Pino Arlacchi (S&D), in writing. – I strongly supported the main thrust of this report. It calls for an enhanced role for the EU in the UN system, taking into account the institutional changes brought by the Lisbon Treaty. Today’s vote comes after a relevant success for the EU in the UN: the adoption of a set of modalities granting the EU delegation in the UN General Assembly the right to make interventions, as well as the right of reply and the ability to present oral proposals and amendments.
These improvements reflect a clear reality: The EU and its Member States are the biggest financial contributors to the UN system, with EU funds amounting to 38% of the UN regular budget, more than two fifths of UN peacekeeping operations and close to half of the contributions to the UN funds and programmes. Moreover, the EU, in spite of all its limitations, is a major global actor whose weight must be properly recognised at every level.