 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2011/0144(COD)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclo relativo al documento : A7-0449/2011

Textos presentados :


Debates :

PV 22/05/2012 - 12
CRE 22/05/2012 - 12

Votaciones :

PV 23/05/2012 - 8.1
CRE 23/05/2012 - 8.1
Explicaciones de voto
Explicaciones de voto

Textos aprobados :


Acta literal de los debates
Martes 22 de mayo de 2012 - Estrasburgo

12. Recuperación del atún rojo en el Atlántico oriental y en el Mediterráneo (debate)
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  Presidente. − L'ordine del giorno reca la relazione di Raül Romeva i Rueda, a nome della commissione per la pesca, sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio recante modifica del regolamento (CE) n. 302/2009 concernente un piano pluriennale di ricostituzione del tonno rosso nell'Atlantico orientale e nel Mediterraneo (COM(2011)0330 - C7-0154/2011 - 2011/0144(COD)) (A7-0449/2011).


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, rapporteur. − Madam President, last January a bluefin tuna caught off the coast of north-eastern Japan reached a record high in the first auction of the fish market in Tsukiji in Tokyo, reaching EUR 570 000. The price of this 269 kilo tuna beats last year’s previous record of EUR 320 000. This is simply crazy and explains how important this business is.

Tomorrow the European Parliament will vote on EU legislation introducing new internationally-agreed rules for the bluefin tuna fishery in European waters. As the 2012 bluefin fishing season opened last week, the rules clearly need to be swiftly implemented. In addition to quotas, these rules set out the conditions, practice and equipment for the fishing and farming of these iconic and endangered fish species. Unfortunately the rules fall far short of what international scientific advice deems necessary to give this unique, beautiful and highly priced fish species a decent chance of recovering from its current critically low stock levels.

The sorry state of bluefin tuna in the Atlantic and Mediterranean is well known. Atlantic bluefin tuna stocks have declined by up to three-quarters over the past 40 years and, given the long reproductive cycle of the fish, the prospects for recovery are not good. Documented and legal over-fishing of bluefin has been really exacerbated by illegal, regulated and unreported fishing of these high-value fish. High profile cases of this kind included last year’s illegal fishing in Libyan waters during the war.

The heavy involvement of organised crime in the fishing and farming of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean is also a major cause of concern. Furthermore, given the scale of illegal and unreported fishing, it is impossible to get an accurate picture of how many fish are being caught. However, different estimates suggest the amounts being caught are multiples of the actual allowed quotas, which themselves are already unsustainable.

In that sense, this new legislation, although necessary, represents a missed opportunity for the EU to take meaningful steps to prevent the demise of bluefin tuna. Instead, Europe is continuing to hide behind the fig-leaf offered by ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), or rather its contractual parties.

Many of us believe that, ultimately, only a complete ban on commercial fishing would give the species a fighting chance of recovery. Failing that, ICCAT should be agreeing to completely close certain areas for bluefin fishing, particularly during the spawning season, rather than simply adopting half-hearted quotas that are not in line with scientific advice.

I tried this with the previous amendments to my report, but unfortunately the majority of my colleagues did not follow this. That was bad luck. Still I believe that the EU, as the main fisher of this stock, must accept a large chunk of responsibility for driving bluefin tuna to the brink. Tougher controls of the fleet and the related industry are also necessary to prevent illegal fishing and over-fishing. The EU must mobilise more resources to this end and assist other ICCAT members that lack the resources for proper enforcement. This is particularly true in the Mediterranean.

The EU legislation set to be adopted tomorrow represents the bare minimum and is simply a minimalist implementation of the international ICCAT recovery plan. While there are some slight improvements, with the reduction of the amount of bluefin tuna that can be caught and tightening of controls, it still falls far below what scientists believe is necessary to give the bluefin stock a fighting chance of recovery.

But I insist once again that there is nothing stopping the EU from adopting more ambitious measures. That is what I expected to have in the report and that is the least we can do in the future, especially when we meet with the other ICCAT contractual parties in November.


  Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. − Madam President, on behalf of my colleague Ms Damanaki, I would like to thank Mr Romeva for the work he has done on this report, and I am also very pleased to see the strong support from the Fisheries Committee on the substance of this important proposal.

The rapporteur is absolutely right: the recovery of bluefin tuna is a very important issue because this is the most important species covered by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) and currently the only one subject to a multi-annual recovery plan. The EU has been a leading force behind this multi-annual recovery plan, and the aim of the Commission’s proposal is to transpose into EU law a recommendation adopted in the ICCAT framework. The recommendation sets out a number of management measures to support the recovery of bluefin tuna.

These measures were adopted by ICCAT as early as November 2010, and have been in force since June 2011. A week ago, and for the second time, we entered a fishing season without such management measures being transposed into EU law. This could jeopardise the uniform application of the measures within the EU and make them more difficult to enforce vis-à-vis individuals. It is therefore vital that we transpose ICCAT measures into EU law without delay. Not doing so would certainly set us back from a conservation standpoint, and it would also seriously undermine the credibility of the EU in ICCAT and internationally.

I therefore warmly welcome both co-legislators’ efforts to conclude this matter rapidly. The Commission can accept the compromise text agreed in the last trialogue but it will make a declaration that this is without prejudice to its future position as regards recourse to implementing acts for the effective transposition of international conservation and management measures adopted by regional fisheries management organisations.

I would like, once again, to thank the rapporteur and the Fisheries Committee for their work, and I am looking forward to the debate.


  Daciana Octavia Sârbu, Raportoare pentru aviz, Comisia pentru mediu, sănătate publică şi siguranţă alimentară. − Avem astăzi prilejul să discutăm despre unul dintre riscurile concrete ce vizează securitatea alimentară: ameninţările majore la adresa rezervelor de peşte la nivel global. Peştele are un rol esenţial pentru o alimentaţie sănătoasă, fiind una dintre cele mai recomandate surse de proteină animală. Această resursă vitală este decimată de exploatarea nesustenabilă prin practici piscicole care nu ţin cont de securitatea alimentară pe termen lung, dar şi prin abuzurile ce ţin de pescuitul ilegal.

Vreau să mulţumesc raportorului pentru eforturile sale de a întări regulile ce privesc pescuitul de ton roşu. În acelaşi timp, îmi exprim dezamăgirea că amendamentele sale şi amendamentele noastre, similare, din Comisia pentru mediu, sănătate publică şi siguranţă alimentară, nu au primit suficientă susţinere. Măsurile prevăzute de noul acord internaţional vor asigura o implementare şi o aplicare mai bună a regulilor existente.

Este un pas foarte important. Ţin să le mulţumesc celor care au făcut posibilă intrarea în vigoare a acestor îmbunătăţiri înainte de începerea noului sezon, însă realitatea ne arată în mod clar că aceste măsuri nu vor fi suficiente. Viitoarele acorduri vor trebui să fie mult mai ambiţioase dacă ne propunem cu adevărat să protejăm mediul marin şi sursa de hrană sănătoasă pe care ne-o oferă.


  Carmen Fraga Estévez, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señora Presidenta, creo yo, al contrario que mis colegas, que el Parlamento ha conseguido traer a primera lectura un texto muy equilibrado entre las medidas que son necesarias para la protección y la recuperación del atún rojo acordadas en la CICAA, el mantenimiento de la actividad de la flota y el refuerzo de las medidas de control.

Por ello, la Comisión de Pesca ha eliminado algunas de las propuestas maximalistas del ponente, que hubieran supuesto la paralización de la actividad de la flota de los buques comunitarios –y solo de los buques comunitarios–, con las desastrosas consecuencias socioeconómicas que ello hubiera implicado.

Hay que recordar que, desde el año 2006, el atún rojo ha estado sometido a sucesivos planes de recuperación y que cambiar las reglas del juego a mitad de la partida, solo para la flota comunitaria, además de injusto y discriminatorio, difícilmente aportaría beneficio alguno a la sostenibilidad del recurso, ya que el resto de las flotas podrían seguir faenando.

Por último, quisiera insistir en la necesidad de abreviar los plazos en la transposición a la normativa comunitaria de las recomendaciones adoptadas en el seno de las ORP. En este caso, el retraso ha sido debido a la incomprensible oposición de la Comisión Europea y de algunos grupos de este Parlamento a incluir previsiones de actos de ejecución en el articulado de este Reglamento, algo que razonablemente había sido solicitado por el Consejo, con el fin de obtener seguridad jurídica en la interpretación de determinados aspectos técnicos que podrían impedir el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de control impuestas por la CICAA.

Por ello, nuestro grupo político va a oponerse a la declaración unilateral del Parlamento propuesta en la enmienda 4.


  Chris Davies, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – (microphone switched off) … of the world have been devastated, destroyed by up to 97% in recent decades. Others say that actually the stocks are quite healthy and that we can carry on as we are with no problem at all.

There is a plan here to try to achieve maximum sustainable yield by 2022 and a restoration of biomass. This is a credible target. If we can indeed achieve that for fish stocks across the whole of the European Union, across the world, then we will be well pleased.

The control measures that ICAT is introducing, the rules and regulations, are on paper as good as you will see anywhere. They are, in fact, tighter than those in place anywhere else. But this, of course, is not an ordinary fish. This is a fish, as the rapporteur has said, which can command prices of up to EUR 500 000 for a single fish. That means that every method that we try to put in place to control fishing activity will be circumvented if it can be circumvented. Organised crime may be involved, as the money that is involved in this industry is just huge. That is why quotas are being exceeded, why there have been illegal catches and cases of massive under-reporting and falsification of documents over the years.

Even now, the Pew Environment Trust is saying that, looking at the most recent figures from across the world, it is quite clear from the amount of world trade taking place that the quotas for the Mediterranean and the Atlantic bluefin tuna – quotas that in theory represent the maximum that can be caught – are being greatly exceeded.

Well, I suppose that this is a test: can we in practice ensure that bluefin tuna are protected and survive and that we are able to recover the species, or will we see it eliminated for the sake of greed? Well, what can we say? We are putting in the measures, we are calling for the maximum criminal penalties to be put in place to enforce those measures. But we will see as time passes whether we are successful or not.


  Struan Stevenson, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, with regard to the sale of a bluefin tuna at the beginning of this year in the fish market in Tokyo, referred to by both Chris Davies and Mr Romeva i Rueda, the fish in question weighed 270 kilos and was sold for EUR 575 000, that is EUR 2 000 a kilo. That shows that what Chris Davies was saying is absolutely right. However, I have to correct him, as the average price for bluefin tuna is about USD 10 000, or the equivalent in euros.

Bluefin tuna are prized for their red, meaty flesh by sushi eaters, and the eastern Atlantic stock of bluefin tuna has been plundered to the point where it was almost listed as an endangered species in 2009. This, of course, met with fierce opposition from Japan, which consumes 80% of the world’s catch of bluefin tuna.

Such is the value of this iconic fish that it is estimated that around a third of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock of bluefin tuna is being sold on the black market. This is, therefore, a hugely lucrative industry that often involves gangsters and other criminals. That is why the Romeva i Rueda report is so important. The bluefin tuna stocks have been slowly recovering due to the diligence of the European Fisheries Agency in Vigo, but more needs to be done. That is why we are calling for a further reduction on the annual total allowable catch, with a tightening up of controls and further measures to reduce fleet capacity.

Of course, EU countries are not the only ones fishing in the Mediterranean basin, and that is why we need to see the provisions of the ICCAT fully implemented, with an end to rule-bending and an end to the impunity for illegal fishing that has led to decades of over-exploitation.




  Νικόλαος Σαλαβράκος, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας EFD. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, συγχαίρω τον κ. Rueda για την έκθεσή του, διότι εκτός των προτάσεων που αφορούν την ενσωμάτωση της νέας σύστασης της ICCAT για τη διαχείριση των αποθεμάτων τόνου, που είναι βεβαίως από τα πλέον κερδοφόρα αλιεύματα, μας παρουσίασε και μια σειρά από προτάσεις που αφορούν συνολικά τη σωστή διαχείριση του θαλασσίου περιβάλλοντος. Η αλιεία βρίσκεται σε ένα κρίσιμο σημείο σύμφωνα με την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, διότι υπεραλιεύεται το 75% των ιχθυακών αποθεμάτων και, συγκεκριμένα στη Μεσογειακή λεκάνη, υπεραλιεύεται το 82%. Το θέμα της παράνομης αλιείας (IUU) θα πρέπει να τεθεί ως προτεραιότητα. Θα πρέπει να δοθεί ιδιαίτερη προσοχή και να ληφθούν τα κατάλληλα μέτρα για την καταπολέμηση της παράνομης αλιείας και για τον αποτελεσματικό έλεγχο, ειδικά σε σχέση με τρίτες χώρες που δεν είναι μέλη της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Δεν αμφισβητείται ότι το Vigo και η Ευρωπαϊκή Υπηρεσία Ελέγχου της Αλιείας έχει καταφέρει θετικά αποτελέσματα. Ωστόσο, δεν είναι αρκετά.


  Maria do Céu Patrão Neves (PPE). - Senhor Presidente, saúdo a transposição para o Direito da União Europeia das recomendações do ICAT que mais recentemente alteram o plano plurianual de recuperação do atum rabilho, reforçando assim as medidas tendentes à recuperação desta unidade populacional.

Ultimamente, tem-se registado alguma recuperação do atum rabilho sendo necessário ir mais longe, não só porque o nível de recuperação ainda não é satisfatório, mas também porque a pressão financeira nesta pescaria é muito forte, incentivando a um excessivo esforço de pesca e mesmo a práticas ilegais.

Uma boa gestão do atum rabilho, que apenas ajustados planos de recuperação plurianual podem garantir, é imperativa sob uma perspetiva ambiental como também económica e social, garantindo que este valioso recurso, que dinamiza um setor importante da pesca, se mantenha no futuro.

Assim sendo, importa reconhecer que as propostas do ICAT, que agora se transpõem para a legislação europeia por imperativos legais, podem ser melhoradas e têm-no sido pela própria União Europeia, cuja legislação nesta matéria é mais ambiciosa que a do ICAT. Sublinho, porém, que importa atender não só ao elevado interesse da preservação e proteção do atum rabilho, mas também à necessidade de garantir uma situação equitativa a todos os operadores neste setor e não adotar, de uma forma simplista, medidas unilaterais de restrições acrescidas. Importa sim que a unidade europeia exerça uma influência real no seio do ICAT, na promoção e implementação de níveis de conservação sustentáveis e globais a todos os operadores.

Neste contexto, o acordo entre o Parlamento, o Conselho e a Comissão constituem um importante passo em frente na direção certa e um estímulo para outros acordos no debate relativo à reforma da política comum de pescas.


  Guido Milana (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, per non ripetere quanto già detto dai colleghi, personalmente ritengo ci sia davvero l'assenza di una strategia europea rispetto sia al sistema dei controlli sia al sistema dell'implementazione di accordi internazionali nel Mediterraneo.

Non dobbiamo dimenticare che il Mediterraneo è costituito da 8 paesi europei e da 22 paesi non europei, oltre ad essere anche oggetto di grandi attenzioni, per quanto riguarda il tonno rosso, da parte di pescherecci extraeuropei. Ritengo quindi – al di là del fatto che oggi il buon lavoro svolto da Raül Romeva i Rueda avrebbe potuto o meno compiere ulteriori progressi – che questa discussione sia inutile se non si dà avvio a una nuova fase, nella quale la Commissione elabora una vera e propria proposta di relazioni internazionali.

Occorre davvero inaugurare su questo argomento, così come su tanti altri che riguardano la pesca nel Mediterraneo, una stagione di relazioni diverse, cercando di creare le condizioni ed erogando anche risorse a favore di quei paesi che applicano le stesse norme europee. Sarebbe un buon servizio reso al tonno, alla pesca europea e a quella mediterranea in particolare.


  Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (ALDE). - Señor Presidente, creo que la mayor parte del contenido de este informe avanza en la línea en que debe regularse la explotación de los recursos pesqueros para que sean sostenibles.

Propone medidas controlables, posibles, realistas, planteadas a medio y largo plazo y basadas en evidencias científicas que son compatibles, a su vez, con la actividad de los buques europeos, que no tienen por qué ser castigados con declaraciones unilaterales. Por eso, las medidas propuestas son una buena aportación para mejorar el Reglamento de recuperación del atún rojo.

El tema, como bien saben todos ustedes, es complejo por la situación de la demanda, los precios que alcanza esta especie en el mercado, las modalidades de cría y pesca y las complicaciones geoestratégicas de algunas de las zonas de pesca.

Da para una novela del responsable del informe como «Sayonara Sushi», que acaba bien, como espero que ocurra con lo que se propone en este informe.


  Elisabetta Gardini (PPE). - Signor Presidente, poiché discutiamo di un utile strumento di gestione, occorre attuarlo nel miglior modo possibile. Vorrei soffermarmi su alcuni aspetti critici del compromesso.

Innanzitutto, la creazione di santuari e l'individuazione di zone di riproduzione. Ricercatori e dati scientifici affermano che la creazione di santuari nelle zone dell'Unione europea arrecherebbe danno esclusivamente alle attività di pesca dei pescatori europei, favorendo invece quelli di altri paesi; l'abbiamo sentito: 8 a 22 come minimo. Non ha infatti senso parlare di santuari per delle specie di pesci che sono grandi migratori. Sicuramente una gestione corretta, razionale e sostenibile della pesca ha molto, ma molto più senso.

Inoltre, si sa da sempre che le maggiori aree di riproduzione del tonno si trovano nel Mediterraneo e nel Golfo del Messico, all'interno dei quali vi sono pochissime zone dove il tonno non si riproduce a causa di condizioni oceanografiche non idonee alla biologia della riproduzione di questa specie. Anche la durata del periodo riproduttivo, come emerge dalle ricerche degli ultimi anni, può variare in modo significativo.

Per quanto riguarda le tonnare fisse, sarei favorevole al recupero di una proposta avanzata già nel simposio della Commissione internazionale per la conservazione del tonno atlantico (ICAT) di Tangeri del febbraio 2011: parliamo di un'attività che ha quasi 2.600 anni di cultura. Perché allora non includere le tonnare fisse tradizionali esistenti nel patrimonio culturale dell'umanità dell'UNESCO?


  Dolores García-Hierro Caraballo (S&D). - Señor Presidente, en primer lugar quiero felicitar al señor Romeva. Es verdad que ha hecho un magnífico e interesante informe, pero lo que vamos a votar mañana es la propuesta inicial de la Comisión que, lejos de ahondar, lo que tiene que hacer es transponer unas medidas que exige la Comisión Internacional para la Conservación del Atún Rojo Atlántico y que, por razones que se han dicho, han estado paralizadas. Razones de competencia han hecho que esté paralizado dos años un plan que tendría que finalizar en 2013.

A nosotros nos parece muy importante que se tomen las medidas de manera inmediata para que, efectivamente, se puedan garantizar la sostenibilidad y la diversidad que enriquecen nuestro medio marino y, en este sentido, el atún como una especie que efectivamente está regulada y que tiene que tener controles que permitan que se respeten esos niveles de captura máxima y en las condiciones en que se plantea.

En principio estamos de acuerdo, aunque, efectivamente, coincido en que son mínimas y que habrá que ahondar en ellas para garantizar verdaderamente la sostenibilidad del atún rojo.


  Alain Cadec (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, je me réjouis des mesures adoptées par la CICTA, particulièrement une réduction du TAC de thon rouge de l'Atlantique Est et de la Méditerranée de 13 500 tonnes à 12 900 tonnes, un renforcement du contrôle, notamment en ce qui concerne le transfert des thons vers les cages et l'extension de la période de fermeture de la pêche à la senne dans l'Atlantique Est et la Méditerranée.

Je souhaiterais ajouter que la pêche du thon est la pêche la plus strictement réglementée au sein de l'Union européenne et figure probablement parmi les plus réglementées à l'échelle mondiale. Je veux donc féliciter notre collègue Raül Romeva i Rueda pour son rapport.

Je saisis cette occasion qui m'est donnée pour faire une mise au point sur la réforme de la politique commune de la pêche en cours d'élaboration. La conservation des ressources est évidemment essentielle à la réussite de cette réforme, et les députés de la commission de la pêche en sont bien conscients. Certains, actuellement, veulent se substituer à cette commission par des campagnes de propagande dont l'orientation ne trompera personne.

S'il vous plaît, laissez les membres de cette commission travailler sereinement afin de présenter à l'ensemble des députés un projet cohérent et réaliste. Il est très important, notamment, de généraliser les plans pluriannuels de gestion à long terme pour les pêcheries et d'avoir comme objectif le rendement maximum durable.

En revanche, je veux redire mon opposition formelle aux concessions de pêche transférables qui tueraient notre modèle de pêche.

Je profite de votre présence, Madame la Commissaire, pour vous dire que la France n'a pas attendu l'élection de François Hollande pour être un pays de justice, contrairement à vos affirmations.


„Catch the eye” eljárás.


  Miroslav Mikolášik (PPE) - Trvalo udržateľný rybolov populácie tuniaka modroplutvého, ale aj ostatných rýb, ktoré sú predmetom obchodu, logicky znamená, že musíme rešpektovať bezpečné biologické limity, aby sa zachovala prirodzená rovnováha morských vôd. Ďalšie zníženie celkového povoleného výlovu je pravdepodobne potrebné, avšak predpokladom úspešného plánu obnovy je podľa môjho názoru potreba správne identifikovať a následne poskytnúť ochranu neresiskám a podporiť kontrolné existujúce opatrenia. Podrobnejšie monitorovanie medzinárodného obchodu spolu so správnym dokumentovaním všetkých úlovkov v tomto smere jednoznačne prispeje k obmedzeniu prílivu úlovkov získaných v rámci nezákonného, nenahláseného a neregulovaného rybolovu.


  Jarosław Leszek Wałęsa (PPE). - Panie Przewodniczący! Sugestie sprawozdawcy dotyczące zmiany biernego podejścia oraz podjęcia aktywnych działań, żeby wyprzedzać sytuację, a nie jedynie nadążać za rozwojem wydarzeń, są słuszne i należy się z nimi zgodzić. Pytanie brzmi, jak się przygotować i jak reagować w sytuacji, gdy połowy tuńczyka błękitnopłetwego mają pod wieloma względami szczególny charakter. Jest oczywiste, że należy zapewnić ochronę tarlisk, narzucić minimalną wielkość tuńczyka do połowu czy przygotować operacje umieszczania w sadzach, nie wspominając o tworzeniu rezerwatów, ale to nie wystarczy. Należy myśleć bardziej globalnie poprzez stworzenie spójności z innymi zobowiązaniami prawnymi. Wiemy, co należy robić, ale często brakuje woli politycznej. Zyski z połowów są tak wysokie, że zachęcają do szkodliwych i oczywiście nielegalnych połowów. Przewidziano środki zarządzania i kontroli międzynarodowej i idziemy w dobrym kierunku. Miejmy nadzieję, że tym razem się uda.


„catch the eye” eljárás vége.


  Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the Commission. − Mr President, let me thank all those who have taken part in this discussion, and also all those who are going to vote so that the decision can be put in place, because it is high time that this was done.

You have made very valuable contributions: they have been noted down and I will convey them to my colleague Commissioner Damanaki.


  Raül Romeva i Rueda, Ponente. − Señor Presidente, de entrada, creo que es importante agradecer no solamente los esfuerzos sino también la voluntad política, en este caso sí demostrada por muchas partes.

Es un tema complejo; es un tema sensible; es un tema que mueve mucho dinero; es un tema que, obviamente, genera muchos intereses económicos en muchos sectores distintos y, por ello, merece una atención política que hasta ahora no se le ha dado.

Es verdad, es un tema que suscita a veces dramas que, desgraciadamente, como en el caso de la novela que se ha mencionado, son menos ficción de lo que parecería. Hay más realidad en ciertas de estas tramas de lo que el autor hubiera querido.

Sin embargo, creo que es importante destacar que lo que vamos a aprobar mañana es fundamental, es necesario, es imprescindible.

No es lo que –e insisto otra vez– yo hubiera querido. Creo que era una oportunidad para que la Unión Europea demostrara que está a la cabeza, que está liderando realmente este debate. Se ha quedado en lo mínimo de los mínimos, que es lo que exige el marco internacional de la CICAA. Aun así, es fundamental, es necesario.

Tenemos unos meses para preparar la próxima reunión de la CICAA, que tendrá lugar en noviembre, en Marruecos, y será una reunión fundamental porque ahí tendremos el «stock assessment». Sabremos exactamente –o, en todo caso, muy aproximadamente– cuál es la dimensión del «stock» y tendremos que tomar las medidas que sean razonables, incluyendo, si es necesario, el cierre sea de una parte del sector –estoy hablando, por ejemplo, del cerco–, sea de algunas partes concretas del litoral, desde el punto de vista, por ejemplo, de las zonas de desove.

Tenemos algunos meses para trabajar una propuesta que creo que debe ser mucho más ambiciosa –insisto– de la que vamos a votar mañana.


  Elnök. − A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2012. május 23-án, szerdán kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (149. cikk)


  David Martin (S&D), in writing. – The history of management of the bluefin tuna fishery is long, complicated and, thus far at least, not crowned with success. Though the stock has been fished for millennia, the problems began in earnest in the 1990s, when the practice of caging bluefin was introduced in order to fatten them up for the Japanese market. Japanese market demand was met through an uncontrolled – and, in the case of the EU, heavily subsidised – expansion in the size of the purse-seine fleet targeting the Mediterranean stock.

The complexity of the fishery and the need for constant vigilance on the part of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) are demonstrated by the volume of regulation. During the past 20 years, 64 management measures have been adopted, of which 13 are still in effect. Two are of particular importance. The recovery plan was first adopted in 2006, when it was 14 pages long, including annexes. It was amended in 2008, 2009 and again in 2010, by which time it had swollen to 30 pages. There is also a catch documentation scheme, adopted in 2007 and amended in 2008 and 2009. I hope the ICCAT bluefin recovery plan can succeed where, so far, we have failed.


  Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D), în scris. – Salut faptul că recomandarea Comisiei Internaționale pentru Conservarea Tonului din Oceanul Atlantic (ICCAT) a fost deja adoptată la nivel internaţional. Consider că ICCAT ar putea face mai mult pentru a se adapta la situaţia actuală a pescuitului. Este adevărat că deja putem observa câteva schimbări în bine în ceea ce priveşte situaţia tonului roşu din estul Oceanului Atlantic şi din Marea Mediterană, însă paşi importanţi trebuie făcuţi acum. Apreciez foarte mult poziţia raportorului, care consideră că Uniunea nu trebuie să aştepte iniţiativele ICCAT, ci trebuie să ia singură măsuri ferme, de precauţie, conforme Acordului Organizaţiei Naţiunilor Unite privind rezervele de peşte. Ideea de a declara principalele zone de reproducere a tonului roşu din Marea Mediterană, care se situează în jurisdicţia UE, ca zone închise sau rezervaţii - interzicând astfel accesul pescarilor în aceste zone în timpul sezonului de reproducere - este binevenită. Sunt conştient că UE nu numai că prevede nişte reglementări foarte stricte în domeniu, dar cheltuieşte şi nişte sume impresionante tocmai pentru a respecta aceste norme. Mă bucur că avem o contribuţie importantă în conservarea tonului roşu, dar cred că putem face chiar mult mai mult decât atât!

Aviso jurídico - Política de privacidad