 Πλήρες κείμενο 
Διαδικασία : 2011/2884(RSP)
Διαδρομή στην ολομέλεια
Διαδρομή του εγγράφου : B7-0125/2012

Κείμενα που κατατέθηκαν :


Συζήτηση :

PV 14/03/2012 - 6
CRE 14/03/2012 - 6

Ψηφοφορία :

PV 14/03/2012 - 9.11
Αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου
Αιτιολογήσεις ψήφου

Κείμενα που εγκρίθηκαν :


Πληρη πρακτικα των συζητησεων
Τετάρτη 14 Μαρτίου 2012 - Στρασβούργο

6. Έκθεση σχετικά με τη διεύρυνση για την Ισλανδία (συζήτηση)
Βίντεο των παρεμβάσεων
Συνοπτικά πρακτικά

  El Presidente. − El siguiente punto es el debate sobre las declaraciones del Consejo y de la Comisión sobre el Informe de situación 2011 sobre Islandia (2011/2884(RSP)).


  Nicolai Wammen, President-in-Office of the Council. − Mr President, honourable Members, Commissioner Füle, let us now turn to Iceland and underline a number of points which are also duly reflected in your resolution.

On 5 December last year, the Council welcomed the Commission’s progress report on Iceland and took good note of its findings and recommendations. Iceland has indeed made good progress over the last year and has continued to do so in the first months of 2012. The process of screening the acquis is almost complete, and there is good momentum in the negotiations.

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Iceland, where I met with leaders in Icelandic politics, including the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister and other leaders. I made it very clear that we want to continue this process in a very constructive dialogue.

Due to its membership of the European Economic Area and Schengen, Iceland has come to the negotiations with another starting point. In a large number of policy fields, Iceland already lives up to – or is very close to – the acquis. In this regard it is worth noticing that we managed to simultaneously open and close the very symbolic Chapter 23 on judicial matters.

I would also like to add that Iceland benefits from a very professional administration and a very committed and professional negotiating team, also at political level. This impression was strongly confirmed when I met with the Icelandic leadership a short while ago.

The Council is committed to moving the negotiation process forward. As the Presidency we take this mandate very seriously and will push those negotiations forward as much as possible within the merit-based approach. It is clear to all that there can be no shortcuts to membership for any countries and that Iceland will, of course, have to satisfy the same criteria in the enlargement negotiations as the other candidate countries.

In December last year the Council noted with satisfaction Iceland’s progress in stabilising its economy. The recovery from the economic and financial collapse in 2008 and 2009 is well under way. This is not least due to responsible macroeconomic policies and tough decisions on structural and welfare reforms. Also due to this, Iceland successfully completed its IMF programme in August 2011 and has just recently seen itself upgraded by the rating agency Fitch.

Iceland still faces challenges. But with the current economic outlook, we are convinced that Iceland will be able to cope with competitive pressures and market forces within the Union over the medium term.

Let me move on to the state of the actual negotiations. We have now almost completed the screening process, which is a process that examines Iceland’s level of alignment with the acquis. The Council has already received and dealt with all screening reports except those from the fishery chapters. We expect to receive that report around Easter. As for the negotiations of the 35 negotiation chapters, 11 chapters have now been opened and eight have been provisionally closed, thanks to the efforts of previous presidencies.

This is a remarkable result, which underlines Iceland’s very high level of preparedness for membership. It also represents momentum to be upheld, which we will do everything possible to achieve.

The next accession conference with Iceland at deputy level is planned for 30 March. This should allow us to take stock of progress and send clear signals as to Iceland’s and the EU’s shared commitment to uphold momentum. We hope to open at least three new chapters concerning competition policy, energy, and foreign security and defence policy, and also to provisionally close some of those chapters.

The accession conference at ministerial level planned for June will confirm the results of the accession conference in March and sustain the momentum in the negotiations by opening and provisionally closing a further number of chapters.

All in all, we expect negotiations to continue at very good speed this semester. Some more challenging negotiations, such as those on fisheries, lie ahead of us. However, given the commitment and focus from the Icelandic side, we are very confident that, with the right amount of goodwill and political determination, substantial progress can be achieved in these areas as well. I am convinced of the commitment of all parties to bring the negotiations forward.

In conclusion, the aim of the Presidency is to sustain momentum in the negotiations and bring them forward as much as possible. This is a task that we can only achieve with the support and cooperation of the Member States, the Commission and, not least, this Parliament, as this debate will show.

Let me also, on behalf of the Danish Presidency and the Member States, thank this Parliament and in particular your rapporteur, Mr Preda, for the work done on this issue. Your continued commitment to enlargement is vital to its success – as is, of course, your particular role in promoting popular support in the EU for this cause.

The resolution on Iceland and its endorsement in plenary is indeed a forceful political and strategic message. I also believe that, through contacts with fellow parliamentarians from the Althingi in Iceland, this House will be able to make an important and much-needed contribution to enhancing understanding of the EU, the values that we share and the way we work.


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, it is a great pleasure for me to contribute today to your debate on Iceland’s accession and to hear your views on this ambitious project.

I would like to seize this opportunity to congratulate the rapporteur, Mr Preda, on his comprehensive report, which – in my view – is right to the point and well balanced. Since the official opening of the negotiations with Iceland in July 2010, 11 chapters have been opened, out of which eight have now been provisionally closed. This well reflects Iceland’s own merits, its advanced stage of integration with the European Union as a member of the European Economic Area, and the proper functioning of the established enlargement methodology.

Let me also point out that the most recent internal market scoreboard of the European Free Trade Area members of the European Economic Area shows that Iceland is transposing the relevant acquis much better than the average Member State. With 0.5%, it is well below the 1% transposition deficit target set by the European Council of March 2007. Just to add for comparison: the average European Union Member State transposition deficit is 1.2%.

The Commission, together with the Icelandic authorities and the Danish and Cypriot Presidencies, is working to build on this momentum to open as many chapters of the acquis as possible in 2012. All the screening reports have now been presented to the Council with the exception of the one on fisheries which is close to completion. We hope to open up to four chapters at the next Accession Conference on 30 March.

Let us be clear: 2012 will be a decisive year as we are getting ready to start, as soon as possible, negotiations on some of the core chapters, such as on fisheries, agriculture, food safety and environment. In doing so, we will always privilege quality over speed.

Let me now briefly turn to issues of particular interest that were raised by Christian Preda in his report. Iceland was among the first countries to undergo the detrimental effects of the financial crisis and has imposed a number of austerity measures. Thanks to its effort, the economic recovery has continued over the last months with an estimated growth of over 3% for 2012. Iceland should be commended for these efforts.

Let me briefly mention the pre-accession financial support measures that we are providing to Iceland. A total indicative envelope of some EUR 30 million is foreseen for the years 2011-2013, to support strengthening the country’s administrative capacity. The TAIEX instrument is fully operational in a wide range of acquis-related fields.

We are also providing the pre-accession support for information activities. There is a need for a well-informed and balanced debate about the accession process within the European Union and in Iceland. I therefore very much welcome the opening early this year of the European Union Information Centre in Reykjavik. The Centre will play an important role in enabling the Icelandic population to make an informed decision on their European future.

Most opinion polls indicate that the majority of Icelanders are in favour of continuing the accession talks and are willing to exercise their right of decision on a final deal. In spite of the diverging views on European Union accession that exist in Iceland, the progress achieved since our last meeting strongly illustrates Iceland’s commitment to its European Union aspiration and its determination to overcome the challenges ahead.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE. – Iată-ne ajunși în al doilea an în care avem un raport de progres asupra aderării Islandei la Uniune și, la drept vorbind, progresele sunt vizibile. Dacă anul trecut pe vremea asta nu fusese încă deschis sau închis vreun capitol de negociere, acum putem vorbi, așa cum au spus și ministrul Wammen, și comisarul Füle, despre unsprezece capitole de negociere care au fost deschise, dintre care opt au fost închise în mod provizoriu.

Pe parcursul ultimului an, am putut asista, de asemenea, la intensificarea dezbaterii despre aderarea la Uniune în Islanda, tradusă, printre altele, prin reacțiile pe care le-a stârnit chiar punctul 6 al rezoluției pe care o vom vota peste câteva ore. Am subliniat-o și în dialogul cu presa islandeză: este normal ca Parlamentul European să ia notă de restructurarea guvernului islandez și să își exprime încrederea că noua echipă guvernamentală va continua negocierile, cu un angajament mai puternic și mai susținut față de procesul de aderare.

Recentele discuții stârnite de propunerea ca Islanda să adopte ca monedă proprie dolarul canadian sau yenul japonez vădesc, de fapt, faptul că publicul islandez are nevoie de o dezbatere informată despre avantajele și dezavantajele aderării la Uniune Europeană. Am apreciat, în acest context, intervenția dnei prim-ministru din Islanda, care a precizat că alegerea este, de fapt, între a fi un stat membru cu drepturi depline al Uniunii și al zonei euro și, respectiv, de a renunța la suveranitate prin adoptarea unilaterală a unei monede străine.

Închei, așadar, subliniind importanța dezbaterii, deoarece atât cetățenii islandezi, cât și cei europeni trebuie să se cunoască reciproc și să își dorească să facă parte dintr-o comunitate.


  Göran Färm, för S&D-gruppen. – Herr talman! Tack till föredraganden, Christian Dan Preda, för ett gott samarbete. Det känns bra att kunna sända en klar signal till Island att vi ser fram emot att få med Island i EU-familjen. Det vore positivt med en ny medlemsstat med så stark demokratisk tradition och en, faktiskt numera, väl fungerande marknadsekonomi.

Medlemskapet i EES och Schengen gör att Island redan har nära samarbete med EU och har kommit långt i förberedelserna inför en anslutning. Det är därför glädjande att Islands befolkning och parlament vill fullfölja medlemskapsförhandlingarna. Jag hoppas att vi nu också kan få en bra och seriös debatt på Island om vad EU-medlemskap innebär.

Eftersom jag är ledamot av budgetutskottet och ledde en resa för en utskottsdelegation till Island förra året bör jag väl också notera att Islands anslutning inte kommer att innebära någon belastning på EU:s budget. På flera områden anser jag till och med att EU skulle ha en del viktigt att lära av Island. Jag tänker på Islands väg ut ur den ekonomiska krisen. Landet har framgångsrikt genomfört Internationella valutafondens återhämtningsprogram utan den ensidiga åtstramning som dessvärre har tvingats på Grekland, och framgångsrikt infört en strikt kontroll av den finansiella sektorn.

Jag tänker på att Islands medlemskap skulle kunna ge EU en aktivare roll i Arktis och därmed bidra till hållbara lösningar i denna känsliga region. Jag tänker på EU:s fiskeripolitik, där vi inför EU:s kommande reform skulle kunna lära en hel del av Islands mer hållbara fiskerimodell. Jag tänker på energipolitik, där Island som får nästan all sin energi från förnybara källor skulle kunna ge ett värdefullt bidrag genom sin världsledande kunskap om framför allt geotermisk energi.

Dock kvarstår en känslig diskussion med Island om avskaffandet av valfångst och försäljning av valprodukter liksom en del olösta fiske- och jordbruksfrågor. Jag ser fram emot att välkomna Island som EU-medlem, men jag är förstås väl medveten om att utgången av en kommande folkomröstning om EU-medlemskap är långt ifrån självklar. För att det ska kunna bli ett ja krävs inte minst en klok uppgörelse om fiskeripolitiken.


  Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, as all other speakers have said, Iceland is a modern country with a very democratic tradition. It can be an asset to the European Union. If we look today, indeed, the people of Iceland and its government have pulled themselves out of the economic crisis without looking back in anger but looking forward, as the people in Ireland have also done, and this is a big achievement.

Of course there are matters still to be considered. One important thing in this case is that in Iceland the grip of the state on the economy is too great, so they should open their economy to foreign investments, foreign ownership, and indeed competition. This is an important point.

The other thing concerns Icesave. I am from the Netherlands. Concerning the United Kingdom and the Netherlands you can see that the obligations under Icesave have been taken seriously by the Icelandic Government and that the Icelanders are paying back money, so I am confident that they will fulfil all their obligations. Of course we need to monitor, but the prospects are good.

In other words, apart from sustainable fisheries – and I think we have to have a deal on this, a commitment – we can look to future Icelandic EU membership soon and indeed, together with the authorities and the population of Iceland, we have to convince the population that the route to Europe is the best one for such an old and democratic country in such a modern environment.




  Indrek Tarand, fraktsiooni Verts/ALE nimel. – Kuna täna on Eestis emakeelepäev, siis ma tahaksin seda austada eestikeelse kõnega.

Esiteks peame me tähele panema, et Islandist võib kujuneda maailma juhtiv riik informatsiooni ja sõnavabaduse alal, eeskätt tänu IMMI-le - Islandi moodsa meedia initsiatiivile -, ja sellepärast on roheliste poolt ka esitatud muudatusettepanek, mis IMMI meie raportisse sisse tooks, ja ma palun kõikidel, kes suudavad, selle poolt hääletada.

Teiseks on meil eriarvamusi makrellikvootide küsimuses ning raporti üleskutse osapooltele on väga täpne ja asjakohane, aga fraas, mis räägib kalapüügi ajaloolistest õigustest, tuleb välja hääletada, sest kui me vaatame planeedi ajalugu, siis saab meile kohe selgeks, et kalad elasid siin enne inimest ja ajaloolised õigused kalanduses on sarjast „endine Taani Vabariik Island”.

Kolmandaks, Islandil on meile vähemalt üks suur õppetund. Meie siin üksnes räägime vajadusest tagada naiste suurem osalus juhtimises, aga Islandi valitsuse üheksast liikmest on tervelt viis naised, mis teeb riigist unikaalse eeskuju kõigi 27 Euroopa Liidu riigi jaoks. Aitäh!


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Mr President, the ECR Group fully supports Iceland’s eventual accession to the EU. Iceland is a small stable and wealthy democracy and a founder member of NATO and the Council of Europe. It has also made good progress in the accession process. I welcome the fact that Iceland’s Supreme Court has recognised its EEA/EFTA obligations and the jurisdiction of that court regarding compensation for Icesave depositors, which will no doubt come up during the accession negotiations. I understand around one third of the recognised priority claims have now been repaid.

Given Iceland’s successful completion of the IMF’s economic recovery programme last year, and a return to positive economic growth, we have no doubt that the other outstanding claims will be repaid.

With regard to the ongoing mackerel dispute we believe that Iceland must respect its legal obligations and we believe the EU and Iceland to be perfectly capable of engaging in constructive negotiations to resolve this thorny issue. Hopefully we will also see the radical Commissioner Damanaki reforms of the CFP kick in shortly. Ultimately, if after closing all the chapters the Icelandic people in a referendum decide to join the EU, this country will be a model EU Member State and will hopefully entice Norway to join the EU as EFTA would no longer be sustainable without Iceland.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar! Unsere Fraktion verfolgt mit großer Aufmerksamkeit und Anteilnahme die Entwicklung in Island in den letzten Jahren und auch die laufenden intensiven Beitrittsverhandlungen. Dabei schauen wir auf Island vor allem aus dem Blickwinkel, wie es einem von der Einwohnerzahl so kleinen Land gelingt, nicht nur seine jüngste gesellschaftliche Entwicklung aufzuarbeiten, sondern auch Schlüsse zur Überwindung der Ursachen der Krise zu ziehen und umzusetzen.

Wir sehen Island hierbei auf einem sehr guten Weg. Deshalb stellt sich unsere Fraktion zugleich die Frage: Kann Island diese Erfahrungen, etwa mit der nachhaltigen Energiepolitik, auch in den Beitrittsprozess und schlussendlich mit in Europa einbringen? Denn einige ihrer Lösungen gehen weit über die in der EU praktizierte Krisenbewältigung hinaus. Darum geht es uns übrigens im Kern bei jeglichen Beitrittsverhandlungen. Dies setzt voraus, dass Verhandlungen nicht nur in der Form transparent und konstruktiv, sondern auch vom Inhalt her gleichberechtigt und vom Ausgang her nicht vorbestimmt sind.

Einige meiner Kollegen mögen die innenpolitische Konstellation in Island und den Beitritt als politisch nicht effizient betrachten. Der politische Kern jedoch ist ein anderer. Die isländische Bevölkerung, die übrigens sehr proeuropäisch ist – viele Isländer haben in Europa studiert und gearbeitet –, hat eine hohe Erwartung an die Verhandlungen. Doch sie will den Beitritt nicht um jeden Preis. Am Ende muss das Ergebnis abgewogen werden, und das ist zutiefst demokratisch, zu begrüßen und durch uns zu unterstützen.

Von dieser Überlegung heraus wird sich meine Fraktion bei der Abstimmung zum Bericht von Herrn Preda – dem ich für seinen recht ausgewogenen Bericht danken möchte – der Stimme enthalten. Warum? Vor dem Hintergrund meiner Ausführungen enthält der Bericht Positionen, die wir nicht mittragen können. Zwei seien genannt: Wenn wir akzeptieren – und unsere Fraktion tut das –, dass der Beitrittsprozess bis zur finalen Bewertung der Ergebnisse der Verhandlungen offen ist, dann können wir jetzt nicht so tun, als ob die Entscheidung bereits gefallen ist.

Zweitens – in Ziffer 5 – fordert der Bericht eine Reduzierung des staatlichen Einflusses auf den Bankensektor. Gerade hier aber hatte Island besondere Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, die wir nicht ignorieren, sondern vielmehr studieren und inkludieren sollten.


  Mike Nattrass (NI). - Mr President, between 1958 and 1976 Iceland fought the cod wars with Britain. Now cod stocks are rising because of Icelandic fish management.

Compare that with the former UK fishing grounds, now in EU hands. Lost and ruined. The UK’s European dream turned into a nightmare. Established fishing communities die when the EU boats move in.

My message to Iceland is obvious. If you join you will lose your fish, your freedom and your currency and there is no regard for quotas or regulations in the EU. For the love of cod, do not do this. Say no.


  Gunnar Hökmark (PPE). - Mr President, Iceland is a small country but of great importance. It has contributed to forming our understanding of democracy and of the safeguarding of citizens’ rights. There is in the Nordic area a mythical character to its democratic tradition that is based on reality.

I think it is important to look at and discuss the details in the negotiations but also to see the bigger perspective. A European Union reaching from Iceland to Cyprus will not only be a better Union but also a stronger Union. Stronger in the Nordic area, stronger in the Arctic area, but also stronger in the sense that is proving, as Iceland has demonstrated, that you can deal with economic crisis as a modern market economy and you can deal with all the future challenges.

And I think it is important that we secure an agreement with Iceland that can get the full support of the Icelandic people.


  Pat the Cope Gallagher (ALDE). - A Uachtaráin, cuirim fáilte roimh an dul chun cinn atá déanta go dtí seo le hidirbheartaíocht na hÍoslainne agus an Aontais. Is léiriú den dea-chaidreamh atá ann idir an dá thaobh go bhfuil aon chaibidil déag oscailte agus dhá cheann dúnta go coinníollach. Creidim go láidir go rachaidh aontachas na hÍoslainne leis an Aontas chun tairbhe an Aontais agus na hÍoslainne. Ag deireadh an lae is faoi mhuintir na hÍoslainne féin a bheidh sé an cinneadh a dhéanamh.

Tá gaolta láidir cruthaithe ag Parlaimint na hEorpa le baill den Alþingi. Beidh mé féin, mar cheannaire ar an toscaireacht ó Pharlaimint na hEorpa go Réicivíc, ag dul ansin ag tús na míosa seo chugainn chun freastal ar chruinniú comhchoiste pharlaimintigh. Tá leasú curtha síos agam go comhpháirteach leis an rapóirtéir, an tUasal Preda, agus leis an Uasal Färm i rún ar thuarascáil an lae inniu. Ar ndóigh, is cúis bróin é gur theip ar na stáit chósta teacht ar chomhréiteach maidir le roinnt murlas agus ar deireadh tá todhchaí an stoic i mbaol agus caithfimid ár ndícheall a dhéanamh na daoine seo a thabhairt ar ais le chéile agus ar ndóigh tá bearta trádála nua á dtabhairt isteach ag an gCoimisiún.


  Francisco José Millán Mon (PPE). - Señor Presidente, hablar de la ampliación invita al optimismo. Ningún Estado miembro quiere salir de la Unión; todo lo contrario, son varios los que quieren entrar, entre ellos Islandia. Celebro su deseo de integración y el buen ritmo de las negociaciones de adhesión.

Digo adhesión porque se trata de eso, de adherirse, de aceptar el acervo de la Unión. Las negociaciones persiguen fijar las adaptaciones que el adherente debe llevar a cabo para hacer suyo ese acervo y los tiempos para ello.

La Comisión, en su informe de octubre de 2011, nos dice que todavía no hay cambios en la legislación islandesa en materia de pesca y que no está en sintonía con el acervo de la Unión. Las restricciones existentes sobre inversión extranjera en pesca tampoco se atienen al acervo: vulneran principios fundamentales, como el derecho de establecimiento y la libertad de circulación de capitales y de servicios.

Islandia es un importante país pesquero, como lo es mi país, España, y mi Comunidad Autónoma, Galicia. La integración de Islandia fortalecerá el sector de la pesca en la Unión, pero Islandia, señor Presidente, no puede quedarse al margen del Derecho de la Unión en este sector. Le pido a la Comisión que preste la máxima atención a este asunto.


„Catch the eye“-Verfahren


  Petru Constantin Luhan (PPE). - Mr President, first of all I would like to congratulate Mr Preda for his very good but also realistic report. The 2011 enlargement report on Iceland clearly demonstrates Iceland’s advanced level of preparation. The closure of eight negotiation chapters is most welcome, but the challenging negotiations are yet to come, and I mean here chapters such as fisheries and agriculture, which will need special attention given that circumstances in Iceland are different from those of other European countries.

Greater importance should also be given to negotiations on chapters such as regional policy, the environment and economic and monetary policy. I saw that according to the recent poll the majority of Icelanders still oppose EU membership, since 67% are against and only 33% in favour of accession, but my remark is that in the last year support for the EU in both candidate and Member States has been very low, and therefore Iceland should continue to remain committed to the conclusion of the accession talks.


  Robert Atkins (ECR). - Mr President, many of us are ready to welcome Iceland into the European Union, but we have serious reservations about negotiating with a candidate country which is determined to continue in its predation upon the northern European mackerel stocks whilst discussing aspects of the common fisheries policy which it wants to be changed. They are not alone in that.

Iceland has the oldest parliament in the world and we have much in common, but the government and people of Iceland must understand that their intransigence on fisheries and agriculture will require a spirit of flexibility and understanding to overcome this. The British people wish them well in their application.


  Andrew Henry William Brons (NI). - Mr President, if the British Parliament is the mother of parliaments, then the Icelandic Althing is the grandmother of parliaments. With this democratic pedigree, is it really going to give away its independence and its parliamentary democracy to the undemocratic EU, in which the unelected Commission has a monopoly of legislative initiative?

The report, in its patronising way, commends Iceland for its record on human rights. What should Iceland make of such a commendation from an EU with Member States that ban political parties and lock people up for heretical opinions and that has a Commissioner who salivates at the prospect of locking up a well-known Dutch politician?

In the early 1970s, some thought that it was Britain’s irresistible charm and charisma that attracted the EEC. I am afraid not: it was our fish, and that explains Iceland’s popularity too.

All new members are eventually expected to join the euro. Iceland emerged from its crisis by devaluation three years ago, a choice that is not available for a member of the euro area.


  Paul Rübig (PPE). - Herr Präsident, ich freue mich, dass es gelungen ist, die Gespräche mit Island in eine sehr positive Richtung zu führen. Insbesondere im Bereich Energie verzeichnen wir große Fortschritte und gemeinsame Zukunftschancen. Die Geothermik, die dort, wie ich glaube, den höchsten Stand weltweit erreicht hat, ist ein exzellenter Exportartikel und wird auch dementsprechend viel Geld nach Island bringen. Island ist aber auch sehr aktiv bei Osmosekraftwerken, also bei der Stromerzeugung aus Süßwasser, das in Flüssen in das Meer läuft, und bei dem die dann ablaufende chemische Reaktion für die Stromerzeugung verwendet wird, oder z. B. bei Gezeitenkraftwerken. Hier kann sich Island eine völlig neue Industrie und eine gute Zukunft erarbeiten, und ich glaube, hier haben wir große gemeinsame Chancen, für Island einen neuen Reichtum zu schaffen.


Ende des „Catch the eye“-Verfahrens


  Štefan Füle, Member of the Commission. − Mr President, today’s discussion clearly demonstrates that Iceland is well engaged in the accession process and that continued commitment on all sides should ensure that negotiations can proceed effectively.

As I mentioned, this year will be a decisive year as we are reaching the stage where the real negotiations start. The Commission will exert all efforts to allow the discussions to start as soon as possible on as many chapters as possible, including on the core chapters. In those discussions we are ready to take into account Iceland’s specificities and expectations, while fully safeguarding the principles of the Union and the requirements of the negotiating framework. I remain confident that, with joint and determined efforts, we will be able to find a win-win solution to overcome the challenges ahead.

I would like to offer my appreciation to the Members of this esteemed House for their continuing support for the ongoing accession process with Iceland.


  Nicolai Wammen, formand for Rådet. − Hr. formand! Ærede medlemmer, kommissær Füle! Jeg vil gerne på formandskabets vegne takke for en god og konstruktiv debat, når det gælder Island og forhandlingerne.

Jeg vil sige det meget klart, at det danske formandskab sammen med Kommissionen vil gøre alt, hvad vi kan, for at bringe forhandlingerne så langt frem som muligt. Derudover har vi også et tæt samarbejde med det kommende cypriotiske formandskab i den sammenhæng.

Der er ingen tvivl om, at Island er kommet meget langt. Ikke blot vil Island kunne tilbyde meget til EU, men EU vil også vil kunne tilbyde meget til Island, og derfor må vi nu bruge alle vores kræfter i fællesskab på at få åbnet og lukket så mange kapitler som muligt. Vi ved godt, at der ligger svære udfordringer forude, når det gælder fiskeri, men det er så den opgave, vi i fællesskab må søge at løse. Det danske formandskab vil gøre alt, hvad der står i dets magt, for at støtte op om den proces, og vi hilser også forhandlingerne mellem Kommissionen og Island meget velkomne.


  Der Präsident. − Zum Abschluss der Aussprache wurde gemäß Artikel 110 Absatz 2 der Geschäftsordnung ein Entschließungsantrag eingereicht.

Die Aussprache ist geschlossen.

Die Abstimmung findet heute um 12.00 Uhr statt.

Schriftliche Erklärungen (Artikel 149 GO)


  Zuzana Brzobohatá (S&D), písemně Vítám vývoj, kterým Island během posledních měsíců prošel, zejména pokud jde o ekonomické reformy vedoucí ke zvládnutí ekonomické krize, posilování vnitřní ochrany lidských práv, opatření proti korupci i slaďování islandské legislativy s evropskou. Ačkoliv jsem si vědoma, že jednání o některých otázkách, jako jsou volný pohyb kapitálu či rybolovná politika, přinesou ještě řadu obtíží, věřím, že Island podnikl rázný krok ke svému budoucímu členství v Evropské unii. Nesmíme ovšem zapomínat, že závěrečné rozhodnutí nebude ležet na právnících či politicích, ale demokraticky o něm rozhodnou v referendu sami občané.


  Ivari Padar (S&D), kirjalikult Härra president! Tänan raportööri tasakaaluka resolutsiooni teksti eest! Põhjaeurooplasena on mul muidugi suur heameel toetada Islandi liitumist Euroopa Liiduga. Tegemist on Põhjala riigiga, kellel on Euroopaga pikad kultuurilised ja ajaloolised sidemed. Minu kui eestlase jaoks on väikeriik Island veel hea näide julgelt ja ettenägelikult käituvast riigist, kes seisab demokraatlike põhimõtete eest. Island on ühtlasi esimene riik maailmas, kes tunnustas Eesti Vabariigi taasiseseisvust, mille eest oleme talle tänulikud. Loomulikult peab Islandi rahvas liitumise osas üksmeelele jõudma. Soovin neile selleks edu ja jõudu! Tänan tähelepanu eest.

Ανακοίνωση νομικού περιεχομένου - Πολιτική απορρήτου