Menetlus : 2011/2897(RSP)
Menetluse etapid istungitel
Dokumendi valik : B7-0687/2011

Esitatud tekstid :


Arutelud :

PV 14/12/2011 - 17
CRE 14/12/2011 - 17

Hääletused :

PV 15/12/2011 - 9.7
CRE 15/12/2011 - 9.7
Selgitused hääletuse kohta

Vastuvõetud tekstid :


Istungi stenogramm
Neljapäev, 15. detsember 2011 - Strasbourg Uuendatud versioon

9.7. Kinnipidamistingimused ELis (B7-0687/2011) (hääletus)

– Before the vote:


  Birgit Sippel (S&D). - Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchte für unsere Fraktion eine kleine Ergänzung vorschlagen, um sicherzustellen, dass auch nach einer Verurteilung die Rechte von Kindern und Müttern gewahrt werden. Wir bitten um Ergänzung nach Ziffer 4. Ich verlese das jetzt auf Englisch:

Reaffirms the importance of granting specific protection to mother detainees and to their children including through the use of alternative measures to detention in the child’s best interest, and calls on Member States and the Commission to actively promote and support such initiatives’.


(The oral amendment was accepted)

– Before the vote on paragraph 6:


  William (The Earl of) Dartmouth (EFD). - Madam President, the oral amendment reads as follows: ‘Stresses that where detention conditions are perceived as poor, or conditions risk falling below the standards required by the Council of Europe’s European Prison Rules, the transfer of prisoners should be specifically prohibited following the issuing of a European arrest warrant’.


(The oral amendment was not accepted)

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