represents our commitment to the region and to our Member States who belong to this area by giving them our full support in facing the challenges linked to their specific geographic situation.
We understand that a strategy for the Black Sea region should not be interpreted as a replacement for existing efforts, particularly the Black Sea Synergy. It should rather be a comprehensive framework where guidance can be found for all European Union activities in the region.
The Black Sea Strategy can provide an ideal occasion to review our interests in the region, including strategic, political and economic interests, and to discuss how best they can be achieved. Parliament has identified the appropriate fields in which the strategy should be developed, like governance, security and energy, transport, environment, trade, local economic development and social and human development.
Developing this strategy can also provide the opportunity to add a maritime dimension to ongoing activities in the region. The Commission is currently developing a comprehensive package that will address maritime policy initiatives, management of natural resources and the fight against illegal fishing activities.
We can draw on our know-how from other strategies, such as the EU strategy for the Baltic Sea region and the EU Danube strategy. Indeed the Danube strategy will require obvious interactions with the Black Sea. However, we are aware that each European basin region is different. Accordingly, we need to ensure that all future EU strategies should be adapted to their own sectoral characteristics, economic and social development, environment and energy, infrastructure and natural resources.
The report on developing an EU strategy for the Black Sea region offers an overview of the future challenges for the region, but it will also be relevant for establishing solid channels with the state partners in the region to ensure its smooth and effective implementation. We need to use this opportunity to consult extensively with all stakeholders, starting with our partners in the regions and with the involvement of Parliament.
Again this report is welcome and we are keen to draw on its recommendations. The External Action Service and the relevant Commission services will be committing their efforts to prepare a Black Sea strategy for which we will seek your and the Council’s support.
Метин Казак, Докладчик по становище INTA. − Г-жо Председател, уважаеми г-н Комисар, уважаеми колеги, искам и аз да поздравя г-н Ungureanu, и като докладчик на Комисията по международна търговия, се радвам, че някои от нашите предложения са включени в основния текст на доклада.
Радвам се, че Черно море, както беше посочено, след присъединяването на България и Румъния през 2007 г. стана, образно казано, „европейско” море и се нуждае от цялостна европейска стратегия и за това са необходими достатъчно административни и финансови ресурси, както и добра координация и отчетност.
Ключова задача е залагането на проектен подход в новата стратегия. Трябва да се обърне специално внимание на области от общ интерес, като например околна среда, енергия, транспорт, инфраструктура, които са от решаващо значение за устойчивото развитие на региона.
Необходимо е и засилено сътрудничество на парламентарно равнище, както например с организации като Парламентарната асамблея на черноморското икономическо сътрудничество и СТО, така и с Черноморската банка за търговия и развитие. Не на последно място смятам, че трябва да вземем под внимание и другите регионални инициативи, но и да не допуснем стратегията да бъде удавена в тях.
Silvia-Adriana Ţicău, Raportoare pentru aviz Comisia pentru industrie, cercetare şi energie. − Comisia ITRE sprijină integrarea deplină a pieţelor şi a cadrului de reglementare, pe baza legislaţiei UE, din domeniul energiei şi încurajează participarea statelor din regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre la Tratatul privind Carta energiei, precum şi asistenţa UE, a BEI şi BERD la modernizarea infrastructurii energetice în regiune.
Subliniem valoarea adăugată europeană şi importanţa coridorului sudic al gazelor pentru îmbunătăţirea siguranţei aprovizionării Uniunii Europene. Proiecte precum Nabucco, prioritate pentru Uniunea Europeană, alături de gazoductul transadriatic, conducta petrolieră paneuropeană, interconexiunea Turcia-Grecia-Italia sau interconexiunea Azerbaidjan-Georgia-România evidenţiază atât importanţa angajamentelor UE în regiunea Mării Negre, cât şi nevoile ulterioare de intensificare a cooperării dintre ţările din regiune. Subliniem importanţa creării unei reţele regionale de cercetare şi educaţie în regiunea extinsă a Mării Negre şi conectarea acesteia la GEANT şi invităm Comisia să continue să sprijine proiectele de cercetare în regiune.
Închei, doamnă preşedintă, solicitând Comisiei să dezvolte o strategie a Uniunii Europene pentru regiune, însoţită de un plan de acţiune şi subliniem necesitatea creării unei legături între aceasta şi strategia Uniunii Europene pentru regiunea Dunării.
Victor Boştinaru, rapporteur for the opinion of the Committee on Regional Development. − Madam President, Commissioner, the importance of the Black Sea region for the EU from the transport, energy, stability, security and environmental point of view is evident. It is for this reason that the EU strategy for this region will certainly have a very positive impact on the area and on the EU as a whole.
The Committee on Regional Development believes this strategy can bring growth and sustainable development for the region. But also it is of the opinion that for full effectiveness it is necessary to involve all the states of the region, no matter whether they are Member States or not. This strategy needs actions to be coordinated – but how could this coordination exist without the proper involvement of all countries? Coordination is certainly needed with the Danube strategy, which is soon supposed to become a major priority of the Hungarian Presidency.
The use of an integrated approach and cross-border cooperation between the regions should be promoted in all fields of the strategy but in particular those of transport, energy and the environment.
Elmar Brok, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich möchte dem Berichterstatter sehr für eine ganz ausgezeichnete Arbeit danken, in der viele Gedanken in einer komprehenden Form zusammengebracht worden sind, was uns für unsere zukünftige Arbeit helfen wird.
Wir müssen sehen, dass diese Schwarzmeer-Kooperation nicht mit der Eastern Partnership vermischt werden darf, auch nicht mit unseren strategischen Beziehungen zur Türkei und zu Russland. Das sind unterschiedliche Dinge, und sie ersetzt diese nicht. Auf der anderen Seite finde ich es außerordentlich spannend, dass man gerade diese unterschiedlichen Gruppen in bestimmten Fragen in ein Boot hineinbringen kann, um daraus eine kohärente gemeinsame Politik zu machen, die in unserem Interesse sein kann und die den Ländern helfen kann, aber über eine solche Zusammenarbeit vielleicht auch helfen kann, dass politische und ökonomische Interessen, die gegenläufig sind, ein Stück weit zusammengeführt werden können, um auf diese Art und Weise Auseinandersetzungen in Zukunft weniger dramatisch und gefährlich zu machen, so dass beispielsweise unsere Arbeit mit der Östlichen Partnerschaft nicht als gegen jemand gerichtet begriffen wird, sondern dass das alles komplementär sein kann, was uns allerdings nicht davon abhält, dass wir beispielsweise mit der Östlichen Partnerschaft mit diesen Ländern, was die europäischen Perspektiven angeht, andere Vorstellungen haben können, als wir sie beispielsweise bei der Entwicklung mit Russland haben. Diese Differenzierung muss uns da erlaubt sein, und es ist dem Herrn Kommissar sicherlich außerordentlich bewusst, dass dies so sein soll. Aber aus diesem Grund ist die Schwarzmeer-Kooperation im Interesse der Europäischen Union, im Interesse Russlands, im Interesse der Türkei und im Interesse der übrigen – zumeist Östlichen Partnerschaft angehörenden – Länder dieser Region. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass dies ökonomisch und politisch erheblich zur Stabilität in Europa beitragen kann, und hoffe, dass wir da eng mit dem Herrn Kommissar zusammenarbeiten können, um dies voranzutreiben.
Ioan Mircea Paşcu, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Madam President, the Black Sea is a gate to and from Europe, and therefore it should be addressed as such. It is not a far distant place of little relevance which occasionally comes to our attention.
The truth is that the area has already put – and will continue to put – items on our agenda, be it through the interruption of gas transit as in 2006 and 2008, or the Georgian war in 2008. However, in spite of the evidence and its recognised importance, the Black Sea area still does not enjoy the attention it deserves from the EU – an EU which was, in a way, compelled to address these problems once Bulgaria and Romania had become members in 2007.
The Black Sea Synergy, elaborated not long after the admission of those two countries, appears to have been, in retrospect, a hastily put together document designed to cover a ‘blank spot’ or ‘black hole’ – depending on your preference – which the EU had to deal with almost overnight. The fact that nothing of importance has happened since the first review of the initiative in 2008 – and we are not very far advanced in its implementation as mentioned in the report – is indicative of that.
To my mind, there are two main reasons for this. First, there is an apparent disinterest and unwillingness on the part of EU Members to address the area decisively. Moreover, now that money is short, there is even less willingness to do so than before.
Secondly, the initial assumption on which the synergy was based, namely that the area should become a coherent and cooperative region in order to qualify for EU attention and material support, has ignored the simple truth that just 20 years ago the area looked completely different. To expect an area so complex and different to become coherent and get an individual identity in such a short time is either unrealistic or – I hate to say – ill-intended. Perhaps, in the context of a revisiting of the Eastern Partnership, things would improve.
Ivo Vajgl, v imenu skupine ALDE. – Poročilo, ki ga je pripravil kolega Ungureanu, na angažiran način in odprt za sodelovanje, za to se mu tudi zahvaljujem, vrača našo pozornost k regiji, za katero je značilna raznolikost. Raznolikost političnih sistemov, kulturnih tradicij, religij, statusa in ambicij glede približevanja Evropski uniji, stopnje gospodarskega razvoja, razpoložljivosti naravnih bogastev in, seveda, nove situacije, ki je nastopila s tem, da imamo danes tri države članice Evropske unije v regiji, o kateri govorimo.
Območje Črnega morja je za nas posebno zanimivo zaradi njegove geostrateške pozicije, ki neposredno predstavlja bodisi dodano vrednost ali pa resna tveganja za naše varnostne interese. V tem kontekstu posebej izpostavljam energetsko varnost in zagotavljanje trajnostne oskrbe Evropske unije z energenti, infrastrukturo ter možnosti, da vplivamo na reševanje nasprotij in odprtih vprašanj v regiji, kakor tudi na razvoj partnerskega odnosa z Rusijo in Turčijo. Vse to je mogoče doseči s poglobljenim angažiranjem držav v regiji in sodelovanjem vseh držav Evropske unije in ostalih organizacij in mrež, ki jih imamo na tem področju, vključno z omrežji civilno-družbenih organizacij; prav njim velja naša posebna pozornost in priznanje.
Za vse to ne potrebujemo novih institucij, potrebno pa bo zagotoviti redno finansiranje in več političnega angažiranja. Gospod komisar, verjamem, da boste lahko to poročilo koristno uporabili in se veselim sodelovanja z vami.
Werner Schulz, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Kommissar, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Um die Schwarzmeerregion in einen Raum von Stabilität, Sicherheit, Demokratie und Wohlstand zu entwickeln, um diesen Chancen und Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, bedarf einer ganzheitlichen Strategie. Die vorliegende Entschließung verfolgt dieses Ziel und findet daher die Unterstützung meiner Fraktion, auch weil etliche Vorschläge mit eingeflossen sind, z.B. der Umgang mit den ungelösten Konflikten in der Region, die Verbesserung der zivilgesellschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit, die Unterstützung von People-to-people Projekten sowie die vorrangige Förderung von Kleinprojekten im Rahmen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit.
Darüber hinaus wollen wir eine nachhaltige Energiepolitik, höhere Energieeffizienz und die Schaffung von akademischen bzw. studentischen Netzwerken. Was ich allerdings bemängele, ist das Fehlen einer eindeutigen Haltung in der Frage der Energieinfrastruktur in der Region – Stichworte Nabuko und South Stream. Völlig unverständlich ist mir, weshalb unsere Forderung nach schärferer Überwachung von Ölbohrplattformen im Schwarzen Meer abgelehnt worden ist. Das sollte nach dem Disaster im Golf von Mexiko ein absolutes Muss sein. Deswegen stellen wir diesen Änderungsantrag heute noch einmal.
Paweł Robert Kowal, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Pani Przewodnicząca! Panie Komisarzu! Wydaje mi się, że przygotowany dokument zasługuje na poparcie, dlatego, w imieniu mojej grupy, popieram go. Chciałbym podkreślić, że synergia czarnomorska wymaga dzisiaj przemyślenia jej na nowo. Szczytne intencje nie zawsze przekładały się w ostatnim czasie na jej efektywne wykorzystanie i bardzo dobrze, że sprawozdawca kładzie na to nacisk. Dlatego myślę, że najważniejszym dzisiaj zadaniem dla pana komisarza Füle jest spróbować uporządkować nasze inicjatywy w tej części Europy i pokazać, że nadrzędną sprawą jest polityka sąsiedztwa, a dopiero inne kwestie umieszczać w tym kontekście. Myślę, że ten sposób myślenia gwarantuje efektywność synergii czarnomorskiej w przyszłości, szczególnie w sferze energii. Synergia mogłaby także być na przykład dobrym instrumentem, jeśli chodzi o wspieranie Gruzji w jej przemianach demokratycznych i ekonomicznych ostatnich lat. Ale pierwszym, koniecznym krokiem jest dzisiaj uporządkowanie inicjatyw w tej części Europy, tak byśmy nie tylko się mogli nimi chwalić, ale by one naprawdę efektywnie służyły jakimś konkretnym celom.
David Campbell Bannerman, on behalf of the EFD Group. – Madam President, in discussing the Black Sea area, one word leaps to mind, and that is ‘caution’. All must tread carefully here.
The Black Sea area is Russia’s backyard. It has its fleet anchored in the Crimea at Sebastopol, close to the bloody battlefields of the Crimean War. We have seen the unfortunate conflict in Georgia, where there was fault on both sides. Had Georgia been in NATO, the consequences could have been disastrous. Whilst I support Georgian independence, it is unwise to goad the Russian bear in its own lair.
Then there is Turkey which the EU is playing with by offering membership despite the reality that members such as France will veto an application. Turkey has just 4% of its landmass within Europe. It should not be in the EU. There are real dangers in leading Turkey on. Disappointment could drive Turkey into the hands of Islamic extremists.
Finally, underlying all of this is the fact that the Black Sea is the hub for vital Caspian oil and gas. Tread carefully indeed.
Димитър Стоянов (NI). - Г-жо Председател, искам да се присъединя към повечето мнения, които бяха изказани в тази зала и да поздравя докладчика за това, което той е направил с този доклад. Евксинският понт (Pontus Euxinus) , както е античното име на Черно море, още от древността има своето решително геостратегическо и иконономическо значение в Европа. Черно море има това значение и днес, в днешно време.
Затова е много важно тази стратегия наистина да бъде приведена в действие, защото ние отново имаме дебат - даже, доколкото си спомням скоро имаше такъв дебат. Затова аз основно искам да сложа точката върху това, което беше казано от групата на колегите социалисти, и да подкрепя най-вече точката, която предвижда да бъде създаден отделен бюджетен ред за прилагане на стратегията.
Затова призовавам Комисията: Дела! Дела! Само с разумно и достатъчно финансиране ще можем да превърнем думите, които казваме сега в тази зала в дела, което е от значение за европейските граждани.
Iuliu Winkler (PPE). - Madam President, I should like to start by congratulating Mr Ungureanu on his initiative in carrying out the report on the Black Sea. I also welcome the endorsement of several of the previous speakers, my distinguished colleagues, who have committed themselves to promoting a new European vision for the Black Sea region.
The Black Sea has indeed become a partially internal sea of the European Union. Its geostrategic importance can hardly be overstated, considering the regional stability, the democratisation processes, and the related energy security, economic and commercial issues. I strongly believe that we, the EU, should benefit from the potential of the Black Sea region and not others.
To achieve this goal, the European Union has to rely more on its Member States belonging to the region, has to give up any anchorage in the past and has to show more dynamism, leadership and vision. Without touching on the issues related to the enlargement process, I would like to address a message to all the Black Sea sceptics. Any slowdown in the EU integration process of the region will have a throwback effect on the democratic evolution of the area. The risk is medium and long-term instability, whose implications would be hard to evaluate, and even harder to manage, for the European Union.
In conclusion, the EU needs its internal Black Sea and we need an integrated strategy for this region. The Black Sea strategy should be drafted by the Commission, relying on the recommendations reached by our rapporteur. Today this house should offer its wholehearted support for the strategy.
Μαρία-Ελένη Κοππά (S&D). - Κυρία Πρόεδρε, συζητάμε σήμερα μια πολύ σημαντική έκθεση σχετικά με μια ιδιαίτερη περιοχή κοντά στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, τον Εύξεινο Πόντο. Η περιοχή συνδυάζει χώρες της Ένωσης αλλά και χώρες σημαντικές για την περιφερειακή συνεργασία. Είναι λοιπόν κοινή ανάγκη να διασφαλισθεί η ύπαρξη ενός χώρου ειρήνης, δημοκρατίας, ασφάλειας και σταθερότητας γύρω από τον Εύξεινο Πόντο.
Έχουμε ένα σταθερό πλαίσιο συνεργασίας μέσα από τη Συνέργεια για τον Εύξεινο Πόντο που έχει δρομολογηθεί εδώ και καιρό, όχι όμως με απτά αποτελέσματα. Η επιτυχής υλοποίησή της με τη δραστηριοποίηση όλων των χωρών που συμμετέχουν θα ενισχύσει περαιτέρω τις σχέσεις μας στη βάση των κοινών αξιών. Πρέπει δε να δράσει συμπληρωματικά με την εδραιωμένη Ευρωπαϊκή Πολιτική Γειτονίας και την Ανατολική Εταιρική Σχέση.
Η σταθερότητα και η ασφάλεια του Εύξεινου Πόντου έχουν άμεσο αντίκτυπο στην Ευρώπη. Συνεπώς, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση μοιράζεται την ευθύνη για τη στήριξη της ειρηνικής επίλυσης των συγκρούσεων και την οικοδόμηση εμπιστοσύνης. Η περιοχή αυτή έχει σημασία για την Ένωση, ιδιαίτερα λόγω των συνδέσεων ενέργειας και μεταφορών που διαθέτει. Η ενίσχυση της δημοκρατίας και ένα ισχυρότερο σύστημα κράτους δικαίου θα διευκολύνουν το εμπόριο, τις επενδύσεις και την κινητικότητα των προσώπων.
Συμμερίζομαι απόλυτα την άποψη να καταρτιστεί ειδική γραμμή του προϋπολογισμού για τη Συνέργεια του Εύξεινου Πόντου. Αυτό θα βοηθήσει αποτελεσματικά στον εκσυγχρονισμό της περιοχής. Είναι στο χέρι μας, κυρία Πρόεδρε, με τις πολιτικές μας να φέρουμε αυτές τις χώρες ακόμα πιο κοντά στην Ευρώπη για το αμοιβαίο καλό όλων.
Adina-Ioana Vălean (ALDE). - Madam President, since 2007 we have acknowledged the importance of the Black Sea region, yet the impact of our approach has been modest to say the least: no concrete projects, no concrete results. We need a realistic and financially sound action plan with clear objectives, priority actions and benchmarks, and a better division of tasks and coordination with the Eastern Partnership and the Danube Strategy.
We need to launch the energy and transport partnership alongside the environment partnership. Only through such a project-based approach, focused on small-scale specific projects, can we overcome the issue of the very diverse and complex interests in the region. We need to get past our fragmented approach in terms of finance as well. So far, we have had various financial instruments and little visibility. That is why we should make the Black Sea joint operational programme our central instrument for implementing the Black Sea strategy, using it as seed money to attract institutions ready to invest in the region and hence promote cooperation.
Oldřich Vlasák (ECR). - Nízká rychlost implementace projektů, neexistence akčních plánů a hodnotících zpráv, nekonání schůzek na vysoké úrovni, rizika duplicit s Východním partnerstvím a mnohé další problémy naznačují, že rozhodnutí, aby vedoucí roli v implementaci strategie pro Černé moře měly členské státy, bylo nevhodné. Ukazuje se, že Evropská komise by měla hrát významnější roli jako sekretariát a facilitátor této strategie pro Černé moře.
Jsem také přesvědčen, že tato strategie stejně jako jiné makroregionální strategie by měla zůstat rozpočtově, institucionálně a legislativně neutrální, tzn. že by neměly být vynakládány další dodatečné zdroje, zakládány nové instituce a připravována nová legislativa.
Není třeba nových operačních programů a specifických rozpočtových položek, ale je potřeba se zaměřit na realizaci konkrétních projektů, na kterých budou mít dotčené státy skutečný zájem.
Γεώργιος Κουμουτσάκος (PPE). - Κύριε Επίτροπε, είναι κοινοτυπία πλέον να υπογραμμίζει κανείς ότι η Μαύρη Θάλασσα είναι περιοχή στρατηγικής σημασίας για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Πώς θα μπορούσε άλλωστε να είναι διαφορετικά, αφού μετά την ένταξη της Βουλγαρίας και της Ρουμανίας είναι σχεδόν εσωτερική θάλασσα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης; Ενέργεια, ασφάλεια, σταθερότητα και, βέβαια, δημοκρατία είναι τομείς αιχμής του ενδιαφέροντός μας για αυτήν την περιοχή.
Από το 2007 όταν ξεκινήσαμε την πολιτική μας σε αυτήν την πολλαπλά κρίσιμη περιοχή έως σήμερα σημειώσαμε ορισμένα βήματα προόδου και ορισμένες επιτυχίες· είχαμε, όμως, δυστυχώς και καθυστερήσεις και αποσπασματικές προσεγγίσεις και περιόδους αδράνειας. Είναι δυσάρεστο το γεγονός ότι από το 2008 δεν έχει οργανωθεί οποιαδήποτε υπουργική συνάντηση για την πολιτική αυτή. Αυτή η κατάσταση υπολείπεται των αρχικών φιλοδοξιών μας και, με δεδομένη τη γεωστρατηγική, γεωπολιτική και οικονομική σημασία της περιοχής, δεν έχουμε παρά μία επιλογή: την ενίσχυση της πολιτικής και των δράσεών μας στον Εύξεινο Πόντο, στη Μαύρη Θάλασσα.
Υποστηρίζω, λοιπόν, ανεπιφύλακτα την προτεινόμενη από τον εισηγητή, κύριο Ungureanu, αναβάθμιση της ευρωπαϊκής πολιτικής για τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα σε ολοκληρωμένη στρατηγική, που θα υποστηρίζεται από χωριστή δική της γραμμή προϋπολογισμού. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό θέλω να τονίσω, και ως μέλος της Επιτροπής Μεταφορών και Τουρισμού, τη σπουδαιότητα αυτών των δύο τομέων που θα πρέπει απαραίτητα να είναι συστατικά στοιχεία μιας ευρωπαϊκής στρατηγικής για τη Μαύρη Θάλασσα.
Τέλος, είναι περιττό να υπογραμμίσω ότι η Ολοκληρωμένη Θαλάσσια Πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης μπορεί και εκείνη να συμβάλει ουσιαστικά στην ενιαία βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη της περιοχής του Ευξείνου Πόντου. Αυτά θα πρέπει να γίνουν τώρα. Η διεύρυνση, όμως, είναι άλλο ζήτημα που χρειάζεται πολλή μελέτη και πολλή προσοχή.
Evgeni Kirilov (S&D). - Madam President, with the accession of Bulgaria and Romania the Black Sea region became an EU neighbouring region. It is a strategic bridge connecting Europe with the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. Its geopolitical and economic importance for the EU is constantly increasing in terms of security, stability and energy. The Union should therefore step up its presence, develop active policies and find lasting solutions to the existing problems in the region.
It is not only the littoral countries that show a big interest in multilateral regional cooperation – which is crucial for solving urgent issues of regional and European importance such as ‘frozen’ conflicts, trafficking and other security-related issues.
What is currently needed is a focus on several issues of concern that are of pragmatic interest to all the littoral states. One such issue is maritime security. In recent years there has been an increase in accidents involving loss of human life and environmental damage in the Black Sea. The EU should reduce the risk of civil accidents by providing assistance to search-and-rescue operations within the framework of the European integrated maritime policy. We expect to vote soon on the report by our colleague Iliana Malinova Iotova which deals for the first time with EU fisheries policy in the Black Sea. This could also offer a good basis for multilateral cooperation in the region.
EU support is also desirable for ongoing projects like the Black Sea Ring Highway, Pan-European Transport Corridors 8 and 9, and the transport connections between the Black Sea ports.
I would like to thank the rapporteur for supporting my amendments and for his excellent oral contribution.
Marek Siwiec (S&D). - Pani Przewodnicząca! Gdy mówimy o regionie Morza Czarnego, to trzeba powiedzieć, że nie ma takiego miejsca wokół Unii Europejskiej, gdzie byłyby tak skrajne różnice, tak wiele skrajnych konfliktów, w tym krwawych konfliktów, a także sprzecznych interesów. Więc nie łudźmy się, że formułując jakąkolwiek politykę potrafimy rozwiązać te kwestie, których nie da się rozwiązać używając innych polityk. To nie jest koncert życzeń, to nie jest tak, że można problemy energetyczne rozwiązać, kiedy Rosja nie chce rurociągu, a my go chcemy. Nie można rozwiązać konfliktów regionalnych, właściwie to jest bardzo ograniczona polityka, ale mimo wszystko warto ją prowadzić.
Skoro mówimy o synergii w odniesieniu do polityki wobec Morza Czarnego, to synergia oznacza pewną wartość dodaną. Chciałbym zapytać np. dlaczego Parlament Europejski nie współpracuje z istniejącymi w regionie organizacjami, np. Parlamentarnym Zgromadzeniem Współpracy Ekonomicznej Morza Czarnego (PABSEC). Oni chcą z nami współpracować. Parlament Europejski uważa, że jest zbyt wielki, zbyt poważny i się tej współpracy nie podejmuje. Postuluję, aby tę współpracę podjąć i działać z tymi, którzy działają.
George Sabin Cutaş (S&D). - Regiunea Mării Negre este de o importanţă strategică pentru Uniunea Europeană. Constatăm, însă, lipsa unei abordări structurate în ceea ce priveşte această regiune. Nu a fost elaborat un plan de acţiune pentru Sinergia Mării Negre, iar finanţarea este realizată prin intermediul mai multor instrumente necoordonate. Devine, astfel, imperativă crearea unei strategii a Uniunii pentru Marea Neagră, deţinând acelaşi grad de prioritate cu celelalte strategii regionale ale Uniunii Europene şi axată în jurul a trei linii directoare: dezvoltarea economică, socială şi umană; energie, transport şi mediu, precum şi securitate şi bună guvernanţă.
Anumite proiecte-cheie pentru economia europeană, precum gazoductul Nabucco, care ar permite mai multă independenţă energetică, sau dezvoltarea porturilor aflate la Marea Neagră au nevoie de impulsionare imediată, iar acest lucru nu se poate realiza decât sub egida unei strategii comune.
Νίκη Τζαβέλα (EFD). - Η περιοχή της Μαύρης Θάλασσας είναι πάρα πολύ σημαντική για την ενεργειακή ασφάλεια της Ευρώπης. Κύριε Επίτροπε, υπάρχει το μεγάλο θέμα του Nabucco, από το οποίο εξαρτάται ένα μεγάλο μέρος της ενεργειακής ασφάλειας της Ευρώπης. Ό,τι όμως αφορά τον προμηθευτή του μεγάλου αυτού αγωγού οι πληροφορίες είναι πάρα πολύ ασαφείς. Εχθές, ο Πρόεδρος της Επιτροπής, κύριος Barroso, μας είπε ότι ήταν στο Αζερμπαϊτζάν και στο Τουρκμενιστάν και ότι οι συζητήσεις πήγαν πάρα πολύ καλά. Τι σημαίνει αυτό; Θα πρέπει κάποια στιγμή να θέσουμε ένα χρονικό όριο. Πότε θα ξέρουμε αν ο Nabucco είναι βιώσιμος ή όχι ώστε να μη σπαταλάμε δυνάμεις και να δούμε τι άλλο μπορούμε να κάνουμε; Το θέμα λοιπόν του Nabucco, το οποίο είναι από τα κυριότερα θέματα στην ενεργειακή ασφάλεια της Ευρώπης, είναι πολύ σημαντικό και πρέπει να ξεκαθαρίσει. Έχουμε προμηθευτή ή όχι;
Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). - Mai întâi, aş vrea să felicit raportorul Ungureanu pentru munca deosebită depusă pentru acest raport de o importanţă deosebită, atât din punct de vedere geopolitic, cât şi din punct de vedere economic. Regiunea dispune de un potenţial semnificativ de producere şi aprovizionare cu energie şi trebuie să i se acorde mai multă atenţie, în special pentru asigurarea securităţii energetice a Uniunii.
Având în vedere că, până în momentul de faţă, demersurile UE nu au fost suficient de bine cristalizate şi Sinergia Mării Negre nu şi-a atins potenţialul scontat, îmi afirm speranţa că Serviciul European de Acţiune Externă va dispune de resursele necesare, umane şi materiale, pentru ducerea la bun sfârşit a implementării celor trei parteneriate: mediu, transporturi şi energie. Consider că Uniunea Europeană nu trebuie să neglijeze această regiune, ci dimpotrivă, trebuie să îşi facă simţită prezenţa prin acţiuni consecvente şi pe termen lung, care să permită valorificarea posibilităţilor de dezvoltare.
Csanád Szegedi (NI). - Elnök asszony, tisztelt képviselőtársaim! Magyar képviselőként azért szólok hozzá a fekete-tengeri stratégiához, mert a magyar elnökség fő prioritásaival kapcsolatban két azonos célt vélek felfedezni a jelentésben.
Az első az a tény, hogy az Európai Unió és a térség közötti regionális fejlesztés mellett tesz hitet a jelentés. Ez számunkra, magyar képviselők számára, a Duna-stratégia támogatása miatt nagyon fontos, hiszen csak akkor lehet hiteles a Duna-stratégia támogatásának kérése, hogyha nyitottak vagyunk a többi stratégia támogatására is.
A második meg maga az energiabiztonság. Azon kívül, hogy a fekete-tengeri stratégia békét és stabilitást akar biztosítani a térségnek, az energiabiztonság területén talán a legfontosabb célkitűzés, hogy biztosítsa magát az energiabiztonságot, és mint tegnapi nap is hallották, az energiabiztonság pedig a magyar elnökségnek a másik fő prioritása, ezért ez mindannyiunk érdeke.
Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). - Voorzitter, de Zwarte Zee is dichtbij en écht Europees, ook als je het vanuit de energie-optiek bekijkt. Als schaduwrapporteur in de Commissie ITRE voor de EVP en als coördinator voor regionaal beleid wil ik dat nog eens onderschrijven; de Zwarte Zee biedt een groot perspectief. En samenwerking is in dit verband de sleutel. Er is net gesproken over de investeringen rond Nabucco; alleen met stabiele relaties kan een en ander werken. Barroso heeft gisteren melding gemaakt van het bereikte resultaat Azerbeidzjan en Turkmenistan. Kortom, de meerwaarde van zulke strategieën staat buiten kijf, is heel erg duidelijk. De heer Brok heeft daar overigens ook nog op gewezen.
Diversificatie van onze energiestroom staat wat mij betreft voorop in een veel breder kader. Dank ook aan rapporteur Ungureanu voor dit sterke en noodzakelijke verslag.
Vasilica Viorica Dăncilă (S&D). - Marea Neagră este importantă pentru Uniunea Europeană pentru poziţia sa strategică, dar şi pentru oportunităţile economice existente şi premisele unei dezvoltări regionale mai puternice. Strategia destinată acestui spaţiu este benefică prin contribuţia sa la diversificarea activităţilor economice între statele riverane, intensificarea colaborării în domeniul educaţiei şi cercetării, dar şi intensificarea colaborării în regiune, pentru o protecţie importantă a resurselor naturale.
Consider că Uniunea Europeană trebuie să încurajeze ţările din zona Mării Negre, pentru valorificarea adecvată a resurselor ambientale naturale, dezvoltarea durabilă a zonei şi îmbunătăţirea calităţii vieţii în această zonă, precum şi constituirea de parteneriate locale şi regionale.
Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Madam President, at this point I shall make just three remarks. The first I have expressed already at the beginning of our debate, which is appreciation for this timely report on the Black Sea region.
Second, let me welcome the clear evidence, as shown in our debate, of the importance you attribute to this special region, which is shared by the External Action Service and the Commission.
My third remark is that I am looking forward to cooperation with the House on the Black Sea Strategy and its subsequent implementation.
Traian Ungureanu, rapporteur. − Madam President, I am very lucky I can be short, not only because of the noise but also because I was lucky enough to be supported on both sides, largely speaking, of this House. I think that, as Mr Brok stressed in his brilliant remarks, the report which we are preparing to vote on today is a very good example of cross-party cooperation in this House; I have to give special thanks to Mr Paşcu, who proved to be a very active and honest supporter of this report.
I do not want to bring in other names, as this would be unjust because everybody had something important to say regarding this report: regarding the uniqueness of the Black Sea space, regarding its fragility as well and regarding the need to exercise caution when we formulate policy in the Black Sea area.
Of course, it is vital to remark on the necessity of the Nabucco project and its pan-European importance. I would also like to thank Commissioner Füle for his remarks, especially for mentioning the maritime dimension, which the Commission is shaping right now and, of course, for making the necessary link between the Black Sea strategy and the Danube strategy.
La Présidente. - Le débat est clos.
Le vote aura lieu dans quelques instants.
Déclarations écrites (Art. 149)
Elena Băsescu (PPE), în scris. – În primul rând, doresc să îl felicit pe colegul meu, dl Traian Ungureanu, pentru redactarea acestui raport cu o importanţă deosebită pentru România. Ţara mea este cel mai activ membru UE în promovarea importanţei strategice a Mării Negre şi a necesităţii unui rol crescut al Uniunii în aceasta zonă. Importanţa regiunii s-a conturat în mai multe instrumente UE pentru vecinătatea estică, însă rezultatele Sinergiei Mării Negre au fost limitate. Consider că priorităţile UE trebuie să vizeze consolidarea unei zone stabile şi democratice. Conflictele îngheţate au devenit punctul nevralgic în zona Mării Negre. Ele pot fi reactivate în orice moment, ameninţând securitatea regională. Marea Neagră prezintă o importanţă aparte şi pentru securitatea energetică a UE. Comisia Europeană trebuie să pună în continuare un accent deosebit pe proiectele din domeniul energiei, planificate în această regiune.
Corina Creţu (S&D), în scris. – Obiectivele confuze şi suprapunerea formelor de cooperare riscă să golească de substanţă strategia UE în regiunea Mării Negre. Lucrurile tind să nu se îmbunătăţească din cauza diversităţii statutului ţărilor implicate în raport cu Uniunea Europeană, intereselor adesea divergente ale actorilor acestei cooperări şi din cauza unei lipse de viziune, prezentă şi în Raportul Ungureanu. Dacă vrem să grăbim rezolvarea conflictelor îngheţate din zonă, trebuie să plecăm de la constatarea că acest lucru a fost mult întârziat de concurenţa între sponsorii diverselor planuri, iar lucrurile trenează de mai bine de 15 ani. Iar această concurenţă trădează interesele lor divergente, cel mai adesea legate, explicit sau implicit, de controlul rutelor de transport al energiei în zonă. Din punctul meu de vedere, lucrurile se vor limpezi abia în momentul în care va fi foarte clar ce se va întâmpla cu aderarea Turciei la UE şi ce statut va avea Rusia în raport cu Uniunea. Abia această clarificare va duce la rezolvarea conflictelor îngheţate şi la stabilizarea pe termen lung a zonei.
András Gyürk (PPE), írásban. – Tisztelt képviselőtársaim! A fekete-tengeri stratégia várhatóan egyre fontosabb szerepet fog játszani az Európai Unió jövőjében. Ezt jól példázza az Európai Bizottság és Azerbajdzsán múlt héten aláírt közös nyilatkozata is, melyben Azerbajdzsán írásbeli kötelezettséget vállal arra, hogy nagy mennyiségű gázforrást bocsát rendelkezésre Európa számára. Örömömre szolgál, hogy az Európai Bizottság végre konkrét lépéseket tesz a Nabucco projekt előmozdításával kapcsolatban, ugyanis kiemelt prioritásként kell kezelni a Kaszpi-tenger térségében található gázforrásokhoz való hozzáférés biztosítását. Emellett azonban nem feledkezhetünk el a gáz Európába történő szállításáról sem, mely a fekete-tengeri államokon keresztül valósulhat meg.
Az Unió és a Fekete-tenger országai közötti párbeszéd elmélyítése nagy előrelépést jelenthet az európai energiaellátás biztonságának szavatolása szempontjából. A Nabucco vezeték megépítése ugyanis új gázforrásokhoz való hozzáférést tesz lehetővé azokban a tagországokban is, ahol jelenleg a forrásdiverzifikáció mértéke rendkívül alacsony szintű. A vezetékek kiépítéséhez azonban az érintett országok tevőleges hozzájárulása is szükséges. Az átlátható, diszkriminációmentes szállítási keretrendszer és a beruházásokat támogató üzleti környezet nemcsak az uniós tagországok ellátásbiztonsága érdekében fontos, hanem a térség stabilitása és jóléte szempontjából is kiemelt jelentőséggel bír. Véleményem szerint a fekete-tengeri régió csak nyerhet a Nabucco megépítésén: a vezeték kiszámítható bevételi forrást fog biztosítani a térség országainak és egyben közvetlen hozzáférést biztosít a világ legnagyobb gázpiacához.
Danuta Jazłowiecka (PPE), na piśmie. – Szanowni Państwo! Autor omawianego sprawozdania wyraźnie wskazuje, iż tzw. synergia czarnomorska przyjęta w 2007 r. nie do końca spełniła pokładane w niej nadzieje. Rozszerzenie Unii o Bułgarię i Rumunię sprawiło, iż region ten znalazł się w centrum naszego zainteresowania. Wydawało się, iż po ustabilizowaniu sytuacji w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej, przyszła pora na skupienie się Wspólnoty na regionie Morza Czarnego. Jednak światowy kryzys gospodarczy sprawił, że temat ten dosłownie zniknął z europejskiej agendy. Nie możemy zapominać, iż Wspólnota to nie jedynie basen Morza Bałtyckiego lub Śródziemnego. Oczywiście obecne wydarzenia w Tunezji pokazują, iż one również wymagają naszej uwagi. Jednak musimy zacząć sobie uświadamiać, iż to obszar Morza Czarnego, staje się powoli newralgiczny z europejskiego punktu widzenia. To tam znajduje się rozwiązanie naszych problemów energetycznych; to tam zlokalizowane się szlaki komunikacyjne istotne dla naszej gospodarki; to tam tkwią źródła niestabilności, mogące być dla nas istotnym zagrożeniem. Z tych wszystkich powodów należy zgodzić się ze sprawozdawcą, że nadszedł czas na opracowanie całościowej strategii Unii na rzecz regionu Morza Czarnego. Co więcej, wydaje się, iż zmiany wprowadzone Traktatem z Lizbony, mogą przyczynić się do skutecznego wdrażania takiego planu. Poza tym powołanie odpowiedniej komórki w ramach Europejskiej Służby Działań Zewnętrznych, mogłoby rozwiązać większość niedoskonałości obecnej synergii czarnomorskiej.
Jaromír Kohlíček (GUE/NGL), písemně. – Strategie Evropské unie pro oblast Černého moře připomíná Yettiho. Všichni o ní mluví, ale nikdo ji neviděl. Toto mé přesvědčení posiluje několik rozporů, které vidím hned na samém začátku usnesení. Zaprvé je to vymezení oblasti Černého moře. Je poněkud kuriózní, že Ázerbájdžán jako země při Kaspickém moři je zahrnut, ale Makedonie zahrnuta není, ačkoliv její dva nejbližší sousedé Bulharsko i Řecko „podle definice EK“ do oblasti Černého moře zahrnuti jsou. Netušil jsem dosud, že Řecko sahá na pobřeží Černého moře. 13 oblastí spolupráce předpokládajících větší zapojení EU v daném regionu je opravdu velmi rozsáhlá agenda. Zdá se, že dosud EK nedocenila důležitost této oblasti. Koneckonců jestliže na jaře tohoto roku bylo 1,5 milionu EUR z pilotního programu zaměřeného na životní prostředí a rozvoj oblasti přesměrováno na projekt v odvětví banánů v zemích AKT, musím se ptát, na základě jakých údajů Komise k takovému rozhodnutí dospěla. Je kuriózní, že si autor „nepovšiml“ plynovodu South Stream, zato se zmiňuje o kontroverzním a zdroji nenaplněném projektu Nabucco. Rád bych zdůraznil, že velmi důležitá bude pro další rozvoj regionu mimo zmíněné oblasti i možnost zapojení do partnerských vztahů s různými regiony Evropské unie. Chybí závěry z posledního jednání o zrušení víz s Ukrajinou.
Iosif Matula (PPE), în scris. – Dezbatem astăzi un proiect important pentru viitorul Uniunii Europene, din mai multe puncte de vedere. Aderarea României și Bulgariei la UE a adus valoare adăugată prin accesul la Marea Neagră, regiune care reunește și state din vecinătatea Uniunii, inclusiv parteneri strategici. Prin elaborarea unei strategii comune pentru Marea Neagră vom face pași semnificativi în direcția creării unui spațiu de stabilitate, securitate, democrație și prosperitate. Putem considera, în acest context, că inițiativele comune și integrate ale țărilor din regiune reprezintă un pas premergător reunificării continentului nostru.
Ca român, dar și ca membru în Comisia pentru Dezvoltare Regională, susțin corelarea viitoarei strategii a Mării Negre cu Strategia Dunării, lansată recent de către Comisia Europeană. Consider că este necesară o mai mare implicare a UE în zona Mării Negre și colaborarea cu țările terțe, deoarece regiunile noastre sunt interconectate din punct de vedere teritorial si economic. În felul acesta, vom asigura un plus de securitate energetică pentru viitor, implementând proiectele de infrastructură precum coridorul sudic sau terminalele de gaz lichefiat, diversificând rutele și sursele de aprovizionare.
De asemenea, trebuie să acordăm importanța cuvenită corelării instrumentelor financiare disponibile pentru regiunea Mării Negre, să asigurăm dezvoltarea și modernizarea porturilor și să reducem poluarea acestei zone.
Zbigniew Ziobro (ECR), na piśmie. – Synergia czarnomorska jest kolejnym przykładem niewykorzystanej szansy w zakresie relacji z regionami geopolitycznie i strategicznie ważnymi dla jej przyszłości. Wraz z jej przyjęciem jako jeden z priorytetów określono budowę połączeń energetycznych między krajami Morza Czarnego, a Unią Europejską. Główną inwestycją pozwalającą na realizację tego postulatu jest gazociąg Nabucco. Niestety od dłuższego czasu widzimy brak zdecydowania Brukseli w tej dziedzinie. Wspominają o tym państwa sąsiedzkie zainteresowane faktem jego budowy. Już od roku Azerbejdżan sygnalizuje potrzebę działań Unii w celu zakontraktowania gazu z Kazachstanu i Tadżykistanu, bez których budowa gazociągu nie będzie się opłacała. Tymczasem konkurencyjny projekt omijający państwa Kaukazu - rosyjski gazociąg South Stream - dostaje ciche przyzwolenie na budowę. Nie możemy działać w taki sposób, zapisy sprawozdania w sprawach energii są niewystarczające. Należy je skonkretyzować, dodając informacje o środkach przeznaczonych na inwestycje o strategicznym znaczeniu dla przyszłości UE.