 Testo integrale 
Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Giovedì 15 dicembre 2011 - Strasburgo Edizione rivista

6. Giornata internazionale delle ragazze (dichiarazione scritta)
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  President. − Colleagues, we have a pleasant announcement to start with concerning one of the written declarations submitted by Véronique Mathieu, Roberta Angelilli, Edite Estrela, Jean Lambert and Katarina Neveďalová in support of the International Day of the Girl. It has been signed by more than a majority of Parliament’s component Members and in accordance with Rule 123 of the Rules of Procedure. It will therefore be forwarded to its addressees and published in the Texts Adopted of today’s sitting. The names of the signatories will be published in the Minutes.


  Edite Estrela, Autora. − Senhora Presidente, serei muito breve, uma palavra apenas de agradecimento a todos os colegas que apoiaram esta declaração e, em especial, às co-signatárias. E também uma palavra de agradecimento aos activistas da PLANE, EPF e da Associação Mundial de Escuteiros. A atribuição de um dia internacional é uma maneira de chamar a atenção para as dificuldades específicas que as crianças do sexo feminino enfrentam desde o seu nascimento. Esperemos agora que a Assembleia-Geral das Nações Unidas aprove este resolução no próximo dia 19, ou seja, segunda-feira.


  President. − Ms Estrela, many congratulations to you and your co-authors.



  Lothar Bisky (GUE/NGL). - Frau Präsidentin! Unser Kollege Willy Meyer, Abgeordneter in meiner Fraktion, wurde am 30. Oktober in der Stadt El-Aaiún in der Westsahara von marokkanischen Sicherheitskräften gewaltsam am Verlassen des Flugzeugs gehindert und verletzt. Der Arzt diagnostizierte als Folge der Gewalt verschiedene Kontusionen, muskuläre Nackenprobleme und gefährlichen Bluthochdruck. Dieser Angriff auf ein Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments ist völlig inakzeptabel. Der Präsident, die Dienststellen des Europäischen Parlaments wie auch die nationalen Behörden haben bei der marokkanischen Regierung interveniert. Bis heute gibt es keine Reaktion aus Marokko. Das können wir nicht wortlos hinnehmen. Ich bitte Sie um Ihre Solidarität. Dieser unerhörte Vorfall ist mir Anlass, an dieser Stelle uns allen noch einmal bewusst zu machen, dass die Menschen in der Westsahara seit Jahrzehnten unter der Unfähigkeit der Politik leiden, den Westsaharakonflikt einer Lösung zuzuführen. Wir dürfen meines Erachtens nicht länger schweigen. Wir sollten uns in der zweiten Hälfte dieser Wahlperiode dieser Frage intensiver zuwenden.



  President. − Mr Bisky, from the response I think you certainly have the solidarity of the House, and my solidarity. The personal integrity and dignity of the office of each and every Member of this Parliament must be respected always. This has already been conveyed to the Moroccan authorities, as our President has written to you already, and will be pursued.


  Nicole Sinclaire (NI). - Madam President, it has come to my attention that there is an increasing trend with regard to written declarations in this Parliament for children to be used. Could the President investigate and inform me what the legal situation is, whether they are paid or unpaid, and, more importantly, the insurance situation as to their welfare?


  President. − Ms Sinclaire, we will look into the matter.


  Sonia Alfano (ALDE). - Signora Presidente, vorrei che questo Parlamento esprimesse la propria solidarietà alla popolazione della mia regione, della Sicilia, che nella scorse settimane è stata colpita da una feroce alluvione. Migliaia di persone in provincia di Messina sono ancora fuori casa, e tre persone sono morte, di cui un bambino di 11 anni. Questo per colpa soprattutto della cattiva abitudine a non voler amministrare il proprio territorio.

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