 Testo integrale 
Procedura : 2011/2945(RSP)
Ciclo di vita in Aula
Ciclo dei documenti :

Testi presentati :


Discussioni :

PV 15/12/2011 - 13.1
CRE 15/12/2011 - 13.1

Votazioni :

PV 15/12/2011 - 14.1

Testi approvati :


Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Giovedì 15 dicembre 2011 - Strasburgo

13.1. Azerbaigian, in particolare il caso di Rafiq Tagi
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgt die Aussprache über fünf Entschließungsanträge zu Aserbaidschan, insbesondere zum Fall Rafiq Tagi(1).


  Charles Tannock, author. − Mr President, the tragic case of Rafiq Taqi is, regrettably, symptomatic of the culture of poor human rights in Azerbaijan, which is a member of the Council of Europe and the OSCE.

Taqi, who was a prominent journalist, allegedly published a newspaper piece arguing that the strict adherence of President Aliyev’s regime to Islamic values was damaging any democratic credentials to which it may lay claim. Allegedly as a result of a fatwa issued by a radical Islamist cleric in Iran, Taqi was stabbed to death, most probably by a fanatic, and died four days later.

Until significant international pressure was exerted, the Azeri authorities appeared to be at best ambivalent and at worst unconcerned at Taqi’s murder, with still no clear condemnation and only limited coverage of the investigation of the circumstances surrounding his murder. Up to this point, the Iranian authorities, for their part, have neither condemned the fatwa – which appears to have been an incitement to murder – nor have they shown any sign that anyone suspected of inciting, planning or carrying out the crime on Taqi would be brought to justice.

We welcome the decision, even if it is somewhat belated, to open a criminal inquiry now into the circumstances of Taqi’s death, and we call upon the Azeri authorities to do all within their power to bring to justice the perpetrator, if he or she is apprehended, following a fair trial to international standards. We call upon the Iranian authorities, too, to cooperate fully with the investigation and to provide all the necessary evidence possible to aid it in its course, although I suspect that Tehran will, sadly, not listen to what we have to say in this House.

We are concerned at reports that Azerbaijani authorities have recently used the criminal law to stifle free debate on the issues regarding religion. We feel strongly that Azerbaijan must step up to its legal obligations, as a member of the Council of Europe, to protect human rights and freedom of speech and all the other freedoms that go with it.


  Véronique De Keyser, auteure. − Monsieur le Président, je voudrais commenter une lecture. Je vous lis: "Une grande gratification sera assurément accordée par Le Tout-Puissant à celui qui a exécuté la sentence et fait plaisir aux musulmans. Les ennemis de l'islam doivent comprendre que les jeunes gens honorables ne laisseront personne dénigrer les valeurs saintes de l'islam et exécuter les intrigues de l'impérialisme mondial et du sionisme; ils puniront pour leurs actes honteux tous ceux qui trahissent leur religion. Je rends hommage au monde musulman, et en particulier au peuple de l'Azerbaïdjan et à la mémoire de l'Ayatollah Uzma Lankarani – l'homme qui a émis la fatwa de mort contre l'impie." Cela a été publié sur le site du cheikh Fazel Lankarani dans la matinée du 28 novembre, après la mort de Rafiq Tagi.

Je voudrais dire que, non, ceci n'est pas l'islam que nous défendons dans ce Parlement. Non, ceux-ci ne sont pas les amis de l'islam tels que ceux que nous avons entendus lors de la cérémonie de remise du prix Sakharov. Et, si nous demandons aux autorités iraniennes et aux autorités de Bakou de condamner cette fatwa, je voudrais aussi dire que nous, ici au Parlement, condamnons de toutes nos forces ce dévoiement de l'islam que l'on peut lire ici et que l'on peut trouver ailleurs. Nous défendrons toujours un islam qui est modéré et respectueux des libertés.

Quant aux autorités de l'Azerbaïdjan, nul ne dit qu'elles sont impliquées, bien entendu, dans ce meurtre. J'attends d'elles une condamnation ferme et la protection de M. Sadaqatoglu, qui, lui aussi, est aujourd'hui en danger.


  Rui Tavares, Autor. − Senhor Presidente, em 10 de Novembro passado, Rafig Tagi, escritor e jornalista azeri, publicou um artigo intitulado O Irão e a inevitabilidade da globalização, no qual criticava abertamente o Presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad por desacreditar o islão. Em reacção à publicação deste artigo, o Grande Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani, iraniano, lançou uma fatwa apelando ao assassinato de Rafig Tagi. Nove dias depois, Rafig é vítima de uma agressão à faca à qual não sobrevive, acabando por falecer em 23 de Novembro.

Rafig tinha razão. O islão é uma religião milenar que só é desacreditada por atitudes como aquelas do Presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad e do Ayatollah Lankarani. A cultura milenar persa, que todos nós admiramos pela sua sofisticação e avanço, é maculada por gente deste género. A convivência entre a civilização persa e a cultura azeri, também feita de milénios de vizinhança e de proximidade, é severamente perturbada por este tipo de atitudes.

Esperemos que o novo estatuto de membro não permanente do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, para o período de 2012-2014, leve o Irão a tomar as tão esperadas medidas, como a abolição da pena de morte e o fim das sistemáticas e bárbaras violações dos direitos humanos, cometidas naquele país contra cidadãos iranianos e, agora, fora do país, contra cidadãos de outras nacionalidades.

Claro que não nos basta esperar. A União Europeia não pode só aprovar este tipo de resoluções. Já falámos aqui, na nossa última sessão, de que existem companhias europeias que ajudam as autoridades iranianas a censurar, na Internet, ou a distorcer transmissões da oposição democrática no Irão. Devemos sancionar estas companhias europeias ou então as nossas palavras não terão a credibilidade necessária.


  Monica Luisa Macovei, Autor. − Rafiq Tagi a fost jurnalist şi scriitor în Azerbaidjan şi a criticat guvernul iranian şi oprimarea religioasă din Azerbaidjan. Jurnalistul a primit ameninţări cu moartea încă din 2007, când a fost emisă o fatwa iraniană, prin care se cerea uciderea sa. Anul acesta, pe 23 noiembrie, Rafiq Tagi a fost ucis. Există suspiciunea că iranieni sau extremişti islamici locali sunt responsabili pentru acest omor. Autorităţile din Azerbaidjan anchetează această crimă. Investigaţiile trebuie să fie rapide, eficiente şi imparţiale, iar criminalii şi cei care au cerut ca Tagi să fie omorât trebuie identificaţi şi judecaţi.

Autorităţile iraniene au obligaţia să coopereze pe parcursul anchetei cu informaţii reale şi cu probe. În plus, autorităţile iraniene trebuie să interzică urgent clericilor iranieni să solicite public uciderea unor oameni. Rezultatul - deci şi răspunderea pentru această anchetă - sunt în mare măsură legate de Iran.

Cer autorităţilor din Azerbaidjan să facă tot le stă în putinţă pentru protejarea vieţii şi siguranţei celor care trăiesc în Azerbaidjan şi pentru care a fost solicitată fatwa, adică cererea de a fi ucişi.


  Marietje Schaake, author. − Mr President, Rafiq Tagi was murdered after he exercised his universal human right of free speech. It is important that this is investigated and it is essential that the Azerbaijani authorities do so in an independent and credible manner. There is also a clear need to address the fatwa that was issued after Tagi’s critical article. It was issued by an Iranian cleric and it was not condemned sufficiently. We have to make clear that no fatwa can ever be legitimised as a licence to kill.

It is regrettable also that the Azerbaijani authorities did not condemn this fatwa more strongly and publicly, and that his safety was not guarnteed. Besides the investigation by the Azerbaijani authorities, they have to decide what kind of a society they want to have and create. The murder, which can perhaps be labelled as an ‘incident’, took place in a climate of increased pressure on human rights, civil society and opposition parties, and notably liberal parties.

If the authorities in Azerbaijan do not clearly choose, both in letter and in practice and application, to adhere to their commitments as members of the Council of Europe and the OSCE, and to the country’s other international commitments, the EU should draw consequences. We strongly hope and encourage the Azerbaijani authorities to move forward on the path towards a freer and more just society. I am not very hopeful for any collaboration by the Iranian authorities into ascertaining the role that the Iranian cleric played, but we can and must expect more from the Azerbaijani authorities and, as the EU, use our relations with Azerbaijan to pressure them.


  Róża Gräfin von Thun und Hohenstein, w imieniu grupy PPE. – Panie Przewodniczący! Rafiq Tagi rzeczywiście był symbolem wolnych mediów. Jego rodzina, mieszkańcy Azerbejdżanu i organizacje pozarządowe wspólnie apelują o prawdziwe, rzetelne śledztwo. Pamiętajmy, że Azerbejdżan jest krajem członkowskim programu Partnerstwa Wschodniego, więc wzywam wszystkie państwa i rządy zaangażowane w ten program do wywarcia presji na władze Azerbejdżanu. Przecież niedopuszczalne jest, żeby obywatele – tutaj myślę np. o panu Bahtijarze Hadżijewie – trafiali do więzień za organizowanie wydarzeń na Facebooku. Ja sama 10 grudnia w Międzynarodowy Dzień Praw Człowieka zorganizowałam facebookowe wydarzenie „Lampiony Wolności” i tysiące ludzi w Krakowie dzięki temu mogło sobie przypomnieć o tym ważnym dniu i o ludziach, których wolność jest łamana. Nie możemy pozwalać na to, żeby za podobne akcje w innych krajach szło się do więzienia i to w dodatku w krajach Partnerstwa Wschodniego.

Apeluję, aby podczas przyszłorocznego forum społeczeństwa obywatelskiego Partnerstwa Wschodniego panu Tagiemu przyznać nagrodę dziennikarską Partnerstwa Wschodniego.


  Kristian Vigenin, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, I have signed the joint motion for a resolution, but I would have preferred the S&D one because I think that this one went a bit too far. I would also say that a resolution in which Iran is mentioned in six paragraphs should be named differently.

The tragic case of Rafiq Taqi reveals important problems in interdependencies in that region. When we talk about Azerbaijan we should not forget who its neighbours are. We have reasons to be critical about the human rights situation in Azerbaijan; we have dealt with this issue many times in our Parliament, but we should also support the authorities of Azerbaijan in their fight against fundamentalist movements trying to gain ground in the country. This fight is not easy.

I call on the Azerbaijani Government to conduct a full investigation and to provide all relevant information to our Parliament. I also call for all possible measures to be taken to ensure the protection of Samir Sadaqatoglu, who might be another victim of the Iranian clerics. Finally, I hope that all these issues will be addressed in time, before our meeting of the Euronest Assembly in Baku.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, je ne m'exprimerai pas sur l'assassinat de M. Rafiq Tagi, pas plus que sur la situation des droits de l'homme en Azerbaïdjan. J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de le faire dans cet hémicycle.

Je voudrais ici regretter, une fois encore, le choix de nos urgences et la façon dont nous les traitons. Je voudrais parler de la situation des réfugiés du camp d'Ashraf: 3 500 personnes sont actuellement dans ce camp, dont 1 000 femmes et de très nombreux enfants. Les États-Unis viennent d'annoncer le retrait de leurs troupes au 31 décembre 2011; je ne le regrette pas mais je me dis qu'à partir de cette date, plus aucune protection ne sera assurée aux réfugiés du camp d'Ashraf.

Qu'adviendra-t-il d'eux, alors que le gouvernement irakien continue de les considérer comme des terroristes? L'ONU, le Conseil de l'Europe, Mme Ashton demandent une protection pour ces gens. Le HCR répond qu'il a besoin de temps. Pourquoi le Conseil des ministres a-t-il refusé de prendre en compte la demande de Mme Ashton d'accueillir ces réfugiés qui ont des liens avec leurs États membres?

Je crois – et je m'arrêterai là, Monsieur le Président – qu'une fois encore, c'est malheureusement le gouvernement français qui a été en première ligne. Je le regrette sincèrement.


  Mitro Repo (S&D). - Arvoisa puhemies, Azerbaidžanissa on lukuisia ongelmia ihmisoikeuksien kanssa. Iranilaiselta uskonnolliselta johtajalta fatwan saanut kirjailija-ateisti Rafig Tagi murhattiin sanojensa ja mielipiteittensä vuoksi. Azerbaidžanilla on tunnetusti ollut ongelmia rikostutkinnan tekemisessä ihmisoikeusrikkomusten kohdalla. Vakavia ongelmia ovat myös ihmisoikeuspuolustajien, oppositioaktivistien, bloggareiden ja kirjailijoiden pitkät vankeusrangaistukset perusteettomin ja täysin keksityin syyttein.

Azerbaidžanista tulee vuosiksi 2012 ja 2013 YK:n turvallisuusneuvoston kiertävä jäsenmaa. Voiko Azerbaidžanin kaltainen maa edustaa koko kansainvälistä yhteisöä YK:n turvallisuusneuvostossa?

Kansalaisyhteiskunnan kuuleminen sekä vuoropuhelu kansalaisjärjestöjen ja ihmisoikeusaktivistien kanssa on ensisijaisen tärkeää demokratiaa ja ihmisoikeuksia kunnioittavassa valtiossa. Euroopan unionin tulee vaatia, että Azerbaidžanissa tutkitaan tarkoin Tagin tilausmurhan taustat ja ryhdytään käytännön toimiin.


  Eija-Riitta Korhola (PPE). - Arvoisa puhemies, demokratian tila on huolestuttava Azerbaiždanissa. Tuoreimpana huolenaihetta on herättänyt hiljattain tapahtunut journalistin murha. Rafig Tagi kritisoi sekä Iranin tämänhetkistä hallitusta että islamilaisia arvoja suhteessa eurooppalaisiin arvoihin. Kyseinen kritiikki johti useiden tappouhkausten kautta murhaan.

Ei ollut varmastikaan sattumaa, että murha tapahtui kansainvälisenä rankaisemattomuuden päivänä. Päivänä, jolloin selvittämättömiä toimittajamurhia muistellaan maailmalla. Tällä hetkellä maailmassa on noin 251 toimittajamurhaa ratkaisematta. Ei tule yllätyksenä, ettei myöskään Rafig Tagin murhasta ole tähän mennessä saatu kiinni tai asetettu syytteeseen ketään.

Murha on äärimmäinen keino rajoittaa sananvapautta. Arkaluonteisten asioiden esille nostamisen joutuu maksamaan hengellään. Joissain maissa tätä keinoa käytetään systemaattisesti. Mikä onkaan kansainvälisten ihmisoikeussopimusten merkitys, jos allekirjoittajamaa pystyy vapaaseen ihmisoikeuksien polkemiseen. Murhaajan löytäminen on tärkeää, mutta vielä tärkeämpää on löytää ja rangaista niitä tahoja, jotka toimittajamurhia tilaavat.


  Corina Creţu (S&D). - Îmi exprim şi eu regretul faţă de decesul jurnalistului Rafig Tagi şi condamn cu toată fermitatea acest asasinat odios, care demonstrează consecinţele extremismului religios în privinţa drepturilor omului, în primul rând a dreptului esenţial la viaţă.

Uciderea acestui proeminent jurnalist ridică serioase semne de întrebare în legătură cu situaţia drepturilor omului în Azerbaidjan. Faptul este cu atât mai îngrijorător cu cât această ţară este membră a Parteneriatului estic, a Consiliului Europei şi participă activ la politica europeană de vecinătate. Şi totuşi, în ciuda parteneriatelor sale internaţionale, Azerbaidjanul nu a reuşit încă să îşi demonstreze angajamentul serios în vederea asigurării libertăţii presei şi a protejării militanţilor pentru respectarea libertăţilor fundamentale.

Adresez şi eu un apel autorităţilor azere să efectueze o anchetă urgentă şi obiectivă cu privire la circumstanţele înjunghierii lui Rafig Tagi şi să acţioneze cu toată responsabilitatea pentru a pune capăt impunităţii de care se bucură autorii crimelor săvârşite în numele unor convingeri religioase.

De asemenea, solicit Comisiei şi celorlalte Instituţii Europene să condiţioneze orice progres în cooperarea cu Azerbaidjan de garantarea respectării drepturilor omului.


  Norica Nicolai (ALDE). - Vreau să mă alătur la ceea ce domnul Vigenin spunea; cred că trebuie să ne alegem foarte atent subiectele pentru aceste dezbateri.

Dincolo de ceea ce regretabil s-a întâmplat în Azerbaidjan, trebuie să subliniem un singur lucru care se impune: acest tip de criminalitate nu are frontiere. Cred că trebuie să cooperăm, toate statele membre, pentru a încerca să prevenim astfel de acţiuni, care sunt acţiuni de o cruzime, sigur, semnificativă, dar nu cred că putem condamna Azerbaidjanul pentru acest asasinat.

Tot ceea ce putem cere Azerbaidjanului este să se mobilizeze şi să încerce ca ancheta să fie mult mai rapidă şi mai eficientă, pentru că descoperirea autorului, condamnarea lui, este un mijloc principal de persuasiune pentru ca astfel de crime odioase să fie prevenite.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Azerbajdžan je spriatelenou krajinou Európskej únie a usiluje sa postupne demokratizovať svoje politické prostredie. Islamský vplyv je však v dôsledku radikálneho iránskeho režimu v susedstve Azerbajdžanu dosť intenzívny. Dôkazom toho je aj vražda Rafíka Tagiho, vykonaná pravdepodobne na podklade fatvy iránskeho duchovného. Európska únia musí byť aktívnejšia v úsilí o získanie obyvateľstva Azerbajdžanu pre osvojenie si civilizovaného demokratického spôsobu života. Preto je namieste vysloviť isté znepokojenie azerbajdžanskej vláde nad povrchným konaním pri vyšetrovaní vraždy Rafíka Tagiho. Musíme sa usilovať o to, aby režim v Azerbajdžane skutočne spolupracoval s Európskou úniou pri budovaní demokratického systému.


  Joaquín Almunia, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, the developments in Azerbaijan in the field of democracy and human rights continue to be a matter of concern to the European Union. We are deeply worried abut the fact that over the last few years we have noted a trend of increasing restrictions in this domain.

Over recent months we have witnessed several severe actions taken by the authorities vis-à-vis organised street protests, as well as attempts to organise protests inspired by the Arab Spring revolutions.

The detention of activists and other repressive measures against protesters are indeed deeply regrettable. This crackdown on civil society is paralleled by worsening conditions for freedom of expression in the country, while the space for independent media outlets seems to be shrinking. In the recent past several journalists have been harassed, convicted on unclear charges or physically attacked.

In this context we are particularly saddened about the death of Rafiq Tagi on 23 November. During our recent session of the Subcommittee on Justice, Freedom, Security and Human rights and Democracy as well as during the EU-Azerbaijan Cooperation Council, we made a firm call upon the Azerbaijani authorities to carry out a swift and impartial investigation in this case and to bring the perpetrators of this crime to justice.

The EU has a responsibility to convey clear messages on the importance of democracy, human rights and respect for the rule of law, which are cornerstones in our cooperation with Azerbaijan.

The level of ambition of the EU’s relationship with Azerbaijan will take into account the extent to which these values are reflected in national practices and policy implementation.

Vice-President Ashton had the opportunity to pass this message on during her visit to Baku last month. In this context I would also like to recall the joint declaration of the Warsaw Eastern Partnership Summit, where all participants committed to respect the values of democracy, human rights, the rule of law and fundamental freedoms. Of course I also welcome the role of the European Parliament in advocating democratic values to the partners in Azerbaijan.


  Der Präsident. − Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet im Anschluss an die Aussprachen statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149)


  Tadeusz Zwiefka (PPE), na piśmie. Mimo 20-letniej niepodległości i faktu, że jest to jeden z najszybciej rozwijających się gospodarczo krajów świata, w Azerbejdżanie wciąż wzmacniane są rządy autorytarne i kontrola nad życiem społecznym obywateli. Powszechnym jest zjawisko ograniczania i łamania podstawowych praw człowieka poprzez zastraszanie i tłumienie wystąpień osób, które ośmieliły się skrytykować władzę. W szczególnie złej sytuacji znajdują się niezależne media i opozycyjni dziennikarze, którzy ze względu na publikowane treści często skazywani są na więzienie. Wobec ich losu rząd pozostaje obojętny, czego przykładem jest postać Rafiga Tagiego. Przez swoją dziennikarską działalność Tagi został osadzony w więzieniu za wzniecanie nienawiści religijnej. Jego artykuły wywołały bowiem niezadowolenie wśród muzułmanów, którzy wydali na niego fatwę skazującą go na śmierć, a władza nie zabezpieczyła go przed możliwością spełnienia tych gróźb. Przed kilkoma tygodniami w wyniku obrażeń zadanych przez nieznanych sprawców Rafig Tagi zmarł. Zdarzenie to zbiegło się w czasie z Międzynarodowym Dniem Bezkarności i wywołało protesty dziennikarzy na całym świecie, którzy wezwali do zaprzestania mordów dokonywanych na ich kolegach oraz zażądali ukarania winnych. Powinniśmy wykazać solidarność z azerskimi mediami i dążyć do utrzymania wolności słowa w Azerbejdżanie oraz wezwać społeczność międzynarodową do położenia kresu bezkarności wobec ataków na dziennikarzy nie tylko w tym kraju, ale również na całym świecie.


(1)Siehe Protokoll.

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