 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
Τετάρτη 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2012 - Στρασβούργο

14. 19η σύνοδος του Συμβουλίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων των Ηνωμένων Εθνώνων (συζήτηση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο είναι η δήλωση της Αντιπροέδρου της Επιτροπής/Υπάτης Εκπροσώπου της Ένωσης για την Εξωτερική Πολιτική και Πολιτική Ασφαλείας σχετικά με την 19η σύνοδο του Συμβουλίου Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων των Ηνωμένων Εθνών.


  Villy Søvndal, President-in-Office of the Council, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. − Mr President, honourable Members, it is a pleasure to speak to you about the outcome of the UN Human Rights Council on behalf of the High Representative.

The UN has a unique legitimacy to promote respect for human rights as universal norms. Throughout the past year the Human Rights Council has demonstrated its willingness to respond in a united way to the call of millions of citizens for their right to freedom from fear and from want.

The EU was instrumental in making the Human Rights Council adopt resolutions on North Africa and the Middle East, in particular Libya, Syria and Iran, but also in the case of Belarus. These are actions that matter. They put the governments of those countries under close international scrutiny and send a clear message. There must be no impunity for gross human rights violations.

This response is proof that multilateral institutions matter. It is our duty to consolidate the momentum built up in 2011 in Geneva and New York and help the UN to live up to its mandate.

The High Representative, Ms Ashton, is strongly committed to these efforts. This is why, early in her mandate, she participated last year in the main session of the Human Rights Council together with US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and delivered a very strong speech on human rights. Unfortunately, this year the date of the main session clashes with the Foreign Affairs Council, which she will be chairing and which will be discussing Syria and key issues of concern on human rights.

The second day overlaps with the General Affairs Council, in which she has to participate in order to ensure that the views expressed in the FAC discussion on Serbia and Kosovo are fully and accurately reflected in the GAC discussion of Serbia.

The High Representative remains strongly committed to the defence and promotion of human rights worldwide. The High Representative, Ms Ashton, welcomes the continued interest of the European Parliament on the EU human rights policy in the UN and the intention of Parliament to send a delegation to Geneva to attend the 19th session. I will address the Human Rights Council during its ministerial part, representing the High Representative, Ms Ashton. I will stress the EU’s determination to continue playing an important role in the work of the Council.

The EU will intervene consistently in the different agenda items of this Human Rights Council session. I would like to highlight some of the EU’s priorities for the session.

We have just had a substantial exchange on Syria, and you will agree that its dire human rights situation deserves to stay high on the agenda of the Human Rights Council. We believe that the Human Rights Council should maintain a strong, effective capacity to monitor the situation. We will work to secure concrete follow-up to the resolutions on Syria adapted by the Council in 2011.

Iran remains a source of serious human rights concerns such as the increasing application of the death penalty and repression against media operators. The EU will fully support the renewal of the mandate of the special rapporteur on human rights in Iran.

The EU also expects the Human Rights Council to continue to closely follow the human rights situation in other countries of the region, such as Yemen and Bahrain.

We acknowledge the recent positive development in Burma/Myanmar. Serious challenges still remain and must be addressed in order to improve the human rights situation in the country and deepen its transition to democracy. For this reason, the EU will introduce a resolution to extend the mandate of the UN special rapporteur on the situation in Myanmar. Likewise, the EU will work closely with Japan in order to secure an extension of the mandate of the special rapporteur of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to address the continuing critical human rights situation in the country.

The issue of accountability in Sri Lanka should remain on the agenda of the Council. The authorities need to fully implement the recommendations of the report of the UN Secretary-General’s panel of experts and the lessons learnt, and of the reconciliation commission.

Ms Ashton is deeply concerned by the increasing number of acts of religious intolerance and discrimination across the world. She recently condemned violence against religious minorities in Nigeria, Egypt and anywhere in the world. The EU will engage at the Human Rights Council for freedom of religion or belief, seeking to renew a strong collective response based on human rights standards.

Finally, last year the Council adopted a landmark resolution on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, introduced by South Africa. The EU will work at this session to ensure the success of the follow-up panel on discriminatory laws and practices and acts of violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.

The annual session of the Human Rights Council, which brings together key actors on human rights from states to NGOs, can be considered the world’s House of Human Rights. The EU stands ready to engage and cooperate with countries from all regions to ensure the success of this session. We want this Council to have a direct impact on the empowerment of people and to hold accountable those who are responsible for grave human rights violations.




  Laima Liucija Andrikienė, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, the delegation from the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights will travel to Geneva for the 19th session of the UN Human Rights Council, as has been the case in previous years for the sessions of the Council. This year two important processes are under way.

Firstly, the 13th and 14th sessions of the universal periodic review will be organised in the course of 2012. Secondly, there is the ongoing review of the EU’s human rights policy, which should contribute to making the European Union a more active, coherent and effective force in the world. Having said this, I should stress that the EU and our Member States should guarantee respect for human rights in our own policies in order to increase the coherence between internal and external policies and thus enhance the credibility of the European Union in the UN Human Rights Council.

Tomorrow we will vote on the resolution on the 19th session of the UNHRC. In our resolution we welcome the designation of Burma, Syria, Libya and Iran as key issues of the session. We also welcome the many horizontal issues which will be addressed during the session of the Council. Not for the first time, we regret the fact that the review process has not led to the development of further-reaching membership criteria as regards commitments and performance on human rights issues. We reiterate our call for competitive elections for all regional groups, and we recommend that the European Union and its Member States state their clear opposition to the practice of regional groups putting forward ‘clean slates’ and lead by example on this matter.

On Arab Spring countries, we take note of the restoration of Libya’s membership of the UNHRC and encourage the country’s reintegration. At the same time we regret that the opportunity was not seized to draw up strong and transparent criteria for reinstating suspended members. We welcome the statement by UN Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay urging the Egyptian authorities to end the excessive and brutal use of force against protestors in Cairo and elsewhere in the country.

In our resolution we address serious human rights violations in Syria, a situation which has been discussed in depth today in this room. A universal periodic review, special procedures and the EU’s involvement are among the topics addressed in our resolution. So tomorrow, by adopting this document on the 19th session, the European Parliament will mandate our delegation to voice these and many other concerns which are part of the agenda of the session.


  Richard Howitt, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, as we approach the annual high-level session and the European Parliament’s own delegation to the UN Human Rights Council at the end of the first round of the Universal Periodic Review process, and now that the Council’s own review is completed, the challenge of our commitment to human rights has never been greater – greatest perhaps at the moment as in the debate we have just conducted on Syria.

Kofi Annan, speaking after the launch of the UN’s ’responsibility to protect’, said: ’“Responsibility to protect” will remain pure rhetoric unless and until those with the power to intervene effectively – by exerting political, economic and in the last resort, military muscle – are prepared to take the lead’. At least 400 deaths this year; sexual violence against those held in custody; children as young as ten in solitary confinement; High Commissioner Pillay herself saying that these crimes against humanity are likely in Syria – it is right that Europe goes to Geneva and gets the UN to act where the UN Security Council has failed to do so.

But we should have praise too. On lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) rights as the President-in-Office rightly said. On Libya too: the expulsion of Libya was an essential part of the transition in that country which should not be forgotten and which sets a historic precedent for the Human Rights Council itself. It also allowed the country to appoint a new administration explicit in its support for human rights. Amnesty International says its people are enjoying freedom of expression for the first time in 42 years.

As this Parliament’s rapporteur, we should also give full backing to the framework on business and human rights adopted by the Council and signal Europe’s determination to promote and to implement it, including, I am proud to say, this week, the announcement by the Enterprise Commissioner, of proposed human rights guidelines for the ICT and employment sectors here in Europe.

The need to challenge ourselves in Europe on other issues remains, though. Let us recall the recommendation of the Goldstone Commission following the Gaza conflict and the Panel of Experts’ recommendations following the end of the conflict in Sri Lanka. Time may or may not heal when we suffer an individual bereavement, but when hundreds and thousands die in what are said to be crimes of war, there will never be a healing without justice and the European Union must show that all war crimes will be held to account.

In Sri Lanka, having visited the last combat zone this year whilst maintaining my Group’s consistent support for an independent commission of inquiry, I acknowledged the Government can change the debate if it genuinely conducts investigations against perpetrators and secures convictions, as at least inferred in its own report.

Finally on behalf of the Socialist Group too, we should send a clear warning against countries refusing to ratify human rights instruments by being consistent in our own support, including, nine years after it was signed in, the International Convention on Migrant Workers, seeking to protect over 200 million of the most vulnerable people worldwide. It is to our deep shame that no EU country has either signed or ratified this Treaty.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 149(8))


  Nicole Sinclaire (NI), blue-card question. – Mr Howitt, you mentioned two things which I want to bring together: Gaza and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights. Would you agree with me and criticise the High Representative for her failure to tackle the issue of corrective rapes of lesbians in Palestine, and also police brutality against LGBT people in Palestine? I visited Gaza and Palestine in November last year. This is evidently a problem that the EU ignores, but it still funds Palestine and it is afraid to tackle this problem on cultural grounds. Would you criticise them for that?


  Richard Howitt (S&D), blue-card answer. – No one serious in this room suggests that Baroness Ashton has anything less than the highest commitment on gender and other forms of discrimination. That question allows me to say that we will be voting against a criticism of her in this text, when she will be in the Foreign Affairs Council upholding that and other principles when she is unable to be in Geneva.


  Kristiina Ojuland, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the ALDE Group is very pleased with the fact that the joint motion for a resolution on the 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council has given the delegation of the European Parliament a mandate to address a wide range of human rights issues that have recently arisen very painfully.

With regard to the key issues of Burma, North Korea, Syria, Libya and Iran we would like to point out the role of the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in reaching a constructive resolution of several crises.

We deplore the reluctance of the two non-democratic regimes to cooperate in the UN Security Council, in particular by vetoing the adoption of the resolution on Syria. The hypocrisy of Mr Lavrov when calling for the stabilisation of the country is incredible. It is no secret that the Kremlin only wishes to maintain access to Tartus naval base, which has been staffed with Soviet or Russian military personnel since 1971 when the Soviet Union and Syria signed an agreement.

The Cold War is over and we must set aside the neo-colonialist discourse of spheres of influence. That also applies to Beijing, which is increasingly suppressing the freedom of thought, conscience and religion in Tibet. This has led to an increasing number of self-immolations of both temporal and spiritual people in Tibet. The EU and its Member States must consistently pursue a meaningful dialogue with China on human rights and raise those issues on every possible occasion.

Finally, I would like to stress the importance of combating discrimination on all grounds, also in the EU, including gender, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation and religion.


  Barbara Lochbihler, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Die Entschließung des Parlaments zur Sitzung des UN-Menschenrechtsrats ist eine sehr gute Gelegenheit, die enorme Bedeutung dieses Gremiums hervorzuheben. Es ist das einzige UN-Forum, in dem konkret Menschenrechtsverletzungen in den jeweiligen Ländern angesprochen werden können. Die EU hat sich bei der Überprüfung der Arbeitsweise des Menschenrechtsrats sehr konstruktiv gezeigt und sich für die Unabhängigkeit des Büros der Hochkommissarin und der Länder-Berichterstatter eingesetzt.

Es ist eigentlich sehr bedauerlich, dass Baroness Ashton nicht an dieser Sitzung des Menschenrechtsrats teilnehmen kann. Dies könnte als Geringschätzung der Menschenrechtspolitik in den auswärtigen Beziehungen interpretiert werden. Dabei ist es auch sehr positiv, dass die Europäische Union die Arbeit der UN-Menschenrechtsgremien finanziell großzügig unterstützt.

Die Kommission sollte sich aber auch überlegen, zukünftig vielleicht diesen Betrag aufzustocken, denn bedingt durch den Arabischen Frühling hat das Hochkommissariat für Menschenrechte sehr viele neue Aufgaben hinzubekommen.

In unserer Entschließung haben wir den Menschenrechtsverletzungen in den Ländern des Arabischen Frühlings ein eigenes Kapitel gewidmet und dort spezifische Forderungen festgelegt, für die sich die EU einsetzen soll. Herausheben möchte ich nur zwei davon. Das ist einmal die Situation im Jemen, wo es wirklich eine Aufarbeitung der schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen, ja sogar von Kriegsverbrechen geben muss. Es darf hier keine Straffreiheit geben für diejenigen, die hohe politische Verantwortung tragen.

Das zweite Land ist Algerien. Jetzt gerade befindet es sich zum zweiten Mal im Prozess der Universal Periodic Review im Menschenrechtsrat, und es ist sehr dringend erforderlich, das Schicksal der Tausenden von Verschwundenen und das ihrer Familien anzusprechen.

Im Menschenrechtsrat können konkret Menschenrechtsverletzungen in einzelnen Ländern thematisiert werden, und Sie, Herr Minister Søvndal, haben angesprochen, dass Sie den Schwung des letzten Jahres mitnehmen, um noch mehr konkrete Resolutionen zu verabschieden.

Da kann ich Sie nur unterstützen. Ja, der Bericht des Sonderberichterstatters zu Iran, dort müssen die Forderungen umgesetzt werden. Ja, wir brauchen konkrete Umsetzungsergebnisse zu Nordkorea. Und Ja, die Änderungen in Myanmar/Burma sind positiv, aber es ist so, dass die internationale Aufmerksamkeit weiter auf der Menschenrechtsituation in diesem Land bleiben muss.

Wir brauchen die Umsetzung der Ergebnisse der Fact Finding Mission nach Gaza, das müssen wir erreichen, und auch hier müssen die Verantwortlichen für den Bruch des internationalen Rechts zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. Umgesetzt werden müssen aber auch die Forderungen der Untersuchungskommission zur Elfenbeinküste, und es ist erfreulich, dass Sie das auch schon in Ihrer Rede angesprochen haben. Wir müssen erreichen, dass das Expertenpanel des UN-Generalsekretärs zu Sri Lanka ernst genommen und umgesetzt wird.


  Marek Henryk Migalski, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Tak się szczęśliwie składa, że debatujemy dokładnie po debacie, która dotyczyła sytuacji w Syrii. Rzeczywiście w rezolucji Parlamentu Europejskiego, o której teraz rozmawiamy, jest to dosyć istotne. Myślę, że potępienie Chin oraz Rosji w tej rezolucji za stanowisko, które zajęły w sprawie Syrii, jest jedną z wielu dobrych, wartych poparcia rzeczy, które moja grupa polityczna również popiera. Zasługuje na uznanie również to, że jest to jednoznaczne stanowisko Parlamentu Europejskiego w tej bulwersującej przecież sprawie.

Druga rzecz to jest to, że pan komisarz dużą część swojego wystąpienia poświęcił na wytłumaczenie, dlaczego pani Ashton nie będzie na tej sesji. Głęboko wierzę, że ta nieobecność nie zostanie wykorzystana przez tych, którzy oskarżają Unię Europejską o brak zainteresowania kwestiami praw człowieka, do potwierdzenia tej tezy. Głęboko wierzę, że zostanie to potraktowane tak, jak Pan powiedział, czyli jako nieobecność ze względu na inne obowiązki służbowe.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, nous avons choisi de ne pas nous associer à la résolution commune du Parlement européen sur ce sujet, non que nous soyons en total désaccord sur le fond, encore que, mais du fait de ses nombreuses lacunes. Un peu trop de "deux poids, deux mesures" à nos yeux au-delà des mots.

Nous avons déposé des amendements pour illustrer ces manques mais je voudrais insister sur l'un d'entre eux. Je reviens de Turquie, de la partie kurde de la Turquie, et je voudrais savoir pendant combien de temps nous allons encore nous taire sur la dégradation de la situation démocratique dans ce pays, tout particulièrement depuis 2009.

Plus de 10 000 personnes placées en garde à vue en un an; plus de 5 000 personnes en détention provisoire dans la seule affaire KCK, dont de nombreux élus et militants du BDP qui ne cessent de réclamer une solution pacifique et politique à la question kurde, mais aussi des enfants dès l'âge de douze ans, des avocats, des journalistes, des défenseurs des droits de l'homme.

Lundi, j'étais sur place. Plus de 140 arrestations, essentiellement des syndicalistes et des artistes. Hier, plus de 180. Cela ne peut plus durer. L'Union européenne doit cesser de se taire. M. Erdogan doit cesser son double discours.

J'espère vivement que cette question sera abordée au comité des droits de l'homme.


  Frank Vanhecke, namens de EFD-Fractie. – Voorzitter, de resolutie die vandaag op tafel ligt is vrij evenwichtig opgesteld en ik kan mij in de meeste aanbevelingen zeer gemakkelijk terugvinden. Ik betreur wel dat dit Parlement het fundamentele en het structurele probleem van de VN Mensenrechtenraad uit de weg gaat. Dat structurele en fundamentele probleem is het feit dat enkele van de grootste mensenrechtenschenders ter wereld - bijvoorbeeld China, Cuba, Saoedi-Arabië, om er maar enkele te noemen - allemaal ongestoord lid kunnen zijn van die Mensenrechtenraad. Dat is eigenlijk onaanvaardbaar.

Enkel staten die zelf een vlekkeloos blazoen hebben, kunnen en mogen andere staten de les spellen. Dat recht geven aan de voornoemde dictaturen, doet heel die zaak eigenlijk min of meer verworden tot een absurd theater. Dat is een structureel euvel dat moet worden aangepakt, anders zullen de nalevingsprocedures nooit adequaat werken. Ik hoop dan ook dat het Parlement de amendementen die ik in deze zin heb ingediend, morgen zal goedkeuren.


  Othmar Karas (PPE). - Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren! Syrien wird uns auch bei der 19. Sitzung des UNO-Menschenrechtsrates begleiten. Wir kritisieren scharf die Entscheidung Chinas und der Russischen Föderation, eine Resolution des Sicherheitsrates zu Syrien zu blockieren. Wir haben uns mit unseren Prioritäten auch auf der Tagesordnung durchgesetzt. Burma/Myanmar, Nordkorea, Arabischer Frühling, die Situation in Syrien und Libyen und der Islamischen Republik Iran werden auf der Tagesordnung stehen und behandelt werden. Wir begrüßen, dass die Suspendierung Libyens im Menschenrechtsrat aufgehoben wurde. Ungeachtet dessen bleibt der Wüstenstaat im Fokus, weil wir uns über die zukünftige Entwicklung noch nicht ganz sicher sein können. Es gilt deshalb, an sämtliche Staaten, in denen der Arabische Frühling Einzug gehalten hat, ein klares Signal zu senden, dass fortgesetzte Hilfe seitens der Mitgliedstaaten kriteriengebunden ist: Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Grund- und Freiheitsrechte, good governance, Korruptionsbekämpfung, Wahrung der Menschenrechte sollen und müssen eingefordert werden.

Es geht überhaupt darum, dass wir die Fragen der Grundrechte, der Meinungsfreiheit, der Religionsfreiheit stärker in die öffentliche Debatte einbringen. Das gilt in allen Staaten, die wir behandeln. Ich begrüße, dass das Finanzierungsinstrument für die weltweite Förderung der Demokratie und der Menschenrechte erhöht wird und zu einem Gutteil dem Menschenrechtsrat zugute kommen wird. Ebenso erfreulich ist, dass das Thema Menschenrechte innerhalb des UN-Systems an Gewicht gewonnen hat. Ein Blick auf die Agenda des Sicherheitsrates zeigt dies. Doch um unsere eigene Glaubwürdigkeit nicht zu unterminieren, müssen wir auch zuhause reinen Tisch machen. Es kann nicht sein, dass die Mehrheit der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung internationaler Verträge säumig ist, oder wie im Falle der Konventionen der Rechte von Gastarbeitern, die nur in einem einzigen Mitgliedstaat auch ratifiziert wurden. Wir können nicht die Auszahlung von Hilfsgeldern und das Auftauen von Konten stoppen, wenn wir nicht höchste Standards auch bei uns selbst anlegen.

Doch zum Thema Glaubwürdigkeit ist auch allgemein zu sagen, dass mit der altbekannten Blockbildung im Menschenrechtsrat Schluss gemacht werden muss. Es gilt, dass das Gemeinsame vor das Trennende gestellt und sachorientierte Allianzen geschmiedet werden müssen. Nur so bleibt die notwendige Transparenz gewahrt, und nur so wird sich der Etat des Menschenrechtsrates weiter erhöhen und seine Glaubwürdigkeit gestärkt werden.


  Andreas Mölzer (NI). - Herr Präsident! Es ist für mich kein Problem, dass Sie den Herrn Vizepräsidenten Karas vorziehen. Wir Fraktionslosen sind es ja gewöhnt, dass wir häufig übersehen werden. Ungeachtet dessen, Herr Präsident, gerade weil die EU-Staaten einen großen Teil der UN-Einsätze finanzieren, muss über die Sinnhaftigkeit eines potenziellen Blauhelme-Einsatzes in Syrien diskutiert werden. Ein solcher hat eben nur Sinn, wenn es einen Waffenstillstand gibt. Danach sieht es ja wirklich nicht aus. Im Gegenteil, der Konflikt droht sich auszuweiten. Wir müssten in erster Linie humanitäre Hilfe leisten und Vorbereitungen für größere, weitere Flüchtlingsströme treffen.

Angesichts des aktuellen Berichts des UN-Menschenrechtsrates über Internetsperren hat sich die EU auch mit dem Thema Freiheit im Internet auseinanderzusetzen. Gerade beim umstrittenen ACTA-Abkommen wird deutlich über das Ziel hinausgeschossen. Um der US-amerikanischen Unterhaltungsindustrie weitere Milliardeneinnahmen zu gewährleisten, sollen offenbar Datenschutz und Grundrechte geopfert werden. Das ist striktest abzulehnen.


  Joanna Senyszyn (S&D). - Panie Przewodniczący! Świat potrzebuje nowego globalnego planu na rzecz praw człowieka, nie tylko obietnic na papierze, ale konkretnych działań. Politycy muszą zrozumieć, że inwestowanie w prawa człowieka jest tak samo ważne, jak inwestowanie w gospodarkę. Jest tu analogia do inwestowania w wychowanie i w wykształcenie młodego pokolenia. Wszyscy przyznają, że to najefektywniejsza inwestycja, ale kiedy przychodzi do konstruowania i głosowania budżetu, doznają amnezji.

Trzeba wreszcie wyprowadzić prawa człowieka z politycznego getta. Nie ma usprawiedliwienia dla ich łamania, które odbywa się nie tylko w krajach uznawanych za niedemokratyczne, ale też niestety w państwach Unii Europejskiej czy w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Wychodzenie z kryzysu kosztem najbiedniejszych stanowi naruszenie praw człowieka. Rządy muszą zapewnić sprawiedliwy rozwój, zwalczać nadużycia, które doprowadzają do ubóstwa i je pogłębiają, a także ograniczyć konflikty zbrojne, które generują przemoc.

W kontekście zbliżającej się 19. sesji Rady Praw Człowieka ONZ zwracam szczególną uwagę na przemoc wobec kobiet. Niedopuszczalna jest sytuacja, w której każdego dnia w Europie jedna na pięć kobiet cierpi z powodu przemocy. Szacuje się, że roczny koszt ekonomicznych, społecznych i zdrowotnych skutków przemocy wobec kobiet w 47 krajach członkowskich Rady Europy sięga 34 mld euro. W ciągu ostatnich dwóch lat Rada Europy, Komisja i Parlament podjęły znaczące kroki w zwalczaniu przemocy wobec kobiet. Niestety dotychczasowe działania nie odzwierciedlają przyjętych zobowiązań.

Apeluję do Unii Europejskiej i wszystkich krajów członkowskich Rady Europy o podpisanie i ratyfikację Konwencji Rady Europy w sprawie zapobiegania i zwalczania przemocy wobec kobiet i przemocy domowej. Do dzisiaj konwencja ta została podpisana tylko przez 18 państw członkowskich, ale przez żaden nie została ratyfikowana.

(Mówca zgodził się odpowiedzieć na pytanie zadane zgodnie z procedurą „niebieskiej kartki” na mocy art. 149 ust. 8 Regulaminu)


  Marek Henryk Migalski (ECR), pytanie zgodnie z procedurą „niebieskiej kartki. – Część swojego wystąpienia poświęciła Pani opisowi biedy i dyskryminacji ekonomicznej w niektórych państwach europejskich czy Unii Europejskiej oraz Stanach Zjednoczonych. Czy nie uważa Pani, że jest to lekko niestosowne w kontekście tych zagadnień, o których tutaj rozmawiamy, czyli kwestii mordów, tortur, zabójstw i więzień?


  Joanna Senyszyn (S&D), odpowiedź zgodnie z procedurą „niebieskiej kartki”. Dziękuję za pytanie. Nie, nie uważam, że jest to niestosowne, ponieważ o tym, co dzieje się w krajach niedemokratycznych, mówimy powszechnie, stale i potępiamy to, natomiast przemilczamy chociażby niektóre rzeczy, które się dzieją właśnie w Stanach Zjednoczonych czy w krajach Unii Europejskiej, które uważają się za przodujące w dziedzinie przestrzegania praw człowieka. W rzeczywistości kiedy patrzy się na różne dane statystyczne, dotyczące np. przemocy wobec kobiet, to okazuje się, że w Europie 7 kobiet dziennie umiera z powodu przemocy, ujawnianych jest też bardzo wiele innych rzeczy – więzienie Guantanamo chociażby. A więc o tym także musimy mówić i nie możemy udawać, że zło dzieje się tylko w krajach niedemokratycznych, tam, gdzie są reżimy, bo ono jest także wokół nas.


  Charles Goerens (ALDE). - Monsieur le Président, l'année 20012 commence particulièrement mal.

Parmi ceux qui se rendent responsables des pires violations des droits de l'homme, il y a lieu de citer la Syrie, son président, son harem de supporters qui l'accompagnent dans cette fin de règne, qu'il faut espérer aussi proche que possible. Parmi ceux qui se rendent coresponsables des crimes contre l'humanité figurent au premier chef les autorités de l'Iran, mais elles ne sont pas les seules.

Ce qui est particulièrement inquiétant, c'est l'attitude des deux membres du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, qui continuent à s'opposer à des mesures plus efficaces contre le régime syrien. L'un d'eux, la Russie, pourtant membre du Conseil de l'Europe, persiste et signe dans son refus de se ranger du côté de ceux qui tentent de mettre fin à la barbarie qui est désormais associée au nom de la ville de Homs.

Ce scandale, malheureusement, porte préjudice à la bonne volonté qu'investissent à travers le monde tous les humanistes, qu'ils agissent dans le cadre de la société civile ou dans l'une ou l'autre des nombreuses institutions dévouées à la défense des droits de l'homme.

Rien, aucune considération d'ordre politique, commercial, géostratégique, ne pourrait justifier l'attitude honteuse des États qui bloquent tous les moyens dont dispose la communauté internationale pour réagir au scandale de Homs.

La 19e session du Conseil des droits de l'homme des Nations unies sera, je l'espère, l'occasion de rappeler à tout un chacun ses responsabilités les plus élémentaires en matière de respect de la dignité de la personne humaine. L'Union européenne, construite sur le principe de l'irréductibilité de la dignité humaine est sans doute la mieux placée pour lancer cet appel.


  Rui Tavares (Verts/ALE). - Eu vou começar com uma pergunta para a qual, aliás, se encontra resposta na resolução comum deste Parlamento: quantos dias vai estar a nossa Alta Representante para os Negócios Estrangeiros no Conselho de Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas em Genebra? Um Conselho que ocorre depois de um ano em que muita coisa mudou, em países como o Egito, a Tunísia, a Líbia, a Síria e o Barém, em que as populações se levantaram contra os regimes que as oprimiam.

Algumas destas populações conseguiram levar a bom termo as suas revoluções, outras não, e aquilo que eu creio que a maior parte dos europeus lamentam, é perceber que a União Europeia não tenha estado preparada para, no momento em que isto acontecesse, o que não poderia ser catalisado por nós mas que poderíamos ter enquadrado, ajudar estas populações a, em ordem, fazerem a sua transição. Mas, felizmente, temos exemplos que citamos na nossa resolução, como a Birmânia, que parece estar a caminhar para mais abertura e mais democratização.

Enfim, muitas coisas mudam, o que não muda é a estratégia da União Europeia, que precisa de ganhar eficácia, precisa de ser consistente, precisa de ser coerente e precisa de ter agilidade. Não há uma contradição entre ter coerência e agilidade. O que não podemos continuar a fazer é propor aos países árabes os mesmos tipos de acordos de negócios que propúnhamos antes da Primavera Árabe e depois da Primavera Árabe, como vamos votar amanhã um acordo agrícola com Marrocos, que é um país que continua a não reconhecer a autodeterminação do Saara Ocidental.

O que não podemos continuar é deixar que empresas europeias façam negócios com regimes ditatoriais e que elas não sejam aqui punidas e, já agora, peço desculpa, a resposta à minha pergunta: a nossa Alta Representante não vai estar um único dia no Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU. Eu considero que isto é uma vergonha.


  Paul Murphy (GUE/NGL). - Mr President, I would like to speak about my amendment on Kazakhstan, where the oil workers engaged in a long, heroic struggle for better working conditions and for the right to have an independent trade union, have been met by massive repression by the Nazarbayev regime. This repression culminated on 16 December 2011 with a crackdown on a peaceful demonstration, with many protesters killed. Video evidence clearly shows state forces basically mowing down peaceful protesters.

However, outrageously, the General Prosecutor’s report seeks to place the blame on the protestors and then use this as a pretext to arrest the leaders of the political opposition, human rights defenders and journalists, including Vladimir Kozlov and Vadim Kuramshin, who all face potentially long prison sentences.

I would like also to draw the attention of the House to the fact that Ainur Kurmanov and Esenbek Ukteshbayev, leaders of an independent trade union who have spoken at meetings in this House about Kazakhstan and who have been out of Kazakhstan since October 2011, have now contacted me with information that they may be abducted or arrested and brought to Kazakhstan to be charged with causing the killings in Zhanaozen. We have to demand that a genuinely independent international inquiry is set up into the events of Zhanaozen.


  Nicole Sinclaire (NI). - Mr President, amongst the items on the agenda at the forthcoming UN Human Rights Council will be Cyprus. I would like to concentrate on human rights issues in Northern Cyprus and their place in negotiations for Turkey’s accession to the European Union. In Northern Cyprus itself, there have been reports of violations of the human rights and freedom from discrimination of minorities, torture, and violations of freedom of movement, religion and speech.

In 1974, during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus, the city of Famagusta was overrun by armour, and the civilian population – fearing massacre – was forced to evacuate, leaving behind everything they could not carry. Only Turks were allowed to remain, and the Varosha section of the city remains isolated and unpopulated to this day. This is in contradiction with UN Security Council Resolutions 550 and 789.

Technically, this border dispute does call into question the legitimacy of the Cypriot accession to the European Union. A 112-mile long ‘green line’ still divides the island. 1 588 Greek Cypriots are still on the missing persons list following the Turkish invasion, but still the EU – with the exception of one or two Member States – pushes for Turkey’s accession. By discussing Turkey’s accession whilst unresolved border issues and questions of human rights in Northern Cyprus remain, the EU is undermining the integrity of the United Nations. You are overlooking appalling human rights abuses, and you are making a mockery of the integrity of your own position on human rights.

Regarding Turkey’s statement that they would freeze EU ties when Cyprus takes over the EU Presidency, I would ask the High Representative: why is the EU negotiating membership with a country that is acting in such a bullying manner? Although, on second thoughts, the High Representative might agree that such a country would fit perfectly into the European Union.


  předseda. − Nyní předávám slovo paní Costello a doufám, že jí tento příspěvek, který je první v tomto jednacím sále, přinese štěstí a uspokojení v její práci. Prosím, máte slovo.


  Emer Costello (S&D). - Mr President, thank you for your kind words. Indeed, I am delighted to make my maiden speech here in the European Parliament on the subject of human rights. The protection and the promotion of human rights are fundamental features of the European Union's moral and legal framework.

The EU needs to agree common positions so as to channel our collective voice in strong defence of human rights. In this regard, I welcome the Arab Spring, and I would condemn in the strongest possible terms the ongoing and appalling repression by the Syrian regime of its population, as described in the previous debate.

As an incoming Member of the European Parliament’s Palestine Delegation, I am also particularly concerned about human rights violations in Gaza, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The EU must adopt a strong common position on the follow-up to the fact-finding mission to Gaza, and I call on Baroness Ashton to ensure that the recommendations of this mission are implemented in full, and to ensure that there is full accountability for all violations of international law, regardless of the alleged perpetrators.

I want to welcome the inclusion of Burma as an EU priority for the 19th session of the UNHCR, and commend the work of the special rapporteur on human rights in Burma. I look forward to the transition to democracy in that country.

If we are to challenge third countries on human rights, we must ensure that human rights are fully protected in our own domestic policies. EU Member States should lead by example, and, as has already been alluded to, we need to ratify all international human rights instruments that we have helped establish, particularly in relation to migrants in our own countries.

Finally, I want to welcome the commitment to prioritising LGBT rights, and I wish the delegation from the European Parliament well with their mandate.


  Marietje Schaake (ALDE). - Mr President, human rights and their universality are increasingly under pressure as a result of block politics in the United Nations and because of allowing countries into the Human Rights Council who have less than a clean state themselves. This is problematic.

Another concern I have is how to ensure that the UN Human Rights Council takes the changing world sufficiently into account. As we speak, prisons are increasingly populated by bloggers. Human rights defenders are presented under torture with transcripts of their email, mobile phone and other conversations. People are tortured for their passwords and we see that European technologies play an important part in making that happen in repressive environments.

The struggle for human rights has moved online and digital freedom is increasingly essential for human rights, such as freedom of expression, press freedom and access to information, but also the documentation and sharing of human rights violations with the rest of the world. Frank La Rue’s UN report on freedom of expression is essential in this regard. It also clearly states that copyright enforcement could risk undermining the respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. I would urge prioritising digital freedoms within the UN Human Rights Council context and to ensure that information is upgraded.


  Michael Cashman (S&D). - Mr President, I welcome the statement on behalf of the High Representative. Indeed, the Human Rights Council will be an historic first, after the first ever UN resolution on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity was adopted last year. The Council will at last examine in depth the issue of human rights breaches of LGBT people across the world.

We commend the excellent work of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, and hope this session’s panel will be open, frank and intelligent. Equally, we need to monitor developments in Zimbabwe and condemn the systemic and escalating violation of human rights in Zimbabwe under the Mugabe administration. In Belarus the dictatorial regime needs to be brought to an end, the death penalty abolished, political prisoners released, and free and fair elections must take place.

I also welcome the focus on discrimination against people living with HIV and AIDS. It is crucial to remind people every day that HIV and AIDS is a disease and not a crime, and we must fight the stigma that people who live with this infection face every single day.

Finally, I would like to say to the High Representative and the Commission that it is up to us to fight for human rights and to defend human rights defenders, whether we do so within our EU Association Agreements or the Cotonou Agreements. If we turn away from that which we can influence, we can hardly lecture the rest of the world.


Začátek vystoupení na základě přihlášení se zvednutím ruky


  Elena Băsescu (PPE). - Salut rolul pozitiv jucat de Uniune în reformarea Consiliului pentru Drepturile Omului. Îmi exprim speranţa că Europa va avea în continuare o contribuţie pozitivă la dezbaterile de la Geneva, inclusiv când sunt discutate rapoartele pe ţări. Solicit Înaltului Reprezentant să includă sistematic subiectul drepturilor omului în dialogul cu alte state. Doar astfel se va obţine un sprijin larg pentru poziţiile Uniunii. Subliniez, totodată, efectele negative pe care le au conflictele îngheţate asupra respectării drepturilor omului. Este elocventă situaţia din Transnistria.

Aş dori să ştiu cum se explică lipsa de reacţie a Înaltului Reprezentant când vine vorba de moartea tragică a cetăţeanului moldovean Vadim Pisari. Vă reamintesc că el a fost ucis pe 1 ianuarie, la un punct de control din regiunea separatistă Transnistria, de un militar rus din forţele de menţinere a păcii.


  Ana Miranda (Verts/ALE). - Señor Presidente, la lucha por el respeto de los derechos humanos y contra cualquier discriminación debe ser un objetivo de la Unión Europea en la próxima reunión en Ginebra.

Por eso, me congratulo de que la Unión Europea dé un paso y participe en el debate especializado organizado sobre la situación de las personas lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y transexuales, ya que será el primer debate acerca del informe sobre las personas LGBT de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos.

Es necesario que la Unión Europea se implique en esta cuestión, que es muy grave, y que la crisis no sea la excusa para arrinconar los derechos fundamentales y ocultar la discriminación que sufren muchas de estas personas en Europa y en el mundo.

Por otra parte, es importante abordar la libertad religiosa, así como recordar que la Unión Europea debe mantener un equilibrio adecuado en relación con cualquier tipo de creencia, y que no se olvide el derecho a cambiar de religión o a no tener religión, abordando la situación de algunos Estados miembros con especiales relaciones fiscales y concordatos con determinadas religiones.


  João Ferreira (GUE/NGL). - A conceção ampla e abrangente dos direitos humanos plasmada na respetiva Declaração Universal obriga-nos a reconhecer que a União Europeia não está em condições de dar lições ao mundo neste domínio.

Antes de mais, pelo que hoje se passa dentro das suas fronteiras: direito à segurança social, direito à proteção no desemprego, remuneração satisfatória a quem trabalha, salário igual para trabalho igual, direito à alimentação, ao vestuário, ao alojamento, à assistência médica, direito ao lazer, direito à educação gratuita. Todos estes, entre muitos outros, são direitos que constam da Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos.

Direito postos em causa pela União Europeia, desde logo nos seus Tratados, que subordina alguns deles ao mercado e à livre concorrência, mas, sobretudo, direitos postos em causa pelas políticas hoje em marcha em vários países. Os direitos humanos não podem ser usados como arma de arremesso para atacar quem constitua um obstáculo a ambições de domínio, sendo convenientemente ignorados internamente ou quando se trata de poupar regimes amigos: Estados Unidos, Israel, as guerras de agressão da NATO, enfim, os exemplos são em demasia e vão infelizmente repetindo-se com os anos.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Pred pár dňami sa v ženskom kláštore Mamae v Tibeťanmi obývanom okrese Ngawa, v provincii S'-čchuan na juhozápade Číny, podpálila na protest proti náboženskej politike čínskej administratívy mladá osemnásťročná mníška. Bezpečnostné zložky hneď po incidente uzavreli prístup do kláštora a uplatňujú na prípad prísne informačné embargo. Čínsky národ patrí k najstarším kultúrnym a civilizovaným národom sveta, preto nedokážem pochopiť, kde sa v najvyšších predstaviteľoch tohto veľkého, vzdelaného a slušného národa berie toľká nenávisť a zloba voči nepočetnému bezbrannému tibetskému ľudu, ktorý nechce nič viac, iba si udržiavať vlastnú kultúru a vieru.

Možno by preto bolo dobré aj 19. zasadnutie Rady Organizácie spojených národov pre ľudské práva využiť na to, aby sme lídrom svetových mocností pripomenuli, že ak chceme mať lepší svet, musí byť aj ich správanie určované slušnosťou, múdrosťou a veľkorysosťou k slabším.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, it is self-evident that human rights are universal in that they are enjoyed by all people. Rights cannot be withheld systematically from unfavoured groups, but there are some groups that are so unfavoured in polite liberal society that they are universally invisible as victims.

The people who head the list of invisible victims are the Afrikaners or Boers, especially the rural Afrikaners in South Africa. Since 1994 more than 3 000 farmers and their families, most of them Afrikaners, have been murdered in systematic genocidal attacks by politically and racially-motivated terrorists. The police routinely refuse to respond to complaints of attacks. The former president of the ANC Youth League, Julius Malema, popularised the singing of the song ‘Kill a Boer’ at ANC meetings. The Afrikaners are as invisible to the European Parliament as they are to the United Nations. I wonder why.


Konec vystoupení na základě přihlášení se zvednutím ruky


  Villy Søvndal, formand for Rådet. − Hr. formand! Først og fremmest igen tak for en spændende debat. I Den Europæiske Union synes vi, at alt det, der drejer sig om menneskerettigheder, er helt afgørende vigtigt for at bevæge verden fremad, og også for at sikre, at det ikke er rettigheder, som dannes i den enkelte situation, men rettigheder, som er universelle, og som alle lande binder sig til og respekterer. Så langt er vi ikke endnu, men det er det, vi presser på for. Jeg vil understrege, at vi også i Rådet er meget optaget af dette. Vi har et uformelt møde mellem udenrigsministrene i marts, et Gymnich-møde, hvor et af de to temaer, vi vil drøfte, netop er menneskerettigheder – i øvrigt med henblik på at træffe en beslutning på EU's vegne igen i juni måned.

Når vi har så høj en profil, som vi har på menneskerettigheder, er det også vigtigt, at vi, om man så må sige, fejer for ejen dør. Altså at vi holder vores egen sti helt ren. Det betyder også, at vi selvfølgelig konstant skal bringe disse temaer op ved bilaterale møder med tredjelande. Og det er vigtigt, som flere af talerne også har peget på, at vi ser fremskridt i form af konkrete resultater, hvor verden rykker fremad.

Nu vil jeg gerne knytte et par kommentarer til nogle af de lande, der er blevet nævnt. Det er rigtigt – som vi også diskuterede under det forrige punkt – at menneskerettighedssituationen ser rigtig slem ud i et land som Syrien. Det er også rigtigt, at der for Libyens vedkommende ingen tvivl er om, at de seneste perioders udvikling betyder, at Libyen er på vej fremad, hvad angår menneskerettigheder. Der blev også peget på Burma fra flere sider. Det ser ud til, at Burma efter lang tid med diktatur og manglende frihed til mennesker igen er på vej fremad. Dette viser sig i form af frigivelse af fanger, i form af valg, af suppleringsvalg, i form af respekt for mindretal. Det er vigtigt igen at slå fast, at det helt fundamentale ved menneskerettigheder er, at de er nogle grundlæggende principper, som gælder for alle mennesker. Og det er vores pligt at gå ud og slås for, at de rent faktisk gælder for alle mennesker. Det er demokrati, det er retsstatsprincippet, det er menneskerettigheder, det er ret for minoriteter, hvad enten de er etniske, seksuelle eller religiøse. Det er menneskers grundlæggende ret til selv at bestemme deres fremtid.

Til slut vil jeg nævne, at jeg forstår kritikken, og jeg forstår, at man gerne så Catherine Ashton være til stede ved alle møder. (Nu har I så fået det næstbedste i dag). Men hendes fravær er et tegn på, at der virkelig er mange ting at lave. Jeg er dog helt overbevist om, at kritikken af Catherine Ashton ville være endnu større, hvis hun blev væk fra det næste udenrigsministermøde, hvor Syrien formentlig vil blive hovedtemaet, eller fra mødet i Rådet (almindelige anliggender), hvor hovedtemaet vil blive Kosovo og Serbien. Derfor tror jeg sådan set, at Catherine Ashton har prioriteret rigtigt.

Med de bemærkninger vil jeg sige tak for debatten. Hold fanen højt på menneskerettigheder. Det er et vigtigt europæisk kendetegn.


  předseda. − Obdržel jsem jeden návrh na usnesení na závěr rozpravy.

Rozprava byla ukončena.

Hlasování: 16. února 2012.

Písemná prohlášení (článek 149)


  Corina Creţu (S&D), în scris. – Situaţia respectarii drepturilor omului s-a degradat in ultimii ani. Sub impactul crizei economice si al ameninţării teroriste, exerciţiul unor libertăţi fundamentale a fost restrâns. Chiar si atunci cand schimbari precum "primavara araba" au oferit premisele imbunatatirii situatiei, persista dificultati in schimbarea de fapt a conditiei cetatenilor. Este motivul pentru care cred ca avem nevoie de un instrument mai aplicat de sprijinire a tranzitiei democratice in sudul Mediteranei, pentru crearea unor state de drept. In ceea ce priveste categoriile cele mai defavorizate, din pacate femeile şi copiii sunt in continuare victimele principale. Discriminarea lor - inclusiv economică - este tot mai evidentă si trebuie sa ne concentram mai mult pentru a-i proteja. Cred ca e nevoie de o conlucrare mult mai eficienta intre Uniunea Europeana, ONU si celelalte structuri internationale, pentru ca încălcarea drepturilor omului sa nu mai fie favorizata de impunitatea de care inca se bucura cei vinovati.

Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου