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Eljárás : 2011/2911(RSP)
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PV 13/03/2012 - 16
CRE 13/03/2012 - 16

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PV 14/03/2012 - 9.9

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Az ülések szó szerinti jegyzőkönyve
2012. március 13., Kedd - Strasbourg

16. A cukorbetegség járványszerű terjedése elleni fellépés az Unióban (vita)
A felszólalásokról készült videofelvételek

  Der Präsident. − Als nächster Punkt folgen die Erklärungen des Rates und der Kommission über die Bekämpfung der Diabetes-Epidemie in der EU


  Nicolai Wammen, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, Commissioner, I am grateful to this Parliament for taking the initiative in organising this debate and in drawing attention to this important issue.

I wish today to thank in particular the co-chairs, Ms Schaldemose, Baroness Ludford, Mr Busuttil and Ms Matias for their leadership and, of course, the members of Parliament’s working group on diabetes, which sponsored the motion for a resolution before you. They continue to work tirelessly to raise the profile of the effects of diabetes on the health of citizens across the European Union.

Throughout Europe, chronic diseases in general impose an enormous challenge to patients and their relatives and society at large. This calls for a new and coordinated approach and increased cooperation. The biggest challenge in this context arises from the fact that we live longer and do not live healthily enough. This means that ever more Europeans develop diabetes and other chronic diseases.

The implications are obvious: mounting pressure on our health sector and a situation where fewer young people are entering the labour market to pay for rising public costs.

Diabetes is one of the four most common chronic diseases. At present around 30 million people in the European Union are diagnosed with diabetes. This figure is expected to rise to around 40 million by around 2030. Around 10% of the EU Member States’ health care budget is spent on the direct treatment of diabetes. This amounts to about EUR 80 billion, which does not even include the cost of treating associated illnesses or complications.

At present, diabetes can be neither reversed nor cured. Current therapies do not prevent the progression of the disease. Equally they cannot eliminate the threat of long-term complications. The growing burden of diabetes must therefore be addressed through prevention, early detection, effective management, education and research.

Prevention can be very effective. According to the World Health Organisation, Type 2 diabetes – which represents between 85 and 95% of diabetes cases – can be prevented by basic changes in lifestyle, including healthy diet and regular physical activity.

What can be done within the EU to face up to this challenge? Health issues are first and foremost a matter for Member States. The European Union has only limited competence in this area, but that clearly does not mean that we are inactive. In December 2010 the Council launched a reflection process on the issue of chronic diseases. It invited Member States and the Commission to identify options to optimise the response to chronic diseases and spur cooperation among Member States. This process is carried out in close cooperation with the relevant stakeholders and will result in a reflection paper. Work is ongoing and is being managed at senior level within the appropriate Council bodies. It is expected to be finalised next year.

The Danish Presidency is fully supportive of this process and will use its time in office to advance it as much as possible. In fact, chronic disease is one of the main priorities of the Danish Presidency in the field of health. It will be on the agenda of the informal meeting of health ministers in Horsens in Denmark this April, where the question of patient empowerment will be in focus. Patient empowerment is also the topic of a conference organised under the Danish Presidency, which will take place on 11 and 12 April in Copenhagen.

I am also pleased to announce that the European Diabetes Leadership Forum will take place on 25 and 26 April this year. A wide range of stakeholders, including politicians, government officials, health NGOs, healthcare professionals and business organisations, will be represented at that forum, and the Danish Presidency is proud to support it. The Presidency is convinced that these events will not only bring together experts across a range of fields, they will also support the reflection process on chronic diseases underway in the Council.

Considerable efforts are underway to address the challenges of chronic diseases, including diabetes. The work in the Council is one of many strands of work which are contributing to these efforts – but more could and should be done. Our discussion this afternoon, and the resolution which you will vote on tomorrow, will help increase awareness of this challenge to our collective health.

I therefore look forward to hearing your views on this issue and to reporting back to the Council.


  Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, I would like to thank the Parliament for its commitment to improving the lives of people with diabetes. The European Commission shares your concern. Diabetes translates to great suffering for over 32 million Europeans and their families.

The European Commission believes we need to attack the root causes of diabetes further. As such, the European Commission fully endorses your call to Member States to develop strategies on diet and exercise to prevent Type 2 diabetes, as expressed in your resolution.

We know that not all diabetes is preventable, but when it comes to Type 2 diabetes, we do know what the main causes are: being overweight, obesity and a lack of physical activity. The rate of obesity has more than doubled over the past 20 years. More than half of adult Europeans are overweight or obese. One in four European children aged six to nine are already overweight and, as such, at greater risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. This is why the focus of Commission action to address diabetes is to tackle its main causes: being overweight, obesity and the lack of physical activity.

It was in this spirit that, back in 2007, the Commission developed a strategy on nutrition and physical activity to support national efforts to prevent obesity. The strategy works first by fostering an exchange of experiences amongst Member States, encouraging joint approaches and coordinated actions. This includes joint food reformulation approaches, for example for key nutrients such as salt.

Second, it mobilises partners across society to take action, through the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, which, very importantly, also includes diabetes organisations.

In this framework, the Commission encourages action by food producers, media and advertisers on food reformulation and commercial communication standards.

Third, it mobilises other policies towards this cause. I will give you some examples. Through the EU research policy, the Commission has co-funded research on diabetes and obesity, worth EUR 340 million in the sixth and seventh framework programmes for research. Since 2007, over EUR 207 million has been devoted to diabetes and obesity research.

We further support research and innovation to address diet-related diseases more generally, with the Joint Programming Initiative ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’. As such, we welcome your resolution’s call for coordination of diabetes research across the European Union.

Through the EU agriculture policy, the Commission brings fruits and vegetables to millions of school children every year via the School Fruit Scheme. Through the EU education policy, the Commission is also supporting physical activity with initiatives such as the EU guidelines for physical activity. Finally – and it is important to mention this – in the field of audiovisual media services, the Commission seeks to reduce the pressure of food marketing and advertising on children.

In addition, the Commission has also financed action through the Health programme to support Member States’ responses to diabetes prevention and care and to improve European capacity for monitoring the diabetes epidemic. Special attention is given to juvenile diabetes and factors related to childhood.

The Commission is persuaded that the EU framework programme for research and also the Health programme contribute to research breakthroughs in the prevention and treatment of diabetes and in better understanding the interaction of diabetes with other diseases.

Your resolution further calls on the Commission and the Member States to ensure adequate follow up of the UN Summit on Non-Communicable Diseases. In this regard, I would like to inform you that the Commission has already launched a reflection process, together with Member States and stakeholders, to identify areas for added-value action at EU level.

I trust you will recognise the Commission’s commitment to addressing the diabetes epidemic and to supporting Member States in their efforts to prevent and manage diabetes. The Commission will carefully study your resolution and how to accommodate your request for further action.

The Commission agrees with the European Parliament about the need to do more on diabetes, for example: to prevent diabetes, in particular amongst children and adolescents; to support patients, and enable them to live a fulfilling life; and to offer the best available diagnosis and treatment options to people affected, to minimise complications and the risk of associated diseases.

This being said, as you know, the Commission believes that it can provide most added value by focusing work on the challenges and causes common to many chronic diseases such as obesity, rather than focusing on the individual diseases one by one.

By addressing obesity, we address diabetes and many other chronic diseases at the same time. This is why the European Commission favours a horizontal holistic approach instead of specific strategies for individual diseases. It is in this spirit that the Commission takes note of the fact that the resolution calls on the Commission to develop and implement a dedicated EU Diabetes Strategy and to monitor Member State action in this area.

Finally, let me assure you that by addressing the risk factors, developing the evidence base and by supporting Member States, the Commission can and will continue to play its full role in addressing diabetes.


  Simon Busuttil, f’isem il-grupp PPE. – Kuntent ferm illi qed nagħmlu dan id-dibattitu għaliex ilna sentejn u nofs naħdmu biex ikollna dan id-dibattitu f’din l-awla u biex ikollna din ir-riżoluzzjoni u għaldaqstant sodisfatt ferm mal-kollegi tiegħi illi jaħdmu fuq dan is-suġġett illi llum qegħdin hawnhekk. Kif intqal hemm 32 miljun ċittadin ibati mill-marda tad-dijabete; terġa’, hemm 32 miljun persuna oħra illi jsofru miz-zokkor u dawn għad jistgħu jiffaċċjaw problemi kbar tul ħajjithom jekk jiżviluppaw il-marda tad-dijabete. U ħa nżid oħra, sa 50 % tan-nies illi jsofru mill-marda tad-dijabete lanqas biss jafu bil-kundizzjoni tagħhom. Jiena m’inix tabib però ħaġa waħda hija ċerta għalija wkoll: għandna problema serja ħafna. U hu għalhekk li llum qegħdin hawnhekk niddiskutu din il-problema tad-dijabete għax il-ħajja ta’ miljuni ta’ ċittadini hija affettwata. Huwa d-dmir tagħna illi flimkien naħdmu biex insibu soluzzjonijiet effettivi għalihom.

Ħafna drabi, jingħad illi l-piż tan-nefqa huwa kbir wisq biex nattakkaw din il-kwistjoni, iżda naħseb illi fil-każ tad-dijabete dan l-argument ma jreġix. Għaliex? Jekk nikkontrollaw id-dijabete llum inkunu qed niffrankaw l-ispiża għada. Għalhekk tajjeb illi l-presidenza Daniża poġġietha bħala prijorità għall-presidenza tagħha u jien nitlob ukoll lill-Kummissjoni tagħmel aktar, l-aktar billi toħroġ bi strateġija dwar id-dijabete, ukoll tħeġġeġ lill-pajjiżi Membri sabiex jagħmlu wkoll strateġija nazzjonali.


  Christel Schaldemose, for S&D-Gruppen. – Hr. formand! Tak til kommissæren og til ministeren for nogle gode indlæg og for jeres tilslutning til, at vi rent faktisk skal agere mere, end vi gør, når det drejer sig om diabetes.

Jeg gentager lige et par tal: 32 millioner EU-borgere har allerede i dag diabetes, og yderligere 32 millioner har forstadier til diabetes. Hovedparten af dem har diabetes af type 2. Det, der er interessant – og det er også allerede blevet sagt – er, at vi rent faktisk kan forebygge type 2-diabetes. Derfor er jeg rigtig glad for jeres opbakning til, at vi skal gøre noget mere.

Selvfølgelig handler det også om at tage fat på årsagerne til diabetes, herunder fedme. Der kan forskes meget mere i årsagerne og også i, hvordan vi får borgerne til at leve sundere. Men jeg synes også, at Kommissionen kan gøre mere end det. Vi kan også sikre, at vi i fællesskab får standarder for, hvordan vi skal indsamle data om, hvordan det går med diabetes og de andre typer sygdomme. En sådan dataindsamling er jo faktisk nødvendig for at se, om der rent faktisk sker fremskridt på disse områder, hvor vi nu iværksætter en masse politiske initiativer.

Og til medlemslandene: Hr. Wammen, jeg er glad for tilsagnet om, at Rådet vil tage sig af denne sag, men noget vigtigt, som man efter min opfattelse kan gøre i medlemsstaterne, er f.eks. at opdatere de nationale handlingsplaner for diabetes. Det er nemlig også med til at sætte fokus på, hvad man skal gøre nationalt for borgerne.

Derfor takker jeg for jeres tilsagn og for, at I vil være med til at gøre noget for de europæiske borgere.


  Sarah Ludford, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the diabetes time bomb has stopped ticking and has actually exploded, so I am delighted that the Danish Presidency – as well as Parliament (where we also have Danish influence) – are supportive of a specific focus on diabetes. The fact that it accounts for 10% of our health care costs is reason enough. While the onset of Type I diabetes in children and teenagers is quite sudden, Type 2 diabetes is often not diagnosed until it has been present for some years. This leads to complications such as blindness and kidney and heart disease, which are both devastating and expensive and account for a lot of those costs. As the Commissioner noted, not all diabetes is preventable, and I would specifically mention those 10 to 15% who have Type I. Even tiny babies are getting it. An exclusively horizontal approach does tend to ignore Type I.

There seem to be two main explanations for the lack of urgency to date on diabetes. One is, I think, the perception that people get along with it OK: they just have to be a bit careful about what they eat, and they do not die from it. In fact some do die directly from diabetes, but many more die early from the devastating side-effects that I have just mentioned. I think a second reason for inaction is prejudice – the perception that it is only about a lazy lifestyle. Again, I think an exclusively horizontal approach reinforces that.

The Commission promised only to reflect. I think we are going to need a lot more, and we need to push the Commission firmly to actually develop a diabetes strategy in the form of an EU Council recommendation. I do not accept that the horizontal approach and the specific focus are mutually exclusive.


  Frieda Brepoels, namens de Verts/ALE-Fractie. – Het Europees Parlement gaf al in een resolutie van 15 september 2011, in de aanloop naar de VN-top over niet-overdraagbare aandoeningen, aan dat Europa alle belang heeft bij een omvattende aanpak en ook aanvullend moet werken op het beleid van de bevoegde overheden in de lidstaten.

Wij hebben ook een gezamenlijke vergadering in het Europees Parlement georganiseerd in oktober 2010 van de diabeteswerkgroep, de hartgroep, de leden tegen kanker en de MEP-groep voor niergezondheid, waarvan ik voorzitter ben, die ook het belang van een gecoördineerde actie benadrukt hebben. Preventie is essentieel en ook mogelijk omdat de risicofactoren voor al deze aandoeningen bekend zijn.

En vanuit die visie betreur ik dan ook een beetje dat men hier die gezamenlijke aanpak voor een stuk loslaat en een specifieke resolutie voor diabetes heeft uitgewerkt. De toegevoegde waarde van de resolutie van vorig jaar ontgaat mij een beetje, want ook andere, niet overdraagbare ziekten, zoals hart- en vaatziekten, kanker en aandoeningen van de luchtwegen worden hierdoor een beetje genegeerd. Maar ik heb natuurlijk geen problemen met de inhoud van de resolutie en wij zullen die dan ook steunen.


  Marisa Matias, em nome do Grupo GUE/NGL. – Senhor Presidente, como já foi referido, a diabetes afeta mais de 30 milhões de pessoas na Europa. Estes são, de facto, números de uma epidemia. É por isso que eu entendo que se justifica também fazer uma resolução específica em relação à diabetes, ainda para mais que é a primeira vez que este Parlamento se dedica a este tema. É resultado de um trabalho coletivo e é um trabalho que não anula o trabalho até aqui feito sobre as doenças crónicas, pelo contrário, reforça-o e reforça esta capacidade que temos de intervir em conjunto.

Nós temos cerca de 325 mil mortes anuais associadas à diabetes porque nós sabemos que a diabetes é a principal causa de, por exemplo, ataques cardíacos, cegueiras, amputações, falhanços de órgãos vitais. E perante estes dados temos duas opções, no meu entender. A primeira, é dizer que não é assim tão grave, que podemos viver bem com isto e que cada governo trate de si. A segunda, é dizer que a ausência de uma estratégia europeia neste domínio faz parte do problema. Eu entendo que, deste lado, temos muito a fazer. E temos muito a fazer em diagnóstico precoce, em coordenação, em investimento na investigação. É por isso que esta resolução tem o valor de um começo e de um trabalho conjunto neste sentido.


  Zofija Mazej Kukovič (PPE). - Pozdravljam resolucijo in pozdravljam to prioriteto danskega predsedstva.

Iz mojih lastnih preteklih izkušenj iz predsedovanja Svetu ministrov Evropske unije lahko trdim, da je ta pristop izjemno pozitiven, zaradi tega ker se ozaveščenost o tem problemu resnično razširi na celo Evropo.

Ne samo o celovitem obvladovanju bolezni, ampak tudi preprečevanju, kajti tu je izjemno pomembna dejansko ta ozaveščenost državljank in državljanov, kaj lahko storijo prej. In seveda tudi kaj lahko storijo kasneje, ko do bolezni pride. Kaj pomeni sprememba načina življenja. Ne samo uživanje zdravil, ampak dejansko spremeniti življenjski slog.

In tu je priložnost za civilna združenja, ki so na tem področju izjemno močna, da tudi odigrajo vlogo ozaveščanja državljank in državljanov v povezavi, seveda, s stroko. Tu je priložnost za politiko, stroko, da najde svojo sinergijo skupaj z odgovornimi in discipliniranimi posamezniki.


  Andrés Perelló Rodríguez (S&D). - Señor Presidente, en una coyuntura de crisis económica y de recortes presupuestarios que está afectando tanto a la sanidad pública y en la que, como en el caso de la Comunidad Autónoma en la que vivo, se deja sin fondos a centros de investigación —como el Príncipe Felipe, especializado en diabetes—, esta resolución viene mejor que nunca, es absolutamente apropiada.

Necesitamos una estrategia común europea contra la diabetes y necesitamos una recomendación del Consejo que diga a los Estados que tienen que incrementar la investigación, incluso con células madre, que tienen que coordinar sus resultados para optimizarlos y que tienen que establecer programas de hábitos saludables de alimentación y de vida. En suma, que tenemos que poner por encima de otras cosas la salud de las personas y, en este caso, investigar, coordinar y elaborar programas nacionales coordinados por la Comisión para obtener resultados sobre la diabetes, y así garantizar la calidad de vida de los europeos y su propia vida.

Si dedicamos más dinero a esto, quizás algunos tarden un poco más en cobrar, pero, a buen seguro, quienes tienen ahora problemas tendrán más calidad de vida y estaremos, como Estados, como Consejo y como Comisión, dando cumplimiento a una de las obligaciones que tenemos, que es velar por la salud de nuestros ciudadanos.


  Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė (PPE). - Šiandien diskutuojame svarbiu klausimu. Jungtinių Tautų Generalinė Asamblėja patvirtino, kad diabetas yra viena iš 4 pagrindinių neužkrečiamų ligų pasaulyje. Galime sakyti, tai globalinė problema, tai jau epidemija. Skaičiai išties šokiruojantys: 33 milijonai sergančiųjų Europos Sąjungoje – 10 procentų visų gyventojų. Dar kaip minimum 32 milijonai, esantys rizikos grupėje. Diabetas sukelia didelius nuostolius ne vien prarasta žmonių sveikata, bet ir dideli gydymo kaštai. Daugelyje valstybių narių išlaidos diabeto gydymui sudaro virš 10 procentų sveikatos priežiūros išlaidų. Be to, tai didelė našta patiems sergantiesiems. Todėl būtina nedelsiant imtis veiksmingų priemonių dėl Europos Sąjungos ir valstybių narių kovos su diabetu priemonių ir jų įgyvendinimo. Kol kas tik vos daugiau nei pusė valstybių turi atitinkamas strategijas: pirmieji žingsniai, visuomenės švietimas ir informavimas dėl rizikos faktorių; įdiegimas sveikatinimo, prevencijos ir patikros programų. Turi būti sutelktas ir koordinuotas veikimas, kuris apimtų tiek sveikatos politiką formuojančių institucijų, tiek Europos Sąjungos mokslinio potencialo, tiek nevyriausybinių organizacijų pastangas. Sveikinu pagrindinį pranešėją S. Bussutil ir tikiuosi, kad priėmus rezoliuciją su išties išsamiais pasiūlymais mes galėsime tikėtis efektyvesnės kovos su diabetu Europos Sąjungoje.


„Catch the eye“-Verfahren


  Anna Záborská (PPE). - Predložené uznesenie žiada koordinovať postupy na úrovni členských štátov aj Európskej únie, no len nepriamo hovorí o zodpovednosti jednotlivca. Nemáme mandát zbaviť občanov tejto zodpovednosti, ale miera solidarity v systémoch verejného zdravotného poistenia by mala odrážať voľbu preukázateľne škodlivého životného štýlu. Rovnako tiež musíme rešpektovať rozhodnutia členských štátov, pretože zdravotníctvo patrí do ich kompetencie. Finančné možnosti členských štátov sa líšia, takže napríklad Slovensko si dnes nemôže dovoliť takú mieru financovania liečby diabetu, akú majú štáty starej Európy. Stotožňujem sa preto s odporúčaniami v spoločnom vyhlásení na posilnenie výmeny informácií a najlepších postupov. To sa týka predovšetkým diabetu druhého typu.


  Judith A. Merkies (S&D). - Dank u wel, dat dit belangrijke onderwerp vandaag op de agenda staat. Ik wil graag uw aandacht even vragen voor het feit dat, zoals u weet, ongeveer een kwart van de mensen met diabetes niet weet dat zij diabetes hebben. In Nederland heeft ongeveer een miljoen mensen van de zestien miljoen diabetes en een kwart daarvan weet het nog niet.

Het is dus, zoals u zegt, heel erg belangrijk te werken aan preventie, aan de vele dingen die mensen thuis kunnen doen. Daarvoor hebben wij veel innovatie en hoogtechnologische doorbraken nodig. Het is tegenwoordig tenslotte al mogelijk om met je smartphone je diabetespatroon bij te houden, je kunt ermee bijhouden wat voor medicatie je nodig hebt. Wellicht dat je er in de toekomst ook betere zorg op afstand mee kunt krijgen en thuis zelf beter kunt testen of je diabetes hebt.

Er zijn daar dus kansen voor een vernieuwende en hoog-technologische aanpak en dat moet juist in die active and healthy aging strategie, in de digitale agenda worden opgenomen. Verder is het belangrijk dat ook wordt gewerkt aan het vergemakkelijken van de toegang tot een ander land voor deze producten, want op dit moment is er eigenlijk nauwelijks echt goed vrij verkeer van medische innovaties. De zorg kan slimmer, efficiënter en goedkoper, en ook moet er meer daadwerkelijke steun komen voor mensen die nog niet weten dat ze diabetes hebben.


  Cristian Silviu Buşoi (ALDE). - Dacă analizăm cu atenție cifrele privind prevalența diabetului în rândul populației Uniunii Europene, fie că vorbim de diabet de tip 1 sau de tip 2, în mod evident se impun eforturi serioase de combatere a diabetului. Vreau să insist și eu asupra prevenției atât pentru că prevenția este cea mai bună din punctul de vedere al eficienței costurilor, cât și pentru că, din păcate, atât în cazul diabetului, cât și al altor boli cronice, în acest moment ne concentrăm mai mult pe tratament și mai puțin pe prevenție. Promovarea unui mod de viață sănătos şi combaterea factorilor de risc sunt esențiale pentru abordarea acestei boli.

De asemenea, faptul că acum dezbatem programul de cercetare Orizont 2020 este o excelentă oportunitate pentru a îmbunătăți sistemul, pentru a coordona mai bine efortul de cercetare în domeniul diabetului și pentru a asigura finanțarea și infrastructura necesare. Avem nevoie de o strategie europeană care să pună accentul pe prevenție, diagnosticare timpurie și eficientă, managementul acestei boli, informarea populației și cercetarea în domeniu.


  Γεώργιος Παπανικολάου (PPE). - Κύριε Πρόεδρε, θα μιλήσω για τον παιδικό διαβήτη, ένα θέμα που παρακολουθώ πολύ στενά και για ένα πρόσθετο προσωπικό λόγο, διότι ενάμισι χρόνο πριν, η εξάχρονη σήμερα ανιψιά μου - ένα μοναδικό παιδί - διαγνώστηκε ότι πάσχει από διαβήτη τύπου Α.

Θα θυμάμαι πάντα τις πρώτες προσπάθειες των γονιών, θα θυμάμαι την προσπάθεια του πατέρα της να συνεννοηθεί με τον ασφαλιστικό του φορέα για να εξηγήσει ότι το ταμείο του έπρεπε να καλύπτει και τον ειδικό εξοπλισμό που χρειάζεται το παιδί για την μέτρηση του ζαχάρου, διότι αυτός δεν είχε συμπεριληφθεί στις ρυθμίσεις που είχαν συμφωνήσει.

Θα θυμάμαι ότι, όταν πήγαν το παιδί στον δημόσιο παιδικό σταθμό στον οποίο είχε γίνει δεκτό, μετά τη διάγνωση και σύμφωνα με τις συμβουλές των γιατρών, κάποιοι προσπάθησαν να πείσουν τους γονείς ότι το παιδί πρέπει να πάει αργότερα στο σχολείο για να μπορέσει, όπως έλεγαν, να σταθεροποιηθεί.

Αυτό που θέλω να πω είναι ότι υπάρχει ακόμη και σήμερα στη σύγχρονη Ευρώπη μεγάλη άγνοια για τα θέματα αυτά. Υπάρχουν προκαταλήψεις και παρανοήσεις που τελικά οδηγούν σε διακριτική μεταχείριση, κάτι που, όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε πολύ καλά, δεν επιτρέπεται. Ειδικά στον τομέα της ενημέρωσης συνεπώς, πρέπει να κάνουμε πολύ σοβαρή και έντονη προσπάθεια.

Το παιδί που πάσχει από παιδικό διαβήτη θα μεγαλώσει και αυτό όπως όλα τα παιδιά, θα κάνει και αυτό οικογένεια όπως όλα τα παιδιά, θα ζήσει και αυτό ευτυχισμένο όπως όλα τα παιδιά.


  Jaroslav Paška (EFD). - Rozširujúca sa epidémia cukrovky je vážnym problémom civilizovanej spoločnosti a nárast jej incidencie v Únii naozaj nemôžeme prehliadať. Viac ako 90 % ochorení tvorí diabetes druhého typu, u ktorého je strata schopnosti utilizovať glukózu spôsobená nesprávnym stravovaním a nedostatočnou fyzickou aktivitou. Ochorenie, ktoré sa donedávna vyskytovalo prevažne u dospelých, sa už výrazne rozširuje aj v detskej populácii.

Keďže cukrovku nevieme zatiaľ liečiť a ochorenie stále viac strpčuje život pacienta až do jeho smrti, naše opatrenia musia byť orientované do účinnej prevencie spočívajúcej v zmene škodlivých stravovacích návykov a vo zvýšení fyzickej aktivity populácie. Osobitným spoplatnením konzumácie zdravie ohrozujúcich produktov, podobne ako v prípade tabaku či liehu, by sme napríklad mohli prispieť k väčšej orientácii spotrebiteľov na zdravé, prirodzené potravinové produkty. Získané finančné prostriedky by sme následne mohli využiť na stimuláciu spoločnosti k pravidelnému ľahkému kondičnému športovaniu.

Možností na vytvorenie pozitívnych zmien súčasných návykov je iste viac, len s nimi musí Komisia vedieť kreatívne pracovať a potom ich aj efektívne zavádzať do života.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE). - Diabetes sa vyskytuje v členských štátoch Európskej únie čoraz častejšie a zasahuje životy približne 32 miliónov občanov, čo reprezentuje takmer 10 % európskej populácie. Diabetes je taktiež príčinou až 325 tisíc úmrtí v rámci EÚ. Diabetes typu 2 má za následok skrátenie dĺžky života o 5 až 10 rokov a diabetes typu 1 až okolo 20 rokov života. Do roku 2025 sa zvýši počet ľudí trpiacich na diabetes asi o ďalších 16 %.

Výdavky na liečbu na každého občana EÚ trpiaceho na diabetes predstavujú v priemere 10 až 18,5 % celkových výdavkov na zdravotníctvo danej krajiny. A potrebujeme tu aj koordináciu na európskej úrovni, aj keď zdravotníctvo iste patrí do suverenity každej krajiny a každá krajina by mala mať svoj akčný plán. Mali by sme teda podporovať aj boj proti obezite a propagovať zdravý životný štýl.


(Ende des „catch the eye“-Verfahrens)


  Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, Baroness Ludford and Mr Papanikolaou also rightly mentioned diabetes Type 1, which raises a couple of related issues. The first is early identification, because this allows treatment to start as early as possible.

The issue of early diagnosis, as well as the issues that Mr Papanikolaou mentioned, could be addressed within the reflection process on chronic diseases. Certainly, training for medical doctors to ensure effective early diagnosis across the EU is crucial.

With regard to Type 2 diabetes, I understand the pressure to develop a disease-by-disease strategy, but I believe that a Commission strategy on nutrition-, weight- and obesity-related health issues is still very relevant in terms of supporting national strategies in this area.

This was a very good debate, and the Commission will definitely continue to play its part in fighting diabetes.


  Sarah Ludford (ALDE). - Mr President, I just wanted to point out that I am afraid the Commissioner misunderstood Mr Papanikolaou – if I may take his name in vain – because he was talking about something I am associated with, Type 1 diabetes.

For a child at school, the question has nothing to do with the general issues of chronic diseases. It is about whether a school is equipped to deal with the specific demands of a child with diabetes, which involve insulin injections, blood sugar monitoring and so on. I think bringing chronic diseases into that situation shows a complete misunderstanding of the specific demands of diabetes – and particularly Type 1 diabetes – and children.


  Andris Piebalgs, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, as I understood it, it was Type 1 diabetes, but that does not exclude that in general we should really increase awareness of it, so I take the point fully.


  Nicolai Wammen, formand for Rådet. − Hr. formand! Ærede medlemmer af Europa-Parlamentet! Hr. kommissær! Tak for en vigtig og - synes jeg også - rigtig god debat her i dag. Det er helt klart, at der er brug for, at der bliver sat fokus på diabetes og andre kroniske sygdomme i medlemslandene, hos Kommissionen og selvfølgelig også her i Europa-Parlamentet. Jeg vil også gerne takke Busuttil, Ludford, Kukovič og Schaldemose for deres anerkendelse af det danske formandskabs indsats på dette område. Jeg er glad for at kunne sige, at det er det nuværende trioformandskab, Polen, Danmark og Cypern, som har særligt fokus på denne problemstilling. Under det danske formandskab har vi valgt kroniske sygdomme, med diabetes som modelsygdom, som et særligt prioriteret område, og min tilstedeværelse på vegne af den danske regering her i dag er også et udtryk for dette engagement.

Jeg vil derfor gerne takke Europa-Parlamentet for muligheden for, at vi i fællesskab kan finde løsninger for de mange mennesker, som er ramt af sygdommen. Sammen kan vi med Kommissionen, Parlamentet og med landene give bedre livskvalitet til de mange mennesker, der i dag er ramt af diabetes, og vi kan i fællesskab arbejde for at forhindre, at millioner af europæere og deres familier i fremtiden kommer til at lide under sygdommen. Jeg vil derfor også sige, at det er en utrolig vigtig debat, som fortsætter efter i dag, og jeg vil give tilsagn om, at det danske formandskab hele vejen frem til afslutningen af vores periode og i samarbejde med senere formandskaber vil gøre, hvad vi kan for at beholde dette vigtige emne på den europæiske dagsorden. Jeg ønsker Parlamentet, Kommissionen og medlemslandene god arbejdslyst og ser frem til, at vi i fællesskab kan løfte opgaven til gavn for millioner af europæere i alle vores medlemslande.


  Der Präsident. − Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurden gemäß Artikel 115 Absatz 5 der Geschäftsordnung vier Entschließungsanträge eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet am Mittwoch, 14. März, um 12.00 Uhr statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Anneli Jäätteenmäki (ALDE), kirjallinen. Terveys on kuin luottamus. Sen arvon ymmärtää usein vasta kun sen on menettänyt. Diabetes on yksi yleisimmistä tarttumattomista taudeista. Se koskettaa yli 32 miljoonaa EU-kansalaista eli lähes kymmentä prosenttia unionin koko väestöstä. Diabetes vaikuttaa elämänlaatuun. Se aiheuttaa myös lisätauteja. Lisäksi se lisää kuolleisuutta.

Diabetesta ja muita kansantauteja vastaan on taisteltava. Tarvitaan kansallisia toimia, mutta myös eurooppalaisia. Tällä hetkellä ainoastaan 16 EU-maassa on kansallinen toimintaohjelma diabeteksen torjumiseksi. Loppujen 11 maan on syytä laatia sellainen mitä pikimmiten. Pelkkä halu syödä ja elää terveellisesti ei aina riitä. Terveellisistä elämäntavoista tarvitaan myös tietoa. Täten voidaan ehkäistä erityisesti tyypin 2 diabetesta. Tyypin 1 diabeteksen riskitekijöiden tunnistamiseksi tarvitaan lisätutkimusta, esimerkiksi perinnöllisyyteen liittyen. Lopuksi haluaisin peräänkuuluttaa meiltä päättäjiltä myös uskallusta tehdä päätöksiä, joilla tuetaan terveellisiä valintoja.


  Elżbieta Katarzyna Łukacijewska (PPE), na piśmie. Koleżanki i Koledzy! W ostatnich latach odnotowuje się wzrost zachorowalności na cukrzycę. Problem dotyka coraz większą liczbę obywateli, w samej Unii Europejskiej choruje ponad 32 mln osób. Dane są niepokojące, dlatego uważam, że należy jak najszybciej wdrożyć unijną strategię w sprawie cukrzycy, która dotyczyłaby zapobiegania, diagnozowania, zarządzania, edukacji i badań nad wspomnianą problematyką. Według statystyk w Polsce w 2025 roku będzie około 4 miliony osób chorych na cukrzycę. Widać zatem, jak ważne jest, aby kraje członkowskie opracowały i wdrażały krajowe programy przeciwdziałania cukrzycy, ponieważ choroba ta stanowi jedno z głównych nie tylko medycznych, ale także społecznych i ekonomicznych obciążeń zdrowia publicznego oraz opieki zdrowotnej.


  Sirpa Pietikäinen (PPE), kirjallinen. Haluan korostaa päätöslauselman EU:n diabetesepidemian torjumiseksi merkitystä Euroopan terveysagendalla. Diabetes koskettaa arviolta yli 32 miljoonaa EU:n kansalaista, eli lähes kymmentä prosenttia unionin koko väestöstä. Diabetes kuuluu tarttumattomien tautien joukkoon, jotka aiheuttavat nykyisellään 87 prosenttia kuolemista Euroopan unionissa.

Tyypin 2 diabetes on ennalta ehkäistävissä oleva sairaus. Käytäntö kuitenkin nykyisellään on, että sen hoito aloitetaan varsin myöhäisessä vaiheessa, mikä aiheuttaa vakavia terveysvaikutuksia. Kansallisten diabetesohjelmien kärkeen tulisi asettaa juuri varhainen diagnosointi, jotta hoito voidaan aloittaa taudin varhaisemmassa vaiheessa. Lisäksi komission tulisi aloittaa toimet Euroopan laajuisen diabetesstrategian luomiseksi.

YK:n yleiskokous hyväksyi viime kuussa tarttumattomia tauteja koskevan julistuksen. Julkilausuma muistuttaa päättäjiä maailmanlaajuisesti kroonisten sairauksien merkityksestä terveyspolitiikan agendalla. Tärkeimpinä ohjeina julistuksesta nousevat neuvonnan lisääminen, taloudelliset ohjauskeinot, terveellisten elintarvikkeiden aktiivinen edistäminen sekä terveydenhuollon ja palvelujen saatavuus kaikille. Tähän julkilausumaan viitataan myös parlamentin päätöslauselmassa, ja onkin tärkeää, että YK:n julkilausuman suositukset otetaan vakavissaan huomioon.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu (S&D), in writing. Although there is no cure for diabetes, it can often be prevented. In 2007, the Commission published its strategy on nutrition and obesity, which emphasised how clear and accurate information about food can help prevent diseases such as diabetes. So, five years on, what has the strategy achieved? It has promoted voluntary codes and a self-regulatory approach to the advertising of foodstuffs to children. However, according to the Commission’s own progress report, some Member States have not yet adopted a voluntary code, whilst others have no mechanism in place to check whether their code is being implemented.

Unhealthy foods which increase the risk of obesity and diabetes are still being aggressively marketed to children. The strategy on nutrition also highlighted the role of the Health Claims Regulation in ensuring that consumers are not misled by inaccurate or confusing claims. But this regulation cannot function properly because the Commission has not yet proposed key elements of it. So the health claims legislation is not yet in operation and, in the meantime, junk food continues to be advertised to children. The Commission and the Member States must re-think their approach to information and education about food if they are serious about tackling diabetes.


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne. – V mojej krajine, na Slovensku, zaostávame v strednej dĺžke života za priemerom EU ako u mužov, tak aj u žien skoro o 5 rokov. Preto vítam každú iniciatívu na podporu zdravia, ktorú možno implementovať aj do národných programov podpory zdravia. Aj u nás sledujeme nárast incidencie a prevalencie diabetu u dospelých. Za posledných 20 rokov vzrástol takmer dvojnásobne a má tendenciu každoročného rastu.

Vzhľadom na to, že v súčasnosti neexistuje žiadna európska stratégia na riešenie problematiky cukrovky a chýbajú aj finančné prostriedky na konkurencieschopnosť výskumu, ostáva na členských štátoch doplniť národne programy podpory zdravia o diabetologické programy zamerané na podporu zdravia, predovšetkým na postupné budovanie zmeny postojov obyvateľov k vlastnému zdraviu. Aby to však nestálo len na národných programoch, Komisia musí vypracovať cielenú stratégiu EU vo všetkých súvislostiach prevencie, diagnostiky, liečby a výskumu v boji s cukrovkou.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D), în scris. – Consider că, din moment ce aproximativ 10% din populația totală a Uniunii suferă de diabet, trebuie să ne asumăm rolul de lider global în căutarea celor mai potrivite soluții pentru a diminua incidența cazurilor de diabet. Printre lucrurile pe care trebuie să le facem se numără alocarea de fonduri suplimentare măsurilor de prevenire a diabetului în rândul populației și identificarea celor mai potrivite măsuri de îmbunătățire a comportamentului sănătos al consumatorilor. Primii pași în această direcție să spunem că se fac și aici mă refer, în special, la regulamentul privind mențiunile nutriționale și de sănătate înscrise pe produsele alimentare, dar și la reforma politicii agricole comune, care reprezintă o oportunitate pentru creșterea accesului populației la mâncare mai sănătoasă.

Pe lângă măsurile de prevenire, trebuie să avem în vedere depistarea precoce a bolii și, implicit, dezvoltarea unor instrumente adecvate inegalităților sociale din rândul populațiilor expuse la risc. Pentru acest lucru, trebuie să avem acces la date privind bolile cronice în statele membre și trebuie să colaborăm pentru că doar împreună putem depăși provocările științifice. În plus, trebuie să acordăm mai multă atenție educației și rolului acesteia în alegerea celor mai sănătoase modele de consum.


(Die Sitzung wird um 19.50 Uhr unterbrochen und um 21.00 Uhr wieder aufgenommen.)



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