El Presidente. − El siguiente punto es la Declaración de la Comisión sobre la posición y compromiso de la UE en vísperas de la Reunión de Alto Nivel de las Naciones Unidas sobre la prevención y el control de las enfermedades no transmisibles.
Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, it feels a bit strange to move from the famine in Africa to talking about obesity in the western world, but I am going to do so anyway.
Non-communicable diseases are the main cause of death and poor quality of life in the European Union and in many other countries. These diseases have grown into a global challenge: this needs a global response and we need to act now because the burden of non-communicable diseases on society will grow bigger as the population grows older.
The Commission is confident that the meeting on non-communicable diseases which will take place in New York next week, and where Commissioner Dalli will be present, will send a clear signal of the willingness of governments around the world to step up action to address these diseases. There is full agreement for a United Nations declaration that emphasises prevention as the cornerstone of the global response to non-communicable diseases.
This fully reflects and supports the strong focus on prevention of our action here in Europe. For one-and-a-half years now, the Commission has been pushing for more determination and commitment to addressing the root causes of these diseases – in particular smoking, obesity, alcohol abuse, as well as socio-economic factors.
On tobacco, for instance, the European Union is a signatory to the International Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. The EU has one of the toughest legislations in the world on tobacco products and marketing, and some good national examples of smoke-free legislation.
On nutrition and physical activity, the Commission is taking forward work to improve our diets in partnership with Member States and civil society. The United Nations meeting is an important opportunity for the EU to contribute with its experience, to learn and to refresh its commitment together with international partners.
We are now working closely with Member States to ensure a coordinated input into the preparations for the meeting and the political declaration which is expected to be agreed upon. This declaration will provide a step in the right direction towards strengthening worldwide action to prevent and control non-communicable diseases. The outcome of the meeting will also feed into our own reflection process on chronic diseases here in Europe, and the Commission will be fostering this between now and the end of 2012. The Commission acknowledges and welcomes the longstanding contribution of Parliament on non-communicable diseases and we look forward to strengthening this cooperation.
Simon Busuttil, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, for those who are not quite sure what the issue of NCDs – non communicable diseases – means, the answer is simple: it is about diabetes, it is about cancer, it is about cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. It is about diseases that are responsible for 86% of deaths in Europe and 63% globally. I suppose we all now get the picture. These numbers are shocking, and they should make us stop to think and then act, more so because the majority of chronic NCDs can be prevented, as the Commissioner has already pointed out. That means that if we put our heads together, many lives can be saved. Unlike Europe’s financial crisis, this subject may not be in the news, but it certainly affects citizens in their daily lives.
Next week’s United Nations Summit on NCDs is a great opportunity for the global community to come up with possible solutions for fighting NCDs. If we push hard enough we can push this issue up the global political agenda. Today, this Parliament will vote on a motion for a resolution that will show our strong commitment to this cause. I would like to thank colleagues from across the political spectrum for coming together on this issue. The resolution will send a strong message to the global community, but it will also send a strong message to the Commission itself that we are fully supporting it in its participation in the UN Summit next week with an ambitious and coordinated EU position. I am delighted that, as Commissioner Malmström said, Commissioner Dalli will be present. I hope that President Barroso will also attend the summit.
If next week we commit the world’s governments to ambitious targets on fighting NCDs, we will have taken a great step forward in reversing the trend on NCD-related deaths, and we will have rendered a great service to our citizens.
Glenis Willmott, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, next week, when the UN meets in New York, it is really important that we send a clear message on tackling non-communicable diseases. I think that all of us in this House can agree that the ever-increasing rise in cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke, amongst many other diseases, is devastating lives and families across Europe. It needs to be addressed urgently.
We should not just focus on rhetoric. We should focus on the action that we can take here in the European Parliament. Over the next year, our main weapon against non-communicable diseases will be an effective revision of the Tobacco Products Directive. Tobacco use is the biggest cause of preventable deaths. It kills one in ten people worldwide. Half of all regular smokers will be killed by the product that they are using. This is an issue of epidemic proportions and needs to be treated as such.
If we implement the aims of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and use measures that have been proven by other countries to be extremely effective, such as standardising packaging and restricting the use of additives and flavourings, we could see a decline in tobacco use across Europe, especially among young people, saving thousands of lives.
In these difficult times of austerity, does it not make sense to tackle a problem which is costing European governments up to EUR 100 billion each and every year? The cost of treating the huge host of preventable diseases caused by tobacco is astronomical. It just does not make sense.
That is why it is so disappointing to hear that there is a delay in the Commission bringing this proposal forward. We need this proposal at the beginning of 2012, as promised. It really does question our commitment when we hesitate to take action on one of the biggest causes of death and disease amongst our citizens.
Antonyia Parvanova, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the ALDE Group has been calling for this plenary debate on the growing concerns surrounding the outcome of next week’s United Nations summit on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases. We certainly cannot afford a mild and watered-down UN declaration on such a crucial public health issue, which accounts for 86% of deaths in Europe and represents a significant economic burden.
We are glad to hear that Commissioner Dalli will be in New York. We now hope that the EU position during the summit will lead to increased efforts to prevent and control NCDs at global and EU level. Let me just remind you of a very simple fact: most NCDs are preventable. Therefore our primary objective should be the prevention and reduction of risk factors, mainly tobacco, poor diet, alcohol, the lack of physical activity and environmental pollution. We know that such a strategy could save lives and could also save money, which would also be most beneficial to the sustainability of our national systems that are currently under pressure.
If we really want to be successful in reducing the burden of NCDs in Europe, we need to rethink our public health model and focus not only on managing these diseases once people are diagnosed, but also on preventing them. It is therefore essential that we provide people with a healthy environment and opportunities, that we inform them about healthy habits and that we enable them to take healthy choices.
Preventing and controlling NCDs needs political commitment and that is what we are asking of the Council and the Commission in advance of the UN summit. The burden of NCDs and the scale of the issue in every Member State call for the establishment of an EU strategy on chronic and non-communicable diseases, which will have to be followed by national plans implementing the strategy.
Today we are about to vote on a very ambitious joint motion for a resolution which has been tabled with the support of all main political groups.
Let me conclude with another very simple fact that is reflected in Parliament’s text: food, tobacco, alcohol, lifestyle and the environment matter to our health. To combat NCDs effectively, we need Parliament and all the institutions to agree on this simple fact, not only today but also when we debate and vote on our future food, environment and consumer policies.
Marisa Matias, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, Senhora Comissária, caros Colegas, nós sabemos – mas nem toda a gente sabe – que as doenças não transmissíveis, como o cancro, as doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias e a diabetes, matam 3 em cada 5 pessoas no mundo, todos os anos. Sabemos também que estas doenças são responsáveis por 86 % das mortes em toda a Europa. O que nós sabemos também, além disto, é que as pessoas mais afectadas por estas doenças e que mais delas sofrem são as que têm rendimentos médios ou baixos. E é por isso que é uma evidência para todos nós que estas doenças não afectam apenas a qualidade de vida dos cidadãos afectados, causando também enormes danos socioeconómicos.
Estamos a falar, afinal de contas, de uma epidemia. Na Europa, as doenças cardiovasculares e o cancro são, respectivamente, a primeira e a segunda causas de morte. A cada ano que passa, mais de 3 milhões de casos de novos cancros são diagnosticados, e estimamos que, em 2025, 29 milhões de pessoas sejam afectadas pela diabetes.
É neste cenário que é tão importante que esta cimeira das Nações Unidas se realize, que é tão importante que saiam medidas concretas e que nos deixemos de declarações e passemos a acções concretas, que a Comissão Europeia e os Estados-Membros se empenhem verdadeiramente em medidas que permitam prevenir e combater estas doenças.
Fico muito contente pelo facto de a estratégia apresentada pela Sra. Comissária assentar na prevenção, como pedra basilar da participação das Nações Unidas. Fico contente com a representação de alto nível que iremos ter, com a presença do Sr. Comissário. Mas peço-lhe também que tomem em linha de conta que esta estratégia de combate tem de ser uma estratégia justa e adequada àquilo que são a realidade e as necessidades da população. E pedia-lhe, Sra. Comissária, que depois nos viesse comunicar que medidas é que a União Europeia vai implementar para pôr em prática as decisões que sairão da cimeira das Nações Unidas.
Peter Liese (PPE). - Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Im Interesse der Patienten ist es wichtig, dass dieser Gipfel konkrete Ergebnisse bringt und dass wir dafür auch Kommissar Dalli den Rücken stärken. Wir müssen Alkoholmissbrauch, Bewegungsmangel, unausgewogene Ernährung und Umwelteinflüsse, die zu diesen Krankheiten führen, zurückdrängen – und insbesondere das Rauchen! Deshalb schließe ich mich den Kollegen an, die sagen, dass wir auch in Europa in diesem Bereich weitermachen müssen. Wir brauchen eine schnelle Vorlage des Vorschlags zur Tabakprodukterichtlinie; sie sollte nicht weiter verzögert werden.
Es gab einige Diskussionen im Vorfeld dieser Entschließung. Als EVP haben wir vor allen Dingen Wert darauf gelegt, dass wir nicht nur die vier wichtigsten nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten in den Blick nehmen. Dieses Parlament hat sich immer für Patienten mit seltenen Erkrankungen stark gemacht, und da ist Kooperation über Ländergrenzen hinweg besonders notwendig. Deswegen haben wir auch eine entsprechende Formulierung aufgenommen.
Wir möchten, dass die Risikofaktoren gezielt angegangen werden. Im Entschließungsantrag stand ursprünglich, dass der durchschnittliche Alkoholkonsum über die gesamte Bevölkerung verteilt reduziert werden soll. Das könnte man so interpretieren, dass derjenige, der sich abends ab und zu ein Glas Wein gönnt, darauf verzichten soll, dann wäre der Durchschnitt gesenkt. Aber wenn wir nicht gezielt den Missbrauch angehen, haben wir nichts gewonnen. Deswegen finde ich die Gemeinsame Entschließung an dieser Stelle sehr viel besser. Es geht um die Bekämpfung des Missbrauchs. Ich bedanke mich bei den Kollegen, dass wir da einen Schritt vorangekommen sind.
Eine Bitte haben wir noch, nämlich dass wir uns bei Ziffer 3 nicht mit dem Thema Salz beschäftigen. Das hat uns schon sehr viel Ärger eingebracht; wir sollten uns jetzt nicht auf UN-Ebene neuen Ärger einhandeln. Das Subsidiaritätsprinzip sollte auch hier gelten. Dort, wo wir grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit brauchen, wie bei der Umwelt, müssen wir stärker tätig werden. Aber manche Dinge kann man auch in den Mitgliedstaaten gezielt angehen, da braucht man keine total einheitliche Strategie.
Christel Schaldemose (S&D). - Hr. formand! Jeg har allerede stemt på forhånd til det danske valg, så derfor kan jeg tillade mig at være til stede her i dag. Jeg er også spændt på resultatet. Men først og fremmest tusind tak for et meget, meget fint og nødvendigt beslutningsoplæg om NCD’erne, de ikke-smitsomme sygdomme. Vi har et stort behov for både globalt og i EU at sætte mere fokus på disse sygdomme, fordi vi faktisk kan forebygge dem. Millioner af borgere har dårlig livskvalitet, når de har fået sygdommene, og millioner af borgere har et kortere liv på grund af dem. Så jeg støtter beslutningen fuldt ud.
Men jeg synes også, det er vigtigt at sige, at vi har brug for, at vi handler konkret nu. Vi må heller ikke glemme fortsat at have et specifikt fokus på nogle af sygdommene. Det betyder, at vi også skal fastlægge specifikke strategier, f.eks. for diabetes, f.eks. for cancer osv. I EU har 32 millioner borgere diabetes, og 32 millioner har forstadier til diabetes. Der er rigtig, rigtig meget at gøre, også på de specifikke områder. Det må vi ikke glemme.
Derfor er jeg glad for at fortælle, at det danske formandskab for EU, som kommer ind første halvår af 2012, lige præcis har fokus på NCD, med særlig specifik fokus også på diabetes. Jeg tror, det er sådan det skal gøres, så vi for alvor kan få omsat ord til handling her i EU.
Sarah Ludford (ALDE). - Mr President, I too am very pleased that we are having this debate and that the Commission will be represented at the UN summit. I would like to pay tribute to the NCD alliance of NGOs, which has contributed so much to achieving this result. Like others, including the Commissioner, I stress how much we need to make prevention the cornerstone of our approach, together with research on prevention, treatment and also a possible cure.
Like Mrs Schaldemose, I am particular focused on diabetes, as I have a family member with Type 1 diabetes. It is of course very important across the whole range of NCDs to talk about contributory factors such as smoking, diet, obesity, lifestyle and so on, but can I just put in a plea to remember that tiny babies can have Type 1 diabetes, and they have not had a chance to smoke and become obese and so on.
We are talking not only about premature deaths, but also about the cost of living with diabetes and other NCDs, not only to individuals but to our healthcare systems. So this relates to the fiscal crisis. If we do not do something about the epidemic of NCDs, it is going to be extremely burdensome. We must move beyond platitudes to specific actions with timetables and targets. We must not use the ‘common umbrella’, as Mrs Schaldemose has said, as an excuse for inaction on particular diseases. So I also welcome the pledge of the Danish Presidency – whichever party is in charge – to focus in particular on diabetes.
Anne Delvaux (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, des millions de décès pourront être évités si les États membres s'attaquent de manière plus ferme aux facteurs de risque des maladies non transmissibles. Madame la Commissaire, c'est la responsabilité que nous devrons tous assumer, en particulier les participants à la réunion de haut niveau des Nations unies. Sur les moyens d'y parvenir, je ferai trois remarques précises.
Premièrement, la lutte contre la suralimentation et l'alimentation déséquilibrée doit être une priorité. Nos habitudes alimentaires, consistant en davantage de denrées raffinées, d'aliments d'origine animale et de graisses, jouent un rôle majeur dans l'épidémie actuelle d'affections non transmissibles. Une étude a d'ailleurs montré que la viande, les produits laitiers, les œufs et les graisses animales représentaient en moyenne 77 % des apports en acides gras saturés et 100 % des apports en cholestérol dans les pays développés. Il est donc capital non pas d'exhorter à supprimer au maximum les acides gras, le sucre, le sel, par exemple, mais d'en préconiser la modération ainsi que la consommation responsable et équilibrée car seule la consommation excessive s'avère nocive pour la santé.
Deuxièmement, aux côtés des politiques de santé préventive et comportementale, je tiens particulièrement à rappeler l'importance de l'apport scientifique de la recherche, que nous devons soutenir au maximum, entre autres en lui consacrant les moyens financiers adéquats. Bon nombre de traitements doivent en effet encore être trouvés, que ce soit par exemple en matière de lutte contre le cancer ou la maladie d'Alzheimer, par rapport à laquelle la recherche sur les cellules-souches adultes, par exemple, semble prometteuse mais malheureusement sous perfusion financière.
Enfin, si l'Assemblée générale des Nations unies offre à la communauté internationale une occasion unique de prendre des mesures contre les maladies non transmissibles, il est indispensable que les efforts de prévention trouvent également écho au sein des familles, de l'école, des lieux de travail et des entreprises. Un mode de vie plus sain doit être promu partout et par tous les acteurs.
Antigoni Papadopoulou (S&D). - Mr President, I strongly support the resolution on NCDs and call on the Commission to raise, in New York, the issue of cardiovascular disease and stroke, the major cause of preventable and premature deaths in Europe.
For stroke survivors, the consequences can be devastating, giving rise to severe mental or physical disabilities, and for the EU health care system the burden is significant. Yet risk factors are easily identifiable. In a resolution on action to tackle cardiovascular disease adopted in July 2007, the European Parliament called on the Commission to propose a recommendation on cardiovascular disease and on early identification of high-risk individuals and prevention strategies in Europe. However, at this stage, the Commission is still not planning a specific EU strategy on cardiovascular diseases.
I therefore call on the Commission first to develop a future EU strategy to tackle CVD and then to support the development of EU guidelines on tackling stroke risk factors, such as atrial fibrillation, and on screening and diagnosis, taking into account the success of the recent EU Alzheimer’s strategy and EU cancer strategy.
Françoise Grossetête (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, Madame le Commissaire, nous venons de le voir – et cela a été dit lors de nombreuses interventions précédentes –: aucun pays n'est à l'abri de ces maladies non transmissibles pourtant souvent évitables. Il faut en effet véritablement se pencher sur l'élimination des facteurs de risque de ces maladies que sont le tabagisme, la mauvaise alimentation, la sédentarité et l'usage nocif de l'alcool.
L'Union européenne, Madame le Commissaire, doit être en première ligne de ce combat dans les instances internationales car il existe, aujourd'hui, une mine de connaissances sur les moyens de prévention de ces maladies. Nous connaissons le lien étroit – cela a déjà été dit –, par exemple, entre l'obésité et les maladies cardio vasculaires, et de récentes études ont démontré qu'une alimentation saine diminuerait le risque de développer la maladie d'Alzheimer.
Face à ces dérives, nous savons que, sous la pression de l'Union européenne d'ailleurs, l'industrie agroalimentaire fait des efforts. Elle a rôle important à jouer, non seulement en agissant sur le territoire européen, mais aussi en exportant des produits toujours plus sains sur les continents où les populations – chinoise ou indienne par exemple – commencent à souffrir de ces maladies non transmissibles.
Il y a cependant un manque cruel d'indicateurs permettant de surveiller l'ampleur, les tendances et l'incidence socio-économique de ces maladies. Je vous invite à étudier de près notre résolution, dans laquelle nous demandons justement à ce que le Centre européen de prévention et de contrôle des maladies puisse vraiment travailler sur les données statistiques relatives aux maladies non transmissibles. Ce travail pourrait constituer une base intéressante pour améliorer nos politiques de prévention dans ce domaine, et pas seulement au niveau européen.
Christa Klaß (PPE). - Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Es ist heute Gott sei Dank selbstverständlich, dass wir uns in gemeinsamer Verantwortung um ansteckende Krankheiten und Epidemien kümmern. Ich begrüße es, dass nun die Vorsorge und Kontrolle von nicht übertragbaren Krankheiten im Mittelpunkt des UN-Treffens stehen. Auch hier haben wir eine gemeinsame Verantwortung.
Die Lebensbedingungen der Menschen haben hier ebenfalls einen entscheidenden Einfluss. Wir wissen, dass im Besonderen eine gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung zum Erhalt der Gesundheit beiträgt. Wir wissen aber auch, welch großen Einfluss die sozioökonomischen Faktoren haben. Die Lebensumstände der Menschen müssen allgemein verbessert werden. Wir müssen Strukturen schaffen, in denen Menschen informiert und gebildet in Eigenverantwortung ihr Leben frei und selbstbestimmend gestalten können. Verbote und Bevormundungen führen nicht zum Ziel.
Unsere Entschließung muss auch die veränderten gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen im Blick haben. Für uns in Europa ist dies im Besonderen der demografische Wandel, der mit viel Altersarmut, gerade auch der Frauen, einhergeht. Es sind aber auch die stärkeren Belastungen, die besonders auch die Frauen betreffen und zu Herzkrankheiten und Schlaganfällen führen. Bis zu 80 % dieser Schlaganfälle könnten durch regelmäßige Untersuchungen und präventive Therapien auf einfache Art und Weise verhindert werden.
Ich frage die Kommission: Wie können wir einheitliche Behandlungen in Europa sichern, und wie kann der Erfahrungs- und Wissensaustausch gefördert werden? Wir brauchen auch innerhalb Europas wirkungsvolle Strategien im Bereich der Gesundheitsvorsorge.
Seán Kelly (PPE). - Mr President, the statistics in relation to non-communicable diseases are pretty shocking. As Mr Busuttil said, 86% of all deaths in the European Union are caused by these diseases; it is equally shocking that 97% of the money is spent on trying to cure these diseases and only 3% is spent on trying to prevent them.
It is an old adage that ‘prevention is better than cure’. Obviously, we need to do far more in the field of prevention. We need lifestyles to change, admittedly, but we need to do an awful lot in relation to research, because these diseases are on the rise. Respiratory diseases, such as asthma and non-communicable pulmonary diseases, are all on the rise and need to be included in research programmes. This is necessary with a view to improving people’s health across the European Union, but also because the World Economic Forum has identified non-communicable diseases as one of the great threats to economic development.
Karin Kadenbach (S&D). - Herr Präsident, Frau Kommissarin, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich kann nur eines unterstreichen, was heute immer wieder gesagt wurde: Wir brauchen mehr Bewusstsein und vor allem auch mehr finanzielle Mittel für die Prävention. Gerade in Zeiten, in denen unsere Regierungen damit konfrontiert sind, ihre Budgets zu konsolidieren, besteht die ganz große Gefahr, dass im Gesundheitssektor und vor allem im Präventionssektor gespart wird.
Wenn ich die Zahlen, die heute genannt wurden, sehe – 97 % gehen im europäischen, aber auch im westlichen Weltdurchschnitt in die Behandlung, in die Medikation, und nur 3 % in die Prävention –, dann sind das Zahlen, die zu denken geben: Erstens, weil wir durch rechtzeitige Prävention, durch Verhinderung und Vermeidung von Krankheiten dazu beitragen könnten, dass Menschen länger in Gesundheit leben und nicht nur länger leben. Zweitens, weil wir aber auch dazu beitragen können, unsere Gesundheitssysteme langfristig zu konsolidieren und zu verbessern, denn alles, was ich heute vermeide, verursacht mir später keine Kosten mehr. Das heißt, auch unter diesem Blickwinkel müssen wir das sehen.
Für ganz wesentlich halte ich unseren Ansatz Health in All Policies. Wir werden das nicht nur im Gesundheitssektor schaffen können, sondern wir werden das in allen Lebensbereichen, auch in der Arbeitswelt, brauchen.
Mairead McGuinness (PPE). - Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner and those who drafted this resolution. I think there is agreement that we need, both for financial reasons and for the welfare of our citizens, to do more about these diseases.
I was glad that Mrs Klaß mentioned the words ‘personal responsibility’. No matter how many fine words or how much legislation or whatever, if we do not actually encourage people to take responsibility for their own health, I am afraid that much of what we are writing and talking about will fail.
I think that we need to look at medical schools and the medical profession, as well as the pharmaceutical profession, because there is money in treating the sick. People go to their doctors when they are ill, not when they are well, and maybe that is where the problem is. If we went to a doctor in order to stay well and get advice on how to do that, we would have better outcomes. If we also got consistent advice on lifestyle choices, that would be excellent.
Lastly, could we better implement the smoking ban in this House and show some leadership?
Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D). - Întrucât vorbim astăzi de o criză a bolilor netransmisibile, ce ameninţă atingerea obiectivelor de dezvoltare ale mileniului, consider că este momentul să investim bani şi timp în rezolvarea acestei probleme.
Deja avem pe hârtie soluţia pentru a salva milioane de oameni de la moarte prematură sau de la corvoada de a trăi cu diferite dizabilităţi cauzate de BNT-uri. Avem nevoie de o privire de ansamblu pentru măsurarea cât mai exactă a amplorii acestei probleme şi a costurilor asociate ei. Guvernele ar trebui să investească mai mult în cercetare, şi nu doar la nivel naţional, dar şi extern, în statele cu venituri mici şi medii, pentru a facilita un control mai puternic al evoluţiei bolilor netransmisibile şi a factorilor lor de risc la nivel global.
M-am bucurat la aflarea poziţiei Comisiei în această problemă şi, de asemenea, mă bucură prezenţa domnului comisar Dalli la reuniunea ONU cu privire la prevenirea şi controlul BNT-urilor, deoarece avem nevoie de o poziţie fermă şi clară a reprezentantului nostru la această reuniune, lucru care va face ca Uniunea Europeană să fie privită ca un partener de dialog, a cărui voce să conteze la nivel mondial.
Rareş-Lucian Niculescu (PPE). - Doresc să fac referire la amendamentul 1 la propunerea comună de rezoluţie prin care se solicită introducerea ambalajelor standardizate în cadrul pachetelor de ţigări. Nu mă erijez în apărător al fumătorilor, nici al producătorilor. Sunt ferm în a susţine acţiunile pentru combaterea fumatului, dar aş vrea să ofer câteva argumente împotriva acestui amendament.
În primul rând, îmi exprim îndoiala cu privire la eficienţa unei astfel de măsuri şi sunt de părere că toţi consumatorii, fie ei chiar şi fumători, au dreptul să aleagă produsul pe care îl cumpără, dacă doresc să îl cumpere. Pachetul oferă informaţii importante despre calitate şi despre origine.
În al doilea rând, măsura va deschide calea comerţului ilegal, inclusiv cu produse contrafăcute. În 2009, produsele din tutun au ocupat primul loc în topul contrafacerilor la nivelul Uniunii Europene. Produsele contrafăcute reprezintă riscuri suplimentare pentru sănătate.
Nu în ultimul rând, măsura ar constitui o încălcare a dreptului de proprietate intelectuală şi un precedent periculos.
Cecilia Malmström, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, behind the label of non-communicable diseases there is, as has been pointed out, a huge list of diseases that are influencing our health and our well-being and the costs to our societies, so there is a very important reason to act and to take preventive action.
I would like to thank you for all your views; you can be sure that they will be communicated to Commissioner Dalli. I will try to answer a few of your questions.
Ms Willmott asked about the Tobacco Directive. It is a complicated issue. We are working very thoroughly on that. We are making sure that there is the highest quality in the impact assessment and that we can provide a convincing evidence base; it will come before the summer.
Mr Liese emphasised the issue of salt. As you know, Member States have agreed to decrease the amount of salt in food by 16% in the coming four years. That is an excellent example of how Member States can act without directives coming from the Commission.
Mrs Schaldemose, we are looking forward to working with the Danish Presidency, whatever form it takes, on the struggle against diabetes. It is a very important issue, as you so rightly underlined.
Madame Grossetête, concernant le mandat de l'Agence à Stockholm, nous sommes en train de l'évaluer. L'année prochaine, toutes ces considérations seront bien évidemment prises en considération en fonction de nos ressources. Il faudra revenir sur ce point plus tard.
As you know, the Council has asked the Commission and Member States to engage in a reflection process on how we can best respond to chronic and non-communicable diseases. We are working with Member States, with stakeholders and with the European Parliament in this reflection process and from that we shall see what further action we can take together.
The United Nations meeting is, of course, a very important opportunity for stepping up our efforts. We will pursue the challenge with determination and energy, and we will continue to be a strong ally and committed international partner in preventing and combating non-communicable diseases worldwide.
I thank you very much for a very fruitful debate.
El Presidente. − Efectivamente, ha sido un debate bien interesante. Tanto desde el punto de vista estadístico como sociológico, es notable que de 18 intervenciones haya habido 13 de señoras diputadas, que, efectivamente, cuando tocamos temas de esta naturaleza y de esta importancia, parecen estar más comprometidas que los colegas hombres en la materia, y por lo tanto quiero felicitarlas.
Para cerrar el debate se han presentado dos propuestas de resolución(1) de conformidad con el apartado 2 del artículo 110 del Reglamento.
Se cierra el debate.
La votación tendrá lugar hoy a las 12.00 horas.
Declaraciones por escrito (artículo 149 del Reglamento)
Liam Aylward (ALDE), i scríbhinn. – Tá méadú ag teacht ar ghalair ainsealacha cosúil le galair chardashoithíocha agus, le daonra na hEorpa ag dul in aois, is cosúil gur in olcas a rachaidh an scéal. Fós níl straitéis chomónta Eorpach ann chuige seo.
I measc na ngalar cardashoithíoch, is iad na strócanna is marfaí. Bíonn an scéal go holc dóibh siúd a thagann as beo freisin: bíonn míchumas ar dhá thrian díobh. Faigheann 4.3 milliún duine bás ó strócanna san Eoraip gach bliain. Maraíonn strócanna níos mó daoine ná mar a dhéanann ailse. Ní mór go spreagfadh an Rún seo an AE agus na Ballstáit chun bearta láidre a ghlacadh a rachaidh chun leasa na n-othar agus na gcúramóirí. Ní mór do straitéis an AE díriú ar bhearta coisctheacha. Faoi láthair, is ar chóracha leighis a chaitear 97% de bhuiséad an leighis, agus ní infheistítear ach 3% i mbearta coisctheacha.
Ag Cruinniú Ardleibhéil na NA maidir le Galair Neamhtheagmhálacha an tseachtain seo chugainn, ní foláir don Choimisiún Eorpach a chur in iúl go láidir nár chóir neamhaird a dhéanamh den scéal a thuilleadh. D’fhéadfadh bearta coisctheacha, fáthmheas luath, agus bainistíocht éifeachtach na milliúin duine a shábháil ón mbás gach bliain san Eoraip agus sa domhan mór.